The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, April 11, 1895, Image 4

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J W Meader PHYSICIAN ANP DRGGUSIT. Five Forks, Ga. Call* anawared and preacriptiona filled day or night. W, C, MATTOX DENTIST, ELBERTON, .GA Will viait Carlton thir Monday in each month and at Comer on Tneaday after. .Burning Or | Freezing. Whether you’re scorched [ with fever or chilled with a deep seated cold, the same medicine will cure I you hr. C C.Roc’s For The I Aver , and Kidneys. Pleasant to the Taste. It does not cause constipa tion, but breaks chills, prevents | fever, purifies and thickens the , blood, corrects the liver, clean aes the stomach and improves ’ digestion, creates an appetite and quiets the nerves. t At all druggitti and general stores. CULLEN & NEWMAN, ' Sole Proprietors, * Knoxville, Tennessee. . tf h T— nv M M mMw Mi V JJ *lu.t*r. Yke Hgu. Mls* W M.AJ dt-Ow lr< ea *N. "VI ehiuwy WM ui I iimi. llwli r4lwi it a* q twetiUis* Type, •/*••• stirs.. ori Wios ltd k astern IkUlt;. it!.k •< Ute. Mane /Ml It Ui k*fT tut or weirxss; it] Mgjtl fujJ'y {m> *vZjGll pn oipwMAlffet **fc [. m ip— JSM WVe*e w!hm •( jt biers, c*- - r\k*sj9 *H U i im>B rrv •*. Ml I bad tba ll llil r**M n tA trksts vm-I'i nd II 111 l (KiixiiiM;t<r.-*dli|kta •kj Ml kw. "Vs C •-—.! t;M MlnM MF W eat, r*i*c.r. sid * tare mt W ssssts, tr-, *-m.Ub, Acm raw I iBI vkt > *• try* < W if lb**. I 31 }of tea Sitpuy whfutitHM ■ (and De.r,.viJ's K'ihim. tVa Aa> I,r ;jf Kwt Y,w laAVatsa a Int ml fhRJg ba*'.r Mi tit, wbitfc s-B) ton ran l Rn bU<w>; - '* tVi MMilcrwl atUftet- Ft 1 m an :mw, ;.j ;.in tiMbw, reyrw. I V 4<*t Irevi Wxa "ei**ai fete liruj bf I-- IH <h. nvi< crUtsOcd 3 iTwv'l “*! IVs yaiUsns, Urb wl II P’ >• ry mkawiW M I \ I l Unfa's M*sj** frv !o, Yb* V I WA •* * U.U rsysrb **t *< art waa 1J .a %Mi9.i4- rat Ut r*ssM?*4k Vt> 8 W fnsa S* I dLr 3s **'”**•• Sira, a* OKniaS* I I? if # S, aakx-aaltir n**ra la tab Irf liabiJ W <k4 itr>W at tba Mag*, frr— ft alba, sad tba Ht'rht an tan r _n* ■ farair td reyarklj ItioscmM tba* J/Y%h.U Oa W-Budas la. Its noSty, a port, ill ef wt wart* at Ac MrU* fU n a fk p Sa aaa*of* i‘i jiJlaiaaJ f HI vblab aant tfu aautira MtbUaaM fIC‘I (aa* *l ft3faStt* > 5S JEI IK wl aratraa* (faaaa at U MaatnC ll\ VO tiai H jaar W*rtv*4aa;Jt3 1 H JtV a tai; fl at, Si jaa trta bin Emm PBjjf ml aSiMSfcnaiy^B tWb2yr.ijirsS.jCTi a f *• WlniJ mwQ WIWB (■ i *** rv !-) f'rrTT- r~-s ' ji BORAKG’S I fte* Reiiebt] ** *?>+***• tv'Vrmut J** eert IMM> t Ibl i’ ** Cs**a wk. w C ?“*■ a**..***, el*.. In *3l it. I 2* * ***?£"* ■* w HS* # v *** ?“*•. 11 •*** k!>* i* rr**. T * *' 1* ***• c !.** * *e tie . * >•*'. <*. S>w try jS-*3, iiinb. < : tt l rateem <** < ,p * *** ? I , ■”•** ibr.vfi**.. t. 1 > *•***■ *■; *"* *fm s*s. • ,*>*&* ots.f*. j il < * f vii JV V %44 * f '+*+*-\*iHr+-*€ <SA % *- >*-**,vJ BJOOD ? SCURE9v vaa t<'SKwio feu. Ji *M •■■• feta pw. |wo!;v * ;■■■■ | }j Brooks and Power, Coiner, will sell#oll the best 25ets Tobacco on Recod THE MONITOR Published Every Thursday. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Moseley & McGowan. Eds. and Props. a—rrm iw>nw<*w!i:.wi'.b l . fj .lvils " j.; v. snrsap We are informed that we cannot renew our con tract with the Constitution after the present one ex pires, so as to give you both papers for \.2s • After the present contract ex pires the two papers will cost you l.£o. Subscribe now and save money, 4 OX3N ; &PIPEMIC* llv*port of tile !>f tftruet I 9o til Dooley County. The following is the report of the veterinary rmrgeon, sent by the depart ment of ngricnitnrj to investigate and prescribe for an epidemic among the oxen, fi'J in number, woifcing at the lumber wood of Messrs. O’Neal & Gross in Dooley county. Atlanta, March 25. lion R. T. Nesbitt, Commissioner of of Agriculture: Dit ut Sib—Atyonr request, I visited the lumb'*rwood of Messrs. O'Neal & Gross, at rVnia, Dooly county, Ga., on the nineteenth to investigate a disease among their work oxen. Fivo were dead and buried when I arrived and four sick in the lot in 4cuia. Wo we t out on a iram car four miles in the woods, where tho oxen worked. The overseer reported about 80 more sick. From a hasty examination I win Satis fled that there was an epidomio flint would go through the entire hortl and I advised them to bo sent, into Peuia, where thoy coaid bo put nil lor proper treatment. Tlio following morning 1 went through the entire herd and found all uifeeroij. I too!; toe temp rut ure o' each one. many going as high as 10. J ami 10.'! :i l Thodisnase is a well defined epidemic of re I water (hiumew alboiniuveria), charactoriz -fl by emissions of red color ed urine; the discharges irom the bow els wore tinged with blood and mu cous; the puUo was quick and breath ing horrible. The eau tea of this outbreak, I think, are due to • m pure water from a well the oxen Wi re watered from. Owing to the low flat situation the surface water from the lot was washed into it. I consida the epidemic a mild form that readily responded to treatment which wo gave first by purgatives, fol lowed by antiseptic and alterative med icines. Kospoctlully, .1. N. Cook, Veterinary Surgeon. ORIGIN OF THE WORD “DUN.” “Dun” ia a word whose meaning in now known to every one who un deratauds the Knglisli language About the beginning of theesntur' a eon stall le in England named Jol n Dun became celebrated as a find class collector of bad account . When others would fail to c<llV t a bad debt, Dun would be ■ ire to get it out of the debtor, ll s on passed into a current phrase that when a person nvod money and vlid not pay whn asked, he would have to be ‘ Dunned.” Hence it soon beeum so com mon in such cases to say: -“You will have to Dun So-and-so if you wish to collect your money.” THE VAuTeOF PRAYER. The value of prayer not often is fixed in dollars and cents, but a Texas farmer is credited with auch an operation. The story is told by Rev. S II Thrall, one of the pion eers, of Met honism in Texts. In company with a number oj.' itiner ants who were on their way to eon fersuct. Dr. Thrall stopped to spend the night with an old fanner. It was the oust m then to settle the bill at night, so that they might rise at 2 o’clock and ride a good way before br akfaet, and lie by in the h*at of the day. Dr, Thrall acting as spokesman of £h& party, said to the old farmer after suoper: "Wo are a company of Metho dist preachers going to conference. If you will g>t the family tog (her we will Imve prayers with you.” After prayers one by one settle ! his bill. Dr. Thrall’s turn came, and he asked for his bill, ihe old farmer replied: “Well, pa'son, I charged th® rest 25 cents, but bein’ ns you prayed tor us so good, I won’t charge you but 20 cents.” The brethren had the laugh on 1 Dr. Thrall. —Ej worth Era. C**V*<4 ffeaf Puaintss Ci>f>*ra •> tn ew !■*-. * JIW.I Uni.™ *77... I.sma la. 11 mi*■ i. I’W*. ' ruiastUr. 1 A . •>..-. ■ ii-a. tv>4 .'rPu.l BoaJaraJ WILHUR R. SMITH. cEXINoTOii. KV In Poor > Health}: t’rceerts so much more thaif' i* you imagine—serious anal fatal diseases result from] S’trifling ailments neglected' ‘ Don't play with Nature’s' f greatest gift—health. \ ft* If you are feelt#*/ j Browns WSiM i Iron K9| [ Bitters lift | "TtXTTii ; i Dyapar.-***. Kbteey a4 '' N-wrefria, TrMhUt, * 7 EV and ' y SSakria, Karrs*a Kfesaatx l f. I. Out f.qly II r r ->—it h*< -j-twi r*i j “ j v !; < /if * ft- it ai .ft/; . • .vgAiw & I?,* vr awrfcjwt * ynu t.s i -v* uokr.j I I’.w/ *4 V- i vj i, enfe —JLV j ' * -'” i( v. . . Hi 1 H if / I :• \ - ' v - I ■§!* ivy Poisoning Yor.3 cf Siifrerlni r©rfe.< Cure by Kood’a Saraapar:|B “C. I. l(o<Ml & Cos., l.f'WcU, MttS !.: , ; T ‘ “ DflarS'ra: W>) 1:-vv p t-lert liooM ;i Barsana rillaaii! l tlml it to bo.Jtll yju claim for n. It) WLTe v/a? iwiioneJ l y ivy wlieft a icnuii;-i ml for years v.os trouble, 1 . tii y sfjjsor Hood’s^Cures. ► iUi ioe breukoi ; out hud te. rUitu ltctung a r burnliti;. I hers was as bad a cast; a* a:.', one ever had. She was in this distress!n;, roiuilllon every year until she begrin-to taht ll uid's S;\.rsaj>::i HI;;, which has effected a pur fort care, without nay scaro, and ah*, ho.' had No of rho Pcdsoii Cine©. She ii'wiil aa ! tiaariy. f have taken llikmlf- Barsaparill m..e r v.'HMMM<trosuHs.aof• luve aNo piveu It t.> our \7 an all |.*vtiu , s it' te'r.'ert hflaltli .and owe it t. ‘ lino,l s Snrsnp,ii 'll: .'* J. C. Fj;i:k::a.s, Mg d.tila. Illi:i:ii.s. N. 11. If you deride to lake HlMKtht ff.nraaii* I Ilia do not be ic m. ed to buy any other. ti iea4 Hood’s Fio3 :rD h-.uisi ianti pirf-wf!- Um i.'i'v.: tiim ‘JT>v ptirlivx* SIBOO.OO QIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $ X so. oo every month given away to any one who ap plies through us for the most meritorious patent during the month pieceding. We secure tUe best patents for our clients. anu the object of this _offer is to encourage inventors lo keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to imprest upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window ** which can be easily slid un and down without breaking the passenger's back “sauce-pan, ’* “collar-button/* “nut-lock, stopper, * and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving; and these simple inventions arc the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Pate nts taken out thiough us receive special notice in the** National Recorder, 7 ’ published at Washington, D. C., which is the best newspaper published in America m the interests of inventors. We furnish* year’s suC sketch of the winner, wid a descdpnoji of Ins invcoSn, mll scatteicd throughout the Utilted States eutone capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their attention the merits of the invention. AJJjiOnununicauons regurded strictly confidential. JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors ol American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. Ls* AV/frf.v— etiiu* efthisfaptr. Il’n'k^ar - V.* V M 7* N>. •>> <* Household FOR AIL >. nLOOB*-DBKSH DiSEAOBS i Mood BaSu " > Clir**X ***UUl. **, VI ;iJ=ii£ss antae. smu. •* *• - 1 *'''•*! MSN SEI-mCH, ktr . vl2 a all);, twcasUcs la t*>-ti. g *!* I*4 ?**<*)*! re*lrta* Mi e*f*fk*B* . •Asa Uo!r>l Iren tor rtm. (*- ** w r .tra*taral *4ktß Rfo**ri,.,; .’■• 4* * f *MJ t : : si u* f.i.ewi •;v r;v-‘? .. TL r ; r w£*p *H*► it Biku V yvvjflk . f'-V‘ ! m \Latl W , Qa. Comer, Ca. lif LL offer bargains for the next 30 days never heard of before in the history of hard-times, we have recently had our store remoddled an i are now filling it up with the choicest line of fiyy Goods, notions, Ladies and Misses Hats, Shoes, Etc Ever brought to Comer, all of which we will sell as cheap as any house in NORTH-EAS GEQRGIA FOR r J HE CAMI. We also carry a nice line of FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES which cannot be surpassed by any competition. We have on hand a lot of COCKING STOVES, PI OW? AND PLOWSTCCK WAGON B HAR NESS and many other things in the Eardw are line whichue will clusecut at about cost. Don t forget to get our prices. We will c rtainly save you money, . Bring us your produce. Respectfully, J. T. Baker A Cos. es? rj • p ran ■ _ IP 7 ! i iiiibr© in 4,®®' B.itowaaiiit pilil $ ll| iiisii 1 fIZPf 1 .' tMS ttjstturjf&i fe^ttigd’JPSJsS Um fmnu—t Ucviaff U, vmm avfi.W ttw —Aw m til, mutadsT n-Z ea fibd inijgaaMatV tiasa ftgwta sg 6vS-sar ea fiia eeia V® %sr©s em&m \ pm M 0% A <p% His m?mi f Qj m^mg IMjk of c*iHs*a tfecy 8T RSS gfrm btro la iko la trkieli fecy P.pposr on the bot*. ; T ANARUS“ sarr* M. fe-a tha axapt gpmpß _arost dbiag, go. BaSO f*-- -vfcu t p,v:v'?:p T.i!r3 6®fifS grweZil B>7Ks?t. QAC.n t && gjyjdgi jtkbd saißi. „ ©HO 13 thp pgr-ytM Vrlao etßsya OA&& to fej wjts I S ta tlae (KiKaai vrfer 810 evtafc iy * !-> tj?9 ■> ret CCSKW' v txgijitlb faopist ©O P CA/M to tbl ■(■ V ; lihji'k E>tßtr£St,. 08 iff CASdS to tba |wa Bearwtt. ®& BS o>y?gf to uV<i y.'Sjkjtp XS OAffg p.4 ouwi-tu tv^Sk SS c-A m fck-} r,syi-Bg <&tepUi mmxA. ©S I****. M ©O xy r*-FVc ppr.-s wr;-. s aaayat^ Gi*%. *'■' sank# twEy< r T*- j " ■ fo fseks;* te fotfeKiajy eoast!ee*: (frfl Eaoh gwea msl ft to t&e pc'zQ&fcyg tfci* astd Tl CcuFti4fio* ftft Aa ahm Mast*e4 aV: k£ *■;. v&UZ bm fetr i* r&. (£Ol AH dciskie* rdtcriptta se be ■*f* 4 ****** .*? ***** *?&% ‘t 48 *■****• ** •* t* 11* OasOaiA*. ffcJfilaSi ■t he "*•“* ™ “j* 3 ’ 5 * s *** ®94, 2u •r- t r, lfo^f fe ! l ®* **p*- SbaaM IS**. be &st tke ta gs***, tfo nrieeO "* s **T* A f*®* "“T ~—~~ J '"*• ' il l iifr rr rf fhn tun r irr ril Tiltt Til fiwUrfadl H | ftgow wttti vry wte;wtp<£cß. THE CJmSTiTSTiM- XtiEPJLNmiON OF TH3 CUffIUZNCY L U * ®* 9eß *f dtvtifniisa to &> ffeo HgMl***! betteas f tie aaoafry. **•* b **? * tim ***, Wft m£ tsosmmn^m romLAsm^ it a u> ii fegJrt, asl eearauser tai b? m dying yarn wffl yeawrff, kelp fw Mqpbara, a mi tetjk pear ceiustjy! TisE $sSi2£LY §4*33?!TVTT&I baa • gtoMte aetrwposieete aed agetoe aw to koftawl lb e&at easy kdCfait bTtWliwfhMs Sm' wSS At A * |*fato mmausi Hatter m fbtuhi n t!iegreat msigesmesofte eaaatrjr due eae beaottaa •w tram Oh bosk of tketEK p Aft AB IWCATQgi Rk a aebodi hawMiritkitt Hadf, mi m ycart aestSag of IRg k* Ami trtoanihia to aa? me. Aft A PWlriO ANB GOJMS* A3t©S9{ It Wiagedtomewl oosdbrt to tifce&a*w*jrauk, A toeaM te Aa diHvV.-sa, gAtok|s Tskkb hrihtwiika fbr tk setae, a*4 b as MMla. PMtt Of fntrCflM for ateiy neoiber of tka betnebold. s Matiaavimd Sm % ytm# iini(irHiWKoß vjß#Ertawr mi * •***&s