The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, April 25, 1895, Image 2

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THE MONITOR Published Every Thursday. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Moseley & McGowan. Eds. and Props. The no-called “sound money” organs, who have been booming" Mr, Cleveland with hi* gold bug ideas for a third term, had as well comedown. The people want no more of Cleveland or any of his breed. The Mikado has ratified the terms of settlement agreed upon by the peace commission between China, and now, as to 'Cm’" eyerjtthiug Ts peace. Europe does not like rfae treaty and may have a hand in the affair before it is ended. Silver covention* are being held all over the country and grout enthusiasm is aroused. The demo cratic party is taking hold of (his question with gloves < ff. anil will shake oIT the heavy load it has been carrying for the last two yenrs, and start afresh. Mr, Cleveland has issued hi* let ter, and since it is known without doubt that he is working to bring the to a gold basis, tlit gold bugs are trying to rally the people around the standard bearer and foster him Tip, but the pso pie won’t rally. There will be no more straddling, hut every vo ter must take position on one side or the other. The fight is on to a finish, and the friends of the white metal will win. Absatum’s father, David, spared tka rod and spoiled the bay. llow ■ aaf such wrecks as Absalou li* stranded on the hsach of time! They art* shattered on the same rock — pa - i ntal iedulgeaeo. Ob, parents, will you notferestall these unvailing lem entationi, these moans of blasted hopes and broken hearts, that are darktnisg and burdening tka sarth? Toll youi children exactly what to do and then make them do it. “Correct thy son, and ho shall give thee rest.” “Chasten thy son while thero is hope*” Judicious, stead fast authority exalts the parents and makes his lovo inestimable, Tho picnic arranged for tbo school to-morrow has bean indefi itolf postponed. Pi of. Gholston, wo nudsrstand, will give the school a picnieaomotimo during May, Him - - As ws go to press wo learn that Rfv, T J Adunil <s at tho tbo point of death. Ilia physi cians announce that no can hardly ive through the night. Wanted. Do you want to start the m\v year in a good position that will pay your provided y m are a good salesman and collector. Wo want livaonergel io mon to canvas,oell tuaohinea and collect If there han agent located in your eommuniiy we ean locate you elseghere in a good sec tion, Wo fnruich a nice lighl~ru ti lling wagon, agent to furnish horse an t liaruois and make a s.">o9. l oad Wo offtr a good salary or commis sion contract .one under w hich a live euergetH) hustling man oan make and save money. Mon of character and good make up do to severs work with tht Company, for if sueeeaaful iud the hua'iiiesa instructed is han dled honors' >y> v will ho | uno led to moic t]oiuihlo positions oi trust anti rtspoosioility, with in creased ooinpeua.tion. Address J. 11. Ooi.mxv Diatrist Agent, Athens, Gs. NOTICE. ' Georgia—Rad isoii trinity. Whereaa tht road commissioner of the 204 district G usaid comity, having reported in favor of a public road loading from nosa I.F \\ biles, on by R G Wiliinre*, J H Kitldc Mrs. Gordon and into the Danielavillo load near (ho residence of 1) W Meadow. All prsons are hereby no. titiod to he at ury ctßooifti the tir*t Monday io May next to show why said toad should bn established as the sevoud class paldio loads iu stiid coaniy • Ihis A jail lot. 1895. G C Danse I; Ord, Brooks and Power, Comer, will sell yoni the best 25ets Tobacco on Record, Sub School Districts of Madison County* % 4" &;* /* */ ■ * ° ' v . j No. 28 Plaster Sup-IVwbict. * Beginning at the J, Y. Williams old lace corner of the Sawdust e Crawford's dj-tricts. thence along the Crawf-ml district line, including jle P, T Williams place, to corner of Unioi üb-district <ine, at B R .Villialfrag: thence along the Union line to corner, where J M Sanders now lives; there to the it G Merciei’-- old iitore house; Lienee to Jacksoi) county line, j4fer to the left of W SStncklund’s; thence down the .IncJreon county liiipit.* Hi Beagravcs, the corner of Sawdnst district; thence along the said B§ffc dust line to J. V. Williams the loginning corner. No. 20. Rogers Sub-District, • Beginning at the corner of Planter sub-district and Jackson codfity lines; thence along to Planter district lirie including the \V 8 Strickltud place, to corner of Planter and Union sub-district , where J M Banders irw lives, on public road near Young Williams; thence on air line to the O’tel -ley old ford ; thence on air line to forks roads at the 0. N White old pljfo; thence on air line to month of branch coming from F M Bird’s; IhtmfljAbp said branch to head ; thence to bridge near Mrs. Brown’s place; them* by the left of Mitch Smith’s to the Rhodes old place on H. Grove rc&cf; thencer along the Jack con county line to beginning corner- • No. 80. Lilburn Sub-Distiuot. *•> Beginning at Rhodes old place, cornered’ > Ho^c ji.gnhwii. along the said Rogers line to branch near F M Bird s; thence on air li?s to Dr. Wilkins; thence on air line to gin on road; thence along, ?aid road to ford of Black’s Creek; thence up said creek to forks;' thence to Dudley Chandlers, sen.;thence on air line to Jackson county line at Neal Chandler’s; the ice along said county lino tp .the Rhodesoid place, the be ginning corner. f No, 81. IracKs Crekk Sug-Distluct. Beginning at Lilburn district and TnclTsnn county lines, at Neal Cha ndlers; thence along the Lilburn line t<> ford of Blacks creek, cortler of Lilburn and Wesley Ctiapple ilistricts; thence along the Banks an<.| Jack son county lines to Neal Chandler's, the beginning corner. No. 82. WksKeys Chappell fiUR-DisTRKT. £ Beginning on branch niAcorner of Lilburn nnd Rogers sub-district: 1 lienee along the Lilburn sub-district lines' to Blackf* creek, thence batk the llonior and Danielsville road to the forks, ; near the Joel Hunt old place, thence along a settlement road to John Burnetts neortfye Milicau old place lienee to Allen Mercier’s, thence to the beginning corner. No. 88. Cleveland Fub-Dis-tuict. Beginning at ford of branch near M J Allen’s on Homer and Daniels— villa road, thence down said branch to Lamar creek, thence down said reek to upper old mill place on said creek, thence to >. J. Owens, theice to Miss Mary Wood’s place on Hudson river, thence up said river to ironth of Blin k’s creak, to ford on Homer and Danielsville road, thence own aid road, the Wes) \ys chapptdl district line, to foro of branch at M Al len’s the beirinning corner. No. 84. Providence Sub-District, Beginning at ford of branch at M S Allen’s, corner of Cleveland and Wesley Chappell sub-district, thence down said branch to tho mb per old mill place on Lamar creek, ou right of Robert Stephens ami li O Williams old place, to ford of Huhard creek below Aaron’s r. Id place, thence slung said road to J FI Hundley’s, thence to J T Bray’s, thence to White’s ,sub district line near Zeke Bray’s old place, thence along tho said district line to Thomas Chandler’s , thence to bridge across public road at J l/Nnsh’s and Jamas Thomas’s, thence to John Barnetts, the corner of 11a and'Cttiu - ell district , thenoo along said Chapel 1 district line to ford of branch near M S Allen’s the beginning corner. Comer Column _ • A batch of Interesting News from our RaP road Metropc .s. Miss Ella Gary, a' most aceom plhhod young lady of Roysten, whose proficiency in both art and pintnauship is well established, will • lose the exeoises of n successful clims in penmanship next Satur day eve. Mr. C W Power made a business trip t,> Harmony Grove last Mon day. , lion. J P Gholilon is having a cottage mooted on his lot, Mr. Ii L Alexander was in Athens last Tuesday. Mr. It E Edwards visited Ogle thorp© last Sunday. Mrs. llonieStevens of near Dan" iolsville spent last week with rela" lives and friends in Coiner. Mr. W P Rowe is having the in terior of hisresidence completed. Mrs. Martha Sims an aged lady of Paid-, died last Saturday and was buried at Fork church on Sun day. Mr. En Woods of Athens was in Comer last Monday. Mr. O F Moßee of Athens and Dr. Du rl r.iu, Jtaxeys. spent last Sunday with Hen, \V CBirchmore. Rev. B F Elliot pronohed two splendid sermons at the Bab list church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W O Welch now occupy the* Thompson house. •Mr. J It Bullock spent last. Sat urday night with his pi rents near DamglsvUle. It is probable that our young people will revive the old Mayhce of years ng.• by having a social event in the insure of a Maybee drawing at some residence in town on Wednesday May the Ist. Mr. Yeargin of Mnysville is vis itiag his son, .Mr. W M Yeargin of place. We ao> terry t>* chronicle the ill .neis of rs. Evans, but glad to state that she is a great deal bet ter at this writing. Comer wae fortunate enough t-o have a minstrel last Tuesday night. Can’t say anymore abou# it as I was engaged otherwise). On last. Monday Comer held an alectiun to decide who was the la ziest man in town. There were thirty-four votes pi lh_d. On coan ting out theao votes it web ''found that Col. J B Moon received 17 vote:. .1 R Bullock ltt, A L Brooks 1?, RJ (’anthers 2. Tho trainees in this election were A L Brooks and JR Bullock, north and eolith side putting out a candidate each. Col. .Moon r. ns an independent can didate. about 3d. eligible voters were absent from the polls. Mr. Bullock feeling that, they were his friends persisted in desiring that the polls should not be closed until the lawful hour. The managers refusing tins request, he claims it to he a It grounds for a contest. Proceedings to this effect will be established atones. Notwithstand ing the pending contest. Col. Ifoon has been declared exofifieio Presi dent of tho lazy (dih , while Mr. Bullock serves as vice-president. 11s ccsupyiag the chair lu the Pres idents absence brings us to con clusion that he will have most of this servile to render, sides Col. -Moon has a crop to look after. In justice to Messrs Brooks and Ca ri there, tlia other two eanidatee.we will state for thoir benefit that a combine was fenced to defraud them of their merited offices"''*lt is said of the former that if ha should fall into a well f>o feet, he would suffer no Injury because be is too lazy to fall fast, while it is asserted of the latter gentleman that he is so lezy that the'family has to dose his eynsaftor he has retired. W.L, Dwclas SfriOEr!?Tor awn®. s. cordovan; j£- XX FRISCH .1 LUAMtUCD CALS. & E Fine CfliriKANam s&# ♦ SAP FOUCE.s soles. 1' jnS2SB* Bws'SamSwtt K 'LADIES’ BesT o2N<i^ CROC KTOM.MAM. Over One Million People wrar the W. L, Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes arc equally satisfactory They rlvc the host value tor tile money. They eu>w( custom ■hoc? la style and flt. v faring qualities arc nnurnuM. The prices ro Uniterm,—imped on sole. From Si to s,t lived over other makes If year dealer cannot sepply ye a we can. Sold by Demins everywhere. Wanted agent to lake exclusive sale uk thio vicinity. Write at ouce j That’s the way we are going to turn our stock this week. It‘s only the 15tli day of April, but when a whole ear-load of * NEW GOODS * Is clamoring for admission, Spring cleaning must begin early. Before the vernal equiNOx draws the line over which grim winter dare not step, ur store sMI, frudand blossom wtih a strange beauty. In the meantime This may Interest you WE jSEOL T RED thruugh the New York Dry Goods Exchange — for spot cash, at 60 cent* on the dollar—a large lot of desirable merchandise from the E. S. JAFFRAY ASSIGNMENT > We bought this lot of goods to SELL, NOT TO KEEP. They go on sale MONDAY, APRiL 15th WITHOUT RESERVE. ¥ MAKE OUT YOUR LIST COME THIS WEEK* FOR Drees Goods, Silks, White Goods, Wash Goode, Casimers and Domestics, House Furnishing Goods Mattings, Lace Curtains. Shades, Poles, Bugs, Uhenile Portiees and Covers. Table Linens, Towels, Nap Jfips wml Crash White Guilts and Draperies. Notions of all kinds. Hankerchiefe, Hosiery, Shirts Waist, Shirt Fronts, Neckwear and loves“ V' * Embroideries, Spaces ' and Ribbons* Umbrellas j and Parasols, AND WE WILL AVE YOU 25 CENT SON EVERY DOLLAR. „ \ ♦ - Our Millinory Department is brim full of all the New things in Flowers Ribbons an 1 Onunti You should patronize this department if you like Stylish Hate. Madame Tulley’s Preparations can be had at Davison & Lowe’s; iu- < •'£&& Ol'R 4 TORE will be run by the Industrial Home Committee Saturday. April 20. Wo will donate 0 certain per cent of the entire days a&les to charity. DATIMIA & LOWE, • Clayton Street a—