The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 16, 1895, Image 2

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THI BIG SHIPMENT from the E S Jeffrey alignment has arrived and we will commence the Greatest Sale Monday that Athens ever had. Everything must te fold Lefoie 'our New Building is completed. Come this week if you want new goods at marvelously low prices. Mark Down Sale. OP WOOL DLESB GOODS. #s.Qo;Patternß'snifs rsdossd to |3.50. 6.50 Pattern suits reduced to 4.06 7.50 Pattern suits reduced te 4.60 8.50 Pattern suits reduced to*s.Co 10.00 Pattern euite reduced te 7.50 12 50 Pattern suits, reduced to 8.50 16.00 Pattern suits reduced te 9.50, Now is your chance to secure a stylish drers it a discount of 33 1-3 per cent., 12 l-2c for silk stripe Challies. worth 20c 10c for wool Challies, worth 25c, 12 f-2o for wool Ciepens, all shadts, worth 200. 20c for wool Crepons, all shades, wenh 35c. 25c for Scotch Cheviots, worth 400, DEEP CUT in prices ef every line of colored wool dress goods, including etreet aad events* shades ramise, Batlwt, Nuns Veiling, Albatross, Henriettas Serges, asd Crepons. No sales to be missed on Wool’ Dress Goods at Davison & Lowe’s. SILKS.—New lot just received for j shirt waists. and Evening Silks, Black and colored satin Docltss, lou de soire Bengaline, Fails and Moral for skirls and Presses. Come this week if want silks. Best Indigo Prints, 8&c dress pattern. 5 cts for good Onting cloths, wsrth£Bc. 8 l-2o for Duck cloth, plain and fancy worth 12Ac "1° tor solid linen chamfrsys, worth 15c .1 4JO for for Figured Laws, worth 6 cents. MAVfifetOJY & Strew, A. I, _ THE MONITOR. Pvbumid Ivisy Tu*sdat. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Mostliy & McGowan, Ed*. Aid Props, w are in receipt of the pro gramme of the Georgia Teachers Association, which meets atCum btrltnd otl June 25th and contin ues in session until July 6th fol lowing. These annual meeting of the Georgia Teachers are very beneficial ami interesting, and for for a few days *of rest and reerea sion, no better p,ace can be found than Cumberland Island. The railroads will give half rates, and if anyone desires to go they should confer with R J Guinn, president of the Association before starting. If the Democrat* of the 10th district, want to send a genuine, dyed-in-the-wool, intelligent, well posted, silver demoorat, to con gress to succeed Major Black, we would suggest that they insist on editor Sidney Lewis, of the Sparta Ishmaelite, accepting the nomine- 1 tion. Asa silver advocate he outshines Watson, the populist at-' tornev, nnd as nu old time south era democrat, without a hobby, he stands away up head. If we 1 were in the 10th we would favor 1 editor Lewis, for with him and his rword the democrats could easily win. Secretary Carlisle has oonsent sd(?) to make four sound money speeches in Kentncky, and one at the sound money convention to be held at Memphis on the 28rd inst, Mr. Carlisle says now that he never was m favor of the free coinage of silver, notwithstanding his utterances heretofore on this subject Mr. Carlisle’s constitu ent* will doubtless want him to • un = floubtedly led them to believer when they wees sending him Brooks and Power, Comer, will sell you fhe best 25ets Tobacco on Be cord. A. WBHK OP AT congress, that he was friendly to to the white metal. The cold wave that passed over the country this week, did much damage in the western Btates. In some of the western states the reports given out is that about, all the fruit and grapes are gone, and some of the trees are dead, and they have grave apprehensions of the wheat. Snow is reported in Michigan 12 inches deep on a lev el with light snows in several states. The frost here was not heavy enough to injure vegetation much, and the weather man in forms us that the weather will be warm from now on. Let’s hope that he is oorrect. Gov. John Gary Evans of South Carolina, has issued a fiery ad dress to the peopls of his state. Th# address deals, in the main, with the recent decision of Judge Golf, in which the registration laws of South Carolina are done away with. In the course of the ad dress, he deneunoes Judge Goff and his associate Judge Bimonsto i, in ths most bitter terms, and calls on the people of South Carolina to rally around the white flag. He says further “that the world must le shown that we are capable of governing ourselves, and that con stitution or no constitution, law or no law, court or no court, the in telligent white people of South Carolina intend to govern her.” The issue seems to be coming be-' tween state sovereignty and the U. S. courts and its hard to tell where it. will end. Hon. A S Olay, chairman of the the State Democratic Executive committee ia out in an interview in which there can_t>e no mistake aa to hia position on the money question. He told the people last year during the campaigu his posi tion. aud now reiterates what he then said in stronger terms, if pos sible, that he is for free coinage of silver at the present ratio. The democratic party of Georgia ia be hind its brainy young chairman, aud the gold bugs must take a back scat. DAVISON & LOWE'S •* - . , ’ Report nn Am nr <w*il~, With K. lunjlrl tor I'rrv f ,u.t fln*. Hoti R. T. N ksiutt, Commission#* of Agriculture: Red water thoomu ttlbotnonoric), a disease iiiToiuig tiiu bovine tribe com- to all seoc.ons of Georgia, :u:d es pecially m the spi isisr and sninmer months—a disease very atai in its rav ages—tile reports mm different seo tions of Georgia during tub last year Wou and indicate Unit it has destroyed many out,re her is of cattle with no signs of abatement In my recent v sit to Cherokee coun ty, i iouud fiuee casos Huffaring with it. A cow belonging to Air. Cole, one of Mr Pitman’s, and <>ue of Sir. Davis’. Mr. Roberts iost 11; Mr. Freeman lost four, Mr. Barnes lost seven, Mr. Field lost 12; and many others iost. varying in numbers by the size of the herds. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are loss of appetite, standing (sometimes with the back arched, the coat looks rough and strong, bowels may be constipated, or the opposite, very loose, the discharges sometimes Covered with mucous and attain streak ed with blood; the emissions of nriue at times will be red colored or coffee colored; the pulse is quick and wiry with high temperature, a good deal of nervous twiiclrng in some cases. The treatment should be—Change the animals at once to another lot; give a complete change in feed; open the bowels with a quart of lard mixed with one or two ounces of spirits turpentine; give ail tne stock a tublospoonful hypo phosphite of soda in feed morning and , eveuing as an antiseptic measnrerone onnoe chlorate of potash in a quart of water every four hours; drench in quart of water; give alternately with the potash every four hours a table spoonful of sulphate of iron and pow dered gentian. Support the animal’s strength with flaxseed meal and half a dozen raw eggs every day, pure water and anything the animal will eat. This disease has been very fatal to successful raising of cattle in Georgia for many years, particularly the last two years. That it is due to a baccilli there is little if any doubt. It certain ly demands, iu the interest of all, that a eareiul investigation should be mada and the true cause located. Respectfully, J. N Cook, Veterinary Surgeon. KKDCOING THE COTTON ACREAGE. Question 4 —What is year opinion as to the outoomo of the cotioa situa tion? I>o you think that if ihe cottou acreage is materially reduced the orop will eomiamd hirh pr.cjo next £ali? Answer 4.—Wo think chat it is ex tremely doubtful whether the price of oottou will be at ouce affected hy the rodrfoed acreage. aud ihere.orj the mini who Tdtul.UO* lliiittrui op -rations ou tha hypothesis of hig.i p..i„ .i; ri-k --iug serious loss, if not utter inia. This ii> u view of tliß on ire sub ject. The main idea m reducing the cotton acreage Ls to devote more time to those crops which will make the farmer independents By producing those home supplies we expect to 8 l-2e for. fine Zepher Ginghams, worth 12 l-2c, 500 yards choice Gjitghamsf 61 ’^ 1 -i i-2, t„ , , ' BIG SALE—Of printed Lawns, flimify, Organ, dies, swiss and mulls. , Come this week while the stock is full. Everys thing brignt and new t } White Goods Sale. 1000 yds fine white fawn lOcts. 1000 yds fine white lawn 15c value 25c. 1000 yds fine check muslins 8 l-2c, value 12 l-2c 1000 yds fine check muslin 10c. value 15c. 1000 yds fine check muslin 12 lr2e vajue,2oc. Full line White Organdies, plaiu and figured swiss coKtumes, cloths imd Jackouets, WASH GOODS. Pcrcals, Ducks, Chevietts, figured Piqued French and Scotch Zephyr Ginghams. This stopk has just been ieplenislicd and now brim full of ch.oiee things. 100 dozen Towels from the Jaffray sale, just arrived and will be os sale .Monday, This will be the bast and • and cheapest lot of towels ever sold in Athens. Don’t .ail to attend this sale if yos want Towels, The prices range from 5 cents to 50 cents, UMBRELLA SALF. 1000 new Umbrellas and Parasols for ladies and children on sale Monday, Good fast black uaatrrellas from 50c to $4.50 eaoh. Childrens plain and fancy paiasolsfrem 25c to $1.50. Now is the lime to buy Umbrellas. niako more money, but to have less need for spending it. It is the farmer in debt on whom tho hard times press so heavily, because the prices of hi* commodities have gone on declining, while the interest, taxes, etc., remain at the sumo figure as when his corn, oats, cotton and wheat were worth and would pay debts of three times their present vs'ue. * FOIUhULA FT) It GROUNDPEAS. Question 5. —Pioase give me a good fertilizer for grottndpeas. I wish tc make tte be-t crop ot which the land is capable. What proporiou of oil do the gronndpeas contain, and are there any accessible mills? Answer s. —Acid phosphate, 1,000 pounds. Muriate potash, 300 pounds. Nitrate soda, 800 pounds. Sulphate of lime, 500 pounds. Thero is 38 per cent of oil in ground peas. As far as we can ascertain there are only two mills iu this country, one in St. t-ouis and the other in New York. Owing to the fact that other oils are now oheaper, this industry has been almost abandoned. During the war. when we were cut off from other supplies, there were a good many of these mills in the south. Its uses are the same as cottonseed oil, and the cake is also used lor stock feed. The Spanish groutnlpeas can bo planted after the small grain crops are taken off, and will mature fully before frost. - WARNING. are hereby warned not £b hire or harbor in any- man ner, one Will Sorrells, a mulatto about 6ft. 8 in. high. Said negro is under contract with me for the year 1895, and I will prosecute of fender* to the full extent of the law. This May let. 1896 r D. B. Thompson Tax Notice: :• ! I will be at the following places on the following dates to receive tax returns for the year 1895, on my 3rd round. Carlton, June 11th. Danieleville May 7th. and June 4h Pauli, 31st.’ Harrison, “ 29th. Mill “ 9th. Poeataligo, “ Bth. Pittman, “ 15th. Dowdy, May 14tli. in the evening, and at 5 Forks in the morning, '•'*! *. Respectfully, JOHN F. BROWN, T-. R. , nispfii siA. ksstfEs sSr^nusT^is BIG SALE—This week of Hosiery for ladies children aad nes sto 75 c ts pair. Cetlon Lisle and silk. SALE OF—Ladies and childrens iindei'vests.from o l-4c to 50c each. 25dozen ladies Pure silk Vest 50c. good s.l quality Sale of silk Mitts and Gloves, embroideries and Laces all at reduced price, BIG SALE THIS WEEK Mattings, Lace curtains, ohenile portiere, and Ta ble covers, Smyrna rugs and Window shades. This slock must be sold before our new building is completed. Prices will be the lowest ever known. Conte this week if you need housefurnishing goods. 50 pieces new and pretty Table Linens will go in Ibis sale. Millinery, Everything 1 new and pretty. We make it a rule to put style to every hat trimmed, in this department, whether cheap, medium or fine. 800 Sailors 25c cents, regular 40c grads. 850 Sailors 85 cants, regular 50c grade. 250 Childrens Lawn caps and bonnets to close out Davison and Lowe Handle Thompson’s Glove Fitting Corset. 50cts. 2.50 each. NOTICE, Gesrgia—Madison esnniy. Where*. George W Moors has in. due form applied to tne for letters of admiDis tiation upon the estate of John N Mo* re iate of said count* deceaed. This is therefore to eit* ail person, concerned to be at my office on the first Monday in June next ts show why ‘aid letters should not ftsssr I ,s —• G 0 D.iussl, Orel, NOTICE. Georgia—Madison county: Whereas Angeiiue Strickland, late of saidoountv deceased, after having made her last will and testament, in which V H Deadwyler deo'd was tho nominatsu ex ecutor, andJ P D*advvyler the executor of ®:iiu \ H Deadwyler, deed, having ret isd to qualify as executor of the said An twine Strickland. dse'd. This 1. ; therefore to cite all persons concerned to 'be at my of fle* on tha first Monday in June next to show why S C O’Kelly CSC or some other fit proper person cliould not be appointed administrator in the will annex ed of said Aageline Striekla and, deceased: This May 7th 1835. (i C Danish Ur.l. Burning Or , Freezing. Whether you’re scorched with fever or chilled with a deep seated cold, the same medicine will cure , you Dr. C CRoc’s $$ For The Liver , and Kidneys. Pleasant to the Taste. It does not cause constipa tion, but breaks chills, prevents 1 fever, purifies and thickens the blood, corrects the liver, clean ses the stomach and improves digestion, creates an appetite and quiets the nerves. I At >ll druggists and general stores. CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tennessee, , SI £SI FF SALE. Georgia—Madiso* county. Will be sold on th* first TunUy in June next, at the court house in aaid coun ty, within tho legal h*urs of salt, to tne bigusst bidder for carh, the following prod perty to-wit: One certain tract of laud in said county adjoining Dads of H P Sor rells and others and known as the Ceroline Colbert place. Said place has a^one hone crop open on the tame; dwelling house and ali accessary outbuilding. Said property levied ou as the property of C MR Col. bol t to Satisfy a tax •xtcution issued by E F Martin tx collector of said cjnnty foi state sail county tax, against C M E Col bert- Levy uiad* by J a Gordon, L C for the ~olth dist. U M and to rued over to me tor advertisement. Written notiee given tenant in possession ns tequired by law. This ma Bth 1895. L. E. BROOKS, Sheriff. In ► f Poor Ithl i more than serious and result from s neglected, th Nature’s B health. If you *ro feeling cut soil*. wea and p-taerally ex boosted, nervous,. sr logiu at occeiak- Ujaj ihcmtsirella- ( tie strengtliouinx ktedictua,which fa. t own s Iron Eit- A few hot- Hem cai—benafit tram the. i {teas JW, and if* | ||| M t to Uke. , | St Cores ; r D:/*7areslt, Kkfoey end Liver ? tifsmlj*, Traslli*, •; • • vif.-.ittea, p 1 BIMJ .- ixei- K.-rrow* aobsisnts > W&savs*3 esMiptiAs ti. , \ t r +* li-a y I^.v crnaJ red •>” l -.t ; y-r r;-<V*rv -rg rh- '■ •ne ij 1i • - sti te<4 *v w 4 . - 4 ‘ -• WuM’f’ £*♦ V •** .■ ks®\—l -©. „ ? €*\ S'.LTIMO-fS, V 9 4 siania ffiAS s.uuou* asn c uotqsa3uA7T jo‘p [q •noa j; jean f joj