The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 16, 1895, Image 4

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- Vi Mr. Herman Hicks Of Rochester, H. Y. Deaf for a Year Caused by Catarrh In the Head Catarrh is a Constitutional disease and requires a Constitutional Rkmrdy Hks Hood's Sarsaparilla to cure it Read i "Three years ego, as a result o! catarrh, I SBttrely lost say hearing and was deal lor more Hun a rear. I tried various things to cure It, and hod several physicians attempt It, but no taprovement was apparent. I ttalil dUtlo. ■suk mm issst. I was intending putting Siyself under the care of a spec la us t when someone suggested that possibly Hood’s Sar saparilla would do me some good. I began itilng It without the expectation of any lasting 'help. To my swrprls* nstd greet ley I found when Iliad taken three bottles that my hear* las woe rotssraJoa. I kept on tin I had taken three more. If l now over a year and I eon hear perfectly well. lam troubled but very little with the catarrh. I consider this 4 remarkable ettae, and cordially recommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla n h h,cm - 80 HOOD'S PILLS art purely vegetable, sot Oe Mhpmghpalaer gripe. Oeld by all dngtfrta. SIBOO.OO OIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. |ije.oe every month given away to any one who ap. plies through us for ths most meritorious pstsnt (luring lbs month preceding. We secure the best patents far onr clients, sad the object of shit offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright idsss. At the same urns ws 1 vise to Impress upon the public ths bet that rr *S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, sudi ss ths ’’ car-window " which can ba easily slid up Ma down without breaking the passenger’s back, "•MOftt,** •* collar-button, M "nut-lock,” “bottle •topper, and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving; and these sample inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. rr is not so hard as it seems. Pumls taken out through tu tecsiva special notice In *•’’ National Recorder/' published at Washington, p. C., which is ths but newspaper published in America In ths interests of inventors. We furnish s year’s sub- Wtpaea t o this journal, free of cost, to all our clients, weuso sdvsruse, free of cost, the invention each month which wins pur 50 prits, and hundreds of thousands Of e-piss of the "Nstioaal Recorder," containing s of the winner, ands description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United Stats, among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their attention the merits of the invention. AlWomr.umc.Uoo, regarded strictly con&dsmisl. JOHN WEDDERBURN A CO„ fcll- T w I* *** Ferelge PateaU, i8 F Street, N. W., ■ jlj. Washington, D. C. Or Mifir'ne—MrtftUtfimttr. WriUJtrm* M t. BLOOD BALM. _ A household remedy for all Blood and ■•‘Brtteeasee. Cure* without fell, Btrof ul>.l!lrere, Btssasthw, Catarrh, Belt Rheum •nd every form ol Blood Dleeeee front the simplest pimple to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty years use with unvarying eueeeee, dem onstrates Ita paramount healing, purlfy utg and building up virtues. One bottle has more ouratlve virtue than a dosen of any other kind. It bulldm up the health and strength from the flint dose. Wirilfre for B— A •/ Fern *•*/* c ** r# *> '^AMtaappH ~lf not hast by your local druggist. send *I.OO for a large bottle, or M OOTor eU boh petti by* m *“ loluo wtu ** MBt ' (wight £.OOO BALM Qo.,AtUnta, lJ rnrrmns 11 ii i mnaiu— K u Too Feeble E Te Be Cured et RHEUMATISM or DYSPEPSIA” I Nonsense I That's a doctor’s l" ,’ustlce Lowe, of Ridgeway, M MioU., waßheumaticeufferer i over 7§ years old—"too old to R\ expect a erne," ao they said. i jiSjfc t srtJ^eumhjiG p (jJR.Er / and ia on his feet again, going I about the country well and ’j sound. f Remadtable case, you say. AU / cases where this remedy is ' used are remarkable. lt‘a a <A remarkable medicine. J It cleanses the blood of acid J —makes a torpid liver active. J Testimonial bel. w: f „guvlie tiled Dr. C. C. Boc Liver. Rheiitusi'cbntiKsurelgloCnrein my I. prelr>e. I Bnitlt *u eTcellrnt rreMHly £ la banuurl ejoUveaeu. InUigocUoa r aaS eyspeiala. |. DB J c. BODIFORU. B De rcatek Bprln*. Ila. I fek Veer Dru n !tt or Msrehinl For IL V CULLEN V NEWMAN, Sob Proprietors, ’j KNOXVILLE. TENNESSEE. Brooks and Power, Coiner, will seft, you the best 25ets Tobacco on Retold, Local Happenings, Items of Interst to ‘‘Fres State” Peop!# Picksd UP by MONITOR REPORTERS lal Hiadef |gt la Snail Menthfelt at at t B Ea*il| Digested—Births, Beatht, Marriages, Visitars, Etc. We would not advise you to un whiskey, but if you will, bny so,nothing that is purt and good from J H Scoggins, Comer, G, Notice the ad. ef the Migson l Brad berry‘e g/eat rjductiou bale iu IbU issue. Judge Pitlmsn,of Jackson coun ty, aeoonipuuied lay bia aecorap pliubed daughttr, Miss Clara, ia viaitiaghia daughter, Mra. J D 'I hoinpson this wek. J Oftllie SeagiaveH, a promi nent citizen of Poea, wda hers to-day. Great bargains <o be had in spring dress goods atL E Greenes’ Diuiielsrille and Comer. Anothi r handsome line of spring and Rummer goods, received and the price is helo zero, at L E Gieene’s, Danielsvills & Comer. MADISON SPRINGS. Plgßly of r tia, And plenty af grass, Tbsrs n i!eiag at Shiloh ' che'ch lest Sunday, led by Pr*f. Nicholses. Mrs. S R Dsta a*d Charles, vi relatives near Royutea last Shu. dav, M : 88 Kvie Bisrd vfsited relatives ar DsstelsviHsSunday. J W Beard is sawiag lumber right •lo g host. If you want gaol bert lumber see him. Ask Charley Baud if Rice is cheap Jet sad wheas it stays? Mr, Jias Payne of Ft. Lamar was here a sew days age. W H Dess and wife attended prrachiig,'at Shi4n>Bu*dey. . mv. and mw. J B Dean visited relative! in Frank'in coanty last Sanpay. Coffins and Caskets. Personh at a distance can rely , being suited in Coffins and Cast keta at Danielsvillo. Stock is p ever short. I have them from tb e home mads up term cash or o redit to responsible parties. A. S.'JOHNSON. : tm tanba&*s. : , - 1 > i-T-T-T-1 v ; N 1 j DURANG’S i iRHEUMATIC REMEDY! :: zrz : srtxLt nFL 1 rt# * *• mm doUar h , i<'Hlu or rix < WiCm Ur Srt Omr it tnui Pruu- < ; pnkl MLt Viwe hy tUU. AddST 1; ftafy Bg, 1 ; 1118 L StreS,Wuu|tjß, D. C. : . mtu. TUsy vtm nei mm tkat um ; iiuee e ttw.iii —ria 4 ii mwu *• ees. run ni, <* e ssissw *-, ti tea tut hr utveuna. Vs* Nerve £*^BRAIW r&Kj^TRIATMBff ,Tk >iuuuinaflMk n tar krrtMta, K\lp vuain(,MnMannl|lt) fff KJf kcUMk*, aarroaa pmlia* VI jUL-. Sag, aaaaad kf alaokal M AAJ ,?* oaa twluhlMl aaaatal da ■in I Be PMob. luullp, #aana ■lk t J 4m **•r *M apt. mtaarp, 4mM %L W44U. nUtiuamkt lAUIMM, MM M AA fim la aikhar ana, mV A omm4 b) ifM-nniia. IV /l <A klllMM at MU ttaM Toumu mot au / WVh AVLlM*ullk*taU4u La KAk ▼ Siiraf wrxs a aoTwalaa nwM MB WCajUktvj ala buna to baiidM aad aura Ika M aaaaa ofbrokaa down Han and wanna- ™ * a wnalTwat torytaiawith narr^yayaa; iUai'iKilni )X PrtcaTbynaU. ara-paldT.. par box. or alx bakaa for Mb With atx boxn. ara aaad our wrluaa aaarantaa to rafaad tha moor* It tha Spaatde a oaa aataflhot r para. H build* up aad makaa MSB HABIT nodWOHM troHtaaT. atrsand atanr tor atmalara. 4* tali iv w, laaoaa rinautM. aiiuh. On t.oitiMt. kanuiicaa aaaitaichj Bach 4Rml§ CPMBGRMftMRa OEUIMREi AeHMa A FAIR TRIAL. * Hood* Sat siparilla guarantees a complete Core- It is an honest medicii.v honest ly advertised aad it honestly C* TES Pure Mountain (£orn Wkiskey For sale by J, H. Scoggins, T. H- Riddling, Manßger. COMER, GA. " Our mountain corn whiskey is ab solutely pure. Not even a small headache in a whole barrel. We also handle the biest Rye whiskies, Brandies, Gin, Beers, Cigars, etc. Our bottles are full measure and we guarantee to treat you fairly. When you come to Comer give us a call. Respect. J. I; WI, „ Comer/” Ga, . * a W. L. Douglas $3 SHOErSKIffIKi. cowovan; ££jL . *3.V POLICE, 3 soles. WkHKu'z.'iA'BivriaaiSna ; ’ lor * LASiea • MOCXTOKJ^uBi/ Oyer Om Million Poopto war th# W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally satisfactory Thajr give the boat value far th* money. Tkmr equalcustomshoos la sty ft and lit. Thafr wearing qualities are aasurpasaed. Th# pries* are uniform, —staropaj on Mlo. Prom Si to *3 **v*d ov*r other evokes. If your dmlsr cannot supply you wo can. Sold by Dealers everywhere. agent to take exclusive sale lAI this.vicinity. Write at once ws imp 1391 jtwss fr*a cr: * i •‘xril'lrl T?f c ; .f 1i..... i v .<f ' .•/ *( -.a S£r Mv ' A- y y^.:n<:u-.-&y.f., r l ■• • * • • \ ~ . /-!'• jvl *K... m;. *f, .. ', '' / : I"'': -- ' I Ti’’ ''• ' ’’~i I- • Y 'MV*, nil I V F rtf ••/ /w>nr<4- V 'IA in kv ’ ctf*e I *r * *ti|-F J’ltett 1 *\xLs •. (UrT* :ll v* I’d . MW. VV kliu. f jArletftt w,’ fx iksliwtxt. I'rfrrw ? v'v.^.' • ♦. finks. v*., :ft*. Hi tt , -'j.livr l tWb^v-• |i ' • months ..4 ikis . fHjf ß . ... S.-.W i ' r (nil H p :,y :- vl . •' -. i u’i i rtlfMoy. No !.V Ced ffPofd l< nii.v v. .rtdMtv. Wawt\ru'*(<K ••vtrf' r-.* t'/iW-r nay • it ■•••• ae,i, ;|u' ruVuinU rcu o< ..m! h *-• i ift'l i#' tvu Mr. r. i • ‘O.I r-Hahi- ehdtwwc.i /t 4t t ifl, n . W have v. iv-i) bo..bviu df t.rtt it M f . . • ednrihic tlw past, live yen**?' •* / itu^h > - rr..r ' r OJ u l>- - iWcv. N. C. J.. i, •IN'! tr.tft tf *""• are* /W r*ris > ... \ J ■*/ *v# I•***•• •* fir r * i> \ tmt , •. rw.khn. N. Y. Vre. f* i.ry KarH •’ V-r m ir.'-rliier), an i (siw.* ‘iT.-e*t'v<'.s afioh _ . v ' 'ttf v.'-b !m*t htuvn*. I* V j. Ij wi .\ t\.-(utti-hjVaby nH vt’t* .• •* ' f- r< ns. M ntr Av.**/- - ■ * ** ♦** r * it ('ffl m'.. > rlpti nik and .!> • •1 C:>.! *. - I f.a Hi r-nfs v \ ' ' •vf in I t. 1* itnr Uf. >■} ‘ r beve offer. ,h*.^ : hj t'•* u.r -me In i#4„A a M ..I :ki ita. us. -V t Vli! erk * • <4o'i •vvtvs'V we .a. *s*W Y„ t- •• ** •* * , vnrt V. .-tW, Se > •.m-H* - . 'i.- ‘ *'-s .Afor.i, t,denser, 'fV tM *. *. .v. iPltlr HHissera. .•#. Hsrvwt r_g gr- w... *♦, Iw. i, vi *-U'pit >lsn new >• rvt-U.' an- K*: -,4 \ \vi- if-s mU,U wv Cei. - tN- la w k 1 rr* •• ww-vesmu rt cf u f-d.fsn.l frt times -* rf Mm was 4 hn m -e* krtit. vnt l:p. AfrSTtSTCriAT OFFc?I I B4a aamvs •Wscrfhed, Ukawhei mis pwetvtV V fizt rS!^ A w .. r\ t . >T\' . 4 a , ■ <•-*- A W w • H s i ; SSi.r-THSJEAIWNa “B-” In it con- ’/3452! blued the cn >t •i.eciiiiu i-. Vi rkiil ihi <^.i: j ■ ■■■' v y si; or use. ' ELORSDaS MPC CO. '♦o.ys-vl Wholesaia Gfice, Bslri&sr*. U l 5W irh is r SiV.Tiyo. Wats - bfF^Lefm | few® A Lrnm w AM-V-KM, * Ssjkwl; Use *f \ rwMW Ml OahUdl reu%. n. bkCAs ■*• tk.Xb'6 WMUfc f tv* tkfMl r.M M ftr*4 dr- . A \ "MW IW *• *( MSI ski >PkM dr*d tan T ( I* h fee cm** t>sfWMt *y Mt*dlcia* tf Rw* 4$ A f*H-* i\ tMT Nat, hy*%H r*wfdßM; • P Ar f%. !V*'t *•■>, A*? -*■ # A kioor-i- pi* • Bit.ti'T raarm, 5, r ala Irak. IfUJT.V <**. kf —ft TV, V nLHft, vy H * II sf sko/s-tsr. Tbs W (SI AlsoSm a (tr.og will gr—S ausugy wdoST **S Snaasos. liswrdlM bis lisiiUwi Type, fcha fkvsvb it! tosa* hn] Sf odraas*. Its*, said bsvfunas ,|!81 as'Jlty. tostk st those typ*s batana f* M tts bvsy uu or via >| awl Ull Domwvsi'i Fusjiy Um-oolas paw *wJD|S pens aspssttlly fur sasm sssscoo a mDI Vh*A* miuu -f new Iriiq M ' huf] tvmww t* a ss>a/1 sauaa. so Oat Sm If mart •i tie warns wat'iMk II l sal <- s mi*m>T Os NO* to buff aa l J av v bear. TANARUS. CwvLsul tm bitlrsm* W as nAowwi, colrors. o*4 * I*** ad V ■) nuis,sf;. *m* Ssrim. Ansa vtt 6j ter,* •> vbsaUS trSf lbs* HiS sogbiy th. aiarvry saassttao* W 8 sf Dsrta-.rri's Kafweo. The AS> ,V 9 *£-• T>f. Isv’icat.s ■ bvv* and bRS Skii; i,< ut, - eta vfl tat na riH pfe*su_- ia lav aanlLesat sAI-ptaa. 11l Q vr f vmi, Kb* xm fctefen*, rspa. w M t*(Ml fioss Cm origtaal lUs Vow bp Ml !• Levryr*, tb, tm iniliiiss m B tc at.wur riluiii, width v 4 I \Writ 1 b* sriw* *• WW7 vaksaribt* la V 1 (A Dvavcrsal's fa* ins. YUa V I ill na tf tils myvrb wash at art w . 'Si act Ist ii)iitsnilaa VO 8 au.-ii as tlv'.atfOskad fro*, tbs I ar.rbiml. tfUUm this, an mqatji I fj If * v ytlSois to (db [ C f BstxdlauKhawbwaf thsMovu Jw L. B aOv, oxd Iks srrctaa iwe a* saw. r_V & fas sly sot myxrbly iUaalmto* M InVfi *k- UaMitav to. In ratftoy, *Mb II I UkY Ml* W stt wmka st ttos MnSaat ill Bl rotar. Tit flSTStfUstnaigit. f ')f ( tV ttvpb at ifea tolakaa and uwoih F,£ M at Msu, who via ba tsoq Mar /9m la'ovoT r^“‘’ f §a whisk nts'Ut wlbtqflCqp 1 It'S Jm*. faacy, and tot anL’toi I B, S| to ufanaly a fsatiiw lAm H rtosily Kuulm, sod vs* IsOgsoo Ik uS arvwaal Cum at th* llllHla I\\ TKi (Mri fee yssr sabsariySisa; to vB I U AY **ly NM. aod yao wfflsto 9 ¥>l ottwutfeiguHiaa* la un*. Address f Uitto w• * assrras 0 vE—aaV. rabfchm, /XU B Hri lttb strove Haw Tsadi ivfc M TVs^h^^to: a fiahlM^aM^gda^lto bra bs litaroat / awfl (MmJ'f tk* Pro’labM Type ai / M*9 Tbvsub. Atoh in • torn** ta ba atm 1 Uoa, atoadvraasa, mA aaO, and I ■asthwlil Up. iMw Bfi whtoh omMrtWy to^jdCs C.L.Lf.I.d J,',,,L-l;..flic, Vk.t a no, at aISuH. Prswh-loariw* ti’ J vp. Muni, aad Brtseh-lasriiag Dans, Brils*, wl ftstul., of romt KagMih and Alswrlcaa a.ha* All kinds sf sorting tonplssssots and aril, sis* required by sjiorisnsn tad xuu wakar* Colt'* How BnaaMoodUff DauU* Qua- As hast ran* vet wade flrr Iho nrlna. JOSEPH C. CRUBB 4 CO.. ~ ' "tl+ssiien Heeding a tonic, or cnlicren that want i/utt—hs. up, should take BROWVA kl.rtN RITTEBA u> take cure. flwd'U, jW-Ufif* igaa. anu I lllouauess- All riwusts #?n roi m . 2l# - Comer, © a. ;. * j T wJLL offer ba r g ains f orth e nex t 30 da ys ever heard of before in the IAI history of hard-times, we have recently had our store remoddled and ¥ now filling it up with the choicest line of ' . ♦ .... ;: ■- f Dry Goods, notions, Ladies and MiAses ' ~ - Hats, Shoes, Eti* 'S . '■■ - x -V > ' v -v, • ■ % , 2 ' Kver brought to Comer, all of which we will sell as cheap as any house id NORTH-EAST GEORGIA FOR THE CASH. Wa also carry a nioe line of FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES which cannot be surpassed by any compaction. We have on tymd a lot of COOKING STOVES, PLO WS AND PLOWSTOCK WAGONS HAR NRBb and ma ny other things in the Hardware line'which we? will close out at about cost. -V * 9j. 7 * Don’t forget to get our prices. We will certainly save you money, dm' your produce, J. T. Baker Cos. SPECIAL SALE Beginning on Monday Next, "or Of Fashionable SprinS and Summer Millinery of every description. Our Madison county friends are especially invited to attend this sale. Remember to come next week. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN EVERY L I N£, Misses Bradberry, Athens, Ga, Pa P a Pa PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM IMB3 CT'dHBMBBBi Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Bhaumatism ,, | m,| in to nil— and Scrofula P. P. P. i*xriS*<a tlio b!ooci. bulltJs tp tm.9 v/fwk, and Übiiitate4, pives stranitth t* w4*herccl servm, expels dlhCSJFM.ffirinar the i> ta tl.sHt health .-*111! h.irpi'iOß3 wherg nickiv ah, fclnomy Iwllnjfi; tn<J sf Dr?v>lel. Tor primary fi-j'jondary find tirtiKry 'puilla, lor blood puhsonln/r, rriercu rial poisrxn. malarix, dyFpp*ls, and In a*, blood and 6kin like blotekcs, plat pies, old t* ! >ronlc uk'-rs, tttter. scald head, br*Us. ervsiptfias, c23=ia—vre we 7 t, vrlth'-ut fear of contradiction, that J*. P. r.Ts tho>est Mood purifier 1 1 ihe world. a*M makes poeitlvs. speedy cad p.rzn&ucat. cures lit J 1 ceees. ir'idiss irhoss systems are poisoned p wbose blood ir in a: Impure con..i tios, due to menntrwfti lrrcjfnlaritiea, are peculiarly benefited by the won- toale end blootlolescflnarpron crtlssof P. P. P. —yridfeiy Asn, .Voke JMct and I otassinEi. c m ajavMaTgr atm u ■WMUBeHHmam -3 fSr'MSimimtuß, Ho., Aay. iilh, l f -00. —1 spa? k la tho wen;:s of ctedicine fro&i fj roonei V.wrrledjL'a. I diaeasfs, pUnri*/ and r-h&ns&tla lor m yesrs, vaa %?•*.t*d by ra*' N'.7t pkyslslaibx s-aa ap/Ath:-. -•?.**. ? . 1- lars, tried erary •/ t'. ita eot fcadii4f relief. IhaTv* caljr ► koa one bottle ef yurP. i\ F., * .2 t*an olieerfally say H has dost' ko u feed tk&c aaythiax I h*ve -n, Ims recotn ac*nd jn? >edi - . aaSerera of tkjp ebeve di MBS. M. M. YJi iv. ifrilgflelfl. Green Ceuaty. Llo. PIMPLES, BLOTCHES m OLD SORES catarrh, mmh. KIPfSET TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA Are tntfrdy remevsa by P.PA —Prickly Asb, ?oke Boot and Petoa srium, the sreetaat blood partner om earth. ABF-3D281T, O. . July 21,1501. Mess as Xavpisak Bqos. , Savannah. Ga.: Dear Sirs—l bouaht a bottle of yonr P.P P. ct Hut Sprlurs.Ark..and It has done mo more eoou tfcr.a tare© aaaatha’ t-rcartnonfcat the Hot Sprtaa. Send throe bottles O. O. D, Bcspeotfnliy yoors, JAB. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, brown Connty, O. Cap!. Sa Da Johntleu. To nil xshorn It may concern: I her©* by testify to the woadorfnl propsrkiom or P. P. r. for eruptions of the skin. I iiffored for several years with an a- and disaproeubla ornptlon os my fke. 1 tried cwryAnowß rcne dy bo- in vaitf/rintil P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cored. {Signed by j J, D. JOHNSTON. Savannah, Qm. Shin Censer Gared. Testimony from the Mayor of . Ssqttix, TW., January 14,1893. M&eens. Lippmaw Bros. . Savannah, Ga. ; Gentlemen— l have tried your P. P. P, for a disease of the skin, naoaily knorrn -a skin aneer,of thirty years* fitandma:. and ioond Rrcat rollef: tC pturifloatho blood and removes ail Ir ritation from the seat of tho disena© and prevents any snredin?f of t♦© sores. I have taken flvsor six bottles and fool confident that as other soars© will effect a enre. It baa a!*o relieved mo from ind.g'.itlon and sticaacia tiGiiblca. Yours trnly, CAPT. W. M. BUST, Attorney at Law. M ea Blood Diseases ES Frm ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. UFPHSAN ®RQQ. PBOPBJBTO*a, ITnau&’s Bosk,*afaaiski CHa