The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 24, 1895, Image 3

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Mr. Herman Hi oka Of Rochester, N. ¥. Deaf for a Year Caused by Catarrh in the Head ;l Catarrh is a Constitutional disease /kud : requires a Constitutional Remedy :Mk Hood's Sarsaparilla to cure it. Read i . “Three years ago, as a result of catarrh, I ajßtirely lo<jny hearing and was deaf for more Map a year. I tried various tilings to cute it, attempt It, but no ct I could dentin. 4-—-- r f was intending putting Ujsell tinder the care of a specialist when someone suggested that possibly Hood’s Sar saparilla would do me some good. I began Baking It without the expectation of any lasting help. To my surprise and great Joy I found When I had taken three bottles that my hear. Im was returning. I kept on till I bad taken three more. It is now over a year and I enn hear perfectly well. lam troubled but .vary little with the catarrh. I consider this a remarkable com, and cordially recommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla |p all who have catarrh.” Herman Hicks, 30 Carter Street, Rochester, N. Y. HOOD’S PILLS are purely vegetable, and 4e no* stuge, paia x gripe. Sold by aU drngglm. SIBOO.OO GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given away to any one who ap- Jmics through us for the most meritorious patent during the month preceding. We secure the best patents for our clients* and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that rr *S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the “car-window “ which can be easily slid up and down without breaking the passenger’s back, “sauce-pan,” “collar-button,” “nut-lock,” “bottle - stopper, 1 ’ and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving; and these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice in National Recorder, published at Washington, D. C., which is the best newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's stib- Kriprion to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost.l he invention each month .—our $l5O prize, and hundreds of thousands of coptes cflTChe “National Recorder.” containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their attention the merits of the invent on. All communications regarded strictly confidential. Address K JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitor* of American and foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N. W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. (y Rtftrtnct—tdiur eft hispaper. Writs/or our JO-fU't fantfhlct, FRS E. BLOOD BALM. A household remedy for all Blood and Skin diseases. Cures without 'all, Scrof alr.rkem, Ght, mctism,Catarrh, Salt atkua&i and every rorm of Blood Disease from the 1 simplest pimple to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty j years’ use with unvarylne t uccess, dem- j pnstwdeg ite paramount healing, purify- j JE2 aisl building up virtues. Ore bottia | has more hurative virtue than a dozen ol ] any other kind. It builds up the health j | and strength from the firs* dose. ' jri VUZTX for Bosk of Wotr- * '* erf til Curas, sent frees *N a pipit •tit ion. . . I l noi 6 ®J>* by your local druggist, send I *- 00 for a ferae bottlo, or *5 00 for six hot- 1 ties, and meuieins will be sent, freight j paid, by ft.m MIM CO., Atlanta, •. ] “Teo Feeble Te Be Cured •f RHEUMATISM or DYSPEPSIA" Nonsense! That’s a doctor’s excuse. Justice Lowe, of Ridgeway, Mich., w&aa Rheumatic sufferer over 7S years old—“too old to expect a curep’ so they ssiti. He took #asi{ijeuffi!sic (jyttEr and is on his feet again, going about the county well and sound. Rcmsfcsbls case, you say. All cases wh£rc this remedy is used are remarkable. It’s a remai kabie medicine. It cleanses the blood of Acid —makes a to: pid liver active. Testimonial be!.w: Eavlu,tried Dr. C. C. Hoes Liver. Bn*cuiti!c ecd Beunfalc- C. :s ;n ay fTaesiee. f find it r a eirafirnl rtoody n fiat,Huai rosti .taesi, laaisAstida and dyspsurif. LB. i. C. BOEirOBD. De rucink baitings, ria. Ask four Drujgifi w Bsrthsnt Fi? !L CUlieN % ??SWMAN, &ds Preprlstor*, 'KWOXVH.LE, TSNNSSSBB. 1 Brooks and Power, Comer, will sell you the bfgtV 25cts Tobacco on Record, WHAT THE WORLD EATS. T e wor'ds rof of c'.nnsm'n is 16.000 tous. France ra’a* and eat* every year 4000 tons of radishes. Ltst tear the lialiane exported 480,000,000 and >ze s of egg-. Paris kided last jear 11,862 old h r*a for roars and a up. Toe worlds oit crop every )f*r exert de 16,000,000 toot. Oar haot ugar or>p last ier was 8*000,000,000 pound,. Tue English •▼‘•■y 000 tons of Am*'it;ait f- ait. '*'■ Tie restaurants of P ris s >ld in 1191 18,000 1< zen fr< gs jg . The world isires and At tv*r year 29,000,000 ton* if r^e. Lite (oentry’s crop of betns is enuuiattd ri 70,100 000 :, i g e'r. The average man u-'S ifo ty-hiae puui.ti o Migar. EeiO| e inn every year est 6.470,- COO on* i bi e f , ’out "B ad ... rk. Only ten percent. <f t v c sugar we eocauue is grown 'a this country. Coffins and Caskets. ut .i distini e can i- \ being suited in Ci flips and Cat* kets at DanielsVillt’. Stock is never tlioifc. I laive Ilium ivom the hom made up teim c i,sll oi credit to responsible parties. A. S. JOHNSON. THK STANDARD. - , , |--r t - i ii i -v DORANG’S Rheumatic Remedy Ka* swr)*4acA It* iwpwfciMoii for U ysasa a. Ms< Us sthadard foul; for *c < SSUgB3SMJJIMI n*a oodorasd by thawAi of Pfaw dm, Puhiteham aod PaUsals. B It nrtbr rtfotahls aad bull* up boa the tm Scat. It oaror Mis to oSa Pries is swa deUar a -iritis w Ox SMSR.'SJartaap?* taais's mwnutti RshsmN 6. : lilt L SfrssLWartißsteA, D. c. i •ywy’B Ilstr MBs an tha boat *• ' aartk. They net vtth an mob he nA> ' thee* a hvteabsdd MaaMias. ttaamnm rah MX. ar t BSSJW na w ; rsti aui wr naißßWiiin AAt A ****.e. a-. . A A WE TELL YOU ethiug bow wlte we state that it pays te anyuH o a iseiMuri, i,jos>t haaltkr RJtd pleasant tua sees, that returns a prelt far ft ary tier’s s (try. Lvsli is the Imlnssa we ,*er the working glass. ■To rsuoli these Low ! more mono? ranMly, ant rasrantae every eno vrhe t.m lanraaSioai tvithfeliy the Making rf HM .CO a aaonSL. ft\ t-, _ if whe takes held aw an 1 wstlir r!k vwv.’y nma lurgj> thair eai aUjs, limn taw he no eoestfeu ux&at it; others uotv at w.rk are dehtw lhaad m, reader, eao do the same rats is Hie seat paying SeiutesS that job Save **r uit the to soeare. Ten trill make s fray* eslstak, > viv fall to give it a trial at oaee. f yea gras, she htnatioo, and aot ijaiekly, yes .ill dirMtly (ltd yoortatTr in a meet prosper®** • ajfvws, at wldch von noa nsahe sad save sst sans of meaty. Th. 'vesdts of oaly a few ’witsrf troth Kill vftoa aosrsl a week’s wages ft hothor you are 6l< or man Jit woman. If w.kvs no dbforenaa -msim tell you, and stso win meet yon at tks very start. Krithss tcperimor capital nosoesary- These who work or an fjn -■ —-s-e Why not write te-day Hu uP nMfiy* rye ? K C. AI.IJEW &GO , :-; : V Bex via *T, AtjjaOu, r.!> mck Brain ‘4LIi>TREATMHff , a a ouakajtok) Mrmrnm f) /•*•% for byttMia, dlulnMt, tern K\JP -vlsions,aMv.Mßraralalas A mJj headache, ssr.osi ynstrs, VIS gif . tn, oaoMd by slcok.l * '*~~y fster 1 tobooco, wakefulness, sir. enj . team twitching*. bhU] Se infl I St praMtnn, insanity, fnms AW J gat furs old act. mitt rj. Awcmf WkGs and death. liu.susswsfMr - MUIIIMI, SOM W _ town in sUbw mb, caused bj lTir-airtUs, <Ji . tal,taM sr ssir.skßsa PT I ®?* To M*rOM lost WAS. I A vL. xooo anl tbo* kail, sa / Jt Pi Jl SH ,h nr* < ‘*o eoBjUC. { <ef K7\ fv ip BIUOS < givs task T sianMaty of knsfon m r ltJjf S iiieb adßirs, if sovereign rsmte. **ra > UtlSSSkal| six boxesldbslMll and core th, ttamx i I •f broken (town mm an, vemw Till Is • semedy awAfor yes;s with ma r sjmssM fe‘ n o‘r w,send our ./ittes gaorantM torwsad Its mon.y if tb, SpMifin aos, aotiflkm > aa/B. it btUlds up and mats, HI UXII is, Wbufl WOMiS-T. sut tMna stams for tlremlmn~Si A FAinTSiAkw Hood’s Sat. ” saparilla guarantees a complete cure. !tis an honesthvedicin-j honest ly advertised and it honestly CL 1 RCA If you £••! vmR and all worn oat toko ’'bf'fo.' •o. v 7"i-vw 15 T mnw.: THE MONITOR. Puslisesd Every Friday. O!sE DOLLAR A YEAR. Mossiey Eds. anJTrops. Pure Mountain Corn Wkiskey * * For sale by / J, H. Scoggins,, T. H- Riddling, Maneg^r. COMER, Gj(. n Our mountain corn whiskey is ab solutely pure. No evejlf A small headache in a whdle larrelj' h e also handle thi pest Rye whiskies, Brnndit*, Gin, Beers, Cigarr, etc. \ / j Our bottles ari j full -measure and we guarantee V flo/ treat you fairly, When you eowU to Comer give us a call. /Respect. j. i. mk * \ f Comer, Ga, W. L. Douglas $3 SHOE mßi"".. CORDOVAN, ■gSt*; Nv r*rNCH AtNAMfLIXD CALP. §§|§. Jyg4.*3 *> FlHt Cau txmmk *3.%P POLlCE,ssoles. ifin * 2 5 - 0 92 • WORKIN SM|rV jffM I** -EXTRA PINK- BfIY3'SCiiC!LSOa • l-AD IE 3 • Oyer One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give th* best value for f’’C i-ony. They equal cuatom shoos In rtylo and fit. Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are unlfnrm,—stamped on sale. From $■ to $3 saved over other mr.kes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by Dealers everywhere. agent to take exclusive sale 111 this vicinity. Write at once —an—anm—nwia'iiaw iniinasaaamwsogqni ws it? stc-3 n'jwrs rvs AHMsifit es43€;?ll Ef &M *£. 1 CtL ! JS .A.t,A..Cp, f ?. rft mmit' V:,h.v :iid\ 42fcrLv n 'if^ iJ k ' s ‘ '• • • ••• ‘if ff&S H&Vi-’i r t ' Tm - Laj-ii. v. n i, , i.tu - f K**> F0 fv .nu:ii. DL- . Jinr-.H w-x • 6 > ’"a L' 1M i-: l#>i’ 13 , >ri' v .. •i** l *i r - w at. n-a pi ,j. , %*.. •^-wf^'ti ao'YK’H •*. i( Is .-Imi■• :* ♦nketi. ► .■.* ttm.i H hts **' WftrVj f•< htT'li* mill to ei •' Milngstijcr v.-* will o -w* ' Jr coo tut./ t "N oU’t-ia an, i magr -.. tertian of Flue* r *—r.i t•• ■ *v**' W CaiMM,' Vtr|.*tlttN. CF.r • t. fs, Io; •• Buluift, ( s HU . *■’ H. S, T'■{•, it sl -.1, I.' .OtP #/. - fiakl, tR,, olr. Ua.moutlrt’r, Jtu! l ’ tr r- r :hr rr three mintfu uiid this entire n.*-T. ; r<s.t > Mecttii and ' tr -L --thnrer Sse-liy put ew by a In at ibt'is S’r.i flop** i-.i V*sh iod rsiiabk. No U.ty can f.v'.c. f. r.nyi fhw V.'q*gnirahtca every *.H>wr,ln r mu:* li- ti>* viu •l uniiej sent, Wj'f refund yur men* t •. Wyyoii * ; -T*nr: ; •tf 6-t*S etN-ls and JfcttpfUi;# U you s.c /■.' -3' ,i • .w fe. r.% •it! atsU irlWile |mbJDV ■ !a.4*i.i, {.. , k,. | t . , .a* E<*m. W'f huv rctMv and ci ft-w pl*w •nm Uttfleg tb*- past tirr yniis: “/At-/ e*nt>-'W*' ;V* Kiti rh tie {.uarjap . and /♦..> er;**■■*/*• l‘n t*< As iaai V* eN#*V M * Myttlf and h’tnJt /a<;* **f far rumat* a<f>ln C, nml Kart found dent >o l• tnttrrUf -y." - A. J vis, Brooklyn. N. Y. V-s. \V.*Nt f *Aw .egVa ■hhserfber), sn I Ors-e ctr.vo.iJ, *k*c:i . mAmrni our se.* !e last ct-iwon. D>. ..A sru- 6* ‘ hke*r„- ui .* th**U - bjK'*-.**y Rtrh*<’.- j-i - fy ;• r onsrrofalofM pc-soh*. forth to-Stiy■ 'i '• i-i i put it eft! Sis anti jis. ji ' •’ ' f&X* & Coilvd trns r. Jit for 60 * , . > uUI 4‘-• dii - * A# SPECIAL BfFEH i ZWzL fcr above off.*, and iwsus g f.hg ri~tr U ahu '■ , l* S<XP Hit adt'erhuo.-r, arm *v.' Mad frtt. In •4uitten to ah the abort, ou* v/t of ecle - TV't* Ecklorti Nhroct ”-jh^*r *r* fih'. tipf Jy Ike newest vriU-v fJKFsAfcjg ***** too f/. H Oakfor.l, Bplei,-,r, Thvtfn .cj. CIM SiASTV Hlosso.u, %*<t. Hwt! I-eas art UK anil t*vhtwxes,'. Uuio-jet &wum nsw awl V.' Ik- Varktfes w oik*-. thy k lMt and must H liwen. >V*y i*row w s miH f t prs.l. ue fnr three jncnti.n t vixcteiu pro “* r, jd k* . bfpj .dit cnbMVv mm mr mu i izss Moeslla. w*.* wv rfl -.l Tb Uid,/ frZ. li (■ tbn T aor, wi* -.r naguOUnt CUW.iI.. . iC.. rionn @w3ssE*vßSS3Str ASK FOR m THC SELF-THREADING t ELDREDGi g 19 ; In It are cote- ARtemntete blued the fin- bßß'' Ml meahanlc- J§aEßS|B hi skill. the,swE*-flgSiWßgHft . most usofuljj)^i^oq^[' amt 1 practical elements, nnj ® iMxm m *ll known ad *’ / pßffiSwjF* vantages that MillllJ ' imsmk make a sew- Tej.- >J ing maeblne BWKI d.siraM, te £ RfflfeWk tell or use. KLDRKDGK MFC. CO, rctnr "* Wtelml, Mee, Bdvidm, II *** ITtihxnh Aw a. CMsapt, W Btwnad fts-s**sM ivt> At mJLff]** k* B *” l >*T*B 4 THI lull Mmm OR ’ 6. JACOBS’ ‘■r* CELERY fPHOSPHATE fpWMrUr rHMw Knul #r Tkjtimi r-o—, f imtfte, Lwrs *f rvr sd 9.ii . It MMi ap (be fcuri* *m*MU e< tbe setferar tren Itee frag dees, m 4 use er*4 imm ef vaOt mi 4 ■ Acwa mwi ms 4 .&. Ii ta in* CP** HrAy.aß imlMm af * -*tery. Trtte >1 *w hmt, Wytaall pwfii; € ter |L ricA*f pwrtV-iteHr* mwa rgfoteifs. AtUrm ww rR*RM.cT csrisr, Sol, Xawso. A FLAK? A, Si. iFTsra wr/*ak terse an *p iwa rffl swte n jh.j --.'nr* 41 if 1 ® |* B IV Ucmk h fin npjlflk # ilselM > > vrUl. ana* NeS wHPf ul lri SUM *ll Ssaisliud Typo, th* boa* ef Ojas WH of olruw* Uui at ttdus ■JM esuity. ♦;> •< tXmtypse MtS •# tl* k<7 BU *r urccuai OM hJll Dkv< rwkiiy Mmoblm pat, paue* lor seat ssnsSl > %—* QJ vKd* hi *f iw Me** Mh 'fwMl Is * mud mcaa, ae dhatM I \ 9 r**ort W -3>* wket* wieid's *ssC II ISI iHinnUatTUiuthttla J S\ tvr. Ttc t\Aud Type leifieatw V Vn r*dMor.v*-.. oilsrr*, ut a lev* *9 Jr K\ **^yo,k;, aot t*U*a. ApeSHM viv. Slu nr> f *S 41 thsto |*S|B cncHy in joy Ow Uunuy aShoadaia I JV U of siK* Jt-'iijtaa. nith L ,lr fl Brut Tyy* lodlcitm a Wes al bwaty tot, K 'aVao *fl Sod m I B M tv ili r.-Aotfsaat W tot ful an f r**M. i m ilw tvshss. rspah. I —* gh l<l irou Cm orifSsalpatnkhH W &* th tcmi 11l I test ■ W '*' tLaytUm, vUaS tj| It lSa i W pwi m —cy nliana h J \ 1 S BtHKeJ'l Maguts* fst 1395. 90s 1| | ffl sox *f ul* s*#*ch wash f sal MB lwti tS o* 4* jtpssMn W m sanhß l V| S t vikv sole* ifttns ■ MS> L HZ W iltl.i N uwfc ,t*W *f the Mas* Wrkm jl tav*. Mid th* *rtrla n* a* A* Kx Ifl *f Um.a, wk* will he ttajStSm J"!?' 91 Mb * ! * thoe* irwhnt mmmM s rrSI ** ®'’r*st’ Kasianr, is ese# f JjM **• ef Us *ueeras dsMShMsK a XZ JSf able* rarw Km sattn Mriß SBR 1 -BSMB p-ti, f*acy. wd *f Ae Oft I Ih pxaxmvM'a h simply a paiM |JC H FtmUy lunSh, aa W>* UMIS IK er*trawl litMS of th* XtsSA l\\ W Ui la ytar sahoirtpMihiJl fM I ■ IV amir SM. ui yen wfll hash VlJsaKqiidsNhiM. tIM ’. Zasnaae SaMSf.rahOfhSb IAB II Bast 14th Street, BewYsS JwjtoHf Thenah act a fashloe WMSistas, a w?aiflyaaf*SS^mi£i^jH f FI he ef sapoitatlve Ut*raU to <MOB / |FI aWKWIit the YtaalaUM TH* f J mmm ThoaV eiilsh ladtaama la in saefß | ai *-< Celebrated Binsrle Sreeeh-leadlar She* Qun, at $lB up. D*ahlo-barr*l Brooch-loader* *t fSO ap. Maaal* aad BrMob-IMdtBX On as, Hjflea, sod Pistol*, of most approved Knchah and Arswrloaa Stekee. All kinds or spertlaa implements and arti ste* required by opertemea aad *ua aiahart. Celt's Hew Breeah-loadtaff Double Chuw- the heat rani yet made for Ike price. JOSEPH C. CHUBB St CO., ■■i ..m " . 111 " .i'_- snr , tit fast fKSadiiig a tonic, or that #hat uufldMf tnVfh UroWN fl t-~% * M *f t u iK-ke ruft?** ft*-ft?* Comer, € a. ,t t!LI offer bargains for the next 30 days ever heard of before in the <Mmmory of hard-times, we have recently had our store rernoddled and *XI are now tilting it op with the choicest line of ¥ * .. • r -■ v• . . .. I ■■?s-' ■; n ; ■ ~ \ '*% ■ “hr. "” ’• -‘‘.A 'J- r ■ '* ■ ■ ”’..-VU —— ■ ' *:V"v 4 ' Dry Goods, notions, Ladies and Misses Hats, Shoes, Etc < • tivet brought, to Ojaier, all of wbtoli Wfl will sell as o'hoap is any hoa<9 In NORTH GEORGIA FOR THE CASH. Wc also carry a nica lino of FANCY AND FAMILY GUOOERIfCS which cannot be eaTpaesed by any competition . We have on hand a lot of COOKING STOVES, PLO VS AND PLOWSTOOK WAGONS HAR NESS and many other things in the Hardware line which wej Will closeout at about coat. Don’t forget to get our prloee. We will certainly save you taoney, iM ' Bring us your produce, ' #l. TANARUS, Baker A Cos, - SPECIAL SALE Beginning on Monday Next; Of Fashionable Spring and Summet Millineyy of every description. Our M/dison county friends,are especially invited to attend tjfis sale. Remember td come next week. GREAT REDipCTI ONS I I Nfc. Misses Brftdberry, Athens, Ga, P. P. P. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT *ND POTASSIUM Slakes . OBBaMM slaryalous Curas in Blood Poison lefx.t jjiCTk; ,-—a—a—■nepw—scjsai Rheumatism and Scrofula • -yi iMBSraSiWKW ivnoc Or. . .r- n*n r. r P. prllM th* blooo. builds tp t.* VMii etid kItA to w*k4G uprr'BM, girtnff the petiiat hir.Uh am! ■apple where eiekneo:, gimear ftMUIHI Lad Ina.-itNdj first nrev il.<j for pilnery eec</nd try iukl tu!nry vvahllls, lor blood u*Ul poieon, cy. end In a*, blovcl end rklu cUeso,o,„ hku blotchM, plwylea, old chronic ls;ra, tetter, scald head, bollu. flrrel;>vlvi. (ottiium a*r irr, without fear of coin relation, that P. P. ?-.!j thei.jnt blood pnrliSar l i the vrorid, and rapkee poelflfe, apeady ai j .d permanent ourea In ail omve. Ledltiknee ryptwcj ;.olobb4 aad whosahla4lßlaaA IstDtfre *on-i --ttoa, due to raßetr6i Ue'etfolaritlaa, are oer<allirly benefited by Ike n >n terfal tosle cad hl9oi( eleaclair wr-e®- ertleaof r. P P. • Prtakiy Aeß, foa© iftoti mad J'^tasaitf'.'j. C-* 111 SB nil 111 ■iMaWIBHIM SWUeHTßi'llh ISIUB -woo f.r*niL, Mo., lajr. lilh. ir-39. —1 ea av>i klm Uka klgli m ter v 1 c.r ssaalKime froie iry <w\ Veiria4E. I wh.k*rv#*ii> ]nf*.*3 brark dUeaee, ylemivy arii rhoiiaAVutr) !c*- { SI jrtarc, vac ktf. $d Hy the very ta. A pk/tUITAS #a3 ai *? dol lar*. tiled avry finoTm rwe'7 *•; 'k aut relief. X have amlj Us r* one hsitla ©f yeurP. P. P., rl oaa cheerfully uf.7 it ku doa* h jfoed tka aßjrtkiif l have aver V i* I mu roeauaad ywr nedlelma w aril uosarora of the abenre dlaeavee. PjMPIK, BLOTCHES &HP OIfsOBES CATARRH. MAURia, Kloi€y TROUBLES M DYSPEPSIA Ar* saHraly nntea by P.P.P. —Trlshly Ah. D*# Boo* aaS ?***■ etuu, the groaeset blood itwrldoc oh earth. . iiwißiMßw, 0,. July 31,1*61. Mn-w:v Urms aaos., lavaantth, Oa. I Übak Bra* -I feonrht * hottle ef your T. f P. St Kt BpiUn*,Ar|[.,aai4 It he* done me nore qmxl t>han three non the' troaimoat at the Hot tlpaaqs. Hood thro* bottle* 0. O. IX BMOMtually your*. .. . JAfl. M. HBWTOW,, Brooa Ooaaty, O. Oajtf. i. a. Jahussa. ?h all nkom it step inwru I hero i atrorud for several years with aa w oljhtly end dlecxroeabla arnptloa on uiy teee. 1 tried eyery knows rests. y bu. In ynlu.nntll P. p. P. was used. and am ne\r eatiroly cured. (BlXued by) J. D. JOHNBTOIL Saranaab, CM. Bhla Caaesr dared. IbsMiariw/rem It* Mayer tf AaywdK^hat Snquur. Twk., January It, Ut3, urrHAK Bitos., Si vai.neh, Ca.. Geiilla*i<tn~i have tried your P. I*. P. fur n dlsettsfi of the *l£ lu. ueuALly known -.o skin "cncor.of thirty years’ Btaadta*. aad onnd stoat relief: it p.trlil'tliv blood and remove* all tr t'.K&eioa froa tiio seat of the Aleeaee aad prTnt* oay apreadlßS of l'o sr.w. I havo tnkou Ivaorelx bottles foal oonfadua’-, tkntaaotker eouraa vi.: itoct a oare. It bae ale# roliered rr r.-nn Ir.dle ellee and atcuiaob •e-iK.bje. i'Crtir* trnlr, OADT. W. M. KUIJT, Attorasp at Law. cex E! r.!sE mm mi fm. —ll Dxuaoiavs bill it. L2PPRMAM SgOS. PBOP&ILTOBS, IiIVpSEUUt’B ——i ——BS