The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 31, 1895, Image 3

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'Ve have just received the largest shipment 01 bed room suits ever < - . V; v ; ■- - (brought to Athens- Caught a factory hard up and bought them cheap- We intend giving our customers the be/iefij pf shj§ lucky purchase. ' Don’t miss this opportunity of fixing up your room cheap. The bast aseortment of Rocking Chairs, Lounges, Tables, Hall Racks, Parlor Suits and - v.-4 . .;<•!*. *• - V * * Furniture in the city. If youw*nt GOOD FURNITURE we have itand'jrou will find it just as represented, < ■ j Local Hs^jflgs, £♦* Items of Interst to ‘'Free State” People Picked" UP by MONITOR REPORTERS. AM NaMM M la •Mn.MaatMati aaut^ PmUm a..ska vv i**Hj vi|iiiii‘**eifißi| fH<n t ■antoaia. Viators, Etc. Jomt of th* Danielsvillian* at tended the commencement at Bowman thia week. Mrs. R P Sorrell* visited her daughter Miaa Eva, in Athens, last Sunday. Miaa Era has been quite sick recently, Messrs John Montgomery and Bob Quillian of Harmony Grove, was in town last Sunday. Mias Fannie O’Kelley and broth er Stephen, visited their uncle, Mr. W A Tolbert in Pittman district, last Bunday. 2000 yards Lovely Crepon dress goods, others get 15/ to 20c. Lon nie Greene only asks 12$/. Also has Hats trimmed “exactly” to match. The grandest selection of spring goods ever in the Free State will be shown at Lonhie Greene’s this sea son at Danielsville * and Comer. Priceajhs l&r as the 1 la&kt. • 1 ' Fiinbe Williams who was bond ed'ltmt of jail by J O Daniel, ,sAw frtfto seek other parts, and was chptured, and he now rests behind tbfe bars again. J" V Two jail birds were taken out on bond last week. J W Freeman of Alvin, was in town to-day. S C O’Kelly was in Athens Mendey, ? f , Dr. T I Griffith and wife were in the Classic city Monday. J 0 Daniel and daughter. Miss Addie, visited Athens Monday, Lonnie Greene will sell yon white lawn from 2sc yd., up, at Danielsville or Comer. Another handsome line of spring and summer goods, just received and the price is below xero, at L E Greene’e, Danielsville & Comer. L E Greene is having some re pairing done on the Carrington house on North street. This will bd one of the most comfortable sod commodious houses in tewn when completed. S C Dobbs of Athens, who has been suffering for a long time from blood poisoning, died on last Sat urday. Mr. Dobbs had maay friends in this county, and his mahy acts of kinditess to them will not ba forgotten. 1 • *’ ■ t/. .. . ■■■•> f Great bargains to be had in spring dress goods atL E'Greenes Danielsville and Comer. Opposite the Post Office, E H. and W. F, Horsey, Next door to Davison and Lowe, Athens, Ga, News. : Hr. Billy Gober visited relatives near Harmony Grove Sunday. Mr. ,> ;Fielding Bates of Jackson visited relatives and friendf ini'this community last Sunday, Ben Graham and Charley Dan iel were in this region Sunday, much to the delight of the young ladies. Come again boys. Xwis Chandle* covered himself /with glory Saturday night at th* debate:-"He made an eloquent speeoh, which held the audience spellbound, Eddie G’Kelly also trade a good speech. Some claim that all the blue are were frozen during the winter. Billy Gober says this is a mistake as be has found several of the& nests. P D Hardinan says that he wants aa hour when he gets up to kptfh before the debating society. The young people are taking a great deal of interest in Sunday school, whioh shows thatjtheir hearts are right. All who fail to attend fhe liter? ary next Saturday night will be made to regret it. The program is a rich one. Some instructive essays will be read, The boys have some fine speeches memenz eds aid they do not intend to be outgone by the girls, as was !the case at the first and last me# ting. Messrs B D Bone, P l) Hardman, and L M Chandler will make origi nal speeches, Two darkey bur lesque speeches will be delivered. The exercises will begin at 8 Uncle Steve will begin nis speech by singing * short song. one, come Chandler, our [regular su perintendent failed to get to Sun day school last Sunday," and Mr. Willie Chandler from near Pleas ant Grove took his place. Willi* makes a good superintendent, and we hope he will compagain.On ac count of the singing there was not as many out as common. Quiila Carter has .arrived from Moon’s Grove, and he looks very bad. W* would like to know what was the matter with him. Elder M J O’Kelley went to Brush/ creek Sunday, In our literary society next Saturday • night Uncle Stove, a dark complected fellow, will make a speech, and will be followed by Uncle Sol. W# hop* for a good crowd. Rain in abundance. Some *f our young people at tended singing at Berea Sunday. S L Chandler attending meeting at Berea Sunday. LJMsT would like for the boys to let Mr. Wright alone when he is speaking, and 'not - talk tv him about the girls, as it embarrasses him* Wbet wheat there" ie is, as good as we commonly see. E. H. & W. F. DORSEY, From Jeptha. |4tL Brooks is the biggest sheep' fighter in the county when hs has a box to get inte; but when the sheep butts the box from aroued him he says it is time fer bins to get away, and he only hits the ground in the highest places to th* fence, and says to himself, “Didn’t I get eff slick,” A large; crowd from Jeptha was in Comer last Saturday as it was a wet day. ame* Compton carried 10fib* of ham to Comer th* other day. Jim ie one of ear faro ers who make ev erything at home, *-*flffr#k of nature. Mrs. J W King say* she had a hen that sat o* 11 eggs and earns off with 12 ohieh? ens, and left on* egg in the nest whioh proved to be addle. * J 8 Veon says, the grass ie eo thiok in hie cotton that it grows, James Compton lost his 130 cow the other dag* If you waaAto find James Dudley on Saturday jbet go to Comer. J. E ./Parham was all smiles Sun day, all on account of a certain young lady getting a registered let ter. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Ferd Moore has lost his mind and has to be kept chained in his room. te-MriT. Becky Carrington breathed her laet Sunday morning at her home near Cedar Grove, and was bnried at Lystra on Monday. She loaves many relatives to mourn over their loss. —— '■ ——■ • Bethaven Dots. ■ _> . Ei>s.* Monitor: —Seeing you haven’t a regular correspondent in this section of IJie ’'Free State”) I propose, if agreeable, to give you news occasionally. Mr. Jule McKinney left Wednes day for Texas. He will find a ranche life not as pleasant as an ticipated. Cow-boys are compell ed to undergo many hardships while “punching cattle” a# they term it. j Rev. J. H. Simmons, of Daniels- 1 ville, preached an excellent sermon at Bethaven recently. His subject was the carual mind. I am glad to see so much inter est manifested in the sunday-school at Bethaven. It is not equaled, IJdon’t think, by any sunday school in the county. Mr. Joe Hodgson. of Athens, re our super intendent, and he has missed only a few Sundays in five years- He is the right man in the right place. On* of the Bethaven boys after a rain endeavor to cultivate a mustache received the following from his best girl: The hardest stoee will maeh. By the constant blows of hammer-. And the tons ten t shaving of the Hpe. Will eemetimas spree* mnsteehe." He tried again .and that time he did not fail, much to the admira tion of pittying friends. Lookout Jim, I am on to the racket. Stop and consider those great bargains before buying your goods elsewhere. | Money saved is money made f Straw Hate from 10c to 12.60 k White f||rte V 60c to #2.00 s *■ * .. jP 1 Colored Shirts from 86c to s2,(x/ ' f Suits from $4,00 to $26.00. •: Childrens suits from $1 00 to SIOOO Everything else that is kept in a FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING STORE in proportion: Remember Ur motto: WE WILL NOT BE UNDEROLD. Examine -our stock and we will convince you, we mean whafw6eay. .{’ MRS. CARRINGTON DEAD. ' Mrs.Rebecca Carrington who ha* been sick from dropsy for a good long while died on last Sunday morning, and was buried at Lys tra burying ground on Monday. She had been a consistent mem ber of the Baptist church for some years, her membership being at Vineyard Creek when she died. % *he lived a Christian Kfe and died in (he taith of her savior, expressing her will ingness to meet her Lord arid not fearing death. l&Jjw' has fpm to reap her reward, Hvißg behind Husband, children, t*pt friends to mourn her loss. &: " . * Rev. Mr. Barbsr will preach at the Presbyterian Church here on 2nd2Baturday, June at 8 o’clock p. m. and on Sunday following at 11 o’clock a. m. ABOUT THE INSTITUTE. . i By your pernriUefon 1 will give to th* inquiringjiublic the follow ing ideas of thj&Tto cher's Institute begin here on Monday June 17th: The law requires all toachsrs holding a license, who have not permanently retired from teaching, to attend, and any other person who will observe the rules of tl e institute can attend. The purpose of the Institute, is for the teachers to exohange ideas and thus get all the information possible on teaching; or teach each other how to teach. W# will have Profs. D L Earnest and L k Landrum two of the lore most young educators of the state, with us during the week as experts in normal teaehing. Ex-8. 8. C. Bradwell has promised to be with* us a-day or two during th# Insti tute, and maybe other distinguish ed educators. We will have an organ or piano, andchave music at recesses. Tse people elugUd attend these lust&utes and ceSwhat their teach ars tfre doing, and encourage them to mjeke greater efforts in their Work. All friends to education are specially invited to attend the In stitute. We will try to make it both pleasant and profitable. Rsep’T. B. N. Whitr, C. 8. C. NOTICE. o>rie-~Ma4laaa afesty: •t*eklad, lete af aaideunatr decaaaad. attar hsriar aade will Bkd teeMoeat, ia w h(eh V I Paadwyler.dee'd im Me Baaaiaatad a" •*?***; / the axaootar of 2 M -X.g Deadwylec. dee'd, havlaff refaaad *• ooalify aaeseeator of the Mid lazeliae MrictlMd. dee'd. Thia ia; therefore te cite ell pereons coneeraad to be at ay of *•* dwt Mbday to Jaaa aezt to * h JJ C O’Mglljr C S C or eome rrope- pereoa boa Id aat ba TMatfay 7thfi. QC oZuTcZT lAIMY HOOD'lf hw ** Mead* UrmpuVU ia Ota heat, ■aat reliable aad aatßMpliiliaa (ha |MfIM ■haa MaMhaa ffiwiicww. PtVvD v 9 vURISp Pure Mountain Corn Wkiskey For nle by J, H. Scoggins, T. H- Riddling, Manßger. COMER, GA. Our mountain corn whiskey ia ab solutely pur*, Not even a small headache in a whole barrel. We also handle the beat Rye whiskies, Brandies, Gin, Beers, Cigars, etc. Our bottles are full measure I and wo guarantee to treat you ] fairly, When you come to Comer give**l3-4 call. Respect. SIBOO.OO OWEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. wtib M InprMt upon St public U Id that IT’S THE SIMPfaBrFQVUL INVENTIONS THAT YIEOD FORTUNES, —** bo“eSnHpJoSwMcbcuubucuUycM us ITM NOT SO HARP AS IT SEEMS. p. cf tbucrkocr, aW a emiptim of Mi Hwm&i. oMOMiooIh. main ABemmaioMkac tuietly ccuMcoilcl. (iHii'iere AoicriCM mao rOfOlfff rSMEtd, ' 6§F Street, N.W., .. WeeMagtow, D. C. mi Beginning on Monday Next, Of Faabionabla Bprinß and Bummer MiMoery of every description. Our Madieon county friende are hapecially invited to attend this aale. Remember to eome aext week* GRfcAT R£DU3TI ONB IN EVERY LINE, Misses Bradberry, Athens, Ga, Clayton street. J, R, Crawford, -—Dealer in— Dry Goods, Groceries and Gener al Merchandise. Wag6n yard ac commodations free for all at pres ent. Will furnish beds it 10c per head. Meals reasonable. Also runs a first class blacksmith and repair shop. Good hors* shoeing a specialty, lam running a beef market, and will pay the highest market price for fat cattle, * sheep, goats and hogs. Come one, come ell. I| miles rom Athens on Danielsville road. JMHIiB 1 •S.WWUCfi.seeum, ■Tn w ® RK 'NMIiiA vSHI ML I w< **tra pins* ” w. £rSu3n a $4 shoes All our sheas are equally eatietactery Dealers everywhere. Mafcfed agents to take exclusi**sii* ii thi* vicinity. Write it om# sJNUi ■■f| ■ If TtebSSwes esaeaefeS. a^T^7 •t0f1. 164 k—lrtkMA rlmkn iSi ' Wmum’S^