The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 31, 1895, Image 4

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Brooks and Power, Comer, will sell you the best 25ets Tobacco o n Becord, ._ /•*, }&. - „ ♦ • -f , i liiE BiU SHI UMENI fi im the E S fti Urey assignment lids arrived and we will commence the Greatest Sale Monday that Athens ever had. Everything runst te cold iefore cur New MniUling is completed. Come this week if you want new and desirable goods at marvelously low prices. - Murk Down Sale* 6f wool (took. : s■>.oo Pattsrni suits red timid to $3.50. 0.50 Pattern suits reduced to 4.00 4 j^ 7.50 Pattei n suits reduced to 4.50 ’’*^■l 8 50 ■l'attt : n suits reduced to 5.' 0 P’.OO Pattern suits icdnccd to 7.5 f > 12 nO Pattern suits' reduced to 8.50 1 .00 pain in suit* reduced te 0 50, Now is your chance to secure stylish dress tt a disecunt of 33 I 3 per cent. 12 1-2 o li>r silk stripe Chatties. •. lUe for wool I bailies, worth 12 I 2c fur wool Ciepons. ail eMps, worth 26c. 20 lor wool ( lepuns; *ll 250 fur .Si'otylPchsViat.-.,. worth 40e, DEEP <P i in prices of every line of colored wool dress goods, including-!street and cveinug shfidcs. TSm&e* hiiUisi. Nuns Veiling, Albatross, Henriettas, King, e, and Crepene, xV salts to be missed ou Wool Dress Goods n’t Davison Lowe’s. •“ iLKri. cm lot jiiat rcceiv and for i shirt wrists. Tritnoiitig and H.vonti.g Silk.--, Black and colored satin Dnche*, Pou <'* oire ei-igali ,e, Fails and Moral for skiius and Presses. ( this week it" want silks. Best Indigo Prints, 350 dress pattern, •’> els loif good Outiug elotlfc, worth Bc. 8 I 2 ■ fer*Dmtk doth, plain and farcy worth 12|c B.j,c tor solid linen clnimfiv.ys, worth 16c. 41c fur for Figured law a, worth 0 wilts. I ’ < Clayton Street, A t liens,a.< Hood’s Cures -Mr. lUmora I*. Shflt Of Akron, I ml. Cancer oivtfjo face Entirely RcmoV'ctd by Urea Bottle off Hood’s \ " I wish to male* m* rtitV-mcnt for Urn boneSt of jvoplo that way bo tifffrylny wjtu that dread. and disease, cancer. For IHm l hare bad one ooinlnsoatuj face. I tried bavins Hfciuwisd •m and several otiitr rtmie-iles, Imtall of no Avail until I was induced to try I food's S.impa filla. While tnkhi t’m firM buttle X could see • marked ohatige and th.u'thlru bottle or , entirely returned the erufer. i rjur’t terv too tuu li for Mood's SsmspesXXU. Vot years til'd to lie careful about my diet but now I can eat and dtec-tt It all vijclit, sleep well at HOI 'did In IWMieet like a iiowiv.nn.” TioioKa aVSn ~l.l\ Akron, Ind. “The above testimonial is wholly noscUa* Hrd. I sold Mr. Shell Hood’s Sarsaparslla and can vouch for tho truthfulness of ids state went He is au-old soldier uirin rcsSu toa risk rao."J. Ju GAn .' Qot), Hood's Pitfe are purely*K? tail , rinrtde nor w ttiijic, soidfcy ,ji dtiimua [ fcfs'fi', ■ •' ir i -T'-T | pi l r a wm . Uliruiin 0 EiCfurntt’ niiiuyyc i-LsiLijf Sw saKUMJI ik ie. - ntfoip WlS>rvntt:.; •* t.s . j v * >ll ..... 1 rtjK ttf .. .. | ♦n*. Ot-ri ..M \ii fft ; ' I •*.*. if> *o£.**\ i-■) r**b .. Bvvt k.v,'/v 0 . (, i cst. rb 1 !<•* )t o* Slfe wiSkt. " is *k . jYW'. • HUM ttr s .-e .".suv. * *;• c- • • |XVi **i-. Vue >*, itl. .F yC-'i* •!*. } • S ; tl LB*T, ;• ;• ;.C.' t;. ;' ' ’ -if* t 'v ' -V T . __ i l i V' *v#s y..-. f V ....v--.... . ■ v ,/ fti v .- i .. ** i'.’.i ' ind all worn out *v*r RUOCS'B XEO3 i;**,; *. . WI3BK, OF m ~ -M SW® JBl*. H? D A VIS 0 ! N l LOWE'S Do You See Spots before you in the sir? That’s 1 your liver’s fault. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Head ache and Biiliousnvsa arc all your livcr's-fault. Symptoms o( a Disordered Liven Pain in baci. side and ohaoidjr'-. ft , bad ta.'tc in tine racutli, coated tongue, general drowsiness, f.’: . tiou bad,! nils train the stomach, lota . of appetite, s >ur and r! k etomaclf,' habitual uostiveniss, dote before the i eyes, s In endow, eyes yellow, ner- 1 vousnsss, pimples ou the bee,’dry cough, cor. turrd mind. ’ At the ' first appearance' of these sytr ptoms call ou your merchant for a bottle of ! #ani'Neiirairtio (jUREr it goes straight to work ou the, liver. It cleanses this organ i makes it active again —purifies your blood and yxm're -cured, f Aek.Yoitr Drjiggbt Or Merchant For It, ' COLLHW&NEWMAN,. Sale Proprietors, • Knoxville, Tenn. i* 1 >-vsf >. jg v*."^h-wCTtrl >' ••*' ■•'- MALM. • . J'cM rcipcOy tfrr til llMwft and . £; - i- v'. v “<•)• st jit.wut fott. S.Tcf- J “.i ,1 :. it, i vtfk. )V!*( XkcßH -'’•>■ -• a .vd i ittwclionur ' tot>.eb.uie#tU;cer. TJly.; > . ,• .-. cvti.-v. (icht * •> up vlrsV-'.i.• ■'SUte ’ ■ ir-tp. ;.i t- virtue than aJ, ten cl J. buUda mi th bvwlUi ■ ■ L r, - - ■ Xfi>? StiiM f WVm.i ' *■; m ... tt, -ic?nv up a. i. * - .'-i .‘.qi v ; I ■' net by your local druggist, rend ! * f . . * Conte, or iiPb for six b*t * j . -Vl* V&i® C 9. 5 3>- M*L* .us , Liver Trou t '.• a ,i*.' f use tv .. -U s gITYiS 8 1 -3ufor fine Zepher Ginghams, worth 12 1- 2c, r 500 ji'l#’choice Ginghams sc, 4 fine sea island. —Of printed Lawns, Dimity, Organ* dies, swuss nd molls. Come .this week while the slock is full. Every thing bright and new White Goods Sale. 1000 yds fine white lawn lOcts. 1000 yds fine white lawn Do value 25c. 1000' yds fine check muslins 8 l-20, value 12 l-2c 1000 yds fine check muslin ]oc. value 15c. 1000 yds fius check muslin 12 lr2c value 20 c. Full ltd* White Organdie*, plain and figure dswiss costumes, cloths and Jackouots. wash good?. Percale, Ducks, CheviettJ, figured Pique, French and Scotch. Zephyr G&ghams. 'Puis stock has just been ‘.replenished and now brim full of choice things. 100 dozen Towels from the .(affray sale, just arrived and- will he on sale .Monday, This will be the best and and cheapest lot of towels ever sold in Athens. Don’t fail to attend this sale if yoh want Towels, The prices rang!? from 5 cents to 50 etc is, UMBRELLA SALE. 1000 new Umbrellas and'Parasols for ladies and children on sale Monday, Good fast black umbrellas from 50c tu-H.ot) each. * t hildrens pi,tin and fancy parasols from 25c to $1.50. Now is tli] time to buy Umbrellas _ THE MONITOR;- PCBUSHED EvSttT PiiIDAT. ■ is*oNl2 DOLLAR A YEAR. _ f Moseley & McGcwac. Eds. anti Props. . TJ. From Boggs. The young ladies 5 f our city Hnd the visiting young ladies, hail their • fortunes tuJll last Saturday. *> Mrm.- ~\Y IT Bullock is visitiitg hey b-rpthet’, J 1) Loiig of Gavl ’toii', in rospoiiiis to a tel?gram stating that he whs dangerously ill. Buy. ,T R King administered the, 1 ords supper to his church on laet Sunday night. § Willie tie accomp lished assistant teachci' of Dan* ie|sville High school, spent Friday night and-Saturday with Misses Susie and Willie Sorrell*, Thu dchatr t Moons Grove ®ol bonso is It complete success, i tweets evertw Saturday night. The query for fhe next Tehdte is: thotKloluinlHiH doservea } rehjlor honor for disco voting Vmerica ; than Washington for de fending it. . 'LI M~p~ 1 A li'f\ Pifl Hock ia visiting hen- this weeks- While Misq?Li: a doesn't expri-as he lself in Urn mat ter, wo. think is considering whether or uoLshe will be a Ba ker. "mP'"-'' L **t veiyj ®f .ojyp 4 young rhople ‘consisting of AJieaes Dora olooul fwviw and Wjllie Aorrells, atid’.T A‘ (Liffith; G F and Lrithor a id others, went up to Ileres • tp a singing Sin day, .and we learn that they all camera -.k hungry, c , /VII persont Rro-iwrby-warped , under pensiltv of, the Jaw, not to hi..i'or hwhr.r,* one Saui' Hjidsqn, > el„ 'as he is under contract wiife me Till July l*st iSft?, and 1 wiH prowoute to the ex'emuf tile'lkw. This April 18th tFHo • J R. II MAN’S. | • - - mm* • ■■ i..- Groat, tuirgaiiis to 1-. j had i \ spring dress gdi>ds at L E Greenes’ i 1-aniclsviUo and 0-:>Ber. Represents 11 .e no [ shrinkage in property value in the South and West, according to the tax returns officially recorded,for 1894,as^com pared with 1893. T A decisive eoiil-ot is to-be foiv.lxt between now and-tbe next Presidential election for F n F?.H]E] GOINAGB^- THE PEOPi.E’S WON E Y—tho coinage of both gold and siivar, Without diserimtna’ion, which means fh V free coinage i.f tioLli ;i ortpo.-M'd !-> ilk' |i ti'.'i of con'riSvioh. which has been clictittcd by England and adopted in AVashington, and ivhieh . levies tflbmc on every product of the faiui. on valuations of ah kinds and on all compensaions for labor. THE C.R EA T ISSUE N0 .7 islfic double standard against tjie single standard—the useof bothjjoldand silver as standard niuiiev luetais against' Uocping the currency of the country on the gold basis. Tlie ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTITUTION pnldi heIa’ : ATLAT'iI"A, GA.,ttd having / , • .... * A CIRCULAFION OF ,Yi C. £ HjtAaM 155,000, Chiefly the farmers of the country, and going to more homes than any weekly iawys’:.apc'r published on the face of the earth, is . ... . ... .. -/ The Leading Chamaion Of tie People in all tip! great.contests in which thpv are emraaed against tl>oexactions of monopoly. •THE CONSTITUTION IS THE BIGGEST. ANU BEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER pubiisln-.! in America, covering the 10-v.-s-of the v.orid, having eorreapon in Ain-rfc.i, add in iqe capitals of Europe, a:id topdltlng in full the dc: alls of datwica in iOongijjss orr all spies’thrta of public fnCer.s:. ltd, ; -..5..,,- -/m. ...THE GRJTAT. SOUTHERN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, aud as the exponent oi Sjiuhent opiuiun and tits purveyor Southern news ii hn; no ct]uul on ihe-contiiu-nt, " r ( ' . ■ r*.J I An enlargement of 12 columns. To meet the demands upop its space for news, The Constitution will increase its sixe during the summer to 12 pages, 7 columns, making 84 columns each week. THE CONSTITimOYS FEATURES ; *. ,o ° nd H . a 7 The Farm and Farmers* Department, Ths Women’s Departnierlt, The Children’s Department, rreal* nn-ler •.ib'.o cl’rp.*ti'r.i i’>*l .ire s;> • :a!!v atrr touv- : Rt<ne t whom t’i3s <1 -ruins ace td.tre.H.sail. I 'nuerUu eiiiUrrial m . i t •*! * J. A lili fciOW KLT, its st eci ji vOntrllmkf rs of Birch Vofnlrwide reputation as Murk 1 wnfn, llarie. Kt H-uK U. v t/t K.-.n, .idi i LiiaatlU r if.i!-ri , :t*rAv Ili*aHt*u, 411 U hun'[r3<ls of other??, while it offers wRr-kijr Fervioo from Hitrii writers as ri:i Ar>, '•arg '. piooi.t-M , ATkl*uc* Pnu;{f L Sraif<m, and othois, whogiVe its literary f6itttreiApiicalMr i k u itiUsni il.tvur (hat caiiiiiteiKl. it io*\ rtn>M- fr;Hi \ ;i',;inia t 'tVxa>. from Mi>evh*'j tQi CatifOfnia,' • ‘ * .- *’ lie whole tl*i y am! failure tftl.ritiy: h<* relief in matters T : * ronti*tHoi tuft her.ihleil, iu bchsou mul out. ItiU trews, it bn* givi n piaTn taiiuiiiiil uatdranves.m'ua the eiltot ol the tnuiming and misguided policy of wreckage a‘nU more Loads, which evei..j havje siu>wbe pit'plutic in thi ir unerring and iectncaft. ; • * * *- • *. STRAiGHT, CLEAN, UNTRAMiVIELLED, ' TIIK CON •TlT’’ lii )N . • inrantfi ot- t hi* people sh.All*not Ik* ’nine thei* in ters. :<y ?]><• ;xl amiouiie. il clkcwliere iu this issue. " - -V' T-r >*.' ‘i- y *2&>; Li k3f>vi TOT 1‘- < >**: V V*• ■ * r-; '. 7-FfF.y lilM D. i. ' r :F‘ ' *’.•> : -ynif.* * . O'- p' i &•-.. y- i IfeSlFfi-- • *%x ’ . - .• I— .s, !m - • BIG SALE—This week of Hosiery for ladies children and seen 5 to 75cts pair. Cotton Lisle and silk. SALE OF—Ladies and children* under vests from 6 l~4c to 50e each. 25 dozen ladies Pure silk Vest 50c. good $1 quality Sal* of silk Mitt* and Gloves, embroideries and Luces all at reduced price, JBIG SALE THIS vVEEK Mattings, Lace curtains, chenile portiere, and Ta ble •co\. re, Smyrna rug* and Window shades. This stock must be sold before our new building is completed. Prices will be the lowest ever known. Come this week if you need housefurnishing goods. 50 piee s aew and pretty Table Linens will go in tliix sak, - P'f ' - - * ' Millinery, i ■ iiii g new and pretty.' We make it a rule to ;y l 1.-- every hat trimmed in this department, Whether cheap, medium or fine. 800 Sailors 25c cents, regular 40c grads, 850 Sailors 85 coats, regular 50c grade. 25<> Childrens Lawn caps and bonnets to close out Davison and Lowe Handle Thompson’s Glove Fitting Corset, 50cts. 2.50 each. ■ $500,000,000 '4Sfat Great Western ORGAN Hawtwser Ths Em Finest ef AH. rwSPI- W&leei,iarUiPaatls, Efogant Ftnith. M&rx a >lkflwrricXfrr #*• with a pure slnglaß ■•y. V-k'M.trt-rii2S.--4 A tono, front tkn mIM whZvJr t > lota, to . ?V ’m tho grand hsivoay of an orokootra. lO stops, S • - "?• ..-• V 3 octavo*, 4 sot* of roods aad a-u, ,||in ■ M* NEW STYLE 21’MS,* ONLY *BO and We Pay the Freight. Phillips Cos,, Atlama, Sa. ,ST