The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 07, 1895, Image 4

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J, R* Crawford, —Dealer in— Dry Goode, Groceries end Gener al Merchandise. Wngon yard ac commodations free for all at pres ent. VV ill furnish feds at 10c per head. Meals reasonable. Also runa a first class bl ckamilh and repair shop. Good horse shoeing a specialty. lam rnnning a beef market, and will pay the highest market price for fat cattle, sheep, goats and {logs. Come one, come all. 1$ miles tom Athens on Danielsville road. Local Happenings, Items of Interst to ‘ Free State” People Picked UP bv MONITOR REPORTERS, Aa4 Raatfid Cat In Small ■ d!*uthll* m u ts It Caaily •igeated - - - Births, Oeatiis, Marriages, Visitors, Ctc. I Several attended the CMUdren* Day exorcises nt Ccmcrjfct Sunday. C (jfyfcrook and family were V’i K Tolbert ami wife last 1 S iiday, Lonnie Greene will sell you, white lawn from 21c yd., up, at Oanielavill.o or Comer. Apotbrr handsome line of spring and surtimer goods, just. received and the price is below zero, at L (I) Greene’s,Danielsvilb) dssComer. B N W] iio has been spend ing saveral days at Carlton this week, visiting Mr. J D Long who has been dangerously sick with ty phoid fever. L E Greene was in Bank* coun ty on “busines*” Sunday and Monday. 2000 y&rd* Lovely Crepon dross goods, others get to 20c, Lon nie Oreeno only asks 12£e'. Also has Hat* trimmed ‘“exaotiy” to match. The grandest selection of spring goods ever in the Free Stale will be shown at Lonnie Greene’s this sea son at Danielsville and Comer. Prices as low as the lowest. We have had sortie hot weather this week. This is good on cotton but tough on the farmers and stock. K W Adams off to Batiks county lie has a (Burn)ing make these trips often. Rev. Sisk gave his congregation a nice little talk last Sunday on the Baptist churcMHbj origu and progress. Represents the net shrinkage in property value in the South and West, according to the tax returns officially recorded, for 1894,as com pared with 1893. V A deoisiv. contest la lo h foujlH bolwodh now and tlio next Presidential olcctlon for THE PEOPLE'o MONEY- tho coina<j&t>f both gold and siivar, without discrimination, which means t!i t™> coimt-c ;.r 1..U1, onjH^-,1 1„ dm P dley of cpotiMehm, which ha, been dictated by En S Uhd and adopted in and which loviw tribute oil every product of the (arm, on valuations of all binds and on all e.w:|. t ,n*.ith>ns for labor. THE GREAT ISSUE NOW lathe double sUndnrd Rcainat tlia single standard—thu use of both 'Mid and stiver is Wvilini an.uey mcUU against keeping Uid currency of lho country on the gold basis ° ' ‘ The ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTITUTION published • ATLANTA, GA., and bavin? A C, ?S4-A?SCvl l S^i^,m,h k fiJon A t!l!- fa ,n °' : ““ of lhe co, ' ,>trjr ' nn,i S° ,n 3 t 0 more homes than r a S^s!-.Txi° n . 1 0f , t o he X?°-'^!" :,:l U,, ‘ " *Wd. they arc cr.?a?cd again,, theoxr.cions of monopoly WEEKLY NEWSPAPER in America, in full lie di ’ails of debates In "“•‘ Ulsuf E “ ! " 1 THE Sa^Tn^?iV^ l^S-V V ol?iK^u^Y!' SPAPER - SllJ - **• opni.m and the parlor of An enlargement of ta columns. To meet the demands upon its sp nic for new*, The Constitution will increase its size during the summer to 12 p.i R es, 7 columns, making 8 , columns each week. THE CONSiIIUriOiYS SPECIAL FEATURES are such a * are n>t to b f jnj in any other paper in America The Farm and Farmers’ Department, The Women’s Department. The Children’s Department, Hrrt H Krai.k It. Morkuii,, .lu*i t l.audlrr Hari i-, Hci.r ll„,„{|, ,1.1 i hl.V*,?' * m>l * ", r ’.' L '" uU ' re,nu.-iti.:n a Wra wain, writer* KOI S-n. l l..„kei, SV.II.r. IV Itclll 1 Vrl.X I 1.1,i 'LV; *'< u ,ct, rs wki, .civic ,n.m surS ih*t It t<cvcr rirvhid* from Virginia to T\\*s. from Missouri cl n „ rn i l ' r itsliters ry leatuivs n peculiar .••outturn iUvtr Dunuf 1m wh*U Wlav and failure to bring the promised relief in (liuikmtl i.tAtr!'!- -n.. .. .. , , ~ , STRAIGHT, CLEAN, UNTRAMMELLED, TIJS W ° r ~ÜbH,,U" B ~™‘ w,u bl clubbed ir '!V TT,?:- . ;ow rit , .1 T Baker of Coiner was with us a fewtdays this week. Preaching at the Presbyterian church to-morrow at 8 p. m. an<l and Sunday at 11, o’clock a. m. |J| W M Brook- ofjNoese, was in town Monday attending Ordinaries I.'OUit. Great bargains to be .had in spring dres goods atL E Greene’s lianif l.wville and Comer. Hon. David W Meadow was in MilledgeviJle this week, attending the commencement exercises of the Girls Industrial and Normal Col lege. Mr. Meadow was appointed by the last legislature as one of the visiting committee to this insti tution. John R Gunnels, one of Pitt man’s most substantial farmers and a good friend to the Monitor, was in town Monday. I M iaa Willie Quinn, the popular assistant of' the 'school here, left j last Saturday to visit her friend I Miss Dora Carson of Banks coun ! ty. -'’he will also visit friends in 'Gainesville before she returns to her home in Wilkes county. Miss | Willie lias made, many friends here j who wish her a pleasant vacation. ! JAIL BIRD GETS AWAY. • Prince Williams, col., who has b*on confined in jail here for some ' minor offences, made a daring 1 dash for liberty last Sunday even- i ing and was successful in escaping. | When Sheriff Brooks went to J feed the prisoners at supper, lie had Home of them helping him ar range thing* for the night, which they all seemed willing to do, when Prince picked his chance and put tho jail between him and the sheriff, then made a dash and ' was gone- A posse was organized and dogs j placed on the track, but he could ' 1)0 tracked no further than the riv ' er, w here he was lost. Brines can run like a deer and has wind like a grey-hound, and when he once gels the start is hard to catch. Sheriff Brooks will catch him, and will see to it that I he does escape again. A FREAK. George W Mann brought tlio latestifcuriosity to town this week, lie ha<! n hen setting on some tur key eggs, and when she hatched off he found one in the nest that had four well developed lego and three wings. The little turkey was dead "Imh ho found it. Tiiis is an unu sual freak of nature, and was dif ferent from anything we had ever seen. Tho legs came from the body, two just behind tho wings, and the other two about an inch behind them, while Ihe thirl wing was behind the two hind logs. This freak breaks the re’ cord. $500,000,000 Pure Mountain Corn Wkiskey For sale by J, 11. Scoggins, T. H- Riddling, Manßger. COMER, GA. Our mountain corn whiskey is ab solutely pure. Not even a small headache in a whole barrel. Wo :;L> handle the lost Rye wh ski s, Brandies, Gin, Beers, Cigars, etc. Our bottles are full measure and we guarantee to treat you fairly. When you come to Coiner give us a call. Respect In *• i Poor Health moans so much more than you imagine—serious and fatal diieii.vax result from trifling ailments neglected. Don't play with Nature’s greatest gift—health. „Hlm I, ii —i .i'ith i ii 11 .j Hyntm feellag i Kent at **-.**, (**•*" IS ■) . SvUmwl!r • , trfiPC F'/'ipV* V .->*, ■-■ •'®us, I 'Ai ii /• i J jjt *"• • ... Hit. f l tt Miocuk* , Ihrwi texssw.B \\li Inn Blt , Si .fj. A i&vr Wt- G i h !*n ,iri Cm~* . ijp”. 1 f'r - Lf.vt'. rtf* 4 It# & ftlUMttbt t ' irmc twi* .visr. mu -jmvjt * It Cures i 2yp< , -n.*fe*, ItfSwy mtf Uv " VrwtMlw, ! ' liWI StvowA • tVwscV> Mu*rv** r.-iCwsta ;. WeOTwC.'s w.wyVi’tVk ! c ( .-o- 'V* yvi r u r. iwi—t ra > S!iim \b. >' v\’k *r* r MHbHM r :-> Y Ijuayw {W CVMDIIVI f \r*.U vt*>4 ww v v •. ax' wWt£*fl i SV#'; * U A fc*Vfe—H|?4k y' Of *. KftLTlttffftt, M ChaptmfSl Bwt Busman CnJhce <> Hi* War Id. rwnsclto. I*> TMhrs ampUyiMl. Cos* f Fafl BMInAM JouweTlmilrisc c WTi s - r,irc,wbN. ky. “ FIRE IN THE MERCANTILE CAMPS ” c*s/jLssjL.. :■ ss-s./s-Jici/ I Stoog Proof ipst Lonnie Greene! 5000 yds first-class shirting prints @ i cents' other- get sto 6c. 5000 ;vds very best indigo blue prints '% 5 cents; others jjy?t 6cts. _ J Whiw Goods 15 per cent, under former prices. AmAniflceot line Cashmere, Imperials, Satin, Gloriiußpimity cords, Linen finish Lawns, Crepe dress gporis and various other goods of this class. A limited quantity “French Tartan” well worth 1.00 njy price is 75 to 90c. A limited quantity Woolen silk stripe cha'lie worth 35c riiy price is 22^c. A limited quantity of Foregn silk striped cha’ilie worth,'7sc my price is 56c, lOjtJ yds Trilby Piisse the latest dress g< ods out 12jjjc yd cheap at 20c. , I have sold over 000 yds of these huga'ii goods •n 12 hours and have plenty left lor you it you will 0; me now. Lap dusters nt 65c worth 90c. Linen Lap dust ers at 75c. worth 1.00. Linen L.p dusters at 103 worth 1.25. A hard to heat line of Ladies Trimmed Hats.; all new styles and beautiful. They must be sold in. 80 days at my price or yours. I*o3NraanES GHmESESNS Danielsville and Comer, \iP\y, oikr )TO ns for th next 30 days ever heard of before in the yu history of hard-times, we have recently had our store remoddled and * v are now filling it up with the choicest line of 4. •. . Goods, notions, Ladies and Misses Hate, Shoes, Etc Em brought to Cou, ll of which wj will a?U a? chovj a? any hn?H NOiril-SAST GEORGIA. FOR THE CASH. . We also carry a nice line of FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES which cannot be surpass* by any competition. We have on hand a lot- of COOKING STOVES, PLOWS AND PLOWSTOCK WAGONB HAR NESS and many other things in the Hardware whioh we,’ will close out at about cost. Don t forget to get our prices. We will certainly save you money, 4*' Bring us your produce, \ i . ■ J. T. Tinker & Cos. “Open and shut game 64 That’s what you want— -250 open and shut paper fans 7c worth 15c. 250 “ “ “ black “ 5c worth 10c. 250 open and shut black paper fans with flowers int 8c worth 15e. ! 800 Jap Fans beautifully" decorated at others 'gets 5 and 10c, " * i . 500 papers best 10c pins, will let them go at 5s 100 Ladies shirt 100 Ladies shirt waist at 89c cheap at 50c. A lovely line Ladies shirt waist at 1.25, SUSPENDERS. dozen at 19c others get 25c and 85c 25 dozen at 29c others get 45c 25 dozen at 83c others get s>c to 60c. dozen Elegant washable tiesal 10c cheap at 20c 25 dozsn braided ties at 25c cheap at 40c.* 200 dozen nice white Pearl buttons 5c dozen, others get 10c. 210 first class Hair Curlers 5c others get 10 to 15c 25 dozen men’s shirts at 19c worth 35c i 25 dozen men’s shirts, extra length 85c worth 50c These prices are the fruits of k lowing when and ! where to buy goods and are just a few pointers to [the many great bargains now or, sale at my houses.