The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 14, 1895, Image 3

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.... i , • . K Cuba molasses-in Hogsheads, as our Daddies |ad it, cheap at Brooks ami Power, Comer, Gtu A* WEBK. OP L3EIGATOS J9kJQP DAVISON X LOWE'S - J '''' * THE BIG SHIPMENT from t]ie E 8 Jaffrey assignment has arrived and we v. ill' commenitflie Greatest Sale Montlhv that Athens ever had. -Everything la list be sold before our New Building is completed. Come this week if you want new and dc irsble gbods at atarvelously low pripes. Mark Down Salt?. OP WOOL DLESS GOODS.' $5.00 Patterns salts rnluesd to §3.50. 6.50 Patterq suits reduced to 4.00 7.50 Pattern suits reduced to 4.50 8.50 Pattern suits reduced’ tolp-LP 10.00 Pattern'suits'hedtreed to 7.50 12 50 Pattest suits reduced to’ 8.50 15,00 Pattern suit* reduced to 9.50, Now is your chance to! secure a stylish dress at a discount of 38 1-3 per peat. 12 l-2c for silk stripe Chailie*. worth 20c. ' 10c for wool Chillies, worth 25c, 12 l-2o for wool Cic-pons, all shud-.s, worth 20c. 2()o for woo! Crepons, all shades, worth 35c. 25c for Scotch Cheviots* worth 40c, DEEP OFT in prices of every line 6f colored wool dress goods, including street and evening shades Tamise, Batlist, Nuns Veiling, Albatross, Henriettas Serges, trad Ctepdns. No sales !o l>s •missed on Woo Dress Goods at Davisou.rfc Lowe’s. BILKS,—New lot just received for \ shirt waist*. Trimming and Evening Silk*, Black and colored satin Ditches, Poh do Soire Bengaline, Fails and Moral for skirt* and Dresses- Come litis week if want silks. Best Indigo Prints, 35c dress pattern. 5 els for good Outing cloths, worth 3c, 8 l-2 for Duck cloth, plain t.ikl fancy worth 12|c Bi,c tor solid linen chamfrays, worth 15c. 4icJfor for Figured i.avrs, worth 6 cents. & ii©WE; • ;i|ayin Street, Atl'sens, lira 1 .. \ jHk 1 i J R CRAWFORD, —Dealer in— Dry Goods, Groceries and Gener al Merchandise. Wagon yard ac commodaiiohs free for all at pres ent. Will furnish hods al 10c per head. Meals reasonable,'Aln6' runs a first class blacksmith and repair shop, Good horse shoei'na a specialty, lam running a beef market, and will pay the highest market price for fat cattle, aheap, goats and hogs. Come one, come all. 1$ miles from Athens on D&nielsville |pd. Local Happenings, Items of Interst to ‘ Free State” People Picked UP bv MONITOR REPORTERS And Handed 9t in SreaH. SHouififuls so as ta So Easily Sigested—Sictii*; Beatas, Marriages. Visitors, Etc. # / Cicero G Wood of Paoli, was in town Tuesday. E, W Adame has been on the sick list this week . Miss Mattie Carrington lias been quite sick but is better now. Col. R H Kinnebr.v y.ah in Harmony Grove last Monday, J R Brooks, marshall of Co rner, was in town last Monday. Miss Rosa Bridges of Hull, t\as visiting Miss Dollie 0 Kelley last Sunday. Mr, Epheriatn Thomp on cf near Five Forks, attended preach ing here last Sunday. Lonnie Greene will sell you white lawn from y>j., up, at Dariielsvillc or Comrr. The whsat crop now i reported as being much better than was at first expected. M-rf. J A* Gordon .vieitejl the | fnrriild of bet' father, Mr, Charlie j Huff, near Comer this week. Some of- our correspondents seem to have forsaken us. Don’t quit now, the weathers too hot. Great bargains to bs>; had, in spring dress goods at.L E Gredhe.’s Danielavilie and Comer. < ' ‘Toijf Grimes and sister, Mies Ida, visited relatives in Jackson cnmty last Saturday, returning Monday. I. Tifid purchased a beautiful monument, which he will soon have erected on his lot in the the cemetery here. From the way some our people are talking abdhl, corn tastles and silks, they will soon be eating roasting ears. will renew our watermelon offer again this seamen,- so yon can begin preparations to raise that big melon. Rev. Barbor preached an inter esting sermon at the Presbyte rian church last Sunday, his sub ject being “the lore of Christ.” We are in reooint of an invita i tion to attend the University com | mcncement at Athens, which be- gins next Sunday and will attend if possible. yards Loveiv C Tenon dress goods, others got 16/ to 20e. Lon nie Greenp only asks 12-j/". , Also has Hats trimmed ‘'exactly” to match. v The grandest selection of spring : goods ever in the Free State will he I shown at Lonnie Greene's this sea ■ son at Danielriville and Comer. Prices as low as the lowest. Mrs. J F Sanders has purchas ed a handsome family monument and will soon have it placed iri the family lot in the cemetery here. This has been the quietest week we have seen in Danialsville for a long time. Everything here is perfectly qnist, and the farmers are taking advantage of the pretty weather to work out their crops. Next week the town will he lively as the teachers institute will be in session. Col. R. H. Kinnebrew was in Co mer last Tuesday, representing the <l. C. &. N. R. R. in some state cases, against parties for stealing <*ol from the cars.*., ji jc 8 l-2c for fine worth 155 I 2c 60tf' ? yn.rde p.hjjoe G-iosjtiS'ni'S sc, l-2c.rtr fine sea i*ud. ,* ... , T „ -aMfe.- p .. . . 1>1(t DraMftSr *Jf WM JDlJintV O rry-J ]!■, Coiee this wsek * hue tile sjock is’ full, every thing hrignt and new White’ goods Sale. y'* *<i-., ■ • ’?}?&■■ *.v*•' W ’I f and **■•'' 4 lOfli® yds line white lawn lOcts. 1000 ydp fine white lawn 15c value 25c. 1000 yds tine cluck muslin* 8 l-2c, value 12 l-2i) lOOQ yds muslin f®e. value 15c. 1000 yds fin* chwek muslin 12 lr2c Vdue 20c. Full lino Organdies* plain and figure dead** costumes, ulnths and Jackonets, WASH GOODS. Percals, Ducks, Chevietts, figured Pique, French ami Scotch Zephyr Ginghams. This stock ha* just been, replenished and now briuTfull of ehoioe things. .100 dozen Towels from the* .laffray B nle, just arrived and will be ■ sale Monday, This will be the best and and cheapest lot of towels ever sold i Athens. Don’t 1 aij t© attend this sale if you The prices range fre<n 5 cents te> 50 cents. UMlilijjfrXA SAtF. 1090 new Umbrellas and P.tnuols for ladies and ohildre* on sale Monday, Good fa ;t black umbrebus from *>oc to $4.50 each. Childrens plaui and fancy parasols from 25e to C l .50. Now is th time to buy Umbrellas Messr*: QuilJa Pittard and Johrt Williams, from Five Forks, was over to see us last Tuesday. ,-j Another handsome line of spring and summer goods, just received and the price is blr> zero, at; L fil 0 ! cone’s, Daniqjm \ le. & Comer, Wire. Caldwell, wife and son were arrested at Comer last Tues day for making away* with some chickens. -The evidence was not sufficient to hold Mr, and Mrs. Caldwall, bnt* their Hitle son Will | was placed' iitfner a bond for, his appearance at the next, term of our ; court for killing the chickens of another. i ’■ •**•- - • !■ From the itprmirnnco of t.he garden around Danie Wilie. the j people here will live for a little 1 while'providing they can gefc a lit tle hog to go with the “garden truck.” Beans, mid Irish' potatoes in abundance now, and blackberries will soon ripen and then we will be in clover. , ;r ■ WARNING, | All persons are hereby warned' not to hire or harbor in any man ner. one Will Sorrells, a mulatto about 6ft. 8 in. high. Said negro is under contract- with. me for tftp year 1895,-and I will proseeqte of-, fenders to %fhe full extent of the law. Tliis jviuy fst. 189br Id* B. Thompson Photography, W Idle in DanielsvHle <;all around jiind have your picture taken. Tout opposite Monitor office. * First chiss work guaranteed at bottom prices, Sample of work in. tent and at Poit Office. [ A S JOHNSON, - public exam'natl,n. , The Slate school comuiisioner has appointed Saturday June 22nd as next general examination day of Public school teachers. Teachers *isinng to take examination will please )>e on hand in due time. This .June 7th. 1895. B. X. WHITE, C. S. C. tItJHAY &3> Y O : J takestedicla* “ * tor? Because you waattaget-well, or keep well, of coarse. Remember Mood’s Sarsaparilla Cures 5 Forks Local Happening apoiind the Forks. * ’ O BITUB RY Of Jin, Mary Hanceok, who was ; the daughter of Mr. Clark Marlin j late of Oglethorpe county, and com-! paniou of Mr. * \ Hancock of near j 5 Forks. Mrs. Hancock was born Feo. 1849, near Wifitervillc, and ; was’married to VV A 29th LBGB. and was bur id homestead on May 29 i l®s, Ml 26 years to the day eh reins home as a bride i alii she wis] carried hack t the sanw-cfiV^hdrhS', 1 stead a c irpsa. She had been, in : feeble health fp£ * jfomlptmatiyj years, bbe fyie ver-’'mnrmweu hr •complained, .bgt„alway t biiA .lMfc afllictib'fts with cfmftmrf forwttfue, aifd when the time came for her .departure from earth, she was per fectly resigned to the will of Him who doeth ni 1 things .wail, /nxl sac wed .to be ready anfi will hut for the summoMSuto coiaeF -dh© 'felt in Jesus ore the 2Sth-of May flip.., She wt& a coresUtcrerihem- the primitives Baptist church at Moriah, being -baptized 2nd <kv of August 1893. Blie leaves a husband,'! sons and throe daughters, brothers, sisters and relativist?) mouin herr lossjp but not svithqut hotSe, ..We would day to the bereaved 'relatives, weep not for her but ; for y'oursel ves and your children, may the Lord so resign you to his | will that you may say in truth, | Though ct down, we’re not forsaken Thoa/b afflicted not eloue Thou dill's,-, give and Tfeou has taKsa BW-'scd ijord Thy will be diuie Had a fiiio season last Tlitinj 3ay evening that was nse on the little cotton fthd coin. Helped spt ii-.goats some . i Wheat is better than the people A. Pitl.utd Ku ; so ns fine cotton in good shape for growing.' Pittard Brov have in nice lot of cam; for canning purposes. Walter flitckcoek hUs 1 nice I lot of eaiicoo', muslins, etc., low down. BIG BALE—This week of Hosiery {or ladies children sad men 5 to Touts pair. Cotton Lisle and silk. SALE OP—Ladies and childrens under vests from .6 l-4c to 50c each. . J-Sdcsaanliidit* ept’v ilXjU*fci>Oc. Sal* df'sTH fits and Gfevesj embroideries ana ' Laces all at reduced price, ,v . r BIG. SALE THIS AVEEIC Mattings, Lace curtains, cheuile portfsis, and Ta ble cover*, Smyrna rugs and Window shades. This stock ususl : he soUl before our new building is completed. Prices will be tlis lowest ever known . Come this week if you need housefuraishing geode. 50 }iwct s asw and pretty Table Liseua, will go in this sale. Millinery - "t * t Everything new nnd pretty • We make it a rule to ut style to every hat trimmed in this d'epartthent, hether cheap, medium or fi-nto. , 800* Sailers SSo cunts, rwgnda.r 40c gi'ads. 860 Si lore 85 Cvttis. regular 50c grade. 260 Childrens Lawn-cap* ami bonnets to close out Davison and Lowe ’ ;V * . * * i —"V 1 /4 . * . . < - w,l .. *' ' % >.*. A.-^” <l “ * a Handle Thompaoir’s (xlo'ye Fitting Curse 1. BOotu. 2.50 each. _ \ ‘ T!i<‘ sj* 'if of p\tr town are * all about well. Mrs. O P Griffith h(i- Jow here is slowly improving. Mrs, . Dr. ‘ Hampton and Miss Lizzie Ghnui,. yisitod die doctors parents near Dwuieisville last weak; * J ■** . Prof. Cmiwell hied himrelf to KJberton last, “aturday, returning Monday. Some attraction over there Prof. Preaching here Saturday and Sunday, A arge crowd out on Sunday. • **• TTipt. Healey, resigned, and diet,' . fMlu .JatfiiTO a* —- Georgia Madison counjy. , *WiU be d<jhl eri TaiiaSir is July ne#h>t the tU* court door i 1 naik wilbi* the legi' home of saleo r,b# Highest bidder for eB'i, ihe following oropirty t 9 wit: Qao pei lssH po*r*ble engine, on wh*U. fp ir tjo aix iu>r*o power, ops shingl* mil l and /*w, nd belting for 3in' Said aronarty ley ii oas property of J f Hi ] te sat isfy an execution iessid fro® the Superior court of Franklin county in fftor of L A Last'd agilnst J f Hill, pmoioal and D II HiU securi ty. This Junslith 1895 r L, E. BKOOKS. fiieyiff. rrrspur ; - <HV£N ’AWAT TO INVENTORS, $150.0© every month given away to any one who ap plies through ua for the most meritorious patent gyring the month preceding. Wo sncuri# the boat patternts for onr rif eit ts, and the object of this offer is to encourage iuveninr* to keep track of their bright ideas At the came time we wish to imprytss upon the public the act that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the *‘car-window" which can lie castfysliJ up v r.nd down without breaking the paatwrgei-’c bldf, '‘sauce-pan/* ** collar-butt->r /' “nut-lock," "1/oule etppper," aqd a /Jiguimh} vtucr httic j,!jiory! titut any one can find a Wiy.cilinprovhig; auauitt.fp simple inventions are the once that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of someth tog to inrent; IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. ■Patents taken dot through txr receive special notice in the" National Recorder," published at Washington, D, C., which is the oest newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub scription to this journal, free of Cost, to all our clients. We ;iho advcrtif-c, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $l5O prise, and htmdred* of thousands of copico of the "National Recorder/' containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of h: invention, will he scattered throughout the United States afcnong CMiitjili*** #d Hirers, thus to their attention the men invention. ‘ 0 All coiotzmuicruioits regarded strictly confidential. Address . , . **£ m 4 * JOHjf WEDDtßfctfßNfctt CO.^' Solicitor* i American and lofeiga Patents, 6iß F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington, D- C. Cj—- Reference—edUcr of thh taper. Write/or mtee sc-tat!fampk/te, FREE. SHCEtifF SALE. JtfadiV;* county. Will bo sold on tha first TUaSday Ik July **it, at tb court bout* in tid coun ty vitbin 'l ho lgl hours 6f nnin, tci tiia liigliasl biudsf foroasli, the fwllosriwg prO perty to-wit: Ont certain trnot of lsd in tb ilH&d dint. O M of tfndiion county, On, ndjeipmg land* of Mnt JgD L J’ittmnnon the satt; Jjoui* Stepney on th<i north, Nne'W NVebiH and others, eontair.inr aliont seven aud one half. Nnid land Ln v ind on as thw property of Mag Ileriicotto to tallafy an nxecutian iiwued from tha Justices court of the 38S district <1 M said county in favor of J K Ulenn against said Altg Uarricottn. LaTy .made by ,T B Williama, LC of tlio 3f(.'lrd tiist U m said ■ uisttnty and tursedlWav to me for adv*r tisogient. , iVtua notice given tdnant In pessasticn ■ !<}# irad by Is tv, Tlfls .iuaa ft|j XB9fi. \IWI. BflgirMU, Bhariff. Fasbla •! LToßeCurad 1 | W RHEUMATISM or DYSPEPSIA” { T Nonsense 1 That’s a doctor's ■4 excuse. . P Justice of Ridgeway, I over 78 years old—“too old to I k exp* a cure,” so they said. , C He took 1 i!8?: [ CjJREr . ; f J er>d is on his fost ngaic, going > about the country well and ' \ Sound. 7 Remcrkahlc case, you aay. All / cates where this remedy is ' ’ used are remßTkable. It’s a J remarbtbh medicine. t f It cleanses thcTjlood of pcid * -t-wakes a torpid liver active. ' f Tcstiraonial bel.vri .y 1 I£ ting trlia Dr. C. C. Bor’s tlvar. Bhaumatla sod Neora;.o Cura fn my . i>r,:Hc. 1 Bn<l It *n axdallent remedy / In habitual eostfvoaeae, Tndicottloa . ’ na uyspapsli. 1 A ' .DU. J. C. BOBIVOUD. ' i ' Da Vunlak Sprlnas, riff. : Atk Yeur Druggltt or Merchant For *f- I j CULLEN It NEWMAN, 1 ' Sole Proprietors, f KNOXVILLE. TBNNBS9BB. \ _ w, ear *>ul M _ .urea ByspApara, I*- • igeatLor. ab L-ebAllty.