The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 21, 1895, Image 3

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Cuba molasses in Hogsheads, as our Daddies had it, cheap at Brooks and Power, Comer, Ga. THE BIG SHIPMENT from the E S JafTrey assignment has arrived and v.w will commence the Greatest Sale Monday that Athens ever had. Everything roust be sold before our New / ... . ' , i * Building is completed. Come this week if you want new and desirable goods at marvelously low prices. Mark Down Sale.. OF WOOL DLESS GOODS. $5.00 Patterns swits redused to 53.50.,iPattern suits reduced to 4.00 7.50 Pattern suits reduced L. 4.60 8.50 Pattern suits reduced t015.f6 I*o.oo. Pattern suite reduced to 7.50 12 50 Pattern .suits reduced to 8.50 15,00 Pattern suite redeced te 9.50, Now is your chanee to secure a stylish dress U a dieeount of 33 1-3 per cest.. 12 l-2c for silk stripe Challies, worth 20c. 10c for wool Challies, worth 25c, 12 i-2o for wool Ciepons, ail shades, worth J2oc. 20c for wool Crepons, all shades, worth 35c. 250 for Scotch Cheviot., worth 40c, DEEP CUT in prices of every line of colercd wool dress goods, including street sad evtnisg shades. Tamils, Battist, Nuns Veiling, Albatross, Henriettas Serges, aed Crepons. No salts to be missed on Woo Dress Goods at D&visou ifc Love’s. SILKS, —New lot just received fer } shirt waists. Trimming and Evening Silks, Black and colored satin Dnohee, Pou de eoire Bcngaline, Fails and Morai for skirls aad Dresses. Come this waek if want silks. Beet Imlig# Prints, 35c dress pattern, 5 cts for good Outing cloths, worth Bc. 8 l-2c fer Duck cloth, plain and fancy worth 12!o 81c tor solid linen chamfrays, worth 15c. 4|c for for Figured Laws, worth 6 cents. IIAV &• LOWE. Clayton Street, Athens, lira J R CRAWFORD, —Denier in— Dry Goode, Groceries nnd Gener al Merchandise. Wagon yard ac commodations free for all at pres ent. Will furnish beds at 10c per head. Meals reasonable. Also runs a first class blacksmith and repair shop. Good horse shoeing a specialty, lam running a beef market, and will pay the highest market price for fat cattle, sheep, goats and hogs. Come one, come all. 1? miles from Athens on Danielsvilie road. ■ —rr~rr —‘“"■ri l Local Happenings, Items of Intsrst to ’Tree State” People Picked UP fcv MONITOR REPORTERS V V And (tended Get te Small'ifiauthtel* to aj to Be Casily Gtgst;ed-*-?i’lhi, 3caths, Marriage*. Vititere, Etc. No preaching h*r next "Sunday. A M Scarborough and wifo of Comer, were visiting the old folks, hsre last Sunday, We will renew our watermelon offer again this season, so.youcan begin preparations to raise that big melon. Ajjothrr liandsomo line of spring &#ff summer goods, just received ; /mid tho price is below zero, at L ft Greene’s, DanielsvilTa & Comer. | B J. Meadow and wife of Co- | mer, were visiting relatives here last Sunday. Jfol. David W Meadow attended /fhe University commencement ex- i ercises this week, being a member ; of the legislative committee ap-! pointed to visit that • institution ! during commencement. Lonnie Greene will *ll you white lawn from 2ic yd., up, at > Oanielsvills or Comer. Miss Bertie Meadow, of Comer, , is visiting relatives here this week. ; JOL WHISIS. ©F SiIBGAISB • H N Freeman and wife of Co-1 mer, were visiting Mrs. Freeman’s , parents, ?>fr. and Mrs. J W Grif fith last Sunday. Miss Minnie Meadow of Athens is visiting relatives here this week. Great bargains to be had in spring drges goods atL E Greene’s .Danielsville and Comer. The young teachers of the coun ty have enjoyed, and profitted by tne Institute so much, that we are satisfied they would not object to a nfonthly institute nex; year. 2000 yards Lovely Crepon dress goods, others get 15/ to 20c. Lon nie Greene only asks 124/. • Also has Hats trimmed ‘‘exactly” to match. The soda water fountains and lemonade stands, are rather backward about opening up this summer. Several of our people attended the University commencement this week:. , J R Bullock, Comer’s promi nent young merchant and society man. is here this woek taking in the institute. Go to the Hollingsworth High School. Board $0 a month. Tui tion $1.25. Music *2. Grades to the Junior class of Colleges. W. H. Shelton, Prin. Banks Cos. Hollingsworth, Ga. Hon. I J Meadow, deputy col lector of this district, was here this week. L E Greene is having the finish-, ing touches put on his home on North street. Parr Bros, of Athens, are doing the work. Col. R H Kinnebrew was in Lexington this week. George Scott, son of T J Scott, of Athens, is visiting his grand father Capt. W W Scott, here this woek, Dr. Chandler of Planter, was in town Wednesday. Robert, Willis and Howell Stevens, prominent farm ers of Poca, wers in (town Wed nesday. _ Wear* still taking silver dollars on subscription, and will continue to do so. Furthermore, if you will send us $1.25 in siivjr, before the Ist of. August, we will send* vou the Monitor and Constitution both for one year* After that it will bs $1.50. DAVISON & LOWE.S S C O’Kelley and son Stephen, were in Athens .Monday. , Miss Mamie Dobbs of Oglesby, is visiting relatives here and near here, this wsek. ■ 124 c paid for dry hides at Brooks & Power, Comer, Gs, The Institute"’was well attended by the citizens as well as the teach ers, and much interest was taken therein. Prof. Shelton, who is at the head oi Banks county’s greatest institution of learning, the H<l— lings,vc-rth (graded) High School, ! was here to-day. Ilr. It C Moseley and wife ef Royston, were visiting relatives here this woek, ! Prof. G A Gfesham, principal jof the Comer school, we under stand lias resigned, and will ac : cept a lucrative position in South west Georgia. Few better teach ers than Mr. Gresha 1, ever han dled a rod in Madison, /Sfhe prisoners in jail have owed up to Sheriff Brooks the pkrt ea eh took in the yeesnt attempt to escape, and soy - they will not do so. any more. The Sheriff will hardly put put a great deal of confidence in wliat they i#y. .> J W. Power of Paeli was it town Wednesday. Dr. li F Me ore cf Cbror, cams up to tha Institute oa* day this week. Sbrriff Brooks was in Milled go rilla- this we k, whsra he wout to carry Fard Moor#, wt was adjndg sd oJmb stio a faw weeks ago. Ptfr. G C Daniel is oa the tick list this week. J O Dmial has heaght hi anew mower, and ia now prepared to pus your grass for you. COFFIN'S AND CASKETS. Persons at a distance can rely on being suited in coffins and Cas kets at Danielsvilla. Stock is never short. I have them from the home mads up. Term cash or credit to responsible parties. A. S. JOHNSON. XT S Sanders left Wednesday tor Nebraska on a pleasant miss, ion. We don’t, know whether lie will bring her bask this time or not. 8 l-2e for fine Zepber Ginghams, worth 12 l-2c . 500 yards choice Ginghams sc. 4 l-2e fer fine sea island, TUG SALE—Of j^feted Lawns, Dimity, Organ* dies, swise and mulls. W Come this week while the stock is full, every thing bright and new White goods Sale. 1000 yd* fine white lawu lOcts. 1000 yds tine, white lawu 15e value 25c. lOUO yds tine chock muslins 8 l-2c, value 12 l~2e 1000 yds fine check muffin lOe. value 15c. 1000.yds fine check muslin 12 lr2c value 20e. Full line White Organdies, plain and figure dsiviss . costumes, cloths aud Jackonsts, WASH GOODS. Percals, Ducks, Clievietts, figured Pique, French and Scotcli Zephyr Ginghams. This stock has just been replenished brim full of choies things. 100 dozen Towels frera the .1 affray sale, just arrived aud will be en sale Monday," This will be the best and and cheapest lot q#>towels evqFSold in Athene. Don’t faii te attend this sale if you want Tewelf. The prises range from 5 cents to 50 cents. UMBRELLA 'SALE. 1000 new Umbrellas and Parasols for ladies and ehildrce en sale Monday, Goqd fast black umbrellas from 50c te $4.50 each.' Childrens plain and fsney parasols from 25c to $1.50. Now is the time to buy Umbrellas. Annual Ball. . Comer, Ga., .Tune 21st,, 1895. (Special.) —The grand annual hall of the young people of Comer, will occur on the might of July 4th 1895. All invited, those behave'them selves to come enjoy it —those who do not to stay away. A Pleasant Home, We had an occasion to visit the the home of Mr. and Mrs. R E For toon th ia wed:. 'When wo arrived wc, found Mr. Forfson working in his ground pea patch„ while others wore harvesting the grain crop. Mrs. Fortsan wns busy making up her f/iit into preeervesfaud jellirs. i. o Mrs. ForUtui carried'us through I hi r orchard, wlech is a one, i and the trees arc heavily "laden with fruit. They have cherries, ! damsons,* 'mogul plum*, peaches and applet; of all varieties, and several large grape, vines, all loaded with delicious fruit. Af ter showing u* over the orchard Mrs. Fortron gave us uonio us 't he ! fruit to bring home with us, which wat highly appreciated. These good people have a pleas ant home, anil now in their old ag they are enjoying it. They have traveled down life* road for fifty-four years together, and have about lived out their three score year:-; and ten, and are now look - forward to the time when the ru ler of al! thing* shall bid them come homo. May they live many years yet to enjoy .the home thsy have no well prepared. II ui?e and lot, containing one acre, house with 4 rooms, good well, garden. grape vine and fruit tro2", 1 room ceiled. Cheap, J> rry ,T koseley <fc Cos. R.TMOORE" DENTIST. COMES, GA. Will ha in D.uiielsvilla everp fir t Ta -sdav. Regular ottioe at Comer. \ * #rk Guaranteed. Prices very reaso sable. BIG S ALE—Th is week of Hosiery for ladies children aad mse 5 to 7sets pair. Cotton'Liale aad silk. SALE OF—Ladies and childrens uaderveets frost 6 l-4o to 50c each. ■ 25 dozen ladies Pure silk Vest 50c. good $1 qaality Sal* of silk Mitts and Gloves, embroideries and •Laees'all at reduced price, < • * BIG SALE THIS \VEEK ■ Mattings, Lace curtains, chenile portiere, and Ta ble covers, saiyrua rugs and Window shades. Thie stock eeuet lie sold before oar new building is completed. Prices will be the lowest ever knew*. Come this week if you need housefurniehing-goods. 50 pieces sew aid pretty Table J.ieens will b> this sale. Millinery Everything new and] re tty. Worn .ke it a rule to ut style to every hat trimmed in tine department, hether cheap, medium or fin*. 300 Bailors2sc cents, regular 10c grade. 350 Sailors 85 cents, regular 30c grade. 250 Childrens Lawn cape and bonnets to close out . • Davison and Lowe Handle Thompson’s Glove Fitting Corset. 50ct. 2.50 each. Larkin Dots. We have some as fine gardens as can he foundanywhere. June pouches are about ripe— much to the joy of the young folks. P I) Hardman informs lie tlist he intends making a great deal of blackberv wine. Mr. WValey Wright of Franklin county, visited his son, J P Wright, last Saturday. W H Carithers and family mov ed to the Georgia factory Satur day. Since hucknlberries have begun to ripen Qiulia Carter has begun lake on flesh at (he rate of a pound a clay, Law in Chandler ha* the boss field of corn. Lewis believes in raising supplies at home. Thh literary Saturday night sur passed all former meetings. Th; huii; wan packed with psople who seemed to enjoy the ex ere/os highly. Tip young ladies recited Home beautiful poetry, A darkv l)#rlcscpie speecn was delivered,and, a darky dialogue was performed i It was a great hit. Fuel* Tom, a character in the dialogue, danced an old fashioned jig. j Mins Rhn'da Sailor#. a charming young lady of iyaar Planter, visi ted the family of Lewis Chandler Saturday. Bob Scarborough spend* Hip noonday hour those days killing rat#. He killed 17 one day last week. Resolved, . that the farm ers ara • responsible for their condition, is the subject for dlfHUifsion at the debate next Saturday night, *Como out and bear the hoy#. Able speeches will lie made on both sides. / P D Hardman, our merchant prince, !uu laid in n full supj ly of simam'-r goods. Minns Dora Lord. Mol He, Mat tie and Luna Sorrow, four of Black’* creek most charming young ladies, attended peaching at Union Sunday, accompli *d by their Invtin *. Tommie Adams of. High Shoal# visited relatives in this communi ty Sat urd#y . Willie Williams and family of nesr Planter, visited the family of tarn Hurdn an Sunday-. j ' ■- •. * Mr, Ed Brown visited ’his Bis ter Mrs. Jenkins near here Satur day. Cotton and corn looking well at this writing. Mr.-Henry Smith and wife vi#i ted L M Cbsndler last Sunday. Deafness cannot be CURED by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one vty r to cure deafness and that, ip fay constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian tube. VVhen this tabs gets inflamed you have a rumbling,, sound or imperfect hearing, and when it, is entirely closed deafness is the result and unless the-infagn ', mation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal cpndti -011 hearing will bsdestroyed forev er; aijKi casesont of ton arc caused bycajtarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mu cous" surfaces. t K A rWo will give 0e Huudred Dollars for any case of deafness fcaused by cataPSh'jf . 4hat os|9H j be Vurnl by Hall’s Cataarw Cure, ' send for circulars, free F. J. CHENEY * CO., Telodo, O. iefSSSf"’St>ld by Druggists, 75c, fi W. L Douglas . $3 SHOErKSHtSk. CORDOVAN, Tfc. WtMCK .XIDtAMtUIS CAW: POLICE,3 SOLES. Nr'iS.- ysfiseFzjr* • ladies • awrocifTOWOUM, Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes. All oar -how arc equally satisfactory i n cy ctvc 'ha beat value tor tho motty. They equal cuatoai utioc* In *tyhj and fit. Tb-dr weerin* qualities are nnearpoMei. The price* are nnitorm,—(tamped on ted. Prom ;•>! to S3 eivrd over other make*. If your dialer cannot supply you we can. Sold by Dealers everywhere. Wanted agents to take exclusive sale ill this vicinity. -Write at once, It yon fool wwfe apa* all worn owt SROV?H’B IRGH BITTBKA