The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 28, 1895, Image 1

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THE DANiELWMiE MONITORS Berry T. Moseley, tZdit ■ ■■:. VOL. XI!. The One Crop System of farming gradually exhausts the land, unless a Fertiliser containing,a high percentage- of Potash is used. Better crops, a better soil, and a larger bank account can only-then be expected. ■ Write for,our “ Guide,” a 142-page illustrated book. It is Brim full of useful ihformation foiyfarmers. • It will be sent free, and ’’will make and save yen money. Address, GERMAN SALTWORKS, - 3 Ksh> -u. Street, New York. n 1 1 t ; SnM KA-tfiwutu U . .• . , .... • in etfec Mart h HI: m " N’fthrs’i'iij] •’• -f Eh P. M i’fl - >• <fc Exftfe Ex Sw! ioi L >•■ ..* NoB4jN oBB . Hil< te '■ AM.|P M.f A. M U. B*ls 915 LvAtlantsA 8 :':0! 7 4-5 88 4*2 9 48 < ‘B’tf’nc*::“ r : H 7 M 855 955 ; Tnokj* 1 5 m b .rilf, >::S 0010 05 - I.ilhr.r.; “ 5 'to:.o If 9 1610 ' l“ Oldster ” 5 :>1 ; 0 HO -9 27 10 24}“ Lair v .’•♦* :>!•; 62S ' 9 3810 Bo[ 1 T>*oul “I '• 00] 0 4 9 4610 3“ Au. 4 'f Of 10 (.1010 54 ” Wine v*• ' . b lb 15 LI ; ■■ 10 2211 if>“ T ■•• art “ 4 ..H! :'(} 10 4111 33” A., !■.>:■ - ” !0 , •i - 5811 17” ”j 8 < 4 I[ol 11 56 • ; •iv ks‘ 11 14 12 07 ” -Oc ■ ii’.-.i * II 24 12 18 ” C’a:: in ” 1 ' 28 11 45 12 48 ■ Kibei;.. - . i 'M 11 5512 55 8 2‘> -Kb 12 02 101-Heard’mi “hi‘M • 12 13 1 18 -‘Cc.Pttli • 2 1.7 : ■’!*> 12 24 1 88” Wa;is “! 202 418 12 45 200 “ Abbe rill • 1 '7 3r ■ 118 28 ! •‘Greenr, Ml- i 1 47 3 00”Cr’tesHil!” Pi ii! 2 *‘7 2 00 809 “MountvV 12 82j 2 00 2 15 829 “ Clinton ” 1.2 13| i 40 884 “ Dover • *l l 2 09 4 05‘Whitmire‘|ll 39 4 20 “Carlisle ”ii! 14 5 00“ Chester “jfO’43 547 “Catawba” 10 3* 6 10'“Waxhaw“j*b 39 6 30 ArMonr'&Lvj u I’. ■P M. A M.! . !\ 8. 19 M., Trains 88 and 41 . run solid ■'between Atlanta and Norfolk, carrying 'Pullman sleeper, making •'•direct connections a? Weldon‘wi !i Atlantic Coast Line v*>r A ashinu 'ton and Nt vr York, an.l a f pein ■ North and Eas . At "or•'oik e steamers for Wa -idr-p m.Bey birr fur Aaltiumre. Old Dominion for New York. Trains- 84.n::d 41 solid between Atlanta and Columbia. with , through- ccaol for Charleston, •Tickets for *.nte to alb pmute .at St comfit; ■ hict : an; *i :on on line, or obtain*-! o applica tion .• Any oilier intern-a: ion can 7 'be had upon a;; pi! ..n tn any o! ■•t ns uider A-no*A *T J AndßuLo:;. J. St •- $ Wjv •”?. GP A. Po rtmoutfi.' 4-;-n NT;-;. •• ?> A ■ !•: Pn -* -G A•. Ga. ii K 1 , Agt. C ; -r, (* >. Professions]* i DAVID W MEADOW, Attorney at Raw. DixinteviLLE, Ga Office on corner, west ef Court House, opposite Masonic Cernev ■■ Will 'jirftctkn: in all f h* .courts* All Witdnesp proarptlv executed.. Jno. J. Strickland. Attorney.' ' Athens - - * ca, % BERRY T. MOSELEY, * Attorns* al m w, Daxubi-svill.e, Ga. Office on corner, west of Court Ho\tse, opposite Masonic come. Will practice in all the Courts Business promptly e>:<:• ;ted. Geo. C Thomas, Attorney, ' Athens, t.a.j J.K. GORDON, Attorney at Law. ; Dam si.svii.le, 6 * Will practice wherever de-ired proiuopt attention to all business ntrusted to his care. Office North conn house. PmSiamme ' o-> \ \ iv * IN? .'N ; Ml !N V t MiEn iiiN(;, SCKEPTA '.0,80 InTiON. j 9 !•-> 1 -.t-.-’a ar CnA-e-/iiv- Al.vd'ispn omnivy. ”,t., on 4 Pifth I.'t day in Junes WOn. T rtrd??if--v ■ • - •■'on.—F W Williams: a>krnato, '.Y B J Ilard- Ut. Growth in Giv .*! 9 Cheny, G A- my 1 . 2nd. Cultivation of Chrb.-tian E 11 or-ehipr—Wrn. Ral!s?-f-rd. . >• P> Will is me. 3rd. p -ryl v P r r,yv v —W 1 C'oite, B H Witcher. Ith. ; *•. -y- of I John, sth ohnpr/M- •' th ver-e- -W .if >. :Miny. J ' ' (pbrcfi. Opening Rpe'eo'Ke* !i liited to ;;f m n> fog un - - extension be give,; by fch-'; Body. Preaching will arrang-.P br t!.e loco! i'-M.-'mittee. t DEAFNESS (OAKNOT PC : - • CUR El) ■ by local applications'. as thf.y pi\n not. resch the ;tfie ejr. Tin - is only utw . -xt# to rirr dlvsfnef'S. rind ti. nt : rs i;y. constii utiuna] rarnedies. DefJneas ie caused by aw intUnned condi t)on y thb of 44cjx gfEVt taoh'iati tube I.en-thW gets' inflamed yon have * ruinbling round or imparlVtc': ana when i‘ . entirely d'eafuesu n? the i'iu !t nnd 'fnles?. tf-e infant* motion can !retaken out and this tube rordomrl to its’ normal eondti on ht-rrdiig w : m h? deatr&y.ed forev er; nine, ca.-.movA often are c* used by i' winch nolijing hut •an iiu'lair.yl <; utli : ion of the mu cous i<urdiced, * We will give 'O s llnudred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by ••.<>.taa:h) that cannot I.:;- rurd by f: 4Es .v w Cure; send for circulhrs, free K -b C HEN EY A~. CC>., Teiodo, O. £ ."i'V )I-J by Druggists, 75c, ■: i p Cl wm~* * -M .- 4 - fc 7% , ’•• •- 4 : . r 4 IVTH* 9t:T. •Y w a"& A;# k ss riv K 6 AKIMS. •COseDOVAji A. % mateAwwwatsseasr; TA ’Pkf i >:, wyy-Gt;, f..- MM "iM. :•>:.- k iiw’iowa.Ssa !l#{f -uAr-ia- Over O* Peepte war tfas vr* L. Debits $3 & §4£hm Alt owr -btoi c&xstystpi!tec '.qr :*<! fuiEt volf'a for th# eofa'cy. - r *'< j4om elwMAtn aati nt. 7h:t r/L-Kr'-'.-,>s arc JirttarpaSE-iil. The r.i. ... r- 1 ?.-•:}.-* .---sf i,a j<*!j. F sr t- '*. ti ovr- ercuVes. li jourdeiief cannot iiiipp!; - j jumcaa. -Motdljj Itealars everyv!i( > n*. V* : led tH take exclusive .sate in thia vicinivy. f. ,: te at once, }..••->. . ’ i . V . *. - .4: ’ - . “> * • fc if ‘■ .* '■ .' i >' * £.'•'•• *- ■ : ■*> i s y\' . I- 'k ’;/• 1 '* |* * • •>; X„ \ k> ;> ; V • gj>: Ai * J • 0 > ' ' ' i- '-■* '> , f ; : G-'- i ■ ■ ■ ! • ' •: - : - • E l lie inte’reaHEfeidmii MiLLE, titem l v:m is-. . . . . . fi i a i- iVff. r .■■•J9 to tel! Uo.Wx*-'it pi kSppN-i - m if " •r . M.l< i ! iWoilM'dll, J.t-Yw ..•i ter Cm: •; ;;ovav<: . •v Sever?,} (>! the yo”.?>K moplr ’rtiX to a. singing at o •• ' d.nJr.y afterjiwn. ■ V’ A Tabor -went I<> AC- * Thumlay'A tei-. nr*?.sorry to- .rhiiilh- j •■ti-y* o’ prof, siitd .Mrs- 1 * gMciiir ' v. unM-dr.ipw they tvfll■*<> >r ; . - *’ y . W ii - his Sunday-echoed ieu-son last : .i-.M , teiuon Mc.Whirter, wife and children, visited J B McWhirter ‘'a::iiiy last Sunday., Ivtirs Flora ilutehore n aDer slaying a liienth iii-Rhjuston. visits ii.g relative*, ha?, returned home., much to the delight of *ll. her friends at N The voung people, of Em Lamar a e'talking of organizing a.liter -! t club 8(>ol> . We hopiv they H {;e:s ;ere in this esiuflO* as it both profitable and amueikg. 'Miss Bsesi# MoWhirte? ui : r ant young lady of Pt, Iktnar will leave scop for We -srs Vve wish her a pleasant .y -sivd safe arrive.!.' back liOlilS * ■ r J F Nahne went to Athens last Wednesday. Tin* latest, fnd in the wsv of riding >e calf-back. Delightful ti:- ’ tint), • A'uoiber musical near at.,hand. vV iil say mor* nbout it next week. hays recently heard that- th* l falicft h?s gone Out of. style-. Thi-, intelligeuco will no doubt be rccei-cd by many Jsorrofnlly-4 Wp ‘think though 4 it iss mistake'jjsdg m-.w -from th*e way one of our fodtig men was- clad oa a L. r tiaii de , .‘ aion. ' W ask the readers >f the won] tor to not criticise tl ’s dots i two severely this weak, as our reg ular correspondent ic absent, Children get up all your bonks for va< t aiion will soon be over, Next Monday morning Prof , mc- Murry will again ring the bell. COFFINS AND OASKftl't?. ' Persons at a distance ran rely on being suited in eotlins and Cftr 1-ets at Danioisville. S is never short. X have fcbeaii; frc:n the home made up. Term dish or .•redit to reeponsd le part^j.. * A. B. jOHNB()N. ib h MOORE, DENTIST. COMER, GA. W ill 1.,a In Danlelsrrlhs first Tuesday. Regular oftieu at Corner. ark Guaranteed. i'rioes very )txijaal,ltf, ♦ f-Lar )m - W r # ’ S' BBeT e’a; ■■ Jw- Mr. mix punday. 1 |/f 7& . jf-.v HKSJht outrn. Mv-y : f m'w n a *" < ’’ :a ‘W rr^- Rl- L th:' ' f I” 1 #-'- i ‘lerjFid ’'N it ‘1 ’ r %i.o: opF the boy a f >’• • 5. -.•. <j/Tt r }>as he \(gaj|ilfrk*; tFiadnm •*■•.• f t O V'siOi! -u thAso'e^y. *•?>; ' ‘a * f ‘ * 1 , V ’ • * . • -r not. llk 'Dese .days. It jutedpinioo fief tiethy-r hAe coins l*o tile osncl ,< on that- there is no pine* v ;ai to old Madison. luArmdim batches are look ing well.'and with favorable *ea sons an irnmeuae crop will he produced. N ■ HB'D Bane,., .p •T) Hiti'dbis.n. L H nhi'.nii!yr Jf, J O’Kolley, buy - -crap. - - speech* s at tho debars Saturday iiiglit. ,Do r,;> f fnij to attend the liter -3‘ v oaturday *u:., ht. A dialogue Infilled “Gappy Uncle Tom”, will bo performed. Several dsr '>y speeches will bo delivered. Ownp nut ami boar Pat Fvgan due Irirh boy sing and toll about *h,'* anc istorn. Rtder, if you.our 3, Gt:: '• luv'gli attend the lit s -st '•’•*:.u•,•'• ii;g : |. one of our most IVipnlnr young men, icdrg very days. Lie loves a certain youag very dearly, aud it is plain yht? lovwshim in return. 'Bome of the boys all say that •Allen will occupy the new house next year, hope their pro phecy will coins to pass. Poetry ie the language of Pover ty- i often a concealed weapon. Uilpid dree not know a (toiler from n doughnut. * A loud laugh from a woman in' like a noise in a picture. Confidence, ' in a conversation, has a greater share than wit. When properly used ones op portunity will laet a life time. No man feels entirely at ease in a ij'illinery establishment. The old man who f- la young can’t afford to act na he feels. Won ten hate 'with their hearts and despise with their heads; You cat) do more for yourself than any one can do for you. . Tact is sonjetimea an acquired habit, but never in its highest form. .An •rrar •staMiahed jtraman’u uiFnd I* equal to u f, him. Sometime* more' is said by say ing nothing than by Jfalk'Aig- a week. .. * 'Erro'r never mado a rope /.ttonrtf enough to strangle truth hi'. '‘Some lucky people always have foo! at band to take their risks for them . A'on never luow how fond you suaof a boy until you become en gaged to his siatwr. A girl can make herself lore a, man she hates just as she :;*n au- Qiiir* a taste for olives. Conceive hot #o high an opin iop of a man as to be bashful in bis presence.' There waa a time in every mans life when hr- was faithful in his attachment to one woman. v Photocsapky. While in X> uielsville i al! - ..d and have your picture take:. j’nnt opposite Monitor office. Firm eta- ; work guarani <*d at ottom /pfices. Sample r>f work in 'tent' and at Fost Office. *• A S JOHNSON. jw' jflsvt *J2r / id ■0 sLi)or at l M /jfr apcigfl? jjji the forks. ,/ f l ' Kj|h) very much needed* Ami!lard ha? the cleanest cot ton field around here and has 'it in fine order for , groining A good deal of corn be in ft laid by will) tho the blow And by t he,wa v aunt Betty Estea has the finest,coru around hero. Wedbn’fchuv* t* yo abmad to get water npw. Prof. Oonwell put well in good.order for drawing . List . a ■ -’ V, i v '''• ' . • I 'nY F- jfcf. Ji'-oh Griffith, one of Mad iaottß prominent citizens, was in town this week. ‘“V- Mr, Wm. Eberhart one of Ogle thorpe big farmer*, waa in town last weak, Mr. I TTerr’ngof Elbert cstin tv, w*a visiting big boti, M B Tierring,'near*6 Fork*. Mieses Eva and Pearl Hitch cock are both sick this week. Mr, *# ?■ Mariin’g Imhy ie quite rick. Mies Susie Lester ie oonvnlfcaen ent. Mr. Dorrie •Griffith the live merchant of Tbinielavilte, was in town Thursday, W W Harnett and hi* roof es timable lady, wore In town last Saturday. A Pittard med* a living trip to Wiiiterville lt Fridv-y. 'Yalter Hitchcock went to Win— terville last. Friday. belter Hitchcock hied' himeelf to Athena Monday. Its expected that, Elder Hurst, will ho with Elders Patterson and MoLerev at Five Fork# Monday night, aft.or 2nd 3 U u‘day in" July on, their way -'tc- Union mfling urtbljystra. Dr.. Hampton rolled in on tho the train Saturday evening. It interesting to hear him tell of his trip. ;4re. Missie Smith, a most, no ble lady w<u visiting at the Glenn nottee' last Sunday. Mi** Oliffle Beard a-beautiful young lady, who hae boon visiting Mrs. MiPfcio Smith, returned to bor home iu Washington, Ga., Sunday via G C & N, I rof. Willie Johnaon was. in town Saturday. D !> Martin if very niuch' in disposed this week. M 1 Scoggins shipped a car load of wood to Athene last Fri day. Pittard Bros, received anothsr lot of goods test week, and a now lot of -shoes, which they are ssll ing cheap. Elder D P Smith filled J hie ap pointment at Moriah Saturday and Sunday. He will preach there tho remainder of the year. Carithors <fc Kirk started 'out with their threshing machine Monday. Wonder what has become of Uttcj* Mack'Faulkner. Has not Been' down to 5 Forks in some lit tle time. Had a rain Sunday tjiat put new life in Vegetation. Misses India and Guide Colbert, Ethel anil and India Carlton of Atlanta, and Lena Pitner of Ath ene, five beautiful little ladies, were iu lown Monday. That beautiful young lady Miss Naomi Bimsis visiting your repor ter and his bettor half/ Messrs Pittard and Meadow made a hurried trip to Hull Mon day on business. A recent convert of tbs Salva- Uoti army in Seattle, Wash., gave a startling proof .of the genuineness of his piofeemoa of repentance by making public annonneeinent that he w* i an escaped convict, having sixteen yearoyel'to serve in the -mvortli, Kan., pvuitentiary, and : hat he way ready to go back /’ * f-w days ago a guard from the penitentiary arrived in S uttle, idemifiid th# converted convict and took him back, really ' , y.yra • yvo'wl §dd. F./:-'mtjQo>Van, Bus. Manger /'S’ S, Convention ’ W 07 THE THE SAREPTA BAP TIST ASSOCIATION. Of the Serepta association to be hold with Yhe Crawford Baptist church Tuesday aud, A'edneaday, July 28rd and 21th. I^)s, 10:30 a m praver service, led by C A Stevene, 11 am— Dr. W H Young. . A|'poirsttrlent of ,Oom mittee on cr< dentiais 1 A.P in ~P.rayet and song’aervice, by AI S Weavoy. J speeches limitod to 5 minutes. ' 345 p m —Who ongl:t to be ! member* of the Sunday-school and why. R T pittard. ' 3:30 p m—General discussion, speeches limited to 5 minute*. 4:15 p m—Question box opened; miscellaneous business; announce menta, etc. Wednesday, July 24th. 9 a m—Prayer and song service led by B F Elliott. 9:30 a m—Election of officers for the enßuoing year 10 a m—The Swuday-sohoul and agency, fl] for winning couls to Christ, J W Martin; [2] for building up souls in Christ, R S Cheney; 15 minutes each. 10:30 a m—General discussion, limited to 5 minutes each. 11 a m Sermon by Dr. Wil liams, of Elberton. . 2pm Prayer end song service led by LF Edward#. 2:20 p m How can church members be induced to give the Sunday-school their presence and assistance? W M CoiTe. .•' • . 2?ltQ p„ : *n •, XiauwaJ. dianuwjitja pa*enes limited to 6 minutes,” 8:40 Question box opened. 3:40 p m selection of time and place of next meeting and gener al business., Closing ertarcisea. The above program to be inter, spersed with Binging at the dis cretion of :he ‘president. A Man with a History. HI. Bmly (ovrrwl with I.nmin. Could not eat ‘and Thought he was KlhK *< diy up. (From tin■ Xtuh/viUc, Taut., Jlrtnncr.) Mr. John W.Thorntw, Jr., of Theta. Tenn., Is n man with a most interesting history. “ It wan in ’B4, said he to a reporter who trad asked him for the story of hp life, when i was forking in the silver mines of New Mexico, that my troubles began. “ From simple indigestion my malady de veloped intoa chronic inability to take nny substantial food, and at tiinos I was pros trated bv sfiMls of heart palpitation. Ob the nth of April, 1808, I suddenly col lapsed, and for days I was unconsclnits, in fact I wkh not fully myself until Jnlv. On September Ist l weighed but 70 pound* whereas my normal weight is 105 pounds. All over iny body there were lumps from the size of a grape to the size of a walnut, my fingers were cramped so that I cou.d not more than half straighten them. 1 hud en tirely lost control of my lower limbs and njy hand tfembled so that I could hot drintc without spilling the liauid. Nothing would? remain on my stomach, and it seemed that 1 must and up before many uitpjje tlyys bad passed. “ 1 made another round of thc.jtftysicians, Calling iu one after the other, ttivt'by th aid of morphine ami other medicines they gave ma. 1 managed to live though barely througii the fall. Here Mr. Thomas displayed his arms, an 1 iu::: above the elbow of each there was a large irregular stairf as large as the palm of the hau l and of a purple eilor, the space covered bythe mark wan sunken nearly to the bone. “ That,” said Mr. Thornar., "is what the doctors did by putting morphine into me. “ On tiie llth of December, 1893, just,eight months after i took permanently to lied—l shall never forget the date—my cousin, Joe Foster,"of Carters’ Creek, called on me and gave me n box of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pklv fr Pale People, saying they had cured of partial paralysis, with which I ' hart all but died. I followed his > and began taking the medicine, a 1 st uid before you to-dny the molt man on earth. Look at iy Inn steady as yours; my face bos a lie. about it; J have been attend! duties for a month. Shice I bc,u. the pills f have gained ?0 pounds, and . ...j still gaining. All the knots hive disap peared from my body except this lictie kennel hero in my palm. I have a good appetite and 1 am almost as strong as 1 ever was. “ V'-storday I rode thirty-seven miles on horseback, I feel tired to-day but not sick. ! used to have from two to four spells of heart palpitation every night, since 1 began the use of tiie pills I have had but tou •pells altogether. . “ l , ”dtively that I was cured by Dr. Williams’ Pink Tills, and I believe firmly that it is the wonderful remedy ip existence to-day, a’ ' every fact I have presented to you is kr. uto my neighbors as well as to m vself, and they will certify in the truth oi my remarkable curs.” NO. si.