The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, July 12, 1895, Image 2

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THE MONITOR, f— Published Every Friday, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Moseley & McGowan, Eds. and Props. H<m. A O Bnooii hag written a letter in which ho declares him self for the white metal at th:> ra tio of 16 to 1. Do not forget the meeting called for nextJSaturday at 2 o'clock p m to elect delegates to the Griffin eilrer convention, which meet on the 18th iust Nearly every county in the Itate will have delegates Jat .the Griffin Silver Conveiuion, and the leading of thcataU! are deluges, notwithstanding the cuckoo organs aud the liard tight they are making to crush it. The gold hugs are casting about for a leader, bin do not seem to bn able to find an available one. First they have it Cleveland, then Whit ney, then Kuslis, then, they don’t kaow. These fellows are badly rats tied over tile outlook anyway. We are receipt of a ticket admit ting us tojthe Texas Fruit Palace at Tyler, Texas, which opens on the 17,th iust. Tyler will do llio grand thiHgjduring this time and a pleas ant trip could be had. if ws ••my had’the leisure and the means. Oov. Northen lias smc icded in locatinga large colony of immi grants from the Northwest in south west Georgia. Tho location of this colony will bring large quantities of ntonsy into the state fnd place it in crroulution. The first payment oil tho body of land bargained for is $125,000,00, and will bo paid over in few days, Tho colony goes to Wilcox ami surrounding eountiee. , The old Liberty Bell that the oily of Philadelphia and tho whole nation priao so highly, will be hrooght to Atlanta to remain during the exposition. When this trip was first proposed, the Philadelphians objected to its coming, as they liars nothing which they prize so highly, and for fear •! its being destroyed, do not like for it to go away ho* home. These ehjeetions hare been ©veieomo however, and the old bell will he on exhibition ia Atlanta. i Hon. A O Bacon souaUfr elect from Georgia, has rats his voice in behalf of silver at lire ratio of 1(5 to 1. Senator Bacons letter to the tnitidrgers of the Griffin convention, shows that lie has not forgotten Ins promises to the pco|c, which he made in the recent campaign. Sen ator Bacon is s man ofWep research and his irndwrly letter aiows that he has the matter tm\uh thought, a unfits strong arguments in sivqrs interest is a boomshell in the gold bug camp that they are afraid to pick up. The Monitor is proud of him as senator, and predicts a bril liant career for him. The, following incident of New York life shows how bndly we are getting mixed: .“An Italian sent an American lad to a Chinaman for Ms laun dry’. The Amerioan gave the Chi naman a fiO-eent pisce, John bit on it and said: “Counterfeit; yougettee in trouble; me keeper.” und put it in his pocket. The Italian then called ami “started to give the Chi Hainan a beating. A Greek left hie oyster etand to act as peacemaker. The Italian drew a raaor, and the Greek shied a bottle of cayenne pepper at him, which struck a Hebrew. A negro who was passing shouted, und an Irishman in the uniform of a po liceman arrested the 'fighting con gress of, nations, which Was presi ded over by a Dutch police jus tice,” There has been another addition to the Cleveland household. It is another girl, and t 1 e mother and babe are doing splendidly. A Mrs. Cottier was sent to jail in Chicago the other day because she refused to divulge the where abouts of her daughter. Her hus band was ueing for divorce, a nr: wants the custody of the child. The mother claims hat die father is not a proper person to taks charge of her, and went to jail rather than to divulge her where-, a bouts. Shame on this judge. * * • • Senatoi>J<>hn T Morgan of Ala bama, will be at the Griffin silver convention and will address the same. Senator Morgan has a na tional reputation as a broad states man and a man of great intel lect. This will he a strong draw ing card for the convention, a many will take advantage of fhe oteasion to hear the able and ac ted senator from Alabama u * * * John S. Smith, who mysteri ously disapjieared from Atlanta sometime ago, aiid who was at pne titne ffmiiuhf to Tie dead, and all the lakes around Atlanta wort! dragged for his body, has turned up in Mexico. He seems to have given all the detectives the Blip, and is now safe in Mexico. Ilis arrest, Inis been ordered, hut it is not thought that the treaty be tween the countries will admit of liis extradition, as the cliargo against him is only embezzlement. Did you ever hear of human being literally skinned alive and live to tell the story. During the thunder storm lust week, lightning struck a negro cabin near High Shoals, descended 4 through the roof, and struck a negro woman on the (head passed down tho full length of tho. body, peeling the flkiu as it went. When found the woman was still alivo with skin from her entire,body hanging round her. She wa9 alive at last Reports. Prof. Hnckabay’s show hero Inst night, 'was well worth tlie amount of admission fee! charged. Anyone, no mutter what he professes, or is, can go and see this show without regretting it, Tli F! 1,1 FlnwiTi' Tnxt. Silence everywhere, and shadows, save whom tho rod glow of the sanc tuary lamp and the pale gleaui of Hie k ©ring tapers faintly illumined the shrine. Stately’ palms standing ghostly iu the shadowy background, roses and lilies of regal beauty, trailing sprays of lustrous blossoms twining the pil lars of tho tabernacle, and just at the door a cluster of field flowers, butter cups, clover and daisies in lowly rovereneo paying homage tc tlieir Maker. Common field flowers, nearest of all to the living Presence! "Tho lowly shall be exalted,” mur mured a worshiper as the message of inliuite love entered lior heart’ "If not here, dear Lord, then at tho eternal doer of thy tabernacle shall tlio lowly lie exalted.” Mary Ji. O Su'd* au iu Donahue's Magasdou. • OX IN t: PiDSMIC. Ili'pnrt >f h* Vi t rlit*ry Surgeon on l )!••;:* In Dooley County. Tho following is the report of tho ▼etarinary surgeon, seat, by the depart- • meat of agriculture to investigate and prescribe for an epidemic among the oxen, 0 in number, working at the huntin' wood of Messrs. O’Neal & It.'Oss in Lloowy county. _ Atlanta, '3. Hon R. © Nesbitt, Commissioner of i of A at'culture: Du\h s*K~ At #*>ur request, I visited the lumber wood of Messrs. O'Neal & Gross, at Remit, Dooly county, (ia., on tlio nineteenth to,investigate a disease among tlieir work oxen. Five were dead and buried velum I arrived and four sick in the lot in Penis. We we t out on a tram car four miles in tbo woods, where the oxen worked. Tho overseer reported about, 30 more smk. From a hasty examination I was saiis fied that there was an epidemic that would go through the entire herd anil I advised them to be sent into Puma, where they coaid be put under proper treatment. The following morning I went through the eutire herd and found all affected, i took tnu te inns rat uro of each one, many going as high as 103 and 103 3-4 Tue disease is a well defined epidemic of red water ( albominvoria), characteriz 'd by emissions of red color ed urine; th discharges :rom the bow els were tinged vrita bK-0.1 and 'mu cous; the pulse was quick and breach big horrible. Til.- causes of this outbreak. 1 think, are due to npnro water from a well the oxen wore watered from. O wing m the lew fiat situ itiou the surface water from the iot was washed into it. r console the epidemic a mild form that readily responded to treatment which we gave first by purgatives, fol lowed by autisoptiouml alterative med teiues. Respectfully, J. N. Cook, Voterinary Surgeon. BROWN'S IPON BITTERa oures Dyspepsia, In cigestion & Debility. 5 Forks . V. i Local Happenings arolind the Forks. * ————— p Sunday was a rainy day. • Last week our town was unusu ally dull. Farmers busy getting through with their r > ps. W W Kidd went to Wintervilh last Saturday in the interest Pit tard Bros. Agent Turner took in thef, bull at Comer last Thursday‘night. Mrs. 0 R Buesee and in-law, took the early train iSat iir<litv morning for fjieir ffjUire home Ft. \'alley. Hon. W H Bullock o>' Rpggs, was in town last Saturday. Revenue officers were thick around here last- Tu'iday. spying out evil Joe Kirk gave a blacksmith some old carriage springe to make some heel- sweeps, one half for the other, hut Joe had to help make his half before lie got them, J T Williams and Misses Ella, Lilia and Eures Estes, went to Comer last Thursday evening, Wde Glenn of Comer, vas visiting the old folks at the Glum house Saturday nlid Sunday, j Jimmie the Agent, went up! to Winder Sunday, returning oa the night train. Rev. Brewer preached at Con cord Saturday, no preaching; Sunday. Rev. Brewer will be there again at next regular meet ing time, commencing on Thurs day night before Ist Sunday in August. Prof. Con wells singing will commence nt 5 Forks on Monday after the 3rd suit day in August. Messrs J T Pittard and C T Bul lock of WintervPJe, were in town Monday evening. Let all turn out and hear Elder Patterson at the church at this place next Monday night. Harry Foot, ool„ sowed 8f bush els of wheat and made 48jj. Messrs E F and G V Martin and families, wore visiting Mr, und fdrs. W C Hitchcock Monday, SHERIFF SALE. ' Georgia- MiulU'n county. J W ill b# sold ojb the Tuesdavr ug. th# court kens* in snid (/uu ty withia to# legal hear* of sale, ft tt> I highest bidder for cash, th# fallowing pro perty All that eudr# true 4 *f laid lvlg and being in Ihe county qf Martitoa White of Ooorgia. iiwHnrrison district and nkjoining lands of florin Scarborough. J W Krajrp and 8 A Sian, la Awn ,n the Be* Christian tract ff laadt containing liS aci es in or# or Inn, liter# is a good ouo hors.) farm open Vi tl/ name. Said property b?vi#d oil as\h(Mr#pcrty ot A F ararbomuglrtp a tisfyNAam-tp ig# ~ ;eru ti# i*ud from the yWi,- i|-_ said c#uly in favor ,/i3 A fJitiu against •nid A F Scar borough. Suicl proprtty pointed out in said execution sud written M>ti,.o given tenant in posiassi'oA as recinir by law. This July lot* IS it. L. C. JSKOOKS, BhorifT. SHERIFF SALE. Getr^ia — Mtdisca anan?y. M’i’l b# o'l<. >h fi Tutvda? i Austin n*xt at th* et,urt hotiv* i# *jn c.iiimt, within th* legal ktursef e, t*<ith# b'g #t bidder f it- o-tsli iti# toil Wirg'pi#f ©,-ty t#-wit; o>* ■ er'iain tl'cl of kill lying and btit.g u *sid aluutT, vcj* : ',itg !ai do of H 1‘ So velil, \\ \V S a.t and othr*. a*tl io'‘\*' r f 7© acres more or Ikss. r l'h,L }. a dw.ringr kou#* and-! ortht.i d'i'gV and a go. fa u open oJU land ’aw? on a# () w R C 'lhe t JJt rfy a ix 4 li fa iaud by E F Martfit, tax >iloot#r, of laid aonaty a;*i' 8 C M K Co-bert for aunt end oonnty taxea for the yen- 1t94. Levy, *id# by J A Gordon: L C aad fijjj.- *d ovtr to me. Writu* notice jive in pot)eti■•*. Tbie Jb I }’ 11 tia im, L, n. BROOKS, •beriff, ■ Great Western ORGAN Haadsar Then Ever. Flaett *f AM. SsiW Weisst, Betted Pwefc, Bfgaat Finish. i MAGHIKIOKICr OR4AW with ft par* itaging A tana, Irmti Ui* wfunH whlapar mt ft lute, Lu Um |fw4 hnmnsny of u Mthwtn. 10 • Urp, 6 mum, 4 (*ta *f nwh <m<J and— Me eoepWra. HEW STYLE 2I‘tS*OHLY SBO ANB We PAY THE FREIGHT. Phillips L Crew Co.,AitaMfc-rr L a A A A A A A A 4* A A A A A A ' A_ A ▲ A _ A _ A . _ „ FIRE !N THE MERCHATILE CAMPS ” Strong Proof Against Lonnie Greene! “Open and shut game“ That’s what you want— -250 open and shut paper fans 7c worth 15c. 250 “ “ black “ 5o worth 10c .-t-250 open aud shat taus with Rowers at 8c worth 15c. 800 Jap Fans beautifully decorated at 2jc other gets 5 and 10c, 500 papers best 10c pins, will let them go at 5 100 Ladies shirt waists at 25c cheap at 40c 100 Ladies shirt waist at 80c cheap at 50c* A lovely line Ladies shirt waist at 1.25, SUSPENDERS. dozen at 19c others get 26c and 85c 25 dozen at 29c others get 45c 25 dozen nt 830 others get s‘c5 ‘c to G°c. 2 ' dozen Elegant washable tiesal 10c cheap at 20 ',25 dozen braided ties at 25c cheap at 40c. 200 dozen nice white Pearl buttons 5: dozen others gel 10c. 200 first class Hair Curlers 5c others get 10 to 15c 25 dozen men’s shirts at 19c worth 85 c 25 dozen men’s shirts, extra length 85c worth 50c These prices are the fruits of knowing when and where tJ buy goods and are just a few pointers to he many great bargains now on sale at my houses. TOMMIE CfcEfcEUEBBraS Li vDanielsville and Comer* v “ l ,V Q, tav tbimit i* as raflrflW taAex Af niaf.stlr. T-k* Type ie a <lfwill, grrail dim*- , Ml alil#a ia Ck JE jaiHim-vG mu<* o/ (4imo auMi tnhugMHW A-'.UUj. iWit •* Uawg l>tii fai 4 • v. ; w Ikvovrtefi'd pm* *v.-.r 3 K'fw rMk ptk,— o '*'** i + irf new iaoom* J J V; a wuil uhoa, *c ll rft.l for n rr.o" /i ** toJfr mm •L I f war .rij ’ rr, r-i a l#*e7rf r 81 Nj> *'■ ?■!:’. aw vieUwtL JIMM f( • y-1 oL;-; .. 1. .i <t '.*toaal? vrM Itrav. iis ##de) 11l iileraa-j H.j£rW M #£ i Hr-.a-.vvt • 3<igsuta. The Jo. tuve Tyfe i&diu-.te# km eg tMsty aii srt, wik* wBl feM nuo 1# lit auvivlAveat FG 'Kn are “f #•. litJt: li huaew, ipt* I via - Ir< ml. '■ ' .:ul lev ’ ’■*), T*' 1 A-.. -i A • v-> *• -• vreicjl vffl ?, IV t t> ■ >•• ■ r. in'ff citheerllnr to ’ll -ife ®' v • -' •v. f.r 1.-ian. Tito# V I I; i\ , - e* t.- > *:/ ,> weV <jf mS Wt, s,J , .-v . r- •’ w# wgiw r toian i’ - ••••• sm* *e ! 1 - 1- IH,, *a w#| 11,1*1 I it *• ■ v-;\kh- fauna# BMO Hw- • rt: , ,k-W l*ttMh|jp. I' v\ ' -v. - fc. j a mN* II I S { wt vtfW oi Tfa ill i ■ Pk?i luc 9 l€ 4 /•Xt ■'4 ™ ‘ <v * "• v *6+ *,p ■ > *h’M U 1 -.-.“ktvwma lllteßl* 1 —) iii awsvivng'e ii iitace, * J*-k#i l on. r,’ iin savie LryiaVljUifCL IS , wt- .; r i-n„ rn rfi'lee 4~-A mg r:% . : \ wiv : .r-( a.’,d. *■ '-iv bS ,ii '• \ 9a, cj. J*u taA '&e (ML F-v - I Sc i'.vryfr a infra /A*J. ■■f Van.Uv Xian Vine, aad voMcaab K ewwaed q<ws of £a jttvirW*. ; W A iu TW wv?eu; av* Ijr jfS.t*. yam WS Im r a * 'tCus-aniaeai ie me. AaMrau 7 fc# w. Jmtr,g<-’Pax*ak.. FWllfctaa I 2£,liUf SJ HU (Met, Dm T£ Vk-n;-.a sr-.iftrl.iw aujaaiß Je.a-3 ■!) *f* fiwAla# He npS e lueDr acl Aawetße #a#*aea * f £7 kt( niV#raet le %<n I (F® MMe-eal.g (Le fS-ata*# Tim I Ttaala. waKfc ioileiajt *#■£ I .. (Sf sl*H, Blvaiaireea, i#A aed, upd * team*, .oerwlod dy, *■ tS vrokk ii * fce ■plßer texAeswr) one of wi ctmld #■■*>> t# Keneesm's SCtsaldMo. It you are newqnntfiM s JS3lfo a apedaecs -nl *S Wmi v-fi sCanie Ihu are tug Ifwee TBCIUqt boe not THK a > a&U A , ■ D UR AUG’S kmm Mm ,w isips Ictcc {r-r IS roan * iSftade.-* r!*4r ter cte. Jl'-A 4 v,vmsaai *rs M Efcaubts 1 **■ Sftanaa. ,-rt . la ali to fstmi ’ *5 ** **♦'< *T ttwavaO ti ?hy* ***** *d (-a*,** ft !* , r*T7 a** Wilts an twa tin- ' t.- (•. ft aar la his rrl / *oiv a '.'* or nix *• * Sre . alleai. Oar •*nap. ram s*-■£-'1 29. h D.C -h -M • • ■ r>A*. ax I* r.t ..•*, it;,. “ SaSKniaH trsa., ,*sa *.'■ an sw, sag, -.^ 5000 yds first-class shirting prints @ 4 cents others get st< ■ 6c. . 5000 yds very best indigo blue prints @ 5 cents others get Gets. White Goods 15 per cent. uruJer RuMaer prices. A magnificent line Cashmere, ImSifiats, Satin.. Wvrhu Dllt cords,' T3ren dress goods and various other goods of tflis class. A limited quantity “French Tartan” well worth 1.00 my price is 75 to 90c. A limited quantity Woolen silk stripe challie worth 85c my price is 22£c. A limited quantity of Foregn silk striped challie worth 75c my price is 56c, 1000 yds Trilby Plisse the latest dross goods out 124 c yd cheap at 20c. I have sold over 600 yds of these bargain goods in 12 hours and have plenty ftft for you if you will come now. Lap dusters at 65c worth 90 c . Linen Lap dust ers at 75c. worth 1.00. Linen lap dusters at 100 worth 1.25. v A hard to beat line of Ladies Trimmed Hats, all new styles and beautiful. They must be sold m 80 days at my price or yours. DiSIELSYILtE HIGH SCHOOL Fall term, Opens July Bth ‘95 This school is to be taught absolutely FREE for every child within the school age for the term of One Hundred Days at any time in tho school year of 1895. Parents will find it to th air ad vantage to patronize this school Board from $5 to $lO per monto COURSE OF STUDY: Primary Grade: Spelling, Readin; , Writing, Eirst Steps in Geography and Primary Arithniouo SI.OO Intermediate Grade, Spelling, Reading, Writing, [contin ued) KlementaryJGeography, Elementary grammar, mterme diat.Arithmetic, Composition 30 Advance 'Grade: Spelling. Writing, History, United 1 ales and General complete and Physical Geography, ad ranced Arithmetic, complete grammar, Latin, Algebra, Physiology, etc. s i -60 W. DABNEY GHOLSTON, Principal. MISS WILLIE A QUINN, Assistant. jjji if PRICKLY ASM, ?WZ BOOT kko roT&ssum lakes Ul -3hn.tjwCC t.'Xif>47*nv ■ratnrrr CX*MV4R- -'.—E*. In Ulm rtim\ e, > ' *&t* ~a- > .-dj ' <J' Vf ,W 1 |A. e g** - * . V. <- V. i-tJ ;->.{* A far. v.-rsx-. r - v? 4\ 1 V ' • • ' •• ' V " ■ ~ A '• ' ' ?* - •* - *•'• t '‘‘ ' ' *"*•*'*♦ ■'■**‘l •' •>*-/* i* * "> v •*.* in* v-■ t-’-' -dA •.1 An* • _ ■ ■■ jr.-vjujr ,• ' * ■ •* •. ‘ V. . . v . v ' - v 4 “ : ; s: . “--a n • . . - .-m. - . *. ve t *■ .• v ■j* l • •*. il* :* t J - ' ’ : - ' ' i\S ■. '*’7 **'ti tRt-WJh f. •<* : :*.•’ Jt * vr .'i V • • ~- - r • • ' . -r • ... *■ Vwf r'--i A • ' A* ; ’ .*-* : *. '* *. TT -v —*- r.r< • - *•■ ** a• •- *.t*i . " * ’■**• '4a - *. w. ; , -ga . -a'.. ** • .v > . * - U-t T'.'" i •-J. v *'; > v* k .*. s . - -V J)F r.y- -. ~ - + :**>. - r! s-; > .v. " a* o* J"l" -■ a* aav-** - r— . •-"T . ‘kc • *•- - . • h i-tc r* . iv.-. k’j iv ki* -a*. : *rs a , V : f Crt&ff • JkT : J '-i*-x* dy• ,-C*+£KVt. & iff- JV*4 - al Yjujrr, a#-©**. 36** FilPSIf? BLOTCHES H| BIS SORES cltsia, iiuiL Me.yy--sraftr%iarHsM>.^—fcgn . ■ |P , KIBII3 TROUBLES adIfSPEPSIi ■c-' • ' i min w—RII4MI :r-Trti *S3.3Srck2jr krfJP* - >-r ’tt'.f l.>, ?ce 3e04 %nS roust eta, ess .sraaeeui t4x>4 pr.gfhw eft e- AKronaft, 0.. lair n.ian. ->' >* T.ravKAK hMO., Havaaiaift, *- .visa—2 beqfbt abawiaol t t-. ir TTc t S?Anffv.4r%.,ea4 "rr ■ . , 1.,. ■. ;Lt-; taruft •• -V. vaara, 1 ■*! Qia HM &statt v.-. . i 0,0.4 ;,rst .' }. liffWTJSR. fcm OiwaqE', 9k T. .‘a, ?%%urtaft. v :■ -i c- c- - • Z lr , s.-i;y >.i .■ - -s-r.. .„ /TrJ "•- r. ’ '•! s?a atja. J , .’-df, -f*.‘ CJ ’ r teljT’i ft-a '• - . ;.—-wsi.!* - ■ n 'v- . '•<■ .rii’ Jci-:jra ;■ >-a- 1-1 • 5 ..ASSiNu, -4T-r-$. * !• a.IOL'SSKIS. Cei„*-s*ft, Qj, C Uj V&m*, r ise - v.-,-.. ...... .. • V *.a<av l ;*v - ***• >*r-> > s', bA-.aafcS OSVi If ~ ■ •- is.-.<r*S l r S t. ?. A-. i imi , i-: *./- ,a* a*-.n . , s-!, ,a; Vr.-.-tr r oaC *, -OUOH Jjiw. r6<i It pant i>. --Mi AA IKUnu All i.- Wto>l;,-rst Mti ‘ —' Efr-5- aar -.o Kf. )We *.Oea meet koeUaa ' - ■' av , -Itant ’ iltti'.-.<*ivYnc -.s'l . <**". i. ItlMilitrmlltTKd U : . -*TRti‘- d-Jvi *• T o.\ <*Hkß K>i>ddMt Sr-aifrW-. , sc,.-, wrsl;. CaJT. V. t. *WI, > r .caj# ta lAft. S£ 3 li4 niKu Mirra zsu. vs. LimAN wcpacswcfto.