The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, July 26, 1895, Image 4

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750 Children’s Suits at actual cost. § Finding that we have an overstock in childrens goods, sizes from 3 to 16s years, we will close them out at ACTUAL COST for jj Thfc Cash Only, l hi v .. ; ~ < Ml Everything in our clothing department at greatly reduced prices. Now; is the time to close out to prepare for the following season. Don’t miss< this opportuuity, for it is the chance of a life-time. ■j|H HJj 115 to 191 day ton Street, THE MONITOR. TTT EVKRY FRIDAY. /ijjpKE DOLLAR A YEAR. McGowan, Eds. and Props. I Teachers Institute PROGRAMME OF THE REG ULAR MONTHLY \ Institute. "k Jo [r- .4 Below we publish ft progrmm of the .", next monthly' institute, which ftsseinbles here on Satur dfty, 27 th int: Spelling, U. H. Wkhcht: v How and when do you teach the diacriticftl marks? Illustrate on board and by rlass. Reading, J. I. Ray: How aud when do you teach pause, tone, emphasis aud inflec tion? Give definition of each on board and show by actual test in reading. Grammnr, A. B. Park: How do you tench the particip ial? Illustratrats on hoard and give actual tent. Geography, D. 11. Biiyavt: How do you teach latitude, lon gitude, parrellela, meridians,’equa tors, etfr.. etc. Illustrate on board. Hitter?, R. A. McMwrrat: How do you interest your pu pils in the study? How do you impreaa it upon their minds so they will remember it? Arithmetic, C. J. Landers: How do you teach per rentage? Illustrate on board with practi cal examples. Sebool Government. W. D. Ghols too: The recitation —its objects and how they may be best attained? Oral aad written recitations, ad vantages and disadvantages of each? Number aud length of daily recitations? What should be done about missed lessons? llow to interest dull pupils? Home work. rosmoNs guaranteed •aAsr reasonable condition,. Do not MV It esn not be done, till you eml for Atoms catalogue ol ORAUQHON’S PRACTICAL NaabvlUe, Tenn. This College U .trongrly endoned by banker, and merchautv FOUR week, by Draughtin'* method of tracking bookkeeping it equal to TWELVE wk by the old plan. Special ad vantage* in Shorthand, Penmauihip and Teleg raphy. Cheap hoagd. Open to both acac*. Mo Vacation. -kCntcr tiSta-. Railroad fare paid. am study. hooka on ltcxikoVMxo, ami PKM,agHir especially adapt ed to •• home tudy.*' V’-Tte for ,r Hcme Study ’• artulare atoucc H: & W. F. ' DORSEY CLOTHING 5 FURNITURE: In Poor Health means so much more than 1 you imagine—serious and 1 fatal diseases result from trifling ailmrnts neglected. Don’t play with Nature’s greatest gilt—health. if you are feeling i out oi aorta, wot, and generally ea , nmurn’e nervous, JJi UWll j *y , f *and ran t work, heciit at oncatak ,▼ Ittg the inoi reßa -1 Me strengthening , 8 1(111 inedioine,whichi. A1 oil Drown’* Iron Hit , t-ra. A lot hot. *■> . tie* cure—benefit K.TTAMei cornea front the 111 TTpre very first dose-ff 1./111L1 J iUi* t rear tfi th . m*l tl | 1 % mmmmmm lo take. It Cures. Dyspepsia, Kidney and < : /er Nmnlgii, Troubles. Constipation, Bad Blooa Malaria, Nervous ailments' Women’s complaints. , t‘*yt ottlv tiie i-rtuiite it Ita-. rroased red linoaott the wrapper. AUotltet. are auh- 1 < in receipt of two r. -stamp, we • I'l c-tul pet , t le t Beautiful World'. ' F*!r Vl.are and book—tree. U*OWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, MC. ' Great Western ORGAN Hturtsmer Than Ever Ftnost of All. Solid Walnut, Burled Panels, Elegant Finish. A HAGHirffOT ORGAN with n pure sloglug II tone, from the wiunpcr ol lute*, to the KraDd hanm-nr of un orfhetm. 10 stupe, 6 octaves, 4 sets of rc-etis and double couplers NEW STYLE ?l UatnnrttH’* ONLY SBG And Wt Pay THe Freight. Phillips & Crew Cos., Atlanta, Ga. "ITtr 6 Coßimertisl MtsgS SSMSSKSS. ?252?3.%* £**"•** Crtloot m M. To,-W a£|Bas£Siafe}y j^^ysa , gSSmr *• wS’.riui Tfc “* H ’ WILBUR R. SMITH. ISXINCTON. XV Jlra. Judge feel* Dyspepsia Lira. Judge Peck Tells How She Was Cured billfernra front l>y*|H-|>i* should rend tint ftd- Jutting Idler frtittt Mr*. 11. M. IVcU, wife of Judga I’eck. a JiMttca al'fr.tey. fill., and a write, etuim-rled drltli Ilia A***ielnt-d I'ran*; •Tjr deep wi-ttsc of gr.itlt title fur llto grej( nenef.t! It-ivn r—■-lv-tl fr-itn Ui u*u of lli*l?v. rtur.H,i|Millln. I li.-ivt lantu led tr> write tln- follow lute .lati-niant for the I eliellt of sufferer* who m.-.y lie nli.tllr.rly nllliete I. I'of 11 ye.-ra 1 lain been A great snlTcrer from dyv|>np.vl.-\ and Mart trouble. AlntnM everything I ute .wiltl distress M. 1 tried different treatment* ami niedieliira. but failed to realize relief. Two year* ngo A friend ¥ refilled upon inn lo try llootl'.* S,.r*n|>.rllLl lie flr*t bottle I nollee-l lit-l|e-d mu, >) I coo Uinietl taking II It -II Ime * < mtieli good Utn, my friend* vtmUe of the Itaprovetnent. 1 hav. received such great le ie fii ffoir. It that Ctftdty Recommonct It. I now have an excellent nppetlto nnd untiling I eat ever distresses mu. U also Keep* tip my Hood’s^Cures tle.vh ami strength. 1 eaumrt |ir:tl*e. flood'* barMparllla too mitt'll." Mlt*t. It. M. I'Kt'JL Tr.vty, (ulUornln. (let llOUU'tl. NOOd’S Pills are hand made, and perfdl Si ptcvorUuu aSul appuurauce. itfic. • box. BLOOD BALM. A household rotuedy for all Blond and Skin diseases. CuM without rail. Srrof ala, I leer*. liheunutiam,('atarrh. Salt Bhram and every fortu of Blood Dineasc from the simplest plmplo to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty years’ use with unvarying t ucceas, tlrm onatrates its Mrainottnt healing, purify ing and building up virtues. One bdttla ha* more -ura tf*e virtue than a doten of any other kind It builds up the health and strength from the first dose. fer JSast f n>w *erfiticur*e, aast/kco ora appli If not kept by your local druggist, tend : •I. 00 for a lam bottlo, or ift 00 for six bot ucs, and medicine will be esnt. freight paid, bv BLOOD BALM Co.,Mßapf, 0. ! *l** ••etKTHCH .■■* TANARUS( T **• f iAl*.l IIM-'H*. M - iK > WE MISS NO SALES< 1 n our furniture department we are how preparing to make our fall purchase and to do this in a satisfactory to ourselves we must reduce stock. Ou ( * *, • .motto in this department is | ~ * l ''' *• ' \ “We Miss no Sales.” where prices are concerned, We can save you money in either department. Come and see for yourself! Represents the net shrinkage in property value in the South and West, according to the tax returns officially recorded, for 1894,3s com pared with 1893. • • A ilo'-iiive ewN in >o h, foil U' t'w an-! <V m-tt I*r-:| l-ntial sloe lon for GOirsTaA-OHJ-^^- IHLpSfJsLS MONEY— II 9o: na=J(V>f ho*-S md silver, wi'-h'l- aijmint 10-t. ltisli m-*an iti- lre r,.in*-o "f iiiiUt . ■ ,ip|ioi,-J Ihe li.- nrrl-n, will- V, I.hse-., It.-ia.-,.,| I, i ~„i , . ..." Isrls, trib.ti, 0,1 every Ttrodt e efllt- r.r v ,lu of ~H ktil. un i ~Ti *w' THE GREAT ISSUE N O N !-.<*- <>,.• an i.- u., -of andsUvt.rT'S^.i,r4 Itieliry iu.-tl as.jtiAt kr. pin-li nf -h- c.itntrv ..n th.- L'-.i-l Im-S- r * * aud.tM The ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTITUTION f pHitiiviteti a ATLANTA, GA., md i, ,v tv r A cl ?,^Mt's , I;.!/- !U " f,r ”- ri ~f • •>-> ( The Leading Chamoion of 1 19 Psopl >H * sfeesi (•..meat* m . hi-i, n,.-v - ~„7 , i--..'i .:•. ii..... v „. THE CONSTITUTION IS THa BIGGEST AND BEST WF:- LY NFvVJ > - ,-h , , ? ’ r ' * it, full a- 4">a)N "f 4sl.;toa it, t: .„ v ,.... j “ .'“l' | " “ 1 < THE £S.- AT SOUTHE-'IN WiEKIY NeWSPAPciI, -‘■•-I fc.>c ... ~i s u „ , fl#v\ t II lIHA 1.0 ♦•Cpli.l Ofi ilift-s-ui.dat tl . ' I>l I‘VOlcf An enlart'cment of 12 eolumnL;. To ntoct the upon its space for n-y/j, The C6r will increase its size during the summer fc 13 yarfumiis. making 8. t vtc't - t - THE CONSTITUITO.YS SPECIAL FCVN-ia - - - ■>' *• * . —■ 1 ' , Ut i-jr p.i,xjr i.f A:,... Ida. .... The Harm and Parm;rs l>;p>lrtnjrrtL, Tv_- \V. . vi’; treatVi* o;iii I• - i'; {> - ataall under able <1 r..-r -., ~ I .re v. • ~ly .... r . .-ttv- . v ~ „ , I miff til** t - itl i I t 111 .| • • I 4)'A a. t | !KL , • , , ** i • i lr-t tttr„.rr. a ti. 1...‘..a,..„.V,1V' A .•.'•** ' r i- pu't.. <a .. writcra u mil Ae,,.. r L - i-im.u.,,-,w t i• it... rt ;. , ..L i4 “ : -•* *> that mtuuM-Ml* it in r. r ffrt.idr f-.t Vtr t • Txs m,.-, „, : • 0 r- -u. <-t> u tuiw p r ■ During hr urlt.-'e and I y .1,. t .tier f i tin r It • Fi- , .1 L - ' - STRAIGHT, CLEAN, UNTRAMMELLED f 411 CONSTITUTION Buluia the I rise |ni e wi/ m i'm i.i,i xi .?•• * Bt ftpscial urraiifom nt tiv* ' u-> •* • “ " *"* •MOBBCfId in 17i- • 4 i lN A Row I ■ls mm husbers and novas ® K Km takas u Finn AmMta ak latanuNtaaM MUMta IftsinAat Graai Priaa at Farts BxmaMsa. iifanaS _ —fkst, ftad >T taMtaw aysla aokm ta mmM. Btqr lljuta wtah a nqmattift ta IHE^MES-MVU S2OO Offered Free! Office First National Bank, t v* n Kashvilur, Xwm M April 6,1895. Mo '‘* J- P-Draughon, Pres.Draughon’sPrac- tical Business College, Nashville,Tens. ** mc *° r w ßich you deposited WwtJSJSrS^.y^* •■- torfctTnndS 2_~**y P ro P°*inon to five SIOO to any charitable institution iu Nashville amisloo to any Business SSSS2SL U iShf~S °h><> kjvtr, if youcould not wwrmott written applications fo- Hookkcepers sfo\4 t nSEy h "* .*f ~r,B* th past five HONTHStEa any other Business College south vw ?D? h l° R ils r < 2 >n,d show in the PAST FIVE YEARS, has this day expired, and, no demand U * e ** me is “°w held subject to jour check. Respectfully, J W. F. Bang, Cashiers s?y. B.—A certificate of deposit for the above in Ue daily papers of Nashville, . the Atlanta Cons tit*. *j>* i ad thirty thousand circnlars, giving the S??lsC*-. t * > rc* Months' time to accept.—A'oi.l mlUDaily Amen, an, April j ,g w . y \ TV*, —__ • a a _ _ ... mn.Tj2rC-y \. BiUUlu: ’ ume 10 accept.—Aom- - Avn>'^tTF J D^" 7 ’ 'v j ; •„ - Drink Rovl Pale Beor, sold hy ?ut^k££^*° s^sh ' iat ' Tcoa 'T H Riddling, Comer. $500,000,000 AUUIMI I - Er.Kb.lo.en, Sho. Double-barrel I:reach-loadera at J-M> -|. Murale and Breerh-loadinjr Gune, tliflee, vai * rutoln.ofmmttapproTed English ai.d Auu.firae All k'uda of sporting ifiiplementa and ani. reqmretl >y e]-rtsm*n ac l cun maker* Colt's x.ew x.recch-loadiTig’ Uoublo Guns- the "nni tet made for thenriee* JOSEPH C. CRUBB dt CO., Thc^I!SS2S vrQ K\3r fH kmJ MHtaaba, aareoua pnsts* \3 fln -*a. mmH by alarkal m sakaoaa, wakatmj imwa /t I ToUstsm mot hot / WM A tawaad ska* balM aa / / 'HI 1 Mu drrßtt* isaOT it O|\ lF usm sad itn that ■tmtHt writs*? nanataa Sa iwaasTS JfC*rirVr .Tar-wow* mIRm tsaa'asd wtw motsm— iisitrsn HOT cmu r ov wW W r. Re yd ay aMR Jrwws’i /rasa JblMes. SMal *~~r *irtai" -*- * ~*—**- ~i~n-issanr Xf J9U fH 1 VMk and all torn oat take shows ibon bzttsiu