The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, August 09, 1895, Image 3

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COMPENSATIONS! I .ill- Is Fall at mm LIGHT SUCCEEDS DRKNESS, SUNSHINE FOLLOWS STORMS, AND JOY TREADS FAT UPON THE LEDEN HEELS OF SORROW! THERE IS NO OCCUPATION WITHOUT ITS Dis advantages and its compensating benefits! No conditions of oiicrmttances so bad without an admixture of some good! Just now PROVISIONS begin toriso—but, t ßanks to Nature’s law- ■— l DRY GOODS GO DOW* Our Removal clearance sale begins in earnest. The stock must be sold before Ist day of Augthfi i ♦- ■* t * J, R, Crawford, —Dealer in— Dry Goods, Groceries and Gener al Merchandise. Wagon yard ac commodations free for all at pres ent. i'*ill furnish beds at 10c per head. Meals reasonable. Also runs a first class blacksmith and repair shop. Good horse shoeing a specialty. lam running a beef market, and will pay the highest market price fet fat cattle, sheep, goats or hogs. Come one, come all. miles from Athens on Danielsville road. || Local Happenings, Items of Interst to ‘‘Free State” People Picked UP bv MONITOR REPORTERS s4 lu<H Bit Is Mill MoitMili HUti Is EtsHf llfssttf— Mrtla, Butte. Msrrlsu, Vliltecs, Etc. A C and J B Campbell of Ila, come dewn last Wednesday. Miss Leila Kellum is visiting relatives in Royston this week. B D Bone of Larkin, was down to see us Wednesday. Barney is a jollv fellow and we are always glad to so** him. This week‘s Great Slaugter OF WASH GOODS. 20 cents Indigo Lawns selling at 10 cents. 124 cents Black i.awns selling at 8 cents. 15 cents Black Lawn selling at 10 cents. 25 cents Black Lawn selliug at 12J cents. 80 cents Blank Lawn selling at 15 cents. 12 J-2 cents Irish Lawns selling at 8 1-8 cents. 15 cents Jaokouets Duchos selling at 7 1-2 cents, 150 Lawns and Organdies selling at 7 1-2 cente. 15c. Figured Ducks, in white, black, navy and clar grounds. at 8 cents. 8c Pereales selling at 5 cents. 12 l-2c Pereales selling at 10 cents. 10c Cheviott Shirtings selling at 7 cents. 8e Cluck Muslins selling at 5 cents. 12 l-2o Check Muslins selling at 8 cents, loc Check Muslins selling at 10 cents. 25c Check Muslius at 15 cents. 8 cents White Lawns selling at 5 ce' is. 12 l-2c. White Lawns selling at 8 eenss, 150 White Lawns selling at 10 cents. 2&c White Lawns selling at 15 cents. ASSORTMENT NO, 1 1,600 yards Cotton Dress Goods, such as Ginghams, Outing Cloths, Muslins and Percales, goods worth Bc, loc and 15 cents. Choice of lot 5 cents. ASSORTMENT NO. 2 1750 yards fine Ginghams; Caprone, Satteens, Bat— tist and Morias, goods Worth from 12 l-2o to 20c per yard. Choice of lot 8 cents. ASSORTMENT NO. 8 1. 642 yards French c atteens, Acotoh Zephyrs, Bat tiat China Cloth and Organdies; goods worth 10c,25c and 350. Choice of lot 10c, G C Daniel and wife are visit ing relatives in Jefferson this week. 0 L Jones is the proud father of a bouncing baby boy. The lit tle fellow put in his appearance last Tuesday night, Dr. T J Wills and family of Washington, Ga., visited friends here this week, and went from here to visit the Dr. father in Jackson county. We learn Mrs,Lucy Wilson from a wagon while coming up the hill this side of the new bridge across Broad rivsr, and broke her arm. This is said to be a bad hill, but will be better of course* when given a few good workings. The members of Lystra- church and friends of the same, met'the re on last Wednesday, and beautified the cemetery and church grounds, This work is dene every year, and these good people take pleasure in it. Col. John E Gordon waa in Athens Wednesday. Hon. David W Meadow is in south-west Georgia this week. Mrs. Lucy Goss who has been visiting her brother, S 0 O’Kvlley, has returned to her home in Pitt man districs. Miss Mildred McEwen,.of Elber ton. who has been visiting Miss Mattie Carrington, has returned home, accompanied by Miss Car rington, who will spend a weak with her. I will be in Danielsvitle on Monday, August 19th and willSa-. main until tnK. 24th, If yon any kind of Dehtal I will be glad setve you. #ll work guarsnued. N. R. F MOOKIiL Dentists, j B N White and Classic city last Wedne^ay.^*^ Hubbard Jackson, col , waa JatlV •and here Wednesday charged with* misdemeanor. \.\ \ Yvs* ; Clearance Sale OfJwhite lawns, figured swiss, organdies, mulls ackoets aud nainsooks, soiling regardless of cost ■■ i .ii ii i—■ i . (i * mi i CLEARANCE SALE Of table linens, napkins, Doylies, Towels, crash Pants Linens, Apron Limns, and white quilts, selling re gardless of cost. a • > .*? . , t j) ' f/ :• 25;CENT TAKEN OFF ON EVERYDOILAR’S WORTH OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS: Shirt waist. Embroideries. Laces, Handkerohinf*. Ladies’ and children’s swiss ribbed uuderteits, children’s Lawn caps aLd bonnets, chiffons, white and fancy, para sols, Fans and' Neckwear, $ J- •• Vf t ■ mil ■< i■il n imi ili ii Hi ii 1’ kmi Vi ■■' •m % * ,I f ; .... ’i* 7- 25 CENTS TA KEN *ON EVERY DOL LAR S WORTH • Wool Dress Goods, Silks and trimming*, lace cut tains, Fortiers, table covers, rugs,, mattings, Floor oi* cloths ahd trunks. DAVISON X LOWE J B Hunnicutt and family, who hod . been spending a few weeks at Madison Springs, returned to their, home in Athens yesterday, W S Threlkeld, the popular bailiff of Brookline, was in town yesterday, , J R atid J T Williams of Pitt man, came down yesterday. T J Scott of Atheas, was hers on yesterday. Unole John Sailors, one of Har rison’s most substantial citizens was in town yesterday, Mrs. Df. It C Moseley, of Roys ton. visited relatives here last Sat urday and Sunday. Drink Royal Pale Beer, sold by T H Riddling, Comer. I The appraisers appointed to set apart a years support to the wid ow and children of Rev. T J Adams, dec’d. have made their re port and set apart them thb whole estate. There was no debts ow ing by the estate. Misses Addie Lester, who has been visiting her brother. Dr.J I Griffith, has returned to her home m Clarke county. Mrs. Dr. Grif fith returned with her, and will stay several days. Say! my friend, don’t give agents your money— go to ptSonways Music House, \ Athens, for the best Organs, Sewing ma rines, etc,; at prices, that STH astorHsh you. KTbu rely What JVlr 2fc<|nway tell& you afout anything. \Ci 5 Larkin Dots. Mr! Young Williams we are glad to states in much letter. Buel, the little eon of A V Jenkins was Vmdly hurt last Tues day at the school house at Union. It seems that the boys ware en gaged in playing ball;, and the bat slipped from the hands of one , the players and struck the liltle fellow on the foreheat}. He was unconscious for some time. He was carried home as tjuick as pos sible and at this writing is doing nicely. Tommy Chandler' speaks of at tending the camp meeting at Hart well.but in going, there he- will not go >ia Fort Lamar. Luther Chandler attended the singiug at Black’s creek Friday. He report* a nice time. The picnic at Pleasant Grove Saturday was a grand success. Our oowmanity was well represented. When Quilia Carter returned home he performed the chores, and then struck a bee line for the creek, in whioh he waded all night. Quilia thinks agreatdeal of his toenails. The Moon Grove and Easy Beat base ball clubs crossed bats at Bullocks gin house on Ist inst. When the game was fi ished the score stood 18 and 12 in favor of Moon Grave. Billy Gober warned his band to meet him* at Larkin Monday to work hie toad. Quills Carter was was ths hand, and brought' his hone u> pat in bis place. Billy brought a mule in his place, and there they were is a dispute about who should work. Quilia told Billy he had brought hie horse aud that waa ,ah he. So there was Billy with a horse and mule and 2 plow stocks. He swore he would not plow either of them. 7i P VFrighr sympathised with ur. Go- Millinery Clearance sale. /f I Every Trinsmed*Hat will be sold rt. exactly 50c eu. ..the dellar. Big reduotien on tailors And trimmings, it! •" •. This weeks Specials 5o for Swiss Ribbed Vest, worth 10c. 6*5 for Ginghams worth Bc, 5c for Percales worth 80. v 3 cakes tine toilet soap tor 10c. , One cent per cake for good,toilet soap. 2 ..... * 4 * * vll V JUgfwY. tM One pint good amueuia for 5u One cent each for childrens fans. lUo for wool Challies that sold at 20, . m ni, , 26e for shirt waist silks that sold at 49c. 10c for Linen Handkerchiefs that, Held at 25e. 1000 ribbon remnants se. worth 15c. * . ' 1000 ribbon remnants 10c, worth 26s 25 -yards good sea island f for 11.00, 50c for corsets Worth 75u , . .’ v . 75c for corsets wertA j * 60c per dozen fer large#wels wpvth 75c; „ , 5a for Eibbreideries, worth Hid and 16c ' tf , 1 10c fer Embroideries worth 150 And 20c '• lg for Embroideries worth 20u aud 25c 250 for Embroideries worth 35c. 600. and 76c, 35c for dress Patterns, best Indigo Prists ja . 60 ber and twirl him he couldlbave #ne ef his hands as he had throe on his road. JO Wright will make a lino speech at the debate next Friday night. Others will do likewise. ILA NEWS. Georg# Boroughs of Planter, visited Marvin Campbell Sunday. B W Mercier of DanieUviilg, is visiting rotative* bore this week. J B Campbell and family visited relatives in Jackson county Sun day. ■ Mr, Ollie Strickland of Evings toa, Fla., visited his sister Mrs. J B Campbell, here Monday. Mr. Stephen Harris ef Jackson county, was visiting relatives her% this week. J D and Joe Chandler of Hix, attended the singing hers Sunday evening. Prof. Hayes aang at the church hero Sunday afternoon. i Ila was well represented at Danielsville Saturday. School is in a flourishing con dition new—7o students enrolled. Miss Lee Campbell, left last Friday for Nickvilte, where ahe will teach a class in muaio. A PROBABLE* MARRIAGE, vmimt * Rumor haa it that on* of our young ladies and young men are to be marriral at the first opportu nity. The rumor further says that the license has been procured aud all ia ready exeept the opportune ty get off, ms fir 11 wale, or* aßyT*** | a2Mtiߣi'f Are You Sicß, Of Being \ Sicli? -S i ( t Then let us suggest a cure. J Ten to one the trouble started • i with your Uver. A torpid liver , f iiti Rhmimiriim. , t Coiiitfbirtkiii' Pyrow^iiiHttd* \ (UR-Er f goes straight to work on tbs 1 fiver. It drawees that organ; t wishes it active again—the add i ' leaves you’re Hood and jron'fW f cured. Tsstfanooiad Mew: ' s. w. ruvsa i 4D w. louts Street, cioeiuaU. 1 f Sek Your Drsgfirt er Meretaet See A ( f CULLEN It NEWHAM. , Sole Prop Mora . Knoxville, Toon. R*c T * Mi die in* for by L E ,Owt(i Dr.Jt P Sorrell* O B Griffith, M>r. J I Griffith. ' eS3SSitScmsi Jr*m JMw>. mm* MirCS#