The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, August 16, 1895, Image 3

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J R, Crawford, —Dealer in— Dry Goods, Groceries and Gener al Merchandise. Wagon yard ac commodations free for all at pres ent. will furnish beds at 10c per head. Meals reasonable. Also runs a first class blacksmith and repair shop. Good horse shoeintr a specialty, lam running a beef market, and will juy the higlest market price fer fat cattle, sliee.pL, goats or hogs. Come one, come all. miles from \thens on Danielsville road. Local Happenings, Items of Inters* to ‘‘Free State” People Picked UP bv MONITOR REPORTERS •*< Hudtd Oat la Sanll. Mouthfuls m u to It Eotilf Diyatted—Births, Deaths, Marrieies. VUitors, etc. W L Anthony" of Oglethorpe county was in town Wednesday, G W Aaron of Fort Lamar came down Wednesday. J T Rowe of Comer, was up to eee us Monday. Drink Royal Pale Beer, sold by T H Riddling, Comer. I will be in Danielsville on Monday, August 19th and will re main until the 24th, Tf yon have any kind of Dental work, see me. I will be glad serve you. All work guaranteed. R. F MOORS, Dentist. Charlie Bond of the Mill dist. cams over this week to see his brother, JFL Bond, who is quite sick. The -fruit crop is immensely large this year,and the fruit grow ers art drying aad canning a great deal of it. With such an abun dant crop on hand, we think the people should make every effort to prevent waste, ; Misses Corrie Kilpa'trwk and Lettie Cain of Athens, were visit ing Miss Ola Brooks this week. Lut'e Johnson of Oglethorpe, is visiting his brother, A 8 John son this woek. Miss Minnie McDaniel of Cos Inmbia county,once assistant teach er at this place, is visiting Mrs, D W Meadow. If you want fire insurance, in either country or town, call on Moseley & Mql&owan, Danielsville, and we will fit you up. We repre sent the Hartford Fire Insurance Cos. which is one of the largest and best companies in the world. Company “A” of the 16th Ga. xegiment had a reunion at Jor dans Spring, near Moon’s Grove •this week, full proceedings of which will appear next week. Dick Hulme, who is now trav eling for G H Hulme, Athens, was •visiting his sister, Mrs. R H Kinnebrew, here this week. 12Jo paid for dry hides at Brooks <fc Power, Comer, Ga. I F White went over into Franklin county this week and captured two foxeß.Mr. White is an eld hunter and Reynard had better look out when lie goes after him. j Col. L G Johnson formerly of this place, but who is now making at Bhellmaa,Ga.. is up visit to his aon A S John #gn here. Uncle Luke looks as well and as pleasant as ever, and * hope that he will decide to -Jime baek and be jne of us again. Tuesday was tbo last return djhy for tho September term of our •court, and the record shows that 16 cases wtre filed, which is about an average for the fall terms. yCol. JFL Bond has been quite sick, but is improving some now. 4 Miss Kula Bird of Athens, me out on a visit to her mefchor Sunday. I will bo in Danielsville on Au •gust 26th and will remain for one week. If you have any dental work wait for me. C. D. Turker. Vlss Lucy Quinn, of Danburg, is Irisiting her sister Miss Willie •QiinD, this week, Miss Minnie Me adow of Athens, is visiting relatives hare, this week, and will attend the camp-meeting at Poplar Springs. All people who enjoy a nies cool, refreshing drink, call for the Famous Royal Pale Beer, sold e> Comer, by J H Scoggi.if Mrs. J W Williams and chil dren of Athens, are visiting rela tives here this week. i. Misses Saliie and May Garbett, and Mr. Garbett of Oglethorpe oounty, and Mr, Bowe, of Texas, were visiting Col. It H Kinne brew and family last Saturday and Sunday. Royal Pale Beer, made by -the Atlanta Brewing Cos. is by far the best, purest, most refreshing drink in the drinkable kingdom. Sold by Tom Riddling, manager for J H Scoggins, Coiner. Mrs, A S Johnson and daugh ter, have returned from a visit to relatives in Clarke count)'. During the protracted meeting at the Bapeist church which closer! on last Saturday, there were 10 accessions to the church by ex perience and four by letter. The church was also greatly revived. Remember that watermelen pro position and bring them along. The largest melon gets the Monitor for 12m. the 2nd larges tfor six months. Say! my friend, don’t give agents your money— go to Conway’s Music. Athens? for the best Organs, Sewing ma chines, etc., at prices that will astonish you. You can rely upon what Mr- Conway tells you about anything. A BAD SHOWING. We are informed by the County School Commissioner that only 7 of Yb 4 applicants w’ho wwre exam ined at the last public school examination, for license to teach school, answered the requisite number of questions to entitle them teach in the public schools of Madison county. HON. JOHN F. KIRK O^AD. John F. Kirk, one of Madison’s oldest and most respected citizens had stroke of’paralysis on Monday and died on Wednesday following, and was buried at the family burying, ground on yesterday at 8 o’clock p. m, Mr. Kirk had lived to a ripe old old age, and died honored by his fellow citizens He represented Madison county in the legislature at one time, and made a good re cord. He joiued the cohgregation alist church, and was a consistent member thereof.'when he died. Ho leaves a laTge family of ehil dren and grand-children, as well as a large circle of friends to mourn his death. The Monitor e xtends its sympathy- NOW OR—LOOK OUT! Eds, Monitor: —Allow me to use your valuable paper as -means of communication with the road commissioners, road overseers and other road authorities, concerning the importance of, at once, ’put ting tho pablic roads of Madison county in at least a fair condition, “A stitch in time saves nine” as th# old saying goes, and we now have two weeks before court. At court when the judge makes his chaTge to the grand jury so strong that they can’t disregard, it and that body presents the whole or any part of the road commission ers for neglect of duty, then it will bo too late. Brother read commissieners, let us all act, and act at once, while time is our opportunity. Do yon remember the last Gen eral Presentments ef the Grand Jury of our county, concerning the roads of our county? .See section 661 of the Code of Georgia. Also 616 of the code. Road Commissioner. NOTICE, Georgia— Madison eeunty. Whereas J F L Bead haa applied te me for-letters ef administration oa tbs estate ef Nathaaiel C Bend deceased. Thia is thsrefore to cito all persons eoneemed to be a* my office on the Ist Monday in Sept, next te shew why said letters shonltl Bet b granted. This angustfith 1805 G C Daniel, Ord. Kidd-Mattox. LOVE GETS THE LAUGH ON THE On last Sunday morning a'; 8 o’clock at the home of Rev. Frank Cows, in South Carolina, Mr. Chas.C. Kidd and Miss Bessie Mattox, ‘wbre united in marriage. This was a case where parental objections amounted to naughtt, and the young couple whose hearts were overflowing with love for each other, silently stole away and repaired to this old plantation home, th* place ef thb birth of the groom, where he spent his beyhood dava, to be joined together for life - • 8 " v ’■ v. II Miss Mattox is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H B Mattox, and much liked bv her friends, while Mr. Kidd is a very popular young man. This young conple have the best wishte ef the Monitor as they journey through life, and may prosperity <he theirs. They are still in South Caroli na, and may make that State their future hope. From Jeptha. Mrs. J D Threlkeld is quite sick at this writing, but we hope to report her better soon. The aiHtqal meeting at Oak Grove is now iu progress, with Revs, J R King and J W Vickery in charge. There are indications Of a goed meeting and we hope much good may be dene, Doiier Booth, Omer Moon and Lennie Cooth, of Nickviile, were in our burg Saturday and Sunday. Pink Moon ef near Millshoal, was visiting friend? and relatives in this community a few days so. The cottou crop in this commu nity premises to be short. This section is infested with mad dogs, and it loeks as though we will nevsrget rid ef this dan gerous plagae. W R Oellius is building anew barn, Mr. Collins is one of Mad isons best farmers and always keeps up with the times. From what we can learn of the prohibition election that is to take place in the 206th district soon, if our corner votes as they talk, she win go dry beyond the shadow*of a mount. W® believe our people will vote as they talk. On last Monday morning at the heme of the bride, Miss Cora KiDg and Mr. Aleck Kidd were united in marriage. Rev. J R King officiating. Ve wish the young couple much happiness. BETHAVEN. Eds. Monitor:—Has your Beth ayen correspondent gone up Salt river? I think this commnnity ought to be occasionally repre sented in your valuable paper, We had the pleasure to be pres ent at Frof. D Y McKinney’s school on last Friday afternoon. The rccilatious and declamations Were excellent, and reflected great credit upon the teachei and pu pils. The following visitors were present, and favored us with sonje interesting speeches: Misses Mary L Mathews, of Jackson, and Birdie Echols, of Franklin, and Col. Finn Mathews. Col. M. was somewhat rattled in the be ginning of his adpress, caused by so many pretty girls being pres ent. Old Gerons Moore w< uld havs shed tears of joy had he he been present and heard the Uol’s eloquent eulogy eu the American Indian, Misses Ada and Ida Jennings, are visiting their .brother, Mr. David Roe, of Hartwell, this week. The many friends ef old Uncle John lie Pittman will regret to earn that ho is not expoctod to live. Wo have known him for a number of years, land no better man ever lived in Madison. As this is our first attempt, w@ close, fearing the waste basket, Jackson, NOTICE. Georgia—-Madison county: Whereas the commissioners ap pointed to set apart a ypars sup port for Mrs. M A J-Culberson, [widow of J m culberscn,) aad her minor children, out of the estate of J m culbereon, dee’d. hare filed their reportr All pereoas inter ested will be at my office on the Ist Monday in September next to show why said report should not be allowed. August sth 1895, i G C Daniel, Ord, ; Larkin Dots. t J ? fright is q H ite sick this week. I P D Hardman has made a great deal of Aider, His mill is sue of tho besC Bob Scarborough is the cham piou Gherkin farmer of our com— uipntty. He took several bushels to market the other dav and re tailed them out at the rate of a niekle each. He is utilizing his spare moments writing a treatise on Gherkiu culture. Hewer Eberlmrt of' Athens, vis ited'hie father. PS Eberhart on last Friday. A large crowd attended the de bate Saturday night. The boys seempd to be tea speaking humor. |After Quilla Carter closed his speech he commenced groaning. When asked what ailed him, he re plied had the colic. Quil la’s digsiftioß has been very bad since theffllMtic. * The young people mot at the residence %f LM Chandler Friday nightPand enjoyed a nice singing led by Prof. Men Reed. Tommy ! Chandler loeks very de jected these days. Cheer up Tom and reccollect that there are as fine fish in the sea as were ever caught out of it. “Aq-ho-me, Mr. Hardman have you got any coffee?’* For further information see Quilla Carter and he will tell you something that will make you laugh as you neves laughed before. Obe and Luther Chandler visi ted their best girls near Boggs Sat urday evening. They reached heme abeut midnight—the boys lives f single blessedness will seen end, A geed meeting in progress at Union. Dr, Keese is with us *t this writiag. He preached oee of the beat sermons Monday ever de livered by man. Many desire Geds blessihg. Five have united with tfi church by letter. One of W- P D Hardman’s daughters ialcrippled from the ef fect of a stick being stuck in the top ef her fobt. The Dr. thinks a part of the stick iB in her foot, Billy Geber says h thinks he will take the Monitor so he can read abeuteLarkin as it on a boom. Si*' NOTICE. . Georgia—Madison county. Whereas W II Bullock, adminis trator of lJr. A C Stevens, dec’d. has applied to hie for letters of dismission from said administra tion, This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to be at my of fice on the first Monday in Oct. next to show why said letters should not be granted in terms of the law. This July Ist 1895. G C Daniel, Ord. NOTICE. Georgia—Madison cquntp: Whereas T \V Dean, J B Dean and J C Tyner, administrator of J M Dean, dec’d have applied to> ms for letters of dismission from said administration. This is thsreforo to all persons concnmed to be at my office on tho first Monday m Nov. Hextto show why .said letters should not be granted. This August sth 1895, G C Daniel, Ord. SHERIFF SALE. eorgia—Madison county: Will be sol icn tho first Tuesday in September next st the court homo in county,w'tbin tho legl hours of sole to tho highest j bidder ter cash, the following, property to wit: One tract of hnd in said u’unty on tho waters of Beaverdam creek, ad joining lands of Thompson, Williams Lester *n l ethers, and bounded as folloos: B-’tfinmng at aP O ikence N2, W 56,46 to TO, thence 8 17, W 11.10 to reck, thence 8 75 E 14,95 to red oak, thonco S 14 1-2 E 17,90 to the begin ning corner, con- taming sixty and ene tenth acre*, mere or less, Slid laid l v : ed en as the property #f J W Hardman to •atufy a fi fa issued frera tbs Jus tice court ef the 882nd dfs- G M said oonnty ip fixer of Elbsrten Oill mill Against Hardmanand Bob ten. Levy made by J Fmou, L C 382nd dist G M sad turned oyer te me for advertisement. Written no tice given tensat in pessessien. This Aagutt gtfa 1896. L. E. BROOKS, Sheriff. R. P. Sorrells, IPHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Daaielsville, Gs. Calls answered and prescription* .filled at all hours. Diseases of women andj children a specialty. Pure Mountain Corn Whiskey For sale by J, H. S^og^iu.*, COMER, GA. Our mountain corn whiskey is ab solutely pure. Not even a small headache in a whole barrel. We also handle the best Rye, whiskies, Brandies, Gin, Beers Cigars, etc. Our bottles are full measure and we guarantee to treat you fairly, When you come to Comer give us a call. In > I Poor Health 'means so much more than 'you imagine—serious and 1 'fatal diseases result from' 'trifling ailments neglected.' ' Don’t play with Nature’s' ’greatest gift—health. Tf you arc tfceHtrjj ' , wh out el sort*, wen*, IJP And *n\ 1 BWtYVMrnr C. nervous, JUni I/Vt 1125 hn *! e *w>euie i*^**^”*** and can’t work,, befiu at on<tnk iT ing the most tells*. H ■ytjnyq Lie ißreNgtlicning a H I PI I 1 woviinnv.wlitclt JLI v/JLJL Mrown'i lion Bit* i lsrr>. A few hot- 1 m j j cum— Hcneht > PML a4 IT comes from the, ill 1 Ifll C very first ftost-V > 1./lIILI J -, UrtM, it’s l T*ru—-üßwmmmuLi t j to Inks. , ; It Cures Dyspepsia, Klflky f:. -Nuttralgta, TrouMti* ' Constipation, ik<4 BImCM > JVUlarta, Nervous ailments Women’s complaints. Get only the vsuuinc-*!i tat* emtseri red M **•’*• -mi ttie wi*Ht*Der. AH Jissuh ' RiJulies On Kva.jHuf r.UMbpd we i wi‘l *vdcl *%*t • i World’a l VLwa Mild took—tr^Nt. r IIRQWM .CHEWICU CO. BALTIWORU, WC. SIBOO.OO GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. 1x30.00 trery moflth given away to any one who ap. ghee through uajfor tho moot meritorious patent daring am * w * IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, *uch u the “car-wtoUow" whioh can be enilly all 4 m and down without bronkang the pasaenc.r's bock, "anuee-naa." “collar.ballon,” “nut-lock/' “bottle, atoppar,' and a tfcnttaand other link thlarr that mart mm? otto cen And a vrtj o/ improving; and them ainiple inventions ara the one.', that bring largtst rat-rat to the anther. Try to think ol something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Pnitnta taken out through ut meeive special notice ia •be “ National Recorder, published at Wmhiugtoti, D. C., which it the neat uewtpuper published in America in the intermit ot inventors. We furnish a fear'> tab. •aipdoQ to this journal, free ot coat, to all our clionti. Wa alto ad virtue, free of eot, the invention each month which wins our $> to priae, and bnndrcda of thousand! of capias of tho 'National Recorder,” containing n sketch of tbewiaaer, and a description of hit invention, will he scattered throughout the United Ivtutm among capitalists and manufacturer!, thus bringing to tbnlr attention the merits ot the invention. All commuiticaajom regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN ft CO., SoHdtors ot American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N.W., Box 389. Washington, D. C. tar Ri/ntna—tMoe If t hitpaftr A'-'trybrra* SO-fagrfampkUt, FREE. P. P. P, PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AHD POTASSIUM Mates marvelous Cures In Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula V. F. r. pnrlCes tbo blood, bullita vp tee weak and deblillntsd, Klvai etreoctb to weakened ire/vos, csecu dluuM, giving the petlent health aad hepplitavo where aicknooe, . Kou, y teellac- and Inatitndo flirt prevall.4. Tor primary, aaeondarv and terrtury eyphlffe, for Mood politount, mercu rial polnnn, r/iß.arlv. dyrpeprm, ned In a>: blood and akin dlanerea Mho Wotehoa, pjatplet, old obrcnle til cent, Uttar., scald hoad. boll!, nrjeipeiae, a#ma—yro tnar any. wltlroul fuarof (v.utrsdlatlr.n, ihat r. F P.ia the vutt Mood purifier Iu tha world, and mnaen EaiMva, aptedy aad pemiunent ourea all naaae Ladiua whoa* ayataaae era polaoned tad'whose blaodla la u Impure eonJl tlaa. die ta asaaairuaTlrregular!rtai, a/apaaalMrty haueßted try vo wear darnthooia and Wood eiaoaalM prey artier, of t. t. P.-Prtekf/ Aah.lMi Keot aad Pouaalemu fntinaFtaua, Mo., (u. uta. ISH, •ah apeak tm the hlguaec terms ef fear otedieiae from my ewapereeiwl luerludg®. I *as aaleatad wiih heart dlaeoee, pleuriiy and rfceaanaUuta tor St years, wee trsstvd by the very beat •lyelciaM ana Meet headeeds erttot fart, tried everydla spa /aoaodjr wlth att fcodlltg teller. Thave only aokut e pottle ef yw V. F. F., aad tu okeerfally ear It hua a*ue me tae/e good ttu v. rk'v* I here ever taitaa, I saa raeeawaeed year wodivU •. an sfl nduerr adfihe shove dUwvuve. tqWmat Mo. All's! •** A grand daughter of .Janies Sanders would like to meet relative sand friend*. She ia stopping at Hon, J P Col berts . Gov. Atkinson has given Mrs. Nobles and tins Famlds who were sentenced to be ha tig ad to-day iu Twiggs county, for the murder ef ohl man Nobles a respite until th® 18t!i of October next. Mrs. Nobles i JiUorneys claim that all they want is justice, and will present an extra j ordinary motion for anew trial at the j next term of Twiggs Superior fconrt, | as toe motion can be made only regular term, and not in vacation* | Burning' Or ® || Freezing. m M Whether you’re scorched Ht with fever or chilled with Hi a, deep seated cold, the same medicine will cure /B § Dr. C.C. Roc’s A Bp For The Live* ,y|L Wf and Kidneys. In' Hr Pleasant to the Taste. M fflf It does not cause constipa- U| 9otf tion, but breaks chills, prevents w fever, purifies and thickens the oB Wff blood, corrects the liver, clean- IB ses the stomach and improves \B xjjj, digestion, creates an appetite 'B JSr and quiets the nerves. VS At oil druggists and general ttoros, ip Knoxville, Tennessee. TMK b\ aMD ARD. 1 1 •r 'it 1 DURANG’S Rheumatic Remedy ' Km rustcloed It* rtpuUtlan tor 18 year* ■ int being the slumlord remedy far the. gmwm pare)/ rugetabla aad Irollde up hem tha 1 tret due. It nevec toil* to para. Frtee It eae doHor P bottle, or its battioa Hr Ire dufiaim. Opt dyut Pam phlet (net Free by tfadL AddreS, WneSj InRSBUDI WOWiv Sli 1318 L Street, WasMKte*. DC. Ltoer fUlr We the h eh op earth. They eel *1 ifctm ohm that mafcaa them a heaotkoM htuudtxf ntn>*eta pusim.eriufwmii. rdp ax as PT Pppoucpp*. * WHY HOOD’S? Because Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best, most reliable and accomplishes the greatest cures. HOOD’S CURES WHAT DO YOU take medicine • ■ for ? Because you want to getwell, or keep well, of course. Remember Hood’s Sarsaparilla Cures PIMPLES, BLOTCHES m OLD SORES CATftRRH, MALAI/tf mm TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA Are raMrrly ramie* by P.F.F. —FHolrly Ah, Fake Kao* sod Fatso* gruMwac blood paritae op Amrypspn. 0,. Jaly ft, 14*1. ÜBturm LpyrnraK Puoi., Savaeaeh. Oft. t ImA it Slim—l bv'tgfct a boUlo •{ ycrurf. P F. etnl flyrlega,Ark.,and fthnn d-rno trn mcr* {rood than iproo months' kroatmupt ut &• *Ol Sfetaao. Send three bottles 0. O. D. ItonhacAfnHjvnwa^ToH Abordovn, Brows liauaiy, m> Cufi. J. P. faltntif, Pb tK whom 41 mow *nm m; I tore hy aaiitfr to thu wendorthl B/operttos ot P. FTP. far arnptloas ef thaakla. t radored for sorertJ yoare With a aa elghtiy uad dUrdrrcvtbln antptleaep my faea. 1 hlad evarr ktnet reme dy bo. is ▼ola.natll F. F. F. was eeed, and ant ia*w uattruly urd. (Signed byj J, D. joews-rplf^ IMn Cpnrar <uira4. nrtiKtmtfrum rht Hagrr <4 Ksftriii.iflnh Saeotp,Top.. Janttury 1, !*. Kt h9m. Linav Sacs., yrravnah, e.. 6m*tlrr*oi —I hive rrl-d year K F. P. feradlaoacnm' thu.-trla, uiw.ilr knewa as skis ■ancar.of thirtiy y wire* utuidtag, a<l lon,id great roltef: .It BoriSaslha blood and removee nil Ir rltoiioß from tpo eeafe of tho diteaoo aad ynittH nty iwi-oodtag of tha aarae. I hauo tnkaa Svaaraß hotttoo aad foul own Ideal Mutt aaothar eaaraa will eXaot a care. It Baa uiaa rellered ma from tadlgvctiea aad eeenen hraabaa. Toareireiy. .. CAPT. G. M. *U-. a mot-peg iu _jjr. M a BM SSKSH IBM Fit ALL DKUQOiSYS SUL L 11. LIPPMAN BitOße F*opt TTuae, Idsiaaii't Wpdh ( Wnvw. t aah, ep