The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, August 30, 1895, Image 4

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THE MONITOR. Piauiin Iviit Fbidat. ORX DOLLAR A YEAR. Bibrt T- Moantxv, Editor. Rdw. F. McGowan. Bus. Mano. 4 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF MADISON COUNTY. ” \ -0> m *■. , •- 4 DRAWN TO* SERVE AT THE SEPTEMBER TKIJM OF ODR COURT. ’GRAND JtfRY. y 1 James P GkoUton, 2 J Callie Seagraves, 3 Henry W Whit*, 4 William D Eberhart, 5 WilUa W Gholaton, 6 William H Thompson, 7 John iT Davie, , 8 David Patteu. 9 William J Glenn, 10 Otmdaab W T Rodgera, 11 George Eberhart, Hr. 12 Jonn H Rice, 13 Alexander 8 Johnson, 14 James A Hart, •>* 15 KranoW M Glenn, 16 James \f at field Fowler, 17 Janiea Ni,Griffith, 18 Jamea f 'Griffith, 19 Francis W Bird, i;V . 20 JoflhVttjftsott, 21 Un U BullockV William H Long, *fi‘WiJljam II Cartith, 27<Juhu R Gunnells, # ltinoUea D St riokland, 27 Andrew J Itriek 28 Robert J Sorrells, 29 Tfiomas M O’Kelly, TRAVERSE JURORS, 1 Henry E Erwin, 2 James W Bryant, 3 David L{Gordon, 4 George W Westbrooks, 5 Washington Grimes, Parks SRioe, 7 John S Moon, 8 John I Larders, , 9 Bennett Strickland. 10 Thomss J Morgan, 11 Albert M Scarborough. 12 George W Mann, 18 William A Sims, 14 Willis J Nelms, 15 Samuel J Freeman. 16 Asa B Canada, 17 Simeon Berryman, 18 Christopher W Crow, 19 Franeis M Huff, 20 John T Seymour, 21 Thomas M Landers, 22 James F Alexander, t 28 Birdy 0 Williams, 24 Walton J Freeman, 2' Luther C Brock cnridge, 26 George W Duffle, 27 Edwrrd N Kinnehre#, 28 Frank N Epps, 29 Joseph P Dead wyler. 30 Richard T Richardson, 81 W A Strickland, il Hardeman Wade, 38 James A Hart, 84 \\ illiam 1) Porterfield, 34 K F Marti 86 Richard F Tolbert. A dr*miner dropped the following fecord on the office fioor ef a hotel: Mitee traveled, 2,964 Ntamber el trnski 8 Shown m tuples llfi f*old good* ig ■teensaked the news 6,061 Told the news 2,210 . 2.160 Di*t knew ti9l Bhen asked to drink 1,861 wnk i^ggi Changed politic* ’* 48 Changed religion 20 Daily expenees allowed hy hoase|B. Actasl expense* per day $7. Clear profit par day fij. Cash os hand |q an Been to oharch ' i R- P. Sorrells, PMXSICIAN ANI> SCRGEOX. v Danielnvillc, <*a. Diwanee of women and! child rerv * specialty. j, ' CASKETS. Persona at a diataneo an rclv on be„,g am t d m’coftne and Caa tlvor V V an T I r viM? - " CLS'-a Ih 'e tjiem from mtd, ' l P- Term -cash or credit to responsible parties. A S. JOKXSOX. THE V7ORD.HE WANTED. As I was plodding along the highway I was evtaken by a farm wagon with eight men in it. all armed with rifles and p.s yla, says saya the Detroit Free Press: The driver kindly pulled up and invited me to ride Into . town' with then); After I was seated I asked one of them: Are you people out on a hunting expedition? >o we are not bantin’ anything After a horse thief? No. Perhaps its a shooting match? No, not a (hootin’ match. I didn't like to ask further ques tians, but after a silence of five mint utes the driver turned and explain ed: “It’s nothing but a lawsuit of mine which comes off in town to day, And these are year friends? They ar* 1 cl id on like to ask why they were armed from head to keel to attend a lawsuit, but he sRw ms looking at the weapons and added. The verdict of the * lawsuit oaght to be in my lavor witkent qtestien, and there are two or three weak-kneed critters on the jery. And your object is to brace them sp? Exactly! That the word I was tryin’ to think ef! Yes, when- they set eight of us walk in and tdke fiont seats the jury will* brace right up. and the verdict will be socoidin' to law and evidence, and I’ll git my horse back. Couldn’t think of-lhat word brape to save my life. I knew it #n* fhtlmidate, bat I 4 couldn’t thirtk ef brace. Glad, we picked ye up, mister. in i I Poor Health 'means so much more than 1 'you imagine—serious and 1 'fatal diseases result from 'trifling ailments neglected. ’ Don’t play with Nature’s 'greatest gift—health. If ynu are feeling l wa onto! lorn.wr.F fa . and generally ca , IllYVllrn’C hiusled, nervous, UIUWIIO h * v , " =PP<lle ,—^ wr * and can’t work, begin al once tak ■ , V lug the most rella ■ es/\n Ide strengthening , I mil medfrine,which Is Al V/aJI brown's Iron Bit , ters. A few hoi . ties cure— benett I M. 4 4 AMf. cornea from the nil! PfQ yr, y i UUILI J r~ r Uitk, cud 11 ’ a i pltusaul lu lake. It Cures "tyspepsla, Kidney and Li ver ieuralgla, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, Nervous aHmepts i Women’s compUlnts. only the ccnliilie— It hss crosacd red Hues mi the wrapper. All others ere sub- 1 stiiute* <>n receipt of two ac. stamps we wi'l send set id Ten Beautiful WorM'e' Fiur Vicwa and book—free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. ME. 1 S2OO Offered Free! Opficb Finer National Bank. Nashville, Tbnm., April t, dfe. PROF. J. F DNAOOHON. raitS.DaAVOnOM*S PRAC TICAL BUSINESS COLLKOK, N AAHVILLK.TBNR. Dear Sir.—The time for Which you deposited fioe three month* ngo to-day >• a forfeit under yOr proposition lo Rive SIOO to any charitable Inetltuti'i'i iiiNaelivilleandftaotoany Boalneu College south of theOhlo Klver, If yon could not snow more written applications for Book keepers and Htenorraphera during the PAST FIVE MONTHS than any other Rnalneaa College south of the Ohio Hirer could show in the PAST FIVE YEARS, has this day expired, and. no demand Baring been made, the same is now held subject to your Chech. Respectfully, W. P. Band, Cashier. N. B.—A certificate of deposit for the shore was published In the dally papers of Nashville, the Ctnctnnatei Smfmirrr. the Atlanta Conitiiu /•eo, and thirty thousand circular*, giving the eolleres three months' time to accept. —As, A smil* Daily Awruis, April y, /Spy. Write Pnoo.T. P. Drauomor, NaahvUlc, Tana, for hla foes Catalogue. POSITIONS GUARANTEED under rraaonable conditions. Do not nay It can not be dons, till you (end for Ban catalogue ol DRAUOHON’S PRACTICAL Nashrllle, P Tills College la strongly endorsed by bankers and merchant!. FOUR weeks by Dranghen's method of teaching bookkeeping la equal to tWBLVR weeks by the old pUa Special ad rnatagas In Shorthand, Penmanship and Teleg raphy. Cheap board. Open to both saxes- No vacation. Eater now. RailroOfore pail HOIS STUDY. V*X?T2BJ£SS£. gnonyawp Ann Pishasmip especially adapt ed lo r ‘horns dudy." Write for ''MooseStudy ■ ctecnlars at once. i mm 3h3§§Sßß iBeiMWXSaBiWEVssRni WHAT DO TOW takemndkln* " ■ for ? Because you want to gntwall, or keep well, of course. Remember I Hood'* SaroajMrill* Cuvoo Urm. S. A. I.rfebw Rossmr.yne, Ohio. Terrible Misery Helpless With Rheumatism and Without Appetite Tired Feeling and Fains Olspellee by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. " I was In tarrlblo misorjr with rheumatism In aqr hip* and lower limb*. 1 rend to much about flood’* Sarsaparilla that I thought 1 would try It and see it H would relieve me When I commenced I could not tit up nor creii awn ever In bod without help. One bottle of Mood’s Relieved Me Maweh that I waa toon onto! bed tad eoul<! walk. I bad alto feH weak and tired all the time i could not tleep r and obtained to little ret! at night that l felt at! worn out In the morning f had no appetite to eat anything, but flood's Hood’s s v> Cures Sarsaparilla restored iny appetite so that 1 could eat without any distress, and I bare satMd rapidly In strength. I have taken live bottles of flood's Sarsaparilla and I am as well aver.” Mna. 8. A. I.p.kkiieii, Rossmoync, O. Hood’s Pills euro liver Ills, constipation MSousness, jaundice, sick headache. Indigestion Are Ynt SicK; iOf Being j 1 SicK? f Than let na euggMi a can. ■ I Ten to ona tha trouble etarted l l with your three. A torpid Uvnr , enuaea Rheumatintn, Neunlfin, t Constipation, DyepepaHt, Head i gchotod tdoSSQOtbtf tillDE&tßi J m l ftREr f roan atndght lo worit on the fiver. It rieaneee that ergani • mahee It active again—the add \ leaves you’re blood and jron’ro f cured. Testimonial below: 1 I eaied my srlfn of nanralgta of ' 555&®kri5SS ' a. w. PAUII • MS W. raarih StreoL Clnelaaaa " ’ m Wer Br—siet ee neeeheal Set It f CULLEN IkHEWMAKp , . KaoxvMo. Tons. i Roc’s Medicines for sale by L E Greer.e Dr. R P Sorrells, D E Griffith, SIBOO.OO GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given array to any one who ap> phot through us for the most meritorious patent during W; fiWwiUb and the object of this ofcr m to encourage inventors te keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE,TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES. such as tha " car-win Arw*' which can be easily slid up aad down without breaking the passenger's back, "sauce-pan,'* ’’collar-button," "nut-lock! 1 ’ "koKto stopper, ’ and a thousand other little thiaga that must any one can ind a v.-ay of improving; andlhesc simple hraenuona are tha OOCJ that brine largest rvt-'mj ta & anther. Tty to thiah of soaieihing to Invenu nr is not so hard as nr seems. . Patents taken out through ns receive special notice in the " Kali seal Recorder, published at Washington, n. C., which is the neat nesrapaper published in America in tbeiatarests of inventors. We furnish a poor's tub seripdsn to this Jonraal. has of coat, to ill our dinars. Weaho advertise,free of cost, the invention each naonib which wma osu $l5O priae, and hundreds of thotssaoda of capita at the "Nnrianol Recorder," containing a sketch of then matt, and a description of his invention, anil he scattered thronghout the United Sums among capitalists and a—idkt iumri, thus bringing to thru attention the merits of tha invention. ABcomtnuniestions regarded strictly con Men dal. JONN WBOOERBURN * CO.. gaWettom at Antiktn and Poeelgw Fsrimtts, • F Street. N.W., On 389. Washington, D. C. Car Kl/rrtntt—tdittT tftkii fktftr. *'-’<r>riw ,>A htirKEG. BLOOD BALM. BVaar Bsp,s^amg -KSjtBsSR6S^ na mart .omttTp Tfrlw Thao a dozen of JJJt °^ rr Mnd- It batJdn up the health nml strength from the flint dona. gjgg&S^&asH igff9aim3| ?MMMtBt,. Mails, t.,1 Represents the net shrinkage irf property value in the South and West, according to the tax returns officially recorded, for 1894,as com pared with 1893. A decisive contest I* to be fon -Ut between now and the next Presidential election for -$^F T R.E]E; COINAGE]^- THE PEOPLE’S MONEY—the coinage of both gold and silver, Without discrimination, which means i}j. Iree coina-o of both a opposed to llie p diet of eon r+c- lon, which ha been dictated bv Kngland and adop'ed in Washln-ton n .,,A levies tribute oti every product of the farm. ~:t valuations of all ttilfti* and on all compeiisalions for labor. “ ’ THE GREAT ISSUE NOW is the double st.nriard against the single standard—the mu of both "old and silver a.' stand. rd money ntculs against keeping the currency of the country on the gold basis. ‘ ™ The ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTITUTION published* ATLANTA, GA., bavn A CIRCULATION OF MORE THAN 156,000, rtcfly *ntong the farmers of the country, and going to more homes lhan any weekly newt| aper imolishrri on the face of the rarth,Jft < {-fj ,nan The Leading Champion of the People "> all t In-ffrekt rrintett* in which they are engaged against theexae ion* of I. TME CONSTITUTION IS THE BIGGEST AND BEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER pubiuhed in Vmerb, ‘ covering the new. of the world, hiving .•orr... I m.|ei,t, in every city in America, and in the eapiUlsof Euroi>e and rl-ZaSl in full the details of debates in Congress on all qm-s ions of ptiblie inter, si. It is 1 > • rc,.oitm^ THE GRiAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, aan the exponent of Southern opinion and the purveyor of Southern new a it ha* no rqiial on he <*oii?ineiit, y An enlargcmant of 12 columns. To meet the demands upon Its space for news, The Constitution will increase its size during the summer to la pages, 7 columns, making 84 columns each week. THE CONSTITUTION’S SPECIAL FEATURES such “ - "= ■>-* in other paper in America The Farm and Farmers’ Department, The Women’s Department, The Children’s Department, *r*all wn lwr Atil and r~-tlon and irn *p :iy ,*;tr .-ur • .. .1,... to wiiom t w.,.* .l.|..rt nnt I*r .<1 | ri o..-1 Ui.Wrr tli-• dtori.l l ..t 1 1.11 K IMIU Kl.l, fts , *.-U .•..ntrtlmt r. .uc w. h >.'■!) ■ r d-wiil- n Hrwt dartl... J-trl l I.W'ollrr ll.trr. . .Iri.v H1.0.1U..11, .md himdr-,1-. .. utnci. ~|. o wrltrrs as f-ltl Arp. - -rf- I'lcu.lMl, tt •' Irr Itrrd. I rank I. and ••Ul.-rx, l). it, liu r ,rv lo iilrr. , r " tit nt r.iHiilirml- it n.wrr fir. rid.- ri.ii. Vir inU I-. T. it., r.... Miou-uri t • .tiiloml.i. r o’ltu.rn rt.t..r lie a11... Irli .li.. li.lur.t.. I ill! he |r..mi. and r lt.-l in lin.n.-i iinttersT rnn.ti.mi.,,. tin- u. r tide., In , n ,i . , InU lira. II togtvrn I>lsm ritttt.ra! liii.-r-n. . U|...h tV effect Wie trimming m,. I poii.-v M wivckag.. .| l.u .o'lvb Ln’-V WkV tliown to Ihj lif iit tiirir mu rrm*: dro lttvs>. % r STRAIGHT CLEAN UNTRAMMELLED, 5 K _ ’"’**’* “ V. W Tho OonstitHtion salutes Hie frss pvtpln who insist t.’nt t’l > sjfva its of tli9 psoplo shall not com? their masters. By speoial arrangements * THE MONITOR •* Is enabled to furnish its readers with this Great Southern Weekly at a Very small cost, For the small sum of V $ 1,35 C: we will send the Monitor and Constitution to any address one year, The Constitution has been enlarged and costs us more, hence the increase of 10c. k • * v THE MONITOR '' ♦ • v A 0 Avill 80011 take on more sail and a renovated# dress, so it will pay you to rush in order. Remember that it takes the cash to get these papers for price mentioned, 4 $1.39 SO Osh STttR Oordef in before THIS offof is withdrawn* $500,000, OCX)