The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, September 20, 1895, Image 3

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Exhausted Soils are made to produce larger and better crops by the use of Fertilizers rich in Potash. Write for our “ Farmers’ Guide." a 142-page illustrated book. It is brim full of useful information for fanners. It will be sent free, and will make and save you money. Address. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Na*san Street, New York. J, 11, ( rawirod, —Dealer in — Pry Gc;o-;?.-, Groceries and Gener al Move ha mi iso. Wagon yard ac counuoflatinns tree for all at pres ent. >. ill furnish beds at 10c per head- Meals reasonable. Also runs a first class hi .cksmith and repair shop. Good' horse shoeing a specialty. . lam running n beef market, and will pay the highest market price fer fat cattle, slitop, goats or hogs. Come one, come all. 14 miles from Athens on Danielsville road. Locdl Happenings. Items of Interest to ‘ Free State” People—Oar Sick, Visitors,- Etc. A C Campbell of Ila, was in town to-day. J H Mathews of Pittman district, was in town yesterday. Danielsville hasn't received her first bale of cotton yet. G W B Raider, of Hull, came over to see us yesterday. Mrs. W W Scott visited rein-, lives in ElbertOn this work. W H Long of Abbeville. S. C., is visiting,relatives here t his week. W I Meadow of near. 5 Forks, attended justice court here last Saturday". Mrs, G 0 Daniel who lias b,en visititing her sister at Greenesboro, has returned home. - Highest price paid for cotton seed. Cotton seed hulls and meal' for sale at the lowest prices G W B Rjuden, Hull, Ga. T R Fitts of the Mill, one of the county’s best farmers and a staunch friend of the Monitor, was in town yesterday. Prof. U S Wehunt one of the county’s prominent pedagogues, was in town today". L E Greene will in a few days open up a first, class furniture store in the old Hall house on the corner of the square. W W Barnett of near Five Forks, one of the oeunty’s most substantial voting farmers, was in town to-day", J N Boggs of Boggs, was in t"uvn to-day. He reports bis vil lage in a flourishing condition, We will pay a high price .for lOOOlbs dry hides. J. T. Baker & Cos. Comer: Col. D-W Meadow attended the opening exercises of the Atlanta Exposition on Wednesday, Dr .B M Thompson who has been sick for sometime, we are giad to state wfta able to be in toivn last Saturday". Prolessor Atkissou of Maysville, was in tows this week looking after the school here for another year. Piof Atkinson is highly" endorsed and we havj no doubt wonld make the school a success if he should be elected to the same. If he should come ho will occupy ths T W Long houso on the hill. Rring us your chickens, eggs, and butter—we will pay you a fan cy price. J. T. Baker & Cos. Comer, Ga: I hear them say that if you go to Athens and look around for yOurself, you will be able to exchange your old Piano, Organ, Sewing Machine, etc. at Conaway’s Mtisic House- LOn Greene says thev wili. We will pay the highest price for all kinds of country produce. J. T. Bak* r & Cos. Comer- Pliiif k Hit t] Cotton Factors, We do „,,t Iv ; ;v Cos lon or speculate in it. * We represent our customers in -1 terests entirely, at a reasonable cJtm rge. Best prices* and good weights guaranteed Liberal advances made on cotton stored. PHINIOY & GRIFFETH. Athens, Ga. GAUD OF THANKS. Mr. Editor: —you will allow me space in the columns of your paper, I want to thank the good people of Danielsville. and many who do’not reside in Danielsville, for the kind attention given my self and wife, during our six long week.; of sickness. While upon a bed of affliction, I have been made io feel glad that I live m a town inhabited by a people jo kind generous and charitable. They have visited us day after day and 'watched over ns at night; but: this | is not all, they have sent: in nour j iahment of various kinds and Imam beautiful, fragrant flowers Ito brighten the sick room and • break the monotony of the long j suinie.or days, for all < f which I j cannot be too grateful. . F. L. Bond, Danielsville, Ga„ 10th. THAT SNAKE STOUT. James D Ford comes to the front with the snake story of the i sea-on. He says that at a saw I mill ha was running on J W Braggs | place in Harrison district, that there was a very large tree cut down and hauled direct the -mill, and at a place in the tree 45 feet from the bround, the saw ran ! into a snakes nest which conlain |ed 9. fresh egg-', some old shells. ! and several young makes. The j young snakes were 9or 10 inches ! long and resembled the King snake. The eggs were IT inches long and •J"of an inch in circumference. The tree was perfectly sound ex cept-the place where the snake nest: was, arid this was just large enough to hold these young snakes and the' eggs, the entrance to the being no larger than the kerf of the saw. Several parties, says Mr. Fonl, are witnesses to the above. Who next? When a person is io-ring flesh and wasting away there is cause for alarm. Nothing so worries a physician. Consumptives would never die if they could regain their usual weight. In fact there would be no consumption if tliero 1 weA> no wasting of the system. The cause of this loss of flesh is a failure to properly digest the food eaten. Nine-tenths of all our dis eases date back to some derange ! merit of the stomach. ! The Shaker Digestive Cordial will stop this wasting of the body# It acts by causing the food we eat to be digested so as to do gco;l .for undigested food does more harm than good. The Cordial contains food already digested and a digester of foods as well. Every mother halo-to make her children take Castor Gil, LAXOL is sweet Castor Oil. NOTICE. Georgia—Madison county: Whereas G II O’Kelley has applied to me for letters of administration on tilt estate of .John M Pittman, deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to be at my office on the Ist Monday in Oct. next t show why said letters should not bw granted. This Sept, 2nd ’95. G C Daniel, Ord. The man who lives for Christ knows that Christ died for him. A city’s righteous men are a better safeguard than its police, The devil has some very good friends who belong to the church. FROM HULL. •T P Johnson, jr. has been on n trip through Oconee and Jackson co nlies looking for a place that wiU make two lories of cotton per acre. Don’t k'*ow whether he succeeded in finding such a place or not. IJ R Williams, esq., iv a in JTiiP Sunday, and entertained the hoys b\ telling them hw he used to work when he was young. Says be thanks las tattler for making him work and learning him that money did not grow on trees, but was made by per severance and svsteinatio toil. He evil give good advice, and give it in very plain, concise language, so that evny one on God’s green earth may find it interesting. Come again, olways gl* i to sec you. Frank Kroner of Wintervi.le, is making Cos i> r . >s headquarters for the cotton season, and he is bound to make it lively for somebody. We congratulate James Cheatham on being the latlu-i of a fine IS year eld girl. Long life mid hap piness to the young lady—and Jim mie may you do better next time. Mr. Root. Bridges is in the business, we learn. Want hirnmt hurry-up and bring us a sample. I am a very good judge of wine senpanong wine especially. Master Klein Bullock is causing Ins lather Mr. Charlie Bullock to lose a good many nights sleep by having the croup. We used to tell you how it would bo, but you were like Collins ram, "had a,head of your own.” George Johnson calls on a young lady writ of town very frequently. He must have a nice time to judge by the time he passes through Hull on his return. Dr. Church was very attentive t a beautiful, aecomplifhed and grace ful young Blonde Sunday afternoon. Boh and llollis Barnett were in the city a few hours Sunday, Don’t ask them how many scupanongs they ate. J t Johnson, Sr and family, vis ited the Mr. Wiley Meadows Sun day. Sorry to b arn that Mrs. Meadow is quite sick. We learn that an accomplished young lady near Hull has been shooting at snakes with a gun. All the damage ths snake sustained was causad by the loud repoit of tie gun. Young ladies who throw rooks or shoot at a spot wilb a gun and hit it are almost as scare* as hen teeth. J O Bridges is running his syr up mill night and day. lias already made enough syrup to sweeten. Ma dison county, R T Pittanl had tlm misfortune to get bis house burned Monday, b*s tween 10 and 11 o’clock a. m. Sup posed to have caught from a stov* flint. Did net hear whether he saved li’.s household goods or uot. •rhe people of Winterville have gone immediately to work to have thair houses insured. I suppose I h-at any one would fe*l safer with their houses insured. Tramps, tramps, tramps. From early morn to dewy eve, nothing hut tramps. There should be s*m* law to stop so many vagrant men and boys from (ramping stealing and begging. Everyone has a most pitiful tale to tell why they are out of work. Every one in the county should be taken up and made to work on the public roads of Madi son. FROM ROGGS. L M TolJ rt left last week for Barbei'ville to work for T Ii Craw ford, Several from here attended the aingiusr convention at ll* .last Sunday. Miss Susie Sorrells will leave this week for Athols,to enter the Normal Institute. A H Lane left las* Tnesdaay for home in Savannah. The road commissioners of *om district were out reviewing roads last Saturday. Wo learn that Mrs. D Reuse© who oroe lived in this district near here, died one day this week, at the home of her son in Fort Valley, W F Phillips gave ns a call to-day. •Las. A Griffiths,school closed last Friday. A I* N Underwood of Franklin county, gave us a call this week. We learn that there is a pro bability of 5 Forks being incorpo rated when the legislature meets. J T McLeroy is ginning the fleecy staple this week. Mhh Willie Sorrells and her brother, Johnnie left last Thurs day for Bowman, to attend the John Gibson. Babes in Christ should never be fed on watered milk. | FT. LAMAR. R l '.. ;S>i|>e of C.rrnesviile pr sob ad three interesting sermons at Liberty last Saturday ,nu Sun pay to attentive c mgregat ons. Mr. Conaway the music man >f Athens, spent, last Saturday ught at -I P TJeadwykws's and went the singing convention at lla. Sunday- John Stipe, Jr., r>f C.-wm-sviric. spent Saturday and Sunday at Ft, Lamar. He was on his wav to Oxford and will enter college there, Joe and Mis-j Lula Adams of Rod Ilijl, visited the family o v II Stephens last Saturday and Sunday. . Mr.iuVd Mrs,Sliackelford of Alh •oDs, have been visit'ng the family of tor. John Caruth for a lew days past. ' Wo are sorry to note the illness of miss Claire Wilder. Hope she will be •■•ell soon, Thedyonng hqlies of Ft. Kan;at will organize a prayer m eting at the chlirch next Saturday evening. Missij Mvrtie Brown’ of Bdd Spring, visited relative^hr-re last Prof . K A McMurry and f-ntriU will i&tye next. Friday for Avi Itm whcreßhev wifl spend a iho*!rf!i' with mie Professor’s father. Quite A number of young people from TtL imav attended the singing convention at Ha last Sunday Madam Rumor says ej-e the leaves fall Ft Lamar call boast .of a wedibqg. Mr. Seaborn Barber and v-stiss Cal lie Freeman were happily mar ried on last Sunday morning at the home of the bride. Z L Simmons and .T J Meadow. Sr., have bought anew outfit and will gin cotton at the Meadows old stand. Marion Patterson and Joe Bilesee have rented the Scott gin. and are overhauling the machinery preparatory to doing first class work COFFINS AND CASKETS. Persons at a distance can rely on being suited in colli us and Cas kets at Danielsville. Stock is never short. 1 have them from the home made up. Term cash or erectit to responsible parties. j i • A. $. JOHNSON. NOTICE). Georgia —Madison connty. Whereas James W Kirk and Joseph II Kirk have applied to me for letters of administration upon the ostare of John E 1 Kirk, dee’d. This therefore t<> cite all persons to be at my office on .the first Monday in Oqt. nexl to show why said letters should not be granted in terms of the law, , .This Sept, 6th 1895. G C Daniel, Ord. NOTICE. G,orgia—Madison county: To who'm it miiy concern : S 0 O’Kelley, administrator of J R Meadors, dec’d has applied to the undersigned for leave to seH lands belonging to the estate of said deceased/and aid applica tion will be heard on the first Monday in October next. , This Sept, 2nd 1895. G C Daniel, Ordy. NOTICE. Georgia—Madison county. To all whom it may concern. S C O’lCelly administrator of John R Winfrey, dec’d has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the e3tato of of said de ceased and said application will be heard on the first" Monday in Ootol&r next. This Bent. ■1895./ G C Daniel, Only, ' iNOTICE. Georgia— Madison county. Whereas the com miss!oners ap pointed to set apart and assign to Fannie Adams, (widow of Tbos. J Adams, dec’d.) twelve r-.onths sup port out of the estate of said deceas ed, have filed their report. All per sons interested are hereby required to be at my office on the first Mon day in Oct next to show why said report should not be allowed. This Sept. 2nd 1895. • GO Daniel. Old. NOTICE, Georgia—Madison county: Whereas T W Dean, J B Dean and J C Tyner, adraiiii.-rrator of J M Dean, dec’d bave applied to me for letters of dismission from said administration. This is therefore i< all persons concerned to he at ir.y office on the first Monday m Nov. next to show why said letters should not be granted. This sugnst sth 1895. G C Daniel, Ord. TO THE PEOPLE - ip—- Oglethorpe a?.d Madison counties: l have added to my stock of iirniiiire, Buggies; Wagons, Harness, Saddles, Coffins, eu:., a. full line of • DRY GOODS • CIMOCERIES, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Hardware* G 1 assware, Tinware, crockery, Ivte. in tact everything kept in a first-class store* All of which. I offer at bottom prices, * I ant also here to help make Comer a tirst-cluss Cot ton market, be sure ami give me a cull. Anyone desiring to purchase*) y tirsl class.clean stock of TOURS ETC the above Hues, and renting^- ;,tbe largest, store room ine w* . mr m\ nrt ■|th grotyiiig town of (Miner. II || || |l' II cl ' / •'''# <ry e.wo././v.,-, * * lft Sitl#.l Li 11, FEEDING THE NERVES. From the Courier'-Iferall, Sttyinaw, Do veu s o thosn two mm walking u the streot? Duo h m a viuoroim llrru, • la-i c atop; hiri Hoad \vt*l up liis ••>’ bright a puttnro of a nouiri tturi p*man Two bon*, hiit k oo* woak ainl nHt'iiiy, < ii* l hh air •'•out hia whole mak • up ilo Un* tht* a.- jv tmineo of ono who i lT*ikeni loaith ~w\ ho Ihvs t" whip him *•f lo every tusk fho and lTtotmCH l*n w on tlio e two mmi iaadilT cut’O f not vo power With i t*rvo \> cou'ts ot or.u . entiu’, rUo. luroo, vigor-- ah tilings wiich mak* cxlntouce eoj yah •*. W tU nt it tim idido h oauuot act, tbo hr ii i' t'*ink, Uoar i• tin id that, life isuervo pou* r and if o i wish to k p i-. you mum len t tli u vi3. Do mr dimply mini data them. hut.coijt tVin, t od thorn. iUo * tlm f. oil wii i’h will i't* i*w thoir i fn and niuku tho'u Hound and bnalthy vlut tm y may war l oil dis iino. Probably tiralv iis thti noarnst iJIro S'j to nerve rl.atli th t wo Ism'o v, ninl wo ttioiO fero tdrn a t iiisr? t>f t b low to ‘•lnov wh it a corn nfa potu uervo hu iii tijf propar ion cun do to r.'o and absoliihdy r. Htore,uliuout hopoUjNstly w.iHfod * •*rvfs. Tiii'it nr • but f'.'vv i • dip Saginaw Valley i.tu ho liivh k own porJtoriaiiy or mailn the ttcquaiii'mii** ind rtJ bI of xs. ]{ Dawson, h i iiuioii Avoumi*. SHinaw. Ml h. U 1 ii fciio util • l ’OJ Mr. Djw.sou wasafall oi vigor uh any .voting man. A a c hiil of iha wfip h beoitmo ])u .ti y.od. I tfr tlm Lo wa>*d bv th ilm nfc m dio*d talon . and ulna ton mouth - t tho lud-an.atttitoluati tnto Imhanap lib Here l\ • uont aetod mr et fnvrji*. and wh“U ho ii*fi th 7 * 1 m it,me ht* war* in n worse c n l li-m than wh n he ♦ I't ood. On his return 10 Sagiuaw bh gave up ontiro’y. H wan Much u mr© to hi* fr otidn. ho •* as oTnploi,o!v paralyse *d f otu his waiat down, aii* hi/ limoa wro simply nkiii am: Dough with no lifo nor f eluig in* tlienj A l l*r a while h fiioud prevail u r.n him to Iry IVik i'llls. In u fu tf (layn ho c*itld move 1 1 i *4 to it a trill#*. Ho wus grea ly ©nc.i/U’ ftg. and and kept on with them. The follow a . ho tnUl oil:- reporter: "In i monflH tm < l eml 1 move my limbs about on the hod, nn>l by t k* timn an* other moi 1 1 ‘ad aeon m • -w.iilow tld* medf icine, t whi h I owe m/ life l was able t g 7 l out of b and dlono. It bin bon jtiH about one yo <r mc j I loar.u and of Dr Williams' Pink Pill* and during that tinn I have made Such mirkel miprovommt that I gladly pme ai o w* at tins* h iv,i don© for mo to al t?*© worol, and nak you fellow aufforur* to try th un and reeeivo nev li e. My life, my all. I our* to Dr. Williams' I*ink FilU. “1 uni now comparatively floaby. wth good colo and high sit into, and every day bi iujrs newt; en th and more hapuv life through th' cent nued uho of ]Jr. WUlUuih' Pink Pi a.” W. H. DAW'HON’. Hubncri ©d and to before me tliU 7tt day of .May. 18- 5. > J. V. EVANS. Notary io and for Haginaw 00.. Mich. Thea * pill* ai*e manufactured by the Dr, William* MfexHeine Company, B henrotady, N. Y., and are aold only in box * bearing the fiira’n ?ride mark ami wrapper, t oonte a box or nix hoxe* for s2,f>o, are never •old in baits. They miy bo had of all drag* or direct hy mail from Dr. Willi m* kldici..e O inpiny, Th© priee at which th' Ho ila ar; aold m&kpß a coura'i of treat* k mmt am compared with other K remoiiie#. EDUCATIONAL. Below we give * few of the loading education al institutions iu the .South. Write thorn before interirg el new here*. DKAIJGrrON’B PRACTICAL BI7RIKB-S8 COLLKoK, Kftohvlllc, Jcnn. Book keening. Him Mug. Penfufmehip, Shorthand, Type writing, Telegraphy* etc. Positions gun ran tend under ceiluiii cond!tioi<. Clii-ap Hv/itd. So vacation. Ciur free Catalogue will explain si I. Sexyl Ujy it. TfcN.rKS.SKE MfMTAtV ACADEMY, Nash ville, Tour., Kvorythfojr new and AratxdftM. i or paritaiilnV* nddruM smckktaky, 185 North' fepruee tivf t, NathviHa, Tenn. OAK KIDGK INSTITUTE. Forty -fourth v*nr. sl7& p*v.i 10 montriK. Addiwao PkOF. Holt, Oik Hidge, N. C. PAT wmrm;? CASH for cirqunrtarlr Twwbaie* arid bl'idc-ut* IflOnjijl ou? y*.'t £. O. ud/ir <-•*• *>r ?.' Tcachtm. Addris* Ru&kal I&xpombmt, Box lg. • roj, Alii. jrMORT AJfD UEFRT COM.KGB, Emory, V*. Optaa r -i . I*. Twin cl.-ergM, including board, faJ. fciiij' i. r'l. Ut-XlfifulllOi# <UiiU)piD*M.'l. hVILWI PKMALB COI,MOI Bristol, Ta..Titi. Tb<* n*w i. ifwtjoo. Knot *'’-''*) bl* Virginia Coli"i>. # ituhvrn Hit-lory id LbAturn, tpecixlty. HOOT KII MIUTA BY SCHOOL, Ox lord, K. C. r!1 tmn l>vg-n* A'ipi, ?. JAo',. fteptTxtlon for •'’hclxrxhi 'Joanr p*fe*#>d. Racial attention \t, atldeticx. y.UXIMRVOa 78MA1.8 roLMtaK. ©oe of th* V*t higli-gntdu Ooftege* in t‘x> flofi'-b. Tatnut rj**>on , *bl*. *nj*rb. CV.* *a thorOQgb. A'iJ 1 • Bar. C. Prukidi iti, ily. ia4*j-I/XJAN PRHALE COLLIWI-I iW. WaM *jaippod. TitMber* gm lnxu- r,f tj, j'.rffi'v.t umMiu | tidrm of the l*nd. llvillr, Kr. /..<>. Mofcruar, 1 1 rr-*iTnt. (Mention tbt* pH[u wliu jeii writ*. 1 l BLOOD BALM. S ~.A UoasoUolil romojy lor ull Blood uOr f kiu dls.’uma). Cures without tall, Imf. 5 ic.rt. Kitmim.tism.Ciiiiirrli. Suit Kh.w 5 :lu< > . very form oi Blood Dinah,* from the I iiiuipl- )'. ))!mi,]e to thefoulut. Ulcer. Flftr I uho with i.uvarylng tuae*M, dent- S enstratiis ita paruinount licallaK, purify^, I ii'R nm, butMliiif un virtues. Ope bottW I Buts moi-f pir.itive virtue than n dozen of l any on.,u- It builds up the health J nnd atrenc tti Irom tlio Cist ilose. ' , ?rWHM r i'ir fnr limit! *f ■(*• j >.<ft -tul Cure*, o rnppH . ( thill©*, ; | i , t U , ‘ ot ’>y- votir local drijrßlst, lend | F I-. 00 forivli.ipo bottle. orlt.lOfor six bot- I | and inedif.liir wilt be smt, frslxhtl ■ Biboo BALM do., Atlanta, H. j OT mx 1333 TLOWM DIR fttH t ' ItS® FLOWER SEEDS mm J: ZT/Tni, ft'- LT..IIU* .• !#?>!;.Try<tiVsS’l ..... .V *>• hß*f IniMtlluli, hMlt-ket%V ' \ ■ JSjlLjftt'f A).*, hjifiMir, jm HI . % > • r. Ml ’ l * t* l ,mh ’* ‘if*** . • ~ •*’<♦.) 1h i i kM*# HpiW fv Mr** ffi '• Hot*! f. *'i * *<* .1 w# |lt ok <w* *' f reft 4k? i>4, m <W mm fit, tm ni J K k*4 ,p#„ •pMiifh .' ’'iiMiim, ,'ur, f'.tMu m t •lerhs, DMr' *•©©., Nh, • efc; li-Mfoilrr. t-> fi lb© va#* it'll,*!.- '11.... lb'* SI III* lllAftl.'l/iV I ■ til•/. rf wki, •on. • ds, iwH WJ hy fil'idH >i*<v M**mm ©b© S'l f fe.,*’ 1•. v ial> ••* >#•* •<* rh- mu w.indsif-A • '-.nirni r Vt e-ji.-u no ... ev< />.©■ niwr n i< ih •'u v tetit. **v* isiD If.'wnd Jr* nr .ae; sni . I .1 •' . *l sand \*e ( Vv- M )VU Bit §4t Ml) . *. •' ,''b •• .1 ali.l k I nMWfllt v-'VkmL , >t©ad hv ;>M lb# !•.**' • ilwrd h e iw re.. iv-4 ih ut U\An te V .1 . f 4itr!ugf IS© {iil (.r }Miinf! **J4W lw** /W <w> r; *.* fit. toft .t/t*. UfAftm, • >r# nN IU ''< /i* iklfrtlwil.*" - M/C -v. <*. •>. •, VifU in f iV/Vs /* >*.' mI t<r r'lrioii- (*•. i.b^d3k • ho •* t< i.i *V" i* rf/tutf -m f .r.L*. N. V. Dr*. II lifjr Vtunl T 4 MM*# * ♦ 'HU-.r*. mi •}, sv fiMHusii. *-wh - : r. 1 *4,' h • siiH/it. I'i. fd *• •ui..t Wi ~ ,i 1-6 b np-miy Srlfstg L .*<llo,l and ,9! Sis I h-fb'lH t| ala, W. ed A. 11. vr.t lot M.rqi* ’ riji ;u c fPi! i*zy hr/i.f t'.cWs/J h>W%J -**cinr W / west vir< ii<©. h >* * *iifi.'v|, Ili'lmvi. V©fi fhnt% 4!•'•* vt*. *■**• /<•* 4m *.mt *<>l lrt-H.Vi Sh buqw*C mmk oH-ra**A. rW T r P f , 3'- i*. .r4>- VftrfwttaM wskHi ** ©hr, mtimf fwii't WtKgZW* , -’.i. j.t Mil wvKt nMirslrd liiMyi. TWy (rw-v I* t H.IQ *fhl * *vf •!>•#** <i# Ita* mJI a a ivunnt *(. thmmmm KtHtui *'.Uira mti REAT ifFER ! 3^l W.- W'H MfJld pul LMV ¥.l-14 fv?< J **/# wRb *vr Mlibm f flrt rln*r '.• i AeH>4, m++Um nw MU** f fc* *-M**<dy *4vm frirtwEaiiißßw&Krv ! - S2OO Offered Free I Ovvicb Fit Natiossc Bask. Nashviu-s, Timm., April (, SR, Pkop.j. F D-auahok. Fa wr, Du a ooKow’a Pkao TICAI. BUUSItS COLLKaS, -N DeauSik The time for which jroti dcpocltc* J.-.jb Uir-c luonth, go to day >< a forfeit aa*or your propotilioa to ■ ire f 100 to any cbaritAbl* i.istltutint inNaihrllleandfiaoto Any Buaiaooo Collega south of the Ohio Kiver, If you canM not •bow more written applicatlona fo- Itookkerptra auil Stenozraphera on rinf the PAST PlV* MONTHS thoiiaayotli<r Beaioaaa Collecemetb of the Ohio Kiver could allow in the PAST FIVK YEARS, has this duy expired. And, no daman* having been made, the aarae la now bald au>i4 to your check. Kcapeclfully, W. F. E< -av, Cashier. N. H.— A certificate of depoalt tor the f < waa vubllMn and in th - daily capers of MsahWlle. the Cmrtnnafti fi ia-'.ic/ r, tlic Atlanta Canstitu* lion, and thirty thou'-in't circulars, firisr tha colic;-', ihr-.-e numtlia’ time to accept.—,VaaA vtf.’t Daily A men gn. Ami 7,1&9S- Write PROF. J. U. ItHAUuoox.Naahrille, Teas, lor hi., free Cuuilejuo. > H > ostir.'vr 920 ff. Oda -V* uf "miißLP* I "I SfiCK. Xi“e f-r . Sini*a ■■ naT* . uwlesaS T e<, ...elweuboSmW I .''J.w*iaama I nylo fit “if, —*u f. .ftall Hr St.c, ait h ui.i'. ' . 1 A ii to, ::.iMtru* Oil* j t>,ia, wt i.otsu luiuiu. Alina 4 rniLKASim