The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, September 20, 1895, Image 4

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Scotty j C arbo'digostive Compound. Positively the one IDinrelv (’<,,* for the treatment *f Nervous -> > t ntstion Simple and A ,r r.t* i. Au'in-t oj Dy^peps; Palpitation -ot mo- o n Does your food sou* .it!* , \ • iog.’ Are you easily t'ciiuimi! . ; i] excited? Do you got up uie morning tired mu, uiirelinHijed,nu<l with n bad In*f in tin- mouth. Is tlieoe a ilifll, cloudy seusat 'on attendeo by (liHiigiv* nbji! feelmg** in the head and dye-el’ Are you* irritable and rrst I- -*-? Do *s it. di-tn..,s you *So |i,. , you* 1 left sitle. Have you im (cured meinerv ■dimness ol vision, (Impression o ; in hid and gloirny /orchoding*.. I’lteso symptom* fneiin that yo; are suflering frani ltvsjep.sia an:l Servous Exlj;itit*lion, • There is no yllro* reru-dy e\ tent that has .-o tnuch fot this class of tib.ible- as M's flio-teliie' o tf your <•*<** In 1 n*s -fun tie- nietli Odtgf 'trealiwnl vv in >- j vrtii*ul;irly üßX i*u* totem* vOu jrive this <:>iuj)iuuil a (rial, * W gu>rn,'ltfifl n-leif in every ease ami wtl! rh *i*f all t refund y >uy mmis.v lumld the rimusilV lull li. |*i Jiluee tile meet unit* ifying rnilta. Fleas* ion einl/er llir.t the iinpellation Patrnt'Mei'i 'ine *li>s not appt, to Srott's OQ.ypouud at' is n |*rcenpt(on pat up by n lending ynyairtal* who has utinle atimirfell ud nervous trouMe* a fipecmlty f,, r years, W court iovtii;ation and" earnestly urge all *ihyi<!lnUK t> write ns for the formula of HCOTT’S CVRBO-DIUKKTIVK OOMFOUNI), whieh an will mail oun|>|>li tion that they mity satisfy themselvas of it* harmlu a ehnrnrtrr and excellent drfruti. cott’s Oarbo-Digrstivo compound Is the most remnr’udde remedy that •oienue htt producud. It lies suc ceeded where other medicines have failed. Sold by nil druggists everywhere SI.OO per nottlo. Sent to an*' ad dress in America on receipt of price. Don’t forgot, that we cheerfully refund yom money if results are not aatisfautory. Order direct if your druggist does not have it. Ad dreaa all orders to CONCORD CHEMICAL MANI FACTDKING HO. Topeka, Kas. CHjfv rvt Blackman A Boston Boy’s Eyesight •r* -Perhaps His Lifo My Rood’s SoraaparitU— Blood I*V •oned by Caalter. folia *>vln a from a r**>M mottieto My nttj# had Scarlet Fovar \vb*au t yva*j old, Mid it ltt tC/ vanr weaX fitvT *.i,-o.*>4 ( with ranker, ill* •• inflamed that Ui* autfoftnip were hilonjo, aod fcraeren r.ixKs ho Could Not Open His Cyos. I took him twice .hum* that time to the Lye •nd Kar In<rruiiy on (3iii lea street, but their, twmodioa Called to do him tho fa lair-t shadow at good I ooaunauocd giving Mm Hood’s ••rtsparins s<l It soon wired him. I have nerar doubted It eui i b>, .itfUi. uvuo If klm rerr Hie. Ton nviy uw this to*. wnoniallnaaT w.,t you n'siKuii. Tatnaiware to sound Ku> pi else at Hood’s Sarsaparilla wßOilPiTvil £txx! i; J4*l Uiy smt® F. Ulaci kJUsN, Va*htar:fcu fflk, +o*km. Kw. HOCIV* 000*8 PILkS svs luum) md*, aud in* pis Brin s>* o your job ivork to Tito Monitor, THE MONITOR. Peiu.MWETt Kvkkv Friday. ONR LK>I.F.AR A YEAR. BbuhyT., Kditor. Emr, F. MrflowA>. Dus. Mako. OFFiCIAI, 01-.GAN' OF MAi'ISOV COi'N'fY . 'jf ■ tt 1 -r .■■■/ -rr’i? .■ Our Proposition, The i'onstitut.on hits enlarged its columns and has increased its pnci* in dubbing rales so that we cannot now get tile Const iUitioii ns cheap 1 *b we formerly did, but for tho benefit of our patrons we pro pose to give them Ihe two papers tu'.-arly us cheap as one, with a slight increase, jutLiug them both tho Constitution and Monitor*, ct •?*!.Bf> per year, payable! invariably in advance. This will giv* to you all the State news, the nation* news and vonr county news for ip 1.85, an well as a good deal of magazine reading. Th* joining year is the y*ar'in which the great political bat t le is to be fought, and with Ihe Constitution you can get he discussion of Ibe problems weekly. Subscribe now. The Juries DRAWN’ TO. SERVE Al’ THE .MARCH TERM 181H5. William 0 Bprrvman, Thomas (i Joseph A Gloer, David 1' Moon, .1 out*[>li J llix, Will in tn S Sanders, Stspban H White, l.ubaii l> Williams, William II Smith, James T Johnwon, Sr. Isaac V Moore, Jamas T Carrington, Ran ford li Glenn, A Frank Brown, William F Loftis, Jacob N Roggo, Marci a D 1, Gholston, Hubbard II Hampton, John ti Allen, Walton J Frooman, Bichard T Robinson, John H Mathews, Jr. K F llardman, John T Baker. Ephraim Thomploii, T.iimar Ehorhart Calvin I. Montgomery, Thomas A bawronce, , Janies C Tahor, Albert \V Mathews, TRAVERSE JURORS. Francis M Bird, John R Gunm-lls, John T Dudley, William A Tabor, James M Kidd, John 15 Freeman. William M Carntli. Jackson M Landers, Jonathan I) Cooper, Jonah X E llawkes, T Meadors, Arthur II Long. William II Lankford, (; lj4N'il H Fox, Rifwel 1 P Sorrells. .. Mornesctte J O’Kelley, George A Gresham. Richard H B Gholston, Win. 1 Shearer, Benjamin H Berryman, William H Gober, George TI Allen, Benjamin B Thornton, J Callie Sea graves James A Faulkner, James \ Griffith, James R Echols. James 1 Griffith. James B Partem Henry T Comer, 1 homes J Hopkins, Joseph Y Huff, James P Cook. George Ehsrlnrt. William I) Reed, Hiram J Hampton. \N AGED LADY DIES. Mrs. Sophia Portertield died at the home of her son, Mr. Kphriani l'ortertiekt l>t Thursday, and wa< buried on Friday. She had lived to a ripe old age, and has gone to receive her rowatd. She lea\*ea a large family of children aijd grand children and a host o*' tri-iul# to mourn her loss. The Doctor’s Discovery. DR. DROWN, OF DAViD CfTY, NEB., FINDS A MEDJC*f& OF RARH VIRTUE. ctip< niiMM-ir irtih it, gnu (bt ii i , n <’ilb/a If. for I'aiUttto Grrttifj lu B * >J<vcjl.'s*. I/Vuio lilt f.inciti.i, Aib., citli.) . Hr. :*’Tiiici n l* u y.,tt t n’cr 1* lb • i<l i‘ iv, ccviißf J? fog V’HC,. ’A* T kil.iv/u bii CUT it'* •• 1 ’ Ri fy, D.;vin r r f ißctieett Hi ••very pari! it is Ills jcwJVtr}' fV y ti t 'l'.- . u.i l;* I't'-Lvf* ! 11,11, : Kil R iii.rtH >. vViicn \ ,ti j>y r < all \\ yr\rt i' <>wn 'a! ttiiv iv t:ic in.-iorv of :! •. • ami i : f.Dtt) or. . “'I nis v/ill b>* r.ty -ii t■r < Into t!?< Ced r dJ*”’ i..f; t V K-Vv, t.c.‘ i Uf.i • Rltijua:- i :ic t;tr uiy recovery tii-it ] ; •. life car*' "Jii.-tiG ; it r: :uLr it-rev i tv ilug. *: jx or it'vrfi years ng.- }: i lairrlvci.f fl*t in i:p >lt I'.iV i'f: •*:'’ , ’.f> ' I M ; ;'.r:c J 1 I •* • i iV klt)(jtv>J aliinvDtS. 'lk.’ Ji . !> •;. 1 f mi: I my to fo “f.ftrt *ti pnn.: yni:t of K*{t v.\rny,)>-v vc:mof i,hiu id ! ft varicoe?-l *. 9 I was also *io; T *;lV<i with Itiiibch R. J bc- nnic ur.i.i>! • a- * ■ f• d> Dirt of my poK’tic*-. i c siM U- hb\. in.!* by the tut* fVf *r*iia-5: -s uod o every raedtclnv thfct f ever hrartl of iji cc d*a\ firing to rcJit vc my lqjftV ing. -, “ A trout ti y*nr ug i r--r.\ r.i md.'cn called Dr. WilhciaV Didk > ihai iseefnel to fit n\y <•*, ko \ .sent fo cample*, f w.t? so v;cll ivt' f:-d with rhe campl-u that i b-mt ii#r more, its they .a*tcu directly in inmiony with natuie.’ '* hi tr" th'- thityg*. 1 i’eoV: ihrin'-ii/e* -**:) I uoed n numh'-yr of ijo. r .e > <<f the f:!- anil I en*. c'Afhf Jy icocvvfiol all my *?xyu\} ailments, cud j m :dh to,mo?e tthniit dikv more. *yrdhm f befttg hampered with cr;p ii in <!io *.*:• . In iry prat tic? 1 niv.:ty; use rink wh *ro ihe fliagßowis of the fav<*r* ti. in, “ I now ii nYi£ a rc:iK,rk.d>D case at Dreiii Atu-tMtc.R Tailmt. tin p Un. atf r,ups tufreri.'ig from diaht-ift md r,:d •,vr * in t .c tirt r >ud s <-f <!-..cax*. Tld* 1 ■**•■*•■ *■ iai f.iiD<l4o give iilr*. utv t •*!!r f. A!! li of his rpcovcrv been gj't*n up wit ti Iwv; called in and tool charge of the 4*.t v. f !'- i- uovr o.ii tie- rul’d to e< iviplefe re" c, y r ih*• ] i f j t's di>.taso wk> in tided oJt' and li n oriie'’ajTm*ms overwln linud. hdioi*r family ran not hi* found then that of I'ovooit ■ t Tulbot, of P,rn*! ‘-d/* .Nw'orn oeJ PMiw’c-ib 'd tt* before me this t r, v tit!: 'V.y of Septfiidmr. A. I>. li' 1 ’!, it J i ’ : tv. Meb. \. >■. Hosn-y. • S ' •*': Xof .ny H’ht'c. JVr, V. iliinmn’ Fi.tjk Ti )i fo/ }'ale r dj !c are now iflvon t * fit** tntbiie :\s a:i uinnili; ■ blood bnildct eii ( nerve restorer, curing e!! forms of weal n-ising f. cm a \v;tDu v s?ondiH<ui of til - blood <t rha'lered nerves. The j>illd ar* Ro’d bv oil dealer*, < * will be Kent poKi paid on r-seeiptof price ('>o cents a box. r six boxes ftr i'J.60 —they are never Hold in bull: or bv tbc 100) bv Hthiretiong Dr. Williams’ Med. Cos., Behentetadj. feli'iJ lir line Schedule in efleet March 2-lth ’OS N’th N’rt.h South. South. P.M . I’lisH. FassAiP. M.- itlix. A. Ex Station*,' Ex. IjM t %R N'iß4 .\0B8j• No .Tl N0.45 AM |F M.I |a. m. f. m B 15! 0 15 ! r.vAtliuitaAr' (5 2(T 7 45 8 4’J 0 48; IF LI ’nc’n’ - 552 714 8 55| 9 55*“ Tucker “ 540 (5 58 9 004 0 05 “ Lilhurn “j 5 0; (5 40 9 10 10 1F“ (xloater “ 521 6 Bti 9 27|10 24|“Law’vine“l* 5 ll 1 026 9 8840 85 • Daculu “ 5 f)0! (> 14 9 4040 l:( “ Auburn “ 4 52! 005 loot) 10 51 Winder “ 141i 658 10 15,11 08 "Statham 1 27 584 10 2211 15“ Hogart “ .1 201 5 20 10 41 jll 28“ Athens "Ii 08i f, o* 10 581147“ Hull “ 818: 454 11 044 150 “FiveF’k.s* - ! 880 145 11 14 18 07j“ ('onicr “ 8 88j 4 B*l 11 24 12 18|“ Carlton “| 8 1 7 4 28 11 55 12 4*'J;“Ellierti>n“! 252 *1 01 I! 55 12 65,’ Midd4(H.‘ | 2 25 846 12 02 !01 dfoard’inl“ 2848 88 12 18 I 18 “C’a. Falls”! 2 IT 826 12 21 t 88j” Watts “ 202 8 18 12 45 200 “Abbeville 4 ! 147 800 I 18 2 81| Greenw’d- tO9 284 1 47 8 00*‘■Cr'ssHill‘‘!l2 41 2 07 200 8 09!“Moniitv'e' 12 82 200 2 15* 8 29j Clinton 4> 12 18} 140 8 34j'- Dover. ~42 09; : 405 ‘Whit mire,. 11 89! 1 26i’’0arlisle ~ 1 I 14 5 001“ Chester „jl() 48 5 17 “Catawba" 10 08 6 10i“Waxhiiw 4 ; 9 39 6 80 ArMorr'er,-, : 9 15 P.M.A.M. I PMP. M. Trains 88 and 41 run solid between Atlanta and Norfolk carrying Pullman sleeper, making direct connections at Weldon with Atlantic Coast Line for Washing ton and New York, and all points North and East. At Norfolk with steamers for Washington. Bay Line tor Aaltimore, Old Dominion for New York. Trains 84 and 41 solid between Atlanta and Columbia, with through coaches for Charleston, Tickets for sale to all points at at companys office at any station on line, or obtained upon applica tion. Any other information can he had upon, application to any of the undersigned. T.l Axdeksox, John II Winuk k <> PA. Port mouth. Cmi .M’g-j I* A Nk\\i\m>. Div Pass Agt. Atlanta. Ga. H E Edwards, Agt. C>m *r. Ga. R. P. Sorrels PHYSICIAN AM) SI'KG EON DanieUvillo, Ga. i C:ilU answer?.l ami prescriptions filled at aM hours. Diseases of w oueu a;.(ij children s|eoiaity. DR. HATHAWAY & CO. The RELIABLE SPECIALTSTS Regular Graduates in Med:due. Authorized lit, the State S!x National Eaoks for Financial Reference, thousands of Cured Patients ell over th i tnited States as to cur professxmlal ability. All business conducted on a strictly professional basis and strictly cor.liaer.tial. Corsultatlcn Free at cfiicc or by mail. Treatment sent everywhere free from observation. No interference with asiaer.s v/hile using medicines. E Seminal Weakness and Sexual Debility Tmpo(tncy) caused by youthful follies and excesses, producing nervousness, icL'es, pimples and blotches on the face, rushes of blood to the head, in tho bacK, confused ideas and forgetful ness, bashf uJness, eversion to society, loss of sexual Dov/er, loss of man hood, etc., cured for life. We can stop night losses,'restore lost sexual power, restore nerve and brain power, enlarge and strengthen weak par.3 and make you fit for marriage. that terrible disease, in all iis forme and stages cured for life. Blood Poisoning, .Skiu Diseaf-es. Ulcers. Swel lings, Sores, Gonorrhoea Iz. Gleet, and all forms of Private Diseases cured. urp perinar.tly cured without caustic or cutting. No pain. ' VIWI w no exposure. Patient can use the treatment a* home. I we cure l bose delicate diseases peculiar to your sex. at ** your own home without Instruments, if any cured after other doctors have failed. Can give you proofs. •J'ke Great French fibeTimatic Cure. A SURE CURE. The greatestdiscov i\iivwuiua.£-:h s ery in tie ailll als of medicine. One do?? gives relief; a few doses remove fever and pain In joints—a cure is bound to take place. Send statement of ca*e. for i>olh sexea Pages, with full description of above diseases, the effects and cure, sealed in plain wrappfT free. Read this little book and send for Symptom Blank. No. 1 for Men % Vo. 2 for Women : No. 3 for Skin Diseases; No. 4 for Catarrh. Takenoctoices and Obtain the best by consulting the Leading Specialists in the United Slates. honesty DR* HATHAWAY & CO. skill } ■to.!.. ■ .1 ■■in 2CVS South Broad Street, ATLANTA, CA, * P 0 |3 6_a ff _g_ I j PBSOKLY A3H V POKE HOOT AND POTT^oIUfS HitthO© w..aß’<ifcAU< I Marvelous Curas |n Bltad Poison RfiSlilUtflSraß ..I. -'-•’JI'V-. JLTr+X■UJXtmxxncx*, fir*’ C’MV • Tc. U;d*: .AaU V. K p-.i; . Vlf -d. sr.lW(i xa th* •.♦>*.. -h:’,- . . L..- iv;.s I'a iin*. d.v .m t I; :iu . .. * ' , . • 1t c* ; ’ r r.vjr ;l:s, ; , : ’ .** -Diu . . f-ivvl’. :i’ m *i.i J-i Cos vU<t..h m. • : d.-vhv .'k*j 'li lot oh 7 i.U’.'t •.*. * : i .;;•■•*. • uVm/i •. tetter. Hvikl *<•. '. • *>?•;. <*ryf*D w<***!.•* - v l- •. r . a f .i f.-*sr ‘jf / f•*•*' s * -i.Gia; >. v. ! in- m; t Jia, .-.seU/ f*i,u peraaa.i>at vtT.* w iv. rUi u ;o.i. whoso ny**oor-> .re • .<•. t :n. ! whoilftblOUif is in an lmpu* v o *r Y Fn, dir’*'vruat ■ ‘ i itlc-j*, urn ’.’’iculiarly ed > .r *■• ij.-rtut ?.guloamii>Jo tele j,;. i* <of >.*. i’* z i.v-k’y a\u2:, R. c*. r u Potr/ia lum. ail '<v-v*>ixtov * a Fit tt*- iw<- p.mi* i i>"Tft T .r>, ,r .. '.it. i 3. •-i oiir, .■ i.’ saleifc : tcrai jol yi'KZ xfic-iicirio f.’ >.u my v. t •*'. Kuw.’/U. MTO. l> 13 C : V *1 .• f-!> *. tlinra3Y, j*lo*.risy -;*. rhuu:.- • • .• • v :C van s, w an treated by v. ; v* v*. ■ bout pby*lF?attfl a.o uptM.t i*i •'.virod; oi ’ t if.tried ©very' known i**:-mt'.;.'y • i-h --out fl j’ling reUof. ) have* only ta :p. one potil© ot your r. p. , and •••.an nlwrfuiiy say it I*as douo me >r<oro rood thun anythiug l have ovor taker.. 1 ord recom nond you? tnodiemo to all Bufferer? of she nbov* MRS. M. M. YAY. ©r*on County, iio. NOTICE. Georgia—ATadi-on county. To all whom it may concern. S C O’ixeliy ndniiiiistrator of John 1! Winfrey, dec'd ha in due form applied to the undersigned 1 for leave to sell the lands belong ing iothe estate of of said de ceased, and said application \\ill be lonrti on the first Monday in October next. This Sept. 2nd? 1895. G C Daniel, Only, w ■ 111 - A ,2l M t ?' '>6 * Poor c : Health i Daetirts so much more than ' ’you* imagine—serious atui’ •fatal diseases result from ‘ ‘trillingailments neglected. 11 ‘ I han’t play with Nature’s' ’greatest gift—health. s i If y vj are Jjce’iM.'? ** * | c ta* >i soinjPv, ea% . * fcf v* *• f!*:< t •*-■'• i e i i' ij th" iiiosi i< b:a him . i'vfr H ) VIA I! * u-u !r* *. m\. 1 > { ■■ T? r V- A f 4 --'•*’' ■ .. *T>W I* * ci'. - K-y. . oktcrS'iiHNT. i ‘ I ri it • > V . It# . *. .. - '!r Owes k . t*” * !S,>.*!.l, Kn'i.v. v..*{.; ,' tier i.*s. ‘ Uoe4n.:.t. oj, PjiJ V.k.iAi ' Cvira, Nervous xi.vieai.s V*'i.m*-rt’* conr*<f, is. , .i '>(,'.* ■ e-'*'.''* -e S >.r . .ll Tt'i % , ' 1* . 1 * * ** A'is*’ Hfavtd*. \Y . - . '.A ■ tl* -U w, r *,;i Cl A ... , ’tc ’■ ' .4 * “ ' A -v POSITIONS GUftßflNTttD under eot*itiotjt. T>o net say it cen not &c Co£,tiU you aead for free catalogue ot DRAIXJMON'S practical Qs)'H4t/i€3£ C'/ZcpCj Jtashvllie, Teaa. n>>! is stronalv rt; toned hr banker* ‘“attoxS,nts. FOUR weeks by niaughon a teaching bookkeeping is equil to ■* ** 2—\ 1 v '■.■>!* i.y the old p ir. Special ad >'lliu 4 r ;s -ft Snnrthnnd, Peonsui. *biu and Tel: q r*.t> >r. Cje;> board. Oiwntc wi. a-ics. iio raca.ina. Hater now. Rstiroeo is>a paid. HfiMR qrimT ffc have rraf.iT prepared UUSudUiill. book, on b k ,n S! , m„ nH'*aTH.-.sT> as't> Ksnm tssHu- especially adapt. t to • borne atari jr."* Write lor “ Home Study " vtreuluis at uu.t. mi LES, BLOTCHES I .jr. ru.- **’4.‘<rr>jet.s i -LiAt-iT^ITOI mm mB * K*rvtrr- .iojratom .TtoaaMM. ma oamo 01* MAUBIL - -•* V-T“V>.*\. . IT* ..’HLV tZBJUU AeS TBOjjgj.ES fit 'Wlf' CSrJit djzz,as m-.t :jt. rrmet’.'Tmr i4xc dy re Jsy r.p. s. _>■;'.* • Zh,Y ?cS<> tort an-.l Fot.u:* ciu*. *j< strut test blood per:Jaf oa taa^iv, A -cxv*?’i4j-.v. O . July 21.1.‘'t. T&Xfty.y, jr-MAN BaictL,, : TJ.cAfc Sjj:-- £ b'sujrht a bottle o( T?c,nr i-. P ?, *. *•{■:; j Ark. .awd il b. ■ dune me inoro j-vi th.ajx taw® li-. r.t t -.xitCieiitaC >’V.O riot fev2o ' l:rro botllis'; ti. <>. D, laity *.'oir.’3. ?.!, l-rRTST7'OT, l, Prr -n y, G* li.;. firf •• • J * j c .'.;r;T.*; i sc??* *• tl.o woudcrrul to* • ' ’. P. ! ’ •, i . . . * R . C t '-u K”* a>/cr.-;f Y *S.~TJ ’.T’t .u V- # -ft.; - y ?ad ♦* • .• oj D.a cru- • -.on •*i 2D '. fr "V. ! !.■'*. • •'* . ;; V. f ti : tv ;. . L vt,; up. p. ttr*W a R’jC O } I:C*V.’ G.-lUiSD*' r l'*lN;!* t£i2- £;■) J- JD. • : 0INT0:-7 f , i *avftna?Li, U^a, Si*:*h Cauv-c? . i.’ *;/ • • Vv? .X.:ucr£i-2 v<.:.i"-#!** i! ;• .-n f.u’.t ?.l r m?., 7tir. *■’ *i ’M . >?.:<;•?.. ’D* C:... . /•’• -J • * j . *..* * . 1 ;• :•:< *o • ’i: .i*. • • '■• v , • p Mi ’•g.d .*•*<> **... ■. ••'**•.: '••• pai:.*-' u*.*:!>* •!•.*o*l * > '(■ ■ - r it* PltM.t'Ul I*OW H;> ’. . D:V O hiul prevv° -: • •> ;, i ; • oor©!?. i e-;ota:v*’. i:*. :• ■ ’ • ui •? ai dfrot .-vLfi.:. o. .u> m.'.’ .u ■ dim T.’ili o;:*e'iVn rnvr. i* . -a an:- M*r© Ir- JU i? j! ;•.*.•• V.jv .'’l C.XJJ t.. i *’ y. ~’V 1 " Ai’. ..v. .*. LL 3>UTjCaiC*.:& 33LL . . . -my, l*fte <Lla ip2oo Offered Free! Okyijk I'if. r Nation *i. Bank, KASUYH.L3, Tekn., April ! Peot-' T. F. Or avo hon , T*n r.r.. D f .\yg> * >g. *. . . t>; \ll J; .K :-• lAlis ,> .* V v’vi.a you and C'pop. ?do i.v ..c mojttha ;,go tt- s. i;; (z’i a (orieit uudei' vour Y ’o;.“.y.;con loji-.z $ fo charitable lu.-l it Di'tini >. iiLi vilie on*! ooto aay lAuyriuei Cos, i e gvv s’ ou t h i the Ohio J’. v or, if you cou Icl not | s.tow yjio-v written :q.plinptiens for Bookkeeper? and y . , :jph* ; s during the PAST I*l vi -vlO.> t ■bruanvother UtirinessCoUecre gouth oi the Oiiio River con id ah gw iu ? lit PAST Fi\T. YKARS, had thin day expired, and, *: dernaud faavnijr been made, the same i.i now Held m,Vw to your check, liespcctfully, F* .T3r ’ < '£ i (latti'.cr, N. H. -A certificate of dejxjsit for toe c .* v.-fis T>ubljluHl in the daily y.: irjers of >’ ■ r-' w’; the CtncfnirGiti the* At’a;da i vk.,\. . •' iion t p.nd thirty thouaauil circulars, lac il.rue *ncti. >' time to acoe'.'i. —A’.:. .- vale S)>~try American % A*>yi' /bpj- Write Prop. J. F. for his free Ck ilocrue. E-O'JCATIONAL. Bclrv* 4 dive ; few of the leading education al in; i.: tjp.iMs ;-j the South. V. xito t iicm befoio eloewlieie. r*K \vc. Hons puactu al business ( OJo. ;N,-N, :'};ts!iv:l!e, Tern. P.ookkeeplns:, liiiii<s> , . Pen.-a73£hi}), .Shi i thund, Type • Dili:,* iy .o.siH;.li• , pic. Positionsguarantetni fiinlrv curißirt conditions. Cheap Board. No vacation. Our free Catalogue will explain all, send i’or it. MITTTARY ACADEMY, Nasta ' die., ' ojfii, Kvervthing new an i first-nip. *■.*•. rrn* particulars address Skcretary. 135 North Spruce irtifft, Nashvilie, Tenn. OAK RJD*K INSTITUTE. F**rty-fourth vear. -TIU p :iy* 10 monthe. Address Pkoe. Hot Oak Hidge, K. C. PAY WItITOPT CABIT fornurquarterly Tiol>on’ r.r# ftud^nto 1 xfouuuu ouf year by sanding P. O. eddreasc.j ,u V. Teechem, Adiycoo lotxxL lixrcxxmt. Box ntg *’rsT, A Ut. S3SOHT AJ ' PER* Y rnUßor, Smew, Va. O &ss : ?\ : ; iedudini* I >rd, sj>s. Scboii^. nip lin . K< atmuilace* UusurjpaseeA : hid.**s FEMALE COLI.ISGK, Bristol, Ya.-T^nn. •'.*.- v *’*rmf ; cu, Sfotl Yiiginia College, •'■•nom: imtj Literature, apecialiy. itiiajir.p. mi a it y fcenow; Ox<ora. y.c. te-n v gur,-. tor/. 8, li*paution for echo 1 Atehjp aascu r -<*■' 1. coitjil Aifr-ntion to alhiekiea. V M.WWI KG FBMALBCOIXBOB. One of tte bwt * x ‘-£ r .wit* nj the South. Term# ■bSM&AMe. >u*,rb. Cr.’rt th.-.rough. AidreA® 2j.t. I in, Prvuij \f*ller*burf, Ky. ’ — ' 4 ’hj : m R*L A !.K Of)LLE<tF~I3QS. VU •" i'..’Y - grs v h>b .f th# greMoet inetitu . • *or ’ncl.'i and. .* *-*4!v’!s, Kf. A. O. Mc'iHiSt. -Tv* R ni. , M- .:’\n i . IPi p.:•r w nsc T write. 1 FREE. IV' r>h ; .: iIN YTSIO gl-on to each coufitr I nr tin HoutU’-T F! ;.v * by Mi. Aaiofu.i Feoade Semitury, Mt. i U-asftutjN. C. A*'*i Rky. X. Fs.xukb, A.31., rrincipaL t -“U 'll , ”• *v \Cp ?> l - '. ■•>'* % ■*'*. rt ui '.i iCk *1 > 'jt * t r v • k xt r- jr ► , t \ hi and i\i < x \ ‘ * w ’ > jp*. : *iniu?A>* fIL ftEwitDll ■ k " k ’ * *" vtu. .tloD u-n 18years < > ir*.s uw ••} rcnic-.y for the ft •**■* w .t en; cure <?i Rbeuma f . ix. v o- otv . iu hii its formt* i • H 1* • ’.* ’B* i t-y tiiouMidi *u Physi i . . ’..*. rzi..ktoC;ra and Patients, it b I • jto *6 wam | * nVrls up from the \ i is tttyerwis to cure. 1 i* Hse dollar a U*tila. or six < : -iP • ;'i rive dollars. Cur '' page < P • i've by jlall. Add run. P Go. ’ 13=6 L D. C. : U.' ‘oic*” ’.*<•. a • ifisnvr tUc h. -w n 1 • -••• ’•> P ; -‘ - r witu a?s ?2>v t.-.r* w... v } ’ evs pum,’. c.*tjr::.;i 1 ;-a:.6 KV*j...uts -. ; Are Yoti Sick, iOf Being ! ! sick? Then let'an Bun geet a cure. ? Ten vo c-n-3 the trouble started 1 i with your liver. A torpid liver causes Rfceu raatlsm, Neusalgia, Ccnstipation, Dyspepsia, Head < ache and a dozen other ailments. , : nnW* 00 : If'KhsiaSc • / anapuakiio ; CUREr / gees straight to work on the liver. It cleanses that organ; f makes it active again—the acid leaves you’re blood and you’re f cured. Teettmonial below. j I cured my wife of noaralgio cf seven yoaw’ ftrd!ng by the nee of your iuiddictne after the beet doctors / in Cincinnati failed. B. W. PARKER. 452 W. Fourth Street, Cincinnati. ' AeU Your Druge’st or Merchant For It f CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sola Propriators, Knoxville, Tenu. $1600.00 lv£H AWAY TO INVENTORS. 50.0 c every n.onth given away to any one who ap. pK ihrcr;;.’: v ; :or the most meritorious patent during liir Mouth : rce viing. IV.• -<it .u’r u b ’ pafcer.tGfor otirclients, <>' ' f ihv; y-- f ■ f i • to encourage inventors u • tr: 1!. o* 1. . t bv. ;ht id' .?. i ihe same tunc we v.r-.k ; • itapr.'-Ms upon the public the fact that IT ’STHE $ IMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES. i i: ' * zLi the ’ • r-win /ov. ’* \vhic ii can be easily slid up ■ 1 - l v. uh.ut breaking tiie prt* ncr.ger’s back, ic‘ I'.-’.k ! ‘ “t ci:ar-bu:i!)n, M “nut-loc!:,” ‘‘bottle step{er?” and a thousand other little thines that most .u;. !:’•• c..n tvul a my ot improving; and these simp!? '"' .mi .Mb it urir.y I*.,c: t refrns to Utc uuib . . Try to think oi ;omethi:ig to invent. IT NOT 30 HARD AS IT SEEMS. y- \.. - .-.frli v.s receivespec'ijilnotice in ’ .at ''.’*' • riiington, *'*■•• bb- :i; • ’*: pa; v*-published in America in il.e RRt-Vc. tr, ;•! . vcntnrs. We funiish a year’s sub* • tshi-'iov.ntiil, free of cost, to all our clients. \\ 1: ~!•*. ad*.<-■; .;t.*cof co.'t,the invenrien each month wi> I. wins our si*;,o pri re, an;l hundveds of thouo'.tnds • • i-’R • i lb - “National Recorder. ’ containing a , m h .1 the winner, and :i desetipfton of his invention, •.* :;:t*: e j thriMi yiiout the Ur.ited ctates among • o did man:if v-.‘utters, thus bringing to thcil. . v e uo.e the i’le. its ot the invention. • i .o;nmutiicirtious regarded Lt-iotly conudcntbl. Add--. JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., ScllCitcrA Arnci* an find Foreign Patents, 6t& F Street, N. W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. \ A ” kc/csettee — eVt-.r efieispaper, li '- 'ts/orone * SO-fvzi r . /v <>. hhUi, FREE. ,*.**-■ '*• .f-uEssjcskjaxaß ■.45 ! /AX' i ! -aer/iaic iLOOD BALM. S e.,4 ** ’"“uholii wmcJj* for n Blood ana t ;,'.‘. J , l *." : ’•viliicu: Sorof. '"' * - - - li-fairii.if.m.' rlarr!;, S,U llT.cnm l - - v loi-iu of Blood Dtaeaee from the ■ ;’; m V>V^P |r nple to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty 5 ‘ V . u w e tvUh unvarying i uccf'SG, dem . •-•Ht”’ N s its paiMiDOunt healing, purify £ uf-.’ igm building up virtues. One bottle •: us > more Turativc virtue then a dozen ol fl > any other Kind. It builds up the health S i ‘ ia< ' strength from the hist dose. i p- n “Jv/tSTK for Book of IFen* * ] Cures, ts+nt£veeon zipplt’ -bY your local druggist, send 9 > • '"- s- hYrge bottli or 00 for six bot- fi ■ • 1 y s j Ijnfi ciedicine will be sent, freight 5 : paid, by 9 SkOSO £3., Aftanii), Ba. | S . - 'f\ .*_ ~ ’S * /'■*•. i . ■ ■. y\ ' * *, ;■ ■ ■: l : ■ n . * ,vS'r r -•'' ■’ ■- ' 4 i ff. x. * * Nv.*- . h'iyt'v- v /r,.,,*’*j . ,*< v. *'-*•• I i•• • •.„*• /..-.Ti J, 4'! - .... '• 41 iy . '-ffs i '.d,. .' . *;f'”'■ : ■' tw >*. y . • . ■*• •ii r.y ~•*.-' *.’Tf**:*j Yi*. 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