The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, September 27, 1895, Image 4

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E H KW F- D O"R% E Y CLOTHIiG & FURNITURE. 7)0 Children’s Suits at actual cost Fnding that we have an overstock in childrens goods, sizes from 3 to 14 Years, we will close them out at ACTUAL OST for 1 . The cash Only, .1] J Everything! in our clothing department 8t greatly 'reduced prhvfl. Now iw the tiipe to close' out and prepare for the following s,ein>on. Den’l miss this odj-ortunity, for its the chance of a ■ s life-time. < ! Eium THE MONITOR. Pnni.ixHKD Evkhy Fhiday. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Rbbry T. Mohhlky, Editor. Knw. F. McGoFan. Rrs. Mano. OFFICIAL ORGAN OK MAD ISO Y COUNTY. - wc- r.-rj l ■ HI. re , m _^m, ' FROM HULL, Very few people at oourf Satur day. Robert Bridge* Ims a pic with eye* like Mnitin A Smith's— oeo black and the other blue. Miss Rosa Bridges has been suf fering very much with neuralgia lately, but is improving at this lime. M P Mathews the draughtsman of Clarke county was in ttserti Mon day. Say* he can heal anybody in Danielsville, There's a fanner uunr Hull who • ays hie crop is very sorry. l)idn*l think he would make ovei 3*3 of a crop of cotton no way. Several young ladies from our vicinity ipmtk of taking in tho the exposition. That right ladies—ev eryone should go if possible. Mr. Mickle says this court ought to know what tho word illegality means, as everyone that has a cuss in court tiles that kind of a paper. ' Ottmr, the clever butcher of Sul-' phur Springs, went off towards Lex mgtoo with a 4 quarter of beef and lias not been heard from since Sat urday. T.l Curling' , of Dunlap, was in town to day (Tuesday) looking around for a location for ue*t year, and T think it likely lie will settle at Hull. Messrs ltaiden and Johnson went to Smith’s Sunday. Suppose they were looking out a location, seeing which branch of lus work they would like the best. We need a good corn mill at Hull and it would pay. There is a good scops of country to sup|airt a mill and it could get all it eould do by linking good meal and pleasing tho people. Dock Smith the high man was icHtiing hay near a tieid of corn, when he happened to run afoul of a few yellow Jackets. He is repor ted as having fallen'down and roll - lug 30 yards, and as that did no good, got'up and made for the corn Held wrliore he kno-krd down and threshed off more corn than a drove of Texas stems eould in the same length of time. NOTICE. <3opgia—.Mjulison county: lYhcrenn W H Bullock, mini, ■of Dr. A C Sloven* deu’d. hits Applied to ms lor letters of dis mjssion from snid Administration. This therefore to cite nil person* poncerned to lie at mv office on the Ist Monday in o?fc next to *low wh> ' said letters should not 'he granted in terms of the law . TJlis July July Ist. 1806. Q V Daniel, Onf. Are you Going? D-> you Want a Free Ticket? Rigid the Following and Get * Heady. To any boy or girl, man or woman, who will get us 16 new cash subscribers to the Monitor at one di lbir each, we will give a ticket to Atlanta and return, from any station on the G O it N railroad m Madison county or from Athens, ticket good for 5 days. This offer open to anybody, NOTICE. Georgia—Madison county. Whereas James W Kirk and Joseph H Kirk linvt* applied 'to me tor letters of administration upon the eat are ot Jofm F lvirk, deje’d. This therefore to cite all 1 persons to be at my office on the (list Monday in Oct next to show why said letters should not be granted in terms of the law, This Sept.(sth IBW>. G C Daniel, Ord. NOTICE Georgia—Madison county : To whom it. may concern : S C O'Kelley, administrator of J R Meadors, dec’ll has applied to the undersign*d for leave to sell lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and ..aid applica tion will be heard on the first Monday in October next. Tins Si'jit. 2nd INUb. G G Daniel, Only. NOTICE. Georgia—M ml iso ft count v. To nil whom it may concern. S C O'Kelly administrator of John R \Y infrey, dec’d has in. due form applied to the undersigned toe leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of of said de ceased, and said application will be heard on the tirsl Monday in October next. This Sept. 2nd lS*.tr>. G 0 Daniel, Only, NOTICE. . Georgia Madison county. \\ herons the commissioners ap- I pointed lo set apart and assign to Fannie Adams, (widow of Tims. J Adams, dec'd ) twelve months sup port out of the estate of said decoas | ed, have tiled their report. All per sons interested are hereby required to be nliife' office on tire first Mon day in tmi next lo show why said report should not be* allowed. This Sept. 2nd IB3'. G C Daniol. Ord. SSfcSSggEIB jBwB 1 *'*l vrrK- rwH* r*r <m Ma4fkM Jm In u a#a ■ at* *. > r* tit. IHmS*--••** 7"“ j *** M ?£■!a* Wf RiXhiwiu * . AHE you coming to t lie Expo sition? If so, stop at the Lead ing Hotel, where accommodations an* l<> lie bud for 1,000 guests per day. The only first-class Hotel in tin* City charging only $2.00 per day. The Victoria Hotel, J. W. GOLUCKE. Manager* Nos. 30-82-34 * South Pryor Street Half Block from Car Shed. Atlanta, Ga. • Burglar proof safe f r valtinhlhs Cars pass the door every five min utes for the exposition grounds. Everything^first-clAss. The l>est bed* in the city. The best table in the city. Telegraph or "write ahead for accommodations. Re member wo will treat you right, and charge you only $2.00 per day for hoard and lodging. Porter’s at all trains, The Greatest Attraction at the Exposition is the Wonder- * fill Cyclorama, Battle of Gettysburg Located just in front of man. en trance on 1-Itli street and Pied mont avenue. Don’t miss it. Cure Mountain Corn AVhiskey For sale by ■ J, 11. Scoggins, COMER, GA.. Our mountain corn whiskey is ab solutely pure. Not even a small headache in a whole barrel. Me also handle the* best Rye, whiskies. Brandies, Gin, Beers Cigars, etc. Our bottles are full measure and we guarantee to treat von fairly. When you cointi to Comer a call. - w w W WWWST r -w *• ' ** * • . .st-iiPAfIP. : . DURANG’S • iliriEUMaTic Remedy ’ '-u-i.ll-d lu rt*nlAlli,* foi t*Trare. Juii'i An-mtU, lor in. ,ui.k nai m,u.ii rum ,( Rhrum* , !:*'*• '•"“> . Hi all it. form- ( 11 I. cu4ulw4 by tkowHinU. •( Vfcy.i ■ rtu. an 4 P4itrßif It 1. I ' •< knit*, up front the km It B „, r (aiu : rr ',"> dwllar U bottle tr lx < Pp>l's teGifttaMh Oj. I IJifi L Street,uington, D.C * Ilr * r th* O * r..V T,\ art I(X an gtaursk t.x.t* *aki.s * tlutu. , kc*a*i, AlraAnc. 4 tuck ts ot ,*a Boa, < r tom re-, tt ! r saw ar jinotn. . ' WHY HOOD’S? Bowim * w Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best, •nosl reliable and Accomplishes the HOOD’S CURES In our furniture department we are now prepariNg to make our fall purchases and to do this in a satisfactory to ourselves we must reduce stock, Our motto in this department is | ‘‘We Miss no Sales,” ) * ■ jwhete prices are concerned, We can save you money in either department \ a • Come and see for yourself! WE MSS NO SALES 115 to 121 Clayton Street, Athens, Qas Professional. DAVID W MEADOW, Attorney at Law. DuNIKLSVILLE, Ga Office on corner, west of Court House, opposite Masonic Corner, Will practice in all the courts. All business promptly executed. Jno. J. Strickland. Attorney. Athens - - Ga. BERRY T. MOSELEY, Attorney at Law, Danimlsvillk, Ga. Office on corner, west of Court House, opposite Masonic, corner W ill practice in all the Courts Business promptly executed. ex C Tnm s, Attorney, Athens, G^. JOHN K. GORDON, Attorney at Law. Danielsville, Ga Will practice wherever desired. Prompt attention given to all busi ness entrusted to hiscara. Office north ot court house. J. I. GRIFFITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Danielsville, Ga. Office South of Court Hausa: Calls answered and prescriptions fillod promptly. R R MOORE DENTIST, gOMER, GA. Will b% in Danielsvilla every first Tuesday. Regular oflGee at Comer, ** ork Guaranteed Prices very reasonable. R- P. Sorrels PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Danielsville, Ga. Galls answered and prescriptions tilled at al] hours. Disease* of women andj children specialty. S2OO Offered Free! OrFica First Natiohai. Bakr. Nashville, Tex.., April *, faor. J. F Diackox. P*:;.C>tr<,x'sTt.AC' riCAL Beswaia Colliss, n ahvilia.Tesn. Sir The time for whicMvon deposit.* fioe three months **o to-day .* a forfeit aader vouh propoxitioa to live Jiso to rut charfubls tnsMtutKn m NiUTil;ends:oofo a IT luaiaees sou t h of theOhk* R i ver, if rod could not show more vrrhtenapnllionsfc-800kkeepvr. !. nt A2?* no P r *P h ' r * during the PART FIVE MONTH* th.u.nvother business Collese wnth ®fthe Ohio Kiver could show in the TAST FIVK X EARS, has dhis day expired, and, no de-.iand havrnc been made, the same Is now held suVeei to your check. Respectfully, * tv. F. -V. Cashier. N. B—A certificate of deposit for tae • •*.- was published ia the daily papers of Nashville the Fug utter the Atlanta ianrtitu. t!m, asd thirty t-ouasod circular*, riving the c**lares three months' time to accept.—.Vtif villa Daily Amertcan, A bril 7, rlrr. Write PaoF.J. F. D**c jhox, Nashville. Tena. •or his free Catalogue. DR. HATHAWAY & CO. The RELIABLE SPECIALISTS Regular Oradvatei in Medicine, Authorized by the Stale. Six National Banka (or Financial ReteMnce, thousands of Cured Patients all over the United State! aa to our professfeilal ability. Alt bafhMesa conducted on a strictly professional basis and strictly confidential. Consultation Free at office or by mall. Treatment seat everywhere free from observation. No Interference with business while using medicines. £ Seminal Weakness and Sexual Debility. {Spermatorrhoea and Impoteney ) caused by youthful tollies and excesses/ producing nervousness, losses, pimples and blotches on ttwe face, rushes of blood to the head, pains In the bacit, confused ideas and forgetful ness. bashfulness, aversion to society, loss of sexual power, l.ooa of man hood, etc., cured for life. Wc can stop night losses, restore lost sexual power, restore nerve and brain power, enlarge and strengthen weak parts and make you fit for marriage. gvnhili c that terrible disease, in all its forms and stages cured' *-*j Pnillo, forilfe. Blood Poisoning, Skin Diseases. L’lccrß.Swel lings, Sores, Gonorrhoea <fc Gleet, and all forms of Private Diseases cured. If ra perthantly cured without caustic or cutting. No pain, Ginviui wno exposure. Patient can use the treatment at home. I •uffpe we cure those delicata diseases peculiar to your sex, at. uau ‘v3) your own hom? without instrument. Many cured after other doctors have failed. Can give you proofs. Phplimaticm The Great French Rheumatic Cure. A SURE CURE. The greatest dlscov- IXiicuiiiauoiii ery In the annals of medicine. One dose gives relief; a few doses remove fever and pain In Joint*— a cure Is bound to take place. Send statement of case, a RrwiLr f° r both sexes, 64 pages, with fall description of above diseases, the effects and cure, uuurv sealed In plain wrapper free. Reed this little book and send for Symptom Blank. No. 1 for Men ; No. 2 for Women: No. 3 for Skin Diseases; No. 4 for Catarrh. TalMMioehancM a*4 obtain th* best by consulting the Leading Specialists in theUnited^States. HONESTY, DR. HATHAWAY & CO. I skill re—■aLJ aBK South Broad 8f beet. ATtANTA,*CaT I , EDUCATIONAL. Below wt gira a tow of the leading education al institution* in the Bouth. Write them ittfora entering elsewhere. ORAtTGHON’fI PRACTICAL BUBTKB9B COLLEGE, NashviUe, Town. Bookkeeping. Banking, Penmanship, Shorthand, Type writing, Telegraphy, etc. Positions guaranteed under certain conditions. Cheap Board. No vacation. Onr free Catalogue wi'l explain all. Send for it. TENNESSEE MILITARY ACADEMY, Nash ville. Tenn. Everything new and flret-claea. For particulars address Sucbbtary, 1M North Spruce Street, Nashville, Tenn. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. Forty-fourth rear. sl7* pave it months. Address Prof. Molt,-Oak Ridge, N. C. PAT WITHOUT CASH for onr quarterly Teaehtn’ and flodantV Journal on® year by uniting P. O. aiidraaM* of II Teachers. Addrew Nobmal 1 rot hat, Bex 116, Troy, Ala. fiIIORY AND HENRY COLLHGB, ftmorv, Va. o P ##, Se P i 12. Term charge*. Including board, $65. Soheler. ■hip high. HeetefulaeM unsurpeMed. SOLUNC FIMALB COLT.BOX. Briatel, Ya.-Teaa. 'lie new attr*#tm. Most aooeMible Titfiei* College. Sdtuheru History end Liter*tare r specialty. HORNIR MILITARY SCHOOL, Ox Aid. N. C. 1 Fall terra begins ept. S. IMtt. Repmatten for MMsnhiy ualar paaeed. epeoinl mutation lo nth I*ties. MII.LBMBTTRe FBlf ALB COLLBBB. One Cf the beat high-grade College#' ia the Senth. Terms meseaable* lfanagomeut auperb. Course theremgk. Address Bar. C. Fern, Prmident, Millers burg, Ky. laM-LOOIY FBMALI COLLME lie*. - W.U equipped. Teachers graduates ef tbe greatest institu tions of the land. Ruftsellville, Ky. A. O. Mcxfbby. Vresident. I Mention this paper when you suite. i SIBOO.OO GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given away to any one who ap* pnea through us for the moat meritorious patent during the month preceding. W 0 aaoure th* Boat patents for onr clients, and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors te keep track of their bright ideas. At the.same time we wish to impress upon the public the fact that rr S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES. such as the “car-win jow " which can be easily slid up and down without breaking the passenger's back, ••%auc©-£an," “ collar-button, M “nut-lock," “bottle stopper, * and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a v*ay of improving and these simp.e inventions are the one.; that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of somethjfcg u invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive Special notice ia the “ National'“Recorder, published at Washingtou, U. C , which is the estnewspapttr published in America * n the :it crests of inventors. >Ve furnish a war’s sub* to this journal, free pi co*t, to ail qux * ! ienta. Weulso advMibe, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $l5O prize, and hundreds of thousands of copies of the “National Recorder.” containing a bkelch of the winner, and a desciiption of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among oipitnlisM and manufacturers, thus bringing to theu attention the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly confidential Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Seilcitori of American and Foreign Patents, 618 F Street, N.W., • Box 385. Washington, D. C. Reference —eetficr ef this fnftr. form *c*-+mjrr 4*"*hJet, FREE■ Bring . your job work to TJie Monitor, Don't. Limp Through Life racked bv Rheumatic pains. It handicaps your whole career. Of course you wouldn’t if you could help it—and you fen. iiSL <#&nANeußistc. , (UHEr _ ' goes straight to the Liver, wh -re Rheumatistn, Neuralgia, Dys pepsia, H.; Jxche and wes t 1 other ills start. It cleanses this or-ran and makes it active again—the acid leaves your bipoU, and yOli’l'Z cured. Testimonial belo w. I have boon tr atoi for L'eiierai debility and chronic rhe-imor.-.v for ten years without nay rd’-f 'J’brt;o bottles of your .nddlolne has uirod mo. S. F. CLAKIi Warrcnton, Fla. Ask Your Druggist or Merchant Tor il. CULLEN & newma::, 3ole Proprietors, Knoxville,^. —FOB THE HEAI.IXO OF THE KAIHMIB-' ffßotanic Blood Balm jyU* \ Tint GIMUT HOCTirevS Ski IST FOB %) All Skin and Blood Diseases the blood, and never fails .0 \| to cure the most inveterate *5) blood and skin dis ■s/ EASES, if directions are fol 0| lowed. Thousands of fui people sound its praiaa and attest its virtues. REWRITE for Book Buenul Cures, sent plication. •tSSL If 11 '' kept by >•<<':r n£j&SHKSgB send <l. 1 - ■ is; ' •IIIi. J < t..®/■' fxfPZ-lfy- ■muss** p° .f y 4 'lasn aaoA Mtni •gamMini unai ISiTkmqan Is' Xc v; *■••* 000, ‘jr*e ' moral