The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, November 01, 1895, Image 2

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nd unless you move with it, you will get let t. TO help yOu in the Race, we would suggest a pair of our celebrated Burt Packard Correct shape JuLShres. We wiH open this week 600 pair in French Calf, patent Leather. Cordovan in the latest shapes. The name itself is a guarantee which we willback with our personal warrant. PRICES ARE RHQHT. |S|o matter what style of * ' "Wrap or Qape you wish we can please you in both - ' * . ... : . • , ; Quality' AViicc DO NOT FOKGBT That wp Hive the InrgeM *nd cheapest line of DressGr.odft in Athens. W will not mansion price. Come and see and you will purchase. SPECIAL-AM pairs Hill & Green* Littlo Giant School Shoes in all grade* and Stjle* at Kock Bottom ' Fliers io open this week. Sfig MVERB S& OO THF. MONITOR, Published Every Friday. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Berry T. Moseley,Editor. Edw. F. McGowan. Bcb. Makc. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF MAHISON COUNTY. *“■“ 4 Ron, ll®p Palhitl of Bibb* has launched bis dog law bill, We wait to see it# early demise. Foreit Aral aro raging iu tha *P&jf t| raijjfi do jgnol com* •oor, groat deitiaotiou and Buffeting will result. ■’ Buffalo Bill, with hi* Wild Went •how hat Arrived at the Kipositioe, and there ie now otto more place where you oau spend a quarter prof itably. Them ia 11600 reward offered Will Myers. With this snm of feaed for him, he cnn hardly make good hie eeeape. In the mean ime the Grand Jury of Fnltou county ie investigating the mattor to ere • n whnae shoulder* the cause of hie escape shall rest, H H Holme*, who ha* confess'd *•# many imi,ranee swindles. ie now on trial for the murder of B F I'icUel, m Philedolphia. Hie law* yeis deemed hi* ease, wbeu a con tinuance waa refuted, and tho judge declared the ra*o to proceed with Jk i Tlse W©ril Moves On ilolmes managing his own case, lie j refuting to allow other counsel ap jointed by the court to represent j him. The publishers of General Long- Rtrceli book deny the report sent out that General Longstrcct alluded General Lee as being a poor Genial, and otherwise criticising hie course during the lain war, but on tho oth* 'er hand • well of him in ev ery particular. We are glad ro see tliie, a* we ecu LI hardly believe that this grand old man and bravo sol dier, could ij iar forget himself, as *o iry*^p r ,bi uloeliubig yAarA,* to 1 cs> talar* and besmirch the name of the South's mogt beloved son. An earthquake passed over the country yesterday morning about and in aeveral place* the shock we* great. If it was felt hero wo have not board of it. W A MoElhanon who has been on trial at Athens for destroyiifg and otherwise mutilating the books of tho Allia'>o''WarCtioiiee company,has been found guilty. The penalty is one to four years imprisonment in the penitentiary. Hie attorney* have made a motion for new trial, and if the same ia refused will carry the oase up to the Supreme court. Whon you want carriages, bug gies. wagons and saddle*, call ou A P Dealing at Z W RUs old staud, Athens, iu, in in: To look over our new stoc at the new store. We will not be happy till we have sold every man and boy in Madison county a suit of clothesor an Overcoat, It oughtn’t 10 be a very hard thing to do. It won’t be if you’ll only come here and loor when you need such things, he newness of the goods will captivate you! There are hundred of such temptations hera. h NO HIGH AM) MIGHTY TRUES. ,v ‘ ar * shading atriaity an the uaarit of ear geode- W# ask tor yanrtrade brnut w* think w# can always da better for you than anybody •1m will. W# wont yon try it Jesi one#, it yw uitm tried it before. Where you go after that eace will depend on the qeality of the geode you get. Were uot afraid of that. If yeu nr# euee ear easterner, it is nearly certain yoa’U remain ear customer. Our Clctbing baa that •tyle to it that ee please* the bever that we always eee kit face again. Rail lreda of new faces at tha new stere every day. .f! CHAS' MORRIS Corner Clayton Street and College Avenue, Athens. Ga, governor, 8 message* Gov. Atkinson has sent hi* an-j niial message to the legislator* and it is a strong paper, ehowmk that the Governor is porfeotlw familiar with the affairs *f'■tatel He mentions everal important measures and among them ie son ; kind of an assessment law, fA properly assess the taxable mropetf ty tlmt is held by the people of ; he State. His message ehfiwji that he lias saved the state soittAk- Shin £ like sßooo,l*o to the fire so nit tmif, by requiring the depomtqA vies to pay interest ou the monoJL deposited wilh them. -•* tnftbfc A system, together with other d* partments, and asks the legiela ture tolook diligently int* aiatters. According to the-repert, tho report, the North Eastern rail road h*e more than paid expen se# since it Las passed in the bauds oj th* rtaie. He reccomniemis a re formation in the criminal laws.aud i that .the office of lieutenant Gov-j ernorbe created. As tee law now stands, if the GovernOi was to die or resign, the mate would be pm to the expense pf having another elec tion, wen if there w s a lieutenant Govei*no.i. this could be avoided. All-in all, the meseage'is on able one, and reflects credit oa our young Governor. # I sold you the goods when yob said vou needed them—now I need the money aud must have t- J. T. Buker, Comer, Ga. We can furnish you anything* you want in the furnituro lino at, the '■)) lowest prices. < Danif.lsvu.Us F ikmti'hk Cos. § Which Wiu Yeu Have? n * MADISON SPRINGS. There is considerable sickness aaio#X onr people at present. Prof Weliunt and lady v sited frieftd* iu the lower pert ol'Madison last week. Evertsody iu tWs vicinity- reports the oottou crop 1 short, but corn is almost ns plentiful as Carters oats. nr. Hudson Bond and hie charm ing daughter, Mies -Liza Bond from Comer visited relatives in our burg last week. The young people enjoyed a musi cal enter tianment at T R Fitts lijMtye&e.As.nKlffy nightf* ■# —Jf,, *- v fr. John t?arson of Ilarwon- Grove was in our community last week. John is a jolly yeod fellow. Tho Sunday-school at Bonds Academy is iu a flourishing con-; ditioa at present. Let the good work go on. Rev. J C Tyner had the mis fortune to hsve bis ankle knocked out of joint last week. Tha piodgal firm of Anthony & Bond, who went to Athene to clerk, have rotuoned homo- They say that their is more money sad lees work for them in this coumry. you tmi m vr xy %. it 'kv m V a . rg. fc.rsl*.' * StlSlMi M§gm t *. e jacks’ IftmiATE fVWWf t’Jw rwW**** *•***'• Menial or Physical lt(kteiug>i !'■< <. t* *4. .i,oau*;iciiy !•**• i i’ .wac Kousrul Dwb.*''•. . bgtid • up ik> health •.nd dto*gdi of uie ViC *. W' B.’id 4n*e4ks<) sure* IM worn C*C4 O' ** him broke* dowtt men ! and Whiftcei. tl* Rh •- oUdac-,p awdleiu** of tbj; Wh'Wfv. Prl-S 'll -4. by well prepaid 6 bo.trs 1 or ft* application. A4drear t company, Sol Affrnt*. QA. 150 Jackets for Ladies Misses and Children Offered at SPECIAL. Ileductiou this ctxueik The mn-away match planned for last Sunday evening, failed to materialize. The old man held the fort with a gun. For more than a hundred years the Shakers have been studying the remedial properti.-s of plants. They h av e made many discevtues, but lhei r graet.eßl achievment was mad® ' asl year. It is a coidial that cont*u u 8 already digested jood and is a digester of food. It is effec tive * u removing distress afte.t tat inr, ai ‘d create* an aypetite for more food * eo lliat becomes a pleasure, Fale, thin people plump and beahby under its ase. It ar 4e*W# th* wastifag of ceDauapti*n. Thei* never line been such a step forward in the cure of indi gestion os this shaker cordial Your druggist will be giad to gi v, a little book descriptive of the product. LAXOL is not a mixtil re of drugs It is nothing but castor oil made palatable, t • 0i- 111 |l>— UlilWfl tiiiiWHIIII I RtTMoirtr* Wic* U, ft ]. k: tr# *l 5/ 0 ,a, £ijtwc, vad * f Urk M. Ah ItV •J**i ij wftruia rai titJrwrr. Ottit 1 ? #ovr *Ct T*'** ?*• bvserw fix e )'’ -* C. CRUS* * CO., ■PUWaav pooa w Sap* pa* 'J9AU iuo.s psucop poi raa m* xt 'isi/iiu wear nearer “i •riinq r ' r. snj XJOG Vf .?,>?. t - -il too too • ,i 81* noi at Wfavy jioru aims, jii t. y w rM f ' j/o rWi - o i pt. . / i L.S' I E 1 iti I m The t "ixnb is an unfailing !nde< of cha m ier. The ht;unrr Type In diojtt*'* : s<tr ng wiii* great ehergy nci fii. r. st. i lo**Jy 2iin< ci is tne frpm wlaii ;1 Type, the rhumb of those of nha: <ed idea* aim business :li: v. Dolll of lbf>c TVjK-s belong j;> Ile Ik sy man or and Dcmt-ivM’b Family Ai*.fi*iue pre p*reH c> eci.lh for si-cb pers ns a cf new itiei.*. con d m. U in a small ?p ce. h that the r-e*ml <•( ile wh*>Uj w< rid** work for a rirtntii may be res: <i in half a a hfr. Vue Oumjiw Ts pe indicates cnihir*. ci H a lev** of rtii- o. no trr, and £ciios. A person v i*h Vii* typo of thumb will thor- enjoy tin*, ilb rt.ry attract ions at >*afr*rc*i'e Mngjfclae. -Thar Jir ti>t-.e Type ii.dlcst** a love of hw*iuiy a4 int.Trhieh wMi find rare pliva.-sfr* is thv tDr~a:£c‘.ut oil-pict of * 54 inches, repro ta*ed from the original painting by }*e l.oi:,y>n*, thr celebrated of ULower yak -*eiw. v, Licit will he r*f*t i jo ev rj ntbu’riber to P vori*st> Masaz’nc for IM)S. The com of this attperb work oi ar: £-TVO.i’?; and li.v rati'.tt be from the o/ Beside- thN a; exquisite oil "or wafer-color pit-Uuu is pub lish.' u in each nwu h*r of the Maga- R-Vie, ;*..l tii:* nr: cles ire so pro* fn-ol; ii: il snrcrVly lilr.t-mated tha4 the Vj- ay.'ne is. in rva'ify, a port fort i f.rirt Tvon s of The highest >i-ir c T* eoiM.icTypeis the tliiiii.b of Mi*; t' . ii&r :u*d inventor of i ' , v-h > v • lc* ct-eply inter* tf-. ■.•* :■ monthly in .• * ne. in every our • -xt. . - wvtMicnts, W *> - '*!!C lilUI *<* i • :>.cx * W-v-g every tv •:■■:. ii. he day. I- • * , rrfect F •! • - r.Z a>;o e> ' > •• thliea. it will cis k . will have n Vj;, .* .4*. Add rear V •••!* . . r nhlirher, v, Neic York. • y rvagazine. itf P • ff-uiv/i -r* 5...r.d itsarticletf T-.• rsy eiiiemalters,^will !• • j >Mp* r);if i • irlercst to those pcs j.</ the F'-mininc Type of Thumb. • cl* hi nates* in its small *leiwl* , i o—. t oil, and tmw'h, rnnivc! tip. ihoi'e traits r.d'.nw. tiutiv ta iKa femler ct. rrwv •w of tv nn> rhoitki subscribe to ' Ek*morePt's Mj>jruzino. If von r • usr-qiminted with Its merit?, eendfor a rincitn r rv-T>v (free), jrou will adiok rhar ** wing ihr* • Tift*MßS has pal VQii in the way f mo*- >' hv fit ding in on# Magazine everything to tatisfy The literary wants ft the whole family. I ... W EJj 1 *• ■ 1