The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, November 15, 1895, Image 2

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the monitor; ' Pl*??i,tsiied Every Friday. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. RerFY T. MofetEY,EMToB. John Shermm and fire-eating Ferakor, seem to bo on top. A bill has been introduced in the legislature providing for a Lieu tenant Governor. It should pass. It seems from the election re turn* that we are drifting, soul nnd body, into the republican cnmpß. The roceut elections is a rebuke t the present administration for refusing to carry out the will of the people, Mr. Cleveland, how ever, takes it na a \indication of hit policy. McCuiry, tho popuhet candidate tor Ordinaiy of Hart county, to fill the vacunoy caused by the death of Copt. Johnson, was elec, ted last Saturday by a majority of 61. An A morions firm lias placed an order foe a solid car load of baby * earriagn* for early spring delivery. “Vereilv an of.i of prosperity in dawning upon this blessed land of' ours,” says the Recorder, The Popul sts in tbs recent elec tion* were hardly known. Their Vote v ’•inallor than last year all around. In Mississippi where they had the b.*t chance, the demouiat* earned Joveiyilnug in sight—oven the home town and county of the populist candidate for Governor. The G C A N railroad has al way* been notable for it* kindness to its employees, an 1 now it ceme.-i forward and anncOntcsJ to its am* • ployees that it wants them all to " attend the Atlanta Exposition jhow being held, and that U will Us frvb passe* to all employee*, tbelr wives and depsAlfent m>mh*rs Jd ftlfr i amt to ap ply for passes and to go to exposi tion. This ti cons nen lahlo in the B*A LoSjUIs, and shovs ihrt th'y feel for the great body of men at wc Von ’heir imm'nse eyatom Of Vail roads. THE EDITOR AND HIS SNAP. An editor who died of starvation after making Dr. Tauner’ashamed of himself, was being escorted to heaven by an angel who had been sent out Ur that purpose. “Mav 1 look at the other place bef*ra we ascend to eternal hsppi fces r “Easily,” said the angel, ®o they went below and a' irroish ed around, taking iu (he eights.— The angel lost I rack of the editor, and went aronnd Hade* to hunt him. Ho found him sitting by a furnace fanning hiiuaelf and gating with rapture u|>n a lot of people in the fire. There wa J a Fign on the for* nace which aaid: “Delinquent sub acribert." “Come,” said the angel, “we mat t be going.” “You go on,” said the editor* W’m not aoniing. Thit is heaven enough for me.' W, R. Smitim OoUSBR, LuxtsoTox, Kt- I where hundred* of eh* ks. farmer boy*, and others havu iurvn lad WO far tuition and board for an eduoalion aud ar* now getting *lOO j and over a month in banka end mer cantile office*. Prof. Smith, l’rvsi dent of the fr.moua Connuer-ial Col 's it" of Kentucky Ui)iv wtv j)lea-ur* in a>6ling ins 111 aeenring situat ions- Reud a is ad,; cut this notice out for future 1 re ference and write for circular- i*> Prof. V it Sunth, Lcxr gto.i K . Qo to epe A P Pearirp Athens audjgeta Studabaker wagon. The "best on earth. , CREATED A ROW, * Lee Wise, colored, who r.-sides on isr. Wilburn Williams plantation, was made very drunk last Monday night by a yonng white man. Lee srv< the fi.llew threatened to shoot him if lie did not drink a pint of whiskoy. After drinking the whis key Lee went to Larkin, purchased some goods and,remained there nn- 7 o’eiok. When he departed he told Mr. Hardman that he was going lo see a negro by the name of lJordon. By this time Lee was in a weaving way. 110 stopped at Mi. Isaac David’s house to inquire of him the way to Gordon's. All the family had retired except Mr. Da vid who was preparing to retire in a very rapid manner. Mr. David decided that Lee was bent on mis chief and being of a vary nervous disposition be told his wife and I daughters prepare for flight as he intended to make a „break for tall timber, andjnftcr they had donitfd their clothes, he told them to folloiV him and started off at a 2:40 gait, with his>shirt collar flapping in the breeze,’ bareheaded, hair sticking out like porenpino quills, one shoe i off. He fled in this manner until they renebed the home of Mr, Jesse Adams and told hint tbo horrible news. Mr. Adams became very mjnoh frightened and told him that his I rifle was out of fix, lie told him to go and get Mes rs Yarbrough & Kid ley to go with him, so he went and ar used them and they went back with him. After searching for some time they decided Lee kad departed for some other region. When the boys heard ol it the next day they did not let Mr. David see much peace. We learn that Mr. David has selec ted a low place in the woods where the wild birds sing their notes so gsy, to which ho retires daily and cruelly kicks himself and wondors what made him act like a dad-blas ted fool that night. TO THE POEPLE * U Oglethorpe and Madson counties: , Idiaje ndtfed to mytstock wj *Furniture, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, coffins, etc., a full line of DRY GOODS 1 G rotaries, Notions, Hats. Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, glasswear Crockery, etc* in fact everything kept in a first class store. AI of which 1 Offer at bottom prices. I am also here to help make Comar a first-class Cot ton markat, be sure and give me a call. •®sfe?wr.e*eesßß?.aaaaaßßl J Anyone da siring to purchaser jja first olasa.c lean stock of goods& Dl KS, ETC. S°f above ines, and renting^ EfS5; IIMMI $ DR. HATHAWAY &CO f** * ■ it?, s :'s. , ’iri’ Frrc t office or by •*’ ~ •••. N , v.*n-nre with tOne*Vwfetf^ T ~£ss*. everywhere free tro S." 1 "? 1 Weakness and Sexual Oebilitv ataa®is®&S^^s®ss ■&? Hood. etc., cured for ltf<\ We reu rt<mn!<?ht*£2!! “* w *'<**<>'“■■- Wflrl 00-er. restore nerve n ,t t.ruiii mL. p ,iSuSIiT.V” 10 ™ *o xual ' nikte you fit for miffire fl cnU ’*’ *“ d ‘> re ‘'S>“a weak fciaSa. Syphilis, ft£i&"|H*2L ls l f* < ' * all tis font*.->d stem eared lint' Seres, ClonorrW. A G'ecfVnd tOWnSh^!?sSt****^™ 1 icc '*- Swil ' i * ;* . , * ll "-u ■*“ e-e**r,i.t borne. jour set, at , ■ ■ - to !.v i11,,,; <'* n*a yen 'moot* * ‘ " ,r ' ’ u - any cured after Thetrestretdlreou. r" I ” * **** * **" Specitlhtt to th, united stdre. I I honesty] DR. HATHAWAY A CO. Hi,,." 1 ! L-gg S SouTH "°*° *r*nr: ATLAMTa ea I I Son Dcfcydy, col., who livi i near Hull on Mr R ii BuHockVplace, shot hiin-eH last Friday farming on account of being in defjt mu! unable tc pay. He used atyshot gun and shot himself in ttMxiw els. This is the first negro we ev er heard of who took this- route to get out of debt. * : mM\. Best Yejf! ' T\\o will startle and v please you. X For a limited time only wfc will send the Monitor and Whekly Constitution for $1.25 jer yfer. | Or the Monitor and VHlckly Journal at $1 per year, 'jt Now is your opprrtunilyjj^-_ I sold von the goorS^^^F^oii said you ''needed I need the money and J.T. Baker, Corner, The “Studabaker” Wagon ijr the best. For sale by A P Dewing Athens. Ga. ■ 1 am not particular aboutlcAr raa tuk climax, but I do cap every mail fkae of (hat has bought or does b3y a Chattanooga chilled Plow worn me. L. E. Greece. Rammamlal finjliuro .°t Ky - umvEnaiTv, ewiHnHi bwiogßCkxi noton, kyl c*hn in Hi* Wtrld. \ —Committed in Comer by — O n PM? 11 P ices. We are now receiving the largest and best selected stock of Goods it has ever been our pleasure to carry, and we are going to try to interest you in prices Here goes: 500 yard* Black nnd Figured Satteens 9 to 16 cents yard. 400 yads Black .Voolen Goods, Worsteds, etc. Bto 25c a yard. , 200 yds double width Henriettas with trimmings to match at p ices to suit you. Cal and see these goods. 3090 yards of Oalico frem 34 *o 6c. 590 yards yards Ginghams from sto 74c. Others get 8 and 9c. 25 dozen pairs llcse 5c to 25c pair. Good pins 2c a paper, Suspenders at anv price. Neckwear,.for everybody,. Men’s and B ys’ Shirts 25c to s>l.2sc. Men’s and Boy’s Hnt< from 25c up. Onr line of Jeans is hard to boat. We have it from 15. te 50c yards. All Wool Oassimers4Bc to 70c yard. A big lot Fhmnells,Outings, <£c at pi ices to suit the times. * We ll*ndle tiie Hkvvleit SursTivu, Shweti.v i, Drills and.CoiTON Check SHOES, SHOES We have shoes for everybody at prices from 25c to $4.00 WE HANDLE THE FAMOUS GAINESVILLE SHOE in ah grades They are guarante-d to givo satisfaction. Don’t forget that we can interest you in GHOCEBIES, We carry the choicest seection of and Fancy and Fami’y Groceries in Madison countp, and our p ices are right. See us before buying your heavy Groceries, such as Meat, F our. Salt, etc Wo carry the largest stock ofITINWARJf in town. We are now receiving the best solected stock of TABLE AND POCKET Cl TLERA that has ever been brought to Comer, at prices that will make you smile. We are in it TOB ACCO, too, We carry a dozen or more leading brands which we sell at the lowest price possible. Just try a pound and if you don t- like it bring it back and get your money. Opr ine of GLASS LAMPS can’t bo beat. Prices from 20c up. Y Hnuppf Caiijhewjand Fruits.- —<?-■*-’■ " We have the voods and they must be sold. We pay the highest cash price lor cotton seed Bring us your produco of all kinds.* Thanking you for past favors, and hoping for areas nab'e share of your future patronage, we remain, very Respectful y J.T,BAKER i CO COMER - - ga. Represents the net shrinkage in property value in the South and West, according to the tax returns officially recorded, for 1804,as com pared with 1893. A decisive contest I* to be fought between now and the next residential election for OOUNT A ri-TTI-A&^L. afa :. B s'r •tt- T bM '—■ levies tribute on every product of the farm, on valuations of all kind, and oMlCLSwfS or '’, , a 2“ hinSU>n ** Dd whk * THE £Sfij u L B S{S, ns&asissn .rsist x,r,£!*cr. and d ‘ rj -"“ ■“ * m *• - •-** lie ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTITUTION published •> ATLANTA, GA., and l.aTln S * C '?,S U .t A J, , °?°f,MORETHAN 156.000,ajgr-re,.tare.e,rere,. .rd THE^SIwTO^ of |F-^BIOOE.-nL7! ,^V, !2i^"' ,w r;** u ~‘ ,,, “ ,a, -*S“~ein. cov. riM,’ tii,- new. of -ho world, li.tvin; corrspcmih-ius^iP>Ter C p^FNEWSPAPER publUlred in America, furore- '** ' 3 '■" lil!, - ‘ l ' >h *' , ‘ S iB ° onr M question, of u" J ‘" U ‘ e C “ Pili ‘ l!, °* E ' lr9p? ’ aud Souilrer-Jn ®v?iVh ;,Urn u!sFmit hlniff S PAP £R > * nJ A * lhe ex I >3nc “ l oi Southern opinion ami the purveyor at An enlargement of , 3 columns. To meet the demands upon its space for news. The Constitution will Increase Its size during the summer to la pages. 7 columns, making 84 columns each week. THE CONSTITIITiQN’S SPECIAL FEATURES are as are not to be found in any other paper in America TbeCUldreo-. Department, ' * STRAIGHT; GLEAN. UNTRAMMELLED. $500,000,000