The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, November 22, 1895, Image 2

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IHE MONITOR. PrXUeUSb EvKIIV I'lllhAT. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. . FUtmiv T. JLovßLsrr.E nr >. ■ ■ ■—■■■ _!■■■■■■!? Tb Grt'd bug papers are still eontonding that the; recent Oemo eianc defeat was a vindication of Cl* reland. Woe, m.t iyou, pha risees and bypocriU. The pvpo’iats arc prvpiring for tonUMt in M td:. ,>n county, ami we a iderstaod W tf Sanders will ha |>Uxol at llic heal *>f tlw* county organ ituum. t <* m &i .iee .1 uetge Ontp Inin Delivered hie tpeeoh before fit* Georgia leg elsttire, Ik t'f Memrs HmithfAnd Hußignon nr# to apeak, giving hejr aide of the liatneial qttea -1 tori' The Turf-a fire f*i!l ki'fng the r/iristiat)* < f Armenia l>y-tle hun dred*, and no mop* are being taken t<r nr V)|it it. The mi rronarieH in that uirv demand protection, and they V>il.J ha veil. It i* time that 1 •’ t!j lurks worn tsuglu a lesson that they wi.l ni>t noon forget. Th'tgold reserve in t j Treasury i* etertdil/ decreasing. Tins fact • >*.is to stiirtln the gold hugs, since they h nvo repeated y as* lied that l level ami's policy had restored I Wo h .pa to hoc silver pit 4 out as well a< g nd, and then in Oir opinion the gold r. servo will ty at tbs ronuired amount. Att off >rt W*il! b? made bv the gild bug oo.itingnut in C ogress i) d)f ut Mir. Orisp ns tlw* uomi- | woi the Doroocritic caucus for Apeitkumf tlio next h"u.*e. The honor is of court* au empty one, but the gold bugi want - it to go wmejrh'ro else, 0 i account.of Mr on s td%r. *—* -4• i-■ TvJ Kontu c y legislature stands 68 Republicans,and 68 Democrats and Jf Populiais. One uf the pop ulist w*i elwato Iby fusing with fbe republic*:)*, and agreeing to v*vn for republican measures if •looted. The* tlnr pipnlUt op posed thi rop iblioans. which still bnvmi the legiidntuie tied. It re itni is fo he seen which side>will give way. Tin American Proledive As sociation, rou-nitly held a me sting in Atlanta. :i which they declare for America and Amending in all thing* pnlitifcftl and ci i|. They I advise the yojutx ladies to refuse to accept * giin'le nan’s eseor- un- ; less b* is an A P A . They c'aun to belong to no political party, but are for Americut.s ami the best man. It it now given out that th Coda of Gmrgia, wliioli is soon to bo publish'd, w;ll Iwi in thrse volumes. Fit si. T.e p > and public org&atznU n * of the State. 2ud. Hi, U.vit C* 1“ coda of practice: tht* rutas >*i tin* Su reme and Supirior con ’ll: t w 0 naai tutl mof tb*.| A v o-t and- Georgia. T linl, The Criminal Cl*. Tlw* mtv C.d> will be pu l*lii>b; l as soon a* i> nihl , and will be sold at V'm 1 1 Coat to tha tStaU*. Vwtwekjr. “Look horn, yooug follow, ” aaid the gcntlcami* with to.' w.txoil nma tncbo to the tramp who was stealth ily approach in << too vi.ioit/ of the free lunch conutir. "if vmi’ro at all superstitious. )\l bov, you know tbat you're tlw thiitoirt-i man who bus worked tl.nt lm* Ur -h iv “Well, 1 cues lUio'tload unlit* ty. " replied the i.iuoriu.t. "..o. !. o■ > to ' r i- >♦' —Yo.i •*. .. a | ■ HULL NEWS Tope Hit. h cock the handsome | smooth faced, bicycle rider of 5 For’sS. was distributing bis smiles without favor or nffeclton Monday night at the dance — Look out old fellow you will catch ’t about ‘‘smiling’’ so ; rotnWcionaly. Mr. John David the eloquent dan cer, of 5 Forks, seems to be very j much smitten with nmuberVss j charms of a certain veung <ady— ' lit seem* to be natural old fellow. Musie was furnished bv the re - * | nowned musician's 0 C Cbiathain 1 and Jim Bullock. If you dorit want to dance you r mnst not let Charlie get hold of the Bow. The liev. W M Coile hoarded the train at Hull with all his tons, to take in the exposition- Geeigia day. Mr. Coile is* very progressive man* ' wants himself and familyjto get all 1 the benefits that may accrue by see ing every thing that, is woith see ding. A*lot of people in this county j would do’well to follow Iris exarn- I pie—ReKgous and secular. We are sorry to t henr that Mr. Bob Barnett ij rcry sick with the m ssles. Mr. Bill Murry the ‘‘Petit Beau’, of 5 Forks, left the dance for home Monday night on 11:IT train, which caused a pretty young lady to be very down hearted. Mr.Arthur Nigels of Dundee. Fla. and Miss Kvio Patten one of the handsomest cleverest and best girls in Hull, were united in marriage at j the bride home. The Rev. W M Coile officiating. Will advise all young couples that' are#the lellst timid to procure the services of tue ltev. W M Coile ol Winterville. After the ceremony was performed, and congratulations extended the happy pair. went invited in to par take ol a most excellent wedding dinner, presided over by the.clever and charming wife of onrj popular P. M. J T Seymour. Half hour after dinner, the bride and groom started on their trip to Fla. the home of the grooiu, they were ac> ceiupanied as Athens by Mack Patten and Miss Mollie Cunning nam, Jaok Brown and Miss Mattie Skelton; ( G Patten and Mias Sallio Brown and list but not*least Henry BuDook and Miss Ida Skelton. May prosperity aod happiness at tead them through this world of; joys and sorrows. May aaob try to make the Ufa of th other a dream of bliss, is the sincere wish of the Hall Corresponspeut. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Georgia—Madison county. Agreeable 1o a i order of the court of Ordinary of Ocone* acnun ty,granted at ike regular Nov. term 1805 of said court willbe sold before the court house at Daniels ville in Madison county, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, the fol 'lowing tract of land towit: A ! curtain tract of land containing ■ 252 acres more or loss in Mill I District Madison county (la. ! Known ae the dogwood place, ad joining lands of Jack Bruce's, Jdh. | Bonds, Tom Deans, William i Beard and and others, about 50 auras, more or less, in cultivation the reminder in orgina* forest, said land belonging to the estate of‘O C Deen dec’d. Sold to pay debts and for distribution. Terms cash This *ov. sth. 1595 F C Deen Administratrix, SHERI! F #ALE' . Georgia—Madison county: Will be sold, on the first Tuesday * in December next, at the court house in said comity, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bider for cash, the following prop erty towi : One certain tract, or parcel of land, lying and being in said county, ou the publie road .leading from Dtmlelsvilie to Ath j ens, adjoining lands of Harrison I Pass on the north. The Jack son Hart lands on East, W F Phil ips on the south Joe Hardman on the west aud others and known as the JHD Beussc place, said to contain 187, acres more or lees. There is good dwell and neccess arr out 1 uildings on the same. Said land levieu on as the property of J HD Beus ee dec’d to satisfy 1 three executions issued from the Superior tVuri of t'iar’c rmiirj in ‘avor of Caritheis B>* is A* v mith iigoiiM ► .".id .1 ll 1) Bouse*', v* itten notice given i pc es-;<)•)'. !‘ V>,•4‘ ’* ! "*5. v * ADMINkmtATOB’Sj SALE. Georgia—Mad Mo oonmjD la acoerdince with air'rirder of he eoart of Orliasry of M&coopty wrantsd at the November tern 1894 ' ( said court, will be sold /at the court house within the legsl /of sale on the first Tuesday in ffeceniber net all the lead after tfce*widow dower,belonging to Joan S Moore at the time of ms deaths It the intention t sell said lawd m 11 dif fetent lots. Tbs whole of the land to be sold containing 489 feres 389 acres of which is known asAhe home place lands and 140 sores as r the Mill plate lands. Lot Tfs;A. Feterfleld 4>t, con tains 28 so readies on aetfisAnt rea <, send prod sod re land all in/cultiv* , Lot No. 2, Carithera letj liss on i hot h skies big road, oowtamspfi tv * * 22 sc-os in onltiration, 3 iaferigU and J Orest. TJ Wo, 3, Davis Let, Kee on vtb side* ! big road contains 68 8-10 Jnres 26 in cahivstionbManeslf weeds add old pise field, * ‘ N*M. Bm ; ‘h L>‘/ U hnt+ sides big 'road, coiiu , 2 3-10 acacs, 40,’acres in bal ance in original forest. Tfc-- No. 5. Lord Lot,good Bwelting louse snd ‘reccesssry ontOflildings, lies on settlement road, ybe big spring, ou this lot, conbaiis il acres, 46 seres in ealtivation tl - in‘woods all fresh gcjsd laud. No 6 Will Long let, gooi dwell ingiiDd neccessary lutbniidihgs on lies on seltlemsst ioud- Patton spring on this let, fir.-t clast water contains 40 aares, 85 acres in cnltivatisn, balance in weods: all frethgood land. No, 7 Old" Patten Lot. Patlen bouses oa this lot, good well water, good pasture under,orchard,contain# 24 6-10 .ores, 29 acres under cut tivalion. No 8 | f Critt:nton lot, good dwell ing and • neveesssry eutbuildings, n'd |mplar spring. tdfmtaina 36 0 aee."all in cultivation, and pasture under fence, mostly fresh land. No. 9, Known as the creek lot contains 81 fklO acres IQ acres in good branch bottoms and/ woods bnlanee in cultivation all! fresh lands^ No- 10 School house lofcu, acre. No. 11 That tract of londiknowri as the saw mill place ooutsAs 140 acres 3 good dwellings an* good out buildings to each well djttered 80 acres cleared,land all frflh and in good state of .and. Tore9rsnd'woods brancnKeFtom. Sold as the property of Jahn N Moors dec’d for the purposs ofdia tribution amougst the hcirßnt law of said dec’d. Terms cash Nov. 6th. 1896. G W Meore, Adm. of J N Mooro, dec‘d. SHERIFF ‘BALES. Georgia—lladison county: Will be sold on the first Tues day in December next, at the court house in said county, within the legnl hours of sale, to the highest bidder lor cash, the following pro perty to wit: One certain tract of land lying and beingin 204th. diet. o. m. Madison county, contain ing seventy five seres more or less having such metes and bounds as w ill fully appear by referenoe to deed of same recorded in Clerk’s Office *adis©n Superior Court iu Book Q, page B*9, said lands be ing part of land owned by Stephen While dec’d at time of his death, adjoining lands ef ! F White, J P Wright, and others,tbe place where Jos. W t’a it,hers now resides. Said laud levied oo M the property of Joe. W CaritheM to satisfy an cxeeutien issued from the Justices court of 204 diet G M of said co. favor of Pope D Hardman vs J W Cambers, Levy made by W VI JD vis L C aad turned over to for advert sennit. Written notice 4fv en tenant in poeenion an required by law. This Nov. 7tb t 1895. i L K Brartca Sheriff, KB . OARj* • • e e X *"’ • *"•“" '' nURANG'S ■ Remedti ** silo*' fri Vyr-jure , A. mli lor Hi* A ' *m ui Rbvun or , an tts (on, gt uf rnvs-” • - •! Vuiants It it I '■ ■*.* ad taH* outturn the I :t n.’.t: WW to fur®. . -iv i om -tvillar a or Elx i i . .. -H-V VIUm. Our Hlpagr l ull- , .1. >.f: .' r" I * Malt. , 11 ■’‘r’iwnrtiiini?-?.; •* t'i'tt- r ■ " - . . *V * . *7 t BOX. nr arc *1 '*'• ir dot? * A*- r • 4 * letups I • ; v*. ••• lx.f * * #■*£ Committed in Comer by Qn pigh pices. Wa are ow receiving the largest and be3t selected stock of (roods it has ever been our pleasure to carry, and we are going to try ft s'terestyou 1U prices Here goes: / 600 yard* Black and Figured Satteens 9 to 16 cents yard. 400 yads Black A’oolen Goods, ‘Worsteds,etc. Bto 2oe a yaiu . _ 200 yds double width Henriettas with trimmings to match &t p suit you. Cal and see these goods. 3000 yards of Oalico frem 3$ o 6c. yards yards Ginghams from 5 to 7sc. Others get 8 and 9c. 25 docm pairs llese 5c to 25c pair. Good pins 2c a paper, Suspenders at an price. Neckwear for eveiybidy. Men’s and B ys’ Shirts 25c to ftl.26c. Men’s and Boy’s Hat- from 26c up. Ontf line of Jeans is hard to beat. We have it from 15. te 00c yards. All Wool Ciusimers 48c to 70c yard. A big lot Flannells, Outings, &c at piices to suit the times. \Ve iT*so',e the flawiEsr datum*, Dsim.s aiidjoo?rox Oheok SHOES, SStJEEKOjESSEI We have shoos for prices from 25c to $4.00 WE HANDLE THE FAMOUS GAINESVILLE SIDE in al grades they are guarante and to give satisfaction. Don’t forget that we can interest you in GHOGBBIES, We carry the choicest seection of and Fancy and Family Groceries in Madison eountp, and our prices are right. See us before buying your heavy Groceries, such as # Meat, Flour. Salt,etc We carry the largest stock ofiI.TINWARE in town. We are now r eoeiving the best selected stock of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY that has ever been brought to Comer, at prices that will make you smile. AVf> are in it TOBACCO, too, We carry a dozen ©r men leading* *# brands which we sell at the lowest price possible. Just try a pound and if you don’t like it bring it back and get your money. 1 Our ine of GLASS LAMPS can’t be beat. Prices from 20c up. We carry a full line of Fancy Candi- sand Fruits. We have the.goods and they must be sold. We pay the highest cash price lor cotton seed Bring us your produco of all kinds. Thanking you for past favors, and hoping for areas nab'e share of your future patronage, we remain, very Respectful y, COMEK - GA Represents the net shrinkage in property value in the South and West, according to the tax returns officially recorded, for 1894,as com pared with 1893. A decisive contest !* U> be fought between now and the nest Presidential citation for COINAGE^ THE PEOPLED MONEY-tha coinage of both gold and stiver, without discrimination, which means tb* free coinage of *>oih as oppuswti to the pjlicv of contraction, which has been dictated by Rngland and adopted in Washington, ttad> whitfi levies tribute ou every product of the farm, on valuations of ail kinds and on all compensations for labor. THE GREAT ISSUE NOW iathedoubls standard against the single standard—the use of both gold and eilvor aw standard money metals apainst keeping the currency of the country on tha gold basis. The ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTITUTION published at ATLANTA, GA., and having * A CIRCULATION OF MORE THAN 156,000, chiefly among tin farmers of the country, and going to snore henna# dkait any wecfciy newspaper published on the face f the earth, Is The Leading Champion Of the People ln nil tha great contests In which they are engaged against the evictions of monopclr. THE CONSTITUTION IS, THE BIGGEST AND BEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER published in Atnerra, covering the news of >ho world, having correspondents in every city in America, and ill the Capitals of Europe, and rp<Hliii£ In full the details of debates iu Congress on all questions of public iotenai. I; is THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY NEWSPAPKR, •<* *• the exponent of Southern opinion and the purveyor el Southern news it baa no equal on iW continent. An enlargement of ia columns. To meet the demands upon ft* space for news. The Constitution will increase its size during the summer to ia page*. 7 columns, making 84 columns each week. THE CONSTITUTION’S SPECIAL FEATURES !'\*7 The Farm and Farmers’ Department, The Women’s Department, The Children’s Department, nndwr aNe rfraotion and *r* attr*dlT to to whom© departmoiitt mf Addressed. I'Mri x p l -. t I.UK KOWRtk 1t t| eHai cents I *it r* Are writer* of such wortrt-wide r*pntatSn a* Mark i 1 * * . .i b :i. .w •• ... ,• . a'ilir.r Ult‘, lit m'Kom, •*! hHi Ihtl.t oi othff' 4 . w-i!n it nRVr* wivkly scrvlc.? from knelt | *r *>.r ■*-- • 1 *r ill •> .v. I art (n4, rank I, -* '••*•> . .ti'.i *1: .irn*, u-lw* it* lafccptry le iiies a peculiar >o-i them s > ** • • **•* r 1 \• :( T mi: u i,.n in nil. ‘ * i '* '' f: * ’ ** ’ > , lW 't t r- i :; •* U** ♦►:*;* •! r lu’l i:i fill-; . um-inT •• < nnMilKtinn }is Leralif!, U* N’A* , .n oiui f. t. IWe ‘ r “ *■' ■ !"* i ■i |* •.l i* r 11 *i *; cs ; *:. i*u dl.t v= tiin posicj Anti luun, wit.cli CTaut# j l *-* wu V*k f -,< 1 .. 'd ~ im. i a ts,udiH. ! c.*sm. untrammelled. $500,000,000