The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, November 29, 1895, Image 2

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’ To look over our new stoc at the new will not be happy till we have sold every man and boy in |k'f Madison county a suit of clothes or an Overcoatpwbghtn't lobe a very hard thing to do. It won’t be if you’ll only V I come here and look when you need such of the goods .will captivate you. There tit hundreds ’ ) N° and Mighty Prices; We are standing strictly on the merit of our goods- Wo -d#: lor,your trade because we think we can always do lietter for you than any? ouy win. We want you try it just oi>ce, if you never Where- you go after that once will depend on the quality of the goods fS you get. Wo’re cot afraid of that. If you are onoes^^ S jf it is nearly certain you'll remain otir customer Our Ck thing has that style to it that so pleases the buyer that we always gee 'jjy&lycc again. ' |t ' : 1 Hundreds of new faces at the new store every day. -flfiijT' x CHAS MORRIS ■' * MW JjP&Pvjf *Co liter Clayton Street and College Avenue, Athens, Ga THE MONITOR. PrßJ.isHEi) Every Fripay. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Bbury T.,Editor. Congress convenes on Monday . Great crowd* are flocking to Atlanta now,to see the great ex position. Speaker Flemings bill to relieve the Supreme, court by adding three more judges, and providing tbntthey be *lected by the people, passed the house. This carries with itau amendment to the cou stkutiOn'.— - ...- i.. r yf * OriUst Saturday isigln. dnrin g tk* performance of Riohavdeon Bros, minstrel, tome ono passed a conple of counlarfeit dollar* on, who soon discover ed liia mistake and fortunately re* tnenibered who ho received the dol lar* fiom. Marshal Edgar l)an itl and Sheriff Sorrel's, at ones ar rested Rev, U Y Grifith, Wm. Johnson and Jee Craft ; all colored and turned them over to U 8 Mar shall Brown, who happened to be in the crowd. Tli* money was of a very inferior kind, a*d could be easily delected. We do not. pie tend to sty who is gnilty ol making thin lad money, but we hope to ae them caught and punished. FORESTRY DAY, Next Friday, the thh. of Decem ber is forestry day in Georgia and would be glad to see it observed here. Our groves and ehade trees ara dying every year, and are not beiilg replaced. Tfa would bo glad to know that every sshool boy in •ehoel here would set out a tue in ' the grove around the school bouse here ou this day and in a few year* ' there would be another beautiful grove around our Academy. We ihiuk else that it would boa goad idea for the members of the different churches to do tko same j thing, and in this way the grevea' would noon be replenished. The ' shade lives aeon ml onr court house 1 are dying, and if seme were to be act out around it ou this nay, they would soon help the appearance. And again i the property owners would plant shade tiee on the square m front of the prop.rt’' mi ft fow war*our town would have n diffuivnt np|ienronce and during the long hot summer day* wo could languish in the shadoof our trees, autl catch the cooling bi-ecite*, instead of being scorched by Die lot sue. Wo throw out these sug gestion. and hope to see some of them cnrrted out. Hie cold snap this week was tile cause of several uop> hoj;s liv ing. Madison county will have ple.dy u> uojtt year, *u .toD, *m*i M ming ktvpe up. WHERE THEY CO. / The Methodist conference in session at, Elberton the pnt week has adjourned, and the appoint ments ftr tlrs work are ns follows: Presiding Elder of the Elberton Putrid, J P Preaches in charge of the Dftnielsville circuit, F R Smkn. Thinking that our readers might he in ters*tod in some oi tha fol lowing appointments,we give them alo: J M Lowrey, presiding el der for the past year, ie station tioned at Thompson, L D Cog gins goes to Dawson ville, Ford .Mc- Kee to Monroe, L P Winter to Roekniart. N E Mclireyer to Boof viUe, 8 Sanders to Jankinsburg qir-- ; 1 fenced ai ion, and L G church in Augusta. what we arddoin®. The Monitor is increasing in pepnlarily every day, a* is evidenc ed by the new subscriber* being entered on its mailing list evdYy week. Tt it an all home print, and gives you all the county news and tho State news in genetaL In addi tion to thie, it is the official 'organ of the oennty, and centain* all the legal advertisements. It ia a close shwet, free from all objection able matter, and hire passed the 1200 mi'e post, sad it reaching out for 1500. We want Tho Moaitor to go into every home ie Madison comi ty, and will not bo satisfied until it does se. '• here is not a poat-offlea in tb* seetion, but what it readies* itud is read. Asa means of reach ing the 1500 mile post, we have made seme clubbing rat * that arc unuscnllj low, by which we can give you all the nows. Head, seud in your subscription. Here is what wo offer yon: The Atlanta Constitution and Monitor ono year for #1.26, or the Atlanta Journal and the Monitor ena year for #I.OO. Take your choice and •end uathe money and wo will do the rest. These amounts must be net to ua hero, and cash in ad vance, before we can send th Con stitution or journal. If y u have a neighbor that lntsn't heard of this proposition, tell him, so t' at he can take advan tage of it. XOTICB TO PkBTOES .V NO Ctt EDITORS Georgia— M idiaou county: All parsouß having demand against the estate of John \V I’iUman late of Madison county deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the, undersigned ac tording to law and nil persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. This 7th day Oct 1895 G. H. O'Kelly, Adm.of John M Pittman, dec’d. ■ti you 3fea i Ar> * *l2 vorti vut -t\ks I iota’s ib&& Misciw I FLEA FOR POOR CUBA. A Ei-okl. .,f tb< Xiu YCuba" was the subject'|£y. Cortland My- I ie the Baptist pid: jtiatiou <f ‘p,v tnow before the yf demand's the t of t!iy wri'l. t.ul bruised and santied 0.-snipe, aud cry in-; far f, her chains is I music ami the tt is marring tins y drenched with xe, stands near rof Spanish ('in dy has menvry fiiyetfe and the ■ across the wa . skies t<*fv?lj> in 1 branch bottom, plenty [ JM"? fftUgjfcJFrCi*. rj Murid)—hu TOhlirie F!ll! - :l ■ ’istv-f. wb‘4<?7lvtti*' tow%% nun pavfaffc..-fs the other part °r th eternal law of Gotl fails. Tire num; .so is due, iiwl every 'star and planet and rvor’d depeeds upon the oth er ami all htid tbc-ii'positions by virtue <>f that union, ’s>o the world of human ity run t hcarthc raint-v-t i v ';viu part, of tho hodyi even if it is -the flick* Wtng Stiir’ox t>n.bu. “Th{*p)-sfa-mnoirt is milking itself the, moot eflfHt filly of Spain l>y tills mi righteous mjd unlawful pro Amt Jon of lawful csp*f of ayurs ami n-miutuitinn to the icsuSbsitP. In spite of c.iiw ue cirions t kisph ttfipreKee on the fait of officials indHeuno r>:i. Boor. d-iwahMit deu l hibimjk: coniled t-> tho sympi.ihy which leu®,to help in her her i< c ( ':>.rts fur lifcert-gj*May God speed the day of her shaeldß lollinrc nutl hear on ,-enil the p*rvejßto Wf-eot it, c.nd shame mt > thp Alvanm Royorum.-m f.-r . .. n liindrtftwfpf it.” MpiPOS TALKS. Sy tliuMjKrtiK Have Jtn to It. Tl: t.v HotU No -t. Mov. Ss._Tli<: World pabhslJE special - Clara, .flaba, signed by Mai tine.-, dc Oainp-Nlf gbvoriidr of Orlsi. (iYuoiv.LL Campos says thiiuria®: Y "I tHfck t)\" sit ion MR >?iyoft ucvcijtim l W WB&ilj&litO.'i i. rid'..;" . ! W 'l’h'-iaßMim . hat fsaftrsnir ■ . hold u-- iiitiiiftK tern:. nnrii' r on tMfejßp Wliieh ccusist of tivc > i- rou hubmwfUHo; fiiHceii>sm-„',.uts n- of time in otic ; . hew* JianUNP.- Whmn I send a colamn of troW't ■it! :■ I ■ , ...... wild. pntyyes rountijfthat ousts in the only disfeftsiami-h thoy operate. •S?*flPS'preUf 'Kortli Arnm-icau e- ddiev. ably cos.■:.■,! the snli- We sgtiition of ladiicei-ency of 'WiqWWs nir-the furnsev revelat-imr. Ho ia- a -public .<Wnunt. with which I mHUIhIT that 1 her" v.-;.> no -,:nd for jiiiii to pjtopgttite (laMii bi>iligorency 'vlOmi tlie people who sought- rpcopni ttnn held aOpi'K or town. “Prof idea* Grant created a pro-iV.ent and I hear, now from Tdruh-id t hat the g-rev ament dees not a:iticipatr any cvj^tets'of uafrieudiiuess on the a<-t United States.” o* the <ri<Hron. ( HAWQITf r Vii U'.. A .‘v.. ,\nv. Cl. George It. Pliwau of Mompius. IVnn., kjfjkirfafiiisutt in s football tnmio Lv . lui'lllt'al sni.i i;v\v rltussps of li J .- I {•- .. ' ,tu * <> of a l.loc<l vrtsol w hich u-ji-s u afeaail tHmtHti-.n ::i:U qpy to bao-f <V..y;.:„- any \i .i.hc c:.r ; ur'.s j or y muloml a jßgP* reucviiigr ay *jwrfici: Hl ms of Two Killed I„ a Wreck. jA.<nwf. Miss., Xov. St!.—A* 7p. m fast frrfsrht on tho lUsucb* owrai k a hoc car at Lunar sran ,<> h: - H - wu tv ’ ,m “o Mini: F.mrinoiv ' ""• trs ' " ew | ere ||© |i*e[ *: In our New and commodious brick store, and are better prepared than ever to serve our customers,* and will . >1 'GIVE MORE GOODS FOR • We now oarry a full and complete lino of Width Henriettas, Cas hum res "Oliaulemoh^VfttHawby-jf i minings, Lace, oie. In fac t?| —— anything kept in a First-class Dry Goods store on which we can. gave you f.rS'tn 'DP—, iff j>-- cent, on Athens or Atlanta prices. Come and see stock. We have a sufficiency- of felettt? to waif on you promptly.* Our stock of '•■■ Shoes and- Hsjß Is complete and prices are away down: We are Headquarters for the Celeb’ a ted" % Ganielsvlle Shoe, ’ :||j We hnvo added a comp'ete lin •of stoves and tinware. >Ve meat the record and dj - competition n Groceries,- Tobacco and Cigars. Give usa trial, is all we ask. BISOOKS FOWsi 1 OK£ COT 8 WEEK Tht Atlanta Weekly Journal’s Great Offer—Clubbed With This Paper for a Nom inal Sum. C* you afford to P?ny Sv* cewtp mootb •r om seat a wrok itm tba t*w* of the world? You can get n Atlanta Weekly Journal for less Sri a that. It is the cheap eM paior in ti c soaih. Ttc iVeokly Journal Las been vastly Im- of lata ttud now goes out to ita londetn a !i>a, cloaa, complete. up to dal* farci.y newspaper, juai to tl best in the United Sta te. Itcoulaioj t o a paces and la brim full of bright readies* all the way through. Y3* Ibdly Journal’s news service never* the world iiud the cream of it all coir.oe In the Wiekly. With Smii .Tones' pbilaaophy, Bill >'jm> humor, Stories from the host miter* laTbo couatry, protftable hint* for tho farm, brighl, iirstruotiro gosaijs for the women, The Juvenile Journal, us a part of it, for the children alid att rue-tire ml*oellany for the entire household—-it ootnes to you at only 50 cents h year. Tern oan rant this to The WV- kly Jour nal,Atlunta,in stumps, ora* yo? please. Sausiile copies will be seat you froe. The coming year is going to be alive with interesting hupytuijgs. To keep up with them you need the Atlanta Weekly Journal. And o# ■ special club bing arrangement, we are new able to give you twelve month's eufe eeclptioa to both that paper *g| > itoKiroK for sf.iG jer year* 11800.90 SIVEN AWAY TO INVEKTOKS. >!£oo month given away to any one who arx du- mtTf'V ’ a ° tt “ edtorio “ paSa,t -JKfL 8 *?- r<: idc bestpeteutsforonrcliarts, t?T *v*SJ v r t ,V l . a S s . [ f er -¥ 'O encourage inventors a bf their bright ideas. A t ihe same tune we UTth to impress upon the public the tact that 51 ’5 THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, inch as the ‘' car-winjow'• which can be cushy di iw> and down without breaking the passenger'. bac“ sauce-pan, c,,!lar.buUoii," "nut-lock," “buttle stopper, and a thousand other little tfung* dial most anyone can tind nay of improving; and'these drapio ventroos are the on-j that bnuglargcst rc t -nu to the aUifior. Iry no think of something to iitvenf. IT IS NOT SO hard AS IT SEEMS. ■Patents taken out through asmceivespeciai notice in r* r kaccnderj' puahsaed at Washington, . '. -.vhtcfc is tne eesttievspsnn published in AmeriA tn the interests of invent,,rs. fo&mkh a SSwT rennabn to this journal, free of cost, to ah our clients. We also advertise, free of -ost ,1 ho inv; D ti-.?n each month •Ski* vans our trite, arid hun*c,: s of thousands 1LS plC r v Recorder." contaiuiny; a . -ketch of the winner, and a desctiptiS ofkis invention, ’..•tit he scatseicd tlitoughout the UnTi4ft States amonc Moita.tstß and maonfaesurevs, thus ba&ane to thesr alter non the merits of the invention. - * Aijcommiifliauions regarded stricGy Adaren j JOHN WEDDERBURNJk CO., Jtoiicltors c; American and r Patents, 6BF Street; N.W., 3og .185. \Vashlngton, D. C. V* ieC.-TCr-r- t v,. , rfHwfafrr. li r - 'tejiraw -o T.rc. Hr.rtlrt. fiJSEIi. ft.;- &&&&$& r> . ; . v-v.*f Jrmm £J\ xf *t •'Silty- Prv'las * '4*. **• “J iiot* M ' ‘ J ' r**"-* iaand lrk.:*;A. \s-4ti of t r txi *r%j ■* >r s* ->•. c "a - Br | Q. • i r.‘- . 't9 ;< t'i - VI | , y*3waw^K* v\?0O Of^eredirveei- C: ;,;c:.i rruar K.vrinM tti EANit, ! J*A&4Vt*,l4s, I'fiip., Aprils,; tnr.r.i V r.r-..\f( : o- .re r>SJ'®u*i:ON’sPi Bcsihiass C&li. V.<; s,SmM,M TjlvasSir.: —i'hetimef . .-Aycudeptw ?>' ■ ntoutits s.go tc<-day da‘forfeits r '9 l ‘\ ■ - ■ ii:,au ~iui ■ NsAo :-.r.dSio-flo any Basfl Col.-.-'te ; ... u ’'JUvtl,ify itcou'.T -:ic- "r: a;ivia.-a: iouaTcv- Pookketa and -fe 'O rmphers during' thai PAS'i’ if* rdO'A r.iiycthcr F-usin'ip.iCQSlego'il of the Ohio Kiver could show in UieJPASTII YEAP.S, haa this Bav c.\pired, and, 310 derJ having been made, viie m-r:.: is note held st J to your check. kcspectfuUy, W. P. Er v.j_ r af ;fl N. P —A certiEcnie cf depo Car A aspucbslie ) in the daily of I ",J C.r r. -i ph. Tl- f tinn, arc thirty thousand colleyc-, !io. t mac tbs’ t/^Htcccsa r J?& U|7.v />,. -ho:■:, Aprf jKf. '.V-it ■ r-tVitl"'/ for bis lYco Catalogue. I BLOOD BALf > -.4 P*Wd remedy Tor o!J }*> Cnlrs ■without .'di, M f p, s ;; rri r T* w tK^I^KSa .^faa’CMDtTfcailnp'j I ?rt * ti’i virta&. nUJ - .I.' Tit ,rr ?!;wure vir a ,3 ?!?h "'•r-'-jAFf It bUftS the : - ‘ —-tjt . .rom rbe t^Sddse. ftn\ M&oft / 1 ww/uc f W res. ±enstv*e Jh J cnfiMk f‘ <J not kept '\Y~you3Rjeit drarr, J ‘Ur s hr;-a UitjfcorssOOfo-J ® ea ‘* i ® e J®*' be BJ.OOD BUM SOi.AIUtnJ