The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, December 06, 1895, Image 2

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■32- 11 nni2 Hi B Y * CLOTHING • Ofcr Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing and Famishing Goods is now complete.' TANARUS! s L teat SovsUln from the most Fashionable Tailors ia the world. We will sell you a good W ooleu Suits **** been paying for a c.eap. cotton #u it. Give us a leek before you buy. E H And W F the monitor. PrBMNtKO EvMT FItIDAT O.VR DOLLAR A YEAR. JtcMtv T. M<ww.ET,Eomjfc. The South CumUt** Cottstiiu fmirttj t>nv*nUn ha* don* its •Work and adjo urn*L \he auffrage question it somr-v hat changed, hut they slick to thair old titwlii*, of rot gran ing divorce*, Once insr *itl there - always innrrio t. Hartwell Ann: It is paid that j a Hartwell woman ha* invented * sijor* dire.ter. It is composed fa hoed and sections of flexible W ben her husband snores j fit* bond is lowered over his bead and the pipe conducts the wound to the cellar. There hasn't been a rat in the cellar sinuo the diverter vassal in operation. Ruins W Peokham of Albany, New York has been nominated by the President for Judge for the Ba prsasn Icourt, and his {rumination W re <* ■f Wheeler H Peokham who (he senate tnined down at the request •of senator llill, Hois in Juror of tha present nominee. A Herman preacher at Hoboken, Now Jersey has given up hit oongiv. gation an>l opened up a beer siloon. Ho asys that it is a uiaiur of busi ness with him as hecouhi not live on his salary and hud in do some thing to support his family. He aays that afier.awliile he will turn the basinets oyer to It is sous. A rhau who prefers loafing 0,1 t 0 W(*rkiog for a little lesa ho (hinks It s labor is. wordt, jar It extremely anxious to find tn easy place, seldom eve y ac complishes much. The bright©*! examples <d success in he business ■of inteUsotual world today are those wrbo began under adverser eircunMtancns. The boy who act*' upon the principle that he will only dJ pleasant that ot his owu price, rarely doas any- i thing. H© will dead ttoat his way 4hr*ugh on relatives or the public, aeye the Senoiu Enterprise. Gbv. Atkinson has sent message to the legislature in he speaks out feni the shoulder id roger- to lynching and suggest some legislature, on this line. Ho *l-o wants some legislation, making it a misdemeanor for any persons to refuse t obey the Bherift \vhf>n rslled ou* hy him to arrest out laws, or in stopping n riot. The G vernor Seems to mean b.isitmts, and if his sugge.-iion aro carried out much ef lawlessness will cease, A resolution tms been introduced io the United Stoles semte for the recognition of the ineuigents in the Unban struggle, nt> bclliger • ;H. In jiutier was ref‘red to .by comon Will eouie up for actio.*. | Corbett, the pugilist siy* that he Imff retiled from the ling, and rsfus - us -te ttiutFijUimmoiiS for the 120.- 000 offered. The famous Bush bill that was before the- Georgia Legislature failed to pas* on account of not ! isoaiviiig.llie require,! constitution al majority. Local option won the day'. -W -*.*• i T i Bradley of Liberty county has served the Grand aury ofitiat county a.e bailiff for the last 60 years m succession. This is the Songost leiui lor any bndilf that wo have heard 01. lie vail be 76 years old at bin next birthday, and is still hale and hourly . Hie democrats iucongvisr, iu cau cus .iiouiiiiftled Jutigu Lrup (or apcakei', lints making him the lead* W' ol the uiiatuny in the house, lie is a buueiaitot, Mieighi, and will conduct ihe minority on this line. Oleveluinl is making hinibelf the most laughubie irt-aa m the whole country, by,hie elioria to m :du u t;ougicpe to rctue gieunbucks anu treu.uty notes. Olevelaiul’a reccommendution ns to the retirement ol tuu grtons bauksis being lboeived us u lings jot* ivy the people generally. Burely the i'resute&t doesn't mean it, wlie i be asks congress to out law nearly hall o Lhe money ol the nation, but it lie dues, then go and byo to liis future political hopes. Ell K'O (Amu i, Gi,, wib ml yju au vj so 1 uiU >to)a . 12f)p>a white sack Liverpool salt for 5 , i' 1 . 11. Ekusks, Coaicr, Gt. 0 L Wright of Covington,killed a porker this week that weigh, ed 615 pounds. At Valdosta on hint Sunday, seven negro couples were married ut one liui in the l i mansion occupied itnd owned by G<>v. Troup. The contracting purties ult lined up, and the colored min itter performed the ceremony to gether. The bill introduced by Hon. Da vid W Meadow, to remove all ob structions, other dams, from the running streams of Madison county,baa pas ed ,the house. A negro woman ill Atlanta was found burned io death, and on in vestigation it i 8 thought her hus band burned her todeath, and then robbed her. a. her trunk was rilled and pocket book gone. Her husband wns sent after the coroner b: t has net returned, nor can the officer* find him. Vre HW *i ,v- ; v ,-i r Hi-. *• t .rlit in Miss KI..S .v.. r ,' vi'u %p e t th y . A Miracle in Vermont. * -'w ••-■ THE WONDERFUL UU>E?.IESGE OF i uitLbfcA itfAii , Mrlcltca with an tscnnW* W, jjKJ Ifrom the Argus and Pair tot, MaaiptHef. fife} 1 bight years ago Gai*. Hstvltili'un inon-cl ft'mi BraJt'ml to Ci-clm**, Yt., ftuii tx.u ,ut the sawmill at the tatter place, iio wo* known as one ol' the strovgwtt men in ilia' •nasi -a. On Deo. 10/i2 while at wor .ia th; h.-wiu struck in the baos Lye •Cyiii.g h iUrsl, which ssrlwuly injured loxa and incaptclh.ted him for work of any kind. .'.a rosuit of the, Locomotor Aim in eetin, (this .isa form, of paralysis which deprives the patient of a I u-wm hie 1 ,wr limbs.) i'lso Argui it Ptilrict interviewed Mr. Hutculnsoa to il*y, ai.d his story ia here given ia his own word*. '• My back ached continually and toy leg* be,ran to grow numb and tot*:- iss*iuHcM u ah' >. ily the loth of April 1 or old do •hsoiuteiy nothing and wna acarevty abb to ai-ni l. My physicians a:i vised *,<* t>, go ia llie Vary l lofeher llorpiti-.l nt I'nrb -gloli, tube :-cited, and 1 took tkeiradviec. When 1 left home mV friends bade me gooi-hye, never expecting to vcni me alive again. Tim physicians at the hoapitol told ms that my was a serious one and J eu ecm j.l.-ic y dwoenraged. I remained at the hospital sere* Weeks and took the Medicine* which the doctors gav* me. Ifslt b iter at the liv,total and theu-.htthat I w.i.< recover- Ins, and went home !•> continue their treat- Dicit, which I did fur two we ths, afcd r.Sae had an electric battery Under their advice. The improvement, however,did not epntimis •ad I began to give tip hope- Attgittit raL lit'd, I couf.l not S-.-.t o> of ray chair vtitlxuil wtice, and if 1 gti down upon the floor, I coni I-m.t get. iiu alone. About this time I chanced t'i read an account of the,, Wondi-N fo’ on v.tivs powers of I)r. William*' Pink Pilh for I’alc rcotile in ca'ies similar to tnj own. 4} did not have anv fdith fu the i’iiin bnt thought a trial coul l do no harm, soil bonrht. m ine nithouttclling Shvone vrhttAf” Wasg'ing to da. Aider I had been taking them Homo time I found that, for the first time lu months 1 woe able to tvslk down to the post .ililca, an-1 my neighbors began to dis cuss the marked improvement in mv health. As T continued the medicine I continued to Improve, and soon recommenced work In the mill, st first very lightlv, and in creasing an 1 was able and as f gained la hoalthand spirits, and now for the pad three months I have been working ten hour* f .>r day almost as steadily ae I ever did. feel well, eat weir and sleep as well as I •ver did and J have no pain fuivwhere.’’ The reporter talked with several other gen tlemen in regard to ibo ease of Mr. flntohin ton, vrho-etnted the Many statemeut ho might Hake would be entitled to entire credence. Dr. Williams’ Pitoo Pills contain all lbs elements neoeratrr to give now lift and Vtohucis to the bl sod and rssUire shattered nerves. They are for sale by el! drugglcte. er may be had bv mail from Dr. Williams' Medici-!* Company, Schenectady, N. li., for %00. per bos, or 6 Loses for £4AO. ••r/t UffiD. : roug| Life j : ,i'vd ry It MT • *t CiI(XT. 9 ■ . .‘-OH WO'* T. iX --Wy.; vv.'sl Clstx. • ' **. -v.- r Y* J I %"* ' \ ■ \ tu'.n, . if i . .i;uM V ■ j • ‘ r '■ : ; j I ..i' < yea and ■ >■ -tho txi ' ? ■ i O'- • - , ;s . - ,r , '’u.-J'‘ • ; * tv.-. :u © kuS ” su j *! --a Usmsss wnpoca - FURNITURE - ~ Ws are the recoigmted leaders of furn.tare in North-east Georgia and JOefy Oompetition. enr stock an* • will convince you we I are the cheapest and handsomest line of Furniture in Georgia. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. L ><urslos * siember of Farliaißeato t*ie first placet, tbo initial cost a seat in the bouse oi feuiuns is always great Candi | #s_ore obliged, by the oorrupi 1.-Mgtfcea act. of 1888 (tvhioti lias fix ' tnaxinimn h-ailo of eloctioueer -1 e.xjicnses, varying in amount ac i§4bS b U>o extent and ebaraoter octlio ■consUtaenoy) to furnish a re- S ffi (1 f tboir erpojises, and, accord tie; to n Llua book ,on the subject— is uccl io connection with tbo gen. ci tl elociion of 18JI.3.—it appears that c* on a loiiiion of money was Bliont by tLii 1.207 candidates who fcjtgbt lor scuta ia tbo bouse of ccffumons in that el octonil cam pais;'-. JTbo overage expenses of the 6/0 Bwccr.--;£''il candidates wore about JWyfi each. Hut that does not, as a rujo, represent a third of tbo finan ciill cost cf the honor and dignity of fclip office of member of p.-rliamcnt. Before the contest takes place tbo constituency‘ha3 to bo “nuriied” with tbo view of obtaining tbo good w|l and support of the elootoi-a "Jinrsing” is a vory ospensivo proc ess Many a man Lu3 spent from f to £-5,000 a year for two or e\wi five years befoi'o tbo general eliption In tho constitaency bo r.a plsea to represent. A ixowspaper ha3 Owob been run by a pruspooUvoean ■ d cJ.Hto at a osteil th° laudable objvct of suj>- : w&b3 the doctors with nows, bnt ' CkaKybj lieep ptfoininbntly bofort them the vlrtaos of tlio man who is woctic-5 tbrir iruffragfts, ud tlse gssndtnir and magnJnccsce ef ilia po'ltica.l principle'! bo ixy.'ports Clsais be rs ’ Jou v n ni. pale folk How many pale folk there ars! People who have the will, but no power to bring out their vitality. People who swing like a pendu lum between strength and weakness—s o that one. day’s work causes six days’ sickness! People who have no life for resisting disease —thin people, nerveless delicate l ;The food for all such is\scott*s Emulsion. The bAophosphiles of lime aiM soda, with the oil, will tone up the system, give thetblood new life, improve the appetite and keep up digestion ! SO cents and SI.OO SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists • - New York r --vWS'—iWWrrirreir - - S‘-a* ”, ■, v at Bui reM.- -v j ; 4 Be. ir..r-.'o ;*J IBM. I>- ryo is.r(.|wvw< aoeOA a.. .. ! A H VV4. U tyaritmt; lreptwß...-. 'J V i *—J It, CM rtw atl. i s-jms 3 l-iwiit-e IVV) ~s JtiViTcVcbVEf?. a c-c St- W ■ IT you faei mbx.* •■■nd all worn out + akt DOWN'S IRON BITTEK.-; / The wold's best cook stove is THE FAMOUS KING r l tc it uiself before you buy a elo\e \,au try one and fail to find it what we claim for it,we will refund your money. LARGEST STOVE f.-OLoE IN THE COUNTRY. T S Me Hit In. ATHENS, _ GSOR G'A WH NYOU WANT BARGAINS GIVE D. E. GIFFETH, AT DANIEIJSVILLE, GA. A chance at your trad©, lie carries a full and oom:d tit lin© of DIIY GOODS. NOTTONS, -ETC. v / v hich were bought before the rhe, and be is gitug his customers the benefit of his lucky purchase. In STAPLE GOOES AND COUNTRY PR n DUCE O CEBI SB 4 He does not propose to b underbid. ll© also carries m a ’ u l oomolete linos of Hardware <i t ™re, Tmware, woodenware, etc, His prices aie as low astbe louest, and all he asks is that you give him a call see his goods and L tJi , hip prices. 9 ' Remember the place t- L I- GRIFFITH DANIELSVILLE, GA. The One Crop System offeming gradually exhausts the land, unless a Fertilizer containing a high percentage of Potash is used. Better crops, a better soil, and a larger bank account can only then be expected. ■ . . Wr j t * l f< * ° ur '■ FarTn,rs ' Guide,” a 142-page illustrated book. It ... m fu ‘i °f useful information for fanners. It will be sent free and wiU make and save you money. Adless, __ GERMAN KAU WORKS, 93 Xauau Street, New York.