The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, December 13, 1895, Image 2

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• ■ inf . c. # To look over our new stoc at the new %f° r &,We w jjj no t be happy till we have sol and every man and bo y’n { irif^r\ v*jf Madison county a suit of clothes or an Overcoat oU ghtn’t 10 be a very hard thing to do. It won’t be if you’ll only come here and look when you need such things, If newness of thegoods v, ill captivate 'Sou. There are hundred of such temptations her?. v J|HB§ N° Hi and Mighty Prices: We are standing strictly on the merit ot our goI because wo thiuk we can always do better for yon than anybody . fit *l* e will. We want you try it just once, it younger t. i<a |, a f ore W hero you go after that once will depend on the quality of the goods VBhKt you'got.. We're not jfraid of that. If you uremic rjaf. j 9 nearly certain you'll remain our customer Our Clc thing has that fH9f ' • B , eft^i ?w fneciT . the new store every day. . "11,' CMS MORRIS ■ . W Jmfmf (Qorner Clayton Street and College avenue, Athens, r • ? m • *’ "‘ , -n£*vy- - * THE MONITOR, Ff*n*'AE Every- Kxipav. OS* DOLLAR A YEAR. Hour T. Editor. •k< .. 1 jl . ”. 1 . T" 1 ,<r ' Cleveland sent his message to congress and —then wont cluck ■hooting. The popnlisl* mftH her# to morrow. Wo ndmiro "grit” nnd pooplo certainly have it. Tho Oglethorpe Echo came to ui this week in ten page". The Kabo in a bright, good, all-around newspaper, and keep* up with the tines. It ta reported that the (lould es tate la worth one hundred million dollars, arid that the income from these properties, is four millions of dollars per annum. \ his is smd to ho the largest estate In tho United States. Mr. Fleming's bill to increase tho number of Supreme court judges and to provide for their election by the people, lias passed both houses, eed the people will have a chance to ratify or defeat it at the next elec lion. Hope Po hill's dog law failed to pass th > Dgis aturc. Ae Hope is an an aspirant for the office of Solicitor Gen era!, it is left for some aspiring young legislator in the future, to make himself famous by having this bill passed. A revenue officer l y tho name of James Smith, bus been missin* for eAinelime, and on last Friday hie body was found in an okl well near Monties! 10, (a. Foul plav is auapeuted, and the government officers are on the lookout for tin guilty parti**. A man by the name of Lnugcr uan. was trtad and convicted in the New York courts on the charge of criminal assault on tin poreon of Barbara Aub. a hi n't agent.who Mid that she went in o his plnee of business to sell him a b"ok when he assaulted her. and this wna the only evidence asmii s; him. Who* the judge bad Liugsrinaa up to pass the sentence of the court passed upon him, tho woman who bad caused his conviction, con— feaaed to the judge that the charge was untrue, and that Liugorman wa# innoce it. Langfrmnn denied hia guilt all ill* time and on this confession from the woman who had done him this gr*c.t wrong ho was discharged and the woman held for perjury. Lnugsrman was iu danger of being lynched an > if Vr had heou, it w nJd have been ihoJ ling ' n • t hhsd. Moral; Do not be 100 hasty with lynching*. BOYS AND G ULS AT OUTS. From the Naw ll.veil RajLtor. There is troabb; at Cups May. A large number of young ladies have formed an ant i-cigarotte league and have sworn not to mar ry or associate with a,'>y young man who uses cigarettes, ''he young men aru in despair and threaten to form an anti-paint and powder league to get even. If this sort *f thing continues it will be neces ser , ns a 1-st resort, for the young nihil to form an anti-bloom* r Iragii* and res r, l o not to marry or associate with any yo'ng women wh , uses bloomers in anv form. Tiny will unquestionably bring the progressive young women of Capo May to terms. THIS ONEDfrANjjj From the'Dalton Citi/on. Mr. Nathan White, of Floyd county, drove into Rome one day last week carrying two bales of cotton. Th# cotton was his own. Ho raised this crop with his own hand, doing tho plowipg.phm'ing. booing. And yet Air. White is 104 yoa’s old. He has lived in Floyd sixty years. When be moved into Georgia in 1384, he | lived among the Cherokee Indians, i The sad part of Mr. White's career j is tha he has always been ft modor- i ate drinker and user of tobacco. | Ho tliinks tliesi habit# will event ually cat. off in* life several years. Possibly h might have raised four bales of cotton last year but for these indiscretions; who knows. Qinss-ixov 9.--I send yon a specimen ef gr.i#> aro'vinjr on my farm. St 1 ek nve quite fund of it, anil I would like to knew what it is? Pickens county. A xswElt J.—The grass is what iseom m uly cal’, i'd Sprouting Crab-grass {Pauieum juvliforntn). It is a smooth branching grans. an Annual, with rath er coarse stems from two to iivo feet lri(.'h, but seldom growing erect. It is mint. coumonly found on damp rich soils, especially along the bunks of wa ter cources. This crass is frequently found in cultivated fields, growing up with the common crab-grass, and somo times forming a conaiderablq part of the hay from damp, bottom lands. While of some use in this way, it can not be considered a good grass for ma turing hay. PEOPLE'S PARTY MEETING. The Populists et Mvdi,on county arc requveted to meet at the court housa iu Damelsviile on dat in'lay, Dtc. 14th, at ll oeloA a . ir to elect a chairman Mid dele -st-j 10 the State Convention which meets in Atlanta, Ga.. Deo. 1 Silt. 1895. \Y. L. Kia*, Secty, NOTICE. G ->rgia—Mad Ron ceunty: Whe w Gc- rge M C trill era ad IV It Dtnicl, a tiuitu*tr*'ors f Rn-*ell J ocithers, dic'd, h%* sp elts! to tn • for letters of die mission from said anmiiietration. Tula * tberef *re lo cite a'l oersons inter ■ tied 1J heat, my < ffio on lb* 1t 11 •• day in M troh nxe 'o show 1 v, *aid leti r* n.wh^grant ! s prayed fo . T .is L) *c. 1! id i #9, r >. G C Gat 01, 1 l and A litod stomache is veiy much like a eprainad ankle. If you euf fsr from any of the symptom of dyspepsia your stomach is tired. It needs a crutch, We must re lieve it of all work fsr a time, or until it is restored to its nntuul strength. To do this successfully., we must use a food which is already digested outside of the body, and I which Jwill aid the digestion of . other foods that may be taken with it. Such a product is the Shaker Digestive Cordial. ( The Shaker have utilized the di gestive principles present in plants fortbef manufacture of this arli le, and its euceess has been truly phenomenal. You can try it for the ruminal sum of 10 cents, as sample bottles are sold-bjf all drug cistaat this price. !'■ ■„ I LAXOL is the medicine for shil drea. Doctors recomend it in place of Castor Oil. NOTICE. Georgia—Madison county: Whereas it. has bsen reported to me that Avis Pittman departed this ■ life leaving some properly, and there | is some danger of Haiti pioperty go iug to waste, unless administration j be hail upon tho same, . Tins is j therefore to cite all persons con- ! venicd to o at my office on the Ist Monday in Jan. next, to show why why IS C O’Kelley, 0 8 O of said county or some other tit and proper peisoi, should not be aypointed the permanent administrator ot the es tate of the said .Avis Pittman, dec’d j This Dec. 10th 189>. G C Daniel, Old, SHERIFF SALE. *' Georgia—Madison county, Will bo sold on the fit at Tuesday iu January 1896, before the court House door it said county, within the legtl hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed property to-wit: One one ‘i .h undivided inienst in a certain ' ctorpaieel of land,lying iu said c tuny and bounded as fohVws: Ou it e north by Und ofcG O jjjnie! sh 4 Geo. Allen, on east jfy lands of Chat he Hunt and J II MeVriowr, deo’d lands, sohth by Susan Helium, weft by Bradley lands, and contain ing one hundred and thirty acies r> ore or lsssand knewu as the F W Smith lands. Said one ninth undi- 1 vidrd int r< sti ' said land levied on as ! tue property of B M Sn ith to satis fy an-extcudou issued from tli* Jus tice court of 382nd. Diet, Q M said county in favor 0 * J II Ma' I ugainst O M Smith. Levy made by li J Sorrells L C and turned over to oi for advertisement. Written no tice given tenant iu po&tosion. Thu Use. 5Uh. IS9&. L E Briok', Sheriff. R. F. MOORE DENTIST, COMER, GA. \\ ill be in Danielgville every first Tuesday. Regular office at Coiner, *ork Guaranteed Prices very reasonable. M,ny l*ersow w-s tutu I..WU fcraa sv j*ort or sos*e'4 e*rv. Brown’s Iron Bdttera Ket uud* tae itwcia, aid* dtffceitott. rwmovs* eroM of Mia ocCcttfceaularit. Get Uw ouUjm. TheDoelor’sßiscevery. DR. DROWN, OF DAVID CITY, NEK, FINDS A MEDICINE OF RARE VIRTUE. He First Ciirm Himself with St, and then Prescribe* It f;;r Ills Pullen ts with C.rHtStfytsrg BcstaHs. {Pram the f.lncoln, '■'(!>., Call.) Dr. f : ,’inuel L. Drown is a pioneer reui. and mi. of Davil l ity, having lived there f;>r twenty y-ars. lie .s wed known nil <wr butler t’ounly, having practiced medicine in every part. It i. his recovery fr< m a V;v crious disease that i- - looked tsjiou e a liuraeic. \\ In u v ited i,y a l all rcporlir Dr. ' o.'n gkni vri ntnil the hiniory of his t-’.kne-and his tiri.-. I cure. “ Thu will !:■> my firptst-p into the field or n pcr.;oiiai i tcr\i, w, but i amsotnihusi •i-tio over my recovery that I ft el like cou* t'ny a icy.ilar os nerieuce meeting. “.‘’is or seven yeinr.- ago partial paralysis *>•*• in np„u my left aide, and 1 boob became jilfee.tcd by kiudr ei ailments, .'j he pension ti airdf mud my trouble to be “pcrtio'l paral y-is of leftside, varicose veins of both leg* end left varicocele.'’ I wi,3 elso troubled w i.i irinbetes. I becameunable toperf .-m tr.nnual (fiber, having to give up the Jarger part of nrv practice. I oouid hobble around by thewfra cf crutches and oane_. J tried every medicine that I ever heard iT in en deavoring to relieve njy suffering. “ About a year ago I read of medicine ended Dr. Williams' Pink* Pids, that Boomed to fit my case, so I sent foi samples, T was so well setirfied with the sampl-s that 1 ent for more, as they acted directly iu harmony with nature.’ Those are the things 1 In k for in treating diseases. I used a number of bones of the pills, ami 1 am now entirely rei- veil of all my several ailments, and am able to move about more, w Ihout being hampered with crip. pliug di(ea*e. In icy practice I a)waysusa ldak Pills where the diagnosis of the case favors them. “ 1 now have’a remarkable case at Drain erd. An'ulna Talbot, (he p. atmash r, wr,i *ullrir.y from, dlubcto and insipidness, and was in t o first stages of Bright’s disease. Th.- ■.! do:- hail failed to give him-any relief. All h -net of his recovery had been given up wb is y.,*: called in and took charge of the ckv. dc ■ now on xlie road to complete * u v- y. : ii" Bricht’s disease was leaded *>■' • the oilier a*! merits overwhelmed. A ,’iy cartnot he found than that of ister Talbot, of firainerd,” :vi 1 snbscribcd to before me this 1 seventh day of September, A. I>. lfips at Ir.tvld City, Neb. E. S. ItCKYOK. '■ regnal! Notary Pullii. Dr. Williams' Pink Bids.for Dale People arc no:- given to th- public as au unfailing b- - ■ ' fiiiilder and nerve restorer, curing all forms of irer.kneso nrining from a watery condition of the blood or shattered nerves. The piil.i are sole! by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on rcivipt of price (SO cents a box, or six boxes for .-(f..jO--they are never sid in.bitlk or by t ti.- 100* by adiiressing l>r. Wtiliiuas’ Xled. Cos., Schenectady, ti.K gest Yet | Two propositions that startle and * please you. For a limited time only w will send the Manitor and Weekly Constitutieu for $1.25 per ysai*. Or the Manitor aud Weekly Jourual ni 41 per year, Now i your opportunity! T>?vt, b ti • DURANG'S [Rheumatic Remedy ► Hr.' mstln?J ito nsoatotloo forlSyccrs ► bels* tin aMandarJ remsdj for th* ► oaici tnl pt-irjkacm cuts of Rbeuir i u.:i Moo; Sciatica, etc .in ail it, ton ■ , It !., jr.torkol by tbciundi cf I'h-., ’ r ela.ii. I 'tJt'bsr* *b<l FaUeuts ft lc !■ -ac. .' ngvwble and beiMn'.p !rca the . ii n;n .-r fails to cum. t Fnn L oa fl.'Uar a bo.'-ia. or *ix h .nsiCct for St* fl o Varp Our tb-nas- easa i- phlti jr.t Fnja or M,:l /. vireus. [ 3u.ifig ! s Rintffiuft Bsnsdf Ga, ISIS L D. C s' sw*w k * *AhPMa. Ts*?jr v - sis ftu xi v *.■t.- * g t ‘ - I; tswjsj;. k -* 3*r,* > a-. ftf 9 S-Z7ZX7C’ V . b Tlie to f^eople Oglethorpe am> Madison comities; I have added to my stock of Furniture, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, coffins, etc, a full line of - " • mm* * DRY' GOODS. NOTIONS, ETC. Notions, Hats. Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, glasswear Crockery, etc- in fact everything kept in . a-fir st class store. All of which I Offer at bottom prices. - 1 ass also* h*rs to hslp make Coinsr a first-olais Cat— ton Msrkst, b* Bur# and jir rra a c*U. ■S * ■ $ . m Anyons desiring t* purchas _ ya first elau.clsan stock of good S. YOLRS, ETC. n# abort linss, aud rsntiogs stha larjsst iter* room iti’| fl IV f "ciu7* r | | jl kjljjUjl QO TO C D Cheatham and Cos COMER, CA. Wholessls and R etail ‘Dealers in Whiskies Wines and Beers, The Best the Market swords for ths laast Monay. All ordsrs promptly filled. Daneilsville Academy. Students carstu’.lyj prepared fe: any olais in CeFege or foj? tbe practical duties of life. Patronage respectfully solicited; Geo. B. Atkisson, Pria.