The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, December 20, 1895, Image 2

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(■L To look over our new stoc at the new store. We wtill notjw happy till we have sold every man and boy in L j Madison county a suit of clothes or an Overcoat, It oug/tn’t iCMe a very hard thing to do. It won’t be if you’ll only come here and lootc when you need such things, The newnsj the goods will captivate you. There are hundred |SJo High and Afaty Prices; We are standing strictly on the merit of our goods* We ask tor yotu* tradttKcanse we think we can always do better for you than anybody t WmM iw* m - We -a ant you try it j-ust once, if you never triedit W hexdrffcfrt after that once will depend on the quality of the goods 'wjfflMf T you We’re 'l.-tfl afraid' of that; If yon are oneo our customer, it certain y<m’ll remain cur customer Our CU thing has that ■ HP style ?o it ftiat so idetfses the buyer that w always aeo hie face again. \§ ; * ||||| Hundreds of ne\V faces at the now store cmry day. m 11, > CMS.. 'MORRIS MW |EiTK- * £ m ;.*!3n .■ ?*.' • Qonier Clayton Street.and Allege avenue, Athens, THE MONITOR, Pr HMfiiF.D 'Every Fkikay. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. RhURY T. MoBEI KY,EpmU4. Tho Atlanta Exposition has lmd amtber lire. Thi* lime tho Mex ican Vitiate was threatened. Congress adjourns to-night for the'fooii Ivys. In tho meantime can dritik their egg iwggs and think over tin Prosi* •ilenttt war message. Y W, -v, 'AAoI chnfctmas. Vaoed hy Pc present going baok to h\i> R J Sorrells . ./**©■ paiwPfl. ®aT tsoon as the acts arc published wo will give our rea der* the full text of the bill, so t Lev may know what it contains.' ’Squire Rrcckenvidgs moving to Elbcrton, leaves a vuc*no\ .in the democratic executive coimnittee from the Mill district. He made a good member, and was always ready to doanvihing in his p ur er for tha benefit of his party. * lion. Hoke Smith tliiiPs thj law imposing a tax of 10 pci cent on Slate banks is miuonsliUiUoiml. To bring tiic matter before the courts lie had a lull passed by the last leg islature, under which a Mate bank will be inaugurated and notes is sued . Cnpt. Harry Jackson, who was well known throughout the state, died at his home m Atlanta on last Friday morning of appendicitis. Soon after ho was taken his physi cians performed nil operation from which lie never rallied. His remains were brought to Athens, ami buried on Sunday Inst. Msiafeyv-: / Athens has a muddlu over thej city clerkship, which otHuo \V W j Turner formerly of thiseoanty holds.: It seems that a trade was made and j another j arty, who is not ia the ot fioe, draws a pavt of the salary, Mr j Turner is living up his part of the , agreement and this seems to Iron- J file some of them. It is oxja’ctA'd that everybody i will turn over n new leaf <m the j first day of the in coining wai. This is the d*y for new leaf turn- j ing, and we hope that those timtj do mak> bettor resolves will slick j to them, and not turn t tick aiul gel j into the same old ruts. If you make , u gHxl resolution, stick to it and all j will be well. Mack Black who was indicted along with John Saxon for the murder of J Matt Thurmond, io Athens about two years ugo, has . h*en actuated earned to Athens an i placed in jail. He was found near Carlton in this county. Sax on was caught, had 1 is trial and came clear Black escaped, mid will now have to undergo a triies His attorneys nro trying to sc um's him bail. The cotton market is disturbed by the rumors of war in tho for eign countries. England has two or throe little rows on her ha b> one of them being with tho United States. These disturbances both ers the market and k ;eps tho sta ple down, as the powers that ho cannot give any information as to the result of these rumors. If | matters were to again get straight and there was nulling to hamper t the imrkot, in o thomar —~,r| o nn ..yrni.r" up,ffi^w*r would bo gettingjfec for onv CTitton. The unswor of Lord gaulshury. Knghmds prime minister, has hewn received by Mr. .Cleveland on the Venezuela matte", and Ire p isilivo ly refuses to bravo tho disputed ter ritory to an arbitration. In ans weixto till* Mr. Cli veland has sent a message to Congress in which ho states that tho Monroe doctrine must ho uphold, and if noeeessary force shot.ld be used to n ole t tho 1 Yei e/.ueln 1' r !er Ho ‘declares that li > cours i to ba pursued hy this tt'rtvtniment is plain and does not admit of seri ms doubts*. He hits straight from the shoulder, and if degress will stand by him m tins matter, England will cither have | to hack down or light. Tho lues sags sounds American and was applauded by all parties in ,ilie Xa- \ ticnul house when it was read. ! j The mcs.Migc is not accepted with; good si icc in Kuglan ‘.and is harsh j . jlv dononncod by the English pa ! pevs. There may he a little tilt over this question between the two great count ties, and wo anxiously await tho notion of engross on tho A f*w mor ■ new sans fibers th is j week. Our list continues to grow. 1 Our Hiihscription book ia like tho Oosp-d Ship, There is always ream far an* more. G D N#!m has asaooiated his brother-ta-law with him, and tho firm next ya r will bo Neluis it Johnson. NOT CE. G >i git—Madison county. Whereat* the commissioners ap pointed to set apirt twelve moot ha -nopor’ for ih' minor children of Ileirr 13obey, oat. <i the aULe of I raid Henry Briley deceased, have ; tiled th>,r Yepiri: * A ! l p v s>n are j hereby notified o be at iny office on the first Mo idav m Jmu ary IStUi, to show way sud report shfu'd a ,t lie made no judgement <f the court < f Ordin try of slid * o iuty, Deo •2nd 1891.‘ GOD a el, O.a. FIVE FORKS. Trade the past week lias ben | gi>ed with our merchants, Piitard Hi os closing out their stuck of J goods at cost. Now is the time) to buy. That beautiful and lovely Miss Mani c Christian will return to hot) ’ home i ear VViulerville this ev©n-{ ing. .w-- . 1 Miss May Johnson of Hull, mid | Miss Dora Campbell oflhi,two vory j pretty young ladies, wore in town j last Thursday evening. Mr. iind Mrs. 11l H Pitman went to Athene last Thursday. Hitchcock and 13 or roughs luwl to gin three days this week. a&dJlHfflP s,,i,f^Usq*r < rtlaityawai^ l a WXIS, , gin days. j Mr. W D Eberhart is laying | the lumber down and will ssooti commence to build his new vhsi. dunce—two on number, ! Dr. J W Menders made a busi ness trip to Athens Saturday ©veil ing. Waller Hitchcock’s goods brought very fine prices yesterday. Pittavd Bros, did a big business yesterday. Pope Hitchcock and .T T Williams assisted them. Sheriff Brooks was shaking bands wit!) liis host of. in town yestorday. Editors McGowan and I,oohr were in town yesterday, Uncle li II Bullock was,in town yesterday. ME CUT II WEE(! Tha Atlanta Weekly Journal's | Great Offer-Clubbed With This Paper for a Nom inal StfiTh 0m rau stford ho pop #n oaota § oaoett. 4* mm Mt a W*k ft* io mm art 0* worUf You su jf*t tv* Atlanta Wooklj Joaroal for low tfa* a that. It iatbo dMp. ** P>r la tbo oouih. The Woakly Journal kaa baag tsiUy i. VrOTfcl at lat . and user *ooa out to Its rt ' nt ‘* r * * Ut, liJoan, oosivlttr, up to dit* f*fi*Uy MWspa'ror, oqual to the bfc* In tin Daitod Stake. It eoaialai t*a pag.-M and U brim fe*il ol bright reeding all the way tfc:ou*K. TB* Dally Journal'* r.awa cartie* <*tot* the fotU and tit praam of it ail comes la Ik* Wfcakij Wltk Sam Jonon’ MU Afe'* humiw.atoriM (ran Ik* Wat wrftaxs feitta enotty, Mnli for lbo f*r*i, bright, iwtruettao gmtip for tha wotam, Tba Juvenile Journal, aa a part of It, for tba children and attractive mlaoallooy lot tb* arfiro houtoboM—-it comas to you at only W cent# a jvar r<tu cun aond til* to Tba Weakly Jour nal, Atlanta, In stomp*, or w poo j>'ra*n omp)o aoploi tall) he aoiit you fra* The ;owing poor U going to tee altra with intamrtlng hnpi*ntag# To Loop *p wttb Ibau) you need the Atlanta Waakjy Jowmal. o And by a apooinl * olafc. blti# mrnneement, we are now ahla ,* ** T ANARUS mu *lt* month'a ante to both that paper and Tht* Mvuitor fv #l, in advance. SIBOO.OO ImBN AWAY TO INVENTORS, mrnry HMI (ivia my In y 08, > .*.O ap ■Rot llrdi|)i u* for dM amt juaiosow p.tOTt duriaj| It, mootX ij. Wo iwmroil,,kc.tpblwc*; Ibroordlmto. Md th* object of thii offer to weovr g i<* kteo tnck a( Cioit bri-fet idM Ac rke oat&o urn we vita to upon the pablic Ac fisc tkut '8 TKE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS TltjiT YIELD FORTUNES, funk ai tho * 4 •-•T.wioJbw " which ctn'bo Mkrfy up yitd wtHioui kreokiaf th bach, “tioao-uco," * , i > oUar-biGn,‘* "bottle. nd a other Ks .bs?K 1 toy eee tea And a -.ray of improving; acotfcofr? aapTe iilvoAUona ara the on*: that bring largoat mrarna w the I Minor. Try to think of aooaoihmg to Lavant. I ‘ IT IS NGT 50 HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patent* taken out through us mcoirc special n©tic in • ’4m'* NaticM) Rsaordcr/* publishod at Waohington, I D. C., which is the ost ns vapapoi puittfehad ia Amnnc* I to the inter Vila of mraatois. We furnish a yefu’s sub tcrrpCioa to this journal, free of cost, lo all r>ur cHectt. Wa alto dvensM,fcee of cost, the invention each month •kith wins omt f (jo prise, and hundred* of tkousancto ef coptec of the “National Recorder, * coataining a tketch of the winner, and a deacriptioo of hto i oven non, •41 be asataci-i throughout the Uaitait SfaMts aoooag MpilaiidM ar.d auwufecttU’t* t, thus bringing to ihe* |lte** tic-* ihe rucriis of the iavaat^w. YAH commisisicadoas regasikd strictly coahdesttiab tWauPCKBPert-A ©ON. : t' , AoMrlcaa m*4 PxtJL*. r - 6ißPStre^ ( N. W., Sox 33b . D. C. W X| Afxntt—tSur if !Ul faitr. W*-+*tft>r 4# f-tatr fim'rrfikUt. rRE K : THE SIJiMPAKD,^ : I^URANG'S' Rheumatic Remedy s jStinet ia r*puMUon lor IS r*r a* liiitas rcm<l y for Un> oMicx. *n t pirmaneut cur. of Rhcutr w l tUia, Uoul.Slao*, etc., in all ia> iorn.S 1 U I* suCorwi by thoiMsiuls of l'brX clarr. PaWlsheri and I'atiev.l* it U Tejuabl. a*i up from the first rf,me. It n.ver fall, to cars. I’fie* i o.d dollar a boiile. ot six bo.Uo. /or !)y. ilollan. Our 40 paar Para pblrt aoc.t Tre.j by Mail. Addrws, taftg’s RhoumaNe Rgsedy Ca. 1316 L Street,Washlagton, D. C. ivt„p' Ziror Pills are tb. beat on carlo. They art with an cue tha< makes I hem it household blesrlox. JS 9TB. TKR SOT. s bo~ss ros Oi. . rR fan by'savsoisii. WE TELL YOU tniiag oow win w* Mat* that tt pay* to aoaufp ** p*rw*4UMCt, e*M htalthj nod pi*****' tm •a*. .til raiami a proit far enr r dart* mil J> i* ttw baalae** *c tip th warning *Wm TANARUS Moeli tbau hew to ntk* w*7 raptoiy, w iuriu ar trj on* wfca Mlawt <ri tnnr**ala*. VtSfnily tn* Making e< teiiea.oe a *****•- t>., 'a# a* ***** bald ®w MiftTb oV •*[ ns* Iwmi oiair MriH(i, *b*n tel a* so **s<Uoa >oi it. one a*w at watt V-4 AcAo g it. mad yo*. raaiar, *** ate 0 >mk r<te i tba **at paaytac W-i**** taw , *-. i-m td to* dan** la Hint. ***# ■ueu* > {. ■ *UM t yaa toll to fi U n trial a* *n* Vim grtup *• druodaa. ana yri a**ak*y. m nWAlraaalT tad fwndl to a Beat preooarm: mlmo, n* riM yo* a*a aarety i**h* mi nan • -nun ef la itaarr. Ttw awaM of only fa* vofro' work wt ariao aqaal * waad'a vngaa. ,y tstOor mb *r4ba or vaaaag. aw ar w*o**,b lunbaa no iOii man.— o* e w tail Kt, wt ua laa* wtM watt aa at Min TT_en. 3a4MiW Mparlaooa *r aapHnl aaaaaaary. Ttio** wa* w-* dr a* *a* aaaaidad. tV **4 wa e**f to- SpwdTdw taat O. lIMI A*C , (*.< at* A."a* ifcyuei*. tr Adb-AffxK! t* jia?a 'GPsro - ■t 1 Refit ynvaaacatfa*.* I aanuK r --i •? *.-*•* jt, 111. ,'>v\ • war ••• ®(M \ / sll >;;y: SKI tiffiy ill x#Sr I •* r-w-y --5 JWiw*'- • £■') *"•>■> ,n*J* < r-'' Kj'\ T•' t l\ v a-, ft Va C'idY > ".a i' ‘>rr, p r :t£ J .wJvi.e. Ve.o -"i- • ftp* *••.* ; ‘.f n -jf * ' : *' ; V I I * *>• v. m>t*\c i \ JTr.i-A ‘ A . **r*?i. vw ■>:-**■■■..£■ K-ct .V* -V . . .*< ad't. >. K .'DkCtCtCH >' • ’ 4^ i'-** V\ '-*> >”* C*s<i f' *>)** a-j ,i." .i'-: ' - Sdneo *it>.!*T CArtellj *..< tIWO - JMI ' l , ta- ... - . .'.if—--: * r>--rip'~~ c . J 0 .-I* w ' . v -...y *.- ••* ryi. t- e* ' p*VM Atff'HOlVaMPl 9 -A* t" Vl-’5 I '':"'- Mi t- '• - '!■'> 'y*. . lIJ tt,ri ■ :. ; T' .. , t .1. ; -1 *c - '-It. ri ■ ' >*A I p.ol; rli. t. ■ 1 -So - nd *- I••■ - vi>arrir>pa ’■■> ? S tey ■' - V"; fc. t. I*.’ ik.Ty iv- .A 4 met t- T ‘- ?h*t aerjat—nor ieS*A ’* M> **4l hOUi.'EHOs i- *-* Aw*la**,®lv T© the l^eople —— F Oglethorpe AND M adison counties; I have added to my stoek of %/ Furniture, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Saddles, coffins, etc, a full line of — I C ~_ JIBX aPODsfr'xqTTONS, ETC. Notions, Hats, Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, glassware Crockery, etc- in fact everything kept in a first class store. All of which 1 Offer at .bottom prices. 1 am also hare to help mak* Comars (•u market, b sure and giva rr*T a call. 5 Any on# desiring t© purchas i first ©lass.clean stock of good )of ilie abuv© lines, and 'the largest stare room ini -he tto'ving town of Comer.i ! ‘CALL” The world‘s best cook stove IS HI FAMOUS IRON KING O £LIL It lias been sold hare for Tnir,? •> tars ’YJjgg lias always given perfect e.ati*fac lilin - ka* the lest f*tove on the market Thirty years ng®, it has kept abr#nit of th* tunes and in th© t>eat ! ' d - v ' ft co,,ks (Jilirker. U,t longei and E nrns tess wood tl.nn any other C ■ l* vrill ooon save its cost in w< od end “Rd yen will never lienr a complaint ut bad wood, the stove won’t hale & and a las breakfast on account of it Ask your neightot about it and in. spect it ureelf before you buy a stev e You try one and fail (o find it wht we claim for it, we will rofuni your mousy. LARGEST STOVE HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY. . T S JlEethfin. The One Crop System of faitnir.g gradnaltv exhaiists the land, unless a FertiHrer containing a high pcrceriteje of Potash it used. Better crops, a better soil, and a l*. :;er br.r. it account can only then be expected. Write for our •• Farmers' Guide,” *. 142-page illustrated book. It is 1.-ri:n foil of useful information for farmers. It will be sont free, and will make and save you money. Address, CI.P.MAN‘ KALI WORKS, 93 Kanu Stnet, New York. TOURS, ETC. f | |j||ll |