The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 03, 1896, Image 2

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THE MONITOR. Pubusksd Evirt Feidat. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. ftaaar T., Editor. With the New Year re member that we are still sending the Monitor and Constitution at 1.2) per year, cash in advance, or the Monitor and Journal for 1.00. This is a campaign year, and you will need these papers. Rush your orders in. HaII county had an election on the liquor question, which re sulted in favor of prohibition hy a large majority. Congreaa did not adjourn for t v e holidays. This is the first time it has been in session through Christmas since 1*73. Mrs. W H Felton will go to Washington and assist in the man agement of her husbands c eitost fnr Jndge Mattox sent in Congress. She will hlho make u speech in his beha'f before the elections committee. Another large delegation of em igrants are coming to Georgia from Ohio. There are ton thous and ia this squad,. consisting of faamers and fruit growers, and they Tirill settle in Ware county. At this rate our waste land will soon .bo oooupied. Th* Cuban* Are alill fighting for liberty) and still our government, da spite of the great synapathy o! tbVAtnerr’fctf people for the gliog patriots, refuses to recognize as 4 belligerents. They are no* fin night which is the aapitel of the little Island and headquarters of the Spanish army. If the Insurgents oipturo Havana Cuba will virtually be fr>e. It i expected that in a day or two, Mr.; Cleveland will sell an other $100,000,000 of bonds to the bond syndicate. Mr. Cleveland in his bond issues, turns a deaf oar to the debt ridden people, mid listens to the Wall street gold bugs. We bolieve in parly loyal ty, but when a man is elected by a party on n platform Hint'speaks as plainly as lust democratic plat form did,and thou disregards the whole business, we will, stick to our originality, aud refuse to be lead blindly into the republican camps. While Mr. Cleveland has his views, we also have ours, and hnuest>y believe that lie ie wrong in his' bond deals. HAPPY NEW YEAR 11 The old year , hae |uwd away and ho now year has bean usher ed in. We eheuld now lay aside all eur prejndices and little petty differences, and start the new year on a higher plain. All of onr new resolutions should be carried out faithfully, and we ehould try to ake this'the moat prosperous year of our lives. We are all one people and all ef our common in terests are the ssm.>, therefore we ehould all strive te that end, that all may be beucfitied, So here is eur happiest greetings te yon for the New Year, aud we hope that when the end of this new year shall com? that you all will be dur friends •till, and that we wtll many new ones added to our list, and we ho} • that uot an enemy will have haan made, , 1 hi Year Brings Politics and Candi dates by the Dozen, With the beginning of the New Year, the candidates for county officers are being spoken of, and those who have an idea of standing for election, are begin ing to feel of the public pulse. All the present officers will stand for re election, and seems to be the general idea that cash will have opposition. We have not learned who will oppose Dr. Q C Daniel, the present incumbent in the Ordinary’s office. Me has made the county a good of cer, but it seems to boa question between the ins and the out*, and lie will have opposition. S C O’Kelly who has been Clerk for some tone, and who has made one of the best officers in the State, will we understand, be op posed hy J Q Allen again. Me is one of Foentaligo’s most respected and influential citizens. This race will ho holly contested and with either gentleman in the office, Madison will h.i\ e a good officer. The Sheriffs race will be between 1, E Brooks, the present incum bent, and G M Carithere. Even body in the county knows Lloyd and his friends are legion, while Mi . Carithers is pretty well known and has many friends also. This race will be one of the hortesi, as both parties have strong, infiuen tial friends, who will work lor lha success of their candidate, Tlje Tax Receivers raca wo un derstnnd will be fought over be tween the same parties, J F Brown an ‘ W II Smith. Both men have •served the county, and both have many friends’. who would be glad to res them both elected, and on this account this race wdl also be warm. ! The Tax Colleotors of dee will be contested for, we rtnderstand, by several persons: 1? F*Martin will stand for re-election and will be opposed, if reporte are true, by J J iiix, II F McLeroy, I M Mobley, G II O’Kolley and probably others. With all there entries, the matter will be interesting and the people will have pi ntv of candidates to ee'ect from. The Treasurer'* race will have n good many entries also. T W Long will stand for re-electi n, and the other entries will be, if ru mors are correct, J T Baker, U G Williams, I) B Thompson and J F Moon. Rome of those toon have served the county before, and all of them are well known and would acceptably till the position if elected. We have not heard of any oppo sition to the presont Coronor and Survyor, but they will probably be opposed. For It'presentative aro also a number of did a tea, Hen. David W Meadow, will not be a candidate, ns ho fx- IKH’tn lo I>© in tlio rnoe for Solicitor of the Northern Judicial ciicoit for ihe next term. Wo understand that Mon J N li Thompson wll again l>q a Clmdidato, and that W W Gholston, I F W hite. Neal Char.fikT. J N Boggs, Julius A Greene. J D Wynn,* T G Hitch cock, H A McKwen, Lloyd Smith R J Sorrells and J C Scott, spoken of as probable candidates. IV # do not kaow that any of these gen tlemen will bo candidates, an wo have not Heard it direct from any * f thorn, but if they all are. politics will be lively, as all of them aro men of prominence and each will have a strong following. Tim Monitor as a journal, will ha ids oIT during the campaign un til the nominations are made, and then we will champion the eauee of the nominees. Those men ars our friend a, and if they enter the race we can only nope that the boat men wi’l win. George Vanderbilts palace at Ashevillo,N. C.. kuown ae the “Biltraoro” is oornpleto at a cost •f Mi. 000 000. 0 Spow is a foot deep in tie west. Gov. Morton of N*w YorkHias announced his candidacy ' fot the Presidency of the U. S. on the' re publican lirket. Lewie Red win e, who wreaked the Atlanta National .bank, is seeking a pardon on ncoount of bis facing health. It is tnorght that it trill he granted hits. Governor Atkinson has offered a reward ol #l5O tach for the ar rest of Rowe and Meroior, the at tornevs of Atlanta, who are \v4ut ed for perjury. A Mrs. West, in Marion curly,- Ky., was cremated this week, apd her psrsmoor, Wm. Pever, was shot to death. Devir killed Mrs. Wests’ husband a fow weeks ago, and then look up his at ode with the guy widow. The people were outraged at their conduct. Mr. Cleveland has named the Venezuelan Committee authorized hy Congress, and they are, David J Hrewer.'-of Kansas, associate justice of the supreme court of the United Slates; David C Gilham of Maryland, president of Johu Hopkins Univer sity; Andrew D White, of New York; Frederick Condart, a promi nent lawyer of New \ork, and Richard M Alvey of chief j istice of the court of appeals for the District of Columbia. Th - first three are republicans and the oilier two democrats. The commit tee will themselves elect th. chair man, aiid it is mors than apt to be Chairman Brewer. This committee will haudle the Venezuelan, mat torand when they report, if it as not actepted by Engiaud, then ybu can take down your old gun. The American Cotton Picker Cos. of Pittsburg, is cousidering the advisbility of establishing a cotton pic-er factory in Atlanta. The picking mach'ne wasoaexhibition at Ihe exposition and was on trial in a cotton fiold. It gave such sat isfaction that over a Ihousaid ord ers were given for machines which the ompany was unable to fill!. If the plant is erectetd it will cost from <>26o 000 to *SOO OOf)- Th£ company is stocked at und is amply able to m’dnlaia or* of the largsst manufactories i Georgia, The Auxnsta Chronicle finds this" 1 • ■ } in the columns of one of its western, excha ges: j Ten cents per lino will be chnrgid in The News for obituary notices, rim of paper,to al* businessjreonwho do not advertise while living. I’d iiiquent suberibers will bo charged 3 cents a lino for obituary notice. Ad vertising and cash subscribers will, •eooive ae good a send off as we are capable of writing, ‘top of column and next to reading, 4 without any barges whatever. Send in your h ibseriptious as bad colds are abroad in the land. FT. LAMAR. Leo LeGrand of Cromers has gone to southern Texas for his health. Miss Jettie Brown of Amanda— vitlt', ripent the holidays with rela tives in Ft. Lamar. Mr, Thomas Pari* visited his_ brother, Prof. A B Parks this week, The young people of the commu nity have had * great deal of fun, aud the violin has had no lest. Mr. J H McWhorter of New berry, S. C,, spent the holidays with relatives here. Howard is an old (fiend of nil the boys, and they wish him suecess in South Carolina. If you wish oil by the gallon or the (fill. Call on that “Lark” atLarkinviiloE That Larkin correspondent thinks Ve are a populist. We do not thick that of him, but we think, as everyone else thinks, that ho is neither a populist ora dem ocrat, but an old 4 ’know-nothing” And why did the poor fellow shed so much ealtv water? Was it be cause he was trying to be presi dent of II 8 on the democratic, ticket, and saw in our items that the party was dead? If that be true, and we believe it is the poor fellow ieto Ire pitied, His is a sor rowful life, almost any day one can nee bim out oehind the garden cracking waluute ard sheddief lean as large as the said walnuts. yVe are sorry, for the people of our community wanted tc get him tojj chew paper for our pop £uns lin the war between America and England, hut alas, if he is that sentimental and scarry k would never do to carry him to war. We accept your vie, and send down your rye, ■ Now go to tie chimney corner, and take another cry. Professional. DAVID W MEADOW. Attorney at Law. Da.xiei.svii.le, Ga 1 O ffice on corner, west of Coin- House, opposite Masonic Corner Will practice in all the courts. All businss promptly executed. Jno. J. Strickland. Attorney. Athens - - >Ga. Geo, C Thomas, Attorney, Athens, Ga JOHN E. GORDON, Attorney at Law. Daniklsvillk, Ga Will practice wherever desied. prompt attention given to *ll bus iness entrusted to his care- Office North of courthouse. BERRY T. MOSELEY, . Attoruey-at-Law, Daniklsvillk, G.a Office on cerner, west of Court House, opposite Masonic corner. Will practice in all the o uits, J. I. GRIFFITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Daxirlsvillk. Ga. Office south) of Court house, Calls answered and prescriptions tilled promptly. R. P. Sorrels PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON D lielsville, Ga. Calls am vered and prescriptions filled atal hours. Diseaser ft women aud children A-speciall.,, NOTICK. Geo rgia— Madison eeun ty: Whe eas George. M C irithSrg ad W It Dlntel, atministra’oM of Rnisetl J 0 rrith**j>, d* c’d, lure ap plied to me for letters of dismission from said administration. T iis is therefore to cie all nersons inter ested tj be at ray tikis on thu lxt M mday in M irnh to show wi'y said letter* shout i not begrint ed as prayed for. Tdr Dc. 2nd 1895. G C Dariel, Ordy. i . Represents the net shrinkage in .property value in the South and according to the lax returns officially recorded, for 1094,as com pared with 1893. A <le-;ire CotU*it!* 'o W fori ,U' isnnvp.wi new an I tln tv--' prioMcntlat election for COINAGE THE PEOPLE'S MONEY —t'lC coinagopf b"i*b w >!d and stiver, wilfnm di-eimini ion, which m'-vi-. th- trre cotmiee [ bmh a- op■,<(.. **t! i:to ;> tie, of <’■ n r.c i <n, -vhi hhv Lpi**; .liriv'.-.J 1,. K , I ant! in W, .liiti-to:,. aiul whiitfe lovier liiliiil'' Mi rvrry t.rxJiur of to* f .rm, on r ilii.ii i.m; of ill k n !. an l on ill r.onpen' .in for labor. THE GREAT ISSUE HO’.’V i* tljr JintMe .H,h UiJ I ni:i.t l!i" :n:!.■ '.i i Ur.:—lid uic uf tnoiiey lueiiHs g...nsi the ,'irrrwntv if Is • comilrv •>„ t-,p soi l b.iala. The ATLANTA WEEKLY CONSTITUTE" ntiV.Uliwl h ATLANTA, GA., sud li-rn A CIRCULATION OF MO P TM A f i rVi,oo*\ ‘**i tii< iannun of the c<*:vi f rr, ursil polity to Tr.o*^k-- „ any weekly pu'dui.rd oi Of f<* .■** >f i*' i The Loading Charrmicn of t'ie Pe->olr *ti’>• <?•.: :•••• M-h !*v i wi?.i*4 w, iu*tui*vu* o .-ofm.- THE CONSTITUTION IS THE EMCGriST AND Bn ST ;V£cvlY NIY/3PAPER i io • CoviTittg. iln* ot In* wtiflJ, o f*> In full •ht* tirluHl of in .r*. •nil qn*** io: ** up* ;■ mt*r r . i- THE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, *•• ••* ''• x.n .av •... - ;ui .. - *..i i..- y■. • SolKl.eru new, it lias I.* equal on he roulim n . An enlargement of 12 columns. To meat the demands i* xm its space ire.-, Ti.c urs. ’. Will increase its size during the summer to 13 pag's, 7 coin .mi, making E 4 c ..n .. .. .it. tHE CONSTITUTION*S SPECIAL FSAfiItSS -AE” Z ~ The Farm and Farmers’ Department, The Won : i’s Di > i.-trnent, T ie Oui.Jrea’s D.*; •mall nnkw able d'recli-iu an*l are *■••..v* • iM-t Ti*ttn U4er iHc aagrmet uf tI. k 1 K i'Ott k * *. .*>l I r * ;r* .i’r* l 9 ;*ir s rl-r Ji r ■ft Uarta, Fruok H. 'tKkiau, .l.wl II 'Bt U■. <• . •**•** *.■•••••, a•i f :*i r •> • •*€ -urw. w 1 it ->l •*** *■ ► ' . . writ*r M Bin i%r. PlWHfcurt, Kl >IU. •• ••■ *- , . • •i. in *inNf‘v* ibitur.f) 4•*.- U* • •. . !j,g| tt>uuiifnd.t Ht ftrr< flMitlc fn*m Vlr. I* ii ••T* ir , > nI *• f *• nt .. purine '.he wbo'.c tlvliv kbu Uiktft' lo Wiivg ; toi* i *Vir.: *• ;!-** r < >•**nutl<> < u** ‘ur- Tt-.i in *.•.■<♦. * .. t fnJI It ba* !:♦ plctta r<nturia! njwn. r’.s ellcc • ti iritmii nr*mt tliowu tu U> ptopiu bo in tlu-ir unerring ti raucv STRAIGHT, C’.EAN WNTRAMiVTCLLED, -'■ > ' s3 ' r *** *^ •srass.'wa. —— -- Danielsville - Academy, SPRING SESSION 1596: 1 Thorough instruction-is offered in till studies pertaining to a Common School or Hioh School Cot:use . INSTRUCTORS: Geo. B. Atkisson, Principal. Mwe Eva Atkisson, ) - A , B ; 9tantß . Mbs. J. W. Hansvobd, \ - Mns Eva Atkisson , . .Music. Spring Session will begin Monday, January Oth. aud clore June sth. TER M S: Tuition, per month *1.60 Music “ “ 2.60 Board “ “ 5.00 Tuition is strictly by the month, unless for providential causese Usual allowance from public school fund to those entitled to it . Patronage respectfully solicited. Geo. B. Atkisson, Principal. The world’s best cook stove IS HE FAMOUS 11 Ck KING Q It has been sold here lor Thinly .-stars \jSSjk and has always given perfect satisfnc tion. It was the best Stove on the market Thirty years ago, it has kept abreast of the turns and is the lest ti.-dy. It cooks quicker, last lougei and 1 urns less wood than any other It will soon save its cost in wc od and and you will never hear a complaint about bad wood, the stove won’t bake - j and a lae hr- akfast on account of it. A;k your neigu 1m about it and in sped* it ureelf before you buy a stove You try one and fail to find it what we claim for it, we will refund your mono). LARGEST STOVE HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY. v rs Metlnli). DR. HATHAWAY & CO. Al* RBtIADT.E SPECIALfSTS Regular Gradr.ctn f Nnlicir.t, iy He State. !V*Uonnl Ua.iks tor Fluanclsl Rxfcronce, tboAind, of Corea’ Pa:kn:ls all over the United Strtco es ia t::r j rolesslor,l*h<blHty. All biisineM Coadutlrilo a strictly porfesjlonal basis rad strictly ort.’denuConsultation Free at ofllce or lv ,-nail. Treatment sent everywb£re free Uow ebservutioa. No ;,nrfcrcr.ea with basicsss i.fiiie using icedlci.ioj. Setnina! Weakness and Sexual Debility (Spermatorrhaa and ImpcttHcy) ctust J bvyouihful foHte* #nd txecu-x. produclnx nwvquiniers. losces, pimples and blotches on the face, ruskei \ of blood co tr>o head, pain* in the baci;, confused ideas and forjvttul* j ncsß. basLf ulpeas. aversion to society, lost of *extini power, loa of nua hooo, etc.* cured for life. We etui stop night losgc. restore lost sexual power, restoro nenre and brain power, enlarge and strengthen waak parta and m&k3 you fit for marriago. fsvnhil 5 C terrible disease, In all its forms and staco* cured for life. Blood Poisoning, Skin Diseases. Diccw.Sw, i ' ll ngs. Sores, Gonorrhoea St Gleet, and al l forms of Private Diaenses cured. Stricture cured without caiutie or cutting. Ifo pain, lUW lvtul no exposure. Patient can use the treatment at home. SJ I CKre those delicate disease:; peculiar to your sex, at ~r *■• 4 your own homo without Instruments. Many cured alkcr other due tors ha-nj failed. On g!ve you proofs. ct y { n annals of medicine. One dose gives relief; a feirtJoses rtmova vor and paiu In joints—a cure Is bound to take place. Send staiemtint of case. koth aoses, 64 pages, with full drwcriptlon of above disease*, the effects and cure v '>•*■• sailed In plain wrapper free. Read this little book and send for Symptom Blank. Mo 1 Men ; 2 ;> 2 for Woman: Mo. 3 for Skin Diseases: No. 4 for Catarrh. : 7k’j rT) *r • snd oa.*n ths boil by oonsutting tha Lcaiing SpocialUts to the Stoles. 'i 1 ,v/ ;w- .viuWßi-.rj * ** * [ fiONESTV-l HATsIAWAY & GO. * skill ’ 1 L-1... 11. if sen South Broad Qtacet, ATLANTA, CA. -i