The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 24, 1896, Image 2

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CLOTHING j I * l l * -4 ! fcfe ’] Our Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing and Furnishing Goods i- now'ecn ] Mi*. The Infest Nov eltios firm the most Fashionable Tailors in tlie world W e will ipil yn n good - ;V ’ ; Woolen Suit r j T Af what you have hern paying fora aheap cotton suit. Give rs a look lx fore vo'i buy] / j E II and W W -®OltS®¥. 115 iai ™ j THE MONITOR, PtBUSUBD EVEUY FIUDAY. ✓ ONR DOLLAR A YEAR. P> bhy T. Mosklkt,Editor. With the ew Year re member that we are stillj sending the Monitor and Constitution at 1.2? per year, cash in advance, or ' the Monitor and Journal 1 no tw>c ;. s ajoapom' year, and you will rfeed these papers. Rush your orders in. The oil fever around Chntta noogfi in getting to ho exciting. A now wei.l hm boon found near Glenmnrys, that yields 800 gal lons per pny. ■ -- — Gan Campos has been re’ievod fiom the command of the Spanish I force* in Cuba, and Gen. Weyler has succeeded him. It is thought j Hint Gen. Wevlet 's course will be more rigid than that, of Campos. | J It Williams, nseistunt door keeper of the present Senate, was jn town yesterday. The friend* of Mr. Williams want him to fctand forth© legislature* but lie is already a candidate tor door keeper of the Senate, and requests n to announce that, ho will not be a can idate for representative but will app’eciate tlie support >t hie feiands in his race for il 'or keeper of the Senate. The l'mkiah Minister hero says Mias t'siton of the Hod Cross tooiely who was about to cinbatk with $•>(). 000 of the '> mania as in that Country caun it go. It at liis Country will not tolerate help from the out aide to yuihjeeis io Tur key ’1 'eriitor, who are h stile to ihj Turkish government, the powers, should rise tip, distnember ■ the Turkish empire and wipe it from the face of the Earth! They a: e bratish, and are murdering Christian, peo ple without cause, by the tbotu ands. bishop A Q Hay good of Oxford, died on last Sunday morning. Ho wf a a prominent methodist, and a noted writer. ‘d)ur brother in black’* made hint a national reptt tntio .* The Monitor, the only author* iiied official organ of Madison county, and the Atlanta Weekly Constitution for $1 .!!&, or the Mon itor muj Weekly Journal for $1,0(). Ihe Monitor will give you all the local and general news, while thg Journal and Constitution will give i*• - ‘ht t.e. o? the world, .sow is y uropiH rt unity. Embrace it! ' SAD DEATH. Just ns wo go to press, we’earn that Mrs. Robert Curithers died to-night. She wns a good mother and u good neighbor, and had a large circle of friends. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved ones. 1 Mrs J. M. Pittman, mother of U. 11. 0 Kelly died last week. She Vas a good mother and had a host of Mends, Our sympathy goes out to bereaved ones, Oh.’ yes there is a marked dihfe'entfa. cousi.iemf and thu Tittle roSWI Wliep tho big mail gets an idea he lays it away in his warn box fur use | when an emergency arises for it, but inject an idea in the little man's j noddle, nud ii will leap out of hi* mouth the ver, lirst time he opens that organ. BostonTraneoript. We are requested to annou nco that the Ist quarterly mooting for i tho Lanielsville circuit, will bo held on the Ist and 2nd days [Sat- j urday and Sunday) of F‘>. at Jones Chape). The Presiding Elder will preach en the Ist Sunday night at Danielaviile. W A Jester will receive next week ear loads of mules and 1 ear load of horses, They will lie sold cheap, at my statics on Clayton street. Call and roe them. W A JfcSTEll, Athens, Ca. VV a-mUtl. at the parsonage, a load of com, F, R ifiuith, Wonderful Crater Lake. After emerging frum the forest we found ourselves suddenly on the margin of the lake, and of this all description must fail utterly. The object itself roust bo Been to bo en joyed. Words cannot convoy the wonderful and sublime scenery of the place and its surroundings. The altitude of the lake above the level of the sea is 8,')00 foot. Xho crater is about sovon miles long by five wide. The waters of tho lake at e below the rim 2,000 foot, with oslnxr pitch of the banks dowa to i;, in;:king the water of tho lake out (i;000 feet abpVo son level. A ht;l> to tho loft and rising to.-a k'-teht of 1.000 foot is an island cov en and with timber. It is supposed to by tho com' of the era ter. The island ij übcut throe fnilts from the near shore. Thcro nro some rocks jutting out. from the rim, which form a ledge or shelf for a short distance, which makes n very good point of observation. There is a solitary trail fciganggirif. down the side of tho cra ter; but, although two of cur party undertook the descents it is a very dangeroiu trip from tho risk of the numerous bowlders, being loosened from time to tune and weighing tons, falling upon tho poison of till explorer and which would crush him into t shapeless mass. Those who were foolhardy enough to'make the descent on returning said they would hardly attempt it a second time. Tin water of tho lake is the bluest of blae, but without a living thing In it As far as we could learn, it has no outlet or iulot, and the rise and fall of tho water frem tho melt ing of tho snow and evaporation is about five or six inches.—Portland Oregonian. 1 Poisons engendered byTood farm entiog iu a dyspeptic sUniJch are tM diivtt cause of rheuine|*m. gout’ bronchi ti% liver and kidJly com* plain s, asthma, piummfda and many nervous ailments. [ These remits are provoked by the j use of the Shaker Digeslfe. Cordial a remedy discovered and prepared by the Shakers *f Mo up , Lebanon. 8 ‘*Y. It is in itse'f a fool and has power to digest oilier fool taken wish it. Thus it ft’ rests the djpaned stom ach and fully maftorejßfe worst casts of dyspepsia. It acts'prompUy and fre*h strength and increase f ■ weight sooq toljows, Th/lirst do-ie 1 , , . , V ' ■'deft by and v*pepttc^fS^tedb^J^l l -*--*' enough to prove its wlLlf—io'oents W. ‘ ! LAXOL is the medicine for chil dren. Doct ois reconienit it in placa Castor Ail. Tho Cock of the Walk. Ho has all the faults and few of the virtues of a jealous husband, and if bo objects forcibly to see any ono dangling about bis own wives bo is absolutely unscrupulous in the mat ter of poaching on other people’s pre serves. In sbprt, iu bis matrimoni al relations his motto may be said to be, “V> bat’s thine is mine, and what’s mine is my Q5sW” When ho is in good temper lie is moderate ly pollto to too fair sex and may at times lw seen standing with bis eyes half cioicd while a chosen cir cle of lady friends perform for bin* much the same kindly oAico as Bot tom exacted of bis aiteuilant elves. When, again, be lias earth and drunk as much as bo can conven iently carry, Lo tv ill bo generous enough to summon liis favorite sal tan a for tho time being and allow her to pick up any surplus food.’ But oven toon it is a Damocloan re past, for if her lord and master, who is liko tlo schoolboy—generally hungry and always greedy—sudden ly feels that bis. crop can contain one more grain tiro lady breernos painful ly aware that her prosecco—or shall wo say her assistance- I —is no longer required. She becomes the recipient of a hearty peck and is sent about her business, an innocent victim, like Vashti, of a despot's caprice. At the morning and evening ruaal, when all fowls have a right to feel hungry and there is a general j-usb tor tho food, we note a painful lack of dignity about the royal move ments, for then eoeky thinks noth ing of upsetting the ladies of tho court in all direr tioas and peeking li-diti and left with a Ivart-y good w;ll widen sr,m | f .er age nor sex.—lduek v’.ii i itio. Tho Woimvn’s Prayer Meeting, for Wednesday 2:80 o'clock, hav ing been ratried out, will be held next vv edusday evening, at the same time. at the Methodist churvi). $2OO Offered Fleei Cpficb FIIUT ATHO* At* Hd NK. 2?>-auvuxs. X: kn-, April Prof.j, F. Dracohon. IPs* D*v.vuc'note's rp.vd tical Ersiscas KASirau^TxifN. I)kar Sir The l ime fer wi i . h yen deposi tt Stcc U:rector*t2isi,t*oitvdby h tfcneit anoor '•our proptvdikm tojrive f ice to an*chritdb;< fastrtuUcT- any Bu£t::es College boiiUs of t,hc 02 io I* tver, tf y ati could not snovv more \vn t Ictup&Hi'it icco fa- Book keep* rs uml during the* PAST FaYL MONTHS thsu any oth-sr \ti\ n*rssouth cl the Oh o Fiver could *feo*r in the PAST FIVE YEARS, h. 13 this day expired, c%d, no deiuirnd having been the same is now held snbio.' to your check* Respeclfn:iy, . W. F. TJ? * r V, < VsXict. N. P.~A certificate ef deposit for me .* *•*; was mihlidu i in the daily papers of Kathntllc ike Ow /?* fairer. the Afiau/a i emxtitm* /wwt, and thirty thousand circular*, giving: llu colleges three months' lime to accept.—AvjA wh'lU /toily April /SO5. Write P*or.J. r. Prac Tenn fcr Lx* free Catalogue, ' FURNITURE - Defy Competition. *" "* *■* <* f l of s fVkX*."*' AVE 'VILL NOT HE UNDERSOLD. In^Oswr > . ' V- ... .. O ?i |*JigJi prices. W “ “ r ° receivin * ">• :*•*"! -nil bet selected stock of Good. ' , .**" rb “W Wnr. to carry, „ and w. arc e „i,,g to tF, to interest you on prices Hero goes : K 0 yards Flack and Figured Pat teens oto K 5 c >rl varel 8 <•;* r*<a •Ult ran. Cal’ and ee these g< cds. ’ ‘ ' blO nifitch ht P*ice SOOO yards f Oalico frem 8} < 0 C-c =';U yards yard* Ginghams from sto 7bo. Others -of q £ *°T * : T “ '**■ 5c to 25c rnir- Good ins 2 c a paper ° Saspetidersat an-, price. N*?kws*rfor eve.iy b>.h* 1 v *'* en , B a,) d b vs Shirts 2fc io $1.25e. * \ and Bov’s HatAfrom Js a -e . „ r(! , i Wlw F1na,]1,..0u,;„ @ , i„- „ p lioe , , oi , tljs tunM >v ! Ia, visit Siimtl.,, d„„, m , nd Cl! , C? ; 'E £2§ SHOSH ™ , u* 4 !T JE !h *y are guarante dto vive satisfaction. g ■ Hoii’i. forget that we can. interest you in grocebiss, ' rrmi C ;t rr * H’f , c!loic, ‘ st section of and Fancy and Family ' bi 5i a 1 : 181 p COJ,n . t!> ’ °ur pices are right. Seo us before - v n b Joui heavy Groceries, such as Meat, F our. Salt,etc We carry the largest stock of TINWARE in town. We are er'T| P pDv inj ? th V‘ best s " J<? cted stock of TABLE AND POCKET ninte you sinile’. brOUgt ‘° C ° njer ’ at P rifpß ‘>t will We are in it TOB ACCO, too. We carry a dozen m* more leading which we sell at the lowest price possible, Just try a pound _ and if you don’t liked bring it back and get your money. Oar ine of GLASS LAMPS can't be beat. Frice3 from 20c up. e carry a fud line of Fancy Candies and Fruits. 'Ve have the goods and they must lie sold. We pay the highest cash price ior cotton seed Biing is.youf produce of * all kinds. Thanking you for past f v ors, and h oping for areas mab e *} ia your future patronage, . rem in very biesptelful y,