The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 31, 1896, Image 2

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THE MONITOR. Fiilimid ■▼■rt Friday. o*l DOLLAR A YEAR. Rrrrt T. Wokki ry,Editor . \sith the ew Year re ffiember that we are still sending the Monitor and Constitution at 1.2$ per year, cash in advance, or the Monitor and Journal for l.oo.This is a campaign year, and you will need papers. Rush your * drers in. ' Announcements / v * .■ t £ Rjfiiti announcß my self a can &diilfor Clerk of Superior Coart o/'MigaUmTOyitnly '( (ha next derit. ocraiie, primary election, to he Iseld for county officers. This t2ud. day of Janurary, 1196 J. O. ALLEN. >" i. .(Thp democratic nonftuation for President aeoni * to be going a l>eg- Nobody, nppsrefitly, wants it: ——* Ban Tillman has as tonwUd tli U. 8. Sanate by making oaa af his fire [anting sdssche* in which Jha danounaad tha ;President, together with otk art, who havdgona iato tha “found tw-nay” cemps. Proper tire eandidatas are el. howiag and shaking hands with tba people right along now. If h# true, there wj^a AilW 1 * 1 c< Wtrasa has a resolu tion askirg that Spain recognize tha Cubans as belligerent* in lego] warfare, and to treat prisoners whan captured humanely. The resolution will be tranemitted to ’•pniah gararnuisut iaimodi. atalj. , f Unal* Bob Rardsman, State Treasurer has announced that at the'end oP his present term, he will retire to private life. He liae been the “watch dog’ - of Georgia's treasury for twelve years and in his retirement the state loses a good officer and the people e faith ful servant. W J Speer, Mr. Hardeman’a assistant, who has been in the of floe for 16 years, will make the race for the office. Thos. R Hoidsr, jr., of (lie JsoksonHsrahl. died at his horn* in Jsffsrson on last Wednesday. Ho was quits a young man. being in hit 28rd yaar, but was forging 1o tha fra. t in (ha business, and had gained quits a reputation He ,was universally popular and lumbered hi* friends by hundreds, .We knew hifh partanally and ha was our frland. We extend our ayiapathy to hit bereaved wife and other re la tires. Senator Blackburn ia making a noble fight for the Senaiorahip from Kentucky, to auceaed himself, but it looks tea like ti e ‘‘sound money", democrats .will defeat him. Th e action of these so-oalled democrats, in thair effort to dafoat a uoaaieee of thair party, because he favor silver, will react in tham 4 > ea their constituent a will aee that they do not again misrepresent h em. t Cuba in ner efforts to be free, is ?omn audtng the admiration of thaciyilizad world. AN INQUIRY ANSWERED. Editor Monitor: —The impres sion in tkia community, from wbat was seen in the Comer Enterprise, is that that paper would hersafter print the legal advertisements of the county, anti that the Monitor would no longer publish them. Please let us know through your columns, if this impression is cor rect, and oblige, Subscriber. In answer to the abo.e inquiry we will state for the beuefit of ‘Subscriber” and nil others, that The Danielsville Monitor is the official organ of Malison county, and that the legal advertisements will continue to appear in the Monitor. In fact the mod) or is is the reoogmzsd offioial orgsn of Madison county. Now is the time 'to take the Monitor. Two papers for the price of one A **£W TRIAL. StrioMand ve, Tho State. Before Judge Reese, Mndiion Superior c< urt, Atkinson, J.—l . Upon the trial of an iiidietstsnt for assault with intent to murder alleged to have been committed with t knife it was error to refuse to charge, ”if thetas ‘ be great superiority in physieal strength of an assailant wl.o strikes another a blew with Ilia flat, ei ill health in the assailed at tiie time or other eireumstanoes prodaeing relatively great inequality between the* in combat, the assailed can justifiably rsnt l e blew hy stab, biug the assailant The priuoipl# sought to be enitrehied in the request would not in any casejbo applicable unleas tho antagonist bavin { the surporior strength unlawfu ly assailed the other and even in that event the juiy and not the judge aho'dij deterniinc whstbersuch alabbiugi' Although tho written request as submitted was defective for the ! reason* above given and was there fore properly refused,yet, inasnuu h I as under the faots disoloso l by the r ecord, the question of inequality in physical strength was involv t and mid the sole defense relied upon as a justification for the stabbing, was that autusod was physionlly unable to otherwise defend him self from the prosecutors a Hedged unlawful assault upon him the court erred in not giveti in charge' even without a request, the priaci pie whLli th* request presented seught io explain. Judgment revers ed, Lumpkin, J. concurring tlabi- UintG’ I agree without hesitation to the ruling announced in head note but IJgravely doubt that the otniss iui to slvirge referred to in the second is oausefor reversing the judg ment below. As the mujorty of the court strongly and decidedly ef the opinion that it is, I will not di went though I reluctantly cooccur in the conclusion they have reached. K T Brown aud K H Kinuebrew tor plaintiff in error W M llowaid solicitor g neral by brief contra Published by requist. thatboy! A little lad, all fun! ’ A little chap, all coat! A round cipher not knowing- whethe r the stroke will go up and make him six, or down, and make him nine! It’s growing time with him. He is burning up fat. This fat must he in as con stant supply as the air ho breathes. It has got to come from somewhere. If it does not come from his food, it must come from fat stored up in his body. He steals it and you say, “ He's getting thin —he's growing so fast." Scott’s Emulsion will take that boy, set his di gestion at work, and re build that body. His food may not make him fat— Scott's Emulsion. fcttTT & lk>WM, Owafcu, N.w Vert. joe. Uhl s■ Drltl'h Courtesy. Not long ago I asked an English man whom I had met but once if he could give mo tho address of a cer tain man wo both knew. Ho said b$ could not remember it, tut.that it was in tho court directory. I tola him I should look it up, but bo in* sisted on doing it for ire flo raji around tho corner and down blocks into p public bouse, ns ths bars arc called here, and came back red in tho face and jianting He hid written tho address on a card an l explicit directions how to roach tl 9 placo by half a dozen railway ai i tram lines, two or throe bus lfoqt, cabs and by three or four attractm routes on toot. Ho had .stopped fa tho way and bought a sixpenny guife to London and offered it to me wfe his autograph and compliments #n the fly leaf. I told him I had a Bio decker, but ho eagerly explained ite mo that his purchase contained a No torial plan of the city, by winch one could tell tho location of tbo parks by splotches of green and the putlio buildings and churches by - their domes, spiit-s, etc. I missed npn gagement by his prolonged yolite ness, but I got a good idea A Eog lish hospitality.—Atlanta ConstHu tion. Co*rl*d F ox and Ooclr. .At Christchurch priory, Hints, vfo may seo many examples of sculp turesque humor illustrative of* fa ble* and monkish legonds, mostly taken from tho Bestiaries of the middle atros. The question is, jS'cro they intentionally .harmonious! and thoreforo satiric, or wore they Mere ly tlio expression of a naive sin plici ty, such as we And sometimes $ tfia drawings of children? And. w a the comedy a part of tho artist’s sc erne, or is humor, as distinct fronikbuf foonory, a modern sense and ajgrea tion of modern times? Tn ke.Jrr in stance, tho well known carvwg at Christchurch of a cowled fox japnclu ing from a pulpit with a smM oock at bis side. ,! May not this be symbolic (if the enemy, that old fox, vesting lilmsolf in the disguiso of a holy ratable in order to deceive the very elnt, lmt prevented from so doing tty tho warning voice of the cock? ms not this a more probable' reading than the idea that, a monkish fjfalutor would venture to satirizetsMe fol lows by depicting thorn aaJfiixos in <:.• >vligior,jj habit? And way not tl h,.J jn caching ton floclßf geese ■ ; ,p, ri r ITi ftfr ti “ i,j 1 liiiLdUguieo of si- rowl?— tiow.l V>OJtiu. . I' FA k from Journo* Xf 'Terhrtoti j: A Trot. W. H. T'ih Cos, '.ho *3 m BSA. roako!3 a spvdialtv o£ H ■ Sk Epilepsy, has without 9 w doubt treated And cur- I i cti more cases tlhe.n any ■1 S 'a living Physician; his 65 SI k B success is astonishing. JBL We have hcard of cases of ao years 1 Standing film® LUIOUa tip of his absolute curs, treo to any motet-era who may send their P. O. and Express afaress. We advise anv one wishing a euro tonHdhess Prof.\7. H. PEEKE, F. D.. ACedwSt.. XefTurt “Tea Feeble - 1 Te is Gsiresl ! OfSREUK.VnM or bYSPEPSiA” i K onwrjse i That's a doo tor's excuse. . jnatsce Lowe, of Ridgeway, ' 54ich., war ft Kheonaatic BU.Te.-cr over y 8 years old • “too old to i fapect c cure," co they eaid. Ha !* f [lots; S/%r,iter { Ktf Rhetoric \ ; - \ V ’ sad 'a or. his fast agein, rxh'.r' ' too country vrtlT mtcl > tcurul. P.stnrrk *t; cc tc., yssy. ' CAViS T;.”J rvtrvr- S tend rrc _ r-.i.-m.l shli. it'a a f leirtfcrhsfcie saef ti-ie. r It vlc^r..<-• tho fc! .'2(l r.C'u ~ is tr<rpi*i \ tiy< ' Kafir* *W.C. r, r.Tt ' tre’* > rbonisu'i}.- • i.ftt v . * < I .. - v Id fc.nrrKu&l *: t'jt* r,K\ w*yr-pcTv.-v "* \ L*. C v' • ' i * l Ot ; J 4- l> . , CULT BN *z l\T ' 1 Svw F-S}-* ' KNOXYU.I.3, ■: EX. .-!i. n S2. V Right In Sight Sure Saving Shown We’ll send you oar General Cata logue and Buyers Guide, if you •end us 15 cents in stamps. That pays part postage ot expressage, sad keeps off idlers. It's a Dictionary of Honest Values; Pull of important information no matter where you buy. 700 Pages, la.eoo illustrations: tells of 40,000 articles and right price of each. One profit only between maker and nsec. Get it. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., 111*116 Michigan At** Chicago, Hire. Elizabeth, ilesser liaiUrnore, M 4 Rescued from Death All Said She Could Not Live a Month Row Alive and Well—Tltanho to Hood’s Sarsaparilla. “I must praise Hood’s Sarsaparilla, for it is woudcriul medicine. I suffered 10 years with Neuralgia and Dyspepsia ) and fainting rprils. Sometimes I would be almost.stiff with cold perspiration. I spent a great deal o? money for medical attendance, but 1 did not get any benefit until my daughter toi.l me about Hood's Sarsaparilla, and 1 began to take it. 1 weighed less than 100 lbs. and was A Picture of Mlsory Every one who saw ino thought I csnld not live another month. But I began to Improvs at ones, after beginning with Hood’s Sarsapa rilla, and Uavh gradually gained until I am now perfectly enved. I eat well, sleep well, and am in perfect hculih. I owe all to Mood’s Sarsaparilla Instead of being dead now, i am alivo and weigh Mil Mks. Elizabeth messe a, 10 East Barney Street, Baltimore, Md. HOOD’S PILES aro purely vegetable, pw fectly harmless always reliable and beneficial. SISOO.O lIVEN A WAV TO INVENTORS sxr '.oocverx-month gi .cn r wny to p.ny one who ap! rfics through us for tJic mott n. ritciious patent during nvjnth precedi ig. Wo tfecuro the best patents for ©nr clients, and the object of this offer is ro encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideas. At :he some time we Wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT’S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, ?uch ns the “car-winiov/’* which can be slid up fcnd dowtt without breakkt'.g thi passenger’s back, “sauce-pan/* “collar-button," l 'nut4Qck,’' “bottle, /topper,” and a thouanxid other 1 it!e tilings that mo t any one cr.u fi:id a ay of improving; and those Lirr.pla inventions are the cnt.: that bring largest rcr to tr.t author. Try to' think of something to invent. IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEM*. Patents taken mt through ns receives iwial notice';- -.Te” National Recorder ” published et Wushingtoii. I). C., which is the Lest uewspupci published in Amcri-S ,in the interests Of inventors. We furnish a year’s rub tcripuou to tliisjourni-l, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advtjrtho, free, •( cost, (lie invention ea rh mon th which veins our s>.so prize, and hundreds of thousands „ of copies of tho ‘’Nstioeinl .Txeec'rder.” containing a ikctc.h of the winner, and ix dcoctiption of hi* invention, will be scatt-fucd throughout *thc Uuitci States maong capitalists and thus bringing to them JOHN WEDDER3URN & CO., Solicitors of American and foreign i’atcnts, 6S F Street, N. W., iox 385. Washington, D. C, V H(ferenct~ed. : t,.t 0/tkis infer. IV-'tefn cut ' 9.. r -foa rjtFßgujrffQ ovtb” wmonaP fBoMG Blood Balm *R* eSHT WOTfWS* ItUKDY MS AH Skin and Blood Diseases f Jt purifies, builds up and enrkhes Elbe blood, and raver fads to cure the most Inveterate BLOOD AND SfciN DIS EASES, if directions are fol lowed. Thousands of grate ful people sound Its praises | I and attest its virtues. EIy*WRITE for Boolt of Won yjydgcfcrf'VJire'i,' *fcnt froa on tj | (3 plica iton. ! If not kept by ycir local druggist, send Ijr.oo for large bottle, or s<;.co : ior six bottles, and medicine will be sent, freight paid, by BLGpD B.IUI < ~ Atlanta. Ca. Offered Freei Crimes KiSrt National Bank, Nasuvuxe, April 6,1^ ?Ror. T. F. DK AUG HON. r4T*.',X2RAXTG!ION , SPRAO Business Colll.oio, Nash villi;,Ten. litvAU Sir : —Ylie tlitre for which 3*oll deposited fj’W ;hrcc* mouths r,-.go to-tirty as a forfeit under xur ptn]yo. ; !t\oi! to .e vo SIOO to any charitable si i:i Nashvi.isiooto any Business College butnh tv thfc Ohio Kvver, if you could not sfcov.* written apnlica lions fo r Book keepers and fibrin £ the PAST FIVE MONTHS tliP.ucay oth. > Busiticsr. College south of the tihin River could r-hoxr in the PAST FIVK VRAP.Sy has tills dy eNoired, Ad, 110 demand having fcf'cti mads, the same is now held to yoar check. Respectfully, \v*. F. TUI <k£hicx, K. TV— V certificate of deposit for tne > .*•* pub\i*he<i hi the daily pa pel a of Nashville •ke Cinrhtnatfi Suquircr. the Aiiitnta Cohs/s/u* iron, and thirty thousand circulars, giving tbe collej*cs time to viUc Doily America? j, Ap>~il 7, 7895. Write Prof.J. P. I>rau Tenn. Ir hi. free Catalogue. rfrjfefr __ I m. - *** *r.r \y X / /fz Sf 7 EkVv r\\ //' 1 * n >'{ 5,-truriff- Ak> f Ph 4 lj/ RgL J •.a.wW'f o".d**n Kud. b-.vviA sa. \ I* I Vffi/ i >’!• ■ R *- #z* -. v."’’ o."—vA y ' l, t iM, p.* l- -% w feivf Iff 1 \\\X£ Cr.v-y Pat V f- r \V>, v • v c . *<■ ia .a ah, V a rate- * n" * tit V 1 •&' Ke -1 r-e*|. r *.?t bja* %ndt S* v* r ->C *• -*!*? H**rr, K<nHtCtt (• !4l: *• Atd 'i r*iUl<**. O-loCa •ei( *M •' kA * K CWI-. . .< r-.s*r V-'Tk b.or, M *,>-.r. Jg . a.,4 I- K ; .V . t iwijiißOvt, ft* •ul l w:c' , l n bf l-*- t wia ll*a 7 a ictnri-rx f LiOl Jt.-fb nOi*SUOI.D. <Vi :w>. >i *.H*M* -5 ‘-'-5., rt \ht Cwli| u , t w o, .ir* Oct., r vrt la'.iniirt. h> nr -!• •.‘■•HiiMiittjn * icf .n t*d It o %.* -e-v ie+ % BOS c .‘iCLA- S- ’2 'OirCora.Sß irtOK* a yee ers V ( n oci re J. it’ i,?->rSisTyfc. ncßwn rt-- yvir U*. and a aoca will 11 injwreaaoi'i mm na 1 !■■ ~ir T.'ti-ir rußNixsL R jy^s f ifeaßM?jS3g^ivaf ■ AnericioFurniture ta^O Danielsville Academy, SPRING wSE'SION 1896: Thorough instruction is offered in all studies pertaining to a Common School or High School Course . . INSTRUCTOR’*: Geo. T>. Atkispon. Principal. Miss sH’a Atkisson, ) - . . , Miss Kva Atkisson Music. Spring Session will begin Monday, January Gtli. and close June sth E R M S: uitioa, per month $1.50 Music “ “ 2.50 Boar# “ ” 5.0 U v. - ition is strictly by tl:e mouth, unless for providential causes Usual allowance from public school lund to thuse entitled to i' ° 43 Patronage respectfully solicited. G 30. B Atkisson, Principal. WH£N YOU WANT BARGAINS GIVE_I -’A’r3 © : G RIF F!T *| # u AT 'AVIFI SVU.I.F, GA A clianea at your trade. He carries a full and complete * . / line or< A dry goods, -notions and etc. Whiah wore bought; before the riV, avl Inis giv‘n g his customers the benefit of his lucky purehase. In staple gooi and country produce lie dees u*t propose to be He nl j© • a-b fujl iukl complete.lines of Hardware, Gatswar*, Tir.wart, wo den ware, etc, , His prices aie as low as the lowest, aud all he aski it that you give him a *a!l see his goods and hear his prices. Remember the place i l GRIFFITH i DR. HATHAWAY & CO. c * n / !j " c ' ; . on S. strtEJi /P-fesi®n*i basis and i j ofcscnrsUoft: Seminal Weakness £tfid Sexual Debility I iSa e^i orr/!(£i : arirl caused by yoirthftrl follies and excesses, | s§£s?r i Ki 1 ? n c r vo€roK, losseri. p!mpt.*ftnd blotches on the face, rushes 1 jS&feg ¥ \ cr bl ? 0<l , t ? , : ke heft ' f - P° in in the bacic, confused ideas and forgetful 5®S !!U nes ■*? ,VC w^ on }°. soc * c -S’* 1053 of sexual power. hood, etc., cured for life. V. e cau stop night losses, restore lo6t sexual ‘ r f s * nerve and brain power, enlarge aud strengthen weak -A. 3 parts arj-1 mar 9 3*ou ftt for marriage. V feSy K for life. Blood l’o?-..p:ug. Skin Diseases. Ulcers. Swel lv? 8. Sores. Cono.-xhocaA Gleet, nnd alt torms of Private Diseases cured. Stricture perciam,y eurc ;? v;:tl,, * ut Caustic cr cutting. No pain, •• '•ano exposure, lattcm can use the treatmer,t at home. Ladies. ll ? osc delicate diseases peculiar ;j>oiir c£“ c*'A?r By cuwd Rheumatism %'* tjrcr and pr.m In Joints—a cure is bound in taks piece. Send statement o r c\-c remove 800k tor ,l^. h 6 r x , es ' 64 W*w. w ‘th foil dcsc.lption of above diseases, tbe ejects end cure fZ. V rlxtn vr rapper free R.vt, tbfs little book end send for Symp on B ail n„1 for S:en : ho. 2 for Women : ho. 3 for Skin Hiseascs; No. 4 for Catarrh ' ' 1 Take i,3 ehtpress and gMai* ihs best ity coniuiling dhe Leading Specialists in fits United Slates | fiCNESTY BR. HATHAWAY & CO. ["skill 1 The One Crop System o% - m ing gradually exhausts the land, unless a Fertilizer containing a percentage of Potash is used. Better crops, a better soil, and a larger bank account can only then be expected. Write for our ‘Farmers’ Guide,” a 142-page Illustrated book. It is brim full of vseftd information for farmers. It tvitl be sent free, aad will make and save you money. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 9, Nunn Strut, K. York. Groat Western GROAN: *pJ||gjl|L Hncdtsawr Taaa Erw. Fiaestaf A&. WafcsJ, ilfUl ?85213, Raki A JCAOwrrsciprr ewe aw it* oonm*' r. tr* s , frea I*4 flcScff . Ule 1* fciv ® -rat.-ay —T an ar®*--. i. is cta * T <■ oeSavea, 4 *f raeda can cca|lm pjp£w HEW STYLE aott'OßLPisr AH3 r/S PAY .VMS mSIOHT Phliiifys £l Crew Cos,, AHaarsa, U. *l*6*^'