The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 28, 1896, Image 2

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THE MONITOR. Fvburhkr Hrair F*k>at. ft OKI DOLLAR A YEAR. Official Organ of Madison County; V Bcittr T. Mosblxt, Kiutoh. ' jj • We send the Monitor and ■constitution at 1.2> per year, cash in advance, or the Monitor and Journal for 1.00. This is a campaign year, and you will need these papers. Rush your orders In this weeK. we will hand you sample cop ■ ies-during court. Announcement* T •(•in unuounco mr self a cans <H4ate for Clerk of Superior Court of Uadaiou county at th# n*it Dt-m ocratia primary •lection, to l> held for county officers. This 22nd ily f Jnn . 18^8. J. G ALLEN. Yellow fever lim again broken out ainoug tha upaniah forces in Cuba, and thia will Its a great help to the insurgent*. President Cleveland > ns threat ened to oonvnne Oongreet in extra session uiilrei some financial leg islation i done. This worries the buily iutysinnn from Maine who want* to occupy the whit© (ioua.l for the next four jerft*. IT ft piajflrity in the next tlero iwffttic eonvJnlion ,*sr§lch Ti’i Atlanta, are in favor of silver, wo •uppese that, the advocates “fojlo~>*B Ince<li,; will boll convention. The State Democratic Execu tive committee ia called to - meet in Atlanta on March 7th next. After thia meeting the candidates will iwgin to erop out. v j ■Mi • mmi ~7““ Politics are hegiljio|f to assume ehape in Jaclnen county. The democrats it if- thought, will put up Captain Cfeorge E Dead wyler of JMayeville, end lion. Billy Thurmond of Harmony Grove, ns their legislative candidates. Both ere strong meu with their party, beside* being is clever ns they enn ! be. and if they undertake the race vyill make a strong fight, Fitzsimmons ami Mahor, the two pugilists came to blows on Mexican toil last Friday, and Fitzsimmons knocked Maher out jo one minute and thirty-five sec onris. Corbett has oiiiot* challtmg •d Fjt, but thn latter refuses to fight until (.Wit whips Maher. Miss E.izabsth FL.glar, daugh ter of Gen. Flagler, who shot and killed a negro boy in Washington, P. CJ., tor stealing fruit* p’ead guilty to an ind iotmmit for man slaughter last Tuesday, and was sentenced to 8 hours imprison ment and to par a fine of SSOO, Hsr father paid the fine and her aunt staid with her during her im prisonment. Th * figjrl is still on in the Blaikburu Hunter ceateat f or the United States Senate from the State of Kentucky, hut something to drop there to-day. put otf svrhf H'ibirg for, the M‘rtif>rand 0 Jostitutuai too long. A WORD ABOUT OURSELVES. The'Monitor was first establish ed in this county it. 1882, when the lamented Malcora Hti-fford launched her as the Madison Yoe irian. Since lhut tim* she has been for the upbuilding of the county, and Jus become a fixture in the affection* and homos of a large portion of Madison conry’s people, and a gr< at many outside of the county. It has Imi the aim ol the present management togive a lo cal paper in every sense of the word, and with the encouragement we av-i daily rcci lving we know < ur effort* are not in vain. The Mmii tor now goes into more thm a thousand hoin-'a in ‘he comity, and into as many m tluye huudred outside of the county, and is read by oyer 5000 people. Oar nofto is upward and #n ward, and we hope to etiil deport oiirselves so hs to deserve your future patronage,which we have so faithfully hud in the past. Wo arc clubbing now with the Atlanta weekly Const ; tution for •1,£5 per year, nd the Atlanta weekly Journal for SI.OO jr year. While you nro hero at court, we will he glad to ge‘. your su,b --s-cription for either combination. AN HORRIBLE DEATH. George Fowler, a Madison Negro Killed by an S. A, L. VcMibule. On Inst Tuesday about~J2:3o o’clock, the north bound Vestibule 'on the G o<fe N railroad just be low Five Fork*, ran over George Fowler, col. who was lying on tbs tract drunk and asleep, and literally tore him into fragments. His head wa entirely severed from the body and was foupffcsev eral feet from hip. His liver wpis Uw re worn off n(id in on* of them his heart was foffud. Out arm was out off and the fingers nUn fiom the hantl of the same arm. Every bo lit in hict body wns bro’ttn,'kbjthftt ho could bo pm ill a hamper basket. Part of bin bruins were in his hat and the balance scattered along the track. When Ust seen he had on two pair of sock-, and when he pit** found every particle of clothing was off (,f him except one pair of socke. Glass was scattered around where his bottle was broken. Coroner Smith empamieled a jury and the investigation brought out the fact that lie w as dri 11k and) lay down on the track and wept went to sleep, and on account of it being on a curve in the road it was impossible for the engineer to see him in time to stop his train. fhe verdict of the jury was that ha cants to his death by being run over by the G V &• N Ji)i, but, m blame .was attached to the road. The authorities of the road took charge of the remnius. Dr. Moore, he Dentist will be here next week. You can find him jit the Moseley House. Holman & Scott have a tine lot of horses and mules which they are sell ing low prices. r . Why not bo your own Middle-inae? Pay but. one profit between maker oed 1 user u ml i Uat a smal l just one. Our Big TOOPtige CataloiTUO aid Bayers Oukle proves that It’s po*.-4bl£ Weighs SH pounds, 13,000 illustrations, describe* and tolls theono-prollt priced over <O,OOO articles, everything you use. We seud It for l&ceuts; that's not for iho book, but to pa y part, of tbe postage or exprvssage, 1 and keep off idleis. You can't get it toe I quick. '"OVVtiO.VtrRY WART> S CO„ -'lUrflore tit All the , . Ill—■ 16 Michigan Ave., Chicago. 5 Forks. | Live Paragraphs From a a Live Town, m W W Ghojston, one otjjihe men #f Danielsvilie, was in toy.nt lan Tuesday selling cotton . C m Power of Comer, was the huyei.-jj Prof. Convict! left oi.r town otg Wednesday. Going to trv hag hand *t farming again oyer ne|p Lystra. S*ys lie is going t„ uy •‘I atching” it, but we midvrsta id* lie lots his household pd kilchep. furuhurA Reader Moon of Brgty, was iw town recently. By the way. Readi er prominent ly mentioned Lsr county treasurer, and La woitlfl niak a good officer.- Guano haulers on t!ie go rod a 1 tie. Miss N'aoma Sims be n s'S* faring a great "deal recently- \mlr a threat trouble." ’PL Abb Pitner wos in town two-iy three days last week talking gu4®o to the farmers. On last Tuesday morning at 5 o’clock, Mr. John M Kidd, a ft spactel eitizeuof this place, djtc-d alter a ling-- ring illne.o of three or dey month;*. -Mr, Kidd w*s vij'll known to many of our reftdeis, leaves a family of several sn ng *d wife who i* blind, t£nd wveral relatives and many friends io mom u his departure. D B r hoinpson. who go ably ■*>ll*<l tli© office of Sheriff eevfo al years ago, is favorably montis)#d as a pro.bab e candidate for fep resenuttive He is oua of our best citizens and lia* many trends who wunld like to Bee him the race, Mrs W>W Barnett w)vs cViti call) ill last- week, and is very tick vet. - W W Kidd i* suffering fwith rhfcuniatism, but is some ifetter now. . >% • , . s^ntei^lufcdunfy' lure a few years back is highly spoi-eti of aia probable candidate in the approaehiug li'ous has a good following dbwn this way. Next Monday is court. Will tqke several from around hers as jurymen, * ' ■ CntrlrU JTo* nml Coclc.f Al Obristchuroh priory,; Hants, we may see many examples of sculp turqsque humor ilia drativo of fa bios and monkish .leyonds, mostly takeii from tho B\stiaiHc3 df the middle acres. Tho qn- ■. .ion is, Were they intentinnnily harmonious and therefore satiric, or werethey mere, ly tho expression of a naive simplici ty, such as xyp firm sometimesin tbs drawings of children? Amt was ilie comedy a part of the art ist’s scheme, oris humor, ns distinct from buf foonery, modern souse mid .1 crea tion of modern times? Take, for in stance, the well known carving at Christchurch of a cowled fox preach ing from n pulpit with a small cock at his side. May not this he symbolic of the enemy, that old fox, vesting himself in the disguise of a holy monk In order to daceivo tho very elect, but prevented from so doing by the warning voice of the cock? Is not this a more probable reading than tho idoa that a monkish sculptor would venture to satirize his fol lows by depicting them ns falxes in the religious habit? Aud may not tin . preaching to a flock of geese s>n. 1 no folly of the multitude if. not discovering tho enemy tin-ovum, tho disguise of a oowl? Good Words. Soreri* TrMnlug. - Sonio snggestivaNSottvils concern ing the early education of the Got men emperor have oomo oat. It 6*vms that William II had ia uarly childhood a tutor who was a captain of tho guards. Prince Bismnrok had recommended him, end ho applied to the heir to the throne the prinoi plo on wliioh ho trained his recruits r—“bead or break." The'j'onngHo benrollem was made to rise at 5:30 every morning and at once begin ft course of gymnastic exercises un sni .iblo fur n child of his agtv. It is this nvimen, authorities say, which mad 1 Pidijco WiUhsin so weak and oervovis that his grandfather, tho old I'.upr ror, s --.’Tested ono day to Bisni .-.ok that his captain of tho guards wo'..' i perhaps hotter return to Ins recruits.—-lew York Trib une. rr rwr* m naN tS row •, rr 2. Ui ft 'j|n<ni vwkftty. Iff ißn <r* uitrsJ*. a a Wtfm *! •*** j Professional. £ i David w meadow. Attorney at Law. > DaSIELSVII.LE, Ga f Office on corner, west of Gour [House, opposite Masonic Corner hlVill practice in ail the coiu tg, AH ifcu9inßs promptly executed. Jno. J. Strickland. f- Attorney. Athens - - G,a. Geo. C Thomas, Attorney, Athens, c*a BERRY T. MOSELEY, Attorney at l^iw, Danicusviiab, Gi. Office on cerner, w-<st o- Court H'O/iec, oppo-ite Msul&nk* coricr. \\ ill prnctic* in all the c mte. VOHN E. GORDON, Attoruey-nt-Law, Damhuhviluh, Ga . Will practice wherever desied. prompt attention given to 11 bus inesH entrusted to biscare. Office North of court home. J. I. GRIF m E PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DANiLsvinr,i2. Ga- Office couth of Court 1 once Galls answered at.d { rescriptin-. filled promptly. R. P. Sorrels PHYSICIAN AM) SURGEON Dsoitlsville, Ga. Calls am vered and pix-rcri nil- i filled at at hours. -FOU fim HEAf.I?,O CF THE JVATIOXS- ] fßotanle Blood Balm! THE GREAT GOrf HSbN ZUIIRD7 FOU \ y W All SKin and Slood Diseases It purifies, builds up and en:i?hes ] blood, and never fails! 13uto cure the most inveterate * j BLOOD AND SKIN DIS EASES, if directions are fol jSi lowed. Thousands of grate -1 1 fut people sound its praises! j and attest its virtues. | t“M’RITE for Book of Won- j h !. derful sent free on ap j plication. If hot kept by your local druggist, ’send Si.oo for large bottle, or ssooj ; ror six bottles, and medicine will be j sent, freight paid, by blood BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. ! j |A Presidential Year I ! is Always Fiiii cl icteros /!ud T-hs Year ike People, id eel Iwerylhing From Pre-si teui ‘Down. ■ 7bfs Includes Congressmen, Governor*. Legislatures and Almost 1 Lvembnig Lise . )ou Must Have Ibe .News. C [\emcmber, if . tin CotKitiUdion ';'VJ IS—’ S*-* CSV Vj&; |f ~ ~ ■Published at A Haul a, Ga., and Having A CIRCULATION' OF MORI? Til AN 158,0)0, chic fly among the fg-mers of the tou-i Iy. an I going F> mare homes than any weekly newspaper published on the face cr tne earth is d'ne Feidi.rv Ch *.m jt )n of fhe People in all the great con tests in which they are engaged against the exactions of monopoly. T11 £.,V,0 \r*ijE, T Jt22 , Bl{ *ESt, BRIGHTEST AND BEST UFr..v,,\ j, L>Y 81* \ L*H pu dish ;.l in An erica, covering the na-.vs of the worid. bavin -t correspoa ients-Hi e/.-ry city in Antrua and in the capitals of Europe ren.'i dug in t;i! tie details ot debates in (j-mjicas on al! questions of public in tcrest, rnce $1 j>ci* year. It is TWE (illhA 1 SOI T}’ l-.Rrt WEEKLY NEWSPAPER,-and ns an exponent ot poqtnern opinion an 1 purveyor of Southern news it has no equal on the continent. AN liNLYIxGL-LLN F OF 1 WHI.VT! COhini' S Ta meet fhcdrrands upon is o icj fat- new?. Til: his i.icre.ised its sire to 12 p iges 7 colum is, making. Si colum m u.icli week. / THE (XWSTiniKO.TS SP2CCAL F2ATO.V33 ££ —■gaaaif ill■■ wr l miajujt -hi wmrt■— w it-t—j |il AUiCriCsl* • . Jjj|; . The Farm and Farmers’ Depqrlpjcnt, Fhe Women’s Department, The ehliJfcsa^ Department, .JHr are all under able direction and arc specially attractive to those to whom these departmein aj-e addressed. ' Under the editorial management of CLARK HOWELL, its special contributors arc writers of such world-wide reputation as Mark Twain, liret Harte, Frank R. Stockton, Joel Chandler Hams, Betsy Hamilton, and hundreds of others, while it offers weekly service from such writers as Bill Arp, Sargc Blanket, Wallace P. Reed, Frank L. Stanton, and others, who give its literary features a peculiar Southern flavor that commends it to every fireside from Virginia to Texas, from Maine to California. STRAIGHT, CLEAN, UNTRAMMELED, The Constitution salutes the free people who insist that the servants of the people shall not become their masters. By special arrangement the paper publishing this announcement will be clubbed with The Constitution at the re nirkably !o.v rate a uuunced elsewhere in this issue. Danielsville Academy, SPRING SESSION 1896: Thorough instruction is offared in all studies pertaining to. a CoiticoJf Sonoou or High Scho. iu Cours* . JNSTRUCTOII3: Gf#. D. Atkiisox. Principal Bva Atkissov, ) - Assistautr. Mss. J. ,-WgH xsxosn, t Miss Eva Atki#b'.G* Spring S©s*i m will ?ij*giu Mo el ly, January Gfh. an I clue Jana of U TERM S: • itron, per incftlh 81.50 . Mic ‘‘ '' V L 2.50. Board v ‘y , <t-r ‘ , r . . , ' > • itioh is strißly ii im'i iU> ssf o• > . r . 1 ■ U.i i! siisji Uj.ul atbiwaasi fmY p ibiic sc'i i>lfu i l t> t'tiihi ititbl t> it ■ Patronage respectfully solicited. i : x ■. Gjo. Atkissoi, Principit WHEN YOU WANT BARGAINS GIVE AT DANiKI SVILLE. GA, g S A h*ua at your .tradf. H tf rri*s a full and comnle. t line of DRY GOODS', NfcTfONS .AtfD ETC. w hich were bought before the lire, and h* is giv'n g if ■ V ' his customers the henafil of. lis lucky purchase. Ia TAPI E GOOD AND COUNTRY PRODUCE- Hp does not propos* to be undersoid. H* air* -a • full and complete lines of Hardwar* ffiassware, Tinware, no idenwcve, etc, • • - . His prices are as law as the lowest, all he ask* i • you give him a tail see his goods and hear la is priees. and. i iifiWnT