The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, March 13, 1896, Image 2

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M. MONITOR, Published IJvkUy Friday. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Official Orfan of Madison County; Berry T Moseley, Editor. ♦ We send the Monitor and constitution at 1.2$ per year, cash in advance, or the oriitor and Journal for 1.00. This is a campaign year, and you will need these papers. Rush your orders in this weeic we will hand you sample cop ies during court. Aiinon ai cements FOR REPRBSJCSTATIVfc: In responds to the solicitation and enoourngenient receivod Horn the people. I hereby announce n.,- •elf a candidate for Kepi MenWttive from Madison county in tiie next General Assembly of Georgia* eubjeot to the |>ople in a Demo cratic primal y, J.F. L. BOND. .Te<ep .T Hix anno.iace his candidacy for tax collector in tins issue. Mr Hix is well known in this county. nnd if elected, will make u good officer. Col. J F I, Bond announces lus oin li lac iro.igh the columns •f the Monitor this week, as candi date fr repreeen Unlive Cel Komi was born au! raised in the county midisknoen to the people. It elected* Madison'■ interests will he safe in hie hands. -* Hon. W M He word ttunonneed t r hie naiididacy for Coagrees from this district; through the Flberlon fctar of to-day . rfe is of course •object to the democratic nomina lion sod invite*. bis competitors for the nomination. to join him in joint debates before the people oil the publie questions ef the {lav. Politics will now begin to warm up. Jh*, IT Brown who is stilt io nod at Rom Fork. Idaho, hn# the longest nnmtiifliu ol any tei>'*ii wo aver iitard of. It being 9 lost from dp fo lip, making it four and ono- up l*ct each way from the .center. Thia baa tlia <aka and we think h# ia en . titled to it. Tho last of tjie testimony in the oidol rated Blank—" niton onn test, was taken in Atlanta last Friday, when Jo'. A K Ruck, the loading, and head Foss of the repiirdican party in Georgia, testified that the icpuhli cans of the tenth district were as a unit for Mr. Watson against the demo,-ratio oindidale nr.d that they were for any candidate against the Democratic Nomine*. This shows the way things aro going. Hon. n H Carlton, of Clarke, has announeed his candidacy for Congress from this district, throw'll the Banner, and at an early date, he eays he will announce his appointments for addressing the people on ills issues of the cams paign. This announcement will cause the others to follow, a td we expaot to see a pretty throe oorner ed fight in this district, wiu Carls ton Howard and Lawson as th men. NOTICE. Georgia—Madison oouniv Whereas James W Kirk ami Jos II Kirk, adui* of John K. Kirk deed hare applied to ine for letters of disrnisaeiou from *atd .admitii*. isiratioi., This is therefore to cite U person* coooei ued to bent rnj © on the first Monday in June 11 ** a£** ,oa ' w tyiid adininistr* ,U>l di*nis*jJ frnn *‘7 , . ’WfiHtration. This Yiiroh JSoj itw>. G U iJamoi, Ordr: One Convenlioi Silver and llir Pedp’.e Win a Grest Victory Through the State Executive Committee. Tbe State Deaeciatie Executive Cos niit c met in txeeetive eession in At ai-ti on Let Saturday and settled the matter of one or two,mi vent ion*, by ordering that only one be he_M. The time fott-hebling the coven*, (ion was tixrd for Jane 251 b, and j the limn tor the primaries f r tht* j election of delegates was lixed tm j Saturday, Jan* fith. Macoa was decided on a* ti e place for bolding the convention. We liavo not learned whether the county democratic executive coins tnitteß will call a primary fer this 0 county to nominate a candidate for icpvc-cutalive and the different county ofiictiH on Jnrie filh. or not. Below wc give you resolutions passed. the resolutions: Be it resolved. and it is hereby ordered, by the democenli: execu tive committee of it, That a convention ef the party in this state lie held on Th triday, Lite 25h. day of June, 1890, for llie purpose of choosing delegate toths nation al democratic convention at Chi cago, arranging for the choic* of l' electors of the parly and for tho further purpose of nominating the parly's candidates for governoi, etetuhoneo ofiTcers and eucb other bueihesß as. in tho judgment of ths convention, may he cotnid* red . • It is further resolved and ov.ler- Sd, in conformity with the action of the last stale democratic one venlh'ii, that tliu county ptitnariee fer the cho'oe of delegates to the state to the state convention her,-in ordered, b consolidated en one day, and this committee' noreby fixes Satlirdny, the fitfo day of June, as the dete which tin* ssvetui democratic executive committees ■of the I'n te shall fix fur the elction ot deb gate* to tho state couven* tion. Be it. further resolved, and it i.s hereby ordered, That in Mat* convention hereinbefore fixed, the basis of representation of each county shill be double the number of tho represent*-i*-*a of each county in tho limine of rcpj-fs-Mi tntivesof (lie general assembly, and that the sevOTal comities shall elect to Ski] c< mention only as many dilagat*a as the number to which they are eatitled ; provided, howsver, tlmt snT counties may nt the l)une tins* clioose alternate did-gates to serve'■in tlio event of the inability of the prineipal del-gates to attend said convention, and provided further that no county shall bo represented by slternat# proxy m t so chuan. Bs it further resolved, That ttie several county democratic exscu tus omn wit tecs are hereby request ed to eider on the first Saturday in June a orseuaid mentioned, ia addition t i the choice of delegates to the e uts c invention, primary action in the nomination of party candidates for county officers and mem be re of the general assembly, and on such other niattsrs as the said county ommitues mtv deem it wise to lo require primary party action, this consolidation ot pri mary p".rty notice bring a keeping with with tire spirit of the recom mendation nude by the Ust state domociatic convention. Be it res lived further, and it is hereby ordered, that the several county d-Miiocr.iti-i oveeuiive com mittees, shall, in the primary elec tion hereinbefore fixed fixed for the for the first Saturday m June, order t hat said election ho held b\ ballot and governed as lo the location of nallot boxes, tho tims of opeaing and closing the management of same •to., seoordmg to tho law* govern iug primary elections in the state. Be it futther resolved, That we call upon ail democrats who for oita reason o. another, have left the party, to rre w tb •ir ifiSiiiu.-n ov participation in stud primary. Be it f Tiber resolved That a py o the* re uiions be scut to. be okairmon of tarry comity dera tMratio executive committee with a 'r quest that the repetitive county comiailtecs s'.i&il act accordingly. . , . PROCEEDINGS . Of Madison Superior Court, at tb* March Term 1596. • O'Kdley ndin Weems, dec. vs Ht-irs at law of Weems, bill t<< marshall assets, verdict. fe ■J C Scott v 8 J () Dai iel, debt verdict for dcfon/lnct. - -v, Mrs. Mattie Brooks vs (5 € <t N lailr.nnl. damages verdict forWCO-J or ; laintiff". D \V r Meadow vs J hi Mathews suit on account, judgment for of ficers of cnii'w for plaintiff, 1 David VV Moiulmv ni.u Berry T doajluy va J II Macliews, suit on account, judgment for officers of court f.*r plaintiff. • y : .Mary K South v* (I W Aaron, suit for. land. demurrer austained and petition dismissed. O'Kellsy. adm of Win. tlec'd vs W A Carrington, et al., bill to marshal! assets, verdict. O’Killey 4t dm of L H Rucker dec’tl vs L G Johnson & Son et al. bill to m triliall avaste, verdict. J W Seymour v* E F Hardman, lllcg dity, settle t au 1 co?t paid. Equitable Mortgage Company vs Geo. W Brown, complaint, judgment. Weiner, Wright & Watkins vs Edwards & E >erhart, euit on ac count. settled mi l cost paid. Meyer Rienhardt & Cos. vs Ed wards & Eberba dt.suit on account, fettled and o,el paid. %, Jas. T. Johnson vs'R. J Lane, suit on note, judgment. W W ScoU v W A Tabor nnd .J P Dead wyler. suit on note, judg inant. Mich ion I tiros. vs Edwards a Eberhart. suit on accou ut,. set tled and cost paid. J G Black ve Mary Black, It \£\ for divorce* let. verdict ' \j K B UKV vs Fanny Cos jk, libel for divorce, dismissed. Micbeal Bros, vs Dawson Wil liams, suit on note, jndgnieut. S C O'Kelfwy. guardian of Sorrow minors, vs It H Bullock, suit on note, je igment. J N Hall vs J S Portirfteld, illegality, illegality dismissed. J T Barnett plaiutiff in fi f.i vg A L s mith, doft. in fi fa. S t? o’Kelley, garnishee, garnishment traverse dismissed. T P Davis adiii of Alexander Veal vs Win. Bragg, inj .nation. Injunction di-inisscd. CRIMINAL DOCKET. State vs Milos Phillips, selling whiskey, verdict guilty, fine $l5O and cost. State vs Earl Johnson, mistles mean or, verdict guilty. Slate vs Lee A ise, misdemeanor plea of guilty. State vs Earl Johnson, larceny ■fro n the hopse, plea of guilty, fine $-§. State vs Kdd Jones, larceny from the house, plea of .guilty and fined *BO. Stale vs Dan Catithers, misde meanor, verdict guilty and fined fifty dollars. State vs Bud Ginn, misdemean or. not guilty. State \- Henry Telbert, forni cation. verdict guilty and fined. $75.00. Sta:e vs .1 E Putman, misde meanor, indictment quashed. State vs J B P*rry. adultery and fornication, uot guilty. State vs Mag Pierce, /vdultery and fornication, not guilty. & State vs Rube Chandler, misUes meaner, pie* of guilty in 2 cases. State vs Joe Jackson, *i uiple larceny, vcrcßo' not guilty. State vs Lizzie Goes and George Bullock, riot. no prosted iu two cases as two Lizzie Gss Slate vs Emma Bid sun, fenii-, cation, in iiotraent abated by uinr riage. ''i te v<> 7,i , 1\ Aaiev, aiiodev demeanor, verdict guilty. Why Do people buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla In preference to any other, — in fact almost to the exclusion of all others? Because They know from actual use that Hood’a lathe best, I. e., it cures when others fail. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is still made under the personal supervision of the educated pharmacists who originated it. The question of hr v! is just as positively decided in favor of Hood’s as the question of comparative sale* Another thing: Every advertisement of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is trne, is honest. Hood’s j Sarsaparilla : Is the One True TStood l‘iinf!<‘r. All druggists. sl. prepared only by C. I. Hood & Cos., Lowell, Mass. U j* rsiu are the only pills to take flood S PIUS with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. r. * m • - ■ ' i ' .i State vs Alaitin Baldwin, mis demeanor. verdict gv.iltv. State vs Dan Carithere, misde meanor, nol pressed. { State vs Ad Bullard, adultery |nid fornication n guilty, • State- vs Will White, misde ' aesrntr, not guilty . ! State Vs Berry Watkins, assault with intent to murder: verdict of pot guilty. jj-tateyg J O Ctvri tliers, miscle uteaiv r no' guilty. State vs J \V Meadow, ntisdo** meauoj, plea in abatement aus- Jained in three cases, C tnte vs Warren Barnett, misde meanor; not guilty . fState vs Bill Daniel, riot, not Bkti'y- MOTION DOCKET. 'J M Smith,' plaintiff in cer. vs J VV King, deft, irt cer. Certioraii. Certiorari sustained and judg ment, ordered for plaintiff against <iyfe ndtint. Mrs, L 1) F*>aler vs B A Fowler, uiit for tei .po ary a,into .*,. Order giju ting temp iary Mommy a'** , ’wyo|| A J F I. I etition for dower. Return eftioners made the judgmer.i of -tb® con r It. - Mrs. U .Ida Moore vs Geo. W Mqore, application for dower.. Kes turn of parti tinners made the [judgment of llit court. Profession a DAVID W MEADOW, Attorney at Law. Da NIKIS VII.LK, Ga Office on corner, west of Cour, opposite W asonic Corner W U practice in all the courts, All boeitiFs piou.ptly executed. Jno. J. Strickland. Attorney. Athens - - ca. Geo. C Thomas, Attorney, Athens, Ga KERRY T. MOSELEY, Attorney at Law, Danikusvillr, Ga , Office on cer.ner, wiaf o’ 1 oint liousi', oppo.-itc "asonic o*nH r. Will practice in all the c mts. JOHN E. GORDON, Attorney-at-Law, Daniklsvillv, Ga. W ill practice wherever desied. prompt attention gives to <ll bus iness entrusted to hiscare. Office North of courthouse. J. J. GBITFHE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Daniklsvillb. Ga. , Office south of Court house Dalle answered and prescriptions tiller promptly. R. P. Sorrels PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dauidsvillc, Ga. Calls an- vered and preacrinti- n filled at a> horn's. ikl ER v'OBS Tioab'es am one to impoverished blood. Hood’s Sar saparitia. is the One Tine Blood Pun her and NERVE TONIC. Danieisvilte Academy, > SPRING SESSION 1886: Tlvvrotuth *jist-iiction is offerotl in ali studies pertaining ta a Comm S.iikil or Him Soho >l Coussk. IN : Ore. B. Ams on. Principal Miss Eva Atkissox, ) - - A. L aistf.ntr. Mhß. J. W. H *ns?ohd, i uv;. -j Mu* Eva Ayciasox Spring Session will begin Mond ty. January and close Jane 5Ui T E It M S: uition, per month *IXO Music “ “ 2.50 Board ‘‘ *• 5.00 it io i is striutly br t ■ t• i t 11 ■ ;'>• i• i ; l■i ii' ; i 1111 Usual atlowAuad from pabiio school fail t > thoi >■ eatitbJ t H : atronage resjooctfully solicited. Geo. b Atkisson, Principal. , WH N YOU WANT BARGAINS GIVE AT DYN EI.SVTLLE, G\. t A cliaii * ■ t your trade.* He carries a full and com let line O'- DRY GO< DF, NOTION.- JN'D V Which were bi-ugi !t- ore tin ri*>, au.r his customers the benefit >!. Ins lucky purchase. It- TAFuE GOQD AM (<IMRh II Mill I' does no p'r<>p<>*e lobe tmdetst lri > < fill and complete 1 dies of a’ ware G.ifcnvare.. I wo dc-iwars, etc, His prices ate as low a.-, !o - eat. and ail lie a.-ks u y . that you giVe him a a'J tee his goods at.d hear his prices, --—-i 'i i%i >-,i ——> *—- SpMw-y.-,, 0* —-—.. ■ - -w . . Remember the place * The celebrated “Owl’’ guano Magnolia Acid * Phosphate, etc: "* g ” : f cc:awtaMMl, P n, **wa>aM—am?—— iwnumM a M ~ | >>M> - Also a full Line of Groceries. Dry goods, Hardware. Etc, In fact I sell euerything and b*xy and buy any thing, it will be to your interest to see me ma' n g your purchases or selling your Stuff. F H KRONER Comer, Ga Ihe One Crop System gndmfy exiaasts the Und. unlee* a FertfiUsr cwttalafe* a h%tt rf Potash u ,o*d. Bern* crop,, a bettor a. S s. gcr bai.k- account can oty thn be especto^. •, V> T ° ,:r ' Fltar,,crs ' C-csde.” a 142-page fiWaied book It is bum f-ili-cf useful infomwtion for fenr.era It will b* %aux free and will make and save yoa money. Address, GERMAN Ufi WORKS. „ .W aS^t , /erfc J* X&SI terras . A.—