The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, April 03, 1896, Image 2

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low iEA¥|—- ■ ■ • ; ',• , ; ' Ml' ' ’• ; - '•■ - '**“ Buyer after one month in the great Eastern markets has returned with a great stock of Desirable Merchandise for spring and summer wear. And they arenow ready for the trade: " Wt- ■ • . ' * —■?-" ■' : p gs . • We are showing a great stock of Continued. -' . Stylish Dress Gcods and Silks, in all th the New Weaves, Designs and Colors, from th*£ jf 1000 yards best Percale Remnants 71c the 12£c goods. cheapest to the finest. s lit 5 cees best Prints 6 cents yard. ~, ~ .. - , 40 _ M w One case Wool Dress Goods 16c worth 25 cents. Showing Drees Patterns from iOc to lfio.oo each. ' 50 pieces Kai Kai Wash Silks, best thing out for shirt wnist". only 25c. Showing all the new thing, in Wash Dress Goods, from the cheapest Dawn, to the Fie 6 t|| Jf yo „ want to drßiß at ylish at a moderate price, you should hy all means patronize DAVISON French Organdies. |[|| I.OWE’3-Press Goods and Millinery Department, r Bargains | | House Furnising goods. Shirting, Calieo, Remnants, good quality 2lc yaid. New Mattings, New U g , Nvvr Drugget.*, Kvw Porii •s. Now Shades and Dr’peries. Fine Cotton Dress Goods, good quality, yard, f* • 1000 yards Fine Printed Di#y, sc. worth 15c per yard. I jNoV6ltieS, t J, 1000 yards Outing Cloth cents. . j| || 100< yards xl Gin„hama Onl v> fonts. |j|Jl In Belts Buckles, Ilair 0.-. ii ’viita, Neckwear, Veili lgs, Handkerchiefs and other small wear* yoooj.rd. Olek4 Dr, flood. So 12J „t.. ' || fctjli.], 1>,,„ Go,*. Sir s ..= 1 B.,U=nck', P.ttern. ,t THE MONITOR. Published Every Friday. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. mmmmmmr' mil " ■ aMnVMiHW • r^ajaan-i-ia Official Organ of Madison County; Kkury T. Mobbi.ry, Editor. Announcements FOB reprkskntativk: I announce mysslf a candidate foi Representative from Madison county in thg next General Assem bly of Georgia) subject to the ao* lion of fJie democratic primary. If elected I will do all in my power foi the !>est interests of the people of my native county. I enjoesty ask the support of my fdlowciti xene, and. W. HARDMAN. FOR OORONOR. 1 hereby 'announce myself a can didate for coronor enlij >et to the ac tion ot the Demoethlio primary, lies lievingthat I iun competent to charge the duties of the office I cars nestly ask the support of the voters. M 1) BROWN Remviuber that, you will hayc to register if you have uot already reg istered, before you can vote in the June primary. Register and see that jour neighbor dts likewise, MrW II Bullock i- being strong ly utged to make the race lor Kep mseutaii' o.'f Mr Bullock decides to make the race he wilt have many strong ;fiends why will support him lor the position. Read their ad. R®Hi chuuge of adrertUiniit of E ii and \\ F Dorsey, ths live fur niture and elothmg men of Athens ru this i-sus. 1 ht-ir stock is up tu date in both lines, in quality,quau tily and style, ami they are in the business to and give you \al i s rsesived for your money. John W Williams in the clothing department and William Smith in ihofuruinu-odspartmsul, two Mad ison county boys are out there and are ready to wait on you at any time. When you want any tiahgiu their line gae them a cati uiul g.q Uioir piles, be tore buying. |playtoja|Hstreet Ft* Lamar. Live Items from Old v p ort . JL —_ " "* vr-RW If thore is noTnora co’d weather, we will feast on fruit this rear. J P Deadwyfer has invented a back band and has applied for a patent. Those who have seen it say it is a good thing. Tite report that Loon 'Can nth got his leg broke in Texas is a mis take, but lie was * werely bruised. Hoke Smith is going to find things pretty warm when he comas s> nth, ths yeo' le of Georgia arc go ing-to burn things to a Crisp this year. There is a good one on a fellow who went to apply l’t r a pension. Ho went to Atlanta and applied m person. He made his talk on Ids condition and, etc. when the pen i-ion grantsr noticed that ho did , uot carry a cane, he asked the p or follow why h > did not have n cane along. When he. replied* that his condition was in such bad order that he was utterly unablo t > take a canp. Since there is so much t.tlk of war, we are reminded of whnt Hen ry Crady said once. “The citiz n standing in tho door way of his home, contented on his th ealtold, surrounded by bis family among scones and soundstiiat are dearest., hc-shaiUave the republic when the drum beat is futile, and tho barracks me i ,vh ii sled.’ There never was a prettier or mom trathful sentence than the above. Let war alone. Goto work to improve on your surroundings, root out selfishne-s and pride fiom your bosom. Li ve for those around you and for the advancement tvnd up building of those you spend your life among. LLA ITEMS. The Union singing choir met hero last Sunday evening. A num ber of peoplsflpuended niW every body seemed to enjoy the good mu sic. Miss Katie Elmore gave the lit tle fnks a nice candy drawing last Saturday night. They seemed t'* enjoy it very much. Too mud dogs pa t through this vie .oily last week, they hit several other dogs and then got away. M rs. (.yeen is very ill at this writ tm&r j We lenyu that Miss Geni > niui IdW Cabell a ’'o •improving]* H?t“i a Severn at tab! of pn •mu.>nia|(_ M isi ii j fee ..Mo&i nne'y of At hunll Saturday- and, Sunday. * Wo iehi'ii ti.nrt rge L Echols wiil tak-> Jits' departure foy Athens', very soon to attend fcjhoof M.. re. Iwoyd Rodgnw \irhb, iigs reci-htlje beep very bow with tbCjnea-iK-ls was. out, again last Kin -la v. Miss , Ola, 1110 ; a charming; y-ung:lady of DjmjgfWillo, visited ' i • 1 '• in li t ■ v midny. W ( any'gjad tiirara that Mi't .1 A Burrouglrs arm is now sane bettor. Morris (Jumpboll made a trip to Athens last. Tuesday. jj Mr Echols.made u flying trip tf Ha:mony Grove Monday. Mr Lister and wife visited the family of \Y p Williams Sunday. MADISON SPRINGS j H I . j dim farmers are generally alo ; | t hr uigh plantimr corn . L Fruit tree agents are plentiful ii i this community now, what a bless | mg among the people, Miss and Let fie Bon two charming young ladieaof th - hurg visited up above,Saturday ev ning. under where they went? There is to boa fishing party t Bragg a ferry next Saturday wee ~ vV e h pe the youngs b-rs well ha e a nice old (iue, for that is; wh fe they mean. • v - Jones Chapel r.ow has two Sir - ■ay schools—one at the ebur Ii and one at the academy. A chart fi is surely in a th icing conditi-n when it is that well off. B K Anthony our retail mere ha \ is taking nore interest in the su > day school at present than evr ie knew of—even his pig govs. 1 M O Fowler killed a hawk a ftw days ago that was f Amd to be fJur foot and eight inches from one t td wingt .i the other, miss Emmie McEwen and Hepiie Bc :, rd visited nr Bmnyai.s'last s|t urdav and Sunday. They a y taat leap year just means every i'oujth y#a r. Milton Cary and Evans madia bus*ness trip to the littecity of Harmony Grove last week, j C A Board talks as interest ng and with as much judgment, w. cn ,he is talking with his irl as ifi be | w as grown and wanted to mnrrj. Ask Willi) Brauynn what for; I times bo It sand how It- isgoti ng 1 along at the while house—we th life l lie feels quite encouraged. . 4 Candidates arc now pretty th ck. ; Three in a hiL. i Last week's issaoof ih-Mcffiuor J was the newsiest yet. - Miss Lula one of. I’n : ion Point’s most beautiful m and "accomplished young ladies is visia , relatives in (he 5t immunity-. . TAX NOTlgk Tax- Returns for the year 18D5, in my first round. Carfion . April 11th Puoli „ 20th C uner „ lOfh 1) mielsville ~ 7th ; H nrrisoh 11th Mill Cist. „ 15th Pocatalligo ~ 16th -Pitman 17fo Dowdy „ 18th Professional DAVID W MEADOW, ] Attorney at Law. ' DaSIKJ.SVII.I.E, Ga Office on coiner, west of Court J'oiisv, opposite Masonic OorUer. V, id i r.K-ticc iii all the courts'. All bus.its promptly executed - Jro. J. Strickland. Attorney. Athens - - Ga. Geo, C Thomas, Attorney, Athens, ca BERRY T. MOSELEY, Attorney” at Law,, Ga. Offio' on corner, west ot' fourt House, op.po ito Masonic i-ormr. \d’i!l practice in all the c- into. %'■ I JOHN E. GORDON, Attorney-at-Law, Danielsville, Ga. Will practice wherever desied. prompt at ton tiou given to *ll bus iness entrusted to hiscare- Office North -of court hptise. J.LG EIFTITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DaSIELRVILLE. Ga. Office south of Court house Calls answered and prescriptions fillet promptly. • j R. P. Sorrels THYSfCiAN \N! SIR3EON D.uiivlsviik-, Ga. - {.kills au- vefed and prvK-ripti. n fined :u at liu'irs. , A','."' ’ ,' The eeiebate j “dwl’ 5 ’ guano Magnolia iieid Phosphate, etc: S V - Also a full Line of Groceries. Dry goods. Hardware. Etc. In fact I sell everything and boy anything, in will be to your interest to see me before making your purchases or selling your Stuff. F II K.RON Kit 5 Forks iii-s Eva Estes, a beautiful and lovely voting lady of Athens, came down on the train Katur.lay to visit lmr piother, S O Estes. J T Baker, a prospectivo candi date for 31, rk, was in tow, lu. slay, shaking hands with his friends. e didn't ge-t a glimpse of him Sheriff Brooks and Clerk o‘K'el le-y of Danielsville, were here last Friday shaking hands with their frsemls. Both are candidate for rte’ecfion. Lloyd and C aflie will be hard to beat. . lion I J Meadow now of Athens was in town a few min utes last Friday, ol> bis way down on Norib Ri> er. J T Barnette lias been q :it<. sick, is better at this wri ing. I T Johnson of Hu 1 was in low i last Tuesday. Another charge'of soliedu’e o.i GC md X R if, 34 and 45 ,ogit lar !oc 4 mail I rains were taken off Sunday, the mail will lie handled bv the vtstibahs- M*-. l)r. Hampton lias Leon on the sick list for several days, but improving. Po{>' Hitchcock went to Athens last Wednesday and set himself up to anew buggy. Pope and hit buggy went up the road Saturday, in the direction c? Winterville- Mrs. J >t Sims of Oednee countv is fi-ilii.g the family of W I Meadors. Prof. '> v A Johnson ha? vaca ted li is school until summer. •lad to J N Boggs was in town to-day. s orry to hear that his bahv has the whooping cough. The hail v\ as very heavy m the neighborhood of B >gjs last night.. Am thcr wedding nen-i Fiv Forks to-night. Will tell you next week* Mis. Mari tit B ‘Hock an accom-- plished yotugla ly and br ither, were in town Tuesday. Mr. Newell, formerly of Sniitho nk’, now of Carolina, was in town Tne-dav. ’ see t l, at srvaral new names have 'arm added to tho Monitor’s li-t here. That's right h.lp v-oiir j .aper. c Mr. Cowles ,-f the Woolmen'of th - VVorl 1 is herv. and will proba— ! ! .v organize a camp here to-night. This is :i most excellent social order, an 1 is oue of the cheapest RiMiraßce concerns t>n earth.