The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 22, 1896, Image 1

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■—T T. XOMLT, MHw. r >”***. 1—• OL XIII. J I Jak 4 Cos. . . ■ . INVITES YOU TO INSPECT THEJR SPRING AND SUMMER Drj Goo Is, lotions, SB® Hals efc Wlfiuli is now Complete. W. handle anything yon want in tfoe way of General Merchandise - HERE ARE A FEW OF QUR BARGAIN'S. , ■ -j 100 Ladies Trimmed Hats 50c le *2.50 each. 2 cases Ladies Slippers, *I.OO. WVrth 1.25 2 cases Ladies Slippers, 1,50, worth 2 00. 1 casi Men's Tan sheas 2.26 pair. 1 case Men's Tan shoes, 3.00 pair. 1 case Men'# Low cut shoes. 1.75 worth 200 pai r And many other styles tqo numerous to mention. OUR LINE OF EQVS’and Men’# hats cant lie beat, and at prices to spit the people: carry th* largest stock of^~ white and cream laces, embroidery; Etc. Of any house in Comer. Prices from 2c. to 25c a yard. Wa carry everything in the Nation Line. See our new lot of Upess Goods Our prices are fight* 6ROO yards Cottonades and Kersiys from 10c to 15c a yard. We have a very large stock of To bacco on hand that must be sold in the aoxt 50 days, and fill make prices close, We handle the best 25c. a pound te - and get th* highest market price. Respectfully, J T Baker & Cos, Comer Ga. ABE JOEL 216 Broad Street, Athens. Headquarters for Bargains in Dry goods * ■ jfc- \ shoes, Clothing, Millinery, £;tc, It will be to your own benefit to eye ne bof.n buying else where. Whin in town drop in, ws will givd you satisfaction. Sheeting, Yard wide 4 l-4c Factory Checks at f^c Percale 1 yaTd wide, ths’l2fc kind at *c. i . , Oar stock is complete in everything, the few above items will tell yeu how we cut the price*. ABE JOEL, 216 Broad street Headquarters for Sweet Peas * u * 4 f....T15 OKLT Q*ft*rpcuad M Mk. NEW DOUBLE SWEET PEA BrM. of Ntaor. @) to nam. Packet 20 cents, half Packet IS cents. j| T wcnirtui Crimson Rambler Rose ‘YJfc*** jtj *s£%££ Shffg&jT 1 Srs^nsfi.' *■* * , ?rt22t£ssr£sr k i (§) Filled with good thing, old and Mf. I * ’ r ° VetetAJea, Swell Frute, ete., with description and w<cae j WiileT minr.£ of to eta. which msy be dedartad from tot arrUr-mliy J9J Wit-c : free with aa order for any ef the above. I ROCHEffTKfc, otW VO**. ak© JAMES VICK’S e ONS mm % Imiiclatijlle iHonita,. _ 1 \ 1 • Danielsville, Madison Ld Happenings Item? of latere&t to “Free It#te” People-~our Sick, Victors, Etc. Vou will haye to regisUv'if you vote in the primary of June 6th M and yon have from now until thdt time t regieter in. 80 see the T|x Collector and register, so you ctn bc'entitlod to a vote. ••••" Major W B Thomas of Atlanta, who is a railroad builder, was hers on Wednesday, He s-ys that if we go to work right, we can ioon have a road. So let ua be up and doing. Holman : & Scott have a fine lot of horses and mi|les which they are sell ing low prices. G W Dufflle an* in town thi# week and reported cotton square# on the 18th, Thle ie the earliest we hive heard of, If your neighbor ia not taking the Monitor and Constitution, speak to kirn about it, Ss he cap get both for |i.25. A L Dealing and T O Hadaway have moved t Broad street, Ath ens. js# above thejAtbees Hard ware Cos. Wien yon want buggies, harntsa, wageas, si a., see them. Rev. R S Cheney, of Carlton, wat with ue a little while on Wed nesday. John A Williford of.Paoli. paid us a pleasant visit on last Wed nesday. HWHtt" utlflM seed hulls and sit the lowest prices, ciaH dn G. W. B. RA tDEN, HULL, GA. A meat redicnloua error occurs in the “make-up’’ of our editorial pngs. It ccoured in rearranging the paragraphs after the proof bad been turned in by the oditor. When yon go to Athens and want Buggies Wagone Harness call op A P Dearing and T G Hadaway Broad street. Persons at a distance eaiiTely on being suited in coffins and Caskets at Daiiieleville. Stock never short. I bare them from home made up Ter* each or credit to responyible pait'e*. ASJQHKSON, GUNN^Uf—PQRtERFIELD rnmmm+matm ' Oh la-t Sunday everting at tW home of Mr, R. Porterfield. Mr. John R Gunnells of Neese, wai( united fn marlage to Mise-Balfle Porterfield, T A Grimes, esq., of ficiating. Mr. Gunnells i one of the coun ty’s staunchest citizens, and we congratulate jiies npon winning so noble a woman as his helpmate. Mr. Lee Rice Dead. Mr, Leo Rios, of 11a, died on Isot TV s lay night with appendici tis, after four day# illness. He was one of the conn ty’s most promising young men, and bit early taking off was a sad blow to lit-* community in whiob he lived. He leaves an aged mother, sev eral brothers and sisters and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his death. The funeral services were con ducted by Kev. J F Pharr, of Mc- Donough* Tl*K MOTMKRB ftnd help ■ u> Hood’sSaraapaHlla, which give* J MILL OT3. v arid-hot. ijhvtnara busy. Vods are a 1 burned over in tt> (^district. bays cut a bee tree* the othor aight, aud a large quantity of honey of waajprocured. lf|V. Manley preached a very nMrestiug and lexical sermon to a gf*d sized audience at C M iianp |ut Friday. Qfep’t forget the picnic at this >la#lL,B#turday before the Bth ■uiu'dSyv' Eve wholly is to om, with their baskets tilled. Thera will be plenty of girls and lemoa otuijJe—iweet and aeur. prof. Teaalay will conduct a singing at the <Vara scheel house oakheHh Sunday iu this month. W W Mas*n and Will Huff Smaway scrape last Snn |ht, It wa when ths ittlement girls gsve tham tom*. _ will "be two Speeches made lieuio en?the sth Saturday, ■n get Cel, Bond’s to make mps; ' ’i Success to ourTeonnty paper, Th* Me pives. if HIXHITB. ■ -mr* — |fav|g dry weather. Farmers aot through chopping cofckdp yet, Buady achool at. the Chap#} ia getting along very well, M. J L David who hsa been very ill for eevetnl days. She is aSht* better At- this time. ti issll saailss witli I> H Cox now—l| ia a girl. ; • %■>) . ’' - HHjRP-• ■ ■ There are medicines which change the action of organs and tissues. When a part does not properly perform Its work, they restore It to health Such remedies are called “'Al teratives." Scott’s Emulsion of God liver QTTwTtK Hypophos phltes, is one of . these rem edies. This W l 'largely be cause of certain drugs which naturally exist In the oil, aa iodine and bromine. If you fire neither hard sick nor retd well; if you feel below yoyr usual-standard, these alteffli- Slrill change your con arid b;!rvg back your and strength. I HurOi.sior ndorud b u* kiitom/or • • toort. (Atk roar dol ls toeoau it i o'tooyt poUlohLr—oltooyi ttf&ifbiMwyt toato-o- ‘ho part* QCorwogUn Cdd-tKir Oil aad Hypop^tfhUoo. 'rallip * ia uni oad tigot-JTIo taut! lift ttdry htnoagh la tan your coagk or grip your hob- LOST Two pigs, about four months eld, one black with a whit* nose, and the other klaok with one or two whi;e spots on it. If found picas* return to J E Gordon and you will be wewirdod for your trouble. . . .. *• J-ife ’ NOTICE. - Georgia—Madison county; Whereas J F L Bond, adm. of N C Bond, dec’d has applied to me for letters of dismission from said administration. This is therefore te cite all pereone concerned to be at my office on the first Monday in July to show why said letter* should not be granted. Thi* Apr, 6th 1896, G C Daniel, Ordy. Taylor Detk, the loader at the netorlone Ddh geos ot outlaws, mad who ia charged with the brutal starrier of Sheriff (twain of Pike eeuuty, who waa undertaking to carry ont the as tad* tea of the law. ha e been captured end is bow in the Pottos eouatyjeil. Bo was captured by Mr. Looaey, ef the Atlanta detect Ire force. jujg.- - ■ m , J T Baker 6 Cm. great yon [with anew ad- this week. This firm is composed of too bright young men. and thejr will treat you ♦iff fit* 5 Forks Iteni* of Interest * From a Live Town. ffoward and Lawson ryere #n hand last Thursday, and a pretty peed crowd out to hear thorn—can didates without number. Both Howard and hawson made goo tpeeehes. Sentiment if the people pretty.much divided with Howard in the lead. Everything passed off quietly. h Crops around Hera in good grew* ing order. , - M B Herridg and his aocomp dlthed lady, were in town trading BaWday* Mrs.T A Harris'and son Char, lie of Wintervil le, came down last Thursday, Mrs. Hnrrisjgoing on the 8:1* train te Middleton, Elbert’county. to visit her daugh ter, Miss Daisis Lon, who is teach, ing school over there. Just as their buggy ee’eared ths railroad track, horse and buggy cume to a sudden standstill, by one of the rear wheels laying flat on the ground with every spoke brohe in the hub. No one hurt. Our Jimmy and little Dee be took to Wiuterville last Saturday night. 8 C Wagoner of Wintervi le w-es in town last Saturday. Loyely Miss JMattie Hampton was visiting Dr. and Mrs. Hamp ton last Sunday. Williex F#ulkner brought down some fine honey Suturday. Brought 12$ readily. T G Kates is vigitiitg his mothers! family for aw hi)e. Rev, Evans preached a fine sermon Sunday. Had a very good congregation. The discourse was listened to attentively. Miss Susie Gbelston 'and Miss Simmons of. JJJauieUvill*, two beautiful young ladies, were visit iag xYthe Glenn house Sunday evening..*- W D tho train here Sunday evening, going bank to his studfes at the University. Mr. and Mr*. Lee Eberhart have a very.sjck baby at this writing, Dr. Hamptyu is cutting up *ll kinds of prapksjto-day. We qnesy tiofied him about it, at| I was informed that a (An pound boy hyl been born unto his hou<|>>. Mother and hahe doing well, \ A much needed ahower of rain fell yesterday. Everything looks revived this morning. J W Hardman, known by most people as Billy, who has been sick so long, breathed hit last yesterday about 12 o’clock, surrounded by hie family, relatives and friend*. He leaves a wife and several children, He was a kind and afs .fectionate husband and father, a good neighbor and highly esteemed gentleman, and numbered hie friends by the hundreds. lien. J P Ghcleton and wife, vidted friend* h ere Tuesday. We were glad to see him looking muoh improved. An Unhappy Lot has the member of your family whp goffers •from Neuralgia,Headache,, of whose health bag been shattered front any cause whatsoever. < Possibly Brown’s Iron Bittrrs will be of use. KMIUTU-Avtiw may rifwmdid should SaowN’s lom Bittus, lakea as dlrected./etf to beesdt any person sef. i ftriog from Dyspepsia, Mslsrla, Chills esd Fwsr, Kidney and Liver Troubles, Htteusnsss, Ftmnle Intnnitlas, Import I Stood, Wsskn-ss, Nsrveas Troubles, Headache or Neurslgla. omwe it makes pore, rich, hmWOf *h **d bealth-gfriuf LOOns7^ 'Si Ft. Lamar. Live Items fropi the Old Fort. We wish someone would catf h. u# out on the fly., Tom Crow killed ’ One of tile largest rattle snakes we have heard of. It wa 6 feet long and had 18 rattles. ‘ 1 Children's day was a auccest here Sunday. A laige erowd* recitations of all were good, j"; Lit ,Ie Dewitt Payns is the cham pion fisheraata. He caught a large string of tats and eels ever? time he goes fishing. In fast he ia a little hustler at anything he goee at. A J Wa*e died ef apoplexy in Franklin county last Sunday even ing and buried at Liberty Mondav. lie ate a hearty dinner sad . was appareutly as wall ss ever, but at three e’cleok he fell from his chair and was dead ia an instant. ! ... One more ward about 1 our pica io here on the 80th. Prepartiens are being made for a large erewd and we will be if it doee not oome. We will #nt*y\ tain you We will have Voeg) mu sic in the forenoon, and instru mental music and speeches galore in th# afternoon—red lemonade and everythiag. Dauislsvlls, Comer, IU, Mtdisen Springs, Hix, Alvin, Curneavitlev Bold Springs, Rovston ami everybody haveaapecial invi to then to attend with basket* full. | CARLTON’S SPEECH. In a speech at Oak Grave on lust Satuiday, Dr. Carlton, the die , grnntlt'd and and independent [candidate for Congress took oo> cassiou to refer personally to the writer, ondTo thy on per he repre sents. 1/ Tetter on in the jmmpaign, when tbs Mr. mounts tw stump, really and truly, in the Ijnteiest *f Ikw own eandidaoy for Qongrtis which 1 1 seriously doubt, I take oo | cation to refer him to seyeraf •pecks or, hie spotlessly linen. H</til that tint* it ik useless to nq'ice him, lie represent* nothing apeept his selfish ambition, ynd posing as a patriot hardly suits him. \ Ed. F. McGotaw, Xou had bettsr register now, if you intend to vote in the ap preashing primary. You may re gret that yon neglected .so impor ts it a thing, in tho near’future. Pu'liam Burdin, a young white man was js led here l yesterday, under an old indictment, but im mediately gave bond. ! The populist convention at thy court house to-morrow, will proba bly nominate Hardeman Wade or H D Massey for Representative, and W S Sanddra, tor Clerk, with. a full set of county officers. J M Hateherson of Ft- Lamar, one of the county’! beet citizens, was here to-day. Let’s come together on that new jpilyay project. We eaa build and railroad, and why not do it? Let doubters and kick ers keep out of this new venter*. Several eommenieations of apo litical nata.-o, crowed out thi# week. They will sppeai neat week and the week after. Abe Joel, the leading sod papa* lar dry goods merchant on Bread street, Athena, Ga., hue an ad. on this page. He is absolutely reli able and handles ftret-clsse goods in every particular. Hi wa*ts a share of the Mad iron codftfcy trade and if low prices, good good* ft*4 polite salesman, count for y -when you to to twu NO. 42