The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 12, 1896, Image 1

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BKRRY T. -vsOSKLY, Editor. KD. F, McGOWAN, Bus. Man’gr. VOL. X!l. Rich Red Blood is absolutely essential to health, ft is secured easily and naturally by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, but is im possible to get it from so-called “ nerve tonics,” and opiate compounds, ab surdly advertised as “ blood puri fiers.” They have temporary, sleeping effect, but do not CUR-E. To have pure Blood And good health, take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which has first, last, and all the time, been advertised as just what it is —the best medicine for the blood ever pro duced. Its success in curing Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Nervous Prdstratidh iffha That Tired Feeling, have made Hood’s Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. AH druggists. SL l* j, m>*n are purely vegetable, re rlOOQ S r' lltS liable and beneficial. 25e. •Me PORTABLE?*^ SOPH FOUNTAINS 535 £ \ Completer to Sk * 1 Ready For 58° if jQP 086 ' BshplSS ujl Jwjj Ci-ts-O ||S*> ACffiidStyJ ifojr 30 Years In Use all Over the World No Generators or Extras. Operated by a child. Will stand by anv S4OOO Gas Fountain and sell five glasses to Its one. CHBPMHN & CO. MADISON, INDIANA. 51800.00 ■MVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $r> evervnonth givan away to any one who aj\ pliss through us tor :hc must nicritorious patent during the month precedi ig. Wg secure the best patev.ts f-yv our clients, ttnd the object of this efter is fo encourage inventois to Jwebtrack*of their bright ideas. _ Ai .he same time '.vc Irish to impress upon the public the lact that it’s t:;e simple, trivial inventions THAT YIELD FORTUNES, '“’’tch as the 4< car-win j3\y " which can be easily slid up knd down without breaking the passenger’s back, !*sauce-pan,'* cdUar-butlon/’ ‘'nut-lock/' “bottle -sbpper, and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a . *ay oi improving: and these simple inventions are the one.; that brir.glargest rcr to the author. Try to think of something to invent. ’IT !S NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMo. Patents taken out through us receive special notice it the “ National Recorder ” published at Washington, D. C., which is the Bestnewspaper published in America in the interests of ihventnrs. We furnish a year's Sub scription to this joum?i, free of cost, to ail our clisnts Weaiso advertise, free of cost, the invention each month Which wins our srjo prize, and hundred.; 6f thousand* of copies of the “National Recorder.“ containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the Uniteii States among itabsts and manufacturers, ihui bringing to their Attention the merits of the invention. AH communications regarded strictly confidential. Address JOHN WEODERBURN & CO„ Solicitor.. of American und Foreign Patents, / 6S F Street, N. W., M* 385. V/ashington, D. C. 'fe'' Reference—settlor of this pater. for ou* - *g r~ fair, •'Atet. Corn is a vigorous feeder and re sponds well to liberal fertiliza tion. On corn lands the yield increases and the soil improves if properly treated with fer tilizers containing not under j% actual Potash. A trial of this plan costs but little and is sure to lead to profitable culture. Our pamphlets are not advertising circulars boom ing special fertilisers, but are practical works, contain ing latest researches on the subject of fertilization, and in really helpful to farmers. They are sent free for a tiring german KALI WORKS, D3 Nassau St.. New York. f*REAT SALES prove the great ' merit of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Sarsaparilla sells because it fiecomplishes GREAT CURES, % pantelemllc Jttomtor. id Happenings terns of Interest to ‘‘Free State” People—Our v Sick, Visitors, Etc. Green apple pies, new honey and spring house stfeet milk,are now in order. , The prospect for a fulVfruit crop is .promising, but we bate the never firing blackberry to fall back on. Vt xjle the most of />ur sick are conValhsoert we barn of ft great many mV cases. Miss MaVnie GsU'bett of Ogle'' thorpe is visaing/ her cousin Col. II II KinnebreVfhis week. Miss Otie who has been nttemiingAlie Vjnrls Normal and Industrial sclvoi 1 dt Mil'edge ville, is at h Jme for th (Vacation. Holman & Scott have a fine joy of horses and mules which they are sell ing lcjl prices. When you go to Alliens and want buggies, Wagons Harness call on A i J Hearing and T G Hadaway broad s rcot. U W Boggs has been quite feeble for several days. Miss Eva Sorrells, who has been attending Lucy Cobb Institute is at home for vacation, One horse for sale. Cheap for cash or credit to responsible par ties, J, Bakkr* " Mrs.-dCinnebrew of near Athens^ is yiaijug her children, Col. ft II ICW brow and Mrs. A S '•JoWifiSfir this week. \'f S'nce* the election everybo'y seems to be busy, consequently news is scarce this week. The executive committee of the democratic party, will meet in ex ecutive session at th > court house here on to-morrow, (Saturday), to consider the notice of intention to contest the Ordinary’s race, filed by J>. G 0 Daniel. A full meet ing is expected. If you want cotton seed hulls and meal at the lowest prices. w. b. ga. Terrell, the sleight of hand show man, was in town this week and exhibited to a large cfowd . V/ IT Long, formerly a prominent cit’zen of this county. w*-s over from fis home at Abbeville the first, of tbe week. If your neighbor is not taking the Monitor and Constitution, speak to him about it, as he can get both for $1.25. Jupe Scarborough’s horse became unmanageable oh'lnst Monday,and ran away with the plow. Results —a badly cut up horse. Miss Matt'e Carrington who has been spending awhile with her sisters here, has rtturned Lome. Last week was a busy one With us, und we ask for yom indulgence. TRASHY MEDICINES. Many such flood the market Botanic 13lood Balm it, a conscien tiously compounded medicine, the result of forty years practice by an eminent’ physician. It is the best blood purifier ever offeied to the public, and is guaranteed <b cure if given a fair trial. Try it for all smii and blood diseases, including catarrh and Rheumatism. in its worst form. One bottle of it tains more curative ' and building up virtue than a dozen of any oth er kind. Try “The Old Reliable.” See advertisement elsewhere. For sale by druggists. FOB. MABXSfI? COUNTY. Danielsville, Madison County, (pj Friday, June UtttT I89S? TfIBULffTED fStmSy. , The Result of lin details/ I / / 1 NAMES OF CANDIDiWaS . f-4 * FOR ordinary! George C. Danis Jacob N. Boggs, w For Clerk of the Superior %jtu*t Stephen C. O’Kelley, f’ John T Baker, J. G. Allen, FOR SHERIFF Jp\ Lloyd E. brook!!,! George M Caritheis, FOR TAX JOLI.IfCTOIj James P. Cook, | Edwin F. Mart in L Joseph J. Hix. lor tax receiver/ John F Brown. ' William H. Smifl|,j • Jerome B StreetmaiL FOR COUNTY TREASURER John I<’. brown, hf-i Thomas \V. Long, fa Frederick li Scarborbughj James S MoCuidy, 4} FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR M D L Pittman, N' 1 Edmund E Stone, §K hOR CORONOII I D li Mote ley, L M D Brown, 11 W GBC Smith'. | John B Dean, , |w FOR REPRESENTATIVE | JE’ L bond .' /1, . Robert J Sorrells, ■ j David B Thompspn*'Vi J FOR U. b. SENATE ' J , ■. Charles F ’CrisjJrtfV^ .• ’ - ■■■ 'lf jhrlttgftwi.? * FOR 55th CONGRESS W M Howard, r,r Thomas G Luwsdil, ’ ; '>l - J :: i ' - ' "fimUHm Total vote by- Districts: In another column we give you the full election returns by dis*- triet3. We did not give the vote for 8 ate House officers, as the y had no opposition. Delegates to the different conventions will be appoi n ted t fi -m o rrow. Dr G C Daniel was In Athens on Tuesday last Personal. Free -02 page medical reference book any person afflicted wich any special, chronic or delicate disease peculiar to their sex* Address the leading physicians and surgeon ot the United States, Dr. Hathaway & Cos. 22i So- Broad street, At lanta, Ga, Mrs J F Pharr who was visiting her parents returned to her home in McDoneugh. SCOTTS KJr Emulsion A Is the standard emulsion the world over. There is riot a man, v/Orinari 6f hhild who is fun down or emaciated or -has .freak lungs that Scott’s Erinul- Sion v/ill not benefit. When you ask for it you will likely be told by the druggist that he has an emulsion “ just as good.” It is not true. No emulsion Is as sood. Scott’s Emulsion has bene fited millions of people. Ask your druggist if he can refer* you to a single cade that has been helped by the unknown emulsion he sells, and if so, we frill send you 2 book giving thousands of cases. You want standard; hot something that nobody knofrs anything about. All dhaggists *ell Scott's Emulsion. Two sizes—jo cents and SI.OO. scoff * BOWNE, Chemists. Nsw York ‘ TOTAIS i Fork A Paoli eScer Gio\\ Hifl Pittman Mill Ha riason I Danielsvillo 190 go 62 09 02 49 40 4 1 42 imo 147 45 20 62 S7 80 44 288 go 56 44 177 80 80 88 fjfi ( ;; >n 00 9 14 5 ,89 81 49 00 17 vc/, 89 83 2 70 80 11 4 23 1 a j 9 248 48 00 98 119 918 00 64 08 stf. 95 28 0 17 24 82- 24 42 7 275 181 19 49 51 25 84 09 84 02 r, 7 , 130 21 23 50 4 9 70 15 1 5 18 S 86 38 20 |74 17 2 18 8 3,.] 149 22 27 22 !07 87 4040 48 508 i-5 20 80 19 29 30 29 60 W t 78 22 14 75 51 9 11 9 4 180 22 30 73 ;75 01 14 21 12 141 77 8 18 31 1 42 47 41 07 47 hoh 80 28 28 ! 7 4 7 28 8 'cn 80 12 7 8 12 14 IS 7 5 uj 142 2 21 50 190 90 20 40 31 5 0 7 107 48 49 47 29 10 27 38 10 43‘j 153 14 11 24 50 82 48 89 42 in 89 24 81 58 46 14- 23 11 2 ft 62 12 88 27 28 13 82 17 oil 82 19 60 17 1 8 13 | 145 257 84 08 81 67 6l 49 48 01 721 o|2 0’ 1 H> 45 17 4 17 3 m jyg4 - a - ; 47 |i 04 07. 30 123 44 52*2 546 54 00' 08 128 79 30 >lO 42 '733 02 1 I# 11 24 80 63 28 248 *BO4 82 73 122 J 154 182 80 1B0~!82 11228 Howard Wiris V H<jjn. WJI Howard carried the following counties in last Saturday’s primaries, over Hon. Thus- G Lawson for Congress: 'Willses 4 Gr.i'ne 4 Oconee 2 ElbiK-t 2 Oglethorpe 4 Madison 2 Which gives him 20 votes in the convention. Only 16 was necceSsary to nominate. Howard swept the fie’d clean, carrying every con nty that acted. In him tho Bth congressional dis trict will have an able represen tative and he will soon forge to the front as one of the leading statesmen of the day. Everybody knows ‘‘Bill” How nrd| and everybody likes him. WHAT WE INHERIT. We ate not to blame, for we cannot be respomnb’e for the dis positions and tendencies which ve derive from our ancestors, nor,are we responsible for the germs of din soase whicrh may manifest theirp aelves in our blood as a heritage from formei generations. But wd are responsible if e allow' these germs to develop into serious di seases which Will impair our use fulness and destroy our happiness. We are responsible if we transmit t<s oar descendant the .disease germs which it is possible for us to eradicate by the use of food’s Sar- the one,.U r jjJo<>d purifi >ije T.his lake, rfeihy red blood pnd ished perfect health, in place of di ease. lICItVOUS Troubles are due th W impoverished blood. Hood’s 8* teafllls to the One True Blood and NERVI TONIC* Z Kny* In Avrloultnr*. What is probably tho Unit application of Roentßen’s rays to tho elucidutiou of an agricultural problem has been ef footed at Munich by Dr. Gruetz. who hoe obtained by tho agency of the x ray* the "photograph” of u pig one day old. The outline of the skeleton system Is clearly showu. Au examination of the image of the skeleton of this young ptR makofi much mors iutslligiblo than would a lung dissoitatiuu the necessity of u diet rich in phospbatic matter, aud its effect upon tho perfect development of tho osseous system. The young sat in id. of which Ihe bouv tissues are so imperfectly constituted’ at the time of birth, finds, in tho maternal milk the nitrogoiiC* as " ,,fl phoinhatio ingredients essential to *h# fo- msuon of bone. Af ter it is weaned i- W_fQ'>d hj is afforded in cereal grains fu. S '>es it With rue phosphoric acid, the .lid 0 and th§ mag. uesia required for the corns, etiou of its osseous structures. Korean Method* of Oolleetlan. Tho Korean low rends: “One who Owes money, and at tiid promised time fails to pay it; whether the debt be to his majesty the king of to another persoh of Other persona, ■ball be beaten two of three times a month on the shin, and this punish xnent shall be oontindtid hfttil the debt is discharged. If A tahti died la debt, his relations itidst pay debt, or be beaten two or threat times a month oh the thin." Kn. Itlln’s “Queer Korea. “ [The New Woman If she tides tier wheel too long is going to gfi tired. The young woman, whether from danc ing, ollicc work or shop tending, often feels badly. The mother or housewife from domestic cares is broken duWii, All 1 women should take j Hkown’s JkdN Bit- j 7L*s, the best .ftren-! gthcniug nu-dftinc. BUBscstimoa 1 Oh Dollar Par f j SOME Gdab ADVIOt. 1 Mjp/NS III, A|-<1 .JB.t St*rtin(j6cit. 'K* S-siiy yonnKjrurmers dey/not mpw pnrhen they arofWully (loiigf wemnd. pfreqtionfly \ou they h#e itjtilo jf Rood Matt an :tr in M tiiißtiish ihpmstjlvus n and will 'hM ,o*L” This is ulUwi uiiß. Stick to \Jtir fnrm,' and if yojl h iv t > il gtiml do iiot 11 sell ont expivtinn to bettor X because you are,htfe.*dU a Rood prief If your noißhbpr enn Itinkei farniiiß pay oii yonr farm loftdive that you fuu do it as wpII iih lie euU. Plan a system of im provemear, and as yonr means warrant; carry this systoiil out. Do not outer in to any spooulatio.q either With othelr imople’s inotioy or yonr own. Do no* inertrurp your farm to buy Roods. Do not buy fancy slock at enunnoos prices, without knowifiß how you will make the iuvostfiioiH proftfabl'o. Do not keep poor stock when you can keep pood at the same expense and with twico tho pi'oflt. Do not bd tempted by high prices to idaut excessively of any one crop. Ten chaucos to one the pried of t hat l:rof will hg low at harvest time, white the price of the crops you iior lei-ted WllMie hißh. Do not try to grow* crops for 'Which Voflr form is uoi adapted. Reuolvd (and stick to it) that if iiullistty and good ihaiuißeiaent will make It so, yonr form shall be a profita ble one. Put ydur surplus e.lruiiißg iutd such improvements as will add to thU profit, appearaned and convenience of your farm. Make experiments, dcspitU what, your i.oißl.bors may say. MakU yourselves thoroußhly neqiiaiated with the principles of ußricultnro aud be Ruided by them. Do not keep more stis-k than yoh ImVP pasture for. If you own mare land than you cun cultivate well. ait. tn debt, or need money t 0 make necessary improvements, sell par* of your laud artd use the money ttt pay your di-bits or your improve ments.—Kxcliaiige. licit Vnraf. Hor Cows. IJUpsriox.— I wish to keep up twi* thllch cow* mid soil tlidm, that is, on* for them green stud and feed them la their stalls. What forage plant would you fecommeud for this purpose? Axswr.a. —F6 this purjhise I would hulicsitutlußly fwioiumend oat-tail mil. let, culled also Pearl millet, Japan mil* let uud Horse millet. ’On rioh land thld millet makes q/u astonlshlugly rapid gfowbh, add can be cut several time# during the odaSou, foruiahing a larg# atuot|.i Uf fairly good fojfttKSi Bow i seed will plaut.lMt aerd. This fomg* dor. ,r W tons of dry hay to 'tfaSi aero.—State Agricultural Department.', How *• Oi ..,u'of Bwlln, vunsrrox.— There are Seme striped hugs eating qn my Iriab potato crop. They did ind kuiiie thing last year.lmd 1 tried everything I know to get rid ul them, but without snccos*. If you can tell me u remedy* for them. It will much appicclutcil by myself aud utigl*- Imn* Ax.swkr. —Thoro have beau many let* tors received hjr this ’epurtmeut this spring of like tenur to tho above, and D is evident that the farmers and garden-- erf of this state will horoafter have Ml 1 protect their Irish potato crop os they now do at tho north and west. Thd striped bugs you suenk of are cither tbd Colorado or the Rlistor Beetle, both of which havo become plentiful and per manently domiciled iu Georgia. TIM best remody for these pests is s praying or (liistiiiß the plants, with either Paris green or iKitnion purplo. For dusting, use one pound of the poison Mixed with tiro pounds of Wheat Hafir aud twd poniids of flit* ashes, drjr dust or air slucknd litfis. Sift, this mixture on thd plants when the dew is on them. 11l sprinkling nfip a teuspoonfnl of Paris tiwin or Liiidon purple to two and and mlf gallons of water. Use the poisons upon the first nppearatice of the beetles, iHsforu they get a good foothold. Rom# potato growers Msort id handpicking td get rid of fho beotlds. hht it is neither so clu-ap iior effecttiul its the fiae of th# uraotiites Always be very careful in haudling Paris (fret'll or Loudon purpl#; as they are pnndly poiSOtl.—State Agri* cultural Department- 4 < tff ttmSl fyfkfiTuj* i.—l Writes to Utdm fflift that I wish Cos burn a kilri of liirie to use 011 iny farm as a fertiliser. How shall !! arraulfe to burn it, find how long wfljl t take to burn a kiln with wood. 1 Ashwek 2. —Lime may be Cheaply and profitably burned on auy fan* where limestone is abundant. Lima may be burned in kilns or oheaper still the stones maybe piled in a heap and burned, something after the manner at burning charcoal. In the latter oassv ts arch is made of the largest stones all the bottom of the pile, and the cavity finder the arch is filled with well seaa> oned wood. Lay the stones loosely, *ud immediately above the arch, place i layer of wood, then a layer of stone, find so on until the pile is ns large afi you want it, then cover the entire heap -frith earth, leaving an opening at the top for the sifioke to eecape. A short chimney increases the draft and is de sirable on that accent, as the wood .blast bfitn freely. Start the fire be? heath the arch find regulate the draft by opening or dosing the month of thfi arch. The wood should be dry to bur* briskly. By the time the wood is con sumed the stones will be calcined, bait should be left until entirely cool, r—State Agricultnn 1 Department. PI6M ft Eft BLOOD is thefoun ■V dation of good health. That is why Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the One Trufi Blood Purifier, gives HEALTH* A'O. au w jßr