The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 26, 1896, Image 1

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BKftBY T. WOSRLY, Editor. F, McGOWAN, Bus. Mun’gr. VOL XII. SSO REWARD STOLEN. On MONDAY NIGHT, JUNE 15tli. inst: One medium size, light bay mule, fresh sheared. Is a little ewe necked, hoofs very long wearing ol;l shoes, very short, inclined to be )>ot bellied. Head laige for her size and ine.bned to be bony, large ears, 'Open friendly expression from her eypg. Stolen and carried aw„y by a negro nam ed GEORGE LOVETT. Negro about 40 years old, about 5 feet 10 inches hieh, weighs about 1601 bs, smooth face, except slight mustache unless shaved, has scar, over right, eye about inch long, broad flat nose, talk* low. voice a little rough, wore off good white straw hat, with wide black band, and lace Sunday plain shoes. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD for mule and Negro, or Twenty-five Dollars reward for either. The negro to be delivered in any jail in the State, and noti fication given to L. E. BROOKS, Sheriff, Dauielsville, Ga. This June l6tb. 1896. W. W. BARNETT, Dauielsville, Ga. J 1 Baler & Cos. INVITES YOU TO INSPECT THEIR SPRING AND SUMMER Stock of Dr/ Goo I Notions, SHOES Hats. etc. Which is now Complete. Wc handle anything yon want in the way of General Merchandise HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS. 100 Ladies rimmed Hats 50c to #2.50 each. 2 cases Ladies Slippers, #I.OO. WSrth 1.25 2 cases Ladies Slippers. 1.50, worth 2.00, 1 case Men's Tan shoes 2.25 pair. 1 case Men’s fan shoes, 3.00 pair. " 1 ease Men’s Low cut shoes. I.7s'worth 209 , Andmrany other Styles too numerous to mention OUR LINE OF BOYS’ and Men’s hats cant be beat, and at prices to suit the people: We carry th* largest stock of- white and cream lace embroidery; Etc Of any house in comer, pri es irom 250 a yaid. We carry every thing in tec Notion liue see our new lot of Dress Goods. Our prices are right. 5000 yards Cottonades and Kerseys from 15c a yard. We have a very largo stock of tobacco on band and must be sold in the next, fifty daysand will make prices We handle the best 25e a pound tobacco on the market, Bring us your chickens, butter and eggs,and get tne highest market, prices. J T Baker & Comer Ga 216 Broad Street, Athens. Headquarters for Bargains in Dry goods shoes, Clothing, Millinery, Etc. - It will be to your own benefit to see us before buying else where. When in town drop in, we will give you satisfaction. Sheeting. Ya f d wide 4 l-4c Fdctory hocks at 34a Pereals 1 yard wide, the 125 c kind at &c. Our stock is complete in evnyliing, the few above ite ns will tell you how we cut the prices. ABE JOE 210 Broad street J&'Om. X&M j&G&BT COTTIMTY. Dauielsville, Madison' Ga IShE -Friday, June 26th. 1896. kill tpiM Items of Interest to ‘‘lm State 5 ’ People—oi™ Sick, Visitors, Etc. M A'ways in season .Ilopkin aStca tlB | Hominy (Hulled Corn). EiegM lunch in milk. | J B White and family, M Boggs, visited Dr. and Mrs. J|j Griffith on last Tuesday. Mrs. I F White and childre® and Miss Lizzie White, are visi® ing at Franklin Springs this wec-Sl Holman & Scott have* fine lot of horses an mules which they are se* ing low prices. Mr. S B Swilling of Roystoig Ga., hasentetod upon the study jl law here. He is under the tutoSj ship of Col JF L Pond. ' ■- One horse for sale.' Cheap full cash or credit to responsible parti ties, J.. T. Baker, |J Zan Watson, c>l., who skippefly his bond during last court, wal arrested by Sheriff Brooks lasi Friday, and placed in jail herol wlu-re he will remain until court..! Don't doubt it! th J time has come when meriq wins, and that is Miy Deed pie exchange old pianosj orgdns and sewing rrjaJ chines, or J}iiy nev/ t at Conoway’s Music H-jaj AV B Williams of Jefferson,] was in town Monday. Mrs, HT Murray of Nicholson, is visiting her parents here this; week. Nelms & Johnson have secured T J Kerlin, as painter at their shops. He is a first-class buggy painter, and the only one in the countY. Bring Your work, will give you as good job as you can get in Athens or anywhere else. NELMS <fc JOHNSON, Danielfeville, Ga. The Board of Trustees of the ! Dunielsvifie Academy, have by ui,m iinmis action, reelected Dr. At/ k sson to the he and of Institu tion for another term, Let all pull together now for a eSbEt'ssf'ujl 1 year. l)r, Atkinson is an 'ablj; educator, and you should not jojfe this opportunity toliavo tfe-ltWl fit of Dir- - rvici*. The Methodists here have placed their new hell in position and ftj gives universal satisfaction.. weighs 750 ponnds. The bliudp. are h ing placed . in position arid] the painting has commenced." When finished it will be quite a neat edifice far the assembling (if the people to 'worship. -... Jfctlljgjp Berry T Moseley, is q|rine] sick with bi'lious feye 1 *. 11< n. !) \Y Meadmv is in Maqof attending the S'pto oftvec|i|l lie goo.: as a dnlegkte from gi|*l county. | J M Skimer of the Mill,Fpaeß@ ov-w to see us Monday. The threshers were in oar ; a : PERSONAL. —a i -m Fuek - 02 page medical | bo >k ary person afflicted wieh iW.||r -pc dal, chronic or delicate 4MdMt ue; il ar to their sox* AdUfcsw the ' leading physic* ms and surgeon ol [the Uni ed States, Dr/ ‘ Cos. 22| So. Broad feinifet, Ap • lauta, Ga (ip IDS A\ D WEATH 1£ R irds iu general pick tlioi;• fP;t.h msh the nisei ve and fly to th ir expect rain, ils oiling tlieii feathers indicate hen birds cease to sing rain and der will probably occur, rds' flying in groups during rain indin Mates hail, aokbirds bring healthy weather, thirds notes are very shrill in Sice of rain. solitary turkey buzzard at a gro H altitude indicates rain. If, the rooster crows more than f'Usual or earlier, expect min. Roasters are sai l to clap their iu au.Vhusual manmir before Pram, and hens to rub in the dust and seem very uneasy, l If the crows make much noise and s flv round and round, expect rain, K Abie crow flying alone is a sign If fop] weather, but if crows fly in pairs expect fine weHlicr. i' Cuckoos halloaing on low lands indicates rain, on high land, fair ’ weather. Hie cuckoo iu Appit opens Ins hill iu May he sings ail day, in •June he alters Ilia tune, come Au gust, go he must. :*whdn the ben crow expect n ■storm within aed without. /-Ween fouls roost m day time expect rain, -When you sue geese in water iwashing themsoves expect rain,— Transcript. L SPOONS FREE TO ALL. ‘As m the (Tiriatian Herald tliat, P|jsa A. ,M. Frijz.Station a, St, Louis BDu an el taking oiders’'Phr the spoons The kbok spoon is a household heeessity'/tt cannot slip into ,Uie dml) or vessel being held 'ii the place by a hook on the bitek. r JTie spoon is something housekeepers have needed ever since spoons were invented . Anyone cangijta sample Spoon by,sending ten 2 cent slumps to Miss Fritz. This is a splendid way to make money around home. Very truly. JiIIXXKTTE S. fTha farmer fiandles fruit very carefully. He knows that the bruised spots are the first to decay . So with ■ ycur system. Don’t let your cold continue. The hard ef , forts at coughing and the in flammation bruise delicate lining to your throat and lungs. Disease germs like these bruised and weakened parts, .•ScotS Smuls-’cn. of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo phosphites, will soothe the cough, relieve the inflamed ■membrane, and tone up the yhoie system. SCOTT'S EMULSION has bc^n-ndorvrd by th* Profession twenty years. (Aik your doctor .) { hi* is becauve it is always pahilabl- ,<!w.i v utu/orm lway* contains the purest Uorvjegtan Cod-liver Oil ymj&pofmst’hit'’'. insist or. Scott’S Emulsion with trade-mark of •nan and fish/ 5° cent and SI.OO sizes. The small size he enough to cure your cough or help your baby. SCOTT A BOWNE, Aig. Checksts, New Yorli sfoiiE pßVaiive power ia contained in Hood-e aixaparill a than in any dtilicr similar preparation It costs tlio propr c!or & matiufactn -rn ore. Jit cost jobber more ayd it is worth more to the consumer. More skill is required jn its preparation and it iiottihine-s more remedial qualities any other medicine. Goj.bc it lias record of more cures *nd its sales arc more than tho.-e of apy other piepamlion. Hood's arsapari lla is the hisljmedicine to buy because it is in honeat rned and thousands ot testimonials prove that it does actually and permatjently cure disease. , Lawson Quits. \ The Eighth Districts Able Con gransman Withdraws From the Race. In a letter to Eatonton Masson ger, his homo paper, which is re prodHced below, Judge Lawson an nounces tliat he has withdrawn from the race for Congtess. The Judge is an o’d school demo crat. and though defeated ou ac count of fidelity to whathobeleiy ed to be host for his party and cogutry, he will cheerfully sup port the brilliant, aide and popu lar gentleman who is to succeed him • Hero is his letter: Eatonton. Ga., June 16th 1896. —Editor of the Mes enger: Per mit me to say through your columns than I no longer seek a nomination for oongr-ss from this district. 1. Because a sufficient number of counties to defeat me havo als ready expressed their choice of another. 2 Because all that I might, here after do in the canvass to arras the currout of (lie popu ar deltisien in favor of the free coinage of silver would be ineffectual. I congratulate our native oounty of Putnam on the victory which she has won. Fiatism-Populiam have unable to seduce her loyal adherence to tlie time honoied principles of Democracy. Following in the paths marked ou’. by Jefferson and other illustrious leader*, the still retains her. proud distinction** the banner ~ . * Very Respectfully, - Thob. G. Lawson. iIITi USB. Will be sold at Auction on Bntur day, July 4th: At the Young place about half a mile from Barnett’s Bhoals, eight miles southeast from Athens, There are three good settlements on the plac< and will lie cut into three ■or more farms t,o suit the buyers. This is one.ot the finest tracts of land in Glarkc County, located near the Star thread faetory and one of the largest water power in Georgia and 1 fijlly expect to cc a c'ty of 5.000 people located there in the next, five to ten years. A daily nmil and a telephone lino will he eslubs lished duringthis summer. There are' tli ree churches and two good stores within two miles of the iplactf. Shoa] crook runs through,the place and hn a splendcd water pewer of 150 feet fall. There isagpod crop now grow ing on the place and I invite inspau tiem before the date of sale. l’lat of tfie land and full patioulars may be obtained at my officc. Terms of Sale, one third cash, and balance in three annual pay meats with interest at 8 per cent. I!) Mill, * ■ \ * Real Estate Agent, Athens, Ga. Notice of Examination _ y The State School Commissioner has ordered the next Genera! Ex amination for public school eacii ers on the last .Saturday in July July 25th next. In this e.- ami nation teachers wilt be question ed on the present Instiluiesyllabus and white’s Scfmo Management. This J uno 12th 1806* B N White, C S O M BSCJUIUH’* i one Doliur I’w Ft. Lamar Live items from, the Did, Fort, The irosq ito b.ll i< buried. That old war whoop ••hi to Richmond!” is heardagain- Parker had a horse !•> di> a few days ago. J P Dendwyter made 8 5 bn els of wheat from 8 nv,nv—h s is the best yet. Wlmt on earth has tec .nv f that clover crowd of m-n or- i ( g aver the county sumo ti n * ago.’ We have just received a !<!••■' • letter from our moiliiH-iu-law- • uv ing that she mtjyi' g L> spit .} awhile with us. Gf*>ul —, am' these are tlu! longest days in the year. The .Tiine-bn" bubs bis bratn* elenif* iftt 'Oaiast anythinir ho. Fi on>, * But the Gold-hug keens it s • u a teak oj! 'Causo tie's got no b'.ii ■ m lo<e. Soon the old soldi rs -thos* xfli > hnye s.ood the suo.v ami j*e of 80 winters, since that, awful cruel, wiir, will met. again on the hi if; of old R.cliniond to review thu spots, that 80 years ago wy re t with tho blood uf some near mul dear to them. By the lo ely graves old Virginia hills, tliev will poise, us they catch a visi n of n soidiarsimg ling between life and dyath. God bless the rupninry ol tho-Cumuortn! heroes, and in a brighter nml happlpr land in iy thoy all meet,again. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. I have berries,g,apes and peaches,* year • Id, fresh in when picked/ I use the California Gold jirocese, do tut heat or weal the fiuii, just- j>ut it up cold keeps perfect!)’ frank. and 1 people poor like myself. I coni‘fer it my duty to glvtt my expeieuor to such, and feel any one can make one or two hundred do lursutound ho ne in a few days. I wi mail Baui] leMf frtlit uutl complete directions,to any of your readers, for eighteen two cent stamp*, which is only the act ual cost of the sample postage,etc ~ to me. FRANUI3 CASEY *BtLo iiy Mo. liistio#—“You nr* charged with taalinic C>l >nvi Julep's chicken*. Huvo ,vu any w! t iit'ii hoh?" IXkjlo M-w'k ‘f hob not. •! dou’t steal chirk !ii befj’w.tne*iea’'-AmUslnj; .I(iiu<H?il., NOTICE Georgia—Madison county; * Whereas J F L Bond, hdm. of V G Bond, and e and lias apple t to moj for h iters of dismission from ad iniiiis t ration. • This is therefore to < ite nil persons (mummed to he at my oifico on the first Monday in duly to show \yhy *anl letters s' oulJ not ho granted. 1 his Apr, Otli G C Daniel* Only. ! Th2 i ' * A 11 . | Satisfaction " i i in Old Age , healthy and j ; Brown’s | strengthens 3^6* tones the nerves —hardens the muscles— : the blood. CUAHAMTrC— Purehatt monrv rtfuniid \ sh-r.,1 tj • KtnvN t. iKvt.jrirrk**, lukeit a 1 Jail ii hxt st*?u uny |er*ofi uf- ! from Malaiia, Chill* ' uu<\ Fev.r, Kitfiiey and Live- Troubles, j Pl*;oimjest ( -le I 'firmities, Imfure iiluod V/tfalp'tM, Nervous TreubieSi Headache or Heutfi 1551a. PABKER’3 Ci#SOERTOIIIC Sr>tmint m-rrv inothet wid tkoald h Ik BifJpta O. 47