The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, July 10, 1896, Image 1

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BERRY T. DOSHLV, Kflltor./ KO, F. Mr'uOWAN, Bus. Mni^gt. VOL. Xli. CURES.,, SUMMER DISEASES ■ Tile Idenl Remedy for all (lit- , eases of tbe Memach and tow els, such as Uiarrbtca, Dysen tery. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, / . Cramps, l.oaa of Appetite, eSv, is that standard of all medt* | ■ Claes, . . DR. KING'S . . Royal Germetuer. Tfcomanda of Certificate att—ll b* fact. Mr.*L. T. Collier, Kosciusko. Miss., says: "My bowels would act from ten to twenty times a day, of a bloody, mucus nature, and on the left side of my lower bowel was a place about the size of a dollar, that gave me iguch pain. My food would not direst, and asy kidneys were very badly out of order lwas treated by the best physicians, and they said!could •Iva but a short while. I then commenced using Royal Germetuer. In three weeks I could eat any thing, and do as muck work as ever. 1 continued the Germetuer, and can testify that I anrentirely •cured, and that Germetuer did the work." also speedily earns Catarrh, RhenmntJsm, Fever* and Malaria, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, KekllL i Jy. and Nerrens Prostration, Inability to Sleep, etc. It fts as i pleasant to take as lemonade, V and builds up from the first dose. It cores disease by re moTiug the eanse. *. •* t Sold by Druggists, On* Dollar. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO. ATLANTA, 6A. WHITE FOB 48-PAGE BOOK, MAIL!!® FBBH. Cm OEBKETCEB PILLS and OEBBETCEK COUGH STROP. SODfl FOPNTHINS FteJJpi? faff T ir 80 Years In Use alt Over the World No Generators or Extras. Operated by a child. Will stand by anv S4OOO Gas Fountain and sell five glasses to its one. CHAPMAN & CO. MADISON, INDIANA. Ds You See Spots > before you in the air ? That’s < ‘ your liver’s fault. Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Head- i ache and Billicusaesa are all , ‘ your liver's fault. J Symptoms oS a Urtorderud Liven i pain in back, side and shoulders, a .1 b,d taste in the mouth, coated tongue, general drowsiness, dices* { tion bad, fullness, in the stomach,Toss . ofaopetlte, sour sick stomach, < fcsbitual costivenein., acts before the i 1 eves, 3 in sallow, eyes yellow, ccr- r vouenens, pimples on the face, dry j ejeufb, confused mind. At the first appearance of j ■ those symptoms tall on your , 1 merchant for a bottle of . I R-heUmaHc' s r'ajrA^(eutal^iC/ 1 : (j ME? '' ' it goes straight to work on the liver. It cleanser, this organ— • m-Ues it active again—purifies . your blood and you’re cured. ‘ .'isV.Yaar Druggist or Marchanl for It CULLEN & NEWMAN, i Sole Proprietor*, r Knexviile, Tears. 1 PERFECT permanent are the cares by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, be cause it makes pure, rich, healthy, life and health-^ivin# 'BLOOD- - fl)c ptintdeoHlc Items of Interest to Free State” Peonle —Our SicK, Visitors- Etc. J D W-vnn of Cnr’ton came to atfe id Ordinary’s court on last Mo nifty. M si y’n<”‘e weadow, of Athens, v s ved reli ives here last week. A Vrge let men’s nants, just re ceived, wor.ti fro:ii 65c to $5.00. .T T Baker & Go T K e Masons here have awarded the co ■ .or the deli rery of •ie 1 -noer to ir 'ld thei 1> dee room, to 1 B T oy will beg'" - * work on lire irldiiig very soon. \ • In thev'c’ni’y of BduquenWest moielfi”d Cos, Pa,, almost a4r one. c;- i iellytu brr-L. >!)• dampen a, p oce of fla 1 ' 'el with Cha.abe - la: ’s Pa n B 'm ru' bind L on ■he p reeled m pul in mite or wo t.. vs tno • 'oub’e has di p.W>nr ed. Th’s rme -er or ,t Lii 1 promptly cp e a 1 < i the side or M J .e, a piomi ne it me"< ja to ? 13 que speaks ve: v.'. ' p.vrto ’ Pri 1 1 i’m, and lA s ver.o e'd# im's have )ird mush lo tow; ■>'A 1- xit popular t. ere. lo sa4 >•s D E a rif.e nc e ierd.l me. cl l . ot’D.Lif lsvi'le Georgia. ’ of ;.nd 'hil. de' l w t> hi iLI e ho we 1 \ ti ' >’e. rdo\ ’ or’ * rpreecT fj h?n+, •Vly, h-j \va tV'ijd Chamber 1 , in’s C'o’ : *. C" o’f a:f m o Din ’’hoen Re- ~yj wb v,' 1 gijve ve'y speedy f.lle”. We ie' ~ and it rs f, e best med -3t eevtrp ;oi fr e me. ’co for *otvel c; r ip s , v* 4-M'sEG Gre.g --• /. !■ e e. '{• ie \ M. T Is cer ■i * 1 i e n ed : e ever put o . e r ketfev d\je.;te y, sum e * of - •) jhi . eo’ic Vid cholera i | /.nii c. eA, It neve.' eila'o f. ve p er it Relief when I'.yi in e ota'o'e hipe and tile lot in lowa of Daa’elsvllle. Good j wel 1 co.ive'‘gill, outbuild i 'gj, hoii“e f trailed throughout, Terms re. sojpb'e, you tvanta nice, conve ieit borne. Berry T. Moseley. M f Tihot’ie No* b, o' fl-'s p/pce vv s ‘ “v i,i the niV't tv'th p ;~K • it next da oi r noe ? * . S’-e „opk hi 1 * a bottle • "> •' y< o cTji( c.’ igctno ra id t>. 3 .he i ttjfc ome to tee if In d&w thing that would be’u ’••t 1 se-it i"- • a h<. ie of Gnem ■)r. f> ’j Co’c, ( , o'eva rod Di. r i-’oe , ReTec'y v u i.*v lirst doee u e . be;. Ajo uer o* our of Of .it 1 j' 'Oi’s b;u iee i u k for anoiivf. week a*d ha* veil diffei ?iu .erne; -eb dir rl.'oea l>iu ’ '.'i wo I se ifcliioi tins aue :e.ii'V. O iv fo *• closes of wee jq i iu io ci*.3 Ii m. lie in*s ie owes ms ;eco ry to (liis wo id*- ut e oeuv —Mrs Mary Sibiey- u'd Mica For salo by 1) E C:_ oji gene'-al mere h ant D< ite l *. die Oa. A ew dozen Jadiet ha o o close ouc at 7oc ir the dol lar, J. T. Baker & Cos. tibe *L i.i’s Cough Remedy cr es coal-, t o? *■> a >d wuoo*. ■ g T * is •■t’e.v ii e relis ado, Fo, stlo by D E G.iif.-ih Bi-aie i, die Geogii. Notice of Examination The S' i e School Confmissioner 1) .s one.ed the next General Ex air' . ioi fo* public ::liool teach ers o.i he last Saturday in July 25tu next. Ia this ex amination teacheri will be question ed on the present iiStiL’tesyllabus and WhUe’s School Management. ’l’liioJure 12th 1896. B N White, C S C. PERSONAL. medical reference ooo'v j!) afflicted wicli an v o. de'icate disease iheir sex' Address the leading pliysicians and surgeon ot tne United Staten. Dr. Hathaway A Cos. 22| So. Broad street, At lanta; Ga FOR MADISON COUNTY. Danielsville, Madison County. 'H. I : r : day, July 10th. 1896. CONDITION OF CROPS. Great Improvement In Corn—Cotton From* tees* Will —'> hat mul o,it llarvesteik COTTON. This, the chief taov.ey crop of the southern spates, at thh> time pr-omisea woiL The plant at this tin-: is l.urßa ami healthy, a:ut Nivunu'r hits coat- • mencerl unueuelly wtriy iu most men tions of the state. Asa rule the crop is fairlj clean, thoujrh here and there a report comes of massy fields. There Hie linuiy complaints of lice, but the plants have attained su -h slue, that those or i do no prout amount >.f harm. Thou* and the crop looks unusauhy well for th s date, still it is too early to mako a; y predictions us to the ultimate yield All men who raise cotton, know that July ami Aomjst- are the mouths that ••tell the tale, Kiut BUtil they are safety passed, there is uo oortaiuty of a Isjtk 6 yield. CCBN. , 1 Tliern fcas hocu s mr-ot improveme™| during June in this crop; The dr® weather of April and May hatWiudueiM? but little growth, ami pivon the bltuies a yellow cast. Through June, however, w r e have hud gisst ruins, ami eorn htvt grown repidiy. and assumed its usual'' rich, dark yresm color. The prospect is (food in uli tjctiotwjof'tlie state, except i.u srtrYvTiere from lixtul drouth over small r aac, or from want oi WL;rk, tho crop wil be oat vSt. WHEAT AX OATS have both been harvested, the former turning out better tttau usual, though I regret that but. little was planted iu t .6 state. Tho oat Crop proved a failure, not. over 80 per cent of au average wop. This failure must be attributed to tho severe springclroutJi, extending through April and May. Mach of the oat and wheat stubcle has already been sowed to pons and turned under, and this, with the now almost universal practice of sowing f*oas broadcast at the last p'<*rtoi ing of eoru. is indloative of a deter iiiation on the part of our farmers to keep up tho fertility of their lauds. * OTHER CROPS. ' Vl^ Srtgnrotmo, sorghum, grounclpens, aIH doing well, and'so is rice, both upland and lowland. An uuusuully large crop potatoes has also been planted. Wfft a few more weaks of seasonable woather, the farmers will again be blessod with au abuuduut provision crop. mow. ’ The fruit crop has this year dhap- 1 pointed expectations. A our crop both peivchoa and apples won pvoinistMW but the tuiusuftlly dry spring apd th“ unchecked at locks of -rarlotis- ilMtilfe caused most of these fruit to fail, and tho crop will be short. The various lu sect enemies of nil fruits have become so firmly established in this state, that wo can uo longer expect a good crop, unless W 8 i- mrt to a proper spraying of ; the trees. /here tills oonrss* has fcoatt The condition of all kinds of etecSnF uniwnally (food throughout the state. Homo nates of glanders among home have been reported, and upon the a4 vloo of the department the owners here promptly destroyed them. Onr favnutra should use every care iu buying stork, and only from responsible partiw ’''he roving bands of Gipsy horsotrtglots, i.o quently palm off diseased auimais on unsnspeoting fanners, and they should not be porniittod to ply their rusoally vooatiou In the state. An Inquiry About Mm, Qmwnos. Our ootton plants are covered with lloe. Some spots have turned red and the leaves orisp up. Can yon enggeei a remedy? Axbwbr. —lt is not often that any poisonous remedies ore used agaiust ootton hoe, which in some seasons do a great deal of damage to the. stand of cotton. They flourish most during the cool nights of spring. A remedy highly recommended, and doubtless better than the aneultes, is tobooco. Make a deooo tion by boiling refuse tobooco stems or dust iu water; or by pouring boiling water over them. Reduco the strength of this deooctiou by the addition of oold water until tbero are 2 gallons of water to every pound of tobnoco usod. Sprinkle on the plants effooted. The kerosouo emulsion can also bo used successfully against all the Aphides or plant lice family. Of course cart* must be taken that the omnlslon is very thorouglily mixed, as free kerosene is very likely to kill the iojtvuo It. gets on Rapid cultivation frequently does good, either by knocking oil anil covering up many of tho lieu, or by inducing such a vigorous growth as to hide or qmbiriy repair their ravages. The 000 l nights of May generally bring these lioe, and as a rule they disappear before the hot sunshine and warm nights of June.— State Agricultural Department. MORE Curative power is contained in Hood’s Sarsaparilla than in any other similar preparation- It effsts the pro *r etor & manufaCurermare. It oost jobber more and it is worth more to the consumer. More skill is required in its preparation and is combines more remedial qualities t.ian aiy other medicine. lonss qaeutly it has record of more cures and its i.aies arc more than those of any other pieparatioo Hood’s Barsapa.illa is the best medicine to buy uucausa it is an honest med ic ne and thousands of testimonials drove that it does Uctually and ptiuianeritly cure dinea-e. ■ Smith Answers f- IIS WRITES A SAT.TY CARD 1 IN REFLY TO DR. MASSEY.. Neesf. Ga., July 7th 1896. .Editor Monitor:—The publica tion in jour paper of July Brd. I 1 Ifiiik nquires triy attention, not that the übavges aa made need any ytply, hut i think the gentleman Ifmaelf needs a short not! e, to w|l: all liia tirade of abuse is malicious attempt to ruin me on nc,oou! t of the fact that I nm 'not a geld standard populist as he is,hut haje ceased to believe in Lawson’s i<li*FS of Hi aoce. Dr, Massey is i trying t 6 make people believe that! In is a ei ve- man, which is oont.n ly to bis position, as he worked fo> law’ftm ;n the last campaign,! iho’ gh he denies it now, .XHh throws out the insinuation \r wav’* been disgreed by the ae ) i Ay of the chu.’oh to which I be- tl Now this i* a falsehood made *|J of the whele cloth. In the first Pjhoe, there one been nothing done, V j J'b’at Dr. H D Massey has been < iu getting up, -o-si,.: f b.eught a charge against f lyioj, had a commit!-e ap y )t®d from the church to investi kLA it. jjpThe committee were not and lie got mad be cemmitte would not sjßsin his charges /ayainst me Y>w°ut good proof ef thj facts. nd then he objected to the -Jmaiittee and made h motion at rf\*iest conrarence to take the prn of tho hajids of the end bimg p, before ’he ; |irch as ab* dy. Tha' committee ■BLielieved, another appointed, yjtpcir report was made at ’.as without being acted #” >iul is new standing open ’till m conference. )t really has jlbilig <o do with the ma. wi- be- public, but if 1 should ev branded ns a liar by the P* 1 or . an y ot ’\ ttr ius.itution, it gmaios true that I was never 1 ’d ad b D >h|tcan f t soei:ite wi.h Magny and pot get to lying himself, wenld have a good e; r for hearinu lies if - HUB, II I he h* Massey do the talking. f* oplo who Hvo in glass houses ‘‘l be ver, puijciilar about how •hey. vbiow rocks," and so should D * Ma,sey, ns it can he easily es ta’il shed thrt he wp.s ei:pellcd from ‘he cbr. eh in Peulding county, for crime not. nec-eesery to meal ion hcie. No doubt the rivl that, he cp. |cd o AtU.? ; a and uad kept in a private .oora, would like to see the o.*!d H D Mas<ey, and get a few supplies, clothing for the baby, etc. Now as fo the affidavits: I could pet plenty of good cl f! ssfii* here to impeach Ii D Matvey, but it is uns ,ecc( sty. as he has never denied wh~t I h.ive. allied, that he sold o:i, to Lawso.i’s e.owd. He ad mi : a ;• ivatclv that he got ($17.0) sevs e.-teen doJi? ** a lii fi ? ty con. • and ihcrefo,e impeaiheeh'niseL. because he c 1 irued i n his affiil ivit made '.wo years a o o. that he ‘-never con sumated any so.t of ft trade wi*h g'*iil Maxwol or awibodv elsx • and now adir'ts 'ha*' h* did t roe with two of J>tvi.on*3 *.lends from A hens G„., go you see he h?(f sworn to a l ; e ®r told one, as the reco ds of nou.'ty show th-a he was iadic’ed for “false swearing “ in hat court. The tecoiua of TJ uu’aing Sopeiior cau.t further shows him to be angel, [see ve;dict of jury, etc j He says 1 ft® a ‘ seif appointed leader of the peptslist party”. Now 1 don’t ao pii e to loadetship, bmt do not care to be load bv a wan who can ke bought by any pa ty. at any time an l f*y any parpose, as he *old out two years age, aad evidently did in the last campaign, as he was an advocate o! Howard ‘til 1 , the singing at Pleasant Grove, then he had a private talk with a certain' Lawsenite,* aad he once commenc ed to ta'k for Lawson, and advised the populists to voteJfor Lawson, Now if his coat is not very much like the one Joseph wore, I would like to know t..e color of it? You will notice that the parties who signed the certiftcate published by H D Massey, largely belong to a family, ah of whom are known to have been my e-iemies for years, whileO A Hoard is his daughter, and Q H Massey is his son, and ’n that wa j he got the certificate. Several parties whose mimes are on the list signed to that co tideate express themselves as feeling about like J W Dial, w* ose affidavit hre to attached , shows how he fed s in reference to the matter and how he w*s pursuaded to sign the tljp certificate, aud besides none of the parties swore to what they said in thai certificate. Now, it is tiue that I did advise the mßuagers of the election to swear the populists to abide the result of the primary, I am a pop plist and I propose to abide the result and vote for Bog'?s, ns he, H D Massey, claims hi u as th, populist nominee. |t f f > j Georgia, Personally Madison county, j apper-red l>e fore the undersigned, J YV Dial, who on oath says that lie signed the corirfiica e published in the last tssue of the Monitor, but he did so untlmughtedly, at the selic- Jtation of H f) Massey and Joe N Bird, who reprostm eJ to him that it was a p* itical scheme, anct that he signed it under a misappre hension of the facts. I also swear that I would believe R Y Smith-as soon as any other man, on oath in a court of justice. J. Vf. Dial. Sworn to and subscribed bofore me. This July 7th 1896 ■Stephen O. O’Kelley, O. 8. G. State of Georgia, Paulding county, i The grand Jurors selected cli#i on and sworn for tho county of Paulding to-wit; 1 Joseph Ragsdale, Foreman. 2 Samuel R McGregor, 8 James Lyle, # 4 Sam D Holland, 6 Christopher C Embry, 6 Joseph D Craton, 7 Geo W Denton, ■8 GeoPAlgood. 9 Wm M WocdalJ, 10 John Y Allgood, 11 Stephen N Allen, 12 Jos. D Butler, ‘ 18 AM Marrew, 14 Ransom Owens, . 15 Allen Smith, 16 WmC Mathews, 17 Jesve M Holcombe,^ e)| S/fn\Qm 28 P PAllgaod, in the name and behalf of tho clti zens of Georgia, charge *iad acouse, H D Massey of the couhtv and state aforesaid with ths offence of Asnault and Battery, for that thf, said H D Mar.*ey in* county aforesaid on the 31st day .of Jah . 1888, w*th force and arms in and upon one Sallie FuOte,ia the peace of God and said stite, then and there being, unlawfully and vio lently did make an assault and her the said Sally Foote, did then and there wrongfully and violently bent wound and illtreaty. contrary' to the laws of said Sttate, the good order, peace aad dignity thereof. February Term 1883. j. I. Wbioht. Boh Qen. Presentment. No. 2i, Paulding Superior Court 1 February, Term 1888. Weak Lungs Hot weather won’t cure weak lungs. You may feel better bajr cause out of doors more, but the trouble Is still there. Don’t stop taking your Scotfs Emulsion because the weather happens to be warm. If you have a weak throat, a slight hacking cough, or some trouble with the bronchial tubes, summer is the best time to get rid of it. If you are losing flesh there is all the more need of attention. Weakness abouUthe-chest and thinness should never go to gether. One greatly Increases the danger of the other. Heal the throat, cure the cough, and strengthen the whole system now. Keep taking Scott's Emulsion all summer. Tot sol* tor * ftw** l ** •*** •■ 4 sUßsOßiraMn s One Dollar Poe Yew* Thk Stath VB. H. D. Massey. Assault and Battery. •- Tbuk-Eill. V Josaph Ragsdale, Foreman. J, I. Wright, Soh Gen. Presentment. W^tiiessts—-Mrs. John Foote, Sallih Foote,* Emma Foote, YVR Cole, Joe Fuller, John Pace aii’*, G M Cole. x { | The dYfendant waives being fofj, mally arraigned, waives a copy of indictment and list of witness*! and pleads not, gailt^r. . J Edge, Roberts ana Gilder, de- . fendauts at’orneys. The following jury w*s stricken from the regular panel of 24 to try said case, co-wit. 1 J J Baxter, 2 JasMßuff, 8 John Tidwell. 4 Asa L White, 6 J D iVjer, , * i 0 Moses Arnold, * 7 J D. Leggett, 8 Johnathau Gurley, 9 C C Fannin, 10 ltobt. B Ritoh. 11 Gee W Holland, 12 John 1 Lyle. We the jury find the defendant guilty. This tyb 6th *9lB. M, Anjo>, * * 1 |The State ve H D kassty; Paulding Sifperi ir court. aud Battery. February t*r Pleft not guilty. Vefdfifc yfißiy' Vf!i-*ffU£)dA, is mlj the Mafs Dollars and all coate,and oil failort to nay the eame, that he be con. fined at havd labor in the chalhgaug of axd county, or eUewher%on the public works as the law direct* for six months. 'J. Bbshhaic. Judge S. 0, Rome CiVeult. Georgia—Paulding coupty. I, H L Owen, 0 8 C in and for said county, hereby certify that tk forgoing is a true copy of >tht bill <f indictment and verdiot of the iary and ae*e:ice of thivoodlt •• record in ray office, in The populism of cauety, are haroby called tbraeetin mass- I8d& forthe purpose .if petting out a candidate for Reple*tive & aouaty i oflipers. Trie chairman aud com mh freemen of each district are re quested to attend the raeetipg, Hardman Wade, chairm**- w S i Banders. SoqretaW: ~ — y*- - wm A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. I hay# berries, grape* peaches, year * Id, fresh M whsrt + ' ptoked f I use the California Cold .proaosa, do ni t heat or seal the fruit* just put it up oojd keeps perfectly frqsb, and cost almest nothing, can put upa b ’shel in five minutes, f&sf Weekl sold dfrectlons to over 120 families anyone Vill pay a della* for diree tious, when they see. tho- beautiful samples of fruit. As there Are Hpai y people poor like myself, | cieiwider. it my duty to give'my expetencs to each, and feel any one caajmake ene or two hundred doMunatouud heme in # few days. il will mail sample of fruit and complete directions,tf aay of your readers, for eighteen cent stampf'i which is ealy the act mil cost of the sample to me. > FRANCIS CASBY*Bt touts, Me, J I) Lena of the Fork, paid as a visit last Monday i . '■ Daniels’vi'le was'largely repre sented at.'the Madidon Springe picnic on last Saturday. DISEASES OF THE IKH. The intemob.itdiing sad *OOIIIOO lad dent to eczermg tetfer, seU-rfieoro, ana otbsr diseesee of the s£h u inaUfally allayed by applying Chamberlain’* “Eye and Skn Ointment. Many very bod case* have .been permanently cored by it. It i* equally efficient for itchine f pile* and a favoriter*nv edy for oie nipple*; chapped hand*, chilr blaine, frost bite*, and chronic son eyee. For sale by dragging at 25 cent* per box. Try Dr. Cady's Condition Fewßevp, they ■re just what a homo needs when in bedcondi tion. Tonic, blood purifier end vermifuge. D E G-riffeth, General Merchant, Danie sville, Ga. F < • Wanted-An Idea £~^ NO. 47