The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, July 24, 1896, Image 1

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BKRBY T. mOSKLY, KdUor. K,D. F. MeGOWAN, Bus. Warder. VOL. XI!. physician Talks. THE REMARKABLE STORY AND AFFIDAVIT OF DR. LEWIS BLUNDIN. Afljlct.s witll Paralysis for Twenty* luTe Vtara-A Cse e'X W 0,1,1 Wide (ft'orn Me VhlZadc’j'.hia Times.) J/Cwir, D. Blundiu was born in ’4l ill Bridgewater, Pa., nutl is now a resident til Hufan-: villa same. stale. H<rwer.t thresgh thu wei' tM pcivati, eer.ieant and iia-ipm,! Steward/f CdinpsnyC. ihtk Pa.V.*l-untecrs. Am a r'snU of,an attack ol’ tj; JieiclfiT.T In Ga., l:ts kidneys y.v.'iiea afoateJ and Ik’s finally developed mt' - spinal disease, which lasted through hia ai'iy.jscrviss. I;i ’(.O ha was ii’.r.;i'irca oat • ett( c.-ed .Te'Tr iin Medical College, Piiiia., ca a studentfic-n • which he graduated two years bier. 'iii* remainder of the story if "best told in his qva \vrii ds: “ One day, after I La-i gradnitled, I was lying on a cofa at ray br.tne in -Maiiayirak. Wheu T IVH a c<vi jvn; oti.dt in my lower limbs as though the Ihr.i-d had sinUbnly left them. When I t'icd iv. move them I was horriued at the discovery e at i was para lyzed ffom my hips tyjKiy vies. The )xsl ysis was comjih.-to and ti'i'i.i or a pis eh' of the fi ‘-ii c&ViS.-ii co pah,. ! ocahl not move amu ,-k. I ealk-d’ir. Dr. L'iiilioa C. Tcdi}, of Piuladelphk. 13s w..’.e . : 'yxhaati7e MMninetlns of my core, and ovm‘anseil that my trouble was cau.'cd by iniktomar tion of the spinal, cord, end .hit . y. oVIU . the med' riwtui not costly I can easily aAord ihe treatment.” Sworn to bafore me this 15th day of May, U 93. Gaowur Kabbison , Not. Puittia. PORTABLE fa*- SOPH FOUNTpS 30 years In Use e!i Over the World No Generators or Extras. Operated by a child. Will stand by anv S4OOO Gas Fountain and sell five glasses to its one. CHKPMKN 5 CO. MADISON, INDIANA. $1808.09 ffIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS, cvcrj'n.onth given er/ay to any cne who ap. •Me-, through us for the most ukuitoriou* patent fiuriaj *h- rr.anih prccetii g. , - . ' ' TV© the he*frftoLi&nU for mtr cUcn ia, tbs <&)s&* o£ tfryapbris to inventors kp-teck of dicif ideas. At the same time n# vnsh teriqaprcM upmoie public the text that rf *s tk| Simple, trivial inventions THAT VELD FORTUNES, -ien <; the **car-wtuiow" ndach can be eaii’y *!i.l up ■■jfcad down without bifeking the passenger's back, f * sauce-pan, * f “ ccUar-btklcn,’* (r mfwJoc!c/* “bottle* popper, ’ and a tbowsand dirrfga that nv>st Ksy one can 6;;tl a ./ay of teProyjttfg; anc fh*-sc simple jr.vratkju*. are the oner thaC&’fc? tagtst rer* 'tc author. Try to think of xumethmg to inveci. IT !S NOT SO HARD AS IT SEFJVU. Patents takes o%ttthrough us sccet re special notice it -Ae u National Recorder 7 ' puhhshed at Wasliington, D. C., which the i?est new£p3P*r published in ArsericS In the irutre> of ibvectors. We farnish i year’ sub scrip Mon tr thi*-; joumrj-, free el cost, to ail our c?ito!A *>Vc also advertie. free c-t cost, the invention ea zh month wins our Si 50 prize, and hundreds of tfcoiiruncU ef copies of the “National Recorder.'* ccniaiuirg a sketch of Ikvioeer, as <2 a desc'iptise of hu iavcr.tion. -WiUbe scattered vLroughout tbe Ur*itcl Sr jtes hjapirs’irta and manuttetwrnus, thus bnr.gv.£ to then Jtetecucs the merits of their veatoon. - Art eomtmmtcatioaij kiiic?!y cor.fidcmsaL Addrts* JOHN WEDDESBURN & CO., *c(ic>(w c? American Soti foreign Patents, 61S F Sired, N.W., jj?}x , * yViithtnriofl, D. C Local flappcflings j Items of Interest to ‘‘Free State” People—Our Si ok, Visitors, Eto, John W 'VYjl'iiuns and family of Athens, are visiting relatives here this week, Hon, David W Meadow, WW Scott) John E Cordon and Berry T Moseley, attended the oongresa ional conventi'.u at Mad ism last Tuesday. Hon. IV M Howard was nominated as (lie standard bearer, lor congress from ti.e p th Oq:i-J gressional distii t, on a 16 to 1, platform. Holman & Scott have a fine lot of horses -and mules which they- are sell ing low prices. * B J Alt,a low iv row a full-fledg- A I > Tv ' A' i- y f\r’ J . I [Ncinis tmmm iii the county. Bring your work, will give you as good job as you can get in Athens or anywhere else. NELMS Se JOHNSON, Danielsville, Ga. The Baptist here will eommenee their annual meetiug to-day, The Hi-.-t meeting will begin witty a prayer service. Lust smnmar one of grand ehU dr-jn wa 4 sick with a saver© l>Qw'(j| t”ouble. Our doctor’s reueedv-s had filled; then we tried Chamberlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave Vcv spoe&y relief. Cv e regard it as the best med icine ever pul on the inaf'sei; :- for bowel complaints.—Mrs E G Greg or v, Frederiekstowii, Mo. This cer tainly is the hast medicine ever rut on the market f u- dysentery, sum mer complaint, colic and cholera in'antnm in children. It never fails to give, prompt relief whan used in reasonable time and the plain printed directions are follow ed' Many mothers have expressed their sinceregiatitud© for the cure© it has effected. For sale by D E Griffeth Dauielsville Georgia. Capt, Bob Little of Harmony Grove, and Gib Stalk of the same city, were here Sunday, vis iting some of the fairer sex. Don't doubt it J the time has come when merit wins, and that is why peo ple exchange old pianos, organs and sewing ma chines, or buy new ones at Conoway's A'tusic House Athens. It's money to you, Miss Eula Bird of Athens, is spending awhile with relative) here. In the vicinity of Bouquet, West moreland Cos., Pa, Almost nnv one cau tell yen bow to ciue a laine or stiff neck, They damper a piece of ffiuiftej with Cbamber | lain’s Pain Bilm and .hind it on the affected parts and in one (r | two days the trouble has di p iear | ed. This same treatment will ipr mptly cure a pain in the side | or chest. -Mr. F.M. Frye a pro taioent merchant of Roquet, spea'e Very FOR. OOtJKTTY. |i* ■ i ■■■!■— iim ■■ ■—i , ■ ■ ■■■ | mi' ■■■ ■ ■■ I- V |y lIWIH ■ ■■■ ■■ ■ . ■■!■■■■ ■ i ■! || - i,..*- i ' .. .. ■■ . ■ ■■ m ■ i DanielsviJle, Madison Cojanty, Ga., Friday, July 24th. 1896, mcndr.tioos have had nine h£ to do i with making if popular ufy-e For sale by D*E Griffith Gen. jhchanl Bainalsvielle. ! Every patron of the tycrc should arrange to start titjir chil dren on the first day. Mpl the hoard of trustees should shfej the burden, with-the teajjJtorbin' the matter of advertising the)>:ct!iools advantages. A neatly printed folder would bring a mini herof pu; i-la here. . p If anyone wants a gor? home cheap - , see the and I wiu ft to you. Berry T Mffeley. Persons atacU?tafto an W : ing suited in’coftii s and. at j Danielsville. tStoek nevkfjph -3k: I j have them from -hums; m#l ‘up. Terms cash cl*' credit ta rcijXpisiblo 1 parties, . ‘ •<;. A. S, J^afsON-. The people's party of <, oo i , o’d county of Fmnklirt -jKf home of or boyhood -is oyidimly J u jfc for the .-spoils of a re cent ma-s-meeting "'ratffiaTisfs iq t 1 t 1 * '' •+ - ‘ f.:- - Hcd |'A5 - .Infdar W We have 1501 hs best KScfs a pound chewing tobacco lilnt wo am going to. sell at 20c. Ur.l fyr the c.iiGi. This rs , a bargain j J G Martin, a prOmin|nt young man of near Alvin, wig down Saturday, and joined himself to our tong and constantly increasing list o T subscribers. A largo lot men’s pantjust rgp jttived, worth from 65c,t0 $5.00i% .T T Bake ■& Cos 200 pairs men and we men shoes, good stock to close out |at a low price-. We want to mttke room for a full stock. •1. T. Baker & Cos. Corher, Ga. The contract has beep let for the repairing of the new bridge at the old ford near Major Bullock's. This hrirlg) was badly damaged by the recent high waters, j ' j Fort Sale. —House and two acre lot in* town of Danielsvilje. Good well convenient, and outbuildings, house finished throughout, Terms reasonable, price low. me if you want a nice, convenient home. Berry T. Moseley. Walker Brooks thinks)of going into the ginning business), and will probably rent the Scot 1 outfit. He is a business young man and will succeed. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures cold-, croup and whooping cough. It is pleasant, safe and relis able. For ssle by Id E Griflfeth Dunielsville Georgia- . 1000 yard* good calico to clo-ie out aL 4c yard for the cash. J, T. Raker & Cos. Mrs. Estes of Five Forks, is visiting relatives here. 1 ALL THE PEOPLE. Should keep thorns Ives healthy and especial care should be given to this matter at this time. Health depends upon pme rich blood for when the blood is impure and impoverished diseases of various kinds are almost certain to result The one true blood porifi riff Hood Snrsapanll. Ry its power topu.ify and \italiz/ the , blfef and it has proved itself t he the | u tftguaid of health and the record | of remarkable cure* effected proves j hat it hr.r wonderful power -iVor ;di*easj,it actually and p-mna’ cully jCirefi when all finer preparations i 4 C Agaio. - THERE tS YET A POSSIBILITY OF TiUB ROAD BEING N BUILT, From the special (Alow;, it stems that there is life in tin. old Au gusta <& Chattanoogarililroad,"pro ject yet. If it is built it will bo on tL old survey : 'ClhattakoogTb*n., Jivv Ipii. "(Special)—J C Stanton: of N ; York, who recently organized a in N'"v jerk under the laws of West V'iraliiij, today acquired the oKarter, righ|s of. way and all the rights of die Chat tanooga and Augusta r:,i 1 road of t.he. ChatauooKii, Kentucky Chicago proposed milromla.Stantoiv plated that ii all now depends on what the cities to be benefited and the section through which the pro posed road is to run will do whether, the road is built or net. Mo extraordinary demands are to bo Mjy-.sllgt&n say the pros i 01 1 roa *. L y v ; n .y f - -- "* i . •> * ’i * W ■ J , I you’d hoou want to cut short fhn expanse.”—London. •*- r A HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. And it never fajla to euro Rhenma ism Catarrh. Pinip’es Blotolus npd ail disease arisingfrom impure blood iis Botanic Blood Balm. (B’B’B ) ■thousands endorse at as the best r. - medy ever offered to mankind, The ; thousands of cures performed by this remedy‘arc almost miraculous Try it Only 100 per large bottle . For sale by druggists.hee advertise ment blsewdiei-v 1 A CHANCE TO MA'< i M O'JsY. I have berries; grapes and peaches, year -Id, fresh as when picked. I .use the California Cold process, do l.ttheat or seal (lie fruit, just put it up cold keeps perfectly fre/h, and post almost nothing, can put upa bushel in five minutes. East wcek,l sold directions to over 120 families anyone will pay a dollar for direc (ions, when they see Ihe beautiful sample*ot fruit. Ah there are rpa; y people poor like myself. I consider, it tidy duty to give myexpeience to .such, aud feel any one can make one or two hundred dollarsaround home in a few days. T will mail sample of fruit sind complete directions,to any iof your readers, for eighteen two cent stamps, which is only the act ual cost of the sample postage,etc., to me. EUAN CIS CAfjEY ‘6l Louis, Mo Losing Flesh You naturally lose flesh In the summer and running down is so easy. You get a little weaker each day without hard ly noticing it. There is loss oj appetite, headache, weakness of the muscles, disturbed sleep, weakness of memory, and these are the beginning of nervous prostration. Iron and tonics and bitters may afford some temporary relief, but what you need is a food for body, brain and nerves. ScoxiS 6muf sieru of Cod-liver Oil with the Hy pophosphites' furnishes just the nourishment needed for those who are run down and pale and thm and weak; If you lose flesh In summer take Scoff's Emul sion now. Don’t wait till fall or winter before beginning. CROP REPORTS. ' t r-r and FEAS. The difficulty of obtaining seed peas is one evidence that farmers arß begin ning to appreciate (ho importance of jjhis crop to the improvement of tho dSuft ivs well as the the feeding of stock. KreryWimrs w see evideuics that they are txkiitg hold of this jyurk in earnest, but it canm-t Us v.fjjed. too often that- no co’-p crop cibouid be "Ibid by” without so wifi:,- pocs rhbor broadiuiKt or in the tv.itiiiii'., ( v<r ',be entire field. A.iso, work ovor at and out ami no,v ihjjppu.-. inudwnt, or if'tini' and otijoidßPk lire preying, run off tho mm oie-iudf or three fe‘>t apiiwSi’Dnt the pi*as and break out the mi# ];',rov. W oppattmiity oc-* ciMi 1 . t)f kniidr andH4W|iiiaio 'at the r'iUejjr tihunr- ap) t i th>* non*. T><ijt#Rl i-)ov:r®'ti# fnViwth and vigor piViß a|d ;gey m turn wtii ply cQhiffrr.gen ami hnmnn. t\m moat bujx:il(ijft agents in n iuvigorawig out ami civertaxod tiolda llosides t:uM®pr;i iuipirtant ofiicos they algo i-Biye fir the bind and keep down 1 '•! w.fjht'i. j u oul . e iun a te bare lauds 3UjL'*ii; tetWTgnido. The alternate blis sytd washing ruins deprive them \t' untold and unonlcnlpted MMponntt of piaut 'food. Any crop Rtoyrli vfelt cover the land will serve ’to steady drain, 'but for tho nbow.-ten.'.oas logntmuous crops uro to be prei’wi-ed. TUB TANARUS, VTK CHOP of hush -potatoes is becuraiug a very important item in • •pr- full u-mle. t Fail ilivoocimuw have 'heretofore been given, for prennratiou, idauttng, fortilizAngi atu. Where ouo docs, to ttike the trouble to bod tho iwiatobs, in’oV'lor to stx-nre sprouted, -yod, the .“Lookout Ht'uufanr fur* ..own < v..p cannot be retied on, but that the fall crop, if properly prepared for ami sown, early enough, D almost oer tain. Prepare the land thoroughly to be. ready to begin sowing in September. The value of rve as a ronoVatm'. A grain food for stock during the wlntoManutUs, and uu accumulator ol htimbs is not generally fully appreciated. While not as valuable as peas, if sown on the pea stnbldo it will take hold of the work whore the peas left- off and continue it through the winter. It is a y my hardy crop, ami If sown in tbo cottonfleld*. does much to prevent th wasting and washing of tlio cleanly cultivated soil. SOUfiHUM njsy still lo planted to advantage. The b)tuly Anther is best for- the lato plant ings, It is exceptionally good for fat/' toning hogs, aud if rut before the sooila jfnll y form may bo foil with profit to ail {ftnh auina.K, t£ily being earofnl to reg ulate tho r. mount, as like all other green foods, it Is injurious if given in unlim ited quantities. T'ASTTTtrS ■efftof) fntj ft this season and while the hot, dry weatfror may eosm suQJj'idnl' reason to many for this failure, very , often it is tlie result of too close gray Ing.' The stock are turned on day after day indiscrimturttnly, aud no thought is given to the fact that any plant will at Inst if its foliage is continually do stroj ud. The grass Is given no time to repair the daily damag* aud tho couiee qp."iice is, that, being oaten off as fast s,a | it, tries to put out a fresh growth, t j illially gives up tho fight and our mM:, jfumrhev pnstures lmoome brown and bare. It in here that the green crops of sorghum, forage corn,-peas, clover conio in ns n most, vithpible supplement, and if fed fiv,i!?.ingticully will save the p;\stnree and in the fall the abundant growth,' which has sprung up on them will give tho animnls a good start and save tho uso of much of the stored win ter food. R '£. Nemhitt. Qotj.atio:|.—l notico font my cheop ail<i cuttle, the young lambs imd calyr-i particularly, arc every year, after being turned oil th.o pastures, affected with sonio disease, which often causes them to ’droop and in some cases dio. I can assign no certain cause for this trouble, l tl;e pastures are abundant, and there is > Astream of pure running water in easy access. Can you suggest any cause frtf i ibis ? Is there any certain cure for grub in the head of sheep? t A xrtvrr.K. —W-, .hould judge from your description that your catt'o need salt. Kvciy pasture, no matter how well manured, or how flourishing, is .morn or less infested with the (Terms of parasitical diseases. 1. ,10 eggs or larvae of the j.avaailos are deposited on the tcillkp (iTuas, and are taken into the stoma/mi of the animals while feed-' iiiK. Stiltabout the onl® practical means which ivr. can two to Movent its jiiry from their alt-acks. SHting once (.. twice a wee*, will not be sußielent. Haitians nmcii n necessity to animals ks to man, mnl should be placed where they call have daily access to if, A lit tle copperas mixed ■ ih the salt about ' twice a nibnth in the proportion of one part to toil of salt, has been found ben edciai. ' An' occasional dose of sulphur is also v'fod. ■ For the drub, prevention is the only sure nud payina remedy. If thecattlo arc provided with a plane where they will be protected from tile son during the hot mouths, they will escape In groat measure the attacks of the Hina. Thick woods or a dark, shed will fur nish this protection, and sheep thus ; shelter, i will have almost euto immu nity ftth’nWnbs in the head, ft is well. ! 1 imf- id i r f SL’BBCRIFTWJt i One Dollar for twN ydmig. and onco or rwr*s 3 mouth inge out their nostril's with turpentine and linseed oil, equal parts. An er perienced sheep man say® the best way to do this is to insert the'syringe three or fonr inches up the nostril, give a quick syringe and let go-tho head nt once. In a shOrt tiiqp trost the other 8, tho uos wnnratf-" iMt somb. mptiva.> etigrh if, ibs sf‘or Jthqid.—i ■' on. : iladison county mtiMcal convention, wjll coqveno with the chuych afc : Blacks oivok. 4 miles S. E, of H. GroVe, conmencing Friday before Bril. Suiilay in Sept; next and will con vene in' session days. Several prominent ramiqiA" have promised to attcud among, the num ber are l’rofe. T. C- Haycp, j. L. Moore andT. C. Conaway. J. I. Llay. Sooty Harlktnjy Grove Echo please copy. ' • ' VVHAT A WOMAN CaN LQ. lie’t„l,cteared after paying msee. $256.85 the month s $260 and have at the same I tended to other duttea, 1 in two minute* witHioiit wetting your hands. As #oon as people see the woeher work they want one. Yen can mate more money and make it quicker than wjth any houiehold aruioleon the jparket, I f§el otaria ced that any ta’dy or gentleman oan around can get full pert- by kadreßsing the moqndcitjr dish wgfilier Cos.. St Jjouis. Mo, ?TJiey hfl’Jj) you get atarted, then yog oniifgiAye money awful fast, ■ F A. U 0, Wh ,t does of wbeu I Wlmt?” 'I of the plair>.”rrrO}eve h'-. jf L’iiin Dealer. liew Advertisements, V IRC INI A COLLECE: tor young ladirs, roanoke) va, O ens Meet. 10, 1890. One of tbo leading Schools for young linlies : ,u the spivth. Magnifieent building, ail Modern imtirovmems. Camj is ieji av,res. Grand mountain scenery in Valley of Va, famed for health. Eroupcan and Amcnean teacher* Full course. Superior advantege* in ait and music. Students from t-w*-nf States, For o italogues ti, I’r sidenl. MATTIE P. HARRIS. Roaiioke, Vt • t ROAD CHANGE Georgia —Madison county, Whereas a petition has been file 4 in my office asking that the public road cohunenciug the Wint*rviilo and Dunlap road, running thiougb the ! ands of Mr'. Slirali I/esler and B R Williams apd inb-rsecting the Bethel and Wint'erville road neat J L Johnsoh, asking that said road be abolished. All persons ' interested are' hereby nntifted to be present at my of fice on the firdt Monday in Aug next to show pause why said pub**; lie road should not be diecontined This July Gth 18/>B. G. C. Daniel, Ord. DERF ECVand permanent Are &• * cures by Hood’s 8 JmL cause it makes pme. ricW^^^S^ NO. 5Q