The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, September 11, 1896, Image 1

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BERRY T. ORH '• Editor. FO. p, McG <(j\\ AN, ..os. Mau’gr. VOI.XVIiI ai gssx m fa ssrawsssu*** pi ill tj'iii Cured in a Manner that will Enter* est any Person who ig Nervous, Another Case, a Court Stenographer in Cleveland, - Run Down from Overwork, Helped by the Same Means, Frnmllie World, Oleocjcmd, Ohi . “Mrs. Adeline lU'fit;!, ot Hudson, Ohio, arrived lie re yesterday nn a -visit in her daughter, Mrs. O. \V. (.'haiuuan. t-!:e in tends to remain tor some weeks.” When the above little item of ’tews was published a few days caused no iittle surprise as well as some merediiliiv aineiUg tbs people of Marjeiia, Ohio, wli-':v Nils? Brute! lives when she is at lio-me. Xot hut wliatthe lady in question bltsa perfect right to travel and to go to see her child; yn v.:lm-ii everslie may happen to feel so inclined. Hat her neighbors, who for sever:.• Years have known her as a hod-ridden cripple. v r ere at a loss, to understand how she had managed in do it. Site was generally supposed io lie eo entirely helpless that motion of any kind pa her part was simply impossible. Some pf the inhabitants or lindson, led hy a nat ural desire to Darn the facts r,f ihe m iner, actually wraiso for as to call at the lady’s home to investigate the spiffed for thein sclves. Mr. Henry lleatel, her son, when asked about the mailer was not at first ineiiaed to give anybody any satisfaction beyond the mere sit I ‘anait that hisnpdher was not at home. Finally, however, after considerable urging h“ consented to tailc. ‘.“You know," said lie,'“that my mother, like many sick people, is sensitive o,a th - subject of her Isvlily ailiaeai.s. Sin* iilwayr jlisliiced to talk a'svjt tiijun and always in eht'd that sir' would lie wet! in a, liftin' while. For a!) of, her left side w.i,,: | ralyzod for several years and our family phy sician assured tis that the trouble \v.>m|,J presently extend itself to oilier parts of the body. Nothing eould he done for h r and we had all about made up our minds that she would not live very much longer. “Finally her eye lighted on an lulvorti.-c --meut, of i)r. William.}! Pink Pills, Forth with slit! insisted on having a box ol them. I opposed the idea pretty strenuously but give in for the sake of peace. Well, ou’e night I brought them home to her. fcho be gin taking them at once. The effect was perfectly wonderful. The stiffness began to l-vu-e bt;i-Igftjsid ■ a’rciist immediniciy, In ft few days she wit's n'b'NHV-si: off. ,tt mars when I saw the resWi I ■>k cae sin* sbowld have all the Pink PHI: - • bed. The care was not purtii it;. • • her the stages. Sliejv id. • ■■•;'! in valid for a considerable ti ■ is now entirely well with the extc ‘a light lameness in her left leg. Itu .|>ocithat that, too, will disappear hy and by.” Mrs. Itcntel contirmed in all ils essentia] features the fvete given hy her son. “The whole family belie von ag 1 dp,’'said slat, “that the pills wi ra ill si) ring my life. Icamoiiw.r. home widiout any ofttliem and was at fi r nfraM tha* 1 might find my self laid up ago i.a: i do not really seem jo have any ftj. :,‘_i for them. lam not strong yet brit am rapidly improving. Kven the lameness in my leg is disappearing and X will soon be as well as ever i was.” ‘ FVomthn World , drvrlnnd, Ohio. Officials and employees at the Qhl Co'nrl House were considerably surprised yester day at receiving a call from Mrs, TI. 1,. Stan ton, whose attractive face and sunny smile •tad not brightened their rather dismal quar ters for many a long, long day. The lady’s presence in the office naturally created quite a sensation among her former eo-laborers who had never expected io see her again un til called upon to follow her remains to their In a lecent letter to the m:ymi factures Mr. W F Benjamin, cj/tpr of t!ie Spectator, Rush ford,Y fays; '‘lt may he a pleasure ]/ you ip know tiie high esteem in/winch Chamberlain’s medicines m-n held by the people of your oJn state,' wh( r • they must be he/ known . An aunt of mine, who /’esides at P xter, lowa, was aboujflo visit me afc years since, andX'i fore leav ing home wrote me. Jtking if they were sold hero, stating if they were 110 he would hrin/a quantity with her. as she did nu/liketo be with pit th *in. ’ The/nedichies rofenvd to are duimbei i/n's Cough Remedy famous for its/ures of colds arid c 'olip and Jpbamberlam's Colic Cholera muLfuiarrlioea Remedy for bowel eomnCai.its, I'iiese medicines have bceyn constant use in lowa’ tor nl mo/a quarter of a century. The p (Ale have learned that they are ar Urles of great worth and merit and u/eq ml ;d by any other They a '•) f # sii * hureMjy J) E Griffoth Can. Moivviiqt. KOTICJS Georgia - Madison comity, Whereas S C OKel'ey. adrn’r ot the estate ol James sr Sailors, dec hi has applied to me for Jetteis dismission frqui said adininigtral U >n. Tnis is therefore to < it- a! persons concerned to he at my of fice on the first Monde, in Nov. next,to show why said letters should not be granted. Toia Aug. 3ri }Bl|B, G. (J. Daniel, Ord. H|e p nniclouim j Jltomtar. last resting place. Pining the half hour of | her stay she held n regular levee, shaking i linpua with and receiving the congratuhtlions of everybody from the janitor to the judge. Mrs. StiHiti n is wpli known to the whole lcgaSjjfratemit.v of Cleytlaml. During tiie two and a ludf years that she occupied the position'_of court stenographer her cheerful disposition, the unquestionable skill with wjiieh her work was done, Ihe general pith; lie knowledge of the circumstances of hej: life, made iier a favorite with every person witli whom she \vfj*i brought into contact. When herelntir first became vacant and it was learned. I lint the condition of her health had rendered a rest necessary, expressions of concern were heard on all sides, hut it wag then expected that within a few weeks she would he jiaek at her nI.R'C as well aj ever, (fradunriy' Tt l/ectnno ktiowp jimt her con dition was much more serirtus'than was at first supposed. Tile Weeks lengthened into Months until at last it came to |ip understood that the place that once knew her would know her no more, tlmt in fact the severe labor she had so willingly nttdergpne for the of those who were dear to her had rn .nlicii . . ".ijjletely shattering a once vig ohms n.g.-tit at ion and driving her to the very yerge qf the grave. I V li.e past iVw tv.pnths her friends had w t.rd little of i;,-, so ope may jpdge of the piagiiitude of the sui prise when slie floated in upon them resplendent in the glories of perfect health and stringsh. .Many enquir ies were made as to wlmt had worked tliens tonistiing eluinge. Hhe was easily inducc'i) 1“ gratify the enriousily r>ftheseground hep “You know,” aa* ’ Mrs. Rlantop, “ when 1 I left here I was a eo. oleic physical wreck. The long hours of sedentary occupation ; were tx> |.Hl< ii for me and my nepvous sys tem y.nseoniph telyshn'ibuted. Mydjgestion 100, was ruined and altogether, I was in siiph a condition that I was searepjy aide to keep put of lied, it was at this juncture that piy ; eye was attracted hy an advertisement— ’’ ‘ R’-.e intended to say something further hut ;hw-pe.rt;. ariiujid her laughed so heartily ; tligt she stopped suniii’htt-,' x-. ... * A re you going tp'retjpn.moml some patent 1 mediftip?” asked the office Imy. “No, I’m not w ” she retorted, “ I’m going j homo.” ! * ■ Mrs. Stanton, evidently somewhat piqued j at the occurrence, sfa'ned f..r the door, hut : her friends fearing tin.! s.!ie might not really lie quite us strong as she looked, called a ear riago for her and sent her to her home at 058 j Woodland Ayenup. | “ Well, ipiiif"Mrs. ?lfmt(>:j pfir.wards, I “they needn't havelaugfied ; > op'iy thought it my duty to let their wives and sisters and j sweethearts I: now lint I was eared by Dr. | Williams' Fink Pills for pale People. 1 took two boxes and now 1 cm all right. I think they are a boon to stuTering woman j (J.mkl,” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills comrin.-in .a cop. doused forpi. all ffiV Elements dm j-ilgiiry to ' give new life and : i -hness to the biooij " clu i r.-sfore sltaftored tipi yes. They are also a (jpeeitie for troubles peculiar to females, such as snpnressiqns. Irregularities and all forme iof weakness. They build’tip and o l.jend, and ' restore the glow of health Jo [ ale and sallow cheeks. In men (he.v ctiiv! a radiouf piir; in all eases arising fn in mental worry, over work dr excesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose hnlki at 51 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, amt : may be had of all druggists, or direct bv mail from Dr. Williams’Medicine Company I Schenectady, N. Y A CHURN THAT CHURNS IN A MINUTE. I have been in the dairy business I all my ]fe and have many limes 1 churned for an hour before butter nppear, so when I heard of a churn l, bat woul churn in a minute, I con* nl tided to try it . Eyery day foy a week I used it, and not only could 1 churn in a minute, but I got more and latter buU< r. ihan with the common churn. Thin i.s very inipoitant inforniat ; on to butter makers. The churn works easily, and will churn an ordinary churning in less than 90 seconds i have sold two dozen of these churns iu the past month Every butter m ker that has seen me churn in less than a'e lias bought one. You can < bfain all desired information regarding the churn by addressing J F Casey & Cos St Louis and they v ill give you prompc and courteous attention. / A D/iuyman. DISEASES OP MR SKIN. The intense itching J(nd emarting fnci cmt to ocaema, tetter,ytit-rhcum, and other disea-esofthe skin M instantly allayed by tpplying ChambeiSin’s Eye and Skin Ointment. IbnyMury bad cases have bora permanently cnJTd I>t it It h equally efficient for itdrfbz piles and a favorite rvm •cty for rorejTr,pies; chapped hands, c !.i!- b.c:re. and chronic core crss. tor Fme bjplriiggists at 2-5 cents per box. Try Cady’s Condition Pswdm, they • a horseaaeds when in badcondt Lom/Tonir, blood purifier and varmifage. rfor sale by D E Griffith Gen f Merchant, Daipelsville, Ga FOR MA3SISOJT Danielsville, Madison County, Ga„ Fjday, Sept-11 th 1896, ANSWERS TO INQUIRIES eomtnissiansr Nesbitt’s Ques? tion Bo:c For the Month. VALUABLE liJPIRL? ITIOII GIVEN A S!njl© ol tlie Not \Veig:l trf tUro Huil t* C"<—!sovv t> llri’is •**ly to a I'eltiV • %>f VVoi int Iu ''rptstiMip I’t ichei. tjVKsnoN.—l. J have a j.i?e<? of worn, iauciy iit’.td, that l wis'i to oriug up co to a tetror state of fertility. 1 have ju-’t sowed ir in peas, after ittaituring it will) ashes and uoiii phostiiiafe and breaking it deeply. How shall I proceed further? S. I have a tea acre niece of gr .uuq with a branch on one side of it. 1 think With a ram 1 eould iirijrgtp this laud at a cost ot yTV) <• s•{.:>. i want t > raiso. truck, b-i you iinit,-j l coijid dp su suc cess ft,; i\ q. This land will make 1,000 pounds pf semi cotton to th*.; note. Is it good enough to at once commence putting it in garden truck? 4. AY ill it do to row scarlet or crjmsou clover behind the cotton picjfors id’the lai.? 5. What plqeo iu Georgia ships the most garden track? A.vsweu. —On your worn, sandy laud jest sowed jn peas (,Tu iq 1), the plan will be to cut the pea vinca for hay about Oct. 1, or sooner if ready. Then thor -uglily break tlio land, applying per aero about ?'dQ. pounds ot' acid phosphate and 119 pounds of potto: A *ed meal (there will ha enough the soil if you applied a liberal dressing of qshes recently), and sow the Crimson Glover, harrowing it in. ' Next spring, yon should harvest- a good crop of clover hay, and at- the sumo time your land will i o much botlar than at present, both the pc.o, and the clover having col lected ami added nitrogen to the soil. Repeat t lie rotation of peas uud clover again next year, and your laud should then bo in conditio;) to produce fair c ops. You will notice that by fills plan, while imbuing up tlfQ lamb yon will at the same tini i bo getting remu nerative crops uf pea vine and clover hay. T would not- adviso file sowiug of ry with the clover, as jt ryopld be of uo benefit. 2. I do not think it would pay yon to attempt to irrigate ton acres by the use of . rr.#yiwdf tank. I know that yon punld not do it at an expense of S2OO or fUOO. ai;d I doubt wiietlier you could dq it at all by that system; i\s it would take au immense amount of water to irri gate ten acres in truck. I think if yog could arrange to put the ten acres in ttrawbotyioa, and qige tp water (hora if ueesaary, it would pay yog bettpp that) anything else. Wo frequently have a dry May (lUceJiio last), when strawber ries fail for want of water, and in such an event, if von oou and water yqprs, they would certainly proyo profitable. o. If your laud is full of humus you might at once engage in raising truck, with the liberal use of fprtilizors. Jf llie land is devoid of humus yoq hafi Retlpr ppt scarlet clover on it this fall, to be followed by peas next spring. 4. I don’t thiuic it a good plan to soup scarlet clover behind the cotton pickers, on land that must be tramped aufi packed, The ground, on the contrary, should be prepared and fer tilized, Mud the, clover seed harrowed iq rbotjt tho last of September. 5. Savannah ships more garden trnclf han any other plaeq in the state, and ;ome of the truck growers there have made a good deal of money in the busi less. They have however, the advant age of low freights by rail or steamship; md can put their products ji) tho north ern markets, much cheaper than you •an. Before engaging in the truok lusiness, I would ndyise you to visit Chattanooga, v/h-ro they raise a vast juantity of strawberries, as well a? gar i"it truck of various kinds. Examine well the methods, and th crops culti vated by the successful men in the busi ness, and then decide upon vohr course. —Statu Agricultural Department. If iv Cups—How I hoy Arc Made. Qciim ion.—l savo a good deal of hay each year, bat some years it is budiy damaged by rain, would it pay me to get hay caps, and how are they made? Axswes. —There is no question as to the service rendered by the hay oaps iu st-'-msy weather, and they are used by many good hay makers at the north. To make them, b y common brown sheeting 60 inches wide. Cut this into squares and yo->v the edges all around over a stout copd, leaving a loop of the cord at each corner about Clinches long, by which it can be ‘ fastened to 'the ground. Jdako your hay cocks some 5 or s> feet high, and about 4 feet wide at the base. Throw the caps over the hay cocks and pin them at corner with a wooden pin driven intp the ground. If-a good coating of boiled linseed oil is applied to the caps they will last longer and turn water bet to. If care is taken of the-a they will last for $ or 16 years. Hu; ;ps are also made now of paper, and many prefer tiieni to thcie made of cloth. Either kind will ipisvyer the pur pose they are made for, and to a hay maker are well worth their cqsj,—-State Agricultural Department, M'iltP* * vaonos. QrokTictv.-i.eft have four clear petiPli trees; r!w \vorc well fruited. The fruit should rflpn from July 1 to 10. The peaches hope all fallen off before ripening, auti <*ovy peach has from one to four worms |u it. VVhat are they, and how can lire vent thoip? Axswier.—-"ffis insect that hqs ruined your peaches p tha “Garouliq," which is a small, bri.wpjsli beetle, a4 attacks indiscriii)inat# tRe stone fruits. Tiiis beetle lajjj its qggs jtjst ntujor tho skin of fjje pi't'-h, and iff foqr to eight days tljq egg ijtches off t a soft, footless grub Ayjfh a Moray head, yy hich com mences to Ml its Affay aj otieo to the center of ft will remain from three ttjye weeks jtj tlio peticli, when tUedffnfed fpnit ffsually falls to the 'rronnd.jitd the grub then burrows from 4 to § robes iir the eprUj. whore, after rer4i|fiig abqfft three weeks, it becotffe* a ffetle, and issues forth to again destrffctiyffgir’otiiii}. -\s a rule, the Shit cntjtuiuitjg this grub falls to th#gr°und hsfijpQ maturity, though tlflsSj) uqt always f Ijq case. It requires cqMtapt qq,re tq get hid qf flfis pest. TUpyjSqfe if llffhit, vyhon alarmed, of foldir t gvieir lqgs close tq th® hdy ;md dropp.Sf to the grovjaif. there re jfftiiniiig jrotiqqlqst ffs tliqugh dead, fly takfngEyantr|ge qf this habit many pan bo dedyed bv giving t|je tree q sudden bt|Rv qtpf catclpng ti,p beetles ju ;t sficetJttirfiad foi; tio pqrpose, then burning r.ftiashitjg them to death. Re pent Whero possible it is alsa.Wll to let hogs ntjjj p iqltry hjvyp tlie roil of the ore lnt rtf, as they de stroy mdjpof the grqbs hefqrs they bury themseMßTn Jhe groffuif. Spraying is also reofjgtmeuded, with a very weak solution ®Parij| green, gay 1 pofftjd tq itoo galldltqf AYffter, tq tyiiiclj ffifd sev eral gaHof lime Abater. T’ltq fqliage of the pSpi fs very easily injured, and I would Jl&gQst the otljafi remedies as the i c “ s t dangqrqffs.— Statp Agricfclti&ra! f)epnrtiffpfff, fe Muck Fq): Cqttgq. Qow#om,— Wopld it be a good pint* to bptuig* deep furrow, put. murk aiuj leaves payer it wifi, another fur row, atiKtfien id the spring bed on it and phCyt>t|#n’ii What kind of ferti lizer a ball I use for poop, sandy laud \Ylier(V®ftQil # 6 s ba.Uyß 'Vould not l.ti advisable to UseWpiidi* l ' as yoi; .u;:u t Run meutdwof thq inuolf is uecossagy to best' results yon must manure, which would ypsult in a fermeiiratlo'irwr’Kinh' yoqld firing inert materials Into avail: fQVins and iiqprove the qiaohaiiical condition qf hqfh the and thq stable ipaiujre. Qun load of ppiuore to three loads qf iqhok; of gqod qqqllty, Will tqako a compost which some au thorities contend is as good, load for load, as manuro. Xnv you oqu eithaj: fise this fidiqpqst as yqq w >v,l-j hit maq qpo. eg if yoq wish a ‘troqger fertiliser, add ofiO pounds of acid pTisph-Rg nqfi 50 pounds of muriqte of p.itis|j tp oftfh' 1.450 pqyrnls of tfis compost. out top flyes no doubt for wan* of humus Ijj tho soil, and the hippo* ld' lst he restoypd beforo you can hopo (q pie vent the q{ tlje cqftou by tfie qsq of fertilizers. Recording Jo flic best au thorities "humus supplies nitrogen to the plant,” “it imbibes and absorbs and holds water, and the vapor of water.” “it improves the texture of many soils.* “And it absorbs and holds ammonia and the salts of ammonia, us well as various other substances.” “M iroover, by its slow dppay lignins supplies carbonic acid foy fhu dissolving of plant food.” To renlfy p tho lipipn* in your soil you must plant ryp tips fall, to be tnrneu under iu the spring; follow t int with u crop of peas, fertilizing at tho same tiin>- with 10d pouipl* of acid phosphate and -60 pounds of luiinit i tho acre. Gather the pens aiullet the visies remain up m the land. The following spring put to cotton if you. wish, and using tho ah >ve fertilizw, I aip sure you would make a good cotton crop Aftor that rotate your crops in such a manner that you will not liav-e cotton on the same laml oftener than mice in three year-4, rqoro small grain, rporo fielp peas, etc., find in this ryay yoft can keep up the fer tility of yoqr sop., and make crops tbftt ■yyill be a pleasure and a profit. fioo REWARD $lO 0. The readers of th s paper will be pleased to learn thaf; there is at leastoue dreaded disease that sci ence h aß been able to cure in all its and that is Catarrh, Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraterni ty. (Jaturrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hill,s Oatarrh Cure is taken ihteinal ly, acting directly- Vp on tho bleftd and mucous Ber facc of f,he system, thereby destrov, ing the foundation of the disease and gi v mg tM patient strength by building up tl(e constitution and assisting nature jn dqhlg its wore, The preppatopi liaye so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One.ilupjlred Dollars for any caee that it fails to euro. Send for list of testp.noni •*£. Address, F .1 CiIBNFYA # Cos. 'Joledcp Ojiar-ioid by (i;qggi*t. 7,5 Cqro For I'Umpu." QuBSTiqN.--My hortc has a swelling of tha bars on the no? of the month, called, I believe ••latnpis.” Gan I cure it withaqt hfffniug vfith a hot iroitw which seems to me q operation! ■A*WSjR. ~lJevei> permit tlfecruel nu 4 brutal practice of burning tlje roof of month for nlampas. ’’ This method U Still pnrsue4 iff R iiqs |:;et|qns, but it is an evidence of igii ir.t:(c., and erueity. This condition is fp*q i mtly due tq teething iu young hqioe.i, somMimes iq old horses to iqi), aud it fre, queutly occurs when a young horse iq taken from grass fjff l fed on grain. Goiieralijr this swelling will get- well wi.liuat fftiy tre itmiffl. but should the infttuffafioti be grqaf i;q iugl to iutorferq with iffiistinatiqu, thpff Jffqcn Whffi’O the most swelling appaqi-s, wash tlje iffontn Vw ) or thrqa times q day with a solfftfqq <,i fflntq and water. Keep this up fqy three or foqr days, feeding on grans op ground qqrn or oats, aud yoqr quintal wjlf get well.—State Agricultural floparlnieitt, Qrsfflnf qiiff llu,l,l|iig. Qdkstjon.—Please fell iqo, in grafting or budding, (flies tl',o now growth take the uatqre of the stock on which it is grafted, oj: of tlio free from which the scions were taken 3 ANBWEff. —A grafted troa is an in stance of klsqded qfUWth- A® the emi nent authority Ktqrftji eaysi "Tlio leaves aud stems of t)qa grnff are nourished by food taken in from the soil through the roots of ilje frtock. while the roofs ffnd other tis-qes qf fho stock nva pappended in their tffl'ff fty food tqkpff iu fj'oiq the air through the leayeff qf the graft." The graft, ljqwevej:, yetffiua the nfftqre of the tree frqiq whitdj it was taken, the stock befffg oqiy the tqndiqm for furn ishing q’ifh ii'hjvfsluuent from the earth.— hfftte AgriculturiU Departnjout, If-Jt F‘*t-Reft- QuESTjQg,—giving iq tlie lfftitqdf* of Macon could I '< Jaqt lifsh pqtatne* in the spring, fill low witli peffff, oqt the vines off, mid thou sow turnips iq time to mature? Will pomegramites grow from the Ecotf, of how are tliqy bpst it for yoq tq'qtffke q qf potatoes, pens aud turqjps jqjqpqq. with ft very early nqjiqg pud a very late fall tq help you off), udey Wilj-imjy r.qpdHione you coffly) qqt do jt, and would have to content yqnnmlf 'vifh pidntoes or peas, followed hy tqynips. Tlte pomegranate is easily .propagated by cuttings, layers, suckpra ur t-ccdtt. The seerf nlantfld goon the frqit ia rifffl. or but few of ft)np will vegetate, Agricultqrul popart men t. DifQrslfltd tt'Ariiiinyr. ytTESTiON.—Are there any statistics to prove that diversified forming is the safest and most profirublef . Ankwer.— The United States census for 1800 shows that j)8 per rout of the farms sold uqp,g mortgage were de voted to ouly ono or perhaps two crops, While upon which several crops wero m l ' 'Jt only 3 percent ware thus disposj; vAf. Tliis fact slioplfi boa strong-' niuent in fayor of diyprsified —Stats AKriou tuial ment. To AiMrtlii g,-t UVlflp qf Ijfiiffl. Question. —Please givo mo a simple plan to ascertain the net wpijjht qf hogs. Answer. —U"(l? r ns k ;l l that is, when t),n )p>gs grp iu ately good order, fqqr- fifths qf tfie weight is about equ il to the net weight; that is subtract oue-flfth fpnq the whole weiglit of the hog.—State Agrioultural (lepartmeut. ■r w darting, cutting palna are ter* fible. 'You are hardly sick enough to keep in bed, yet you are unable to go to work. It Is severe suffering in every place and ail the time. This is Neuralgia. It is chiefly caused by malnutrition, over* work and pervous exhaustion, Scott's Ernulsion of Cod’- liver 6tl7wTt?r™Hypophosr phites, feeds the exhausted tissues and strengthens the nerves. Opium and similar drugs may quiet pain to-day, only to have it return again, for these drugs weaken. Scott's Emulsion permanently cures because It feeds ans strengthens, SCOTT'S EMU/.SION bat been endorsed by tbo m'dieat profession for twenty ye jrj, (Aik vour doc tor.) Tbit h because it is always palatable—atwaya uniform - always contains the puns* Norwegian CW ttoer Oil and Hypophospbites. * Put up iu f o cent and $1.09 si{ts. The small np may be enough to cure your cough or help your baby. UOPD*fl Sarsaparilla has over and 11, over again proved by it* cum, when all other preparations failedl’tiiat Hi# the Doe True BLOOD Puriflc*. ' BUBSCRimO ’ 1 ‘ , ' l jf'd" t^**“**> Qr ■> • v j^TMi/Egen4nlh% habit .' rim jftuifptijffi from thfl snmaft* \f applylgß the.n thr -lb. v< .g ritU or spring toShS place vr-.t R i Yisii to to ike especially rich. i;.t. ( fl-id 1:),). tlie- t^ooinehohQ and after hnv in ctanp'lcl. if is some thus before they are th c rqr.tly ineorporUtsA. with the sell. Will ymr. for the beueu of myself u:i 1 oth-'r pi'iiltjiy rois ers-teH me of some plan by wHff'ff I may keep them it) good pon ttioti. ff'pd at the same time render f Rant it .mcff available for any crop I upiy p am? An'swkk.—Afou; plaq of keeping thg droppings in box;n oy barrels is, of oourse, profer.iblo to leaving them iq the poultry liogsas, \vl.pffl they not only ft fleet tho health of tip* fowls, but fur nish a breeding plaqo fqr several farms of insect life tqore qy less injurious. Before the drQppjugs are placed In the barrels, iqix them \yltjt an equal amount of dry earth, to wlijol) has been added Hffjqit In the qroDortiuus of a peok tq each bpshel qf earth. Then place iq tho barrels and k OC P damp, not wet, qiitii ueeded. Tho soapsuds from the fnnjily washing are cicelluut for this pprposa. Whffff the tim> plying tq fall qvqps the foqiul in flue condition to. atoly taken qp by,the crovp, ' the winj,oi' nipt onriy sprite the host plan is fq byqffdciMt :>ruppl!ig Oft fffgt n gatherpij or hsmvr them into thp ’i'l'Jis will prevent them from and tho neces sary phtimicnl qiul mrjclutn’gjiL W’iH at once bffgin.—Stats' A 6mieuUttruJ Pcpnrtmcuf. t(| fli:pl w oi)di| Hum. ipteud putliiqf upantoe barn, i\ ypting far nev ju* start ing out mid would be gli lif you would give me a' few iipportinit points to be looked aftor iq qrdor to secure a comfort, able and ponyeuieut barn. AnsWe|--'T I W jocation of your ban* is of the first iippuj tanco. It is easy W make additions and add conveniences, but if flip sjtitutinq is bad the defect puq lie y or bp rcunediod. Build on a hill pjdo am} yoq cai; so avrango us to have ticcoml efqry qp a loyel with the wagoq. Way, wkloh fi) $ greut convenience iq driyiqg id anfi out, and iu unloading pud (jjoripg thn op>ps. May ulso be at. ygnged to have a level drive way, which pdds greatly to |Ue expedition and eatftj With whlPfi tho foodiug. the handling of tho manure mid other operation* may be carried ou. The situation shoolfi also be selected \rith a view to conveu; ienco; that is, qdrhln easy acOSss frorq ih fields and jil*> the dwelling, without leitig foq pear the tytter, WBttO good dnfiuage, tq pwvfMtf dmjri*ha or stand pig water, is bqportiptt* it is equally important to proyuqth washing. Two pfleu wo see tl;q viofi, dark streams frohjt our barnyards bopue tiff to the nearest, |i| Ire Swept beyond ov reach, when \\ Httlp cure and for*, thought would etipldo u* to preserve pud add theso w iste.i but proctnns ele pionts to oqr liapd run Add.. If ..-piss'- filo tip* ban| sfiould bo pr itecta l from (he cold north wind*. altlMugh, alr-t'y* South, tfijs j; ni)t n m iMor of xu much (niut>u{. a* i|| tho colder rogions" df. highpt Ijititudi'i- Hiving duturinluod qn tficifn ityoiq ;y tints, oxuntiite different plans and S'dfie Oil that which suits yi>u best, allowing for n'hlfiu rqam, and ft I ill having qii oyn to an nt yaotivu and iu-' viting appearanoe, to which a iiitlq- Whitownsli adds a wonderful pur cout.— iqtate Department. NpfpiOE. Gqorglu—Madieoa county. Wherpas 8 C O’Kplley, ndm af the estate of J J Fnulkuer, deo’d known by his petition that, he has fully administered the eu-j tato of said dec’d, nd desires letfers of digmisSion. Thi* U therefore to cite all oonceyned tq he at my office on tho first Mon. day November noxt, to show why said letters should not be granted. Th}s Aug. fird-1896. (I. C. Daniel, Ord. Donft bolt your food, it irritate' tomach, Choose digestible foot! and tiht-w it, Indigestion is 3 clpn gerous sickness. Proper enro pn*- vpufs it, Shaker Digeitve Coypjal cure* it That \s the long nni phoft of indigestion. thg question ig; Haye you gf)t4 n ft'g*j stlori? Yes. if yu puju discomfort after eating, dizziness, nausea, offensive byejjth heartburn, lnr.gotir,wealp)oas t sevp™ jaundice tlntulenoe, loss qf ap petite, irritability, constipation, etc, Yes, yon have indigestion. Tui pure it, take Blinker Digestive Cer's dial. The medicinal herbs and plants ef which Shaker Digestive Cordial composed, help to digest tue food in you* stomach is strong care will lex pit so. Shaker Digcs. live Cordial i- for sale by drug gists, prio 10 cents totl.OQper bottle. Wanfed-4n Idea asS smesmee* NO.