The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, September 18, 1896, Image 1

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BSUY T. Momv, Kdltor. 80. K MeGOWAH, Baa. Man’gr. VOL.XIV STRICKEN DOWN BY PARALYSIS ALONE AT THE TIME AND UNAItPTO MOVE * - __ . t. \ .. For a Year a Woman Seeks Relief Without Success, but It Finally Comes at Last. Another Case of Nerve Exhaustion Cited, Which was Cured in a Similar Way by a Nerve Food. from Mir Courier-Herald, Saginatc, Mich, j That we know not what a day may l>ritir forth is an old adage and a true one. To-day, our skies are bright and sunny; we have health, strength and netivity. We reckon Confidently on the fntttre and lay our plans accordingly, bnt when that to-morrow comes we may be stricken suddenly down by pie hand of disease, and lie on a bed of suffering tfnd sorrow. Every day we see illustrations of this fact among the friends in our own circle. To-day they are well and strong and are pursuing their daily labors; to-morrow the afflicting hand of disease or death lias brought them Mfcwn to helpless illness or the grave. Among the many ills that afflict humanity, and one that baffles the highest medical skill of the present day, none is r are feared and none leaves the victim mo e helpless or hopeless of ultimate relief than that known as paralysis. i Sometimes it creeps gradually over the victim, perceptibly closing its ever tighten ing coils from day to day and again it comes like a lightning Hash, and the once strong man or woman is more helpless thanaehiln. Such was the ease with Mrs. Ruth Wolcott, the wife of Rev. 11. B. Wolcott; an esteemed minister of the gospel, living oil their hand some farm a few miles from the thriving little town of Blanchard, Isabella County, Michigan. s - While attending to her daily duties the hand of that dread disease, paralysis, was' laid heavily upon her, and when she was alone at her fireside. ■ In" conversation with a Courier-Herald representative, who had heard of her severe ease and cure, she spoke as follows: “ The stroke came on one day shortjy aflcr dinner. The men hat! just gone out ou the farm to work in the fields, and I was ironing. All at once I felt a flash over my brain like an electric shock and something that seemed like a bead of prrspiration seemed to run down my left lower limb into my shoe. I sat down for a moment and then, feeliug better, resumed my ironing. Again, in a few min utes, there came another Hash over my head, and again there was the peculiar sensation gf something running down ray side. Then I knew that something serious was at out to ri*s*r***s**fe - After I had Wd there fr a few minutes my husband came in and, hot seeing hie where I had been working, he looked for me and found me lying helpless. : “My speech was hot affected, and I told htm what was tire matter. A doctor was at once sent for to the village of Blanchard, a few miles away, and he came out to the farm in about three hours, but he could not afford me any relief. This was three, yearn ago—in April, 18112—that I suffered from this stroke of paralysis." It affected my left side and rendered me helpless. For a year following this I had skilled medical attend ance, using among other things an electric battery, but it all did me no good. - “At this time I read in a paper about Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and they were also recommended to me by some of my friends, who had heard of the many cures that they hfid effected in cases like mine. After I had been taking them for about two weeks I lie gan to feel better and have continued to steadily improve. The paralysis was so bad that I could not walk around the house, but had to be lifted about- Mv left arm was also entirely helpless. lam now able to walk around and gfet out to call oivniy. friends and neighbors, and am so well that I can get around very well. I used twenty boxes of Iflnk Pills.” < As Mrs. Wolcott concluded the recital of her trouble the representative of The Courier Norm Georgia floricuimral College, DEPARTMENT OF TttE UNIVERSITY, AT OAHLONEGA, GA. Sprint Tent Bellos First Mondry Is February. Fall Tern Begins First Monday la Septesibcr. FULL LITERARY COURSES. TUITION FREE, With ample carps ol feathers. THOROUGH MlUTflßy TRAINING Uadcr a U. S. Army Oftlcer detailed by Secretary el War. DEPARTMENTS OF Penmanships Music and Art, Under competent sod tboroujb instructor*. YOUNG LADIES bare equal advantages. CHEAPEST COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH. For Ciftopifi u 4 (oil i*f or nation, address Secretarj orTreasarer of Board Trustees. fODSUptiOD m A AJTD IT* TO3 the Editor :—I hive in absohrt* remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of Its power that I consider it my duty to und two bottUs frit to those of your readers trho have Consumption.Throai, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and address. Sincerely, f. A. SLOCOK, M. C., IS3 Fsarl Et., Hew Tort aw Tit# Ke.tarimt and Basin... Miaaia..t <d Ms Fspu Outsat** this (.acavw rropesit— ®he flnmeloumc JHonitor. 1 Herald could readily believe the many re -1 ports of wonderful cures effected by the | wonderful anil popular remedial agent. Al though Mrs. Wolcott is sixty-two years of ! age. and has suffered an affliction that might readily prostrate a younger person, she i looked wcllaml hearty, and gave evidence j of strength and activity unusual for her age. Inquiry at the two drug stores in the vil -1 lage near by brought forth the in format ioi that the case of Mrs. Wolcott was'veil known i throughout that section, and was considered a remarkable cure. Both druggist's reported that there was n steady demand for. Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills for Pole People. from the Republienn, Harbor Springe, i(irh. One a l ' the leading cilrxenx. of Northern Michigan is Mr. GeoVgc W. V liillls, who lii s made himself turnons as a successful hop 1 i manager ai the popular slimmer resort, Bay j View . When Mr. Childs first arrived nt j Buy View , some years ago, the resort busi ! ness of Northern Michigan was still in its ; infancy. Willi the little money he had he j [un.-chu.sed the Bay View House, but running | a hotel iu this part of the-country at that time was rather nji-hill business, and he had | to work night and day to moke both ends ] meet. “ When I came to Bay View I was a strong, robust man, but close confinement to my duties ns manager of the hotel and tiie amount of hard lalxii- I w as compelled to do, soon told on me and I was taken to my bed. “ I immediately began doctoring but the physicians consulted did me no good, and I paid out many hard-earned dollars in doctor bills. “My nervous system was completely played out, I suffered severe pains in the head ami hail no appctltb. Finally I told my wife that I had determined to sell out and leave the country, thinking that a change of climate might lie licnefieml. ' But in the midst of my sufferings, like the sun shine that breaks through a dark clond, a messeilgie cuuu-. from heaven, so;Jo speak. While I was perusing my rooming paper I chanced to glaue* at an article speaking jff she said it would only be another useless ex penditure. I, however, thought ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained,’ and determined to have a box, os they cost only 60 cents. By the time I had taken half the box I felt much relieved and then I knew that'l- had struck a remedy much better than a physic ian and certainly a gnodtjeid oft coper. “ After-I find used the whole box I was able to leave ray lied.' I persevered intuit ing them ODd when the fourth box was ptmc I was as yon see me now—a perfectly well man. To I>r. Williams’ Pink Pills I Ifwe my life and 1 wish I could sing their praises throughout the land that all might know the life-giving po,wer of lit tip pellets. Cer tainly suffering humanity has had no belter friend than Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pillsoontain, in aoon deiisod form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are ulso a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all ease? trising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose i bulk) at 5h cents a box or six boxes f0r52.50, I and may be had of all druggists, or direct , hv mail from Dr Williams' Medicine Com pany, Schenectady. N. Y. Local News. We eee Mr Arbey Poicrfield sport ing one of Kidd’s new buggies, look out girls, Richardson Bros,, with their fa mous minstrel troup were here a gainlast night and played to a nice house. They will also give another performance to uight at the Acade my- Every member of the company is a gentleman and nothing is given that is not first < lass—-is we have remaked about this company, ladies ciu atteud w ithout danger of being treated to any thing the least naughty. Turnout tonight, and give them a good house. Adults 20 and children 10 cents. Did you see that pretty buggy that went through Comer and Carlton, which was sold at the Buggy House in Danielsville. Mr. Dabney Gholston, who has been spending vacation with his parents here, returned to the Uni versity last Tuesday. If you want a nice buggy I would like to sell it to you. It wont cost you anything to look, and not much if you should buy. J M Kidd FOR MADISON OptTNTY. Danielsville, Madison County, Ga., FUday, Sept- 19th 1896. • * - ' rik . v. local Happenings WHAT THE EOPLE OF THE “FREE STATE” ARE DOING. Miss Otie Sanders lett on last Tuesday fov Milledgeville, to re enter the Industrial eohool. This is Miss Snnper’s senior year, and she will graduate next spring. Horace Smith, son of Rev, F R Smith, left on la6t Tuesday for Oxford, to enter Emory College We wish him much success in his undertakings. Jas. T Turner wi'l resume work on the Masonic building here next Monday. The democratic ticket has been nominated and placed before you. You took part in that uamination. Are you g dng to let it go down in defeat, or stand to its banners and let them continue to float to the breeze in triumph. Winch shall it be? The Monitor hr.s and will continue to do its full dn’y by the nominees, and it is with yon a* to what the result shall be. Rev. J L Jones, col., who has been sick with fever fov sometime, died yesterday morning at 10 o’clock. He wgs a model man of his race, to patern after, and was doing much good among the peo ple. In this weeks issue Davison A Lowe the leading drygoods men of Athens present you with their fall and wider bargains. Theii Mr Da vison has just returned from the Eastern markets where he bought a full line or goods of the best grade, which tley are now receiving daily, and are throwing them cn thej ■They are the leaders and wahtyburj trade. Pee them and get their prices before you buy else* where, Mrs. Sa’lio Sorrow, an aged lady of Grove Hill district, died on Wednesday night and was bur ned Thursday. We did riot learn the party slars surrounding her death, V jte Monitor extends its full sympathy to the bereaved. ;E H 4 W F Dorsey the leading Cfolhmg aud Furniture firm of Athens, greet you this week with their fall ad They are selling you cheaper t han eyrr, aud offer you best quality of any house in Athene. They will not be undersold in ei ther line and their goods ate new. John W Williams in the clothing department and William Smith in the furnjlure department, bat for meily of this county, will be glad to see you at any time you may call. Read their ad. and get theif prices before you buy. They are the leaders. \ P Dearing & T 6 Hadaway have moved from Washington to Broad street, just above Athenß hardware etc., Athens,Ga. call on them when you Yvant. anything iu the vehicle or hariztss line. Henry Williams col’ who has been on the stod of repentance here for some time, plead guilty last court got his fine paid, went back to his home near Harmonygrove, ad in a n egro row Sat. night near there was shot and killed. Several years ago I was with u severe attack of flux, I was ick iu bed about tea days and could get nothing to re'ieve me i used Chamberlain,s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured me and has been a household remedy with us ever since. J C Marlow, Deeaturville, Mo. SALE b D'E Griffeth General mereban Danielsville. m Several earner in jtesfcerday to reg ister but were too lata as the books had closed, Mrs W W Ssottis visiting Mrs ' T J Scott in Athsnr this week. | Mr. Strickland Dead. *§*! KincheU M.Strickland, an old respected, citron of this county, i ied at his lme near here on last- Wednesday evening, and was hur ried on Thursday evening at the old Strickland burying ground at H H Manns., Mr. Strickland was the last one of a large family of brothers and sisters. *V * Ha leaves ilirge family of chil dren and connections to mom-n his los9, as well-ns a large circle of friends who will regret to know that he is nV-more. We hope th(jtt the guidit g angel his spirit into that home of pwtee and happiness be yond theses. ATTENDANCE SMALL. School cpeiMhi at the Academy hereon laA Monday morning with a anpo.ll attendance, but will in crease neji week. The farmers cotton is flp&piUig so fast, that they are eager to get it out before bad weather bns. We hope to see a full attep#nce before the end of the presewrmonth, at the weather is gettingfooler and it will not ho so hard the childrsn. Start them at jra c ‘beginning and get the full wueft| of the school. lIdCjpIEWARD SIOO. •'HjPaK * TMSLpera of tlrs paper will be please,.lfti learn that there is at least outnfeoadfcd disease that sci ence baspleh able to cure in all its stages, iwTfliat is Catarrh. Halls CatarifjMfe is the only positive cure the medical faterni tv. Cup* being a constitutional diaomflwfciiritees a constitutional treating .Catarrh Cp is *■ I. v > hi;ting directly huiklingitp the * constitution and nature in doing its work, The prbjtrietor* have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure: Send for. testimonies. Address; F J CHENEY & Cos. Toledo, 0/83?“Sold by druggists,7sc We do uot understand the apa thy of the Democrats in the coming election. Such apathy never won any electioif. It will take an aggres sive campaign from now on and wc will be glad to see it begin. - •' “ w Guv Frans of South 'Carolina a Tihnanite was defeated for United States Senate by Judge Joseph H. Earle a conservative. This is the first defeat Tillman has had and it is thought to be the breaking up of th*Tillman reign. Twenty Years.... For more than twenty years we have been telling how Scott's Emulsion overcomes the excessive waste of the system, puts on flesh, nourishes and builds up the body, making it the remedy for all wasting di seases of adults and children, but it isn't possible for us to • , i :• tell the story in a mere stick ful of newspaper type. We have had prepared for us by a physician a little book, telling in easy words how and why Scott's Emulsion benefits, and a postal card request will be enough to have it sent to you free. To-day would fss a good time (o send for it. ' SCOTT & BOWNE, Nw York. Always in season,Hopkins, Steamed Hominy (Hulled Corn)' Elegant [lunch in mil*.. J Paoli the Place The People of Comer Must Either Vote at Paoli or at the County Site. Since the decision of the Su preme court declaring that small towns innoorporated by t'io Leg islature are void corporations, the peo| le of Comer and surrounding community, will have to go to Paoli or some to the sounty site, to least their vote in the approa riling ‘ election. 1 This makes it very inconvenient for our friends at Comer, especi ally at this time, when all the business men arc rushed for time, Bit we hope that they will turn out and help swell the Democratic majority. Uncle Peter Bruce Dead, Uncle Peter Bruce, one of the Mill districts best and most sub stantial citizens, died w'tli typhoid fever on last Thursday Un cle Peter had lived to a ripe old age, and by induslr and fair dealing had accumulated some of this worlds giods, and mace a host of friends. He was a con si stmt momberof the .church, ami has now gone to wear the crown of glory laid up for him in the homo oi (he blessed. He loaves a largo fami'y to mohrn hisd-ath, together w ith a host of relatives and friends. delbeidgk drowns. T P Delhi igo the former Pm i. dent at the old Delbrigs Paper Cos. of Atlanta was drowned in one the lakes around Atlanta while in bath ing on last Thursday night. it is supposed ho was taken with cramp ar no one was with hipa whan he. wits drowned. He had $60,000 insuieinoe onhis life, which will It ftunily iii good ciroum- Ge 1 rgia —Madiaon connty. Whereas S 0 O’ Kelley, adtn. of the estate of Redding Scarborough dec’d. ha3 applied to mo for letters dismission from sa.d administru tion. This is therofoie-to cite al persons concerned to bo at my of fice on the first Monday in Nov next to show cause why said let ters should not be granted. 'i his Aug. Brd. 1896. G. C. Daniel. Ordy. NOTICE, ' Georgia, Madison county. Whereas S C O’Kelloy, adin’r of the estate ot James M Sailors, dec’d has applied to me for letters o f dismission from said adininistral tion. This is therefore to cite al persons concerned ,t.n bo at iny of fice ou the first Montlav in Nov. next,to show why said letters should not be granted. This Aug. Bri 1890. G.C. Du..iel, Ord. Don't bolt your food, it irritates tomacii, Choose digestible foods and chew it. Indigestion is a dan gerous sickness, proper cure pre vents it. Shaker Digtsive Corpial cure- it That is the long and short of indigestion. Now. the question is; Have you got indige stion? Yes. if y°u |have pain or discomfort after eat mg, headache, dizziness, nausea, offensive breath heartburn, lar.gour,weakness, severe jaundice flatulence, loss of np~ petite, irritability, constipation, etc. Yes, you have indigestion. To cure it, take Shaker Digest ire Cor.i dial. The medicinal herbs aud plants ef which Bha l er Digestive Cordial composed, help to digest tne food in your stomach is strong care will kup it so. Shater D'ges. tive Cordial i- for sale by drug-! gists, price 10 cents toll.COper bottle. Liver Ills ! Lika blllausneM, dyspepsia, headache, consU paOoit, sour stemach, Indlgesttoa are promptly eure<f by Hood's Fills. They do their work Hood’s easily aud thoroughly. ■ ■ ■ • Best after dinner pills. Wfo 111 £ SS cents. All druggists. ■ 111 taN Prepared by C. I. Hood & Cos., Lowell, Hass. / Ik* only rill to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. •UIMCBiroOB > O— Pwllav Far tw. Political Iks f What is Going oil in the Political World —l)r. Gambrel! to Speak ll6re. Dr. Gambrell of Macon, <sho prominently mentioned in connect nectioii with the prohibition-popu list nomination for Governor, but who was im.-lliffible, will address the people of Madison county at > Danielsville, ou Mouday 21st wst* The Dr. is an ardent prohibitionist ... and is an able man. Cun.e out and hear him. went Republican in her state election lastTues-.lay by 50’0(K)>‘-‘ majority. Hei Republican majority'll was largely increased. f To be really and truly a demo crat. one must he democr. tic in everything, Submission to the will of the majority is the quints e ice of 1 Cubic racy. If you can’t do lh..t, don’t claim to be a demo crat. The gold contingent of the Dem oiatio party met in Indianapolis or.' last week nd nominated Senator. Painter of Illinois, and Gen. Sirnoti" Boliva Buckner of Kentucky, a# their candidates for president and ( vice president. They of course have no hopes of electing this ticket. Dr. J II Gambrell who was nom ii ated by the populist to oppose lion W M Howard for congress has declined the empty lionpr. The pop uli-t will meet at Atheiisbn the 22nd” Inet. if they cjh iind a candidate to offer ns a sacrifice. The Repub licans have nominated W B Heif' ry ot Elbert county. Since citizen Peek has beaten Ta Ua Ru Cobb for the populist Domination for congress in the 6th district, the young man has silenc ed his mouth. He joined all the parties and got nothing- Time for him to quit. Go bafek to your frilh-'r young man, and let him tell you again of th© truths of* racy. v..^ 'pocaorSaniz \ZB. * t • pitixinsiof Pooataligc bad a meeting near Alvin a few days'ago and organized - Bryan • Campaign Club and Committeemen for Ibeir district. W C Hughes was elected chairman, and the following signed as Committeemen for that distriot. W. J, Freeman’ T A Lawrence’ .1 W Brown’ J BStrcftmau, I J Langford, V W.Brown, F L Langford^ W II Langford K T Stephens, L X Wilder, J \V Freeman. The committee is a good one and we expect to hear of good result* from it. Why can’t we have these clubs all over the county? DISEASES OF THE SKIN. The kttome itching and (martin* tad> dent to ocsetns, tetter, salt-rheum, and other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed by applying. Chamberlain's Eye end Skin Ointment Many very bad csss* have bees permanently cured by it It Is squally efficient for itching piles and * bavoritersm sdy for sore nipples; chapped hands, Ail. Main*, frost bitea, and chronic aon eys*. For sale by druggMs at 76 cent* per belt. Try Dr. Cady’s Condition Fewders, they ,-ce jnat wliat t hone needs whan in bedeasdv ton. Tonic, blood purifier tod rwmifege. NOTICE. Ceorgia—sMadison county. WhereasS C O’Kelley, adm'. of the John Scott, dec’d lad pplied to me for letters ] of dis> mi from sa;d admin imratiotj. This is therefore,to cite all person* concerned to be aud appear at my office on tnc first Monday in Nov . next, to show cause why. said lets tern should not be'grnuted. 'Thi* Aug, 3rd 1890. G. C. Daniel,Ord NOTICE. Georgia Mdaison county: Whereas 8 C O’Eelley,. adm of ihe estate of J J' Faiilkher, dte’d makes known by hts petition that he has fully administered the eg-, tate of said dee’d, aud desire* letters of dismission. Thi* i* therefor* to cite all concerned to be at my office on the first Mon* day November next, to shoV why said letters should not be granted. I This Aug. 3rd. 1800. G 0 Daniel? Ord. NO. 7