The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, October 02, 1896, Image 1

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BRRKY T. MOSBLr, Editor. BP. F. MpGpWAN, Bus. BUu’gr. VOL. XIV 114© .1® Hi/-. . . ~ / • •• ■ <*? v. -- / ' Js headquarters for shoes of Every Description, and Only One Price, and he will not be unicier sold. Your patronag is solicited; and I will save you money. 1% T* Smith, corner of College . avenue and 0 lay ton street, Athens. II . —in—n 1..1 -inm r- We beg to announce to our patrons and tbo pudlic generally that, we tire now thoroughly. FC i tled in our new q artel's, one door above our old btaud, v. here we are far better prepared tbo.'i ever to serve them. Oui'hew place isb rper and better applied in everv"’av and enables i.s to carry Iniger tind belt, r stocks of foods and handle ihtut in A more satisfaction bo It to our customers and on selves 1 \Ye will coni inuo L o carry full lines of Ohiun, Crockery, Glassware, Tin and Wooden ware and and H< tisefiirnishiiu>- (j-o !s g( n rally, and we will keep up our reputation far selling nothing blit the best goods at the lowest prices. Call on ns and see one of the handsomest storef and best stocks of goods in Geofgia. Yours to please, ?18.JRC/,D STREET ATHENS,CA. ami ini to. DEALERS IN ■ , . -AND imr Oigh Qrade fertilizers. ATHENS, GEORGIA J. S.KING S CO, The Great Supply HoJse of N, E, Ga. Farmers Headquarters. Standard goods Lowest prices ATHENS. GA. Not one part but every j part of HIRES Rootbeer tends toward making it the perfect temperance j and healthgiving drink, j Madeoolr bv The Tharle* E. Hir? Cos., Philadelphia. A She. peiekag* makes 5 gallon*. So!d ererjwhere. DICH RED BLOOD to thefoun-j ■. elation of good health. That is why Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the One True {flood Purifier, gives HEALTH. Vote the straight Democratic ticket Wednesday, it can’t be improved on |f the .pnnicbuUlf iHomftn*. J I Ol#. \.ir Dick Harris Barber I ATHENS GA: I A 1 ! work guaranteed. \ Wanted-ftn Idea 2SSSB 9 Protect your Ideate they may bring you wealth. 1 Write JOHN WEDDERBURN A 00„ Pa* nt Atfe>r -2 ueya, Washington, IX tor their SIJW prizo otter b and list of two hundred inventions wonted. optTKr^r^- Jjanielsviile, Madison County, Ca„ Ffpay, Oct- end 1896. j Local News, | I WIIAT THE PEOPLE OF TIIE “FREE STATE” ARE I DOING. t J M. Git.nulls ' f Neese, gave us :’a pleasant call Tuesday. lie is • one, of Pittman l best citizens, and is one of the Monitors bestJ . triendp. f Wjj are again increasing our sibsei'ij?tion list at a remarkable d'ate. The Monitor as the .Yeoman,' .was the first paper ever .published! in the county, and the people are' standing by it. I Did you see that pretty' if buggy that went through* |Comer and Carlton, which ■ *was sold at the Buggy■ |House in Danieisville. § Ravi-on & Lowe liu'ea new ad J Xin this is-, no. Read it. i | "AT:! ■ 'iiffp l gtisement is HißDp.d thisAvPeß' wH 1 If youwanta nice buggy' |I would like to sell it to • you. It wont cost you' ianything to look, and not |much it you should buy. j 1 J M Kidd | | Only, five days until the election. \ [Then we will know who is who. fi g 1 % The registrars found % register-! ;,ed vo ere, who arc tax defaulter*. j [.alley are now at work hearing i •these cases. It will work the in* Jhard to get the li-t ready foy tlief election. ■ . f i I Songs of Gal vary and \ \ Pentecost, Latest andi 'prettest song book, for ? sale at Conaway’s Musjc] House, Athens. j | ,B T Parmer, the I've insurance |inuti of Giiiiiesvil'e, was with us this week. 4 jf| 1 Mrs. R II Kinnebrew, who has been quite sick with fever at the home of her mother in Clarke ■’county, is we are glad to state "convalescent, and will retnrh home > “iii a few days. I j Holman & Scott haye a ! fine lot of horses and hnuleb which they are sell-; ing }jv prices. J We are pleased to state that |W U Gholston, who came home ;sick with fevjr, is able to be out Pagaiu. | The cotton crop is about out and: [marketed. No yellow cotton this' pear. j The fax rate for this year, in-; ■eluding the state tax, will be 91c and 2 mills on the One Hundred,, Dollars, *Y*i v- • ' ' ( ! OtnpT S1) mi' lof If onto; 1 , came and owil tsl Situ day to see his pa-! my .s hero, and t) title Itis hotter! 'ha-lf !s\ck wivh him, who had |>, ut i visiting h*re. Thu Dr. is dom ; ‘ well in Jtis adopted ham a, we ar.j \ gUdio learn. . f a Nflms & Johnson have secured T J Kerlhi, as painter at their shops. He is 'a first-cl ass buggy painter, and the only one Jit the county. Bring your .work, will give you as ig'ood job as you can get in 1 ; ; Athens or anywhere else J j NELMS & JOHNSON, I . mtrk ' ■ t slieriil Hvooks carried .Miss Dean ; ?\vhad been ndj idged a lunatic .sonjetimp 'g>, to the asylum! at Mi Hedge illy, his week. § We sa w ejo man who w,i s not! about, Jiis cotton crop.! ■•lieapiti.-.. crop \vas good, and that ; ■ : i;I ...• !>• hi iv- c. i(.ton i ban ’ d’std'hr o years j ™'nTTtnhtcins oled on lust Satwr-j Jd*y morning, and was buried here? on Sunday morning at 10 O’clock 'A. M. The little one had been* .sick f r H?veral months and God Oias now Taken it unto Ihni,where iti .will suffer no more. Your ch 1 (awaits you loud parents, on the" pother shore, where all is pence and| ’happiness. We extend io the be-J ,reave 1 our jfpllest sympathy. PERSONAL. m' r? | Free-04 page medical reference! book any person afflicted which aiiyl pebial, chronic or de icato disease* peculiar to heir sex. Address thea leading physicians and surgeon of a The United St ales, Dr. Hathaways So. Broad street, Atlanta Ga.. | 1. Verity Y** f ; :CJ A. *v e For mr.rr than twenty years v/e have felren tciii::g how Scott 4 i F, r ulsion pvqre: ates the estcescire rraste # the syzitra, puts on flesh, nouikhes and builds up the body, rrv, it the remedy for all wasting di seases of adults and children, but it fsrrf possible for us to teH the story in a roc re stick ful c£ newspaper type, We have had prepare 2 for s fcy a physician a little book, tc ii .iv in easy woods how and why Scct; 4 s Hmubion benefits, a6 a postal ce-.l repo wl.l be cn :ch to have it sent to y<ju free. To,-dr.y \y o-.rhi be a good time'to sirvnfor st. SCOTT * Wjav.h, Sr,/ Yrtra. i \\ r riv l\tn n innwim* lp/n Jolsill iilsiitlUdtio 111 111 1 f— * |The one for all True Dem ocrats to vote next j Wednesday. j J Next VV'e, uerday morning will) ‘usher in the battle of ballot* iu| Georgia. 3 Artayed on the one ii le is a phalanx of Deniocr.i ts, who I'j.tand for good government, good Schools and economy m public ex - penditures, vhiloN’n the other aid > slim ds a croud pf hungry place hml ts, who \yi 1 advocate ipiv* | thing to make votes, They want of. want it bid. Among this lcrowd is a few good men who are {honest in vvhnt they are doing, but {they are the exceptions, | The Momtou is’democratic and iiwver s iiks its duty to the nomi-, -otythat part/, and if we re-, p'fa’ltfilPCTlf! I'll 111 * A .: j- ty, Sis in danger, we would he ashamed j [of our democracy, and wou’d deveive [and expect critic sW. \\ . j ! Relieving as we do, we urge all * ;democrats to support the following! ticket, which was nominated at thee recent primary. For Governor William \ Atkinson - For Secreta y of State Allen D. Candler For Comptroller General William A. Wright For Treasurer W. J. Spec, For Attorney General Joseph M, Ferrell [For Commissioner of Agriculture R. TANARUS, Nesbitt .For Senator 510th. Senatorial Hist. C. M. WITCHER. For Ropresenlalive J. F. L. ROND, For Ordinary i J. N. BOGGS. For Clerk Superior Court. 3. C. O’KELLEY. Em Sheriff L. E. RROOKS. For Tax Receiver J. F. BROWN, For Tax Collector J. P, COOK. For Treasurer. J. F. MOON. For Surveyor M. I) L. PITTMAN, For Coronor P. R, MOSELEY. • h'uK Supreme Court Amendment I (This is im amendment, to Art.jj 0, Section 2 of the Constitution,tnl ,ho known ns Paragraph 8, mini |l ropcses to increase (he number oil Judges of the Supreme Court (•§ ■this State from 8 to 0, and to boj elected by the people). ,“Fok Ratification of the Amend | uieiit of Paragraph 1, of Sec-I lion 2, ot Article 8, of tliel | Constitution. J (This amendment prop) bos thntj [the State SchoolCoinnrssionorshall] Ibe elected by the people instead of] f being appoinled by the Governor), sttaacjuwiosr i flop Wullar P.r Imti | ~A Narrow Escape. r • Danielsville Came ir ar Having a Disastrous Blaze, I i Daniolsvil'e came near havjnj q big fire on last Monday, Sdtno li tie negro hoys had a toy pistol, and some matches and went into the cotton house of J 0 Daniel, w ere they were breaking off the heads of the mate lies and snapping them in the pistd. The cotton caught from one qf them, and tho little negros ran. i Mr. 13co Broods discovered this cotton on tiio and gayo the alarm. The lnic-et bilgade turned out ip full foivo and soon the tiro was out. The wind was blowing from the east, and if the tiro had "hatj five w'linutcs stun, the town front J 0 Daniels to W II Uultock would have wtood a good citatum to have heeh dun nod Aip. | I-lmvo been reading iu your pa, jj per about several men and wom u plait have been very sueest fui t>ell gi‘g sidf-lumtiiig flat irons and ;! I coi.clubed I v quid spe what a girl Ic ukl do. .1 haye.ivoiked 12 days f( ami have sold lf,m udufi /inn hivti ; 218 dollars loft alter paying all Evoiybody is delighted rnitli the iron and 1 sell nne almost zeveny place I show it as people think lhey oanst afford to be with* ; out one as they save so much fuel land time and con‘t burn (ho clothes i;I know 1 cmi clear five thousand •dollars id a yoar. liow is that for a gii IV A Graduate. | Splendid my girl splendid, you are u true American girl. Anyone can get complete inf imution about die self-healing iron by addressing •J E Casey & CO, St. Louis’ Mo. seem to be a winner as everybody selling it writes in its praise. - | 9 NOTICE. jiGeor •ia '—Madison county. | Agreeable to an order front court lof Ordinary of said county, will jbe sold before the court house door [in the town < f Dnnielsville on the [first Tuesday in Oct. pext, one fcertain tract of land in said comity [containing 150 acres, more cr less 'With three settlements on sanme Lonvenlent 1.0 schools , churches 'adjoining lands of David Wynn i|Matt Parham, D H Moore, Frank iCollins and others .Sold us the p’pe’y ■of A G Carrington, dec’d. One ;horse c r op .open on said place .Terms cash. TliisH pt. 7th 1896 W ACarrington, Ex'. NOTICE, lGgoigia—Madison county. | Whereas S C O’Kelley, ndm .of ■the estate of Redding Scarborough 'deck!. lias applied to me for letters ‘dismission from sa:d ndminislra tion. This is therefore to cite al persons concerned to be at my of flee on the first Monday in Nov next to show cause why said let tors should not be granted. k his Aug. 3rd. 1896. G. C. Rnnife 1 . Ordy. ) .i ii. ... ill i.i, ' ii ■■ \ HINDERCORN9 'na.mok HAIR'"b Atslllf * IV <*Tl and l*autif;ri the hate H BPI Prorio b tfvnrth. •* wjsftjNPvur to ficJttoru Grmj * e: -'jtfrii IT air to its Y wVihi’ul Color. j i Quri-’J walp di/tae|'fc hut: ullia£ |lf yon uroCOWSUfifIPTCVS or ta* > liiflitrntlou, Palnfnliln* or Debility *l hiijT kind uafc SVAIIKEn’S GINGER TONIO ;l".Py vUo were IrAiajvi (UncouragedLuvervpu lift/ ttlß NO 9.