The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, August 27, 1914, Image 2

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TiIE MONITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. R. C. AVERS, Publisher. Official Organ Madison Cos. Entered at Ihinielsville post office as second-class mail matter. How’s Tills? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for unv ease of Catarrh that cannot, he cured by Hall’s Ca tarrh (hire. K .1. Chunky & Cos , Toledo, O. W’e, t he undersigned, have known F Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honora ble in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obiigations made I>v his firm. National Hank of Commerce. Toledo, (). Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tin system. Testimonials sent free Price 75c per bottle. Sold iy all and ruggisfs. Take Hall’s Family Pills for Con stipation. Farm Loans. Loans negotiated on Improved Farm Lands. UNLIMITED MONEY at all times; longtime; low rates, and prompt service. J. I). BRAD'WELL, Bishop, Ga. The P< •mocrat ic congressional convention of the B'h district met iti Athens Tuesday and enthusias tically and re-immi luited Hon S .1 Tribble for con- Mr. Tiihlde had to retun {■t Washington Sum!ay and could not la-at the con vent ion, hut left an able, sound, essentially Demo cratic address to lie read to it. The convention then unconditional I v and nnunimnu-lv indors'd the ac tion of M '. Tribble i.. congress and proyeed'd to mlj urn. CoDhtipatlou Car.Bcs Sickness. Don't permit yourself to become constipated, an your system imin - and intelybegins toabsorb poison from tlm I>aoko<i-up wastH matter. Use Dr King's New Life Pills and keep Well. There is no butler safeguard against illness .lust takeoned >se , to-uight. 25c. at your druggist’s. • -M ■. This is from tlie Hrunsw ick News 'ftutlit is good lidvlos “Now, then it still over. The people have ex ercised that great right which lie* longs to them ot selecting tli<*ii oas,ij choice for the oflices within gift There should he m i wounds Ie! t to heal; no uglv scars to remind one .f the c*i (let Let' forget it. and all get together That’s tlie thing to do.’’ .* • .. **’ Summer Cou.'bs are Daugerom Rummer colds are dangcreu Indicate low vitality and often lead t<> serious rhroat and Lung trmi hies, including Con-urn ption. Dr King’s New Discoverv wilf relieve tiiecough or cold promptly and pre vent complications It i soothing and antiseptic ad makes vm fee better at one . 1• delav is danger oils — g | a bottle t Dr. Kings Now Discovery at once Mnue\ hack it not satistied 50c and if I (X) buttles at vourdrugoist’s. 0 <n't vv.irrv about. the war (.la ther your cropland I>** ready fori any emergency. There will he rt ' luaik< t for it sooner or lat>r. l*ii - bably by the time y>>ur e tton * gioin-d ami bal'd the markets ot the world will lie opened. At am Tate, it will keep, and the guvein mnt and tin* bankers ot the conn* try are goii g ll( t j,, V vhut j* ~ecess irv to carry the crop over il it be necessary to carry any of it over., 5... why worry?—Colum b n. Enquirer-shin. 1 itectljii „iu luted Bites Dangerous. Mosquitoes, the* and otln-r in * ' •. which lireed quit'k-W in gaib >• • pails, ponds of stagnant walei. • r s. musty places, etc., are ear- I *' of disease Every time they bite yon they inject poison into your system,from which some dread disease may result. Get a bottle of Sloan’s bin iment. it is antiseptic and a few drops will neut ralize the infection caused by insect bites or rusty nails. Sloan’s Liniment dis infects Cuts, Brtiises a-id Sores. You cannot afford to lie without it in your home. Money hack if not snt tsii •and. Only 25c. at your and ruggist’s. -*• CARD FROM DR. HARDMAN. Commerce, (ia , Aug. 25. T<i the Peiipb; of Ge o gia : l w isli to express to the people of Georgia my high appreciation of the spien •Jid support, which was given me in my nice tor governoi, in the pri mary of August, I9t h. It is a genuine pleasure to recall the hearty ovation which the peo ple gave me all over the State dur ing my campaign Not in a single instance did one thing occur to mar the pleasure of the race. It will he one of my cherished memories to contemplate the hear ty approval which the people of Georgia gavt* the high ideals of campaigning and righteous princi ples of government for the uplift of the masses of citizens. it occurs to me to-day, as it did before I entered the campaign for govt-rimi. that there is an oppor tunity for Georgia to set the pace for other States in high ideals ol law enforcement, and in providing more ample legislation for the pro tection and restraint in the waste of human life. A noble movement tins won,d be, mid I hope for this through our governmental author ities. I desire to Congratulate Judge Nut E Harris and Hon Randolph Anderson for their magnificetit race, as Well as for their kind and gent lemunly t reatni nit of t heir op ponent,; and I want to extend to extend to them my profound sym pathy in the bereavement which rune to them during the progress of the campaign. I wish for each of them a most Inippy and pros perous future. Yours very truly, L G Hardman. Me •-. '• Summer Cos ißilpation Dangerous. Consffpatljin in summer time is more dangerous than in the fall, winter or spring. The food you eat is often' eonfaniiinitcd and is more likely tu.hTiiu’iit in your stomach Then you are apt. to drink much e dd water during tile h• >t went In r. t hus i> piling your stomach Colic, fever, I’tomuiue I‘oisoning and ■llier ills are natural rosiiliS. I’o- Do-Lax will keep you well, as it in ‘ creases the bile, the natural laxn ’ ive, which rids the bowels of the congested poisonous waste, |’n-D<- I .ax w ill make von fed bet tor. l’lea alit and ertect ive. Take a dope to night 50c at vour druggist’s. FARM FACTS 1!Y I'KTKR KADKORD, National Lecturer Farmer*’ Kilu- UMtional and Co’-Operative I’nii'ii of America. , Where there is a silo there is p osperitv. There i* not enough of the com niinity spirit among our rural dis ■ nets. Tln< laws relnting to businessan w holly unsuiti and to the transactions • f i he Tanner. The waste of etVort through itn |)iaction! methods of farming i* tin- greatest tragedy of the age. Something i- wrong in our mar keting system, w hen n small croj brings more money than a hnutdi ful one. l'u.<i|>t>rtiti<>n between practical farm rsand pr tieient business men will eliminate igniuance and pie j dice. The nat on’ menu must be made up fr. m tin- thbis, pastures, me' - urds and g rd* is, and t<> farm in teliigeilt Iv, the tunnel must know w hat is ne. lied. We must give the same cure aim eonsi loraii n t<* a av stem f c - • •perative lans, extending te tin i a • iner tin faci I it ies adapted to ln business that i> new atb>rded cor pern' ions b arnr tenaniey is the gieatest imma ivi.\v cunt routine t n- nat n n and Am drily lie civ ken lo album ing tlm tenant and the laborer fa cilities for acquiring property, and by reducing the high rates of in terest which are now -upping tie vitality of agriculture. Under t he present system of mar keting farm products, it is possible and often occurs, that people in one part of the United States lite rally starve for the want of a pro duct, while the same product in another part of the nation is wast ing for want of a market. Velpoe. Rev. \V. M. Pettit filled his reg ular appointment at Friendship Saturday and Sunday. G E. linker and family spent Saturday night and Sunder with their parents, Jacob Eberhurt and w ile, of Colbert. Jesse Tolbert and wife visited hi-mother, Mrs. Carrie Thornton, of Athens, last week. Mrs C J. Rye is visiting rela tives at Panli this week. Mrs Je.-se Lester, :f Athens, spent the last week-end her parents, I G. Graham and w ife. M iws Nellie Childs, of Com me roe, is visiting relatives here this week. Several from around here atten ded preaching at Jiru-hy Creek Sunday. Andy Lord and wife spent Sun day night at J. P. Smith’s. Miss J mra Burroughs is visiting relative.- near Elberton this week. Mrs. M, C. Aaron, who has been visiting relatives in this commu nity, lias returned to her home in A t liens. J. L Pond and wife spent lat Saturday with S. \V. Echols and w i fe, Mi-s Tavie Nash is the guest of Miss Maud Patton this week. PARCELS l’()>f ELIMINATES THE MIDDLEMAN. Officials of the Uoited States de partment ot Agriculture have been testing out tlie parcels post ns n means of marketing egg- and have found it highly s itisfuctoiy. the department has shipped 465 lots, consisting of S),H>l eggs, to various p iris of the nation, and upm an i val at destination only 827 eggs, or three and one-half, per cent, ot the total, were broken. Ti n and Z'-n eggs can he shipped in one.con tain. r a distance of 150 miles at a cost of 4 i cents per dozen. This includes tile cost of transportation and container. Georgia postal nut hunt ms ad vise that the Ia rulers ai ill fa rulers’ w i \-es of t Ins Is’tats; are ul ili/ing t he pa - c I* post extensively in selling farm produce direct to the consumers, and excellent resu Its have been ob tained. Last w inter when > ggs were be ing sol.l by the retailer- at from 50 to (5- cents to the consumer, tip farmers w< re only receivu g2O and 25 cents per dozen for their pro dim', giving i lie middleman from ;>0 t ■ 40 cents . n h;m*li d* z<mi egg lie handled r J lie parcels post sys tem of marketing t ntirely elimi uat" s the uinldlemai s prolir. ,n and 1 1\ ides the profit of tli middleman between produc> f and consumer. f 1 h Refresh©®' - - Stimulates ||ji| A delightful flavor ail its own. In Iced Bottles Anywhere . Bottled by CHERO-COLA BOTTLING CO. ATHENS, C A Ai I.ANTA LET IT. R. Atlanta, August 21.—An At! Gita young niton of a patriotic turn had a happy thought last week, and bubbling over with enthusiasm told a friend about,it. In a day it had spread over the big office building and the ‘‘Home Products Club was formed. The members ol this clu > pledge themselves to purchase and wear nothing hut cotton clothing 1 for one year, in so iar as this i- pos sible. They avow they will wear cottmi suits all winter, cotton un derwear instead of their accustom ed flannels, cotton socks and cot on neckties If they can find a cotton hat they’ll wear that. It all came about, of course, because of the European war and its eifect on the cotton market, and the club members feel that, if they can en courage a greater coo-ump tion the effect will not be so bad Titov say they’re going to put their wives in the club too; but that is the hardest part t f the j.-b. X; & tit An exhibition now m Peachtree street is calculated to bring won der and envy to the farmer hoy wlio has to turn the corn sheller and the grindstone and to his over worked mother, who breaks he:' buck over a washboard. It is an electrical appliance show, and its principal h-atare is ann ehine uith one fair—iz-'d motor, surrounded by a corn sheller. a washi g ma chine, a gri d.-tone, an ice cream freezer and a wheel which may be used to drive any piece of machine ry on a farm. P.v moving a lever or two the motor can he crmp’ed on to any of the machines in an instant. They are being sold rap idly. too, and so are the electric irons, electric stoves. eec.ric sew ing machine motors and all the ap pliances, and a remarkable fe.illire is that they are going to the coun try and the small towns Ever sin ■ • the Georgia Railway & P over Go. opened its great Tallulah Falls plant, reduced the price of elec tricity and stretched its lilies thro’ more than a hundred m ties of cotin tiv, the people along the line have been waking up to the iact that eieciricitv is sometimes cheaper than manual labor, and they are coupling iheir share of Tallulah to their dim n ami their pumps. Ku ra 1 (ienru i. l - I’a pin IV hoc oil) mg n n of the principal users ot cm rent. MATTER OK A COMMA. ‘'Bill,” tile poet ga-ped, stngger i g into liis • fiend’s room “W Itv, w hat V wrong?” the ffiend inquired, startled, as he grasped hold of the tottering man. “Wrong!’’ the poet" miitrored. ‘‘l>y deems! I w rote a poem about inv little boy. and began the tiist‘ verse thus; “My so.i ! My pigmy counterpart “Yea! Y-s!” The put. drew a 1 >ng hreit-h as took a m wspip r from his c nit picket. “He id!” ho blazed . sud denly. “See a hat tli it ja. kail :pi s compos tor di t■>my "p mmg line ” Tin- freed read aloud : “M vso i! in pig. mv c m iferpart.’ —Natn nai M < >nthiv. ASST TA' CE r, D M E ’!('!! A NTS. N> w Y> rk, Aug, 22 —Pri sul. lit ( I’, rcivul s If'll, of the American 1 T.haCC' Do , has -i'ii t I lie j , 1 11< nv mg notice t ■ ail tin company’s custo mers in Alabama, Arkansas, Flor ida, Georgi Louisiana, Mississippi North Cur iina, Oklahoma.-South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas-: \Ve have become aware of the enibarras-mein brought on the cot ton growing sections by- the Euro pean war and the resulting inabil ity to market c- tton crops. We ea'ne.-t! hope tint! i>eli“ve that this embarrassment is temporary. We are earmstiv anxious, though, to contribute, so far as we can, to the relief of it. On that account, we will pormi’ our customers in the States abo\e muitiotied to discount their bills, on acccui.t of purchases made hereafter, within ten davs after October 15, 1914 This ap plies to all purchases of all our lines and whether of drop, ship meats or st ck shipments.’.’ Subscribe for the Monitor. o BORGIA —-Madison County J. IT. McTCIiuSuTH / Libel for Divorce, vs. in V’a-tisoa Sap. Mary Bell MeE’.renth \ Court; Sept. term, lul l 1, appear! to ;h; court, that the de fendant in ttia i.oo-'a stated ease does not reside in said <->n>, y. n,n<! it further ap 1 earing that Mary lie!I IcKln ath,defon-.1-nit. nit. does not reside in this Stale Ordered by the court, that service lie per teered <>•• the d> f-*i. t->* liv the ..u..lio.it4*n of this order twit-m m *ut.h for t votivri'hs l.ef re i' ’ -sejit, al -r i-ria of this r. ♦ lie so nr --.<■ y - :ie : iriaata aii'Ca saiti suit can In ■'made l , w’oilly return:' Die after -aid publication, in the Danielsville Moni tor. die sain • being die public p'/.efte in vvnich sheriff s sales ia said county are or dinarily published. Ordered, further, that a copy of said gazette lie furnished ‘t j the clerk of said court to lie mailed to said de fondant, at least thirty days before the said term to wuioh this suit is made returnable, after said paper shall haw be. n inclosed, stumped and directed to said defendant at her last known place of abode. This g'.jth day of .1 me. llili DaVID '.V MEVD'UV, Judge Saji. Court, N'ort’n J udo’l Giro’t. C illLvi'. \v ■ I', it. All A iVio, ATTORNEY AT I,A\v! I) A NIELS Vf LI.K . G EOIUiI A Will in-active in all courts. Office court house, up-stairs over clerk’s office. DR. 0. E. PITTMAN. DENTIST Commerce, Georgia Office. second *1 )>r Pittman Building. D iiui -try in all iis branches. GKDit if V—Mims >x County of Seaborn Epps has a plied to me for letters of dismiss': in fr nn -ai i ' uardiausiilji. Thwefore.nll con cerned are hereby required to show cause before me, on the tiist Monday in O tuber next, why said dismission sin uld m r lie granted. Giver, under my hand and offi cial signature, this Aug -i, 1914. A. H. LONG Ord’v. lisa Or. Kiy’s Sai^a FOR Croup, Golds, Pneumonia, Cuts, Barns. Bruises, CATARRH, Af-TtIMA AM3 H*Y FEVER. preparation is sold on a guaranty. Don’t fa i1 tn purchase a | iackage and read and i rect ions ca re til I tv. !’vice 25a. Sold ad recommen ded by L. E. GREEN E ,fc CO., Dani-dsvil'e. Ga. Ad.nlnu trato-'s Sale. ■ic.or ;i,\—Madison Conx-rv, Dv vir*ne >f an order-if rh„ , diiiarv ol sul,-„m:v, .vill 1* 'J? "f(>r lst x Uesd.iy in Sept. noy,. liefer,. Ip l.on:-:-MIVir. during the lurrl ,' , ' Wilt the lollewing property. to wit- "" 01 A certain tractor parrel of Umi u , m the -2C.2d district oyi J* ' , >'S ' t.Y.adjoi ning land.- of Tid well amVj.'!! 1 ' man on the north,.!. 11. Henl.-y vi .. ilder on the east. ( . K \vl‘ 1. I I '; Xash lands on tliespiilli and < | i 8 " 1 <-lb acres, more or less \.. room dwelling, one tenant house’and necessary outbuildings. Plenty of w ter and wood -torest timher. 'Term One-ltmal vn-i, (in 00 days.) balance ia two equal yearly payments. Also, at same time and place, in shire of the capital stock of the Farmers’vr ion Warehouse Cos., Comer, G a of ,■ * par value of .; 5.0 h each. A Is,, S .,J'' Of the capital stock of the C ,rm'i i Manufacturing Cos., of Gni,,,, (j,.. ( .„ of the ]iar value of sl. Oeach. r|V, \ share or Hie capital stock of tlie J Phosphate Cos., of Georgia, of H,e , value of .$10.(10. Also. 7 share* „f ||j, ca pi till stock of the C id mi Florida !’, piiate Land ' 0., of t he par value of $1 ->s each. AH to he sold as the property of W -q •'*; 7< erdy, 'ier.’d. for the purpose nf , (list ribut ion Terms cash. sic,, f p ; McCurdy on the day of sale tor spe'ch! j terms. C. 11. Met 'IIRDY, i K. 51. Met tJRDY i • u,, “’ r Notice to Contractors. The Commissioners of Routs ami Reve nues of Elbert unit Madison counties wi’ 1 at noon Eastern time. Sepfc-unY 28,1014 ; ( t public outcry to the lowest bidder’, let the connaet for the construction of a munir line steel bridge over Broad a point a short distance above Moure's Ferry, near R nviian. 11 a. The cotdr cl; to tie Yt at the site of the bridge as required by law. Said bridge consists of tire, span hill fed. one span of ICO eet and three spans of so feet each. The so list nurture, consists of ;o ir piers and two abutments, containing a; promote' Iv ton conic ar.’s if coiv r<- '. The success: ul hi tie r musi deposit certi fied check for fC()0, and give bond as iaw requires. I lans and specifications on file at office of the Good Roads ]). partir.enr of the U i vershy of Georgia. Athens, Ua.. Searcy H. Slack engineer, and in the offices of said Commissioners. Copies may be had from said Good Roads Depdi fluent at Athens. Gu.. at. a cost of s.;i 00 each. T'he light to reject any or all bids is re served. , J-\ Nt lIS ' icLN"lit IS 11, Ch’n Comm'r.s am: Revenues, < i Elbert county, (.a. Job Printing Of all Kinds OlieapS j and Ixpe ditious!y Done, THE MONITOR. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE o*' Trade Marks vST'’’/' 1 * DcStowS m Co?Yi.-a.i ;*c An von a skr! • !i and uedoriptior ni’if onieUlv in ;on:iti tnir oni.iiot; freeyvn- iu-r ei is • baldj j V• -' *• Mom tfr’ii'tiv v* 'JHc- 'tri J t oot free. Oldest micncy for *ecuiw > ig : - I ttr-ut' taken Munn & Cos. rec tipi r <il i’ui ice x v ;• itoul cL.:rue, in oi j A hnndsomel y ilirstrated r eek y. 1 r cult** jti'i of .i.-iy eciei.ttac Jourm-l. - - • - J - * 4 roar : four rnon 4 ,hs, Sold by a:i ne ..t*in*a! • . eusti & Mrnnoh Otnce. two F t.. /9a.**ntnKtv*n <k '