The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, September 03, 1914, Image 3

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-pHt MONITOR. local items. \[ ri I) A. Moseley was 'sick a jay <>r two this week. IV county commissioners held 3 regular meeting this week. \\\ 0. Welch, of Athens, Vi ted relatives here Sunday. j] rg styles Blackwell is visiting r .datives in Franklin county this \vesk. B p Anthony and 11. T. Sanders made a trip to Wilkes county this week. Uhl White left Monday for O ei shore, where she will re-enter school. ].' c Griffeth went to Milledge ville tins week to enter the G. M college. Judge A. H. Long and daighter, Fiuvce, visited relatives at C'niner Sunday. SHINGLES FOI? SALE- At Adams place, 2 miles northeast or Danielsville. oee me or G. F. Adams Clarence E. Adams. L .1 Hill and wife and Rufus J. Sorrells and wife visited relatives at Conmr Sunday. Miss Ruby Jenkins and brother, Jlnecher, of near Progress, visited relatives here Sunday. T. G. Hitchcock and wife and Guv Hitchcock and wife visited rel. atives near Dunlap Sunday. . For Sale -A quantity of good Salmon Hi ick, at $4 50 per thou sand, at yards Georgia Clay Products Cos., Athens, Ga. Mrs R R. Bullock, who was quite sick for more than a week, wo are glad to state is now much better. r.lolm Ed G >rdop and George Dan iel 1 It Monday for Miliedgeville to out r the Georgia Military Col lege. Rev. Roscoe David assisted Rev. J. U Stephens, of the -El ert cir cuit, in a protracted meeting this week. Mi-s Selma Blackwell has been visiti ig the family of her brother, B U Blackwell, in Athens, the past week. FOR It EXT —Beginning Jan 1, 19 in, t u nice, 6-room Houses All conveniences— that is, good lot, god water and the like—can suit Jen it you want a house for 1915. John E. Gordon. Mi 'Ses Lena Anth< y and Lena Davi.t left Monday morning for Young Harris, whero they went to ent*-r school. Th Cox ginnery here commenc ed to “grind” the 1914 cotton crop Mediiesday morning. Fall will soon be here. Wanted —I want to buy a ;rai:noi pointer or Setter, male or F ''“n 1“ State age, lowest prices, f t''. when writing. Also want pair Tup;n os. Joe F. Worbley, Box 14, Macoii, Ga. Mias Jewel Bond left Monday for Am urn, where she will teach in Be music department of the Perry K im v Institute, Cleveland Gordon and family. 01 Athens, spent a day or two last "''kuith Ins parents, Col. and rs - J E. Gordon, here. Ihe farmers of Madison county ar “ invited to visit the State Col- Kro farm, at Athens. Saturday. ■'* l J t. 12. All should go. Miss Ola Stephens left Monday rooming for Mavsville, where she ~ *to accept the position of assist ai|t teacher in the school at that place. Mrs E H. Vickery and daugh- C r Miss Leila, and Miss ' alters, ot Hartwell, Miss -ht. of Augusta, and Mr. • ot Bowman, were visitors here t'unday. For Sale —I have 100 acres Land tor sale, half a mile from ; I'his land is level and pro well. Terms 1 to 2 years, not*- at 8 per cent and g> od - J ritv Address* ( * A Phillips, Hull, Ga. FARFfI LOANS. Money obtained prom j tlyon im proved Farms. Liberal terms, low interest, tive years’ time. John T Murray, Danielsville, Ga. C. N. Snelling and Mrs. S. E. Scott visited relatives in South Car olina a few days the past week and brought little Louise Snelling, who had been visiting there a week or two, back with them. The Monitor and Tri-Weekly At lanta Constitution and McCall’s Magazine, one of the best fashion monthlies published—all three one year for 11 50. Can you beat that? If so, proceed to promulgate. We are truly sorry to learn, on the eve of going to press, of the death of Miss Amina Stephens this morning. She was a model young lady 7 , loved by 7 all who knew her, and had suffered many years, but is now at rest —sweet rest! Deupree Cox and fan ily, who have been living at Comer this year, have rented and will occupy the Methodist parsonage here the remainder of the year. Mr. Cox will assist his father in the ginne ry during the busy 7 season. Drs. W. J. Lanford and T. M. Godwin,of Atlanta, will be at D>n ielsville Sept. 7th, to remain dur ing court, prepared to do all classes of dental work. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. All work done satisfactorily. Te et h extracted without pain. You will find us at Dr. J. S. Daniel’s office. The regular fall term of Madi son Superior court will begin here Monday morning. i’he criminal docket will not be called before Wednesday running, but this does not a If. ct witnesses subptenaed to appear before the grand jury. J. W. Cooper, of Comer, was a visitor here one day last week, and informed us that he will send his little daughter, May Estelle, to Cave Spring about the 15th of this month, where she will enter the school for the deaf and dumb. The Masonic lodge here held a very enthusiastic meeting last Sat urday night, which was well atten ded by its own members and about 20 officers and members of Mount Vernon lodge, of Athens. Ihe 2:1 and 3d degrees were conferred. For S3 I e —Ginnery. 8 70-saw and 40 acres Land, with good dwell ing. Inside city limits. Gins over 1,000 bales per season. Will trade for small Farm. Also, 72-acre farm 2$ miles of Danielsville, on public road, mail route and telephone line Good dwelling, barn and pasture Bargain at S3O Small cash pay ment, balance 10 years. John T. Murray, Danielsville, Ga. The Madison County Sunday School Association convened at the M'thodist church here Tuesday morning for a two days’ session. 1). W. Sims, general secretary,and Miss Davis, assistant secretary, of [the State association, of Atlanta. I were h. re and took prominent parts in the program, winch was quite 1 interesting. All w’p have ever seen Mr. Sims know that he can beat anybody or anything at get ting and holding the attention of children and “grown-up children,” too, for that matter. Hois pre eminently “the right man m the right place,” and wields a powerful influence for good upon all of Ins hearers. There were 20 Sunday schools represented, all of which sent up good reports, showing that the* great Sunday school cause in Madison county is in a healthy and prosperous condition. We under stand that our county association raised 50 % more money "r n,e State association than it promised. Notice— A Pick-Up. I have for sale 165 acres Farm Jj uni, lying on National highway from Lexington b> Waslm gtmi, H mile- from city limits. 75 acr*-s m cultivation; 80 acres in er.-k and branch bottoms; SSOO t- W> g“”d saw timber; good 4-room h mse Terms, 4 or * cash, balance to suit purchaser. Price $25.00 per acre. Tins price good for 30 days oi .y. j q Afplino, Lexington, La. M hile at c< urt next week come in and see the Monitor and let- us send it to you if you are not tak ing it. It mavbe that you would like to have some other paper or papers with it. It so, we iu*o sat islied we can suit you, as we have, >mmo attractive clubbing offers Rut come in anyway, whether you want papers or not, and tell us the news uf your neighborhood. The'fal! term of the Danielsville high school will open Monday.mor ning, under the princfpalslnp of Prof. J. \\. Cantrell, with a full and competent corps of assistant teachers, Prof. Cun Ire 11 comes-to us very highly recommended, both as a teacher and a man; but re- member, that if you expect him to accomplish the best results, he must have both the moral and financial support of the patrons. All must work— labor — 1(> the accomplish ment of the same end, if we are to have a first-class school. Let us realize this now and go to wftrk with an unalterable determination to make ours the best school in t lie State. Be sure to start your chil dren the first day, Mrs. Sirah Benton, relict of the late \\ ill is Benton, died Thursday cf last week, at (lie home of her daughter, Mrs Robert Cambers, near Rogers’ mill. Mrs. Benton was probably f,lie oldest person in Madison county, being 94 years old at tlie time of her death. She Had been an acceptable member of the Methodist church here for many years, hut had ! een unable to lake an active part in church work for a go- (1 while. She was a good wo man in all the walks of life and will be greatly missed by all who lived near her. She leaves several children, many grand and great grandchildren and other relatives and friends t<> mourn her death. She was buried in the cent terv here last Friday afterm on, Rev. A P. Watkins cmdu •! mg the funeral in a very touching and comforting manner. LIST OF JURORS. We are indebted to T. G. Hitch cock, our efficient clerk, for the fid lowing list of grand and traverse jurors, drawn to serve at the Sep tember term of Madison Superior court: GRAND JURORS. 1. J B Berryman, 2. J 1) Long, 8. J G Kberhart, jr, 4. B B Chandler, 5. W S Burden, 0, G E Jolm&Lm, 7. L E Roper, 8. W M Roger-, 9. J L Baker, 40. Ii T Burden, 11. N C Bullock, 12. S M Chandler, 13. G T Eberhart, 14. L H Eberhart, 15. R T Russell, 1(5. I W Hughes, 17 H C Paul, JB. G .) Grilleth, 19. J D Drake, 20 E B Barrett, 21 1) P Spratlin, LOWER F RICES Cti TORD CARS Eflective Angu-t 1-t, 1914, t>> August 1-t. 1915. and guaranteed against. anv reductif iis # during that t ime. AM Gars ti^llv *(|iiippeij. HEI.IVEItEI) I’BICKS: lII’NABOIT, - S4BO TOl'lHNfi CAR, - - 530 id V EI. r- TO >HA BE IN PROFITS* Ail retail buv r“ot i Ford Pars fnmi August Ist. 191 I, to August 1 1915. "ill share i r di" puliP "f tln* coin panv lo the extent ..f sto to s<4b per Car, mi <*a*l Car they I>ny ; pr*>viijed, "e set! and deli ver t(Kt,')of) new FORH Care during that period. A-k us for partic ulars. GRIFFETH IMPLEMENT CO., A TIIKNS.nA., Age i: * - for Madison, Jackson, Clarke and Oeoi oe. 22 G 11 Dove, 23 S.l Oanmchu'd, 24 .1 W Dillard, 25 1) F Chandler, 2d. .1 A Berryman, 27. Y W Brown, 2'' .1 B Grilfeth, 29 Walter Hitchcock. 80. .1 S Daniel TRAVERSE JURORS. 1. E W Dean, 2 J G Dudley, 3. E P Rhodes, 4. A G Sorrow, 5 L E Greene, G. 0 0 Sanders, 7 D A B Thompson, 8 .1 T Baker, 9. J T David, 10. C T Thompson, 11. .1 W Phillips, 12 R 11 Thompson, 13 W \V Power, 11 1) B Burroughs, 15 .1 M Patton, 10, L It Carrington, 17. W O Dudley, IS. W NV Tyner, 19 RF O’Kelley, 20 11 N Barnett, 21. (• G ()sh*y, 22. W E Lord, 23. R M Chandler, 24 C T Kidd, 25. II II Hampton, 20 ,1 T Moon, 27. A 1) Henley, 28. 1) N Patten, 29 I M Hix. 30 W II Settles, 31. .1 T Boggs, 32 E R Mitcln 11, 33 S (i Haggard, 34. A I! Chandler, 35. 1 3 Duncan, 30 R M Rowe. SE MLANNUAL ST ATEM ENT .Of tliii Condition of tire Fi'rec State Co-()pmti\p FIRE INSURANCE CO., IUXIKLSVILL.E, l*A. ■ ■ ! J - Income During Kirst 0 Months 1014. (■ash from nil sources, $ ‘if • “ Tntotl income, $ I)itibiirsemcts Ist h Months T>ll. (Joutinissions. ami fws ruttiiniHf by or paid to agents. $112.416 Salaries and couipcnsathm of ofTiccrs and employees, 1 , :,u ‘l’ji {l. 11 Postage, ’blanks and |irin in, l^a r . 'I nfill disbursements, $174 til Halance, InvuStel Assets. Cash in office, $ tl'fj All other deposits, ii7.n:i '4’ot,ll net assets, t• 18.<3 Exhibit Of Certificates of Polices Ntnn lie.r and Amount. Policies nr cert illeahts in force llcc'r Mist. lllllj, nil. 1173,100 Policies or certificates written dur ing lirst/ half of year lull, fil, 46,030 Total nolle) 1 '' or certificates in force June 80, liti' r G 183, $318,180 State of (leorgia—County of Madison. Personally appeared hefore the under signed .1. I linker, who, being dll y sworn, depose* and says that he is the secretary tjeasurer of the Kree .Spit" Co-Operative H ire itisuranee Cos., amt that the foregoing statement is correct am! I rim. .1 I HA K K It. Sr. Tram. Swum to and suhseriheil before me, this 24th day Aug , ISP4 A. II H No, Ord'v Madison Cos , (in. m: G. 11. DUNLAP, DEN i'IST, I COMMERCE, fiKOIMiIA < lifers his profession il services to I he pen i oi m mere,' aml sn i run tiding territory 1 (HI km hours H3O to 12.30; !to 6. At lli, Ga., ev.-ry Wednesday. GKO liiilA M.misa.N County. \ Y Kitzp.itrick, mini rof lie. estate of H. H Haynes, dee'll, late of said county, has duly ai'pliet! to me i -t- leave to .---1 1 I lo in mis heVilu ioji to Ilu- estate ol said deed ; nltd 1 will pass upon said iipplicitft -n ill Ihe regular firm of the court ol Ordinary of said county, to lie liqiit on the tirst Monday in October next. Tills \ tur II lie 1. . 11. LONG. Uidinory. GEORG I A—M miison County. K. .1 O' Kelley and Mrs ... 0. Carter, executors of the estate of Geo 11. O Keltev, deceased, having tippliet to me for a-avc to sell the corporation sti ck belonging to the estate of said di-ci-nst'd, notice is lien-hy given that I will pass upon said applien tion, lit toy olliee. on lilt-first Monday in October next 7 I hie Vug 11, lit! 1 A It. LONG, Ordinary. J. B. GRIFFETH. U iicl ert n.’.tor, Daiijlsville and Colbert, Ga Will ■ irry in stock,it all times a full line COFFINS & CASKETS Of all 5 i '/a ‘ 8 .mil (pialitn amt IM'KIAI ROBKS. Wil 1 Ixt'cp liig- v’asKfls on Immi ill f.h* turn* 1 laveadchai a Our OC^a.jrasscs Is always ready for llioso wlio may want it EMBALIVJSNa Will I>‘ promptly .Mom* !*\ an expert when desiivtl, ami eharffws will he lvasnnahle r A safe sure v/ay to pj Get rid of Kidney Trouble _ Kidney troubles disappear with sound healthy kidneys, and sick, weak, sluggish kidneys can tie made strong < i\ and healthfully active with FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS. BE- $-\ C.A.GLOSSNER, ROCHESTER,N Y., was so broken PSF ! ! ! M/ down with kidney and liladdor trou'aln t lint t o had to Is, 'I t, givo up workinij. After taking FOLLY KIDNEY PILLS, / | [ he writes: f/K | ft "I ani rely snrrv I -'"I Biot know oonnef n*' I . h-y Klrlnoy Pill*!, IV 'I for If. i 1 bftlnr utiici.- tuk'ind thou mi,l toy li ,■ K ■■■lo l . iny ki.ln-.y I'd 1- \r t ••’TV §=*£ Hfid iiludtit't troul'lr* lj V . | U Cw kj have rnlirrly ilia* Jl ![ 1 0 M D Uii''tl ' 2?JQI .—•** _VT\ \rf >b fl l rx IIU 3 E sirs fX l.m— L K|dneq Pills PaSu'lo E?==£~^s;y4 H 30cyYitTA) W. 1) Gill LSTON DANHOLSVILI-E. I\ \\ \\ IIJSL/A XV s y ,| vrw *V's"?.*-, -mu*yb>te.vrrKFHr>Cf'*-.vvtr. r<rr*g■ ■ V/ \ TO THE PUDIJCI If/ f J/ V II We are here to an-1 - ' | swer questions and § " —: | to serve the public. fl= | W hat can we do ter | | • |2sj£|HsN •utwitSs";•. Mfi ?*? m —T“FT_. Y|/ jj jffj J4,' ,4 ,'i;/ -“t-l \t A - ' = i AT YOUR SERVICE It is our earnest desire to serve and assist the ship ping public in the use of our facilities. We mean exactly what cur placard states, for our slogan is “SERVE TKE PUBLIC” Southern Express Company “Service is Standard” Notice to Contracters, A contract will ho let out by tlicciun ttiisiiotu-fs of M nit iso ll con nty, tit:! o’r I k Eastern linn-. Sept. 21, I‘Jl I, ilt pilbiie oulery to tlu* lowest liiildi-r, for t lie con st riu-iion of a stool bridge across Sotilii ri\ er. near Ila, (1 a. Tin- bridge lo consist of one beam span 32 feel long, one truss span W) foot, beam span 82 feet lung; lencl It over all let feet. Said bridge to he Hi feel wide, and the Hour in I lie same lo - he of Mi",, heart lores! pine, t he same to In- three inches thick and eight and ten inches wide. l-iils must be accompanied wit It cer tified cheek for .pi n. Plans .-11111 speei- Ih-atioiis on tile at t he olttee of t he (lei and Roads depart mi-tit of the I'diversity • f Georgia, (Searcy li. Slack, engineer, -1 liens, tin.) Copies may In- iutd 'ruin t his olliee upon receipt of $1.(10. rite contract to lie let at the court house door of said county. ’Lite right is reserved to reject titty or all bills. Pay mi-lit to lie made wln-n said bridge is compli-led ami received. The eon-, tractor will lit- required to give hontl, and to build said bridge, according lo tile bridge laws of said State, This Aug. 20, 11)14. ,1. VV. DR A PER, CommissioMi r Madison Cos. CL \HENCE in Ac \Ms. ATTORN LY VI LAW. I>.\ VTKt.SVI 1.l K 1 1 Kt'lte 1 A Will praetiei-In till courts. Otlleo eout f, house, up stairs over clerk's olliee.