The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, September 10, 1914, Image 2

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IKE MONITOR. / •- • I I*l HI.ISIIKM K V Kin KM DAY. __ V “ 7 " R. GRAVERS, Publisher. Official Orpm Madison Cos. \a. Entered at Ranielsvij),- post office as second-class mail matter. SIOO Itewii <l. 9100. The rentiers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sci ence h is hepii aide to cure ii all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the onlv positive cure now know n to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh (hire is taken internally, acting di rect ly upon the Mood and mucous surfaces of the system, then by de stroying the foimdati“ii of the dis ease and gi vmg t he pat b ut st rengt h hv huildi ng up the const it 11 1 ion and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they oi ler One Hundred Dollars L r any case that it, fails to cure. Send for list ol testimonials. Address F. J. Chknky & Cos., Toledo, (). Sold by nil druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family l‘il Is lor Con st ipa* mu. Tlu-ro is hti'l nothing very deci sive from the European war. Im mense armies on each side are fac ing each other in the neighborhood ol I’aris and have been engaged in a terrific buttle for seveia' days, in which the allies have been the victors so far, but nothing very docisiv . lHi-y? Bilious? Constipated? Dr. King’s New Life fills will cure you, cause a healthy flow of Rile and rids your Stomach and Rowels of waste and fermenting body poisons. They art a Tonic to your Stomach aim Liver and tone the general system. First dose will cure you of that depressed, dizzy, bilious and constipated condition. 115 c., all diuggistij’. • • -• SHIPPING FRESH MEATS. Atlanta, Sept,. B—(Special)B—(Special) The market sol Atlanta are open to the farmers ol (Jo* rgiu who wish to ship fresh meats to Atlanta. I’liis has been made possible by an ordi nance adopted by the city <>l At lanta, which permits anv such fresh meals, when bearing proper certifi cate signed by the shipper, 10 be sent, to Atlanta without the inspec tion and approval of an authorized State meat inspector. It is pro vided, however, that before being | otl'ered for sale, fr'sb meats hIuiII be inspected mm approved by one of the meat inspectors for the city of Atlanta, who will visit each de pot 111 the city in the morning and alteriioon of each day, tor the pur pose of making this inspection. With the city markets and city homes of At lunta opt n to such ship ments and the Southern Express Cos. oil* nog low rules and prompt delivery m Atlanta, the farmers are afforded a wonderful market for their meats. What is true of Atlanta will pro bably he true ol the other cities of the State in a short while Atlanta has long been an open market lor fruits, vegetables and other coun try produce, but it is only since t he adept ion et 1 lie nuiinam-oahovc referred to that it tm>- boon possi ble to expri ss meats to this city with satisfaction. Rhoumat.JM I'.uus stoppod. The tirst application of Sloan's I.nnment goes right to the painful part—it pouotrates \\ itluml rublung —it stops tin* Klieiimalic I’aius ai'Umlthe joints ami gives relief ami cointoi t l>on t sutler! tint a !> •ttlc 10-tiay ! h isutamiv mini com tor all pains, hurts, lira terns, cuts, sore throat, neuralgia and cl lost pains i'ii vents ioto(ti, n. Mr C a- 11. Wentworth, California, writes: ‘‘lt uni womnis tor uiy lttieuimilis n : pain is gone as-■ n a' 1 ipplv it 1 ivcoinuieiHii nit o lilV friemis as the best Liniment J over used. Guaranteed. L\>c ,at . our diuggist’s. Now is the lone to subscribe for the Monitor. PROCLAMATION. Macon, (la.. Sep. 1, 101 b To the Manufacturers of Geor gia: Next to tilling the soil comes the manufacturing industries, and jut consideration should be accor ded them. Many laws are passed inimical to the interests of the manufacturers, that should have had their consideration before be ing passed. There is no organiza tion in the entire State of Georgia w' ich cmtld be so productive of good as can an association made up of the manufacturers of this great State of Georgia. With this motive in view our or ganization, after careful conside rate* > to organize the manufactu rers ol Georgia into a State asso ciation, have called a two days’ convention, on Sept. 24-25, and it is expected that every manufactu rer in the State will attend this convention. Let the small as well as the large firms be represented, as it is desired thatall shall take part in this great organizati m. We ask your careful considera t ion of this great quest ion of < rgan izing into a State organization Come tc the convention prepared to toll us what you think of the plan to organize. We will have speakers here of national reputa tion in this line of work, who will tell you what benefit an organiza tion of this kind lias i e*'ii to their States. What will benefit the man -11 fact urers of other States will sure ly benefit Georgia manufacturers. Hoping Unit you will accept our invitation, and assuring you that Macon and her loyal citizens will gleet you in the “Macon Way,” I beg to remain, Wm E. Dunwody, I’res’t Mac, u Cliam’r Com. .- m Po-Do-Lax Banishes Pimples. Bad Blood, Pimples, Headaches, 111liousness, Torpid Liver, Consti patioo, etc., come from Indigestion. Take l'o-Do-Lax, the pleasant and absolutely sure Laxative, and you won’t suffer from u deranged Bto mach orother troubles. It will tone up the liver and pu ify tl.e blood. Use it regularly and you will stay well, have clear complexion and -toady nerves Get a 50c. bottle to day. Money back if not satisfied. All druggists’. • -*• ‘Salem Squibs. \V were so sorry to hear of Nel son R, ard cutting Ins foot badly last, Friday morning. Mrs Sarah Dean has been spend ing the past week with Mrs. Lee Fitts. Miss O’,lie Miller was accompa nied by James Beard last Friday night. Rev. J. R. Russum is going to sturt a tent meeting at Blu,'alone, riiursd iv night, Sept. 17. Every body come and help him oil* in his meeting. Prayer meeting at tlii place ev ery Sunday night. Stop Tliat First Fall Cough. Ohwk your full cough or ro 1 1 1 at nncn—di n’t wait—it mar lead to serious lung trouble, weaken your vitality and develop a chronic lung ailment Get a lx >tt In of Hr Bell's Pine-Tar- Honey to-day ; it in pure and harmless—use it freely for that fall cough or cold If Baby or Chil dren are sick give it to them, it will relieve quickly and permanently. It soothes the irritated throat,lungs and air passages. Loosens Phlegm, is antiseptic and fortifies the svs tem against colds It surely pre vents cold germs from getting a hold. Guaranteed. Only tide., at your druggi't’s. Danielsville, R. F. D. 1. Mrs. C. C, Va glm and children spent M ndiv night with relatives near Rogers’ mill Kthel and Fred Page spent Sun day with KI lie and llollaud Strib ling. .1. 1. Fortaon and wife were the gusts of Mr. and Mrs. GritT llix ■Sunday. Miss M ittie Gooch spent Mon day with Mrs G. T Garr* t'.. F. I>. Strihlmg lias b. on work ing on he- go i • i\ this week and is n >w ready to "grind” your cotton. So “fetcher on.” Carlton Kclmis uid Mrs. Januie Thurmond Giireath and Mbs Mattie Gooch spent Sunday with Miss Lillian Veal. Mrs. Nancy F<>rts<>n and Miss i'ensie Fortson were among "ur visitors this week. Lacey Christian went to mill | again Sunday. Miss Maggi * Dveand Oscar Fin jenunon, Bertha Dye, Jessie I' rt ; son and Tansy Wehunt attend' and divine services at Jones’ Chapel Sunday. Willie Gooch called on Miss Ten se; Fortson Sunday evening. Rev. .J. M. Garrett, who was stricken with paralysis some two weeks ago, is still in a critical con dition. Vclpoe. Dryl dry, dry! G. K. Raker and family spent Sunday with John Cleghorn and family, near Moon’s Grove. Mashhurn Jones and wife were guests of Adams and wife, of near Pooa, Sunday. L. A Mattox and wife visited rel atives at Danielsvil le last Sat urdav Mr. Howard Me,Cannon, who lies had typhoid fever at the home of hi 1 parents, has returned to her home at Ila. Misses Iteha and Willie Mae Les ter were guests of Miss Tavie Nash Sunday. J. P. Smith and wife spent lust Saturday night with Mr. and .Mrs Fletch Moon. C. E McMurry and family vis ited their parents, W. 11. Stephens and wife, at Danielsville, Sunday. Miss Frances Dye, of Ft Lamar, visited at the home of .J. F Baker last. Saturday night and Sunday. C..J. Dye and w ife attended prea ching at Jones’ Chapel Sunday and dined with C C Vaughn and wife, I Lirline Mattox started to school at, Danielsville Monday morning. .J. L. Rond and wife spent Sun day at the honn of Fletch Moon. Andy Lord and family visited Mr. and Mrs Ed Stoyie Sunday. Ask Pat Echols why lie quit his new home. Bernard Crook was at Commerce a day or two last week. • -*• Bond Academy. . Miss Ola Bond attended preach ing at Salem last Saturday night, accompanied by Jim Dean. Quite a number of young peo pie near hero went to tlio baptizing last Sunday afternoon at the Jim Dove bridge. Miss Minnie Collins dined with Mbs Azalee Dean Sunday. Mi-s Azalee Dean and Henry Strickland spent a while Sunday afternoon with Miss Minnie Col lins. Misses Carrie and Bernice Sail ers and Ann e Parham, accompa nied by Willie Sailers and Grover Moon, of near Moon’s Grove, at tended preaching at Salem Sunday night. We ware glad to see them come so far to meeting Mrs. N. E. Collins, who has been spending the past week with her i daughter, Mrs. L. () Hunt has re , turned to her home. f * F pARCHffi°“AlSbI” Feeling ' / p r Wken You RolllnFromAKm. IJI • Mm i i. I iSd&cTlc'i,' akywheiu jw | i !(V 11 S ■ ! • ; 1 HIE U , /vV ,Vi/ I’ l] ' .i'.'lN'A LOCK FOR THE GI'&'IO-GcCgj LABEL 7“*” \ ■ kf J d l ii' | bl F mm /; if ;|i ! j , “' BOTTLED BY J gjj Pi! //I 1 I | ‘‘ ; ‘ l ‘ il CHURO-COLA BOTTLING CO. Atiiens, l>a. g| Hooper were driving around ouri burg Sunday. C C. and W. R Fortson were at i Colbert this week on business I del I McE weii, accompa nied by Lee Scarborough, attended ■ the meeting;it Salem Sunday night We certainly do miss Reha Mc- Fwen since she left for Young Har ris. We hope to see her back with us Christmas. Fred Rond, of Danielsville, and Miss Lucy Nance were outriding Sunday afternoon. Miss Susie Hill was accompanied iv Ernest Crow Sunday afternoon. Sunday school at this place eve ry Sunday afternoon. Come and join us. MANUFACTCRERS’ CONVEN TION, SEPT. 24-25, MACON. Macon. Ga., Sept. 7.—(Special) The com i1 ig con veil t ion if the man ufacturers of the State of Georgia, which will be held at Macon, Sept. 24—25, promises to fie the right thing at the right tune. There never was a time in the history ot Georgia when her manufacturers should heed the call to this con vention as now. The chamber of commerce of Macon, who have issued this call, are bending aII their energies to ward making this one of the most interesting and important conven ts ns held ii* that city during 1914 Among the speakers already seen red are the following: Hon W. A. G. Clark, commercial representa tive of the C. S department of commerce, Col. M, V. Richards, land and industrial agent of South ern railroad, S J Dickey, general Southern manager of the Dodge Manufacturing Cos., located at At. lanta, and several others. The Manufacturers’ Record, of Baltimore, will send a representa tive here to represent that journal. Mr. Richard P. Edmonds sent his regrets that, he could not be pre -ent, but would have someone to represent him One of the great est object-8 of this organization will be to find ! e tor markets for Geor gia-made goods, and to this end a large and influential committee will be appointed to look into the markets of the world that are at peace and find out, what Georgia can export. I’he Pan-American Commission, of Washington, D C., through Director-General Barrett, is co-operating in this work, and daily bulletins of South America and their needs are coming into the office. Letters will bp sent 1 lit in n few days, conveying an invi nti n- t all manufacturers in the State m come to the convention. The Geor gia chan her of commerce will hold a meeting upon the date of the 23d. preceding the convention ot luan * ufactuiei s. THE MEN BEHIND THE PLOW The eleventh annual meeting of the National Farmers’ l.’nion was in session for three days at For f Worth. TANARUS, xns. Inst week. Thodel egates attending the meeting cam, from more than two-thirds of t.h* S’-ites in the U lion, and every branch of agricultural endeavor wa- represented The wheat far mer from tin- Northwest, the corn fanner from the Middle West, the tohaceo farmer from the Vi eg mas ami the cotton farmer from the g: jo v Font’ —alt ho'rt r ir <•! to jiptii i ui.ti \vt-1■ j Uiiill Uh ir Hi ft it tc * £;!'<; \ti |>t • * 11 1 ‘ LIT which !!■■'■■ c !ifront“ the American fanner. Cnmi g, as thev did. <li r ot from lb-- soil wj; h their hards brown from exposure and their minds attuned to the needs of the hour, ther • wa- no chance for dis sension am >1 g th-ir ranks, and th‘*re was a complete harmony and u iiiy of th'-ught and action, such as befit the class which feeds and clothes the w> rid. Petition for Charter. GEORGIA —M adison County. To the Superior Court of said county : 'l’lie petition of J. Y. Huff and 11. R. Burroughs, b 1 Ms of said State and coun ty, respectfully allows : 1. That C y and sire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be incorporated ui • made a body politic, under tlie nr- -and style of This Ran- IKLSViLI.K M KUCAXTILK COMPANY. ■>. The term for which petitioners de sire to be incorporated is twenty years, wit h the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 3. The principal office and place of business of said company shall be in the city of Danielsville, State and county aforesaid. 4. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and its share holders. 5. The capital stock of said corpora tion shall be Twenty-five Hundred Dol lars, ($2500) will, the privilege of in creasing same tc f he sum of Five Thou sand Dollars (ijkV'tkt). Said stock to-be divided into shares of OtieHundred Dol lars each. Ten per cent of the amount of capital to be employed by them has been actually paid in. Petitioners de rive the right to have tin-subscriptions to said capital stock paid in money, or property to be tiff:n at a fab valuation. ii. Sa 1 eorp rati, . will engage in carrying on a gcner.-.l retail mercantile busine ?t• • -i!i:i:: <sl da.- sof mer chandise usually kept by a general mer chandise store, such as dry goods, 110- 1 ions, shoes, hats, clothing, gents’ furn ishings, hardvvare,groceries,meal, flour, corn, oats and other feedstuff’s and all other such articles as may he profitably handled in connection with said busi ness, the buying and selling of cotton, cotton seed ami their products and fer tilizers; the buying, holding and con jveyingof real estate for the benefit of said corporation; to take notes and to accept or execute mortgages on person alty or realty, in the name and for Hie benefit of said corporation; to buy or sell, either for cash or on credit, any of the above named articles, or any other articles necessary and usual in the con duct of a general merchandise business; to buy or seil, as {funeral or special ag’ts of any other person, firm or corporation any articles t hat may be profitably han dled by said corporal ion. 7. Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to have and use a common seal, to make all necessary by-laws and regulations and to do all other tilings that may he necessary for the successful carrying on of said business, including the right to bu y, hold and sell real and personal pro perty suitable to the purposes of the corporation, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebtedness in cur ed, or which may be incurred, in the conduct ot the affairs of the corpo ral ion and to secure the same by mort - gage, security deeds, or other form of lien under existing laws. 8. They desire for said corporation the power-and authority to apply for a:, I accept amendments to its charter of either form or substance by a major ity vote of stock outstanding. They also ask for said corporation r ha. it have ail such other rights, powers, privileges and 1 mmuoil ies as are incident to like corporation?, or permissible under the laws of Georgia. \\ herefore, petitioners pray to be in corporated under the name and style aforesaid, with the powers, privileges :mt immunities herein set forth, and .is are now, or may hereaf'er he, allow ed a corporation of similar character under the laws ot Georgia, finis I*lo ■lay of August, ltd 1. .JNO. T. MU.TK tY, Alt’y for Petitioners. ienrgia—Madison County. I. T. G. Hitchcock, clerk of the Supe rior court of aid county,do In reby cer tify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for char ter, in the marter of the Danielsville Mercantile Company, as the same ap pears on tile at this office. TVitness my oitieial signature and the seal of said court, this 27 1 u day of August. 1914. T. G. HIT, liiO K, Clerk Sup. Court, Madison Cos. DR .(J. E. PITTM.W, dknmst f l Commerce, j Ijjm NOTICE iScONTRACToJ A contract will be l„ t ollt ., ■ mission.*rs of Madison ;,, , ' 4-1 ties, at 12 o'clock n i’ ' ' -s i Oct. 21.1914. to Mie 1 M lic .iut cry, f,*r flu* .*■ ,n <t r „ ( , ri ' r '* II bridge over Broad '!. 49 Mu.als, near Carlton, <;„ ’ ■ . ■ • ."■■m spans of 6 feet a::-! five ~j( 'll mg approximately ?.,;i . llhi .' '” V rubble masonry. ' leet. Said contract to be let a >" ’fl of said bridge. 11 e 9 Bids most be aecomnnnie.t 1 , n “ ,i ’-<* f-.r ,7-n.oo’ ■ shall be made as follows • (' ' 9 *!>• <>n of thesubatructiireStHiM.' I delivery of the st. el *1 ; "R-B the bridge site. t v f.\ be paid after I un ! ,i,' i , val of the engineer. I’xind -1 .>1 .‘ ‘ 1 ■ en and all „f said work ,1 / 'I jihanoe with the laws of bridge-.* le Con ;trucri,,n uf Plans and specifications on fii*.l office of the Good Roads de, 1 file L iiiversity ol Georgia Is, ~r i. v ~1 Flaek engineer.) C, pies * j tamed from this office upon r , ~,,r , f 1 sl-00. The right is reserved t . ret 1 any or all bids. J. \y. Dp ppj. •' c | Sup’t of Roads and Bruig^ Danielsville, f;’a, ] Notice to Contractor?,l The Commissioners of Km is ar*’ w HV „ I Tines of Elbert and Madi m n , I, wjl] I at noun Eastern time. Sept-m'.--s li.ll ,1 1 public outcry to the lowest bidder. V 4 ih H 1 contract for the Construct! m *.f I line ste<-l bridge over Broad rivcrat aiminV I a short distance above P.*u-,* s rVrrv ne-. r I Bowman, Ga The conn- e t robe' :,.* I the sit •of the bid ' e ... t'-'-i'l b.: Ige t ot’Ustv of one sp; in isofplt I onesjian of l‘2- '-.**t ;*•* * *b- . ;a; I feet wic.i. xiio sup -u uctin-e .‘.jn-ists of I four piers and two abunnents. *-,>!.mini*.., I ,-ipproximetely 41:0 cubic yards of UTe te. ] -The successful bi.irp r must di-iiosit c-i-ti- 1 fled check for S2OO, and give bond as hw 1 requires. Plans and specifications on file at office of the Good Roads Department of versily of Georgia. Alh.-ns. .in . Searcy li. Slack, engineer, and in the offices of said Commissioners. Copies may be had from said Good Rauls Department at Athens, .tin., at a cost of $2.00 each. The right to reject any or all bids is re served. James Mclntosh, Gh’n Coinm’rs Hoads and Revenues. ol Elbert county, ua. J■ B. GiRSFr’ETH. ZJL 13. Da.iijlsvilSe -Lid Colberl, Ca Will uit-ry in stool; it till tiniesa full line COFFSK3 Sl GA£KETS Of al 1 sizes find tualiti. and BTRIAL ROBES. Will keep tine Caskets on hand all the time. Have added a o'O.iT O Is always r ady for those who may wain it Ef^CAL^INC Will be promptly done liv an expert, when desired, and charges will be reasonable. Hqq fir K au*o Snip l\ :j? I 0 i) w I y J FOR Croup, Colds, raeuniouia, Cuts, Burns. Bruises, CATARRH, ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. ' preparation is sold on a guaranty. Don’t fail to purclni-G a package and read directions cart ful lv. Price 25c. S-dd a-dr e, t.itmi j .led iv L,. E. GREENE ,t CO., Danielsville. Ga. i. i k?• ; “ J 'far *. .Vc or.a* -