The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, November 21, 1919, Image 7

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jjotjfo of Election The votera Of Dan. , , )o Local Tax School D;s her eby notified that or triC ' of December, next TANARUS: :V' e held in the jn . . fr-irt room, in the . in Danielsville, du °OUJ he iegai hours for holding *1 no tile c j .lections, for the purpose of de • • ; „<r the question of whether bonds shall be issued by district for tne purpose of building and equipping a school ; ouse in and for said district, Xhe amount of bonds to be is ue£j i S Thirteen Thousand, sl3- 000 00, Dollars, and the annual rate of interest is live percent. One bond of S2OO matures 1920, 1921, 1922and 1923, one bond of cot" Qi) matures for eacn cl the rears 1924, 1925, 1926, and 1927 i bond of $625 00 matures for each of the years 1928, 1929, 1930and 1931, 1 bond of SBOO.OO matures for each of the years, 1932, 1933, 1934 and 1935. 1 bond | for SISOO.1 0 natures for each of years 1933, 1937, 193 Sand 1939, f nd interest on all unpaid bonds I js to be paid annually and all 0 f said bonds together with the interest will be paidoff 20 years from date of issuance, Dec. 31, 1039, This Nov. 11, 1919. A. H, Long, Chairman Red Blood Makes Best Complexions Wholesome Complexion The Pride and Glory of Healthy Men and Women Pepto-Mangan Makes red Cheeks Builds Up Tired Bodies —Helps Change Pale Complexions to Bloom of Health v IheHealty, attractive wom an- and man too—with a whole some complexion is the envy of those who feel that, for them, such attractiveness is impossible Ana yet health and attractive ness are much a matter of good, red blood and unless a man or 'voman is afflicted with some deep-seated or serious ailment, vigorous health and personal charm are within easy reach. Pepto-Mangan is responsible Ur the present health and hap less of thonsands, who for merly were thin, pale, languid a nd easily exhausted, Pepto- Mangan helped place these folks hi t;.e ull-blooded, er.e’getie, vigorous class— and it probably can do the same for you. Pepto-Mangan contains the el ements that make rich, healthy mood. And as a result of the ‘‘■creased supply of red blood Cat Pepto-Mangan creates, the entl!e system attains the vigor 1 *at belongs to everv man and woman. Pepto-Mangan is prepared in wo forms, liquid and tablets. •ey are exactly alike in me dicinal value, Ask your druggist for Gude’s l\* l n -° rdering p ento-Mangan. k- T or the name “Gudes” on the Package. T 'is'Je Bicycles sale by Atl,ens Cycle Company Colbert Mr. Edwin Hampton of Emo ry University spent Sunday at home. Miss Bonnie Porterfield of At lanta spent several days with relatives here last week. Miss Marion Reynolds spent the week-end with Miss Harriet Reynolds at Palmetto. Miss Pauline Langford spent the week-end in Atlanta. Misses Cumi Whitworth and Annie Mae Hampton spent the week-end with Miss Ossie Whit worth at Macon. Mrs Henry Hart and M-'s. Ra mie Burton were shopping in Athens Monday. The ladies of the Methodist Missionary Society were delight fully entertained by Mrs. H. H, Hampton Saturday afternoon. SIOO Reward, $lO9 The readers of this paper will ba pleased to learn that there ia at least one dreaded disease that* science has been able to curs in all its stages and that is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hail’s Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on. tho Mucous Sur faces of the System thereby destroying ' the foundation of the disease, giving tlie patient strength by building up tho con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in the curative power of Hall’s Catarrh Medicine that, they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it faii3 to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by a.*i Druggists, *!>c. IT IS YOUR BUSINESS; EVERY COMMUNITY INTERESTED t The enormity of the Venereal in fection in Georgia places it beyond the field of action of the Control Of ficer of the State Board of Health. It ■is a community problem, and as such will have to be solved. It is your community problem, and to you, dear reader, comes the responsibility of iendmg your individual aid. Every community ii&jj its casfcd, has its prob- lems. Venereal Diseases are contagious and infectious. ui almost every com munity mere is a chronic earner wno vyili sooner or later intect someone. Coming from the uome communi ties, fresh from tne home town, in the second million men • examined, Georgia hoys brought to the euntou meats 10 /o of V ui.ere.ii infection, in vv C/* 02vi Ucui Udy Celt? Oi every ten had a Venereal Disease wnen ne came into the army. Gonorrhoea is one of me most se rious and most Uuncult to cure of all diseases, ia women this is es pecially true. Syphilis, on me other hand, is the greatest Killing disease kimwn, the average, oeing two atit of every lb deaths. If you Lad a case of smallpox or scarlet fever as your nextdoor neigh bor or in tiic community, you would see to it that somebody got busy and got busy quick. Vou would see to it that your physician and your Local Board of Health did their duty, and did it well. Neither of these diseases begin to compare with the seriousness of Venereal Diseases. The Georgia State Board of Health wants your assistance, we want you to volunteer your services to fight Ve nereal Disease in your communLy. Won't you join the “Homo Guard and get busy? We have ample law, we have ample rules and regulations, we need soldiers, men and women who possess backbone and high ideals, who fear not and are brave to do the right, who fear not to tell the truth and uncover the cancer that is undermining our whole social fabric. We need men and women who aie brave and true, who are not afiaid to do battle for the young giri-3 of cur state, who are to soon bo fee mothers of our country and for too unborn babies of Georgia. Won't you enlist today? You will never undertake a more holier nor praiseworthy cause. Look about you, start today. See'your Lo cal Board of Health, see your Mayor and Chief of Police, see your Judge and Solicitor. Arrange a committee on Social Hygiene and Community Service, and if we can be of any aid to you, write the Georgia State Boan. of Health. ArmBLSVH,I.B MONITOR l> ANIBLSV 11.1. K CKORCTA Whats what in Winter wearables HichaeTs _____ As Autumn merges into winter, the wheel of Fash ion is turning out garments more beautiful than ever. These garments are featured in daily arrivals at MICHAEL’S. “The Store Sued Goods Made Popular’ • v V‘’ { , V,- 1 V'* 1 V K ' V p '•*’*' .* ' * ' —. I— ' , i ’ ) The New Dresses Evening dresses, afternoon dresses, for all and any occasions. Matters not the function you’ll see dresses to your liking at Michael’s. The winter models lave arrived. We won’t attempt a description. We couldn’t if we tried. Chicful and charmful doesn’t begin to ex press the delight you’ll experience in wearing them. The prices will please. Michael’s Dresses Are Beautiful ' Angora Scarfs YouTlte charmed with the new knitted scarfs at Michael’s. Hosiery Savings-Michael’s Women’s Silk Hose, black ar.d white 1 50 Women’s Silk Hose, cordevan, field mouse <; One eighty-five Women’s Silk Hose, lace stripe, cordevan One seventy-five Women’s Silk Hose, clocked, black or white Two-fifty Boy’s Black Ribbed Hose, extra special, five to ten Forty cents Girl’s Biaek Ribbed Hose, double woven 6 to 10 Fifty cents Men’s Holeproof Hose, navy, gray, black, white Fifty cents Bath Robes For men, women and children in new designs, durable materials and.exceptional prices. The New Hats Many friends of our store know that we receive new hats almost every day and as Au tumn turns to winter and shipments increase and you’ll see mcny’new hats on your next visit to our m; nery parlors. You’ll find them beautiful. You’ll find the prices extremely reasonable. L. t necessary to buy hats at “reduced prices” when you: can pick frem nfew models at their attractive prices. Michael’s Hats Are Becoming ■ ; , i I •> Blankets and Quilts Save money by buying now. Attractive prices at Michael’s. Silk Hosierv-Michael’s The most complete stock of Silk Hosiery will be found at Michael's* Michael’s Athens, Ga. • Government Seizes Remedies In the fight against nostrums recom mended for Venereal Disease, the Got eminent has seized over four hundred different preparations. A great many of the remedies formerly advertised a3 cures for these diseases have changed their ads to avoid seizure. The stcok-s on the shelves of the drug gist are liable to seizare, and. in the case of wholesale firms, they are re turning all these goods to the maau L-turer and they are relabeling and netting them in new cartons. This to but the public should , very fact that this in being done is an i. koowledgment on ..... r> rt of the npnntacturers that their Vwda are not what they churn ed far them, and that they are m.ia branded. MILLER & COMPANY - / • / Cotton 3Pa,ctors Athens Georgia Sprinkled warehouses, capacity 10000 bales. We solicit your cotton shipments. Liberal advances made on cotton stored.