The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 16, 1923, Image 1

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Fhe Danielsville flonitor. IIL XX' ill I DANIELSVILLE ■ ~ T> T. McCoy of Ath | end with Mr and Be i P. Thompson. V * * B;„_ H ,,pe VI valor visited relatives I. last week. ■** + * * T_ii!i;:’' Beuse was the week ly :;: t u ; Miss Ora Hali the past р. . I• * ■¥ ■ Sallt Fannie Daniel will spend ■ wee k-end with her parents, Dr ■.! Mrs Daniel and will have as her B.. ts Misses Annie Belle Dowdy, iHiargoevite Davis of Commerce B Miss Do; othj- Moran of Atlanta. ■ * * * * .. Ii nu mber from here attended the I d . ai Hev. R. King: Sunday B-nioon at Moon’s Groae.. ■** * * I ; r ami Mrs James Gordon of El- Bt.n spent last week-end with Mr n<! Mrs J. K. ijrOrUOll . I** * * ■ Coi Howard Gordon, made a busi- Btsirip to Atlanta Thursday. K -f * * ♦ I Misses ('a <. England, Nell Fitts and Kcia Boi.a we re shopping: in Athens Baliirday . I A -V *- -h I Tr.<t \V man's Missionary of the Baptist Church met Thursday Ihvrncw! with Mrs h. C. Grift'eui. | - ■'t aai; game, played here Satur -1; after noon between Wintervill |i-ii Daniel.-v lie was one of the most h'-ting e i th season. ♦* * it':'- Su,, 'i\ rkins of Statbam and k>ss Ett-ie Belie Harrison were SfetK-end gue-t? oi Mr and Mrs it. J, baviu. *4 * # ii . Moseley spent several ikt.'s last v >or; i;i Atlanta. •* * * ittv i ' it, r.,er David and Luther с. i Wv'.’g visitors here Sunday ctkrnoon. ! '- rn ! of the Federal Land Jen to ,m! from Macon has been lays this wek on busi ■ MUJISON county choir meets *■' accr -*it of being rained out the * '■ Sunday in February the Choir ’• -fi- t!i Third Sunday afternoon in ‘ oruary at Moons Grcve. Every '‘ ■y invited to attend. hunting license “ n ‘' desiring Hunting License *f ’ by applying to J. W. ■iton, Ga or Cook Bros. Hiy one already hunt ire tj; ... ' •"'n are required to buy ‘•cense. ' '• County Warden . < ARD of thanks Tit t 1 Ct.ank our friends <:nd XliP |V ' J „ • iur dear son and bro iner. ft , y* *i■ " ox and expressions C.f O-r,. jv Mtvrow. For us t ,-e who knew and one, sympathize with our eroat sorrow : inys rest on all. • Taber and family. Madison County High School Honor Koil December lltli Grade Ruby Grift’eth Hope Grifteth Louise Christy Frances Scott John Frank Graham 10th Grade Margaret Spray berry Felton Jenkins 9th Grade Lucy Gholeton Montine Kelhum Bth Grade Trudie Lee Jenkins Nellie Joe Cambell January Iltb Grade Ruby Gritieth Louise Christy John Frank Graham 10th grade Margaret Spray be r ry 9th grade Lucy Gholtston Albert Christy George L. Harden Montine Kelium Bth grade Trudie Lee>Jenkins Bernice Smith Sara Lou Bnl>ek Nellie Joe Campbell Eliza David 7th grade Dewitt Bond Mary Williamr. Roy Gan eft Fra rices Ca ri t.h er s Dezzie Mae Martin A dell Kellum Florence Burden Aurelia Adams Anna Maud e S m ith 6th grade Ruel Blackwell Grace Bullock Merle O’Kelley Mary Lou Sanders Lucy Langford Bennie Graham H >yt Williams Virginia Mosely Damie Sue Smith lanthie McCannon sth grade Winnifred Adams Wyatt Bullock Rov Bond Patrick CbrJfety Paul David Ruth Davis Dezzie Lea Evans Joe Boyd Gholston Fay Gholston A?a ! ee K llu.n Harry Brooks Loyd Wi'liams 4th Grade James Adams Lovic Adams Mary Da’ton Tommie Moore Margaret Moon Ruth Rogers Sanders Hervin Mann SR rah Son e Is Mitchei Sanders Janie sue Sne'lings Annie Lou S:sibling Myra Wil! arr-s Grade Louise Bend Kero Da* J Pat Da ’ a May- Kobe Daniel Aim ra David DanielsviHe. Georgia, Friday, Feb ,t 6 K>2.s A LETTER OF INTEREST TO MADISON COUNTY. Editor Danielsville Monitor; With you> permission 1 should like to present a matter in which Danidsville and Madison coun ty should be deeply interested: Feme yeans ago, a commission ap po’nted bv Goy. Centller selected Dr. Crawford VV. Long as one of Geor gia's illustrious sons to represent her in the National Hall of Fame, the purpose being to place a statue , f Dr. Long in Statuary Hall of Fame, the purpose being to place a statue of Dr. Long in Statuary Hall in the Rotunda of the National Cap itol at Washington. After a good deal oi delay, a i movement is now on foot to raise by j popular subscription the sum of ten J thousand dollars to carry th!;; pur- j pose into effect. Clarke county, where Dr. Long spent the lattci part of his life, i.s trying to raise one thou ,*nd dollars, and more than one half of this amount has been subscribed Dr. Long was born and reared in Danielsville. Many of Ins family sleep in Madison county soil, and their defendants are among your best people today. Daniels ville and Madison county will want to have a part in helping to perpetu the memory of her most illustrious son. As you, of course, know, Dr. Long fame: rests chiefly on the fact of his discovering the anaesthetic proper ties of sulphuric either, a discovery that has meant so much to suffering humanity.. This claim has been dis puted, as you no doubt know-, and monuments have been erected in the East to honor rival claimants; and so long as Georgia, and especial ly this section of Georgia, fails to furnish some public endorsement of his claim in the shape of some monu ment to bis memory, her silence may be interpreted as an endorsement ot the other man. Dr Lo?ig’s claim to priority is now recognized by practically all the world, and this movement to place his statue in the Hall of Fame should be speedily pushed to completion; and as one whose Father was born and reared in Madison county, and as one who has many warm friends and near relatives there, 1 want to see your good people take their full share in this most worthy enterprise Other sections of our state are looking to Madison, Jackson and Cliarke to take the lead. Are wn? going to dissapoint them? Will not some of your public-spirited men, or women, appoint themselves a commit tee to organize the work, and make the canvass? Hereby tendering you my services i to assist you in any way I can, I re jmain, Very truly yours, S. J. Cartledgo. FOR RENT— Latimer land in edge of Comer. ' Two Dwelling Houses W. P. ROWE, COMER, GA. ! Denial Notice ] Dr. D. L. Cloud from Greens-1 boro, Ga, will bo in Comer on second Monday each month pre pared to do all elm 1 os of dental work, to remain one week. He will appreciate a call, Otliee in Roper Gliding, Shirlev Graham James Arthur Griffeth Clara Langford W. J. Ivellum Retha Martin Elmer J. McCannon Joe Sanders Azzie Lee Stribbiing C. J Tyner A TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF WILLARD PARKER TABOR Willard Parker Tabor, the second son of Mr and Mrs J . C. Tabc r was born at Fort Lamar, Madison County twenty eight years ago and died Jan 19 1923, after a lingering illness His length of life as we regard years was short, yet there was a great deal of time worth lived in those years. Parker was never any other than a good boy, possessing a sunny cheer ful disposition, and being so unsel fish in bis legard for others, he easi ly inadt friends wherever his lot was cast. During his school years his bright mind enabled him to make such rapid progress that he was a joy and an inspiration to his teachers During the High School period in the teen age which is so trying to many boys, he never gave his loved ones one moments uneasiness for he was the same trustworthy, depend able boy that he had always been. In a quiet way he made life worth while for many people. When he on :ercd College he studied very dili mtly, winning many honors. He made friends among the best people and those friends were held through out the years. So many of them say now : “What a fine fellow has gone” “His life meant o much to me” “I loved him like a brother”- etc etc. He graduated in 1917 and gave two of the best years cf his life in the service of his country. He did not hesitate when he faced a duty, nor shrink when he encountered danger. He knew nothing about putting tivu | a job half done and despised sham I work of any kind. During his long ; stay overseas, he did much trying, j taxing work and it was probably j while over there he contracted the | disease from which he died. After coming 1 :<me he seemed con tented to settle down to the quiet life of farming in his old community Here he found many opportunities for using the talents God had given him. The trustees of his home school requested Idm to teach for them, which he did for three successive years with good results, as so many of his patrons ami pupils testify. He brought the school up to a three teacher school and prepared the High School pupils very diligently for their life’s work. He not only filled the Prin. of the High with its much work and responsibility, but was a S. S. teacher, Steward in the church Dfet. S. S. Supervisor, Pres. Kp worth League and member of the Board of Education. Besides all this, lie was seeing after his fanning interests also. Those closest to Mm idealized that be was working tor hard was letting his buoyant spirit and indomiriable [energy tax lis strength many times ! too much and they realized too late, [that the dread disease lad already [ made much progress before Parker considered that he even needed at tention. Parker was very loyal to his friends, he was especially tender 1 hearted toward those who are “down and out” No one of that kind ever called to him in vain. Truly he was | one < f Natures noblemen and lived ti e religion that he professed. He has lived a beautiful life- so gentle in nature with never any attempt at ! display- nothing artificial, but whol ly genuine. ID* has loft us nothing to regret in the life that, be Lived, ex cept that, it was cut short. One who knew and loved him. MADISON COUNTY CONTEST ** * * The Madison County Contest will be held in Par:ic Isviih on the 6tn ami 7th of Aprii. fn case < f rain the literary events will he tro C!h and and the athletic (•,(••> !h< 21: t DEBATE SUBJECT• Resolve: The Country boy and girl has a better chance of success than the City. T m> : 12minutes. Rebuttal: -1 m. ESSAY: > elections from Sidney Lanier. There will not be an essay for grammar school. The Prc. Debate will be held on the lfit’n of March. All schools ex pecting to enter wall please notify Mrs Elizabeth Roper Comer, Ga. be fore March Ist. Algebra: (1 bov or 1 girl) Text: Wentworth anr Smith Book II First .171 pages included.. Arithmetic; Grammar Sc. (1 boj or 1 girl) Text Wentworth Smith Advanced Book. First 163 pages in cluded. - Spelling High School. Text Eldvidge Business Speller (Entire book) i Students who won Ist plale last I year will net be eligible for same events this year. \ A dictionary will be given ~ the Grammar school making tbj hignest t total No. of points. EGG RACE: At one end of a line 20 yd. Jong 1 place a basket containing 3 eggs Draw 3 two-foot circles at intervals j of 5 yds. along this line, the nearest | one being 5 yds from the basket. | The circle nearest to starting line. I runs to basket pick up egg with spoon i and places it in circle No 1. She then gets another one and places it in circle No 2 and then places the 3 egg in circle No. 3 passing between basket and starting line each time. She then runs to a starting line and [returns and places egg No. 1 in the basket then No. 2 and No. 3 passim, around the basket each time. She then finishes in a dash across the starting line, only one trial is allowed The one that crosses the line first with lout breaking any egg or the least no. ' wins. j High School Arith. (1 boy or 1 girl) Milne’s Standard Arith wil be ■used, first 263 pages included. • * * • ******* . * CARLTON j , , ... • I ** * * ’ Mr.- Walter Coiby sper.t aeverai days last week with her mother, Mrs W. M. Thornton, i j ! Mrs Roy Johnson is spending so .lie time with relatives. i Miss Alma Deadwyler will .sptrd i the week-end in Atlanta Misses Gladys and Estelle Power j spent last week with Mr and Mrs W j W. Power. v ...... . Mi and Mrs C. L. Patton return ed Saturday from Gillesville where they were called on account of the latter.s father, Mr Suddeth.. Mrs C. T. Smith and little daug'h Rena Mae spent th week end with the former,'s parents, Mr art-i Mrs W. W. Power .Mr I’red Whitehead of S. Louis i* spending some time with his father Mr W. E.. Whitehead. Miss Clavis Paul spent the week i ui in Lexington with her parents. Mrs I. D Reid spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs G. P. Goolsby. Mr and Mrs D. L. Deadwyler ano Miss Alma Deadwyler were shipping in Athens Saturday.. Mrs F. D. Smith spent Saturday with Mrs I. D Ileid. Mrs Clara Deadwvier haves Frida; f< r a few weeks stay in Florida. Mrs Will Ai noid of K!h<-;-ton war die mo- geest Sunday of Mrs G. P. Goolsby. Miss Alma Burt of Enterprise ; " *nt last week-end with her aunt. 'Mrs T. C. A mason. Number 32