The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, March 09, 1923, Image 1

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he Danielsville rionitor. Eqlxxv in I [iAMELSVILLE I Tf f u!ar meeting of the I Ar'oh was held m me fcm Ttarsday p. • Mar |?£t Mr,. D. A. Mcse'V pre- Tin Jif ess .. ;es ° ! > luto*™ siinewandcMbUill ■Lb was held after which the ILb memcers were ushered m- Ito the diohig Ci)oiii oy the hos lUesMfß.J. T. Murray and I Hr- R C GrLTeth, a delicious Ifee ioarse was served. The din ling room was beautiiully deco |r;itfid. The color motif being I that of St. Patricks. M r , and Mrs. J. T. Baker vis- I ited Mrs Uonifc Boi ie Hansford I fStepens, C~. ‘ uhday. jjesev3 Walter and Hubert IkewofTo-oa m nt Tuesday with Mr. and Mr?, K.T. lirome, Mr. and Mrs. Bub Langford ofPoca, visited Dr and Mrs. J. S. Daniel. Sunday. Mrs. W D. Dunk and little son. Drayton cf Jefferson,were guests of Mrs. W, C, Sorrell go,era! days this week. Mrs. .) N. Lritieth returned from Atlanta. Monday. Mr Charley Vl* on of Wav cross is vDoing his family here this week Mrs v S. Westbrook of lin, is spending a few da ; * wii'i her parents. Mr. and Mrs, 8. N, White, Itfr and Mrs E. (\ David spent la-t week end in Statham with Mr. and Mrs J. P Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. VV. V. Long and Mr. Joe Lo n g of Atlanta were the. s ; .etid-?he-c)ay ..guafiis tf-Mts, A, K. Lon;~Suiu&y. Mr. R. FI. Bui lock o£ Athens was ir. town with relatives and friends, Tuesday. Mr. i), A. Moseley returned from if v hospital Monday. Mrs. Charlie Sanders spent Tu *dav with, Mrs. W. C. Ghol ilnn. Os*. • S. Daniel, leavers El JL'Unnon. and Com McKnow made a bus’ness trip to Clarksville. Monday. Mrs, \\ Gboiston was * h °Pp: iK in Athens Friday. Hope Meaisov and Mrs. • ■ labor of Ft Lamar, wore V’.Mtors here Friday. , A r ' ! fom hare attended l,e basket-bail at Ft. bama* last Friday. • *; ■ 4.*y _ _ -># -* jj.; FARM LOANS ir ans on high class closed quickly sns preferred. I. T. Murry. iv.lsvilfe. Ga tkouxam run rt-ui.BAits March 16th, b P M Comer: Comer, Aff.—Danielsville, Neg. Danielsville: Danielsville, Aff —Comer, Ncg. Diamond Hill: , Hill, Aff.-r^rßond, - Neg. Isa: Ila, Aff. —Diamond Hill, Nog. Bond: .... Bond, Aff, lla, Nog.. RULES FOR DODGE BA.LL Two girls from each school . A | ring is forme I thirty fact in diameter 1 | One girl from each school is placed | an equal distance on the. ring and one girl from each school on ti e inside of | the ring. The girls who form the | ring must throw the ball at those ' inside who are to dodge the ball and if hit must leave the ring. The one i who is able to dodge longest or the . contestant who is left in the ring is | the winner. A volley ball or a basket | ball may be used. SCHOOL DICTIONARY OH EKt.D SY COUNTY BOARD Of EDU CATION At the County School Contest to be held April 6-7, the County Hoard of Education offers a Dictionary to the school winning the largest num her of points in the literary and ath letic events at that time. This is a chance for some school without a dictinoary to get this e quiprnent so much needed in every school.. SWINE GROWERS A.SSOCIOTION We are requested to announce that the Swine Growers Association will convene in-_Elberton on March 14 and loth. - - _| m, jj. -hi r— --- MADISON COUNTY SECURES FARM DEMONSTRATOR At the regular meeting of the County Board of Education Tuesday arrangements were made so that the county may have for this year.the '•efviees of a Farm Demonstratyr, •vhich is so much needed under pres ent conditions. Mr. W. R. ASkew of Toeeoa, a College, assumed duties at once and is actively on his job. Mr. Askew cures highly recom mend and an* we fee that we l’*vc in him ft good man for the place. He dot ires the hearty co-operation of over' 7 ' person in the county, ind with this co-operation be may he worth .to the county many times the expense of same. . * * £■**>**'■*•** FORT LAMAR j 4 ***••••••* The people of out* community seem to he quite busy at different jobs, the farmers have not had the oppor tunity to plow very much. Messrs C. M. Dean and Paul I Hutcherson made business trips to I Commerce last week hauling a num ber of bales of cotton to market for j some of their neighbors. M.s Hope Meel?r spent last j week-end with reiativs at Daniels | ville. • • ■ • Misses Ruth Tabor and Lula Par | ker spent the week-end with hotn | folks Sev< al from this community are attending court at Danielsville this week. Ur Garnett Rice of Ha. was in our j Community Sunday afternoon. Miss Eula Hutcherson visited rela ! live-• at Ila kst week-end. ! i Reese .Higginbotham of Bond | kcw tmy visited home folks recently. Danielsville. Georgia, Friday, Mar, 9 1923 COLBERT Ivliss Annie Mae Hampton spent last week-end in Gainesville visiting friends at Brenau. Miss Loyise McLerov spent the week-end at her home in Maysville.. Mr Loftin G&ulding of Atlanta its at home for the week-end. Among those in Athens Wednesday for the Colbert—Jefferson game in the tournament were; Misses Lounse McLeroy, Wilma Griffeth, Elriree and Bessie Tatty, Messrs Hope Daria, Neill Hardman, J. C. Biggs, Austin Griffeth, Arnold arid Italph Collier. Bradford Hitchcock and Mr and Mrs E. H. Hart. Mr and Mrs M. W. Collier were in Athens Wednesday night, for a special picture at the palace. Misses Wilma Griffeth and Pearl Hardman were in Athens Saturday night for the show at the Palace. M r and Mrs J. M. Gaulding were in Athens .Saturday afternoon.* Mr and Mrs .(. B. Sims and family were in Athens for the Basket Ball game Saturday night. Miss Loirs Porterfield of Coiner spent awhile Tuesday with Miss Wilma Griffith. Mr J. F. Miller and daughter and Mr Austin Griffeth were in Athens for the basket ball games Saturday night. Dr and Mrs V. G. Hamptn i: and Miss Laura Mae Hammonds of .• li ens visited Dr and Mrs 11. H. Hamp ton Sunday afternoon. Little Walter Pitner of Athens is visiting his cousins Ralph and Ar nold Collier. Mrs Ophelia G 1 olston and daugh ter, Mary if Athens were visitors here for the week-end. Misses Annir, Hardiyan and Veta Sims of Athens High spent the week end at home. Mr and Mrs R. C. Burton and | little daughter, Mable were in Ath ;ens shopping Thursday. i ! Mr and Mrs Carl Chandler of Ath jens visited the !alters mother Mrs iJ. B. Burton Mondoy night. * 4 :t • 'k -k •k # 4 MEADOW 4 ********** We are having some nice weather at this time We are glad to report Mr George Nelms better after a few days inbed. Mrs 0. O. Nelms is confined to her • oom at tfcis time. The basket bail team went to Daniejavillc last Kiiday and defeated Madison County High School tam the score being IS and lb in favor of Meadow High . We are sony to know Mt W J. Kidds baby is very sick with pneu monia at this writing. Cico Cant/K-.s spent Saturday night with Guy Sno!lings. Rev. W M. Save was the gue.-t of Mr and Mrs Griff Meadow Satur day night. M. J, 0 N'ix and family and Mr •J . W. Nelms of Comer were guests SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE FREE STATE COOPERA TIVE FIRE INSURANCE COMPAN Y OF MADISON COUNTY GEOR. GIA, FOR SIX MONTHS ENDING DEC. 3tST. 1P22 ASSETS, Cash on hand and in Bank a 3388.7f Bills Receivable 216.73 TOTAL 605 - 4t* INCOME Cash .eceived by Assessment 490.75 Bills Receivable 216.78 Matriculation Fees 45.50 Cash on hand July Ist. 1922 d.2fc * TOTAL 746.26 DISBURSEMENTS, Losses Paid 25. OH Advertising 14.-f> Postage and Stationery 4.78 Matriculation Fees paid to Agent 22.7 > Salaries and all other charges of off eers 74.d0 Cash on hand and in Bank J 88.75 TOTAL 529 58 One Hundred and Twenty Five Polic i*j in force on the Ist. day of Jrrh 1922, representing SI4O,WIG, and Twelve New or additional policies which represent 9,106 Total Number of Policies 137 representing $149,900 State of Georgia Madison County. Personally appears .1 T. Ghols ton who hiring duly sworn deposes and says that he ia SeAetary and Tr oasuier of the Free, State Cos Opra tive Fire Insurance Company of Mad ism County, said State and that the foregoing statement is correct anil t rue. J. T Gholston Sec.& Treats Sworn to and subscribed before me rVb. .9th. 192-3. N. C. Bullock, Ord’y of Mr J. R. Smith Sunday. The Singing at Miss Gusaie Stamps was enjoyed by all present. Mr and Mrs 0. G. Hendrick were ! guests of Mr and Mrs -T. W. Snelling j one night last week. Mr Vasco Landers and family spent one night last week with Mr P. N. Miller and family. Mr 11. G. Gunthers Air and Mrs G. W. Smelling wore spend the day I guests of Mr and Mrs W . .1 . Cari- i ■ thers Sundav. I POCATADIGO ***•* *' * • The Dance given bv Mr Tidwell Saturday night was enjoyed by all present • • Mrs Campbell of Itoysfcon in spend ing thir- week with the Misses Thomas Miss Minnie Sea graver, spent Mon day night with Miss Annie Shoort. Mrs Alvin B ay and Miss Pink Load and Mrs E. B. Looney spent awhile Saturday night with Mks 1.. W. Wilder. Mrs May Annie Graham spent Sunday with Miss Minnie Lou Wilder Miss Minnie Soagrnvcb, ML Ear nest Seagraves, and Mrs Hester Seagraves spent Fbiday with Miss Mo/ell Scott Miss Annie Sho t spent last wk with Mr and Mrs 1 rnand Short.. Mis W. T Tidwell -.pent '.tommy with her ri;<d.i < ■ M. ■ 1-5. \V . Wilder. M's K. B. Barrelt, Mrs Mattie White and Mis, Inez Barrett -pent Monday with Mrs L ■ 1.. Short . MEN WANTED— To sell our goods in this county. Why work for others when you can have a busness of your own with steady income. We sell goods on time and wait for our money. Team or auto needed for country work, no outfit needed in city. Expedience un necessary. We train in salesmanship McConnon &. Company, Winona. Minn. Mention this paper CARD OF THANKS \ We to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness in the Death of our Husband and Father Mrs W. 11. Porterfield , G . E. Porterfield, J. T. Porterfield, 1 Mrs A. L.. Christian - ;1 Mrs E. S. Landers, W. B. Porterfield, , •I. 0. Porterfield. ‘ q Dental Notice I)r. D. lj. Cloud from Greens boro, (ia, will be in Comer on second Monday each month pre pared to do all clasrea of dental work, to remain one week. He will appreciate a call. Oflice in Roper Huildirg, O Too Ton Brm for Sale. I . C. DAVISON, Comer Go EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure Bred Rhode Gland Red Egg* SI.OO per 13. Telephone 15A. or write Box 84 Colbert, Ga. -, T ne i.c'.t Cause." "i Ids jihn. .;t< lii-i ;i .-o current hi* the fjif* of n In-' • t-> ; : tin* civil war bv E. A. I*l.l hiril. j,;. li -hed lo JHiSO. It was u “I as u expressive designa tion for the iiurjs: • i a:;d aims which the southern iicrplo vainly sought tc realize In the [.ermunent establish* nit it of the On federate silica uS America. Number 33