The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, April 06, 1923, Image 1

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The Danielsyille Honitor. M . \\ V 111 ■ MELSVILLE I PVj .. i 00 England was a visitor H Ath'-' s last week-end. I ,vtr < harlie BakeT returned to H., i.-iiivers ivy of Ga. Tuesday, after R. noa,;: • verai days with his par- M. s Mr and Mrs J. T. B&kpr.. J Mr and Mrs H. B. Sanders were ■i'.tor? n Bowman Saturday. IMr ar.d Mrs 0. P. Nelms of La ■rango are visiting relatives here. IMr and Mrs W. E Burroughs K t . r o in Comer Saturday. j Miss Sallie Fannie Daniel has re- Hi.rned to the U. of Ga. I Miss Kttie B. Harrison spent last ■f.-eV.-ti*! o Bethlehem with homeflkg I Mr and Mrs W. D. Graham were Bisitors in Athens, last Saturday j Mrs Bud Meadow of Atlanta is her mother Mrs T. F. Lan , * Mr ami Mrs J. T. Murray were in Athens Saturday P. M. Miss Pool from Buford Ga. repre - Cvt> of the Mutual Life Insur- R<e.e O' . spent Tuesday p. m_. here. Mrs Margie West of Hartwell is risking her sister Mrs J. S. Daniel. Mr E. C. Gordon:'wife and chil !ren of Athens, were spend-the day roosts of Mr and Mrs J. E. Gordon Sunday. ft*' '■**'*’ rnmmrnmmmßSi The officers of District No. 5 of the Ssrepta Association held a meet ing at the home of Mr W.. B. Mead ow Sunday afternoon. Avery inter esting program is being planned for a fifth Sunday District Rally at Co rner on April 29th. ' * Messrs Eugene Huff. Knox Griffeth and Charlie Baker entertained at a party Friday night at the school building in honor of the teachers: Afrer a very pleasant Social ■'“hour, refreshments were serv’d. Present were: Misses Ettie B. Harri roii, Geo England, Ada Wilson, Fioycc J.cng, Sallie P. Daniel, Roberta Hitchcock and Messrs Knox Griffeth, Fugene Huff Charlie Baker, Elco Huff Claude Stevens, W. R. Eskew and M) arc Mrs ft, C. David Chaperoned NOTICE TO STATE NORMAL OIRLS •■•very girl now in Madison County he.' Htiended the State Normal School Athens Ra., i urged to be at the Danielsville School Auditorium n,, xt Saturday p.. m. immediately at thr close of the contest. Miss Kate lock* will he with us. - rc-bahiy 90 per cent of our Knowledge is gained through n dr eyes. Statistics prove that 70 per cent of us have defective 1 ision yet we do not realize it. f/" . . ew ’ n -*t your learning capac >r naming capacity is not !r npt re if >r ac?ountJ)f defect ' e >n, Have your eyes exam ir expert optomrtrist as, A, Green Optical " • Aanta, who will be here 00 ''Tuesday, April 18 He =de glaasses to meet ev er defective vision. E. Greene and Cos. Oanielayilie, Ga. | NUMEROUS STILUS CAPTURED IN OGLETHORPE COUNTY I j j For the past two months Sheriff |T. E. Watkins and Deputy Sheriff ! J. A. Paul have been making war on stills and stillers of Oglethorpe Cos. There has been captured about • twelve during-the .past two months and most all of these were in opera tion when captured. Five of these i stills were captured in one week be ginning on March 24th when a 30 gallon one was located on Jake Eber- hardt’s place in Goose pond District. Five hundred gallons of beer was destroyed though no arrest was made then nor up to this time; On March 26th, a thirty gallon copper outfit was captured near where the above was located. About one hundred gal lons of beer and some whiskey was destroyed here and four white men arrsted. They were, George, Hen ry, Rufus and Gabriel Grimes; On March 29th., a ore hundred twenty gallon tapper outfit in operation was located in Wolfskin district and two* thousand gallons of beer, 7 bushels of meal and some whiskey was des troyed. Only one man, Erey Smith was taken into custody; On March 30th., two outfits in Grove Creek district were seized, one a twenty gal lon still and 4 gallons of whiskey found in Arthur Cunningham’s house The other a fifty gallon still and 4 1-2 gallons of whiskey at John Wil lingham’s. Both John and Arthur were arrested but released la ter on bond. If your eves trouble ycu, con sult our expert optometrist from the Chas A. Green Optical Company. Atlsfnta, Ga. He will tel! you, without obligation, whether or not you need gis ts es. Wednesday April 18, he will be at our store all day. L. E Greene & Companv, Danielsville, Ga. ~. ** •• y „ r ,r CHICKENS BY CARLOAD FROM h" . ,l - ‘ ■' *. CHESTERFIELD COUK'i ( Cjheeterfiield Advertised) ... The movement to ship the firs carload of chickens from Chester field county through cooperation with the Poultry Association, is well un der way. In this connection the following letter is being sent to farmers in this county by the industrial agent of the Seaboard Air Line Railway Cos.: Florence, S. C , March 19, 19211 Dear Sir: Chesterfield has become the lead ing poultry county of the state. It is time to conssier cooperative ship ments in carload lots of chickens to 'he larger markets of the country, •'err .local markets jive becoming glutted with excess poultry. Ca: -1 ' buyers can be easily secured for carload lots of poultry. Poultry s can be had from the railroad, week at a poultry sale held a try was sold for $2,739.00 cash at ’ car. 127 farmers supplied these chickens . Do you want to help de the same thing in Chesterfield coun •? If so, come out to one of the nee tines below given and bear ah about it. Chesterfield, April 3, at 8 p. m. Mt. Croghan, Aprils, at 8 p. m. ... , at 8 p. m. These meetings are being held un der the auspices of the Chesterfield County Poultry Association, and the Farm and Home Demonstration A ger.t. * * " DantelsviMe. Georgia, Friday, April 6, 1923 LAND BANK MONEY FOR FARMERS ON LAND The Madison County Association has" an allotment of $-10,000. for the farmers to be sent in by April 23rd. The rate is 5 1-2 per cent with no commissions,, only small abstract ■,relation fees to be paid. The time is long with pisvalege of pay ment after five years. This money offe:s genuine relief to farmers du ring the boll weevil condition)*. See me at once, and do not wait as you will be delayed three months if your application does not get off with the April 23rd bunch. Clarence E.. Adams, Sec —Treas. . EGGS FOR HATCHING Pure Bred Rhode Island Red Egji SI.OO per 13. Telephone 15A. or write Box 84 Colbert, Ga. Versatile Cacac Tree. The cacao tree Is an evergreen and bears fruit and (lowers all the year round, but the usual limes for gather ing the fruit are .Tune and December. Chocolate is made from the seed or beans. When oil is extroHed it makes cocoa butter, and the residue fc. —P ii ou o.vioo We are pleaded to announce that we have arranged with the Cnas. A Green Optical Compa ny, Atlanta, Ga., to have one of the expert optometrist at cur store again on Wednesday, A prii 18th. If you are having e>e troubles, we would be pleased to have you come in for an ex amination. If ycu do not need glasses, our optometrist will gladly tell you so. If you do need them.xhe will prescribe the correct glasses to relieve your trouble. L. E. Greene & Cos., Danielsvilte, Ga. FOR RE NT- One horse crop on halves, Wheat and oats already sowed, can be cut on halves. 3 miles W T est of Danielsville. D. M. Patterson, Danielsville Ga. Rt 3 RADIO SPARKS Broadcasting descriptions of missing persons is anew u.*e of the art. It is suggested that the growth of radio in the next five years will make necessary a “United States secretary of communica tions.” Radio insurance 5s row being offered covering fire, lighting, breakage and theft. When a crystal detector set is not in use it should always be disconnected from the antenna. If this Is not done, sensitiveness will be gradually destroyed by continual static splaehcg and loud signals. The army has perfected a method by which the fastest sent radio message can be caught on wax cylinders and re produced at lower speed on dic taphone machines, making the message easy to read. The first radio theater >h to be installed in the Grand Cen tral hotel fn New York city. It will seat more than 1,000 per sons and will be made commod ious enough to accommodate a large throng on a dancing floor in a pavilion adjoining. Enter tainment and dance music will he picked up from the air. Loose connection.-:, poor insu lation, poor ground, poor joint* and wires, worn insulation, wire? crossing, and many other small matters may put a set completely out of commission. * JUST FROM ILA * *•*■“*•***• Mr Talmudge Rice is at home from his work in Atlanta for a few days. Miss Loir Rice was with home folks for the week-end. Mr T. J. Burroughs Jr. vis ted his mother on Monday night returning to Athens Tuesday morning. Mr Hall Westbrooks of the of the Westbrook motor Cos. was in Atlanta Monday on Business Mr Clifford Rice was with homofolks on Sunday. Mrs Eliza Campbell of Athens visited hef son Mr Dan Camp bell Sunday. Mr. J, L Thompson was sick Sunday but at work again ou Monday. Mr J, L. Caupett of Augusta Maine was a guest at the lia Inn on Monday night. The Christian Endeavor So ciety of the Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs R F, Bird on Monday afternoon • * • The motor ‘ Buss Running from Ila to Athens and return daily is running its regular trids this week. Unusual weather up here Ice in blenty on April Fiist. • * ♦ ****#.. * CARLTON * ***** , • •# * * Mr A. H. Stevens has returned to Athens after spending the Easter holidays with his parents, Mr and Mrs A. P. Stevens. Mr and Mrs Arthur Little, Df. and Mrs Brown and two children, Misses Nett and Polly Little and Mt Braritiy Little were week-end guests of Mow Alma Deadwyler. Mrs M. L. Fisher spent Tuesday in Hartwell. Mr and Mrs D. L. Deadwylcr were called to Bowman Saturday by the death Mrs Do ad wyler's little sister Messrs .loe Whitehead and A. H. Stevens spent last week-end in Rome having gone over to visit Misses Martha Whitehead, Freida Mratin, and Elizabeth Stevens at Shorter College. The many friends of Mrs Howard Long- will he delighted to learn that she has returned from St. Mary’s Hospital where she was taken recent ly for an operation, Mr L. P. Goolsby spent Sunday iwith his mother, Mrs G. P GooL by . Haa a 3kyscraper. 11l oentiiiJ MimsucllUsetlK, east of the Connecticut valley, is a ridge of liiiis. which, affet* crossing Into New Htunjisltif’e, stools up a well-known watch 'cover known as Mount .Monad nock, 3,150 fept, says the American Forestry Magazine. This range cotv dimes northward sending up an oc tilonai peak like Mount Sttnnpee, tha southern Kearsorge uud Mount Cardi gan. Meadow I ******* | Mr and Mis J. W. Snellings and ; daughter Stella spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs Pope Snellngis. Mrs J. L. Coile and children visited ! Mr and Mrs John Simmons last Fri- Iday night. Mr Ralph Bond of Oak Grove was the guest of Mr Howard Parham last .Friday night. * Mr and Mrs Will Mitchell spent last Friday night with Mr and Mrs E. R. Mitchell. Mr Henry Carrouth and family visi ted Mr and Mrs J. H. Mitchell Satur day night. We are glad to sav that Mr Dave Simmons little child who has been real aick with pneumonia is improv ing. .... The School children enjoyed an runt last Friday in Mr Edd Mitch ells pasture, Mr Guy Mitchell won the prize. Mi Tom Gullie made a business trip to Athens one day last week. Mr and Mrs Eugene Burroughs visited Mr and Mrs Carl Bullock Sunday. Little Ruby Mitchell spent last Saturday night brother, Geo. The tacky party given by Mr Cliff Mitchell -last Friday night was .en -syod by all present. Hr Collier Parham says he is tu>€ jealous at all but would feel very happy if he could go to see Miss Del rcc Mitchell just one Sunday without finding Allen Burroughs there. Miss Delree Mitchell spent Satur day night with Mias Hersie Kidd. Mr Juan Hall and Mias Delree Mitchell enjoyed their trip in the little Ford just fine. Miss Emma Nelms of Athens visited Miss Nellie Smith Sun day. Rev. W. M Saye spent Satur day night with H. D. Bradshaw and wife Saturday nipht and dined with W. D. Meadaw Sun day. _ Misa Addie Miller spent Sat urday with Miss Ruby Lee Epp J. W, Nelms and J. 0. Nix from Comer were at preaching Sunday. Miss Lizzie Epps of Winder was visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Epps last week end. Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Johnson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr* G. W. Snellings- Mr H. H, Brown has returned home after spending a week at New Town. Mr Joe Chandler spent Satur day night with Mr Mack Clod felter. Mr Oscar Nelms of Athens visited his parents Saturday night and Sunday. Mr Walt Sorrow is sick at this writing. Number 36