The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 18, 1923, Image 1

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nr* i ip\ • t • g a vw ® * i ne Uamelsvilfe l ion nor. >1)1. XX ' HI f on ;i andi Personal yio P. Nelms spent last , ,'k-encl xi Comer as the guest of p w. Porterfield. rloyi-e Long and Etta Belie , an ; S on .ore shopping in Athens iatarday • pi e Seniors of the Danielsville {jgh School enjoyed a class picnic iaturday afternoon at Madison •ipcrtxnea bv Misses Ployce | o ng and Belle Harrison, Mess, inox Griffith and Eugene Huff. : ames enjoyed and a delightful iicnic lunch was served. tfri. Jonah Davis of Athens was he week-c: cl guest of her parents :r. ar;s Mrs. A. C. Campbell. y r [ r Greene was in Athens Sunday • Mr a" 1 M • James Gordon of Elboiioi wh-v Pu guests of Col. and F,\s. J. K. <lor- ion last week. Mr Rickard Baker who has been Miendinc -ei <-=■! at Columbia, S. C. retired home Fridav to spend nis vacation w:,b His parents, Mr. an?? Htso J. F. 1 aker. Mr and his. R. H. .Graham w last Atr.flnv : n Elberton . 5Jr. ar-.l M ■•■■■. B. F. Anthony and children w.*r ■■;e:-rts Monday of Mr. . rs. W. K Burroughs. G- A M. Spray-berry and Miss es Margaret, Spray berry and Lucy dfcopton r i ' •••iv.l to Athens Mon fcy- Mrs. Hr. ‘v Kchois and Mrs. Esty fiord and L* o Bond and .Vliss Frances ocott w-,;re v isitort in Athens Monday tfrs. Wvatt, Bullock is spending several woM.s in Anderson’ S. Q, sjuest of her brother, Mr. Long*. Ho. A. :>. Mi>noson ar.d son, and Mr. Mrs, Rice of Commerce 'dsittd Mr. and Mrs. B. N. White Sunday. Commencement exercises of the Dante;/ilk school begin Thursday -. r: ng a, ,j cront-iuve thru Tuesday evening. lflss Bauiit:. Brooks of Athens - 't of her mother, Mrs. 1,0 •‘ :o ‘0 '- the past week-end. ' 11 was a visitor in Bow Sunday. Thompson and Mrs. T : ° ru ' iis *re guests of Mrs. Nelirs Tuesday. y.. i'j . x . 1 ' Nelms who has been ’• •*' Young Harris re n: rt hor - summer Peahen nie Da liel was the es * r,] " parents, Dr. * ndM --'. S. Daniel. i. ' " ‘ 1 of. Athens was * '‘■''v fhursday. A ' n - B. W. Blackwell . - ' Blackwell were vi-- ,t,,? V ’ : Sunday. ft. ; | - 1 Ivarsriay afternoon (he ' ‘ rs had their annual 7 <' , *. the home of Mi H. ' muH, delicious* • >' 'ehtv were served. i’,, o ’ oc's>s:on ware: :y. f- v , ' • Broome and fami ar:d the ; r fam- Vf A *vs. ,fno. T. Baker, • H B. S M r g . and I COLBERT '****■**** Mrs. S. H. Hardman entertained at a dinner party in honor of . the faculty of Colbert High School last Thursday evening at her home. i Those present were—Misses Annie 31 ae Hampton, Pearl Hardman, Myr tle Rogers, Wilma Griffeth, Louise McLeroy; Messers Austin Griffeth, Joe Hardman, Hope Davis and Neil Hardman. , .a~. n i im ~ * Miss Mary Gholston of' Athens ' spent the week-end with relatives here. Miss Cami Whitworth and Lizzie Lou Young- of Atlanta spent the | week-end with parents and relatives here. :i r LA' ; ri. \ ! Miss Helion Nix of Brenau College I Gainesville, Ga. was the guest of Miss An nil l Mae- Hampton last week. Miss Ossie Whitworth of Macon I spent the week-end with parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Burton and family of Comer were visitors here ! for the week-end . Those going from here to the Ga. | —Auburn game were: Messers H. P. Davis, Austin Griffeth, Neil Hard man, Weber Barnett, and Laufton (Paulding. The Ladies Club entertained at a picnic in honor of the faculty of Col bert High School, Friday evening*. The Epworth League held its us \ ual meeting Friday evening and a ! very interesting program was enjoy ied bv the large number present. | / Rev. Moore of Winder filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church Sunday. Very impressive and touching sermons were rendered. The Baptist Sunday School gave a Mothers’ Day program Sunday morning that was very touching. Mr,* and Mrs. Waiter Pitner of | A.tK-fcfls'Wane the guests of the latter’s | mother,- Mrs. Colbert of. Colbert !Sunday. Mrs. W . S. Lowe had as her guest last week her mother, Mrs. Rowe of Comer. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Collier and | family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Collier of Comer. MEADOW 1 -< 3* * '* *f- : S* We are glad to report Mr. W, R. Daniel better at this time. Mr. W. D. Christian and wife were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. -1. K. Clodfelter Sunday. •••■ * Miss Acidic Miller was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. If. N. Barnett Sunday night for supper. All who were not at church Sun day missed a treat for the program was fine. Mr. D. A. Moseley from Dur.iels ville was at Sunday School at Mead ow Sunday and rave fla c < S a fin<- talk: We a) <! sorry to report the death of the little infant of Mr. and Mr-’. B. T. Daniel. Miss Lois Ba<tlarr who has keen vi r ing at Ga : sv : lle for some time Danielsville. Georgia, Friday, May /8, is back to the delight of tier many friends. Mr. Oscar Nelms from Athens was visiting here Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. Hollis Landers and family from Colbert were visiting Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Nelms Sunday. Ruby Epps is spending some time in Winder the guest of her brother and sister. The singing at Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clodfelter Sunday night was en joyed by a large crowd. Mr. Pope Sn el hi Jig and wife were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Batteries Fresh lot of Flashlights and Bat teries in Stock. Also dry ceil bat teries. \Ve test them for you. ifa Hat cl ware Cos. LOWEST PRICES In the History of the Ford Motor Company Chassis . . $235 Runabout . 269 Touring . . 298 Truck Chassis 380 Coupe . . 530 Sedan . . 595 AH Prices F. O. B. Detroit At these lowest of low prices and with the many new refinements, Ford cars are a bigger value to day than ever before. Now is the time to place your order for reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. Westbrook Motor Co s Oa Smelling last week end. Rev. Brooks, pastor oil Comer Baptist church will preach at Mead ow Sunday at 3 o’clock, so let's have a large crowd to hear him. The cold weather has killed the cotton so badly that a lot of is being planted over. , Born to Mr. and .Mrs. Dillard Patton a 10 pound girl. | Georgia Nelms is jumping right straight up and down for it’s a boy. ' MEADOW On the third Sunday afternoon in May Rev. W. P. Brooks Jr. pastor of Comer Baptist church will preach at Meadow. Everybody cordially invited. Three o’clock eastern time. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND B. Y. P. U. MEETING AT OAK GROV E Fourth Sunday Afternoon On the 4th Sunday afternoon at 2:30 a district meeting will bo held in the interest of the S. S., B Y P U and Woman’s Missionary Socie ty. All the churches in the district are especially requested to have i large number present. A splendid program is being arranged. The churches in this district are the ones on this side of Broad river in Madi son county in the Hebron association Namely: Cedar Grove, Bethel, Mead ow, Oak Grove, Vineyards Creek and Shiloh. The public in general has a cordial invitation. ... NOTICE TO TEACHERS .11'23 Reading* Course For Teachers. Primary and General Elementary 1 . Manual for Georgia Teachers. Cos. Supt. (Please send postage) 2 Everyday Pedagogy (Lincoln* Ginn and Cos. Atlanta sl.lO post paid. . ... 3. Acquiring Skill in Teaching (Grant) Southern School Book De •esitory Atlanta ; $1.36 postpaid High School and Supm visory 1 . Manual for Georgia Teacher* Cos Supt. (Please send postage) 2. Eve v Teacher's Problems (Stark) Am.. Book Cos. Atlanta; $1 .48 postpaid Methods, of Teaching High Sshool (Parktr) Ginn and Cos. Atlanta sl.bO postpaid Teachers Exami.mtieu \ 11 ue held Aug. “*d {***•! 4th. u tc REVIVAL FOR COMER Sunday, May 27th will be “Home- Coming*” day at the Methodist church at Comer. All former pastors, all present and former members fami lies and friends are expected to be present. Dinner will be served on the ground. Preaching J 1 A. M. by Rev. H S. Smith, Presiding Elder. Quar terly conference immediately after dmifer at 2 V. M. Song and prayer and praise service at 3 P. M. by Rev• W. H. Boring. This service is the beginning of the revival meetings and will run for 10 days or more. rServiccs each day 11 A. M. and H P. "vT. Day services will beg*n at 11 and close promptly at 12, so the bus iness men may know that one b \ur is the limit. This in not a Meth Mint meeting but a town meeting and aW aie invited to attend. We want Comer and this entire community to take part the sing ing under the leadership of Mi. W , E. ilenslee and to sustain tho envi able reputation c£ Corner’*; good sing ing. Rev. Boring will preach at ev ery service. He is one of the State’s greatest evangelist, and we expect a great blessing for Comer art a re mit of thin faithful ar.d efficient man’s labor with its, W. A. WELLS, Pastor, ORDINATION SERVICE v On the third Sunday night Rev. A N. Sanders will be ordained to the Gospel ministry at the Comer Bap tist Church. Bros Sanders has just completed his course of study at The Southern Baptist Theological Semi nary at Louisville. Kv. lie is also a graduate of Alerror L'nivorsity at Macon, CM. He 1 .• v next week to * mke the pastorate of the Baptist •: Church at *’lityton. Alabama. .Many j of his friends will he glad of the op i portunity of attending his ordination |at the Baptist Church next Sunday I night. . „ Number 40