The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 25, 1923, Image 1

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The Danielsville Monitor. ■ ■ pa : vIELSVILLE ■ v . Moseley and I>r. W. m ’ , & bnsineste trip to Khcns - :<iay. H .... \jr. Gtorge His. an ■ of a son May 20th, Joe Dovid Hi>:. ■ v . g T .. !i:teVock of Richland |H oa rents, Mr. and M*r.. ■ q Hitchcock. B ■ tiSh .. ......i’nonipsbo and Cleo wire the guests of Miste 18... ,-i <.i Hull Thursday. i * ■y. v, : - Meadow and mother, :m, r H-jidon and sisters, Mss and Miss Coohran, all e3 ■ ih,.':sa;o- : .■ : graduating exercises Tuesday evening. ■m r 3a-'.er Pitts is visiting his Hiotr M’/fc W. D. Gholston. B H ivi r Hoi~.ce Daniel who has been H. .je ?DT r ■" ■ T3f !’. H d.c.-.-? L >. Parker and Ruth Ta- - were guetits of Mifcs Lucy - !u’-'ng commencement. ■9* * * * H and Paul Shank came H-vr from Washington Tuesday to H.r.< • •: *!;: exorcises, their B:. ~hter Plifdcd v Dig a member of class. * A * ■ Vr. and M 3. E. Hancock spent B /era! days here the first of the >rr. ■* m ■ Mtrs, Mol’:* Ghoi/ston of Atlanta B>ws a >eek-end visitor hero. B *• ■ Mr, and rs. Ed Ivey visited rel- B ,ti vr near J-fferson last week-end. ■*M * i B Mb*. Margaret Gillard spent sev- B(u! days tore the lust of the week l>A the guest of Miss Ada .1. Wilson. B** * * M B Mrs. Hope Mealor was a visitor ■l ir (e the first of the week. B * :< ■* * B Mr. and Mrs. Pope Stevens of ■ Gntcn at:- , den commencement ex- Btwis<K here Tuesday. B- > * I Mr. ar.d Mrs. B. T. Moseley Biro spending several days'in Atlanta BMi is week. ■*• * * I ' y to : v,v Dame! who has been a: .‘hams, Ga. is row visit-- ■ % his parents, Dr. and Mrs. -) B. I Paniel I * * “4 A ■ Mi,:-, Fsabei Evans, Jim Cooper and JSs ,us * e 1 °quitt of Comer attend exercises Tues "*y evening. * * * “ ,s - * • Daniel of Royston is hf ' r brother, Mr. Prank W. Traham. * -s ' *' ' " -•• Hie*? visited her sis .’ J " i; Le Graham several days - ’.irenoement. ** * * Ir ' D. A. Moseley and ' 1 • Griffeth attended the .. idsirict Club meeting in ** * * I . i M* Ims was shopping ‘ ** • W Mrs ( . a i f ‘ * has returned " ‘n Chase City, Va. af *,:'-'*t to her daugh- R - C. Griffith. *- * * ,7 '’•:*' Baker of the U. of 7 . > everal days the first of 1 •> parents, Mi*, and Baker. * ♦ ar . '*■ '-ordially invited to E. ‘ wortl* League every vening. The foiiowing persons, composed the graduating class of M, C. H. S., nineteen twenty-three, and re ceived their on Tuesday evening: M'sses Ruth Tabor, Ma mie. Lou- fvuHcek, Lola Parker, Kath leen Sneiiing, Frances Scott., Huby Griffeth, Rena Bond, Radie McEwen, Louise C'nstv, Clifford Shank, Ruby Chancier, a*-d Mothers Hope Griffeth, Elcu Riff; Roy BrSMfn, JbKn F. Gm -’7airi • Wi * . „ See tisr -window du/piay *luminir.n ware. On* C eat Sale May 28th, 16 A. M, W. A. ROWE H CO. CHOIR MEETS AT MEADOW * As previously announced the Mad ison County Singing Choir will meet at Meadow the first Sunday afternoon in June. A. numbeer of good singers will be present. Everybody has a cordial invitation. uiNiu.'V' KArsirt w m a The W. M. S of Union Baptist church held its monthly meeting on Saturday, May 12th. The reports showed that there >s a growing in terest in the lines of work -festered by the Society. Instead of the usual meeting at the church on Second Saturday ir June, the Society has been invited to meet with the president. Miss Cla ra Chandler on Wednesday af *r noorj, June 6th, at two o’clock. Plans are being made for an intev | esting program.... * • Vvess Chairman MEETING OF PTH DISTRICT AT i OAK" GROVE, 4TH SUNDAY AFTERNOON An outline of program of the dis trict meeting a# Oak Grove for the 4th Sunday afternoon will be as fol lows : ...;,. Layman’s Work—Mr. J. R. Booth S. S. Work- - Hon. Z. 3. Rogers Young Peoples Work — ... Miss Mary Hansard W. M. U. Work - .... Miss Delree Adams This promises to be a good meet* ing s&hd ih# pyfcVi ire general has a special invention to attend . **♦♦*:* * a- * * I-OPT LAMAR * * * 1* * :¥ :k * ♦ Hr * JR 9 Several from here attended com mencement exercises at Danielsville this week. ** * * MSsans Lais and Blanche Mealor have returned from a week's visit at Cornelia. ** * * Mr. Paul Hutcherson made a bus iness trip to Royston Wednesday. ** * # Mrs. K.ipe Mcalor and Miss Blanch Rice ar* spending a few days with relatives at Danielsville. *** * Misses Lula and Mary Hutcherson spent last Sunday with relatives at | Bold Springs. * * * e Mr. Ralph Parker made a business trip cc Atlanta recently. *• * ’ Messers ftoseoe McDuffie. Dw : ghi ; Tabor, Paul rlutchereon 3nd C. M. j Dean were in’ Athens for the ball j game last Thursday. ** t % Mr. and Mrs. (L M. Dear at tended thi funeral of Mr. W iliam j Daniel last Thursday. Hi£jh Temperature in Mine. j In a mine in the United States, b half mite deep, the temperature l* i 130 degrees SJanieisvine. Georgia, Friday, May 25, 1923 | c ,-LBEST W *■ * * £ &***% i Mrs. S. R. Hardman was. hostess t • 'r.t: Woman's Club on Friday, May Idt.h. The louf was beautifully dec orated with roses and other flowers. Twenty members were present. The Club war- opened by Mrs. Hampton who gave a most inspiring bi’k. The minutes were read and the roii called. Reports were heard from .ho different committees more . vr.m.ittees appi Irdcd. following the business session, one of the very best programs the club has ever had was given. Each mem ber toiling what, her ideas of an ideal club was. Of course, every one had a high ideal, and tho’ each one had seme different ideas, ail seemed to think that co-operation and loyalty and wor-h. were the most necessary things to make an idea! club. T n connection with this meeting the Club also had an egg shower, v! ich caused much men imem. and proved a success financially. The hostess assisted by Mrs. ,J. Lj . Sims, served cake sandwiches, and tea. On Wednesday, dune Cth, at 4 o'clock the Club will meet at Mrs. W. L. Hardman’s. Every member of the Club is requested jto he pres ent, as matters of great importance are to be discussed at this mooting. Or Saturday, June 1 dtb, the Club 'will have a .barbecue, particulars t<- be announced later. . . . Miss Martha Sue Me Ren its visit ing Mins Katherine Bradford and Mrs F. L. Martin. Mrs. I. D. Reid spent several days this week with her mother, Mrs I G. P. Goolsby. i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown and little son were guests of IVjx. and ’-Mrs. F. D. Smith last Friday night, having come over for the minstrel. Miss Marion Born of A hens ir. the guest of Mrs. George Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W’lliam Math ewfc are visiting their parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cosby spent last week-end with relatives. Mrs. Walter Long or Monroe s visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore. 0 Mrs. Addle Stevens spent last week-end with her mother and chil !dren. j Mrs Flora Thomas and little Miss Frances Sanders aam we/?k-c.ntl guests of Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Mc- Connell and family . Mr. Luther Gooisby came over Kiberton for the minstrel Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bullock Gholston were visiting relatives here Tuesday. Miss Annie Hee Saveih* leaves : Friday afternoon for her home in Brorwood where she will spend the rummer holidavs. • • Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Smith an nounce the birth of a boy mi Satur day, May 19th. i JUv and Mi- Boyd . f i CARLTON Leesburg, Fla. spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. V,'. B. Moon. i i Mrs. A. il. Steadman was a vis itor to last Thursday. i Dr. Joe Moore of Hlberton spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. ! George Moore. ; ■ W M S OF VINEYARDS CREEK The W M. 3. of Vineyards Creek church met at the church last Sunday afternoon. Our Vico President had marge of the meeting. Scripture reading wa* fith. Pth and 7th chap ters of Matthew, and the topic dis cussed was the life of Christ. After prayer by Mrs. Will Dudley a very interesting program was rendered by Mrs. Elmer Threlkeld,which was a great help to all. .... Members present: Mesdum-es Mil ton Wood, Frank Threlkeld, Albert Burton, George Wood, "Will Dudley, Charlie Wood, Marvin Burroughs, Elmer Threlkeld and Miss N't-la 1)ud .... Reporter ley. . . POCATALIGO Children’s Day Exercises will he observed at the church here next Sunday. Mr. Homer McClellan and Miss Irene McClellan motored to Athens last Saturclcv. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Freeman had as their guests one night last week, Dr. Freeman and M*. Corrt of Val dosta, and Rev. Hamilton of Dev ereaux. “ JS, Hiootoo&b (Toon” PRESENTED BY Colbert dramatic Club Coibyri School Anditorinm Sfaturdsw Evening, Mv 26th CHARACTERS Misery Moon Mr Hope P. Davit r ; H Gideon Blair . Mr. QuilMan Bento® Hiram Tutt Mr Yates llost ' ■* Patrick Keller Mr Neill Hardman- Tommy Rispel ■ Mr Glenn Butler * * ’ Samantha Slnde Miss Louise McLeroy •t\ Paula Malcelt Miss Annie Mae Hampton Lula Pearl . Miss Wilma Griffith <*,' Rosebud Reese ... Miss Ten rae Matthews ACT J Itailrosifi oific<* at Sla^town # Missouri, “A poor hungry cullud wife,** “a cullud wife end nine hungry chillum*,”; Lula chants her trouble* in Jazztinre;” The mysterious Mr. Tutt says, “Sh! Not bo loud 1 . Misery dons his preacher coat but has ua success with lla? \ rampageous Cook. Mr Blair the millionaire age. U'i and his wheel chair, Misery tells about bis hard luck. Is’e /i regular pareon of the Africa®• Spiritualism church. A Jazz time wedding. • ACT II The next day. The giddy old maid, Samantha -Slade trica to nnike x* impression on Tutt. Rosebud and her College chums arrive on thi- train and decide to liven up the town. Paula arrives with, her pomp on the trail of Mr Tutt. Misery tries fco.Coluet his nine dollars from the Milionaire “Some people arc always borrowing trouble. '‘‘Yes,” and 'some peop 1 * a e always borrowing nine dollars. Mire rv thinks a 'bomb ia t a baseball. A black hero. ACT 111 An hour inter. Misery still a bood-oed < -oun. “Guodby, Good-Jock.. ; Yoy once was mine, but now I know you. is a .*h:t:e.” U<* makes. Tutt think she is insane “When 1 am frantic 1 creep crocp-crcep” Tutt refuses ;to marry Rose and she w*n the million. The boo limed Coon meets with 1 good iuck at last. Musical numbers rendered by M iss Pearl Hardman. M''• Lee Eiler v.sited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Eller last week. Several of our people are attend ing the commencement exercises at Ila this week. J. Harbin Looney leaves this week for .Greensville, S. C. be ex pects . • take a busing.course- The tehool at this p’aee closed last Friday evening. The closing exercises were well attended and u splendid program was rendered. Ev cry child who was in school at the time contributed to its success. Af ter the program Mr. Roy David and Mr. W. R. Eskew made interesting talks. Among the number of pupils who received state were: Lottie Hi::. Fannie May McClellan, Annie Mae Halloway, Kathleen White, Herman Hix, Clifford Hollo way. Paul Bumgarner and .Jim Bum garner. # Miss Jessie Lee Brown was a re cent visitor of her sister, Mrs. P. .\L .Henley . Mrs. E. P. Freeman and Ander son Freeman are spending the week in Athens with hor daughter, Mrs. A. D. Williams. Mr. It. T. .Stephens spent last week with his daughter, Mrs. T. E. Langford. Mr. and M’-s. Pat Davis spent the week-end witb Mr. Carlton Hag gard . Number 42