The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, June 01, 1923, Image 1

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W\ m I • | fl TV* A IIP 1 ICI 1 | 1, 7 1 II £& I i A 1111r,f\ jA A Ai A a r A A l. L e AA A A ® v vns H C ; i-• r^IELSVELE I jS T. Moseley were It if * * I Wilson and Louise ■ * , ■ tdh*' dinner guests oi ■lciungs I . X). A. Mo'sejey ,Wed ■ * ..+**w*tnr V * t * <e - IMr 1’! ‘ Bond is it Monday fo.* ■iron, uhic. * B * * * •* ■ if :„ '/hr ’ 1 WhAe arrived Tites ■ „ >pend a few days with ■s mother, Mrs. B. N. White. I vlrs W. V. Long and , : ,i; 'ivod j uesday aiterrioon ■oft Aiianiu to -pend a few days Kit: If 4 * * 1 • Ip„ 7,?. t- dhclrton made ft bus- I ~ xjp t '*/.■>!• Tuesday. F: n * >t +■ I ni, 1V...P 'Burroughs is visiting Kti* .t’ v : V-& • I** 4 * I Mr and Mrs. Roy Murray and ■children and Mr. L. E. Greene were ■pL.lf nfc ■*. A l'" (i I c.- . I 4 4 4 ** Dr L. J • of Jiiirns 1,:,,! mss Ruby Rogers were visitors here Sunday. * ** * * Mr, D. F. Gr idetb spent last vtck-end in Atlanta with 'his father, nhost cona't'or. <ju:te serious. iv 4 1 Mr. Kichtrd Baker left Tuesday f.r Rutberforbton, N. C. ** % * Miss. leni Bond who is .'.a training t the University Hospital of Au jpsts ir, visiting hen* parents, Mr, *r.d Mrs r . L. Bond. ** 4 * Miss Julia Baker arrived Wednes day to spend vacation days with her {.;rents, Mr and Mrs;. ,3. T. Baker. •: r * Mr. Tom v-hoist on was a visitor to the tatter part of week . FITTS—BLACK W ELL A weue-ng of cordial interest t'rougher t this section was that of Mias Nd] Fitts of Bond Academy to M. , •.’ecil Blackwell of Daniels* T; lh as>eh otfeurred in Athens last Tuesday. the b/tie is the 'daughter of Mr. S. W ’ : tts and i a most charming Jop'ilar young the groom is the son of Mr. f • ; aekwell and is a young man f T J • 'id character, and has many j denes ,eiv who extend their best •' -oc'ii through life. Nesrnes Leila Bond, W. D. 'v and Georgia Griffeth are ln ■' or attending the Eastern *-vtr ANNOUNCfcMEK f ft ft AT x: 11 i*; <i?? County Friends: '' r - clad to announce that we ' i the services #f Mi* l ‘av t*' take complete charge • nery Department. '• it* ay will at all times be "vou the belt of service ' will appreciate your '•■ ( nage. Her new ao fiord -her a larger field ' :d he more able than at n the past to give you of styles ami newest - dm ray v?Ill be glad to have all her friends call on her at her new quarters and see some oi the prytty summer styles for Lady and Little Miss. W. T. COLLINS, Inc. DANEELSViLLE IS PROGRESSIVE TOWN: Cot GazC* W'jirr: err J-iow Courtly Seat Wtr Fourdec Praise* anil Vvir.'t ©f Town, Ely TANARUS, Larry Gantt Madison county was laid out Oglethorpe, Jackson, Franklin arid Elbert in 3 <ll. and in 1829 a .slice was taken from Clarke. It re ceived its name from the illustrious Janies Mauisott. Danielsvllle was named for Gen. Allen Daniel, whose descendants still live in that county and have ever, been ’ariioilg its lead ing and honored citizens. Among the early settlers were Samuel Long. Jacob Eberhs, dt, Samuel Wood, Stephens,- Graves and Gen Dari -1. These names still survive in Madisn and which county is one hundred per cent, American. Some of the honored men in Georgia wave na tives of Madmen. Dr, Crawfoixi W. T.-onyr, d/scoverei si ■ anaesthesia, was boi n in Danielsvilie. In vverv war in which oni repub lic has bees engaged this county fur nished valiant soldiers •and able .leaders. Among the <eafii<s# settlers off wene Die Dan iels and Long. This o®% has giv en Athens some ci oar best citiuer.s and business men. Among them the Scctts, the Meadows, Bullocks Gvif fetha and Daniel**, •NOTED POE ...*.. STABILITY Dariieiswllc has never bstm i, t>m of any great sixe and business 'de velopment, for it is an interior town remote from a raiway art? the in habitants of the county have always, made their farms and once spun .arid wove their own cloth. Another cause that kept Ban elsville from growing is, the* county is dot ted with rural settlements, all with stores and arc embryo towns like Ha, Neese, Paoii and Pocateligo. Then the building of the Seaboard railway through the lower edge of the county took away the trade of a fine slice ‘of territory But Danielsviile has always been noted for the stability and solvency of its merchants, and I cannot re member, in its long history, that the ■town has ever had a commercial fail ure . The farmers of Mad iso* l have always held their good name and honor very high and the fact of a man being from Madison county was endorsement of his solvency. Damelsviße, according to the last •ensus, has a population of 355, and. a finer set cf people you cannot had. But in the march of progress Dan iels slid not lag behind hut kept a bieast of the times; >t has nice church es, and a splendid bank, with Mr. John Holder, as president, and R. C. Grifreth, cashier. The bank is well patronized and makes a credit able showing. Anew and handsome school building has been erected and the town has a nigh school of which its citizens are justly proud. Prof. Maude Stevens of Carlton is princi pal, with a faculty of excellent teach ■ers. The town has an able bar in Messers C. E. Adams, B. T. Mose ley, J. T. Murray and J. kb. and K. H. Gordon, all native born young men. The town has two skilled phy sicians, Dr. W. D. Gholston and Dr. ,T. S. Daniel. Dr. Gholston is also mayor and is doing some good work in pressing his town to the front. NUMBER OF STORES Danielsville has a most creditable line of stores and they carry large and full stocks of general merchan dise. There are L. K. Greene <fe Cos.. B. W. Blackwell, 3. H. Grs- !)a,i3e!svUse, Friday, June! I, !j23 In,in, and G.i.Teth-Baker & Cos. D-. E. uriileih conducts a?: undertak ing business, and Grilfeth dr Tyner auto mob ie repairs and accessories. . Damelsville also has blacksmith and other shops, a cotton ginnery and fall else needed by a modern town. But around Danielsville are a num ber of stores—B. F. Barrett, J . B. Cla?*k, E. W. Dean, S. W. Fitts J. T. Stovall and J. C. Tyner; B. F. Rogers also conducts a store and : creamery near the town . Mrs. Bond has a delightful hotel in Danielsville. She keeps a splendid table and bet house is kept as neat as a pin. This hotel jr very popular with the trav eling pubi c. Whatever Danielsville, has is the best, M.tlison is now build ir.g good highways and they all ei ther pass ft:rough or connect with Danielsville. They can but help to build lip and advertise flhe town, Bee Danielsville being the cardial of the county, gives it prominence of the county, gives it prominence and outsets manv to the place, not only from ov'er tfife Ctjjgr^. y, hut from other towns and sections. The coun ty has a splendid set of officers ss follows: N. G. Bullock, ordinary; W i). Meadow, nltrk of court; Hen ry Hail. >?heritf; Hoy David, supt. of education ;' and Dave Freeman, chair raan -of board of supervisors. Judge Charlie O’Felley s clerk of the hoard and there '■ not a better known or more popular man in upper Georgia. PfeftGßAlft OF MEETING OF ED* •ITOR.b OF 61H AND GTH DLST Fri!v, Jo c fisfc, Jfl23 InvocaFon—Rev. .1. R. Turney, Fftstot* First Methodist Church. Cal] to ovder. Address of Welcome— J. B. HwH man, Mayor. Response—Mr.. J. N. Isoldrre of The J acksor Htsmld . . Address —The Local Paper s -an A geney in Solving our -Rural Prob lems. by Hen. A. 7W, ■Bogie, Ag ricultural College, Athens. How Wi>lk.<es County is Meeting the Emer^iency—W. W. Bruner, Ed itor Washington Itmorln*. Kart. County Weapons ol Warfare * _ r —Louie L. Morriti, Editor ilart well -Sun. Is-the Local,.Paper Wogth While to the Community bn which it is Pub lished? —A. S. Hardy, Editor Gainesville News. Kow Can the Local Paper Make the Financial Buckie and Tongx:e Meet —,T. W. McWho.’vW, Editor Win der Mews. Adjourn for Dinner. A Brief Local Erie 'tarnmont Fol lowing the Dinner Hour. FISK For £a e r >v L Fi, Orttr.e 5c Cos. Danit'fcv: !c\ * *i. r OM£R LOCAL NEWS Mr*. W. H. Pinion of Atlanta is visiting Mrs. Earl Stevens. * + Mrs. S. J. Carmichael and daugh ters, Mrs. Love Mattox and daughter, Elizabeth Jane, and Mr. Jim Car michael motored to Augusta Monday to be present at the graduation of Dr. Jacob Pope' Eberhardt. *** * * Miss Margaret Comet arrives to morrow from Commerce to spend the summer at home. ** * • Miss Ailie Comer, who graduates from Georgia Woman’s College on Monday, will spend the summer at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. T. Comer. ~ - • ■— "* *j * * ' Mr. Fred Birohrhbife of Athens, spent last wrek en.l with his motbev, Mrs. E-rnma Birchmove. Mrs. Howard Strickland is visit ing in Athens today. 4 * 4 * Mns. Ralph Colliei and attractive daughtA g arc visiting relatives in Coinmorce. *.- ‘•k :i' 4 4 Miss Virginia Latimcp who taught at Beima Vista the past year will be home the first of next week. *t * * Miss Lois Birch more spent Friday with relative* ?r. Athens. * .* * Mr. and Mrs. Hubert. MeWhiV ter who have bce.i <-,pondir.g some time in Louisville, Ky. are at home fa.' a visit. ** 4 * ▼ Mr, Jim Carmichael of Athene was a recent vieitoc- here. ** + * Mrs. Emma Birch more returned yesterday firow Athens wlicre she visited Mr. and Mrs. Red Birch* more and Mr. and Mrs. John Birch* mere, *4.* ** *4 rOCATAUGO #*♦♦*%*** * * 4 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pneewan at te*-tried church at Ha Sunday. Mre. W. T. Tidwell and son, W. T. Jr., were guef.Ls of her sJster, Mrs. R. S, Camion of Athens. Miss Minnie Lou WiJdo: had as her guests Sundav Miss .Minnie, Nr!-* lie and Etheleen • Se&graves, Miss Ann-ie Short arid Misses Kathleen > and Lois White. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wilder had as tr-nir guests Saturday night, Mr. •rd Mrs. It. S. Condon and chil dren from Athens and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tidwell and son, W. T. Jr. We want to thank our teachem of Poca school for their good work they nave done during cur eight months school. _ -J~ p .m. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Brown (lin ed with their daughter, Mrs. P. M. Henley Sunday. Mr.-. J. B. Cheek is on the sick list at present. *■ Mr. and Mrs. Condon of Athens w;U leave their friends and family J. make their new ! <*me in Auburn, ‘J. n‘. I — Mr-. Lizzie Rogers of Florida is )>g Lei parents, Mr. and Mrs. !e. B. Barrett. Mr. Carlos Bray ran 0 buggy home last Sunday afternoon if it did rain. Mr. Aubrey Graham and Mr. Harold Langford went to ride last - Sunday afternoen. The birthday dinner given by Mr. ami Mrs. L. S. Short was enjoyed by those present. *★ **♦** *4* 4 MEADOW ************ M*. and Mm. I). H. Carithers were spend-the- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Powers Sunday. .Airs. Alice Nona Benton Don: Co mer was the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Griff Meadow. Mr. and Mrs. Pope Turner who have been visiting around Meadow for the last week have returned to their home in Atlanta. vt Mr. Carl Miller has accepted a po sition with the planing mill company at Colbert. #-*.* Mrs. J. .1. Christian and little ,1 from Anderson, S. C. are on an extended visit to her • father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Car rington. v 1 MP. Thurston Brown and Mr. Strjcklnnd from Diamond Hill were visiting Mr Guy Snellings Sunday. Miss Myrt Landes was spend-the day guast of Mrs. P. N. Millers one day last week . mm . Mr. W. J. Carltbe*s and little daughter, Janie, are visiting his daughter, Mts. Fope Turner of At lanta this week. M u ~ —‘ "*5 Mr. It. T. Dahiel Who is working in Stfuth Georgia, returned to hits work after having been at home for a Week or two. k.. Mr. Cliff Smith and family spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. •and Mrs. Griff Meadow. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Steven* havo returned to their home in Barnes ville r.<V'r staying with the latte'r’s mother, Mr*. W. R. Daniel, for sev eral dayss. NO PREACHING SERVICE AT tSArilbl CHURCH MJNUAt There will be no preaching services ; Sunday, June 3rd, at the Baptist ehutch due to the revival services at tho Methodist church. We urge upon all* to attend these sendees this week as well as next Sunday. However the other si. vices such a* Sunday School and B Y. P. U. wij! be held as usual. Let us help to discourage -the Sunday morning loafing on the street. Wc appeal to the men of Comer to be a little more careful about their influence along this line. No man need expect his family to he diligent in their at tendance at the Church when he himself neve' come,. Let us help make it a recognized disgrace to be too lazy and too indifferent to heed .the calls of th< chime! bells as they call us to consider the services of tl,' Church on the Lord’s day j W P. BROOKS, Jr cut dir no.- a success . „ Ntituber 43